Private Residents. New 147

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Private Residents. New 147 WE8TMORLAND.] PRIVATE RESIDENTS. NEW 147 Leigh Herbert, Sheriff house, Temple McLarenD.Springland,Castle rd, Kendl r Mp'tcalC John, Rose bank, Kirkby Sow-erby, Penrith McLarenJ. Springland,Castle rd.Kendl , Thore, Penritlh Leighton James, 9 Sunny side,Kendal McNaughtan Edward Dicksun, Park :\Ietcalfe Rev. Rt. Weston M ..A Vicar-- Lei2'hton Thomas, 7 Cliff ter. Kendal side, Milnthorpe S.O ag-~, Ilavenstonedale, Newbiggin 8.0 Lette Stephen J ames, Jenny well, McNeill D Ben holme,Burnesde.Kendl l \Ietcalfe Stephn. Race cot. .Ambleside Crasby, Ravensworth, Shap 8.0 Magoris John, Grove house, Bow- Mctcalfe-Gibson Mrs. Coldbcck honse? Levens Wm. 7 Highfield viIs. Kendal ness, Windermere Ravenstonedale, JS"ewbiggin 8,0 Lewthwaite Frank, 2 Denmark ter- ~Iair Col. William C. S., J.P. White :\letcalfe-Gibson T. A.,J.P. Elm lodge. race, lUbert road east, Kendal Moss cottage, Rydal, .Ambleside RavensUmedale, 1'\ewbiggin S.O Lewthwaite ~rs'3CastlePark ter.Kndl Maitland Miss, Holmleigh cottage, \Iiddleton Cha,rles, 2 Winelsor tprrac~.. Lewthwaite Mrs. 17Strickland pI.Kndl Bowncss, Windermere Parksidl' road, Kendal uwthwaite Wm. 28 Castle st. Kendal Makinson Mrs. The Old manor, Ca8- Middleton :VIiss,I Oa8tlc Pk.ter.KendaJ' Lindsay Thomas, Murton, Appleby terton, Kirkby Lonsdale :\Iidd,leton ~1rs. 138 Highg-ate, KendaI: Lin!!,ard Thomas D., J .P. Fellside, Mallinson Robert, Box Tree cottage, Mile~ Adam, I Westfield. Kenda,l Bowness, Windermere Levens, Milnthorpe S.O :\Iille.r Rev. Edward John B.A. 4 Linney George Frederick, Stramon­ \Iann H. 12 Castle garth, Kendal Riverhank, Aynam rU'ad, Kendal gate School house, Kendsl ~ann Mrs. Gillinge Beane, Kendal ~fi'lle.r ~Ij,ss, Undermount', Rydal, Lister James, Belfield, Bowness, Manning Rev. George, Ravenstone· Arnble~ide Windermere dale, Newbiggin S.O Milligan J()seph, 5 Fern hill, KencIar Little W. Chapel ridding,Windermere Manning P. P~,:M.B.85Highgate,Kend] ~[illigan :Jiss, 21 Castle ga.rth, Kendal Littlefair Miss, Rose cottage, Hart- ~ansel ~rs. CroH ends, Long Mar· \fill;; Rf'v. H. V. 22 Greenside, KendaI ley, Kirkby Stephen ton, Carlisle Millward George, 6 Oakfield, Bnrne- Littlewood J. Greenbank,Hulme,Crnfth Markham Lieut. -Col. Francis J.P, side road, Kendal LittlewoodJ.H.6 Beast banks, Kendal D.L. Morland, Penrith \IiUwa,rd Wm. 6 Green rd. KendaI Littlewood Miss, 16 Gal'th Heads rd. Marr Miss, Fairhaven, Windermere \tilne Alex, I3 Greenside, Kenda.l Bongate, Appleby ~arriott Ralph B. Lancaster Bank :\filner MiSlie~, ~own head, Raven- Livesey Rev. Samuel John M..A. The house Lake road Ambleside stoned-ale, N ewbIggm S.O Vicarage, Skelsmergh, Kendal Marsde~ Miss, The 'N"est, Storrs,Buw- Milroy \Iiss,. Storrsthwaite, Storrs-. Livingstone Daniel, 20 Highfield vils. ness, Windermere .!30wni'ss, WIndermere Windermere road, Kendal Marshall John William Lvndhurst MIlwa,rd Mrs. 14 Aynam rel. Kendal Lockwaod Philip Henry, I3 Mayfield, Fern hill Kendal ,. , \Iinnikin G.R. 15 College rd.Windrmr~ Castle street, Kendal Marshall Miss, Cross syke, Kclsick Mitchell J.