The Ukrainian Weekly 1941
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THEMliMIIMJIEEILY Ueglish supplement of SVOBODA, Ukrainian daily, founded 1893. Dedicated to the needs and interests of young American» of Ukrainian descent No. 18. JERSEY CITY/EEIDAY, MAY 2, 1941 VOL. DC UYL*NA SUBSCRIBES TO REDS FEAR NAZr tNVASION mMLARGING miS WEEKLY RECORDS FUND OF UKRAINE At a recent meeting of the Ex- Reports from Berne, Switzer One . prtfblem the earning U.N:A. convention at ! eciitiye1 Board of' the Ukrainian land, declare that the Russians Harrisburg will have to faee will be that of enlarging this Youth's League -of Worth America, are concentrating huge forces in weekly. it was decided that the League sub Ukraine*-mcluding' its western part scribe tO' ten advance orders, at which the Soviets occupied follow In its present-4-page form the Weekly has been ap- $10 per order, of the phonograph ing the downfall of: Poland late I pearing since fie establishment close to eight- years ago. recordings to be made by the Com in 1939. Despite Its limited isize it has achiewd^mach emcerthen. mittee for ike Recording «f< Uk It appears that the'Russian TEfigh It has, for one thing, won; for itself the reputation ttff rainian Songs. A cheek for $1©0 Command' fears • that" the 'Nazis being the finest EngMeh-Ianguage supplement of any was sent to the committee. will employ 'the famous "Hoffman Plan" used so successfully by foreign4anguage newspaper in the «ountry. More= im Generals Hoffman and von Maek- portant from .the Ukrainian-American viewpoint, how MUCH OBLIGED! ensen in: 1917 against the Rus- ever, it has.played .the dominant, role in the progress of "We believe that the finest sians. The plan envisaged an en our younger generation. This it'has done merely fey (1) writing each week- in the Eng veloping operation of the Russian giving our progressive young: people a. sound knowledge lish language that is of par armies hi TJkrai'ne' by -skftultaneous ticular interest to Ukrainian- pushes from the north and south and appreciation of their Ukrainian cultural heritage, American youth is the front and, only if, these operations pro E' together with an ^understanding of how .its fittest elements page editorial of the Ukrainian gressed, a direct frontal attack can be introduced into.^heir American way of^.Rving; - Weekly. When viewed OWM; a from the west. period of eight years without (2) helping to solve their problems of adjustment -as one solitary issue missing,-it-re I AmerieaMs of Ukrainian-descent; and (3) 1еа£іЯ|**йіет veals itself as a colossal achieve MANITOBA ASSEMBLY HAS ment which truly was inspired Щ toward the goal of better American citizenship as well SEVEN UKRAINIANS as greater service to the Ukrainian national cause. and which certainly serves as an inspiration to the readers." As a result of the elections held Besides these noteworthy achievements, the Ukra- ("The Ukrainian Trend," of on April 22, the Legislative As ficial organ of the Ukrainian inian Weekly has also played a leading part unmaking Youth's League of North Amer sembly of the-Manitoba province our younger generation- U.N.A.-conseious, to the extent ica. March, 1941) ТАЇ of Canada has now seven members I* where more and more of them are- steadily becoming who are of Ukrainian descent. Previously it had only three of I useful members of it. ALL UKRAINIANS BEHIND them. Accuracy and f airnese-*-these have always been BRITAIN, M. P.'S AVOWAL The Ukramian members of the | among the ehief aims of the "Weekly, as well as a vigor- Manitoba legislature are as fol ous and able defense of the Ukrainian name and identity No matter what happens in Eu lows: Stephen Krawchuk, and rope ..during these trying і and Walter Kardash of Winnipeg,. John | againstjthe stupidity, ignorance or downright malevolence troublesome days, Ще ! Ukrainian Solomon of Emerson, M. Hryhor- L of various anti-Ukrainian and un-American forces. people in Canada will continue to chuk,. Joseph Wavrikiw," Nicholas All this, it should be borne in mind, is not Only our stand by Britain and help her in J. Struck, and Nicholas Bachmsky?. opinion but the І opinion of many impartial persons, in evtry way possible, Anthony H. Hlynka, Ukrainian member in the: cluding promment non-Ukrainian educators arid social Canadian House of Commons, teld SEMEN-YNA SPEAKS AT «workers, some of whose testimonials we have on file, a large audience gathered recent PROFESSIONAL- МЕЕТШ& jrine time has now arrived, however, whett the* Ufera- ly in the Ukrainian National Fede ration Hall at 300 Bathurst Street Waldimir Semenyna, mechanical; inian Weekly has to be enlarged, if it is to keep up with engineer and well-known translator the times and with the rising demands being made upon in Toronto, «reports the Toronto :• Evening Telegram. of Ukrainian poetry, was the Hp&Feur tabl©id«size • pages *are no: longer sufficient to 1 guest ^speaker at a dinner-meetiihg ! Mr. 