TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Completed September 7, 2018 Convened at 5:35 P.M.

Call to Order Board President Gene Bouie called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance President Bouie called for the salute to the flag.

Roll Call Present: Gene Bouie Addie Daniels-Lane Fiah Kwesseu – departed prior to Executive Session Yolanda Marrero-Lopez Gerald Truehart II Lucy Vandenberg Heather Watson

Superintendent of Schools – Dr. Fredrick H. McDowell Jr. - Present

Business Administrator/Board Secretary – Jayne Howard - Present

New Jersey Sunshine Law - Read by Board President Bouie

The New Jersey Public Meetings Law was enacted to ensure the right to the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted on.

On the rules of this act, the Trenton Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting by publicizing the date, time and place, therefore posted in the Central Services Building, 108 North Clinton Avenue, City Clerk’s Office, City Hall and the Times. Anyone whose name is on the mailing list should receive a notice.

Formal action will take place at this meeting.

Mission Statement - Read by Board President Bouie

All students will graduate with a vision for their future, motivated to learn continually and prepared to succeed in their choice of college or career.

1 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Adoption Of Agenda President Bouie noted the following changes to tonight’s agenda:  There is a Finance Addendum  There is a Talent Acquisition & Development (TAD) Addendum  Pull all actions relative to the Therapeutic Program – noted in minutes with a double strikethrough

Motion was made by Ms. Daniels-Lane and seconded by Ms. Vandenberg to adopt the agenda as amended. Agenda was adopted by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Addie Daniels-Lane X Fiah Kwesseu X Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Gerald Truehart X Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X

SUPERINTENDENT’S REMARKS Transcripts: Welcome Back Message

Dear Trenton School Community,

Welcome Back and Happy New Year! We hope that everyone had a safe and enjoyable summer. The 2018-19 school year is about to begin and we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to another exciting school year. Our motto is “Children come first, Los niños son primero.” The District’s goal is to create an academic environment where students have multiple opportunities to achieve at or above grade level, develop critical college and career readiness skills, and create a vision for their future.

We are excited about the promise of the new school year for the City of Trenton and its ability to move forward. It is the District’s hope to work positively with all stakeholders committed to supporting students and families. As champions of public education, we value our children and seek to promote policies and practices that support the positive development of all. We celebrate the strengths, assets, and talents of our children and strive to provide high quality teaching and learning experiences.

We value our colleagues and seek to demonstrate our commitment by encouraging, supporting, and developing people to achieve operational and service excellence. We fully acknowledge the incredible responsibility that all Trenton Public Schools staff have placed upon them; to support the needs of our students and truly put them first. We also acknowledge the tremendous sacrifice that our dedicated colleagues make every single day to ensure students are provided access and opportunity to achieve their dreams. We have high levels of confidence in the abilities of our colleagues to meet the challenges of today and acknowledge that collaboration is essential to meet the demands for tomorrow.

It is also important to note that we value our families, because they play an important role in students’ development and overall learning. We are committed to establishing strong partnerships with families and increasing family voice and visibility in the educational process. We also value our community and will create engagement opportunities to ensure community members are able to give feedback on important issues affecting schools and students. We believe

2 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M. that authentic, genuine engagement promotes a strong sense of belonging within our healthy, strong, and diverse community.

Collaboration is a powerful tool that often leads to the innovations that we see taking place across classrooms throughout our District. It is important to note that collaboration requires that we work together in a positive, respectful, and productive manner even when we disagree. We are one Trenton Public Schools.

Our message is simple; “We All Own the Future”. We must work together to demonstrate the improvements that we know are possible, and prioritize teaching and learning. Our continued communication to school leaders focuses on providing increased support and resources for teachers with an emphasis on growth, development, and feedback; time and attention to promoting positive academic culture; and the effective use of data to drive school-based decisions. Our message to school leaders also includes creating caring learning environments that demonstrate our commitment to helping students achieve their goals.

Welcome back and we look forward to a positive and productive new school year.

School Community Updates

District Mission: All students will graduate with a vision for their future, motivated to learn continually and prepared to succeed in their choice of college or career.


Based on the feedback from a wide range of community stakeholders, school site visits, and data review, the District’s Priorities for 2018-19:

1. INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP 3. CULTURE a. Effective Data Culture a. Establishing Future Ready Schools b. Learning Focused Partnerships b. Empowering Parents as Partners 2. COACHING & DEVELOPMENT 4. CENTRAL OFFICE TRANSFORMATION a. Observations & Feedback a. Customer Service & Continuous b. Principal as Instructional Leader Improvement b. Networks of School Support


Class of 2018: Congratulations to the Trenton Public Schools Class of 2018. Graduation Ceremonies took place in June and August. Because of their hard work, perseverance, and resilience, 625 students were able to fulfill their graduation requirements and earn over $4 million in tuition and scholarships. Special thanks to all the staff members at Daylight/Twilight, West Campus, and Trenton Central Main for supporting students this year.

CLASS OF 2018 VALEDICTORIANS School Student College Attending Daylight Twilight Crismary Rodriguez William Paterson University Trenton West Germalysa Ferrer Princeton University Trenton Central Alahni Gunn Rutgers University

Seal of Biliteracy: The Seal of Biliteracy was an initiative started in 2008 to acknowledge and award hardworking bilingual and multilingual students. By achieving the Seal of Biliteracy, students demonstrate that they are able to speak, read, listen and write in two or more languages at a high level of proficiency. During the 2016-17 school year, 23 Trenton students achieved the seal. On June 14th, a total of 21 Trenton students earned the prestigious distinction. Our goal for 2018-19 is to ensure that at least 50 students are acknowledged through this rigorous process. 3 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Congratulations to all the students, teachers, and Bilingual Department leaders for their commitment to multilingualism in Trenton.

6 Trenton Schools Exit Priority/Focus Status: As a result of the school’s efforts progress has been made in student outcomes, and the school was not identified for support under the new ESSA Accountability Framework. With a continued focus on improving instruction, the following schools will continue on this positive trajectory.

1. Columbus Elementary School (Priority) 2. Franklin Elementary School (Focus) 3. Grant Elementary School (Priority) 4. Washington Elementary School (Focus) 5. Hedgepeth Williams Middle School (Priority) 6. Trenton Central High School (Focus)

ESSA Update: In accordance with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and aligned with New Jersey’s goal to ensure all students have access to a high-quality education, the NJ DOE is responsible for identifying schools in need of comprehensive or targeted support and improvement. The identification is based on the accountability framework in the NJ approved ESSA State Plan. The NJ DOE will provide support and resources to districts. Assistance will be differentiated, based on level of need, and will focus on building capacity at the district level to support schools.

We received official notification regarding the following schools for the 2018-19 school year:

1. Comprehensive School: A school will be identified as in need of comprehensive support and improvement if overall performance is at or below the fifth percentile of Title I schools or the graduation rate is at or below 67 percent. 1. Daylight Twilight High School 2. Dunn Middle School 3. Gregory Elementary School 4. Jefferson Elementary School 5. Kilmer Middle School 6. Rivera Middle School 7. Martin Luther King Elementary School 8. PJ Hill Elementary School 9. Robbins Elementary School

2. Targeted School: A school will be identified as in need of targeted support and improvement if one of more student subgroups perform at or below the fifth percentile of Title I schools. 1. Mott Elementary School 2. Wilson Elementary School

QSAC Update: The District is pleased to share some outstanding news with you today regarding QSAC. Due to the leadership from the Chief Academic Office and the hard work of the Academic Team, the District increased QSAC Scores in Curriculum & Instruction from 27% to 61%. This is the highest score the District has received in this area. Trenton Public Schools is now 39 points away from scoring 100% in all (5) areas of the Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC). QSAC is the way that school districts are evaluated by the NJ Department of Education. We still have a tremendous task in front of us of increasing proficiency on state assessments and graduation rates, but the Academic Team has put us on a path to move in the right direction. Special thanks to the Academic Team for working collaboratively to achieve this important goal. We will continue to make the necessary improvements needed for all students to achieve. Please congratulate the Academic Office for putting children first.

4 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.


District Transformation: In order for school districts to transform, Central Offices must significantly strengthen the extent to which the office operates as a primary support system for helping principals improve teaching and learning at scale. According to research by the Wallace Foundation and conducted by the University of Washington, this requires Central Offices to:

1. Create learning-focused partnerships between Central Office and Schools 2. Redesign the Central Office so that it functions as a high performing customer service organization providing high-quality, relevant, and differentiated instructional, human resources, business, and other services that support learning-focused partnerships 3. Lead by teaching and learning – engage Central Office staff in continuously finding, designing, and implementing more effective services for district-wide teaching and learning improvement

Transforming Central Office is a major undertaking, requiring more than just making changes to the organizational chart, adding or eliminating positions, or improving long-standing operations. It requires the organization to take a deep look at the current work of all positions and determine to what extent can we show that this work is aligned to improving teaching and learning districtwide. And if not, what do we do about it to improve outcomes for students?


Budget Highlights: The Governor’s FY 2019 budget proposal included an $11,471,975 increase for the students of Trenton. Significant increases were allocated in Transportation, Security, and Special Education Aid. The accounting office finalized all schedules and supporting documentation for approval by the Board and submission to the County Office on March 20th. The 2018/2019 Budget in the amount of $331,138,448 was approved by the County Business Office on March 21, 2018. The County Office approved the budget on March 29, 2018. The budget was uploaded to the district website on April 9, 2018. Our guiding principles for the 2018-19 school year were as follows:

. Ensure every possible dollar is invested in meeting . Identify operational efficiencies and reduce student needs administrative costs . Empower staff members to grow through targeted . Ensure spending is aligned to District academic professional development priorities . Thoughtful realignment and reallocation of resources . Demonstrate our commitment to facility improvements

5 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

2018-19 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INVESTMENTS: INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMMING COUNSELING SERVICES . Increase achievement for all students in literacy and . Adopt the National Model for Counseling mathematics /American School Counselor Association (ASCA) . Improve the effectiveness of academic interventions . Continue services to provide assistance to for student groups students/families in the areas of counseling and . New Math adoption K-12 family support . New Language Arts adoption 9-12 . Identify community partnerships to increase . Fund the position of Supervisor of College & Career student/family access to additional services Readiness SUMMER SCHOOL GIFTED & TALENTED . Extend summer opportunities and provide academic . Expand Advanced Placement offerings in grades 9-12 enrichment . Provide opportunities for qualified students to take PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT college courses . Continue to fund Parent Liaisons District-wide SPECIAL EDUCATION . Fund the position of Coordinator of Parents to help . Fund the position of Paraprofessional in Special provide connections between home and school Education self-contained classrooms . Identify opportunities to increase access to BILINGUAL /ESL resources and information for families (Parent . Expansion and continued funding for Bilingual University) Centers and ESL Programs BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS . Restructuring of the Newcomers Program which will . Offer extended learning opportunities to provide serve students who have interruptions in formal intervention services as well as acceleration education opportunities for our students . Fund an additional position of Supervisor of . Maintain all existing athletic programs and identify Bilingual/ESL to assist in the coordination of opportunities to expand offerings programming TRANSPORTATION PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT . Continue to transport all students who are remote . Focus on best practices to increase student learning beyond 2.1 miles for elementary and 2.5 miles for and growth in literacy and mathematics middle/high school . Offer extensive training in Cultural Competency, . Purchase (10) additional busses to better serve our Sheltered English Instruction, and Restorative students and school programs Practices . Fortify Career and Technical Pathways through Project Based Learning FACILITY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY . Repair, renovate, and provide general maintenance . Continue to fund technology support for every school at every school . Increase student access to computers, hand-held . Funding for evening cleaning services to support the devices, and software for every school learning environment for our students and staff . Funding for significant advances in the technology . Continue funding for the usage of green custodial infrastructure and maintenance products . Provide support and training on the use of technology . Purchase four trailers to support enrollment at tools in the instructional process S Robbins and Hill Elementary Schools SECURITY & SAFETY MEASURES . Implement a new hybrid school security model . Identify a new security company to meet the needs of the community

Preschool Update: The District currently provides over 2300 seats for Pre-K. Despite having one of the best preschool programs in NJ, we believe that improvement is a never-ending goal. Special Education preschool classes will continue to be honored, as will all services and supports – including related services – based upon a child’s IEP. Our mission is to ensure that all Trenton families have access to FREE high quality pre-school.

6 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Math Intervention Program: The STEM Department has worked to support improvement in math instruction this year by providing resources and training. Ten Marks is a web-based math tool aligned to the NJ Student Learning Standards. The following data shows that over 4,250 elementary school students have increased usage this year: . 94% (3843 students) actively benefited from embedded instructional support (hints and videos) . 43% (1,765 students) benefited from real-time intervention, resulting in a 23% improvement on assignments . On average, Trenton elementary students scored 82.6% on almost 60,000 completed math assignments

Reading Intervention Program: The Humanities Department has worked to support continued improvement in reading this year. The Lexia Core 5 Reading Program is a blended learning tool used to provide support to 5754 elementary students in the District. As a result of this program 37% (2,128 students) are now working on grade level material and 28% (1,611 students) are now working on above grade level material. This is real and unprecedented progress in Trenton.

READING PROGRAM UPDATE: September 1, 2017 – May 31, 2018

Working Below Working On Working On

Grade Level Material Grade Level Material Above Grade Level Material

Sept 2017 May 2018 Sept 2017 May 2018 Sept 2017 May 2018 District Overall 76% 35% 20% 37% 4% 28% Columbus 78% 39% 19% 38% 3% 23% Franklin 71% 27% 24% 43% 5% 31% Grant 76% 38% 22% 33% 2% 29% Gregory 80% 41% 17% 35% 3% 35% Jefferson 77% 37% 19% 37% 4% 26% Martin L. King 89% 46% 10% 35% 1% 19% Mott 67% 24% 27% 38% 6% 38% PJ Hill 71% 22% 23% 40% 7% 38% Parker 73% 36% 23% 36% 4% 28% Robbins 79% 38% 17% 40% 4% 23% Washington 69% 19% 28% 44% 3% 37% Wilson 74% 33% 20% 32% 6% 36%

Congratulations to the following schools for significantly decreasing the number of students working on below grade level materials: Washington ES, 49% decrease, Parker ES, 48% decrease, and Franklin, 44% decrease.

Congratulations to the following schools for significantly increasing the number of students working on grade level materials: Martin Luther King, 26% increase, Robbins ES, 24% increase, Franklin ES, 20% increase, and Gregory, 20% increase.

Congratulations to the following schools for significantly increasing the number of students working on above grade level materials: Robbins ES (38% increase), Washington ES (31% increase), Parker ES (29% increase), Mott ES (29% increase), Wilson ES (27% increase), and Franklin ES (25% increase).

The District partnered with The Trenton Literacy Movement, Inc. (TLMI) to support the reading intervention program in all Trenton elementary schools. The Trenton Literacy Movement is a New Jersey non-profit corporation that graciously provided financial support for after-school reading programs for second-grade students. The purpose of the after-school programs was to supplement classroom instruction using teacher-assisted computer exercises which build skills and track individual student progress. The program was conducted an hour a day, 3 days per week, from October 2017 to June 2018. Special thanks to the The Trenton Literacy Movement for their continued support and advocacy for the children of Trenton for the 2018-19 school year.

7 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Trenton 9th Grade Academy Orientation: The District-wide rising 9th grade students, the assigned 9th grade administrator(s), and teaching staff shall begin the 2018-2019 school year in the newly renovated school facility located at 500 Perry Street, Trenton NJ 08618 (Formerly the International Academy of Trenton Charter School). The old Trenton Times Building has been completely renovated and converted into a fully functional school facility including over 40 classrooms (separate art & music spaces), full size gymnasium, cafeteria, and main office spaces. The Trenton 9th Grade Academy Open House is scheduled for August 30th from 10:00am – 2:00pm. This information session will provide students and families opportunities to meet Principal Wood, tour the new school, pick up class schedules, understand school expectations, and meet new friends.

TCHS Construction Update: The new Trenton Central High School will be a 350,000 square-foot school designed to educate 1,850 students in grades 10 through 12. The New Trenton Central HS is being delivered through a Design- Build approach which utilizes a single contract for the procurement of both final design and construction of the project, with distinct phases for each. As of August 2018: The project is in full construction. The following activities are currently underway: interior rough ins for HVAC, Electrical, Fire Suppression, and Plumbing; Completion of the Building Enclosure; Interior Painting has begun.

Key Parties: Site Preparation/Demolition Construction Contractor USA Environmental Management, Inc. & Luzon, Inc. Design-Build Contractor Terminal Construction Corp. Design-Build Architect Group Architecture, LLC Construction Manager Heery International, Inc.