~.Summerhill,ArnsideS () Lodgard Mrs. 16 Main st.Kirkby Lnsdl road, Ambleside M;tchell MISSBS, Temple Sowerby,Pnrt,m Logan J.ESunnyside,Dufton, Appleby Marshflll Thomas, 2 Riverbank, Ay- \Irtchell T. H. Marke,t pI. ..Ambleslde L g'an William Bruce, Westbourne, nam road, Kendal ~offat Thomas, Glen VIlla, Oxen- "I h 11 W'll' H'bb t JP DL holme, NaJtland, Kendal Craig walk, Bowness, Windermere c> aI'S a 1 lam I er .., '. M ff tt G G t h 'th loa eorg~, reys one (1\1 ,C'~ Lomax Charles, The Hut, Storrs, ,P a tt,erdaIea.h 11 P enrI . art T b S 0 · B' th 't 1 W' d on, e ay . Bawness, Windermere M arst on M ISS, If waI e o. In ermr M ff +.t ",,"' 'B nrt- P ,'th '''" t' .A T Mkt 1 A bl'd 0 R,u J "n.1JSS, amvuon, enll Long Mrs.Mint cot.Skelsmergh,Kendl _nar In. ar e p. m eSI e """ ff t JJP lIS 'd K dl Long RP.Mint cot.Skelsmergh,Kendl M t' Ab h B C tl th K d 1 s~o e .. ar ( ea. unnysI e, "n - ar III r m.I . as e qar , en a ~()nkhouse John, Hawthorn v:llas, Long W. High Cleabarrow, Bowness, Mart;n K J. 4 Malt; St.KI~kby Lnsdle Parkside road, Kendal Windermere Martm HT~nry, Crmglemlre, Trout- Moon W. Brent hurst, Fern hill,Kendl Langmire J.B.Up.Oak sLWindermere beck, "mdermere ~oorhv Miss, Fern ter.Burtn.Carnfrth Longmire Wrn.6Ash meadows,Kendal Mart!n Mrs. 3 Greenside, Kendal \1oordatt C H. Bongate ho. .Appleby Longrigg' W.,J.P. Gt. Stricklnd.Penrth Marbndale ~oseph Anthony, I2 Dane ~1oore Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry K.C.B, Longri2'g William M.A., D.L., J.P. road, HUg-Ill, Kendal C LE. Birksev brow, Cr' 00k , Ken hll Winderwath, Cliburn, Penrith Mart~ndale Mrs.? Ash meadoVl"s,Ke.ndl ~oore Emanuel, ROoSe cottage, Tf'mp~e' Lansdale Erul of D.L., J.P. Lowther Martmd".le Mrs. Row, Lyth, MIln- Sowerbv, Penrith castle, Penrith; Whitehaven castle, thorp8 S.O Mc}()re John, Dane rd. Hugell. KenrI1l:. Whitehaven ; Barleythorpe hall, Martindale R. B. Lindisfarne, Kendal Moore Joseph, 14 Greenside, KendaI Oakham; & 14 & I5 Carlton House Martindale William Holme, Haysdale Moorp Robert, 8 Victoria ter. Kendal terrace li, Carlton & Turf clubs, lodge, Low Hartsop, Penrith Moare T. Rotllay 10. Grasmere S.O London SW Mashitcr M. 9 Hie-Meld viIs. Kendal Moore William MiddletO'l1 DL., J,P. Lowe Miss, 26 Aynam road, Kendal Mason Col. Henry Paul D.L., J.P. Grirnf'shill, Middleton,Kirkby Lnsdle Lowthian Mrs. Joseph, Beaulah ho. Eden place, Hartley, Kirkby Stphn ;\'1orphe,t Mios, :l0 Ca,srtle st. Kendal Barton, Penrith ~fason John B.A., M.D., J.P. The Morris Rev. William Prosse~ L.Th_ Luard Miss, Gale how, Ambleside Crossways, Windermer'l Rectvry, PatterdaJe, Pemith Lund P. Beetham, Milnthorpe 8.0 Mason Miss, Scale How, Ambleside MosC'r George Edward, The Haigh•. Lyde Rev. William M.A., J.P. Vicar- Mason Mrs.Moss side,Crosthwte.Kndl Main road, Winderme<re age, Church Brough,Kirkby Stephen Mason Mrs,Redrnaine ho.KirkbyStphn Maser Herbert, Underfell, Kendal LYOIl George, Highfield, Albert road Mason Thomas, Gleng-ary cottage, Mo-ss Rev. J[}hn Miles M.A.. He~ east, Kendal green, Kendal Yard 123, HiQ'hgate, Kendal Bowness, Windermere Lyon James, Meal bank, Scalthwaite­ Mason Wm. Long- Marton, Carlisle Mos.s .Mrs. Maulds Meaburn, Shap S.