'Hlynka, who represents Ve- of the •Ukramiain. І Prof essionalist | enable-it -to' keep up its-work. It needs more space,, if 5 grevil-le;- Alberta, stated that due Association of the New York Me I onh/ for the reason-that itsr readers want-more"varied to their democratic spirit, the fate tropolitan Area,- held in- the private I material and a greater amount of it. of all Ukrainians is closely con (lining room of a mid-town restau They want/ fer instance, moreiiftterpretative'-wiiting nected with «that of the British rant in New York City last Fri , peoples. He eaid that at the close day evening. on the various burning issues of thedey,-T!Hore cfub news, !•• of -the І war Ще Ukrainian people more sport news,-more articles about their; Ukrainian ' The speaker -chose as his' topic will predominate in Eastern- Eu the subject of Ukraine's chaases I heritage and its- -relation to the American scene, more rope. of emerging a free and independ EdiffeussKm of their varied problems, especlftgy in these The most immediate aims of: the ent nation at the close of the times of grave international ei&argeney. They want, Ukrainian people, he said, are to present • war. He stressed the furthermore, more translated Ukrainian stories, but in as help win the war and to establish danger to Ukraine'in the event of few a number of• instalments as possible. Then there an independent Ukrainian state. an Axis victory, declaring that the He stressed' the fact that a large tyranny the Nazis would impose are the school children, our so-called kid brothers and percentage of Ukrainian people upon her: would equal tbat-rtf the sisters, who claim that the material in the Weekly is on have enlisted in the Canadian present Soviet regime. "Only upon the whole'too* mature for them, sathey ask*lbr the kind army, more in proportJenV'tiaai the -victory of the democracies: xan that is more suited to .their age and outlook. any other nationality ia'Canada. We base our hopes for the libera He lamented the fact that there tion of Ukraine," he" declared. AH these demands are natural. They represent the were so few Ukrainian people em The meeting was presided over |'great strides our younger generation .has made since ployed in the "civil -service in by Stephen Shumeyko, president of 1933 when the "Weekly.-first appeared. Then the youth Canada. the association. Another such din ; -movement was. ".just* beginning to swing into action, the More -than 800 persons attended ner-meeting will-- be held on May p^pttth leagues were-jttst beginning to become established, the meeting. 28rd. and the youth membership of the Ш&Г.А, was still a very passive element. Great «hanges have occurred since the». For that matter* there is one way in which1 the Today our younger;generation,: quite mature, experienced, Weekly can be- mcreased:in size without any extra cost to and with many achievements-t» its-credit» is working side the U.N.A. at all. It involves, however, a certain sacri by side with the older generation, with its parents, in fice oo the>part*«f the readers of the "Svoboda,'' namely, l&IJffing Ukrainian^Ainerican life, and with it the!. TO? JL one issue a week. Щ&Ще'••"•• And so it needs.and expects to get from the Ukrainian Briefly this is the proposition: Вьй\ * print* the Weekly as much or nearly as muchas the older genera- "Svobeda" on. Fridays (or Saturdays) but print i» its tion is receiving from-the ' daily ' "Svoboda". In other place a "UkraioiMi-Weekly" having eight pages, whiteh words, the young people now find the Weekly entirely too would be double the Weekly's present size and equal to j; small for their needs. They-want it enlarged. tirtf^Svotooda" in space. This means, that the **Ssuboda'' • ^Someone may remark here that if the young people would appear five times a week and not six times» as now. '$ want a larger Weekly they should go ahead and get On the sixth day •tae^Wrekly^would appear, having eight enough ^subscriptions to cover the cost involved. That's pages,-not four as now. a fair • argument, but in. these times of emergency,- when Іїйів is one way of increasing the size and" facilities every week counts, it would be bestfor the U.N A. to take the initiative in increasing, the Weekly's faciligles now, of the Weekly. Undoubtedly there-are other good ways and then get after the youngffoiks, to give it the proper as well. Itwilfrbe up to the coming U.N.A. Convention to -support. 2 "-- г ^^^ indicate which is the best. 2 UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1941 No.