Schedule*: Site Preparation Construction Activities On Going Anticipated Substantial Completion April/May 2019 Anticipated Final Completion July 2019 Anticipated School Opening September 2019

Costs: Total Estimated Project Costs $155.4 Million

NJSDA confirmed with the Business Administrator and Facilities Administrator that the new TCHS construction efforts will not accommodate an early move in date. Therefore, the new school opening date shall remain September 2019.


August 30: 9th Grade Academy Open House (10:00am – 2:00pm) September 6: First Day of School (Happy New Year)

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mayor Doug Palmer presented a check for $106,272.00 to the Board from the Trenton Literacy Movement, to be used to fund an after school Reading Intervention Program for students. Board President Bouie thanked Mayor Palmer for the generous donation, and the Mayor discussed the successful partnership between the Trenton Literacy Movement and the Trenton Board of Education.

Mr. Gene Queval, Vice President of the Business & Technical Association (TB&T), discussed changes that were made in the job titles for the Testing & Accountability Department. He felt the changes were unnecessary and stated that the situation is causing stress within the unit. Mr. Queval also expressed concern with Administration’s 8 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M. relationship to B&T members, and he said the District is presently running on the efforts of past Superintendents.

Ms. Nicole Hamlet, Teacher and Parent, spoke about issues she is having regarding transportation for her son. She expressed concern for his safety, and she said that all students should be bused on yellow school buses.

Ms. Stephanie Gregg, Child Study Team (CST) Secretary, discussed the possible abolishment of secretarial positions in the Special Ed department. She felt this is inconsistent with the District’s focus on customer service. She also stated that the seniority list is being disregarded when making decisions on which secretarial positions to abolish.

Ms. Teresa Mendenhall, Secretary assigned to the Transitional Therapeutic Program (TTP), expressed concern with the decision against opening the TTP for the upcoming school year.

Ms. Kathryn Wolden, Teacher, said that she has not been told what her Language Arts Curriculum is for this year. She also asked for a copy of an inspection report addressing the August 23 freezer failure at Dunn School. She stated there are serious issues affecting health and safety at Dunn School. Lastly, she expressed concern with the non-renewal of staff members.

Ms. Susan Nardi, UniServ Representative from the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA), said there is an error in the Longevity Payments on the TAD agenda. She also agreed with Ms. Gregg’s earlier remarks. Ms. Nardi expressed concern with proposed cuts in the Performance & Accountability Department. She also discussed the difficulties that labor units are having in getting information from the Board.

Ms. Pat Vogt, President of the Trenton Educational Secretaries Association (TESA), agreed with Ms. Gregg’s earlier comments. She also stated that Secretaries are not to be used as subs, and she expressed concern with the TTP not opening.

Ms. Ann Sciarrotta, TESA Vice President, discussed the past abolishment of secretarial positions which led to having only one Secretary in the Elementary Schools. She agreed with Ms. Nardi’s remarks regarding the difficulty that units encounter when requesting information, mentioning the TESA request for employee numbers since that is how employees are referenced in some sections of the TAD agenda. She discussed secretarial concerns related to enrollment and communications from the Central Office.

Note to Minutes: At approximately 6:30 p.m. the Board went into recess. The meeting reconvened at approximately 6:48 p.m. with the resumption of Public Participation.

9 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Ms. Talithea Duncan, 2nd Vice President of the Trenton Education Association (TEA), expressed concern with movement of personnel. She also asked the Board to set a date for contract negotiation.

Ms. Vondalyn Fannin, Teacher, said it troubles her that the same concerns are raised over and over again. She stated this stalls the District’s progress and makes it look disorganized. She also expressed concern with cutbacks in custodial and secretarial staff. Lastly, she advised of a delay with getting her new computers set up last school year.

Ms. Naomi Johnson-Lafleur, Immediate Past President of the TEA, felt the Board is disrespectful and is trying to silence the public. She reiterated TEA’s past votes of no confidence in the Superintendent and Board President. She also stated that there are weak administrators in the District. Lastly, she stated that TEA is still waiting for a negotiations date.

Ms. Janice Williams, TEA Grievance Chair, said that she cannot retire because she sees lies and deceit continue in the District and that the parents and students deserve better. She also stated that the Superintendent publicly admonished a Board Member over her vote and needs to be censored. She felt that some Board Members have not acted honorably and need to step down when asked to do so by the new Mayor. Ms. Williams also expressed concern about the TTP not opening, and she said that administrators did not listen to suggestions on how to implement a successful program. Lastly, she felt that the Leadership Team is ineffective.

TEA President Ms. Twanda Taylor said that chaos occurred over the summer months regarding possible layoffs. She spoke about issues of concern to her members regarding changes in staffing and procedures, the impending expiration of the TEA contract, and what she felt is poor leadership in the District. She said that TEA’s vote of no confidence still stands.

Ms. Marella Holmes, Child Study Team (CST) Social Worker, spoke about the current status of the CST in the District. She expressed concern about possible cuts in secretarial positions in the department, and she spoke about the services that CST members provide.

Ms. Kelly Rypkema from the Mercer County Park Commission spoke about grant supported student field trip programs at the Tulpehaking Nature Center that are available at no cost to Trenton Elementary Schools for the Fall 2018 Season.

BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Ms. Vandenberg updated on the Facilities Committee, stating that the committee had the opportunity to accompany Mayor Gusciora, the new head of the Schools Development Authority (SDA), the Superintendent and other staff members to view the new TCHS Main. She said it is wonderful to see the progress being made. She also stated that the 10 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M. committee visited Stokes School, and this visit will be useful for the future. Ms. Vandenberg said the Facilities Committee will be having monthly meetings from September through June at different schools throughout the District.

Ms. Daniels-Lane reported on behalf of the Operations Committee and the Curriculum/ Special Ed Committee, which both met on August 22 to review their respective agendas and summer updates. The Operations Committee discussed possibilities of reorganizing the Board agenda and getting the committee minutes distributed more efficiently and effectively. The TTP was discussed, as it was still under review by the County as of August 22 with preparations ongoing. Some Board Members toured the building. The Committee reviewed the finances, looking forward to the cash infusion from the State in September. The 2017-2018 Audit is in progress and should be completed by December. The status of opening the Ninth Grade Academy and resulting traffic concerns on Perry Street was discussed. The Committee also discussed establishing Standard Operating Procedures for every department.

Ms. Daniels-Lane stated that the Curriculum/Special Ed Committee reviewed the agenda, noting the professional development and student trips upcoming. The Committee also discussed the need to broaden all students’ experiential background through trips related to curricular objectives. It was noted that there is a dual enrollment agreement with Mercer County Community College, which is a step forward; also noted was a World Language program offered at the Elementary level through Rosetta Stone. The Committee asked for a status on the dual enrollment program with Rutgers University. Schedules are completed for the Ninth Grade Academy. The programs for the TTP, preschool providers and Ninth Grade Academy were all reviewed by the Committee. Staffing and programming were discussed for the Daylight/Twilight program, along with the fact that it is being reviewed for staffing and enrollment to ensure they match. The new Curriculum Guides are ready for use and should be posted to the District website shortly. Ms. Daniels-Lane congratulated all who worked diligently on getting the new guides ready for use. Lastly, she thanked the Superintendent for his presence at several Back to School festivals held over the past week, and she asked everyone to reflect on how we can best work together for the success of our students.

Mr. Bouie gave the update on the TAD Committee, stating that vacancies and staffing concerns were discussed, along with the process for transferring staff members. The Committee reviewed the Administrative Approvals from the summer months, and Mr. Bouie was gratified to see the number of Teachers being promoted to administrative positions.

Mr. Truehart discussed the policy review that the FACE/Policy Committee is having done through Strauss Esmay and General Counsel Mr. Rolle.

Ms. Marrero-Lopez said that, in spite of everything that has transpired, she is looking forward to a really productive and successful school year. She requested that the FACE Committee meet on Monday, September 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the Boys & Girls Club. This 11 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M. will kick off the Committee’s series of four meetings in each of the wards to enable parents and community stakeholders to attend.

At this time, the Superintendent discussed the situation with the TTP this year. He said that challenges surfaced late in the planning, and that it was decided to take a step back to be reflective of the feedback received from the special education advocacy groups and families working with the District. The District has also been working closely with the Mercer County Department of Education (DOE) Office, as well as some key leaders within the DOE, on what needed to be done to ensure a successful program. The Superintendent said it was decided at a meeting today that, in order to meet the needs of our students, more time is needed to think through additional components of a successful program. The State and County have offered to support the District through this planning. The TTP is on pause at this time to ensure that a program is in place to meet fully the needs of our students.

Ms. Daniels-Lane expressed concern about the situation with staffing in the CST department. Ms. Marrero-Lopez felt that an interpreter is needed at Board Meetings to facilitate communications with the public. Mr. Truehart recalled the earlier public comment regarding transportation for high school students, and he asked the Superintendent to look into safe corridors with the Police Department. He felt that a thorough job was done in communicating the change in start times last year.

BOARD DISCUSSION & ACTION ON CONSENT AGENDA Meeting Minutes: June 26, 2018 Regular Meeting & Executive Session June 28, 2018 Board Retreat June 29 & 30, 2018 Board Retreat

There were no questions or comments on the Meeting Minutes.

Superintendent’s Recommendations: Curriculum, Instruction, Professional Development, Assessment & Accountability/ Special Services Talent Acquisition & Development Finance & Facilities

Mr. Truehart expressed sympathy to the families of the two employees noted In Memoriam on tonight’s agenda, Robin Strand and Norma Webster. He also hoped that strong supports are put in place for the students entering the Ninth Grade Academy from across the City.

Motion was made by Ms. Daniels-Lane and seconded by Ms. Vandenberg to approve the Consent Agenda. The Consent Agenda was approved by all Board Members present.

12 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Addie Daniels-Lane X Fiah Kwesseu not present for vote Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Gerald Truehart X Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X




c. EMERGENT HIRES LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION SALARY/STEP EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME Brown Felicia Drama Teacher TCHS Chambers $55,515-BA, Step 09/01/2018- 1-TEA 06/30/2019 Marvin Kenneth Social Studies Daylight/ Twilight $55,515 - BA, Step 09/01/2018- Teacher 1- TEA 06/30/2019

d.APPOINTMENTS LAST FIRST FROM FROM TO FROM TO TO SALARY EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME POSITION LOCATION POSITION SALARY LOCATION Gedeon Wadner Vice PJ Hill Principal $111,380, Step Wilson $132,500, Step 7/1/18-6/30/19 Correction to Principal Elementary 5- TASA Elementary 2-TASA salary.

e. TRANSFERS/REASSIGNMENTS Remove from Section j; transfers involving Michael Donnelly and Charles Koonce

LAST FIRST NAME FROM POSITION LOCATION TO POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME DiMaggio Danielle Special Education TCHS Chambers Special Education 9th Grade 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher Teacher Academy 06/30/2019 approved 08/07/2018 Fuccello James Health/Physical TCHS Chambers Health/Physical 9th Grade 09/01/2018- Administratively Education Teacher Education Teacher Academy 06/30/2019 approved 08/07/2018 Grady- Shante Health/Physical 9th Grade Health/Physical TCHS 09/01/2018- Administratively Francis Education Teacher Academy Education Teacher Chambers 06/30/2019 approved 08/07/2018 Fink Joseph Health/Physical 9th Grade Health/Physical TCHS 09/01/2018- Administratively Education Teacher Academy Education Teacher Chambers 06/30/2019 approved 08/07/2018 Dorsi John Language Arts Rivera Middle Social Studies Rivera 09/01/2018- Administratively School Teacher 06/30/2019 approved 08/07/2018 DeSimone Johnathan Supervisor of Guidance Central Supervisor, College Central 09/01/2018- Administratively 13 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

and Assessment and Career Readiness 06/30/2019 approved 08/07/2018 Lowery Sheri Business Teacher TCHS Chambers Business Teacher 9th Grade 09/01/2018- Administratively Academy 06/30/2019 approved 08/07/2018 Eins Janel ESL Columbus ESL Rivera 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/07/2018 Oribabor Cheryl ESL Teacher TCHS Chambers ESL Teacher 9th Grade 09/01/2018- Administratively Academy 06/30/2019 approved 08/07/2018 Rosario Joel Health/Physical TCHS Chambers Health/Physical Stokes TTP 09/01/2018- Location Education Teacher Education 06/30/2019 correction. McBride Johnette Bilingual Parker Paraprofessional Grant 09/01/2018- Paraprofessional 06/30/2019 (Kindergarten) Medina Leslie Paraprofessional Grant Bilingual Parker 09/01/2018- Paraprofessional 06/30/2019 (Kindergarten)

f. TRANSFER/REASSIGNMENT - RESCIND Remove Section k and t in their entirety

g. SALARY ADJUSTMENTS Remove from section o (corrected): salary adjustments for Adrienne Wright, Lakeira Jones, and Dewar Wood LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION FROM SALARY TO SALARY EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME Grady Sharron Director of Central $132,381($129,331, $135,550($132,500, 07/01/2018- Salary Health/ Step 8-TASA - Dir 1 Step 3,TASA - Dir 2 06/30/2019 correction Physical +$3,050 longevity) + $3,050 longevity) per the Education TASA contract Belton Zebbie Principal Robbins $131,500 - Step 1, $132,500 - Step 2, 07/01/2018- As per the TASA TASA 06/30/2019 TASA contract

h. JOB DESCRIPTIONS TITLE NOTE Special Assistant for Performance and Accountability Administratively Approved 08/07/2018 Supervisor of College and Career Readiness Administratively Approved 08/07/2018 Supervisor of Guidance and Assessment Administratively Approved 08/07/2018


PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT – JASON WARD BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for a Professional Services Contract with Jason Ward to serve as a consultant for the Special Ed Department for the period of August 28, 2018 through June 30, 2019, at a daily cost of $350.00 and a total cost not to exceed $20,000.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 11-000-219-320-0000-00-84

14 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.



A. Proposal to Approve the Daylight Twilight High School Summer 2018 Guidance Registration and Orientation Team (Administrative Approval 7/10/18) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Daylight Twilight High School Summer 2018 Guidance Registration and Orientation Team; This program will ensure that the summer registration and course selection process deliver seamless services and that all students begin the academic school year with a high school schedule reflective of their previous academic history, reflecting correct grade and program placement for all campuses; Retrieve academic records from previous institutions to support appropriate grade level assignments and support services; Ensure that all new registrants have the appropriate immunizations and medical documentation on file; July 2, 2018 to August 31 ; Cost not to exceed $2,520.00; GAAP Codes 11-000-221-110-0009-00-81.

B. Proposal to Approve the Dual Enrollment Opportunities for Trenton Central High School Students for the 2018-19 SY BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Dual Enrollment Opportunities for Trenton Central High School Students for the 2018-19 SY; Through a partnership with Mercer County Community College, Trenton Central High School students will be offered the opportunity to take college courses while still in high school; In this dual enrollment partnership, students will receive credit and grades for both high school and college through the courses they take a Mercer County Community College; Trenton Central High School students will have the opportunity to take MCCC courses that connect to their Career Academy Theme, transferrable core courses and a college readiness course; September 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019; Cost not to exceed $25,000.00; GAAP Code 15-190-100-320-0000-00-05

C. Proposal to Approve Princeton University Preparatory Program (PUPP) at Trenton Central High School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Princeton University Preparatory Program (PUPP). The program is a rigorous, academic and cultural enrichment program that supports high achievers, low income high school students form local districts. The multi-year, tuition free program prepares participants for admission to and ongoing success within selective colleges and universities; September 17, 2018 – June 30, 2018; No cost to the Board.

D. Proposal to Approve PLAY SOCCER Nonprofit International (PSNI) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves PLAY SOCCER Nonprofit International (PSNI). The PSNI program for students in elementary and middle school, uses activity-based education to holistically teach health, social and soccer skills to support physical development and well-being and to encourage recreational sports for life long health; September 2018 – June 30, 2019; No cost to Board.

E. Proposal to Approve the Dual Enrollment Opportunities for Trenton Central High School Students- Medical Professions Career Academy for the 2018-19 SY BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Dual Enrollment Opportunities for Trenton Central High School Students- Medical Professions Career Academy for the 2018-19 SY; Through a partnership with Mercer County Community College, Trenton Central High School students will be offered the opportunity to take college courses while still in high school; In this dual enrollment partnership,

15 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

students will receive credit and grades for both high school and college through the courses they take a Mercer County Community College; The goal of the Medical Professions Career Academy is for students to graduate prepared to pursue a career or major in the healthcare field; The Medical Assistant Program Track will provide students the opportunity to courses in Mercer County Community College’s Patient Care Technician Program, be trained as a CAN, EKG Technician and Phlebotomist and be eligible to take the National Health Career Association Certification; January 1, 2019 – June 1, 2019; Cost not to exceed $10,200.00; GAAP Code 15-190-100-320-0000-00-05

F. Proposal to Approve District Translation/Interpretation Services BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the District Translation/Interpretation Services; a twelve- month service contract for telephonic interpretation and document translation services by Certified Languages International; this service will allow us to provide more opportunities for parents/guardians with language barriers critical information necessary for the success of their students; September 2018 – June 2019; Cost not to exceed $10,000.00; GAAP Code: 11-000-221- 339-0000-00-81.

