Exhibition of Works by the Old Masters and Deceased Masters of the British
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/exhibitionofwork1906watt Under Revision.^ OF WOEKS BY THE OLD MASTEKS AND •eteaseU iWa0fer0 of tJ)e )5nti0l) S>cl)ool INCLUDING A COLI-EGTION OF WATER COLOUR DRAWINGS ALSO A SELECTION OF DRAWINGS AND SKETCHES BY GEORGE FREDERICK WATTS, R.A. WINTER EXHIBITION "miK'rY-SK MDCCCCVI WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED I’lUNTEUS TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY The Exhibitiou opens on Monday, January 1st, and closes on Saturday, March 10th. Hours of Admission, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Price of Admission, Is. Price of Catalogue, 6d. Season Ticket, 5s. General Index to the Catalogues of the first thirty Exhibitions, in three parts; Part 1. 1870-1879, 2s.; Part II. 1880-1889, 2s. ; Part III. 1890-1899, Is. 6d. No sticks, umbrellas, or parasols are allowed to be taken into the Galleries. They must be given iip to the attendants at the Cloak Eoom in the Entrance Hall. The other attendants are strictly forbidden to take charge of anything. The Refreshment Room is reached by the staircase leading out of the Water Colour Room. The Gibson (Sculpture) Gallery and the Diploma Galleries are open daily, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission free. All Communications should be addressed to “ The SecrcturyT ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS. 1906. HONORARY MEMBERS. The Most Rev. W. D. Maolaqan, D.D., Lord Archbishop of York, Chaplain. Professor of Ancient History. The Rt. Hon. John Moelet, M.P., Professor of Ancient Literature. The Viscount Dillon, Antiquary.
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