Variety snapshot 2019 - Montepulciano Gewurztraminer Hectares Historical plantings Variety Montepulciano 80 Montepulciano Colour Red 70 Plantings 60 Source: ABS National Survey 2015 Montepulciano All varieties 50 Area planted in Australia (hectares) 74 135,133 40 Percentage of total area 0.1% 30 Percentage of red varieties 0.1% 20 10 Crush 0 Source: National Survey 2019 Montepulciano All varieties 2012 2015 Total 49 74 Tonnes crushed in 2019 778 1,728,454 Percentage of total crush 0.0% Percentage of red crush 0.1% Share of crush by region

Top five regions % of total crush Montepulciano All varieties Heathcote Others Murray Darling - Swan Hill 26% 22% Riverina 26% 19% Barossa Valley Riverland 25% 30% Murray Darling ‐ Swan Hill Barossa Valley 8% 3% Heathcote 4% 1% Riverland Others 11% 25% Riverina Exports Source: Australia Wine Export Approval System 2018-19 Montepulciano Exports by variety content Montepulciano All varieties Exports by variety content in 2018-19 ('000 litres) 100 800,925 Percentage of total exports 0.0% Exports historical Percentage of red exports 0.0% Million litres Montepulciano 0.12 Montepulciano and 0.1 Montepulciano All bottled wine 0.08 Label claim exports (bottled only) blends exports Total exports ('000 litres) in 2018-19 24 376,204 0.06 Change in volume from 2017-18 -10% 8% 0.04 Average value per litre $9.66 $5.94 0.02

Montepulciano 0 and Montepulciano All bottled wine Top five export destinations and share of exports blends exports United Kingdom 44% 13% United States Of America 25% 24% Japan 7% 2% Share of exports by destination

Canada 7% 7% Montepulciano and Montepulciano blends All bottled wine exports China, Pr 7% 32% 50% Others 9% 22% 45% 40% Top five label claims with Montepulciano in the name 35% Montepulciano 30% 25% Montepulciano/Nero d'Avola 20% /Nero d'Avola/Montepulciano/ 15% 10% //Montepulciano// 5% Montepulciano/Sangiovese/Barbera/Nebbiolo/Sagrantino 0% United United Japan Canada China, Pr Others Kingdom States Of Prepared Nov-2019 America Disclaimer

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