G. Proposal to Approve State of New Jersey Seal of Biliteracy Program for Trenton School District 2018-19 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the State of New Jersey Seal of Biliteracy for graduating seniors for 2018-19. The Seal of Biliteracy is established to recognize high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in one or more foreign languages in addition to English; October 2018 – June 2019; Cost not to exceed: $7,750.00; GAAP Code: 11-240-100-320-0000-00-81, 11-240-100-610-0000- 00-81.

H. Proposal to Approve the Boys and Girls Club of Trenton and Mercer County Afterschool Programs at Rivera Community Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Boys and Girls Club of Trenton and Mercer County Afterschool Program at Rivera Community Middle School. The Boys and Girls Club of Trenton and Mercer County will operate after school programs (ASP) in the Rivera Community School Monday through Friday from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm during the school year. The Club’s core program areas (character and leadership; education and career; health and life skills; arts; sports/recreations and fitness) match fairly identically with the Schools content areas. The program will serve children registered in grades 6-8. September 2018-June 2019; No cost to the board.

I. Proposal to Approve the Children’s Home Society Positive Impact Afterschool Program at Kilmer Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Children’s Home Society Positive Impact Afterschool Program at Kilmer Middle School. The program is well aligned with the school curriculum and student needs. It will be open to all grades 6-8 students and their parents at the school, including those with special needs or limited English proficiency. September 2018-June 2019; No cost to the board.

J. Proposal to Approve Positive Improvement Through the Arts Program at Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts (All Kids Thrive Grant) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education upon the recommendation the Superintendent of Schools, approves Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts Positive Improvement Through the Arts Program. The program will work toward reducing chronic absenteeism. Members of the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. will participate in planning a partnership, assist with translation, and parent and student focus groups.

16 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

September 2018- June 2019; Cost not to exceed: $1,618.00; All Kids Thrive Grant Approved May 29, 2018. GAAP CODE 15-190-100-320-0000-00-08

K. Proposal for a Guest Artist Program@ Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts Winter through Spring 2018-19 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves a Guest Artist Program @ Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts. Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts goal is to become a feeder program for TCHS-VPA SLC. Program goals is to equip students with the fundamentals of visual and performing arts and prepare students for high school, higher education and professional careers; September 2018- June 2019; No cost to the Board.

L. Proposal for Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts Clubs - ART, DRAMA, CHORUS, DANCE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts Clubs- Art, Drama, Chorus and Dance Club to develop an atmosphere of learning and positive social behavior interactions by decreasing negative social behaviors and improving peer relationships. Grades 6th through 8th; October 2018 through June 2019; At a cost not to exceed $3,864.00; GAAP Code: 15-401-100-110-0009-00-08.

M. Proposal for Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts Club-Student Government Club BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts Club- Student Government Club to develop a sense of community and school pride by offering structured opportunities for socialization and academics outside the classroom. Develop foundational arts and citizenship skills by exposing students to skills necessary for high school, college and career awareness. Grades 6th through 8th; September 2018 through June 2019; At a cost not to exceed $840.00; GAAP Code: 15-401-100-110-0009-00-08.

N. Proposal to Approve Dream Catchers Program at the 9th Grade Academy BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education upon the recommendation the Superintendent of Schools, approves a series of assemblies by the Dream Catchers Program at the 9th Grade Academy. This empowerment program will address the socio-emotional needs of the students. September 6 & 7, 2018; Cost not to exceed: $1,200.00; GAAP CODE 15-190-100-320- 0000-00-04

O. Revised Proposal to Approve the Naviance College and Career Readiness Program for the 2018-2019 School Year BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Naviance College and Career Readiness Program for the period September 2018 to June 2019; Trenton Central High School & the 9th Grade Academy are continuing to strengthen the after graduation plans for our students. In order to continue the college exposure rate, college application and acceptance rate for our students we must use various methods; Naviance is a college and career readiness platform that helps connect academic achievement to post=secondary goals; Its comprehensive college and career planning solutions optimize student success, enhance school counselor productivity and track results for school and district administrators. This item was originally Board approved on June 26, 2018. The revision is needed to reflect the correct GAAP Codes.

Cost not to exceed $24,202.80; GAAP Codes: 11-000-221-320-0000-00-81; 15-190-100-610- 0000-00-35; 15-190-100-610-0000-00-05; 15-190-100-610-0000-00-04

17 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

P. Proposal to Approve the Partnership of MicroSociety, Inc. with Jefferson Elementary School for 2018-2019 SY BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the partnership with MicroSociety, Inc. MicroSociety will provide on-site professional development and coaching as well as off-site technical assistance and support on developing a learning environment that will provide teachers with the necessary skills to act as facilitators to guide students to run a society. Students will become engaged in the connections between curriculum and real life which will result in greater student autonomy, competence and motivation to stay in school, to take responsibility for their own learning and to succeed; September 2018 – June 2019; Cost not to exceed: $27,315; GAAP Code: 20-236-200-300- 0000-19-82.

Q. Resolution to Amend the Proposal (approved 4/23/18) of Eureka Math with Zearn– 2018 K-5 Textbook/Program Adoption (Administrative Approval 8/14/18) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Eureka Math with Great Minds – 2018 K-5 Textbook/Program Adoption. Eureka Math connects math to the real world in ways that take the fear out of math and build student confidence – helping students achieve true understanding lesson by lesson and year after year. This includes professional development for teachers in how to implement Eureka Math and Great Minds in their classroom at a cost not to exceed $800,424. GAAP Codes: 11-000-221- 320-0000-00-81, 11-000-221-110-0009-00-81,11-000-221-610- 0000-00-81.

R. Resolution to Amend the Proposal (approved 4/23/18) of Eureka Math with Zearn– 2018 K-5 Textbook/Program Adoption (Administrative Approval 8/14/18) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Zearn an on-line supplemental program to support Eureka Math. Zearn will reinforce student learning on daily basis. This includes professional development for teachers at a cost not to exceed $70,000. GAAP Codes: 11-000-221-320-0000-00-81, 11-000- 221-110-0009-00-81, 11-000-221-610- 0000-00-81

S. Resolution to Amend the Proposal (approved 5/29/18) of myPerspectives, Pearson Education (Administrative Approval 8/14/18) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Adoption of the myPerspectives published by Pearson Education High School English Language Arts (ELA) Program for the 2018-19 SY; The program will prepare students to succeed in their choice of college and careers specifically by providing them with resources and programs that improve performance; myPerspectives values the perspective of the learner, collectively and individually, and provides next-generation learning experiences aligned to grade-level standards; the learning experiences blend print and digital resources in a student- centered, teacher-inspired classroom; the program’s hybrid resources create an interactive and engaging learning environment through critical readings, meaningful activities, and purposeful performance tasks; myPerspectives encourages collaboration as well as student ownership of learning through executive function and self-regulation; this includes professional development for all high school English teachers of both general and special education students at a cost not to exceed $334,931.42. GAAP Codes: 11-000-221-320-0000-00-81, 11-000-221-110-0009-00-81,11- 000-221-610- 0000-00-8

T. Resolution to Approve to Accept Partnership Agreement between the Trenton Public Schools (P.J. Hill) and National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the resolution to Accept Partnership Agreement between the Trenton Public Schools (P.J. Hill) and National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. The Pi Chapter will sponsor its annual “Back to School Educational Materials Give A Way” to provide school supplies and materials to students at Patton J. Hill Elementary School. No Cost to the Board

18 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

U. Resolution for 2018-19 Online CCSS-M math tool, Tenmarks (K-5) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution to approve math tool, Tenmarks (K-5). This program will ensure that all students K- 5 have ongoing access to quality online intervention and enrichment learning opportunities in both English and Spanish for SY’18-19; cost not to exceed $21,664.50.00. GAAP Code: 11-000-221-610-0000-00-81.

V. Resolution to Approve the Textbook Adoption of World Language Mandarin Chinese for Novice Mid and Novice High in High School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution to approve the Textbook Adoption of World Language Mandarin Chinese of Novice Mid and Novice High in High School; The need to adopt a basal Mandarin Chinese textbook “Modern Chinese”, Better Chinese Publisher for grades 9-12th grade that is aligned to the World Language Curriculum for Mandarin Chinese Novice-Mid and Novice High aligned to 21st century standards as determined by The American Council of Teaching Foreign Language (ACTFL) will strengthen the instruction of world languages at the high school level; The proposed adoption of “Modern Chinese”, Better Chinese Publisher will ensure that students can meet the established world language academic standards.

W. Resolution to Approve Sponsor Summer Enrichment for 20 additional K-8 Trenton Public School Students (Administrative Approval 7/26/18) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, will partner with the GGrant94ft Academic Sports Academy and Help Self CDC to provide a seven and eight week summer camp experience, which includes field trips, enrichment opportunities and all day programming through August 17th for 20 current Trenton Public Schools students on waiting lists; cost not to exceed $19,747.00 ($15,747 – GGrant94ft Academic Sports Academy; $4,000 – Help Self CDC) GAAP Code: 11-422-100-101-0000-00-81

X. Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mercer County (BBBS-Mercer), Solvay, and Trenton Central High School (TCHS) for the 2018-19 SY BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mercer County (BBBS-Mercer), Solvay, and Trenton Central High School (TCHS) (Attachment 1-W); Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mercer County (BBBS- Mercer) Workplace Mentoring Program matches employees of a specific work site with students who need mentors; The goal of this program is to form a partnership with the STEM learning center at Trenton Central High School (TCHS) and Solvay USA (Solvay) and to create and manage a successful one-to-one mentoring program that enriches the lives of at-risk students by assisting them in achieving their highest potential as they grow to become confident, competent and caring individuals; The primary objectives of the program are to expose the students to the Solvay workplace environment, develop a trusting bond with their mentor, to build the student’s self- esteem and to help them make positive life choices; September 2018 through June 2019; No cost the board.

Y. Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Luis Munoz- Rivera Community Middle School and the Center for Supportive Schools (CSS) for the 2018-19 SY BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Luis Munoz-Rivera Community Middle School and the Center for Supportive Schools (CSS) (Attachment 1-X); The goal of this partnership in a “Project” is to implement Peer Group Connection-Middle School (“PGC-MS”), an evidence-based school-based peer leadership program that supports and eases students’ transition from elementary to middle school; In this model, PGC- 19 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

MS will develop and leverage the leadership skills of older middle school students to facilitate groups of 8-10 students in the 6th grade; Incoming 6th grade students will be assigned to participate in weekly PGC-MS outreach sessions at the start of the 2018-19 SY and thereafter; The Project will utilize an independent third party evaluator, The Policy & Research Group (PRG) to conduct a randomized, control trial to investigate PGC-MS’s efficacy in improving non-cognitive skills and abilities that support academic and other important school-related outcomes; No cost to the Board.

Z. Resolution for Assessment Development and Curriculum Revisions through SY 18- 19 BE IT RESOLVED; that the TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves assessment development and curriculum revisions at a cost not to exceed $29,000.00. GAAP Code: 11-000-221-110-0009-00-81

AA. Resolution to Approve Above and Beyond Learning Group BE IT RESOLVED; that the TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools hereby authorizes the approval of Above and Beyond Learning Group (ABLG) to provide the following services in order to strengthen the Autistic program for the 2018- 19 school year:  Autistic Program Development  Professional Development Trainings  Classroom Model Development and Training  Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA)  Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPS)

The purpose for this support is to ensure that our Special Education Teachers serving students with Autism Spectrum Disorder meet the standards of best practice and that they are competitive with out-of-district programs.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, recommends the approval of ABLG. Cost not to exceed $40,000.00. GAAP: 20-250-200-300-0000-17 (IDEA Basic)

BB. Resolution for Rosetta Stone Foundations Language Program Whereas, Individuals who effectively communicate in more than one language, with an appropriate understanding of cultural contexts, are globally literate and are able to function in a variety of occupations and careers in the contemporary workplace; and

Whereas, The proposed Rosetta Stone Foundations Language Program in K-5 elementary schools will expose students to another language and foster attitudes, values, and skills that indicate a positive disposition and understanding of cultural differences and that enhance cross cultural communication; now therefore

Be it Resolved: The Trenton Board of Education approves to adopt the Rosetta Stone Foundations Language Program in Elementary Schools K-5 at a cost to the district not to exceed $120,749.00.

GAAP Codes: Jefferson ES 15-190-100-610-000000-14 Columbus 15-190-100-610-000000-17 Franklin 15-190-100-610-000000-19 Grant 15-190-100-610-000000-20 Gregory 15-190-100-610-000000-21 Harrison 15-190-100-610-000000-22 MLK 15-190-100-610-000000-23 Mott 15-190-100-610-000000-26 20 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Parker 15-190-100-610-000000-27 Washington 15-190-100-610-000000-30 Wilson 15-190-100-610-000000-31 PJHill 15-190-100-610-000000-32

CC. Resolution for Read 180 and System 44 Professional Development for SY 18-19 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Read 180 and System 44 professional development provided by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt at a cost not to exceed $14,750.00. GAAP Code: 11-000-221-320-0000-00-81

DD. Student Study Trips BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the following field trips:

Agenda Applicant School Destination Purpose No. of Date Funds Cost GAAP Students Code

Aug Denise Gary Gregory Philadelphia Zoo Students will gain an 100 11/6/2018 $0 Lori Dennis understanding of Domenica different types of Lopreato animals and animal Tamika Cabell habitats in the United States and worldwide. Aug Countess Irvin TCHS/ Fort Dix Students will be 25 10/26 – Board $300 15-000- Terry Troup JROTC Fort Dix, NJ motivated as new 28/2018 270-512- cadets entering into 0000-00- JROTC 05 Aug Countess Irvin TCHS/ Pleasantville HS Students will be 45 11/17/2018 Board $750 15-000- Terry Troup JROTC Pleasantville, NJ measured for their 270-512- level of discipline 0000-00- and competence in 05 hands on competition with other schools Aug Countess Irvin TCHS/ Hillside HS Students will be 35 12/01/2018 Board $600 15-000- Terry Troup JROTC Hillside, NJ measured for their 270-512- level of discipline 0000-00- and competence in 05 hands on competition with other schools Aug Countess Irvin TCHS/ Delsea HS Students will be 45 12/08/2018 Board $750 15-000- Terry Troup JROTC Delsea, NJ measured for their 270-512- level of discipline 0000-00- and competence in 05 hands on competition with other schools Aug Norberto Diaz 6-12 District Trenton NJ Students will march 64 9/9/18 – $0 David Lerner Wide in Ecuadorian Date Change Joseph Pucciatti Marching Celebration Day Band Parade


BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the following personnel transactions:

a. ABOLISHMENT OF POSITIONS TITLE NUMBER OF LOCATION NOTE POSITIONS English Teacher 1 TCHS Chambers Administratively approved 07/31/2018. 21 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Math Teacher 1 TCHS Chambers Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Special Education Teacher 2 TCHS Chambers Administratively approved 07/31/2018. ESL Teacher 1 TCHS Chambers Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Music Teacher 1 Daylight/Twilight Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Social Worker 1 Daylight/Twilight Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Language Arts Teacher 1 Stokes TTP Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Supervisor, Instructional 1 School Support Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Technology Special Education Teacher 2 TCHS Chambers Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Accounts Payable Specialist 1 Business Office Administratively approved 08/07/2018. ESL Teacher 1 Columbus Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Career Exploratory Teacher 1 9th Grade Academy Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Math Teacher 1 9th Grade Academy Administratively approved 08/21/2018. English Teacher 1 9th Grade Academy Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Bilingual Social Studies 1 9th Grade Academy Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Kindergarten Teacher 1 Robbins Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Elementary Teacher Gr 3 1 Columbus Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Elementary Teacher Gr 4 1 Columbus Administratively approved 08/21/2018. School Nurse 1 Stokes TTP Administratively approved 08/23/2018. Art Teacher 1 Stokes TTP Administratively approved 08/23/2018. Music Teacher 1 Stokes TTP Administratively approved 08/23/2018. Elementary Teacher Gr 5 1 Stokes TTP Administratively approved 08/23/2018. Special Education Teacher 1 Stokes TTP Administratively approved 08/23/2018. (Inclusion) Elementary Teacher Gr 6 1 Stokes TTP Administratively approved 08/23/2018. Early Childhood Assistant 1 Early Childhood Director

b. CREATION OF POSITIONS TITLE NUMBER OF LOCATION NOTE POSITIONS Business Teacher 1 Daylight/Twilight Administratively approved 07/31/2018. In School Suspension 1 TCHS Chambers Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Teacher Health/PE Teacher 1 TCHS Chambers Administratively approved 07/31/2018. World Language Teacher 1 TCHS Chambers Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Bilingual Math Teacher 1 Rivera Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Social Studies Teacher 2 Daylight/Twilight/ Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Rivera ESL Teacher 3 9th Grade Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Academy/Rivera Before/After School 6 Harrison Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Supervision Math Teacher 1 Daylight/Twilight Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Chemistry Teacher 1 Daylight/Twilight Administratively approved 07/31/2018. School Counselor 1 Daylight/Twilight Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Special Education/Math 1 Kilmer Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Teacher Special Education (Inclusion) 1 Stokes TTP Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Teacher Head Custodian 1 Stokes TTP Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Project Manager 1 Building & Grounds Administratively approved 07/31/2018. 22 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Special Assistant for 1 Central Office Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Performance and Accountability Senior Accountant 1 Business Office Administratively approved 08/21/2018. World Language 1 9th Grade Academy Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Special Education Resource 1 9th Grade Academy Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Teacher - English Special Education Resource 1 9th Grade Academy Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Teacher - Math Computer Teacher 1 9th Grade Academy Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Elementary Teacher Gr 4 1 Robbins Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Elementary Teacher Gr 4 1 Harrison Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Elementary Teacher Gr 5 1 Harrison Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Health/PE Teacher 2 Dunn, Daylight/Twilight Administratively approved 08/21/2018. ESL Teacher 1 Daylight/Twilight Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Science Teacher 1 Daylight/Twilight Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Bilingual Teacher 1 Daylight/Twilight Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Special Education Resource 1 Robbins Administratively approved 08/23/2018 Teacher Elementary Teacher 1 TTP c. RETIREMENTS LAST NAME FIRST NAME POSITION LOCATION YEARS OF EFFECTIVE NOTE SERVICE Aranguren Williams Head Gregory 18 09/01/2018 Administratively Custodian approved 07/10/2018. Whalen Kevin ESL Teacher Daylight/ 13 07/01/2018 Administratively Twilight approved 07/19/2018. Crowley Larry Custodian Parker 17 09/01/2018 Administratively approved 07/31/2018. d. RESIGNATIONS LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME Behr Adam Science Teacher TCHS-Main Campus 09/01/2018 Administratively approved 07/10/2018. DiGiuesppe Alicia Special Education Kilmer 06/28/2018 Administratively Teacher approved 07/19/2018. Jennings Laurie Elementary Grade 3 Parker 07/12/2018 Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Meyers Brendon Elementary Grade 1 Jefferson 09/01/2018 Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Dacas Njelama Dance Teacher Hedgepeth-Williams 07/19/2018 Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Cohen Nathan Music Teacher Dunn 07/26/2018 Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Royster Leyone Climate and Culture Rivera 9/15/2018 Administratively Leader approved 08/07/2018. Braverman Michael School Mathematics Daylight 08/10/2018 Administratively Leader Twilight/TCHS approved 08/14/2018. 23 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Zepeda Donita Language Arts Kilmer 08/10/2018 Administratively Teacher approved 08/14/2018. Casey Claudia Elementary Teacher Grant 08/15/2018 Administratively Gr 1 (Sheltered) approved 08/21/2018. Jones Iymaani Special Education Rivera 10/09/2018 Administratively Teacher (LLD) approved 08/21/2018.

e. TERMINATIONS ID REASON EFFECTIVE NOTE 112412 On file in With pay, Administratively approved 08/09/2018. TAD 10/13/2018

f. NEW HIRES LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION SALARY/STEP EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME Nardone Monica Elementary Grade 3 Grant $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Korey- Rebecca Music Teacher Harrison $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. Perez 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Maynam Iathadeui SPED Science TTP $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. Teacher 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Judge Melanie SPED Language Arts TTP $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Jones Wheatonia SPED Social Studies TTP $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Ons Alysia Elementary Grade 3 Franklin $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Wheeler Davon Music Teacher Robbins $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Sanchez Daisy Bilingual Elementary Parker $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. Grade 4 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Koonce Charles Director, Transitional TTP $130,000, Step 1, Director 07/19/2018- Filling a vacancy. Therapeutic Program II, TASA 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Blasco Stephanie Art Teacher Harrison $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Victor- Tracey School Nurse Stokes TTP $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. Butler 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Ngozi Ubah School Nurse PJ Hill $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Connelly Megan Art Teacher Gregory $55,515-BA, Step 1 - TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Shackleford Helena Art Teacher Mott $55,515-BA, Step 1 – 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. TEA 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/31/2018. 24 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Cohen Nancy World Language Wilson $55,515-BA, Step 1 – 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. TEA 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Lewis Faye Principal King $131,500, Step 1- M/ESP 08/02/2018- Filling a vacancy. PK-8, TASA 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/02/2018.

Reyes Evette Vice Principal 9th Grade $112,500, Step 1- SVP, 08/02/2018- Filling a vacancy. Academy TASA 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/02/2018. Bella Carly Elementary Teacher Jefferson $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. Gr. 3 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/07/2018. DiBartolo Michael Art Teacher Jefferson $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Arnette Kenyatta Business Teacher TCHS-Main $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. (Marketing) 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Feliciano Crystal Business Teacher TCHS-Main $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. (Finance) 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Maldonado Emmy Bilingual Newcomer Daylight/ $55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. Teacher Twilight 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Carter Shalanda Bus Driver (Part-time) Transportation $25.00 per hour 09/01/2018- Filling a new position. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Glover Derothea Bus Driver (Part-time) Transportation $25.00 per hour 09/01/2018- Filling a new position. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Dyous Jr. Ronald Bus Driver (Part-time) Transportation $25.00 per hour 09/01/2018- Filling a new position. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Joynes Ron Bus Driver (Part-time) Transportation $25.00 per hour 09/01/2018- Filling a new position. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Kamara Gaya ESL 9th Grade $55,515 - BA, Step 1 - TEA 09/01/2018- Filing a vacancy. Academy 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/14/2018. . Mouzon Karilyn Vice Principal Dunn $112,500, Step 1-SVP, 09/01/2018- Filing a vacancy. TASA 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/21/2018.

Bustamante Gabrielle Elementary Teacher Parker $55,515 - BA, Step 1 - TEA 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. Gr 3 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/21/2018.

Hammond Jessica Behavioral Specialist PJ Hill $55,515- BA, Step 1 - TEA 09/01/2018- Filing a vacancy. 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/21/2018.

Ciancirulo Gretchen Elementary Teacher Robbins $55,515- BA, Step 1 - TEA 09/01/2018- Filing a vacancy. Gr 4 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Johnson Ronnise Social Worker TTP $55,515- BA, Step 1 - TEA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Terry Brianna Paraprofessional Columbus $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively

25 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Moore Onesha Paraprofessional Columbus $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Archila Irma Lucila Paraprofessional Grant $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Correa 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Witter Ryan Paraprofessional Grant $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. LaPaix Amy Paraprofessional Grant $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Palms Stephanie Paraprofessional Hill $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Smith Mark Paraprofessional Hill $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Moore Latisha Paraprofessional Hill $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Willis Ira Paraprofessional Hill $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Massenburg Katrina Paraprofessional Jefferson $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Smith Sean Paraprofessional Jefferson $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Muhammad Kamal Paraprofessional King $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Mathis Jacqueline Paraprofessional King $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Parham Ashley Paraprofessional Mott $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Bush Rochelle Paraprofessional Mott $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Mhoon Renee Paraprofessional Mott $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Karngbaye Theresa Paraprofessional Parker $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Enders Yodath Paraprofessional Parker $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Witter Austin Paraprofessional Wilson $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Farah Nevien Paraprofessional Wilson $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. May Erica Paraprofessional Wilson $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Williams Gilbert Paraprofessional Rivera $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Johnson Tiffany Paraprofessional Rivera $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. County Tahij Paraprofessional Daylight/ $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Twilight 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Grainger Shaurise Paraprofessional King $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Bella Carley Elementary Teacher Jefferson $$55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr. 06/30/2019 approved 08/07/2018. Fiordimondo Kimberly Dance Teacher Hedgepeth/ $$55,515-BA, Step 1-TEA 09/01/2018- Williams 06/30/2019

g. RE-HIRE FROM RECALL LIST LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION SALARY/STEP EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME Kelly Makenzie Social Studies Dunn $57,065-MA, Step 1- 09/01/2018- Administratively 26 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Teacher TEA 06/30/2019 approved 07/31/2018.

Xu Vincent Social Studies Rivera $55,515-BA, Step 1- 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher TEA 06/30/2019 approved 07/31/2018.

h. RESCIND EMERGENT HIRES LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION SALARY/STEP EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME Hilton Garin Elementary Jefferson $55,065-BA, 09/01/2018- Declined offer. Teacher Gr 3 Step 1 - TEA 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Korey- Rebecca Music Teacher Harrison $55,515-BA, 09/01/2018- Declined offer. Perez Step 1 – TEA 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Arnette Kenyatta Teacher of TCHS $55,515 - BA, 09/01/2018- Declined offer Marketing Chambers Step 1 - TEA 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Cohen Nancy World Language Wilson $55, 515 - BA, 09/01/2018- Declined offer Teacher Step 1 - TEA 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Jones Wheatonia Special Education Stokes TTP $55,515 - BA, 09/01/2018- Declined offer Social Studies Step 1 - TEA 06/30/2018 Administratively Teacher approved 07/31/2018. uhammad Kamal Paraprofessional King $24,000 - 09/01/2018- Declined offer PARA 06/30/2019


Graham Kathy Elementary Franklin Teacher Gr 3


Ahmed Mohamed Senior Information School Support Senior Early Childhood 7/10/18- Involuntary System Control Information 6/30/19 Transfer. Specialist System Control Administratively Specialist approved 06/28/2018.

Barchie- Janet Senior Information Early Childhood Senior School Support 7/10/18- Involuntary McIntyre System Control Information 6/30/19 Transfer. Specialist System Control Administratively Specialist approved 06/28/2018.

Shegda Kathleen School Nurse PJ Hill Annex School Nurse Robbins 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 07/31/2018.

Hood Christal Elementary Teacher Mott Elementary Mott 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr. 2 Teacher Gr. 4 06/30/2019 approved

27 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.


Stephens Nicole Elementary Teacher Mott Elementary Mott 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr. 4 Teacher Gr. 2 06/30/2019 approved 07/31/2018.

Bose Tilottama Social Studies Hedgepeth/ Social Studies Daylight/Twilight 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher Williams Teacher 06/30/2019 approved 07/31/2018.

Rak Jennifer Elementary Teacher PJ Hill Social Studies Hedgepeth/ 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr. 1 Teacher Williams 06/30/2019 approved 07/31/2018.

Delizio Shannon School Counselor Robbins School Counselor Daylight/Twilight 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 07/31/2018.

Le Thuy Science Teacher 9th Grade Science Teacher Daylight/Twilight 09/01/2018- Administratively Academy 06/30/2019 approved 07/31/2018.

Pullizi Thomas Science Teacher TCHS Chambers Science Teacher 9th Grade 09/01/2018- Administratively Academy 06/30/2019 approved 07/31/2018.

Tirado Damariz World Language Grant World Language TCHS Chambers 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher Teacher 06/30/2019 approved 07/31/2018.

Dorsi John English Teacher Rivera Social Studies Rivera 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 Approved 08/07/2018.

Donnelly Mike Director of Central Office Director Stokes 08/07/2018- Administratively Specialized Services Transitional 06/30/2019 Approved Therapeutic 08/07/2018. Program

Koonce Charles Director of Central Office Director of Central Office 08/07/2018- Administratively (corrected) Transnational Specialized 06/30/2019` Approved Therapeutic Services 08/07/2018. Program

DeSimone Jonathan Supervisor of Central Office Supervisor, Central Office 08/07/2018- Administratively Guidance and College and 06/30/2019 Approved Assessment Career Readiness 08/07/2018.

Lowery Sheri Business Teacher TCHS Chambers Business Teacher 9th Grade 09/01/2018- Administratively Academy 06/30/219 approved 08/07/2018.

Eins Janel ESL Teacher Columbus ESL Teacher Rivera 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/07/2018.

28 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Lozano Alex Science Teacher Hedgepeth/ Science Teacher Hedgepeth/ 09/01/2018- Administratively Middle School Williams for Bilingual Williams 06/30/2019 approved Students 08/14/2018.

Ruiz Antonio Math Teacher Dunn Math Teacher for Dunn 09/01/2018- Administratively Middle School Bilingual Students 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Begley Gaby World Language Jefferson World Language TCHS Chambers 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher Teacher 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Ramirez Vila Edgar World Language Parker World Language Hedgepeth/ 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher Teacher Williams 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Taylor Phylicia English Teacher 9 Grade Academy Language Arts Rivera 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Kelly Makenzie Social Studies Dunn Social Studies TCHS Chambers 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher Teacher for 06/30/2019 approved Bilingual Students 08/14/2018.

Thomas Genevieve Elementary Teacher Grant Elementary PJ Hill 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 1 Teacher Gr 1 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Graham Katherine Elementary Teacher Franklin Elementary Grant 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 3 Teacher Gr 1 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Allen Shari Elementary Teacher Parker School Climate Rivera 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 2 and Culture 06/30/2019 approved Leader 08/14/2018.

Jackson Kathleen Special Education PJ Hill Elementary Parker 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher (Autism) Teacher Gr 2 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Reece Stacey Math Teacher Rivera Elementary Parker 09/01/2018- Administratively Middle School Teacher Gr 5 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Mazhar- Asra Special Education Jefferson Special Education PJ Hill 09/01/2018- Administratively Uddin Teacher (Autism) Teacher (Autism) 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Williams Brandie Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 1 Teacher Gr K 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Townsend Tia Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 3 Teacher Gr 1 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Stremlo Elena Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 2 Teacher Gr 3 06/30/2019 approved

29 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.


Young- Dioun Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Martin Gr 3 Teacher Gr 2 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Harris Tammy Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 5 Teacher Gr 2 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Bailey Renee Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 2 Teacher Gr 4 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Zavada Susan Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 1 Teacher Gr 3 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Meyers Brendan Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr K Teacher Gr 1 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Ruiz Antonio Math Teacher Dunn Math Teacher for Dunn 09/01/2018- Administratively Middle School Bilingual Students 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Begley Gaby World Language Jefferson World Language TCHS Chambers 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher Teacher 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Ramirez Vila Edgar World Language Parker World Language Hedgepeth/ 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher Teacher Williams 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Taylor Phylicia English Teacher 9 Grade Academy Language Arts Rivera 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Kelly Makenzie Social Studies Dunn Social Studies TCHS Chambers 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher Teacher 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Thomas Genevieve Elementary Teacher Grant Elementary PJ Hill 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 1 Teacher Gr 1 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Graham Katherine Elementary Teacher Franklin Elementary Grant 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 3 Teacher Gr 1 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Allen Shari Elementary Teacher Parker School Climate Rivera 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 2 and Culture 06/30/2019 approved Leader 08/14/2018.

Jackson Kathleen Special Education PJ Hill Elementary Parker 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher (Autism) Teacher Gr 2 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

30 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Reece Stacey Math Teacher Rivera Elementary Parker 09/01/2018- Administratively Middle School Teacher Gr 5 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Mazhar- Asra Special Education Jefferson Special Education PJ Hill 09/01/2018- Administratively Uddin Teacher (Autism) Teacher (Autism) 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Williams Brandie Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 1 Teacher Gr K 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Townsend Tia Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 3 Teacher Gr 1 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Stremlo Elena Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 2 Teacher Gr 3 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Young- Dioun Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Martin Gr 3 Teacher Gr 2 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Harris Tammy Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 5 Teacher Gr 2 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Bailey Renee Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 2 Teacher Gr 4 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Zavada Susan Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 1 Teacher Gr 3 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Meyers Brendan Elementary Teacher Jefferson Elementary Jefferson 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr K Teacher Gr 1 06/30/2019 approved 08/14/2018.

Victor-Butler Tracey School Nurse Stokes TTP School Nurse King 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018.

Smith Ana Elementary Teacher Grant Elementary Grant 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 2 Teacher Gr 1 06/30/2019 approved (Sheltered) 08/21/2018.

Hopson Lauren Elementary Teacher Gregory Elementary Grant 09/01/2018- Administratively Gr 3 Teacher Gr 2 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018.

Haughton Justin Paraprofessional Hill Paraprofessional King 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018.

Mayfield Shimica Paraprofessional Jefferson Paraprofessional Wilson 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 31 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.


Booker Leora Parent Liaison Gregory Parent Liaison Parker 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018.

Young Daryl Paraprofessional King Paraprofessional 9th Grade 09/01/2018- Administratively Academy 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018.

Muniz Leslie Parent Liaison Parker Paraprofessional Robbins 09/01/2018- Administratively Repollet 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018.

