Tipperary News Part 7
Irish Superstitions. The unfortunate and deluded peasantry of the neighbourhood of Tipperary have been excited not a little within the last week by the humbugging story, got up evidently for a similar purpose to the "Wild Fire" or the "Blessed Turf" of the last year, and which has the effect of collecting thousands together almost at a moments warning, who can be then be led on to any act of desperation their leaders may direct. A man named Keating, from near Newcastle, was taken ill, died, and was buried some short time ago. But a few nights since he appeared to his Father and brother and told them he had only been taken by the fairies, and that if they were resolute, and would bring plenty of whisky, and some of their neighbours, and each have a black hafted knife, he would be passing the crossroad at Glendalough, at 12 O'Clock precisely, on St. John's Eve: that they would first see a little man on a fine gray horse, whom they were to let to pass, as well as any others, until they perceived him: he would be mounted on a black horse, they were to get between him and the rest, cut off the right ear of the horse, then he would be at once out of the fairies power, and be let home again to them. Numbers in this town and neighbourhood either believed it or pretended to believe it, and went off to the meeting, where, we are informed, upwards of 1200 people assembled. As may be supposed, no little man or gray horse appeared, and all returned again, but what passed there, and why they were called thus together, is as of yet a secret.
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