Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. A, 38(4), pp. 181–205, November 22, 2012 A Preliminary List of Marine Fishes Found in the Nemuro Strait between Hokkaido and Kunashiri Islands Gento Shinohara1, Mikhail V. Nazarkin2, Takahiro Nobetsu3 and Mamoru Yabe4 1 Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4–1–1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305–0005 Japan E-mail:
[email protected] 2 Zoological Institute RAS, Universiteskaya, 1, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 199034 E-mail:
[email protected] 3 Shiretoko Nature Foundation, 531 Iwaubetsu, Shari-cho, Hokkaido, 099–4356 Japan E-mail:
[email protected] 4 Research Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido Univeristy, 3–1–1 Minato-cho, Hakodate, Hokkaido, 041–8611 Japan E-mail: myabe@fish.hokudai.ac.jp (Received 24 August 2012; accepted 3 October 2012) Abstract Marine fishes inhabiting the Nemuro Strait between Hokkaido and Kunashiri islands were investigated based on collected specimens and underwater photographs. The fishes found in this strait were classified into 138 species of 99 genera belonging to 40 families in 14 orders. The fish fauna of this strait can be characterized by the dominance of Subarctic species (78% of all recorded species). Deep-sea species are recorded in the northern part of the Strait. Previous studies and historical specimens collected from the Strait and the adjacent waters were also reviewed. Key words : Fish fauna, Kunashiri, Nemuro, Shiretoko, Southern Kuril Strait. Sea of Japan goes into the Strait between the Introduction northern tip of Hokkaido Island and the southern The Nemuro Strait is located between the east- edge of Sakhalin, but flows down from north to ern part of Hokkaido Island (from the Shiretoko south in summer and autumn.