Stroman Alexis Paraprofessional Robbins Paraprofessional Hill 09/01/2018- Administratively 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018.

Johnson Jocelyn Paraprofessional Jefferson Paraprofessional Daylight/ 09/01/2018- Administratively Twilight 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018.

Downing Deborah Paraprofessional Robbins Paraprofessional Daylight/ 09/01/2018- Administratively Twilight 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018.

Lowery Sheri Business Teacher 9th Grade Business Teacher Daylight/ 09/01/2018- Administratively Academy Twilight 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018.

Hendricks Tiesha Math Teacher 9th Grade Math Teacher Daylight/ 09/01/2018- Administratively Academy Twilight 06/30/2019 approved Teacher 08/21/2018.

Francisco Joseph English Teacher 9th Grade Language Arts Kilmer 09/01/2018- Administratively Academy 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018.

Newton Barbara Special Education King Elementary TTP 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher (LLD) Teacher 06/30/2019 approved 08/23/2018.

Grover Namrata Special Education Rivera Special Education TTP 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher (Inclusion) Teacher (Math) 06/30/2019 approved 08/23/2018.

Braconi Lianne Special Education Dunn Special Education TTP 09/01/2018- Administratively Teacher (LLD) Teacher (Science) 06/30/2019 approved 08/23/2018.

Rosario Joel Health/PE Teacher Hedgepeth/ Health/PE TTP 09/01/2018- Administratively Williams Teacher 06/30/2019 approved 08/23/2018.


Donnelly Mike Director of Stokes Director of Central Office 08/07/2018- Rescission of action Transitional Specialized Services 06/30/2019 administratively Therapeutic approved 08/07/2018. Program Administratively approved 08/09/2018. Koonce Charles Director of Central Office Director Transitional Stokes 08/07/2018- Rescission of action Specialized Therapeutic Program 06/30/2019 administratively Services approved 08/07/2018.

Administratively approved 08/07/2018.


104835 Administrative without pay Administratively 08/07/2018 approved 08/07/2018.

105256 Administrative with pay 08/07/2018 Administratively approved 08/07/2018. 112412 Stokes With pay 08/09/2018 Administratively approved 08/09/2018. 102951 Sabbatical with pay 09/01/2018- 06/30/2019

103803 Sabbatical with pay 09/01/2018- 06/30/2019

105626 Sabbatical with pay 09/01/2018- 06/30/2019

111755 Maternity without pay 09/01/2018-06/30/2019

104371 Medical with pay 08/03/2018- 08/31/2018

102403 Medical with pay 09/01/2018- 02/01/2019

105420 Medical with pay 07/02/2018- 10/08/2018

112040 Maternity with pay 09/27/2018-10/31/2018 half day; without pay 10/31/2018 half day - 11/08/2018

112040 FLA without pay 33 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.


111775 Maternity with pay 09/10/2018- 11/05/2018; without pay 11/06/2018- 11/16/2018

111775 FLA Without pay, 11/19/2018-01/31/2019

104824 Maternity With pay, 09/01/2018- 11/14/2018

104824 FLA Without pay, 11/15/2018-01/28/2019

111932 Maternity With pay 09/01/2018- 09/21/2018, without pay 09/22/2018- 10/02/2018

11932 FLA Without pay, 10/03/2018-11/07/2018

112357 Maternity With pay 09/17/2018- 10/19/2018, without pay 10/22/2018- 12/21/2018

102000 Medical Without pay, 07/01/2018- 06/30/2019 m. EXTENDED LEAVE OF ABSENCES ID REASON EFFECTIVE

106076 Medical with pay 06/05/2018- 09/05/2018

107135 Medical With pay, 09/01/2018- 10/01/2018 n. RETURN FROM LEAVE OF ABSENCES ID REASON EFFECTIVE

111718 Family 09/01/2018

34 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

100503 Medical 09/01/2018

104796 Medical 09/01/2018

103219 Medical 06/15/2018

112373 Medical 06/18/2018

111819 Medical 09/01/2018

103067 Medical 07/03/2018

103321 Medical 07/17/2018

111971 Medical 07/08/2018

101058 Medical 07/03/2018

105605 Medical 08/27/2018

111480 Maternity 09/01/2018

112330 FLA 09/01/2018

111600 Medical 09/04/2018

o. SALARY ADJUSTMENT LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION FROM SALARY TO SALARY EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME Castillo Thaimi Secretary Kilmer $49,975($49,375-30 $51,129($50,529- 05/16/2018/- Salary Correction. credits, Step 14 – 60 credits, Step 14- 06/30/2019, Administratively TESA+$600 TESA+$600 pro-rated approved longevity) longevity) 07/19/2018. Wright Adrienne Generalist TAD $51,405, Step 1, BST $63,058 Step 8, 07/01/2018- Submitted proof of BST 06/30/2018 previous experience. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Jones Lakeira Generalist TAD $51,405, Step 1, BST $63,058, Step 8, 07/01/2018- Submitted proof of BST 06/30/2019 previous experience. Wood Dewar High School 9th Grade $148,500, Step 1, $155,774, Step 7, 07/01/2018- Salary Correction Principal Academy HSP - TASA HSP - TASA 06/30/2019 35 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Grady Sharron Director of Central $132,381, Step 8, $146,050, Step 8, 07/01/2018- Title Correction Health/Physical Director I - TASA Director II - TASA 06/30/2019 Education


English JeNene TESA 0 6 $822.38

Owens Pamela CFA 259 34 $65,313.85

Johnson Lissa CFA 0 15 $9,018.03

Beckles Orlando BST 117.50 375 $118,012.88

O’Brien Kevin TEA 141 0 $25,364.00

Alexander Linda TEA 40 0 $8,322.29

Bohn David TEA 20 0 $5,749.00

Robinson- Nettie TESA 237 20 $62,032.51 Logan

Mylowe Denise TEA 261 0 $18,000.00

Posner Susan TEA 39 0 $8,561.00

Little Cathleen TEA 113 0 $18,000.00

Montague Janet PAR 261 0 $15,000.00

Yarde Jennifer TASA 0 8.37 $5,157.49

Avent Tekeshia BST 0 18 $2,849.18

Patterson Mack PAR 258 0 $15,000.00

Kanka-Harvey Nancy TEA 331 0 $68,098.74

Riukas Diana TEA 159.50 0 $18,000.00

Barksdale Karen TEA 325.5 0 $59,973.89

Downing Everene TASA 376 45.66 $135,242.95

Bennett Pamela TEA 427.5 0 $90,152.80

Santiago Harmengildo CUS 176 139 $41,846.45

Donohue Donna TEA 65.50 0 $13,403.20

Wood Stacie BST 0 8 $1,990.97 Chapman

36 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Wright Adrienne CFA 0 11 $2,715.85


Stratton Jill Senior Information Central 15 $700 02/11/2018 Systems Control Specialist

Fisher- Katherine Secretary Specialized Services 30 $800 10/14/2017 Brown

Green- Marcia Secretary Specialized Services 25 09/30/2016 Correction to date Edwards only

DeCello Patricia Secretary Building & Grounds 50 01/31/2018 Correction to date only

r. APPOINTMENTS LAST FIRST FROM FROM TO FROM TO TO SALARY EFFEC- NOTE NAME NAME POSITION LOCATION POSITION SALARY LOCATION TIVE Gedeon Wadner Vice Principal PJ Hill Principal $111,380, Step Wilson $131,500, Step 7/1/18- Administratively Elementary 5- TASA Elementary 1-TASA 6/30/19 approved 06/28/2018. Ortiz Wilfredo Acting TCHS-West Interim $148,500, Step Central $125,000 CFA 7/1/18- Administratively Principal Special 1-TASA Services 6/30/19 approved Assistant, Building 06/28/2018. Community Engagement Bose Tilottama Social Studies Hedgepeth/ Vice $72,940 - VPA $112,500, Step 08/02/ Administratively Teacher Williams Principal MA+60, Step 1- SVP, TASA 2018- approved 11 - TEA 06/30/ 08/02/2018. 2019

Farnath Victor Social Studies Rivera Vice $60,165- Rivera Middle $112,500, Step 08/02/ Administratively Teacher Principal BA+60, Step 8 - School 1- SVP, TASA 2018- approved TEA 06/30/ 08/02/2018. 2019

Lee Octavia School Literacy Columbus Vice $62,800- Robbins $104,750, Step 08/02/ Administratively Leader Principal MA+30, Step 9- Elementary 1- EVP, TASA 2018- approved TEA 06/30/ 08/02/2018. 2019

Ramcharan Nadia ESL Teacher Dunn Vice $68,890($67,39 Parker $104,750, Step 08/02 Administratively Principal 0-MA+60, Step Elementary 1- EVP, TASA /2018- approved 9-TEA+$1,500 06/30/ 08/02/2018. Dual 2019 certification)

Russo Olivia School Literacy King Vice $66,165-DOC, King $104,750, Step 08/02/ Administratively Leader Principal Step 6-TEA Elementary 1- EVP, TASA 2018- approved 06/30/ 08/02/2018. 2019 Jones- Bahiyaa Special Education Hedgepeth/ Special TTP No change in 09/01/2018- Administratively Sellers Teacher, LLD Williams Education salary 06/30/2019 approved Teacher, LLD 08/21/2018. Blasse Nefetari Paraprofessional TBD Special Columbus $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. 37 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Carter Carol Paraprofessional TBD Special Franklin $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Belen Dixie Paraprofessional TBD Special Grant $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. McRae Linda Paraprofessional TBD Special Grant $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. McClendon Janine Paraprofessional TBD Special Grant $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Allgood Valerie Paraprofessional TBD Special Grant $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Castaneda Yalira Paraprofessional TBD Special Grant $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Medina Leslie Paraprofessional TBD Special Grant $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Wall Mark Paraprofessional TBD Special Gregory $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. James Janet Paraprofessional TBD Special King $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Gilliard Arnold Paraprofessional TBD Special Gregory $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Schaeffer Warren Paraprofessional TBD Special Gregory $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Harmon Donella Paraprofessional TBD Paraprofessional Harrison $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Kindergarten 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Kindt Janet Paraprofessional TBD Paraprofessional Harrison $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Kindergarten 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Thompson Janaya Paraprofessional TBD Paraprofessional Hill $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Kindergarten 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Foreman Elijah Paraprofessional TBD Special Jefferson $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Tirado Orlando Paraprofessional TBD Special King $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. McKnight Jasmine Paraprofessional TBD Special King $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Clark Karen Paraprofessional TBD Paraprofessional Mott $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Kindergarten 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Rosado Olga Paraprofessional TBD Paraprofessional Robbins $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Kindergarten 06/30/2019 approved 08/21/2018. Schoen Susan Paraprofessional TBD Special Dunn $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Robinson Maria Paraprofessional TBD Special Dunn $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Harris Alfred Paraprofessional TBD Special Hedgepeth/Willia $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education ms 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Beacham Ronald Paraprofessional TBD Special Kilmer $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively 38 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Warren Nicole Paraprofessional TBD Special Rivera $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Downing Sharlene Paraprofessional TBD Special Rivera $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Bernardini Stephanie Paraprofessional TBD Special Rivera $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Downing Deborah Paraprofessional TBD Special Rivera $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Administratively Education 06/30/2019 approved Paraprofessional 08/21/2018. Moody Darrell Elementary Parker Behavioral Gregory No change in 09/01/2018- Filling a vacancy. Teacher Gr 5 Specialist salary 06/30/2019 Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Harris Andrea Instructional Central Teacher $96,315-MA+60, Early Childhood $107,692, - TEA 08/27/2018- Intervention Liaison Step 15+ dual - 06/30/2019 Teacher TEA Giuliani Andrea Elementary Harrison Teacher $62,390 - MA, Early Childhood $69,876 - TEA 08/27/2018- Teacher Gr 1 Liaison Step 9 - TEA 06/30/2019 Williamson Trina Elementary Parker ESL Teacher Hill No change in 09/01/2018- Teacher Gr 2 salary 06/30/2019 Worley Sharlene Paraprofessional TBD Special Gregory $24,000 - PARA 09/01/2018- Education 06/30/2019 Paraprofessional Gaston Steven Head Custodian Mott/Kilmer Head $59,772 – CUS 9th Grade TBD 08/28/2019- Custodian Academy 06/30/2019, Engineer, pro-rated Grade 3 Pearson Lindsay Custodian Rivera Head $75,626 - TCHS Chambers TBD 08/28/2019- Engineer, Grade Custodian 06/30/2019, 2 Engineer, pro-rated Grade 1 Jefferson Geary Cleaner Light Gregory Head $47,276 – CUS Stokes TTP TBD 08/28/2019- Custodian 06/30/2019, pro-rated

s. APPOINTMENTS - SUMMER LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION SALARY GAAP EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME Gonzalez Lorenzo Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Pack John Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Robinson Tyron Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Austin Tasha Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Lewis Tennyson Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Williams Kelli Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Snow Delores Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Haughton Justin Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Goodwyn Tunesha Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Holton Tiffany Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Hoover Theodore Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 39 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Nance Marketa Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Strickland Tammi Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Stroman Alexis Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Kichline Erin Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/10/2018. Hawk Barbara ESY Nurse Curriculum $42.00 11-000-100-110- 08/20/2018- Not to exceed $1,050 0000-00-84 08/24/2018 total. Administratively approved 07/10/2018. Blain Ritha ESY Nurse Curriculum $42.00 11-000-100-110- 07/09/2018- Not to exceed $5,250 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 total. Administratively approved 07/10/2018. Castillo Raul Social Worker Special Psychological 11-000-219-101- 07/11/2018- Not to exceed $8,546 Education $260 0001-00-84 08/24/2018 per person. Educational $260 Administratively Social History approved 07/10/2018. $260 Case Management $60 Identification $60 Eligibility/IEP Dev $60

Rudd Louise Social Worker Special Psychological 11-000-219-101- 07/11/2018- Not to exceed $8,546 Education $260 0001-00-84 08/24/2018 per person. Educational $260 Administratively Social History approved 07/10/2018. $260 Case Management $60 Identification $60 Eligibility/IEP Dev $60

Williams Rhonda ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Faniel Shakida ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Taylor Leigh ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. 40 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Grom Jonathan ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Magie Kathleen ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Hornyak Nikki ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Lewis Catherine ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Misnik Joseph ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Costa Jessica ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Brown Samuel ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. McGlynn Cheryl ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Kaplan Hollie ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 41 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Jones- Bahiyaa ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Sellers Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Pekata Laura ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Coe Michael ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Rubolino Stacey ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Gilroy Jane ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Long Shannon ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. McRae Mia ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Conyers Francine ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Vigil- Shakia ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- 42 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Kallay Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Moblilio Karyn ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Ross Bridget ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Chrusz Katherine ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher - 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; Substitute 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Santiago Marissa ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher - 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; Substitute 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Jackson Kathleen ESY SPED King $36.00 11-474-100-110- 07/05/2018- 07/05/2018- Teacher - 0000-00-84 08/17/2018 07/06/2018; Substitute 07/09/2018 not to exceed $5,256 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Cohen Nathan Summer Music Central $42.00 15-401-100-110- 08/20/2018- Not to exceed Camp/Marching Services 0009-00-04 08/31/2018 $1680.00 per person. Band 15-401-100-110- Administratively 0009-00-05 approved 07/19/2018. 15-401-100-110- 0009-00-08 15-401-100-110- 0009-00-10 15-401-100-110- 0009-00-15 15-401-100-110- 0009-00-24 Pucciatti Joseph Summer Music Central $42.00 15-401-100-110- 08/20/2018- Not to exceed Camp/Marching Services 0009-00-05 08/31/2018 $1680.00 per person. Band Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Moore Eucleus Summer Music Central $42.00 15-401-100-110- 08/20/2018- Not to exceed Camp/Marching Services 0009-00-08 08/31/2018 $1680.00 per person. Band Administratively 43 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

approved 07/19/2018. Wilkins Allen Summer Music Central $42.00 15-401-100-110- 08/20/2018- Not to exceed Camp/Marching Services 0009-00-24 08/31/2018 $1680.00 per person. Band Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Lerner David Summer Music Central $42.00 15-401-100-110- 08/20/2018- Not to exceed Camp/Marching Services 0009-00-10 08/31/2018 $1680.00 per person. Band Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Plunkett Ted Summer Music Central $42.00 15-401-100-110- 08/20/2018- Not to exceed Camp/Marching Services 0009-00-15 08/31/2018 $1680.00 per person. Band Building Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Hall Daniel Summer Music Central $42.00 15-401-100-110- 08/20/2018- Not to exceed Camp/Marching Services 0009-00-04 08/31/2018 $1680.00 per person. Band Administratively approved 07/19/2018.

Falsetti Ben Summer/Fall TCHS $36.00 15-140-100-101- 08/07/2018- Not to exceed $1800. Registration/ Chambers 0009-00-05 09/14/2018 Administratively Guidance approved 08/14/2018.