<J'" rigg. Kendal Mason Wm. L. Skelgiilil, ,Ambleffide :\Iounsey Mis;;, Clifton, Pemith Lyons Jarnes Edward, 3 Springfield Mat·her R. V. Mylnebeck house, Lake :\Iucklow \>frs. Elton, St{)ITS, Bow-· villas, Castle road, Kendal rOld,, Windermere ness, Windermere ~acant Miss, Fallbarrow, Bowness, ~fatihews T. G., M.D. Kirkbv Lansdale "iudd John, Main road, Windermere Windermere "\lartthews Fridene, Ba,rkborlh, Cr06th- -:\iumford Charles Edward, Lupton ~cArthur W. Millans pk. Ambleside waite, Kendal i tower, Kirkbv Lonsdale McCall Rev. John Henry Grice M..A. \>falthews Wm. 2 Malrose pI. Kendal ::\iuI"r3ly Miss,2 ':Main st.KirkbyLomdle­ Parsonage, Long Sleddalc, Kendal "\faulesley ~rs. 4 Beck head, Kirkby i Murray-S~ith Miss,Gale ~ow,.Amblsde ~cCallurn A. In.F.R.C.S. ,M. B., C .M. Lonsdale \1urton MISS, Town end,KukbvLonrSdle-• Highgate view, Highgate, Kendal Mawoon Mrs. BUl'I'owfield, Bownerss, ::\'Iusgrove Miss, 4 Cliff t-errace, Kendal ~cConnell Rev. John M.A.The Vicar­ Winderm!'J1'e "Mnsg-ruve William Henry J.P. () a!!e, Underbarrow, Kendal ."\IawMn Robert, Shrublands, Main rd. Tho-rnv hills, Kendal MacDongall Mrs. Mylnbeck, Bowness. 'Windermere Nanson John J.P. The Friary, Bon- Windermere \>faxt-ed ehas. H. Oaklands,Windarmre g-ate, Appleby McGhie Thomas, Braeside, Pembroke Mayor Geo. W. 54 Gillingate, KendaJ Neh'on Antihony, Beech house, Fern street, Bang-ate, .Appleby YIaym Wm. 4 Ferney green, Kendal hill, Kendal McGowan Sarn!. Helsington, Kendal \Illaling Sidney E. Beck Nook, Nether NeJson E. Rose cot. Entrv la. KendaY Machell J. H. 6 Castle garth, Kendal Staveley, Kendal Nelson James, 2 Lound Toad, Kendal Maclver Dwid, Wanlas!! howe,Water- MedcaIf Edwam, 0 Cliff ter. Kendal Nl'lson Mrs. 7 East bank, Kendal head, Ambleside Mellow John, Oake-arth, Arnsirle S 0 ~els>on Mrs. Paradise cottage, B n- McKay G.J., J.P.Rockside,Windermre Merri1it Miss, 14 West street, Kendal gate. Appleby '£ackenzie K.M. ,M. B.Morland,Penritb Messenger Juhn J.P. The Bank, Nels<Jn R .J.lvvG-arth,Parkside rd.Kndr Mackereth Arthur, Yew Tree cottage, Borong'hgate, Appleby Nelson Wm. Alid. Holmfield, Kendal Smithy brow, Ambleside Metcalf Evan, 2 Rydal terrace, Burne- ~elson William Simpsrm, HalE', Bf'et- Machreth E. 141 Highgate, Kendal side road, Kendal barn, Milntho1'pe 8.0 Mackereth J.T.Millan's pk. Ambleside MeteaIf James, Barhadoes lodg1!, Newby Mrs. I9 Parr street, KendaI Mackereth J. D. 16 Garden rd.Kendl Colby lane, .Appleby WESTMORLAND ]0·.
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