Martin Marsha Summer/Fall TCHS $36.00 15-140-100-101- 08/07/2018- Not to exceed $1800. Registration/ Chambers 0009-00-05 09/14/2018 Administratively Guidance approved 08/14/2018. Mayfield Nathan Summer/Fall TCHS $36.00 15-140-100-101- 08/07/2018- Not to exceed $1800. Registration/ Chambers 0009-00-05 09/14/2018 Administratively Guidance approved 08/14/2018. Wallace Keith Summer/Fall TCHS $36.00 15-140-100-101- 08/07/2018- Not to exceed $1800. Registration/ Chambers 0009-00-05 09/14/2018 Administratively Guidance approved 08/14/2018. Angel Doris Summer/Fall TCHS $36.00 15-140-100-101- 08/07/2018- Not to exceed $1800. McRae Registration/ Chambers 0009-00-05 09/14/2018 Administratively Guidance approved 08/14/2018. Santiago Jackeline Summer/Fall TCHS $36.00 15-140-100-101- 08/07/2018- Not to exceed $1800. Registration/ Chambers 0009-00-05 09/14/2018 Administratively Guidance approved 08/14/2018. Hawk Barbara Summer/Fall TCHS $36.00 15-140-100-101- 08/07/2018- Not to exceed $1800. Registration/ Chambers 0009-00-05 09/14/2018 Administratively Guidance approved 08/14/2018. Brady Sarah Summer Music Central Office $42.00 15-401-100-110- 08/20/2018- Not to exceed $1680 Camp/Marching 0009-00-05 08/31/2018 total program. Band Advisor Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Morin Lauren Scheduling Team Dunn $36.00 15-130-100-101- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $864 0009-00-10 08/30/2018 total program. Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Marks Howard Scheduling Team Rivera $36.00 15-130-100-101- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $864 0009-00-15 08/30/2018 total program. Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Dawkins Ieshia Scheduling Team Rivera $36.00 15-130-100-101- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $864 0009-00-15 08/30/2018 total program. Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Rosa-Leon Sonia Social Worker Central Office $60.00 per 11-400-100-110- 08/02/2018- Correction from the IEP Meeting 0000-00-84 08/13/2018 Admin Approval, 07/31/2018. Not to exceed $3,240.00 Total 44 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

program. Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Rogers Davon Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/31/2018. Francis Alvin Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/31/2018. Mack Adrienne Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/31/2018. Ashley Parham Summer Mover District Wide $15.00 11-000-262-110- 07/11/2018- Administratively 0009-52-61 08/24/2018 approved 07/31/2018. Tocci Thomas Middle School Kilmer $36.00 15-130-100-101- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed Scheduling Team 0009-00-24 08/30/2018 $1116.00 per person. Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Weiss Stacey Middle School Kilmer $36.00 15-130-100-101- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed Scheduling Team 0009-00-24 08/30/2018 $1116.00 per person. Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Conrad Tara Middle School Kilmer $36.00 15-130-100-101- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed Scheduling Team 0009-00-24 08/30/2018 $1116.00 per person. Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Meluso Roberto Middle School Kilmer $36.00 15-130-100-101- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed Scheduling Team 0009-00-24 08/30/2018 $1116.00 per person. Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Allen Shari Hedgepeth/ Hedgepeth/ $36.00 15-130-100-101- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed Williams Middle Williams 0009-00-08 08/30/2018 $864.00. School Scheduling Administratively Team approved 07/31/2018. Martinez Wanda Hedgepeth/ Hedgepeth/ $36.00 15-130-100-101- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed Williams Middle Williams 0009-00-08 08/30/2018 $864.00. School Scheduling Administratively Team approved 07/31/2018. Hoover Theodore Hedgepeth/ Hedgepeth/ $36.00 15-130-100-101- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed Williams Middle Williams 0009-00-08 08/30/2018 $864.00. School Scheduling Administratively Team (Alternate) approved 07/31/2018. Rosa-Leon Sonia Identification Special Psychological 11-4xx-100-110- 07/24/2018- Not to exceed $714. Eligibility Education $260 0000-00-84 08/15/2018 Administratively Education Meetings $260 approved 07/31/2018. Social History $260 Case Management $60 Identification $60 Eligibility/IEP Dev $60

t. TRANSFER/REASSIGNMENT - RESCIND LAST FIRST FROM FROM TO POSITION TO LOCATION EFFECTIVE NOTES NAME NAME POSITION LOCATION Donnelly Mike Director of Stokes Director of Central Office 08/07/2018- Rescission of action Transitional Specialized 06/30/2019 administratively Therapeutic Services approved Program 08/07/2018.

Administratively 45 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

approved 08/09/2018. Koonce Charles Director of Central Office Director Stokes 08/07/2018- Rescission of action Specialized Transitional 06/30/2019 administratively Services Therapeutic approved Program 08/07/2018.

Administratively approved 08/07/2018.

u. BEFORE/AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS LAST FIRST POSITIONS LOCATION SALARY GAAP EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME Riley- Phyllis Camera Operator TCHS-Chambers $36.00 11-402-100- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $3,600 per Coleman 101-0009-00-55 06/15/2019 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Francis Alvin Camera Operator TCHS-Chambers $36.00 11-402-100- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $3,600 per 101-0009-00-55 06/15/2019 person. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Cabell Tamika Ticket Taker TCHS-Chambers $50.00 per game 11-402-100- 08/24/2018- Not to exceed $2,000 101-0009-00-55 06/30/2019 total. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Carmichael Nicole Ticket Taker TCHS-Chambers $50.00 per game 11-402-100- 08/24/2018- Not to exceed $2,000 101-0009-00-55 06/30/2019 total. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Nance Marketa Ticket Taker TCHS-Chambers $50.00 per game 11-402-100- 08/24/2018- Not to exceed $2,000 101-0009-00-55 06/30/2019 total. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Davis Tracy Ticket Taker TCHS-Chambers $50.00 per game 11-402-100- 08/24/2018- Not to exceed $2,000 101-0009-00-55 06/30/2019 total. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Mosley Nicole Ticket Taker TCHS-Chambers $50.00 per game 11-402-100- 08/24/2018- Not to exceed $2,000 101-0009-00-55 06/30/2019 total. Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Oliver Dana Ticket Taker TCHS-Chambers $50.00 per game 11-402-100- 08/24/2018- Not to exceed $3,600 101-0009-00-55 06/30/2019 total. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Stroman Alexis Ticket Taker TCHS-Chambers $50.00 per game 11-402-100- 08/24/2018- Not to exceed $3,600 101-0009-00-55 06/30/2018 total. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Pyper William Curriculum Central Services $36.00 11-000-221- 02/27/2018- Omitted from 02/26/2018 Writers 110-0009-00-81 06/30/2018 Agenda. Not to exceed (Secondary Social $4,680 total. Studies) Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Conrad Tara Carnegie Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 per 110-0009-00-81 08/16/2018 teacher. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Feehan Brian Carnegie Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 per 110-0009-00-81 08/16/2018 teacher. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Lin Weily Carnegie Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 per 110-0009-00-81 08/16/2018 teacher. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. McGrath Elise Carnegie Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 per 110-0009-00-81 08/16/2018 teacher. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Oyefeso Caroline Carnegie Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 per 110-0009-00-81 08/16/2018 teacher. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Jones Iymaani Carnegie Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 per 110-0009-00-81 08/16/2018 teacher. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. 46 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Costabel Rudolph Agile Mind Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $468 110-0009-00-81 08/16/2018 teacher. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Jean-Mary Nancy Agile Mind Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $468 110-0009-00-81 08/16/2018 teacher. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Kardhashi Renard Agile Mind Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $468 110-0009-00-81 08/16/2018 teacher. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Mea Kouaso Agile Mind Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $468 110-0009-00-81 08/16/2018 teacher. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Oliver Dana Agile Mind Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $468 110-0009-00-81 08/16/2018 teacher. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Winthrop Janet Agile Mind Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $468 110-0009-00-81 08/16/2018 teacher. Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Mosley Nicole Ticket Seller TCHS-Chambers $50.00 per game 11-402-100- 08/24/2018- Position corrected from 101-0009-00-55 06/30/2019 07/19/2018. Not to exceed $2,000 total. Administratively 07/26/2018. Stroman Alexis Ticket Seller TCHS-Chambers $50.00 per game 11-402-100- 08/24/2018- Position corrected from 101-0009-00-55 06/30/2018 07/19/2018. Not to exceed $3,600 total. Administratively approved 07/31/2018. Howlen Dawn AM/PM Hedgepeth/ $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $10,000 Supervisor Williams 110-0009-00-08 06/30/19 total program.

Anthony- Dolores AM/PM Hedgepeth/ $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $10,000 Musa Supervisor Williams 110-0009-00-08 06/30/19 total program.

Moaning Rena AM/PM Hedgepeth/ $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $10,000 Supervisor Williams 110-0009-00-08 06/30/19 total program.

Paketa Laura AM/PM Hedgepeth/ $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $10,000 Supervisor Williams 110-0009-00-08 06/30/19 total program.

Jones- Bahiyaa AM/PM Hedgepeth/ $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $10,000 Sellers Supervisor Williams 110-0009-00-08 06/30/19 total program. (Substitute)

Attavane Prahba AM/PM Hedgepeth/ $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $10,000 Supervisor Williams 110-0009-00-08 06/30/19 total program. (Substitute)

Stallone Steve AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program.

Williams Rhonda AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program.

Majeed Rehan AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program.

Plunkett Carolyn AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program. (Substitute)

Curtis Tara AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program. (Substitute)

47 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Friday Rosalind AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program. (Substitute)

Steele Jocelyn AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program. (Substitute)

Brozena Lorraine AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program. (Substitute)

Mack Adrian AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program. (Substitute)

Ramos Ruth AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program. (Substitute)

Leno Karen AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program. (Substitute)

Miller Josephine AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program. (Substitute)

Omillan Travis AM/PM Hill $42.00 15-421-200- 09/01/18- Not to exceed $11,340 Supervisor 110-0009-00-32 06/30/19 total program. (Substitute)

McIntye Terri AM/PM Monitor Hill $29.00 15-421-200- 09/06/18- Not to exceed $5,220 110-0009-00-32 06/30/18 total program.

Neal Marlene AM/PM Monitor Hill $29.00 15-421-200- 09/06/18- Not to exceed $5,220 110-0009-00-32 06/30/18 total program.

Clark Christine SLT Member Franklin $36.00 15-120-100- 08/28/2018- Not to exceed $360 each 101-0009-00-19 06/30/2019 person.

Gillins Tara SLT Member Franklin $36.00 15-120-100- 08/28/2018- Not to exceed $360 each 101-0009-00-19 06/30/2019 person.

Angeline Courtney SLT Member Franklin $36.00 15-120-100- 08/28/2018- Not to exceed $360 each 101-0009-00-19 06/30/2019 person.

Leak Yakima SLT Member Franklin $36.00 15-120-100- 08/28/2018- Not to exceed $360 each 101-0009-00-19 06/30/2019 person.

Virgil- Shakia SLT Member Franklin $36.00 15-120-100- 08/28/2018- Not to exceed $360 each Kallay 101-0009-00-19 06/30/2019 person.

Fitzpatrick Jessica SLT Member Franklin $36.00 15-120-100- 08/28/2018- Not to exceed $360 each 101-0009-00-19 06/30/2019 person.

Kobner Eileen SLT Member Franklin $36.00 15-120-100- 08/28/2018- Not to exceed $360 each 101-0009-00-19 06/30/2019 person.

Mitchell Bernice SLT Member Franklin $22.00 15-120-100- 08/28/2018- Not to exceed $360 each 101-0009-00-19 06/30/2019 person.

Flowers Kathryn AM/PM Parker $42.00 15-421-200- 09/06/2018- Not to exceed $15,000

48 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Supervisor 110-0009-00-27 06/30/2019 total program.

Darling Beth AM/PM Parker $42.00 15-421-200- 09/06/2018- Not to exceed $15,000 Supervisor 110-0009-00-27 06/30/2019 total program.

Graves Sharon AM/PM Parker $42.00 15-421-200- 09/06/2018- Not to exceed $15,000 Supervisor 110-0009-00-27 06/30/2019 total program.

Gresko Nicole AM/PM Parker $42.00 15-421-200- 09/06/2018- Not to exceed $15,000 Supervisor 110-0009-00-27 06/30/2019 total program. (Substitute)

Nassif Eman AM/PM Parker $42.00 15-421-200- 09/06/2018- Not to exceed $15,000 Supervisor 110-0009-00-27 06/30/2019 total program. (Substitute)

Stremlos Elena AM/PM Jefferson $42.00 15-421-200- 09/06/2018- Not to exceed $3,780 Supervisor 110-0009-14 06/19/2019 total program.

Tomlin Mary AM/PM Jefferson $42.00 15-421-200- 09/06/2018- Not to exceed $3,780 Supervisor 110-0009-14 06/19/2019 total program.

Katz- Lisa AM/PM Jefferson $42.00 15-421-200- 09/06/2018- Not to exceed $3,780 Ballman Supervisor 110-0009-14 06/19/2018 total program.

Williams Shirley AM/PM Jefferson $42.00 15-421-200- 09/06/2018- Not to exceed $3,780 Supervisor 110-0009-14 06/19/2018 total program,

v. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Costabel Rudolph Agile Mind Math PD Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 total. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 07/07/2018. Jean-Mary Nancy Agile Mind Math PD Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 total. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 07/07/2018. Kardhashi Rendard Agile Mind Math PD Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 total. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 07/07/2018. Mea Kouao Agile Mind Math PD Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 total. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 07/07/2018. Oliver Dana Agile Mind Math PD Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 total. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 07/07/2018. Winthrop Janet Agile Mind Math PD Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 total. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 07/07/2018. Conrad Tara Carnegie Math PD Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 total. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 07/07/2018. Feehan Brian Carnegie Math PD Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 total. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 07/07/2018. Lin Weily Carnegie Math PD Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 total. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 07/07/2018. McGrath Elise Carnegie Math PD Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 total. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 07/07/2018. Oyefeso Caroline Carnegie Math PD Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 total. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 07/07/2018. Jones Iymaani Carnegie Math PD Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $540 total. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 49 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

07/07/2018. Platt- Alvina Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Gregory Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Agrawal Natasha Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Harris Chaneika Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Ventura Marlena Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Lee Octavia Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. McElwaine- Susan Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Mueller Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Jimenez Sandra Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Fannin Vondalyn Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Fitzpatrick Jessica Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Sampson- Christine Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Clark Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Sadowy Mandy Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Lee Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Spencer Glynis Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Jacquay Kimberly Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Vogel Lynn Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Carter Shavonne Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Giuliani Andrea Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. McCarthy Catherine Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. 50 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Peroni Laura Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Bailey Renee Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Martinez Ana Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Maurais Ronald Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Lozada Ana Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Gammone Stephanie Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Hammons Katherine Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Moody Darrell Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Reyes Carmen Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per A. Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Grom Jonathan Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Paulik Jennifer Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers (Substitute) Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Plunkett Carolyn Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Boccellari Erica Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Friday Rosalind Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Washington Myra Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. LaFleur Ayanna Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Rodriguez Maria Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per 51 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Brown Elizabeth Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Mitnaul Len Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Bramlett Leslie Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Tucker Joan Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers (Substitute) Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Wolden Kathy Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Aubry Curtis Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Durling Lidia Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Labato Andrea Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Goff Pamela Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Howlen Dawn Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Royster Leyone Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Lakins Dana Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Horton- Darlene Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Harris Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Weiss Stacey Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Franz Bettina Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Guindon John Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. 52 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Sharkey Patrick Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Munro Scott Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Lombardo Donna Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Martin Marsha Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Sanasac Ronald Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Kellogg Joseph Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Hawk Barbara Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Pressley- Kennisha Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Smith Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Carpenter Joseph Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Oliver Dana Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Duncan Talithea Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Godwin- Dorothy Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Davis Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Delaney Jamie Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Bhattacharya Rupa Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. McMillon- Marella Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Holmes Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Hunter Terry Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. Gilliard Colleen Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 53 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

08/07/2018. Bennett Pamela Danielson Turn-Key Central $36.00 20-27-200-101- 08/21/2018 Not to exceed $193.77 per Trainers Services 0009-19-82 teacher. Date correction. Administratively approved 08/07/2018. McGlothen Magnolia High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Mulchahey Kathy High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Verdini Mia High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Lopez Jessica High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Scozzari Paul High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Williams Megan High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Pacuta Christine High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Davis Rotanda High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Coleman Annie High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Savage Nicole High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Young Phil High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. McGrath Sean High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Albiez John High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Scott- Amy High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Randolph Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Hoban Susan High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Stankay Roger High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. DiMaggio Danielle High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Nayyar Noor High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Nelson Lakisha High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Jeter Dana High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. McManus Bridget High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively 54 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Livesay Mary High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Schwartz Rebecca High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Russell Mary High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Hopkins Mark High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Devine Janet High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Campbell Colin High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Sheridan Brieanna High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Johnson Yvonne High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Harrison Monifa High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Jones Laurel High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Araromi Yetunde High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Ciresa Lindsey High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Carpenter Joseph High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Lieberman Robert High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Francisco Joseph High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Myles Nancy High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Aungpe Sharon High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Hemans Lorraine High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Baird Marva High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Delaney Jamie High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Howlen Dawn High School & Central $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/15/2018- Not to exceed $360.00 per Special Education Services 0009-00-81 08/22/2018 person. Administratively English Teachers approved 07/31/2018. Simmons Matt Mentor Teacher District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $6,976.00 total Workshop Wide 00009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Mulcahey Michael Mentor Teacher District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $6,976.00 total 55 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Workshop Wide 00009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Williams Rhonda Mentor Teacher District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $6,976.00 total Workshop Wide 00009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Jones Laurel Mentor Teacher District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $6,976.00 total Workshop Wide 00009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. LaFleur Ayanna Mentor Teacher District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $6,976.00 total Workshop Wide 00009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Spruill Althea Mentor Teacher District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $6,976.00 total Workshop Wide 00009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Bennett- Christal Mentor Teacher District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $6,976.00 total Hood Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Short Amanda Mentor Teacher District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $6,976.00 total Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Ons Alysia Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Williams Brandie Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Wheeler Davon Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Sanchez Daisy Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Harrell Carrie Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Blasso Stephanie Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Kobner Eileen Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Morales Jessica Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Carlin Marion Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Smith Ivy Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Francisco Joseph Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Abercrombie Karin Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Barranger Jessica Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Costa Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Henderson Angela Novice/Provisional District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $10,852 total Teacher Workshop Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Zoragastua Katia PD Inventionist District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $5,426.00 total Support/Novice & Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Mentor Teacher Workshop Abreu Martiza PD Inventionist District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $5,426.00 total Support/Novice & Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Mentor Teacher Workshop Carmichael Nicole PD Inventionist District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $5,426.00 total Support/Novice & Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Mentor Teacher Workshop Graf Kathryn PD Inventionist District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $5,426.00 total Support/Novice & Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Mentor Teacher Workshop Harris Andrea PD Inventionist District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $5,426.00 total Support/Novice & Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Mentor Teacher Workshop Barbato Nicholas PD Inventionist District $36.00 11-000-223-101- 09/17/2018- Not to exceed $5,426.00 total Support/Novice & Wide 0009-00-52 06/29/2019 program. Mentor Teacher Workshop Ball Toni Agile Mind Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $468 per teacher. 56 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 08/21/2018. Brown Deirdre Agile Mind Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $234 per teacher. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 08/14/2018. Ogbeni Reward Agile Mind Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $234 per teacher. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 08/14/2018. Tejedor Jose Agile Mind Math Curriculum $36.00 11-000-221-110- 08/14/2018- Not to exceed $234 per teacher. 0009-00-81 08/16/2018 Administratively approved 08/14/2018.

w. COACHING APPOINTMENTS LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION SALARY GAAP EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME Gonzalez Yazminelly Assistant Cheer TCHS-Chambers $5,480 11-402-100- 08/15/2018- Administratively Coach Campus 101-0009-00-55 03/15/2019 approved 07/10/2018 Trent Rhamon Assistant Football TCHS-Chambers $6,524 11-402-100- 08/01/2018- Administratively Coach Campus 101-0009-00-55 11/30/2018 approved 07/10/2018 McQuarrie Michael Freshman Football TCHS-Chambers $4,828 11-402-100- 08/01/201/- Administratively Coach Campus 101-0009-00-55 11/30/2018 approved 07/10/2018 Greaves Paul Junior Varsity Boys TCHS-Chambers $5,871 11-402-100- 08/10/2018- Administratively Soccer Coach Campus 101-0009-00-55 11/01/2018 approved 07/19/2018. Sabol Jason Middle School Head Rivera $2,518 11-402-100- 09/05/2018- Administratively Girls Soccer Coach 101-0010-00-55 11/01/2018 approved 07/19/2018. Kichline Erin Head Middle School Kilmer $2,518 11-402-100- 09/05/2018- Administratively Girls Soccer Coach 101-0010-00-55 11/04/2018 approved 07/19/2018. Moseley Byron Head Middle School Hedgepeth/Williams $2,518 11-402-100- 09/05/2018- Administratively Boys Soccer Coach 101-0010-00-55 11/01/2018 approved 07/19/2018. Lester Spencer Assistant Football TCHS-Chamber $6,524 11-402-100- 08/01/2018- Administratively Coach Campus 101-0010-00-55 11/30/2018 approved 07/19/2018. Sacco Adam Assistant Football TCHS-Chamber $6,524 11-402-100- 08/01/2018- Administratively Campus 101-0010-00-55 11/30/2018 approved 07/19/2018. Kantner Russell Middle Schools Boys Rivera $2,518 11-402-100- 09/03/2018- Soccer Coach 101-0010-00-55 11/10/2018 Moultrie Treasure JV Girls Basketball TCHS-Chambers $5,871 11-402-100- 11/19/2018- Coach 101-0009-00-55 03/11/2018 Marrero Andres Assistant Girls TCHS-Chambers $6,524 11-402-100- 11/19/2018- Basketball Coach 101-0009-00-55 03/11/2019 Sergeant Shawn Head Boys Indoor TCHS-Chambers $6,133 11-402-100- 11/20/2018- Track Coach 101-0009-00-55 02/20/2019 Francis Shante Head Girls Indoor TCHS-Chambers $6,133 11-402-100- 11/20/2018- Track Coach 101-0009-00-55 02/20/2019 Butka Ronald Assistant Boys TCHS-Chambers $5,088 11-402-100- 11/20/2018- Indoor Track Coach 101-0009-00-55 02/20/2019 Kellogg Joseph Assistant Girls TCHS-Chambers $5,088 11-402-100- 11/20/2018- Indoor Track Coach 101-0009-00-55 02/20/2019 Prunetti Robert Head Wrestling TCHS-Chambers $7,828 11-402-100- 11/20/2018- Coach 101-0009-00-55 02/20/2019 Purvis Michelle Head Swim Coach TCHS-Chambers $7,828 11-402-100- 11/05/2018- 101-0009-00-55 02/15/2019 Cunningham Cathleen Assistant Swim TCHS-Chambers $6,524 11-402-100- 11/05/2018- 101-0009-00-55 02/15/2019 Young Daryl Head Boys TCHS-Chambers $8,481 11-402-100- 11/19/2018- Basketball Coach 101-0009-00-55 03/11/2019 Neal Marlene Head Girls TCHS-Chambers $8,481 11-402-100- 11/19/2018- Basketball Coach 101-0009-00-55 03/11/2019 Manful Nana Freshman Boys TCHS-Chambers $4,828 11-402-100- 11/19/2018- Basketball Coach 101-0009-00-55 03/03/2019 Jeter Dana Freshman Girls TCHS-Chambers $4,828 11-402-100- 11/19/2018- ` 57 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Basketball Coach 101-0009-00-55 03/03/2019 Kelly Walter Assistant Boys TCHS-Chambers $6,524 11-402-100- 11/19/2018- Basketball Coach 101-0009-00-55 03/11/2019

x. JOB DESCRIPTIONS TITLE NOTE Program Manager for Buildings and Grounds Administratively 06/28/2018. Supervisor of Guidance and Assessment Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Supervisor of Student Enrollment, Reporting, and Scheduling Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Custodial Engineer I Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Custodial Engineer II Administratively approved 07/19/2018. Custodial Engineer III Administratively approved 07/19/2018.


Murray Abigail SAC Internship Rider University 09/05/2018- 12/13/2018, 01/28/2019- 05/09/2019

Angeles Rafael Social Studies Teaching TBD Rider University 01/28/2019- 05/09/2019

Maul Matthew Social Studies Teaching Dunn Rider University 01/28/2019- 05/09/2019

Brown Austin English/ESL Teaching Dunn Princeton University 01/28/2019- 05/09/20/2019

Martiz Anna Social Studies Teaching TCHS-Chambers Princeton University 09/04/2018- 12/14/2018

Steele Elisa Social Studies Teaching TCHS-Chambers Princeton University 09/04/2018- 12/14/2018

Tung Natalie English Teaching TCHS-Chambers Princeton University 09/04/2018- 12/14/2018

Alvarez Sophia Social Studies Teaching TCHS-Chambers Princeton University 09/04/2018- 12/14/2018

Trivino Monica Psychology Grant/Kilmer CST. Capella University 09/13/2018- 12/20/2018, 01/04/2019- 05/30/2019


a. Appropriation Transfers – May 2018

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A requires that the Board of Education approve appropriation transfers; and;

58 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

WHEREAS, the Superintendent has authorized the budget adjusted to reflect the appropriation transfers;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, does ratify the transfers approved by the Superintendent of Schools. (Attachment 3-A) b. A-148 Secretary’s Report – May 2018

WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A-17-9, the Secretary of the Board of Education shall report to the Board at each regular meeting but no more than once each month, the amount of total appropriations and the cash receipts of each account, and the amount for which warrants have been drawn against each account and the amount of orders and contractual obligations been drawn against each account and the amount of orders and contractual obligations incurred and chargeable against each account since the date of the last report; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner has prescribed that such reporting take place on Form A-148;

WHEREAS, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11©3, the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the report(s) no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education accepts the above referenced reports and certifications and orders that they be attached to and made part of the record of this meeting;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with N.J.A.C 6A:23-2.11©4, the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary’s monthly financial reports for May 2018, and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. (Attachment 3-B) c. A-149 Treasurer’s Report – May 2018

WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A-17-31 et seq. boards of education are required to have the appointed position of Treasurer of School Monies; and

WHEREAS, the Treasurer shall serve in trust to receive and hold all school monies belonging to the district; and

WHEREAS, the Treasurer shall report to the Board of Education on a monthly basis on the Form A- 149, which is prescribed by the Commissioner of Education;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, for the period ending May 31, 2018, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, adopt the A- 149 and cause it to become a part of the official minutes of this meeting. (Attachment 3-C) d. Appropriation Transfers – June 2018

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A requires that the Board of Education approve appropriation transfers; and;

WHEREAS, the Superintendent has authorized the budget adjusted to reflect the appropriation transfers;

59 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, does ratify the transfers approved by the Superintendent of Schools. (Attachment 3-D)

e. A-148 Secretary’s Report – June 2018

WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A-17-9, the Secretary of the Board of Education shall report to the Board at each regular meeting but no more than once each month, the amount of total appropriations and the cash receipts of each account, and the amount for which warrants have been drawn against each account and the amount of orders and contractual obligations been drawn against each account and the amount of orders and contractual obligations incurred and chargeable against each account since the date of the last report; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner has prescribed that such reporting take place on Form A-148;

WHEREAS, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11©3, the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the report(s) no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education accepts the above referenced reports and certifications and orders that they be attached to and made part of the record of this meeting;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with N.J.A.C 6A:23-2.11©4, the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary’s monthly financial reports for June 2018, and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. (Attachment 3-E)

f. A-149 Treasurer’s Report – June 2018

WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A-17-31 et seq. boards of education are required to have the appointed position of Treasurer of School Monies; and

WHEREAS, the Treasurer shall serve in trust to receive and hold all school monies belonging to the district; and

WHEREAS, the Treasurer shall report to the Board of Education on a monthly basis on the Form A- 149, which is prescribed by the Commissioner of Education;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, for the period ending June 30, 2018, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, adopt the A- 149 and cause it to become a part of the official minutes of this meeting. (Attachment 3-F)

g. Staff Travel

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, ratified staff attendance/participation in the following professional conferences, workshops, seminars or trainings with the requirements, that staff turn-key as required by administration those issues addressed at the approved professional development events which have relevance to improving instruction and/or operation of the school district. * - indicates prior administrative approval

School/ GAAP Agenda Applicant Position Purpose Location Date Funds Cost Dept. Code Aug * Dr. Fred Superintendent CSB AASA National Alexandria 7/11-14/18 Board $1009 11-000- McDowell Jr Superintendent VA travel 230-500- 60 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Certification expenses 0000-00- Program 51 Aug Alakee Bethea Teacher Jefferson 26th Annual Jersey City, 7/9/2018- Board $395.00 15-000- MicroSociety NJ 7/11/2018 240-580- Conference 0000-00- 14 Aug Mary Courtney V. Principal TCHS- NCAC Leadership Clearwater, 7/25/2018- Board $1,195.00 GAAP Chambers Collaborative FL 7/27/2018 TBD Aug Olivia Jackson Manager CSB Basic Restorative Bethlehem, 7/21/2018 – Board $700.00 11-000- Practices at IIRP PA 7/22/2018 211-580- Bethlehem Campus 7/28/2018- 0000-00- 7/29/2018 57 Aug Leslie Septor Supervisor CSB FEA’s Summer Princeton, NJ 7/16/2018- 0 (Corrected) Institute, 7/18/2018 Educational Leaders as Scholars: Using Arts Integration to Enhance NJ’s Student Learning Standards Aug Zebbie Belton Principal Robbins FEA’s Summer Princeton, NJ 7/16/2018- 0 Institute, 7/18/2018 Educational Leaders as Scholars: Using Arts Integration to Enhance NJ’s Student Learning Standards Aug Melissa Feeney Teacher TCHS- AP Summer Institute Blackwood, 7/30/2018- Board $900.00 GAAP Chambers at Camden County NJ 8/2/2018 TBD College Aug Olivia Jackson Manager CSB NJPSA FEA: Anti- Monroe Twp., 8/27/2018 Board $450.00 11-000- Bullying Specialist NJ (webinar) 211-580- Certificate Program 9/25/2018, 0000-00- 9/26/2018, 57 10/9/2018 Aug Zebbie Belton Vice Principal ES & CSB Great Minds New York, 7/30/2018 – Board $1020.00 20-275- Channing Principal Professional NY 8/1/2018 200-580- Conway Development 0000-19- Jeanette Harris Principal Institute Lead 82 Terry Lane Principal Eureka Kim Page Principal (Administrators) Madeline Roman Principal Crown Plaza Times Michael Principal Square Manhattan Rosenberg Najla Solomon Principal Talaya Principal Stoddard-Wilson Wadner Gedeon Principal Lorcha Lewis Principal Alicia Costanza Principal Keisha Gaymon Vice Principal Bocary Bandeh Vice Principal Mark Hoppe Principal Michael Tofte CAO STEM Supervisor John Dunston CAO STEM Supervisor Sandra Iturbides CAO Secondary World Language ESL Supervisor Janet Nicodemus CAO K-5 World Language ESL Supervisor Aug Olivia Martinez Manager CSB School Safety Morristown, 8/6 thru $0 Specialist Training NJ 8/9/2018 Admin. 61 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Approved Aug Olivia Martinez Manager CSB IIRP Basic Bethlehem, 11/13 thru $0 Restorative Practices PA 11/16/2018 Aug James Jones Teacher/Coach Robbins Mercer Co. CVC W. Windsor, 9/24 thru $0 Tennis Tournament NJ 25/2018 Aug Gail Fountaine Teacher Dunn Art Educators of NJ Long Branch, 10/1 thru $0 Conference NJ 2/2018 Aug Janet McIntyre P & A CSB Central Jersey Power Rahway, NJ 9/26, 10/31, $0 School Users Group 11/21, 12/19/2018, 1/16, 2/13, 3/20, 4/20, 5/15, 6/12/2019

h. Facilities Report – August 2018

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves School and Community Organizations to use Trenton Board of Education Facilities.


DEPT. OF Outside USAGE Usage








Mercer Street Friends 07/09/18 - Mon. - Fri. Rivera MS 8:00 AM - A16-9799 TBOE/ X - Summer Program 08/17/18 3:00 PM OUTSIDE Superintendent of 06/27/18 Wednesday Administration 12:00 PM - A16-9502 TBOE X Schools - Strategic 4:00 PM Do-ing Steering Committee Meeting Special Services - 06/25/18 Monday Administration 1:00 PM - 9973 TBOE X District Wide Council 2:00 PM Meeting Rivera MS/Trenton 07/16/18 - Mon. - Fri. Administration 9:00 AM - A16-9794 TBOE/ X Youth Wrestling - 07/20/18 4:00 PM OUTSIDE Wrestling Camp Gregory ES - 06/28/18 Thursday Gregory ES 10:00 AM - A16-11392 TBOE X Stakeholder Meeting 2:00 PM Superintendent of 07/10/18 - Tues. & Administration 8:30 AM - A16-9511 TBOE X Schools - All Kids 07/11/18 Wed. 4:30 PM Thrive Interviews Talent Acquisition and 07/24/18 Tuesday Administration 8:00 AM - 2331 TBOE X Development - New 4:00 PM Hire Processing Education Outweighs 07/28/18 Saturday TCHS - Main 10:00 AM - A16-8616 TBOE X Them All - Youth 1:00 PM Football Clinic Special Services - New 07/23/18 Monday Administration 1:00 AM - A16-11618 TBOE X Jersey Tiered System 3:00 PM of Supports Meeting Special Services - Back 08/24/18 Friday Administration 9:00 AM - 9972 TBOE X to School Medical 3:00 PM Screenings/Awareness TCHS Main - Summer 07/02/18 - Mon. - Fri. TCHS - 135 E. 8:00 AM - A16-11349 TBOE X School/Summer 08/10/18 Hanover St. 2:00 PM Bridge Program Curriculum - 08/20/18 - Mon. - Fri. TCHS - 171 9:00 AM - 10560 TBOE X Marching Band 08/31/18 Division St. 3:00 PM Practice/Music Camp Curriculum - Math 08/14/18 - Tues. - Administration 9:00 AM - A16-11399 TBOE X Professional 08/16/18 Thurs. 3:00 PM Development Curriculum - Athletic 07/01/18 - Mon. - Sat. TCHS - Main 8:00 AM - 8174 TBOE X Practices, Scrimmages, 6/30/19 8:00 PM Games, Track Meets, 62 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

and Tennis Matches for all Athletic Teams Curriculum - Soccer, 07/01/18 - Mon. - Sat. TCHS - 1001 8:00 AM- 8171 TBOE X Track, Wrestling, 06/30/19 W. State St. 8:00 PM Basketball, and Softball Games and Practice Curriculum - 10/15/18 - Mon. - Sat. 9th Grade 2:00 PM- 10548 TBOE X Freshman Basketball 06/30/19 Academy 8:00 PM Games and Practice (Weekdays) 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM (Saturdays) Curriculum - 07/01/18 - Mon. - Sat. TCHS - 520 2:00 PM- 8175 TBOE X Basketball, Soccer, and 06/30/19 Chestnut Ave. 8:00 PM Baseball Practice (Weekdays) 8:00 AM- 2:00 PM (Saturdays) Curriculum - 07/01/18 - Mon. - Sat. Rivera MS 3:00 PM- 8172 TBOE X Middle/High School 06/30/19 9:00 PM Games and Practive (Weekdays) 8:00 AM- 2:00 PM (Saturdays) Curriculum - 09/01/18 - Mon. - Sat. Kilmer MS 3:00 PM- 8177 TBOE X Middle/High School 06/30/19 8:00 PM Basketball Games and (Weekdays) Practice/Cheerleading 8:00 AM- Practice 12:00 PM (Saturdays) Curriculum - 09/01/18 - Mon. - Sat. Hedgepeth- 3:00 PM - 8178 TBOE X Middle/High School 06/03/19 Williams MS 8:00 PM Basketball Games and (Weekdays) Practice 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Saturdays) Curriculum - 12/01/18 - Mon. - Sat. Hill ES 3:00 PM- 8176 TBOE X Freshman Girls and 02/28/19 6:00 PM Boys Basketball (Weekdays) Games 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM (Saturdays) Talent Acquisition and 08/03/18 Friday Administration 8:00 AM - 2332 TBOE X Development - New 4:00 PM Hire Processing Superintendent of 07/26/18 Thursday Administration 5:00 PM - A16-11619 TBOE X Schools - Parent 7:00 PM Meeting Early Childhood - Pre- 03/06/19 - Wed. - Fri. Administration 8:00 AM - A16-8738 TBOE X K Fair 03/08/19 4:00 PM Early Childhood - 10/23/18, Mon. & Administration 8:00 PM - A16-8736 TBOE X Comprehensive 11/20/18, Tues. 12:00 PM Trainings for 12/18/18, Preschool Program 01/22/18, 02/19/18, 03/18/18, 04/16/18, 05/21/18 and 06/04/18 New Jersey 08/07/18 Tuesday Administration 9:00 AM - A16-11344 OUTSIDE X Department of 12:00 PM Education - Division Meeting Curriculum - Eureka 08/22/18 - Wed. - Administration 8:00 AM - A16-11629 TBOE X Math Professional 08/23/18 Thurs. 4:00 PM Development Curriculum - Eureka 09/05/18 Wednesday Parker ES 8:30 AM - A16-11631 TBOE X 63 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Math Professional 4:00 PM Development Curriculum - 08/15/18 & Wednesday Kilmer MS 9:00 AM - A16-9734 TBOE X Language Arts 08/22/18 3:00 PM Professional Development Curriculum - Carnegie 10/08/18 Monday Rivera MS 8:15 AM - A16-11337 TBOE X Math Professional 2:35 PM Development Superintendent of 08/15/18 Wednesday Administration 5:30 PM - A16-11658 TBOE X Schools - Community 7:00 PM Information Forum Curriculum - Eureka 08/14/8 - Tues. & Columbus 8:00 AM - 9251 TBOE X Math Professional 08/15/18 Wed. 4:00 PM Development Curriculum - Eureka 08/14/18 - Tues. - Parker ES 8:00 AM - 5468 TBOE X Math Professional 08/16/18 Thurs. 4:00 PM Development Curriculum - Eureka 08/14/18 - Tues. - Gregory ES 8:30 PM - 1382 TBOE X Math Professional 08/16/18 Thurs. 3:30 PM Development Special Services - 08/29/18, Various Administration 9:00 AM - A16-11620 TBOE X Monthly Child Study 09/26/18, 12:00 PM Team Members' 10/24/18, Meeting 11/28/18, 12/19/18, 01/23/19, 02/20/19, 03/27/19, 04/17/19, 05/22/19, 06/12/19

i. List of Bills

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:19.1 and N.J.S.A.18:6-31 provides for the Board of Education to authorize the payment of bills; and WHEREAS, the Business Administrator/Board Secretary has reviewed the documentation supporting the attached lists of bills; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, authorize and approve the payment of bills on the attached lists for the Monday, August 27, 2018 Board meeting in the amount of $40,992,562.65. (Attachment 3-I – Bill Lists of 6/15/18, 6/29/18, 7/13/18, 7/30/18 and 8/15/18)

j. Out of District Placements – August 2018

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Out of District Placements for August 2018 (Attachment 3-J)

k. Acceptance of Donations

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, accepts funding from the following generous donors: * - indicates prior administrative approval

DONOR AMOUNT RECIPIENT PLANNED USE FOR FUNDS Princeton Area $200.00 TCHS Main To benefit the JROTC program Community Foundation NJ State Assoc. $100.00 TCHS Main To benefit the JROTC program 64 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

IBPOE of W Ecuadorian Civic $500.00 (Admin Music Department To benefit the TPS 6-12 Marching Band’s Association of approval on participation in the Ecuadorian Parade & Festival Mercer * 7/26/18) of Mercer County on August 26, 2018. NOTE: Date has since been changed to 9/9/18. Trenton Literacy $106,272.00 Chief Academic Office To establish after school Reading Intervention Foundation programs using Lexia Reading Core 5 for all District 2nd Grade Students Robert Wood Equipment Chief Academic Office To be used as needed in the fitness center in Johnson Fitness & including 12-piece secondary schools as the curriculum indicates for Wellness Center circuit Kaiser instruction Equipment Trenton Health Printed materials – Office of School Health To be distributed to students and families – Team Wellness Friendly health fundraising ideas, promotion of breakfast Guide program and the benefits of an active life

l. Approval to Pay Insurance Premium to Atlantic Associates

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the payment of an insurance premium in the amount of $1,758.75 to Atlantic Associates for pollution liability/tank coverage through Nautilus Insurance Company for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 11-000-262-520-0000-00-00

m. Approval to Pay Insurance Premium to Bollinger

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the payment of an insurance premium in the amount of $39,999.00 to Bollinger for student accident coverage for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 11-000-262-520-0000-00-00

n. Resolution Approving Changes to the Special Education Program for 2018-2019 (Administrative Approval 7/10/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, hereby approves the following changes to the Special Education Program for the 2018-2019 School Year:

 Children’s Home Society o Open 2 Pre-School Inclusion Classes  Kids-R-First o Open 1 Pre-School Inclusion Class at Greenwood Location o Open 1 Pre-School Inclusion Class at East State Street Location  Laura Spellman o Open 1 Pre-School Inclusion Class

65 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M. o. Request for Proposal (RFP) for Prospective Organizations to Provide Behavioral Support Services for 2018-2019 (Administrative Approval 7/19/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation from the Superintendent of Schools, authorize the School Business Administrator/Purchasing Agent to prepare or have prepared a Request for Proposal for organizations to provide behavioral support services, which shall include all items set forth in 18:18A-4.4. p. Revised Recommendation for RFP #1819-10 Award of Contract for Prospective Organization to Provide a K-12 Software Solutions for Management of Human Capital under One Platform for 2018-2019 (Administrative Approval 7/19/18)

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Public School Contract Law and the New Jersey Statutes Title 18A:18A- 37, the proposal solicitation for Prospective Organization to Provide a K-12 Software Solutions for Management of Human Capital Under One Platform was received on June 7th, 2018; and

WHEREAS, the proposals were reviewed by Trenton Board of Education Staff per N.J.S. 18A:18A4.5d; and

WHEREAS, the Board received the following responses:

Frontline Education PeopleAdmin

WHEREAS, based on the evaluation criteria included in the solicitation Frontline Education received the highest score within the qualifications listed below: 1. Technical Criteria 2. Management Criteria 3. Cost Criteria

WHEREAS, funds will be made available from the following Account: 11-000-251-340-0000-00-52

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, awards a contract to Frontline Education for the proposal solicitation as indicated, at a cost not to exceed $92,489.89 (revised to include startup fee – original Board approval of $84,489.89 on 6/26/18).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. q. Resolution to Purchase Related Services to Complete Child Study Team Evaluations and Meetings (Administrative Approval 7/19/18)

WHEREAS, Trenton Public Schools seeks to fully staff its summer Child Study Teams to complete assigned evaluations and cases; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education approves purchasing the services of two (2) certified school social workers from Kaleidoscope Educational Solutions at their agreed upon rate not to exceed $8496.00 per person ($16,992.00 total) from GAAP account # 11-000-219- 320-0000-00-84 r. Revised Resolution Approving Agreement with Monmouth Ocean Educational Services Commission (Administrative Approval 7/19/18)

66 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

WHEREAS, the TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION (“Board”) requires certified speech therapists, occupational therapists and physical therapists to provide services to its classified students during the 2017/2018 school year; and

WHEREAS, the Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission can provide certified speech therapists, occupational therapists and physical therapists;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; that subject to legal review, the Board approves an Agreement with the Monmouth Ocean Educational Services Commission for the provision of certified speech therapists, occupational therapists and physical therapists during the 2017/2018 school year, at a cost not to exceed $1,875,000.00. (Originally Board approved on 4/24/17 for $1,800,000.00)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant. Account Code: 11-000-216-320-0000-00-84 s. Resolution to Approve the Services of Accountemps (Administrative Approval 7/26/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, hereby approves the services of Accountemps for vacant positions in Payroll and Accounting for the 2018/2019 school year at a cost not to exceed $40,000.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant. Account #11-000-251-330-0000-00-60 t. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with The Trenton Literacy Movement, Inc. for 2018-2019

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Trenton Literacy Movement, Inc. for the funding of after school reading programs for 2018-2019, as per the terms and conditions of the MOU. (Attachment 3-T) u. Resolution Authorizing Approval of Application and Acceptance of the IDEA Entitlement Grant for the Period July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

WHEREAS, The Trenton Board of Education has been notified by the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) that it is entitled to the following funding for the 2018-2019 fiscal year under the IDEA Entitlement Grant:

IDEA – Basic $4,332,211 IDEA – Basic (Nonpublic) $0 IDEA – Preschool $90,729 IDEA – Preschool (Nonpublic) $0 TOTAL $4,422,940

Therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Trenton Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the submission of the IDEA Entitlement Grant and upon approval of the said 67 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

grant application, the Board accept the above funds and that said funds be utilized for the purposes described in the IDEA application filed with the NJDOE and be administered and monitored in accordance with the appropriate state and federal regulations. v. Resolution Authorizing Transportation Route Renewals for 2018-2019 (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, renews the 2018/2019 routes to provide transportation for Special Education, General Education and Charter pupils as follows:

VENDOR ROUTE NUMBER 17/18 18-19 PER AIDE 18/19 TOTAL PER PER DIEM RATE COST DIEM RATE DIEM WITH CPI. RATE 1.51% INCREASE FIRST DCP-EWING $300.00 $304.53 $304.53 STUDENT RICK BUS ASSUMPINK $212.15 $215.35 $215.35 AM/MID/PM RICK BUS C3 $282.85 $287.12 $287.12 RICK BUS SYP AM/MID/PM $197.87 $200.86 $200.86 RICK BUS TCA1 $139.41 $141.51 $141.51 RICK BUS TCA2 $139.41 $141.51 $141.51 RICK BUS VCS1 $247.74 $251.48 $251.48 RICK BUS VCS2 $285.85 $287.12 $287.12 DAPPER BUS BCC1 $315.26 $321.02 $66.00 $387.02 R&M CAM3 $189.57 $192.43 $192.43 RICK BUS GRA5* $297.00 $302.98 $99.00 $401.98 RICK BUS HILL2* $312.00 $317.99 $85.00 $402.99 RICK BUS HILL4 $230.69 $234.17 $234.17 RICK BUS MK01 $302.96 $308.42 $59.00 $367.42 RICK BUS $250.75 $254.54 $254.54 DAPPER BUS PAR4/W/C $214.18 $218.14 $48.00 $266.14 RICK BUS RA12 $145.64 $148.22 $25.00 $173.22 DAPPER BUS WC2 $217.92 $221.99 $51.30 $273.29 RICK BUS MLK2* $297.00 $302.77 $85.00 $387.77 w. Resolution to Approve Join t Transportation Agreement with Region V Educational Services Commission for 2018-2019 (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, herewith approves the 2018/2019 Contractual Agreement between Region V Educational Services Commission and the Trenton Board of Education for the provision of transportation services for Special Education, non-public, public and/or vocational school students. Account Code: 11-000-270-515-0000-00-65 x. Resolution to Approve Renewal of Student Transportation Trips for 2018-2019 (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, herewith approves the renewal of the following student transportation trips for the 2018-19 school year with the contractors listed below and in the 68 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

corresponding “Per Hour” contract amounts. These contracts are limited by the State of New Jersey to a 1.51% increase.

Per hour cost Per hour ROUTE CONTRACTOR 17/18 Increase cost 18/19 Adjustment NSFT1 Dapper $76.73 $1.16 $77.89 $80.00 NSFT2 Dapper $72.20 $1.09 $73.29 $80.00

Per bus ROUTE CONTRACTOR Per bus cost 17/18 Increase cost 10/19 Adjustment WCFT-3 Dapper $399.80 $6.04 $405.84 $80.00 WCFT-4 Dapper $449.80 $6.79 $456.59 $80.00 FT-3 Rick Bus $270.00 $4.08 $274.08 $44.00 FT-4 Rick Bus $370.00 $5.59 $375.59 $44.00 y. Resolution Approving Joint Transportation Agreement with Lawrence Township Public Schools for 2018-2019 (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2018/2019 ESY & 2018/2019 Joint Transportation Agreement between Lawrence Township Public Schools and Trenton Board of Education for the provision of transportation services for one student to New Roads School in Somerset on route NRS1. Lawrence Public Schools will pay Trenton Public Schools the annual cost of $21,417.00. z. Resolution Approving Joint Transportation Agreement with Robbinsville Public Schools for 2018-2019 (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2018/2019 ESY & 2018/2019 Joint Transportation Agreement between Robbinsville Public Schools and Trenton Board of Education for the provision of transportation services for one student to Hampton School on route HAM. Robbinsville Public Schools will pay Trenton Public Schools the annual cost of $750.00. aa. Resolution Approving an Increase to Ewing Public Schools (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2017/2018 Transportation cost increase to Ewing Public Schools. The increase is due to an increase of students that was placed in Ewing, and will be in the amount of $24,655.40. Account Code: 11-000-270-515-0000-00-65 bb. Resolution Approving an Increase to Good Dove (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2017/2018 Transportation cost increase to Good Dove. The increase is due to an increase in the number of days added in June because of snow days and other school closings. The student started in February, and the increase will be in the amount of $2,574.00. Account Code: 11-000-270-515-0000-00-65

69 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M. cc. Resolution to Approve Joint Transportation Agreement with Essex County Educational Services Commission for 2018-2019 (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, herewith approves the 2018/2019 Contractual Agreement between Essex County Educational Services Commission and the Trenton Board of Education for the provision of transportation services for Special Education, non-public, public and/or vocational school students. Account Code: 11-000-270-515-0000-00-65 dd. Resolution to Approve Joint Transportation Agreement with Burlington County Educational Services Commission for 2018-2019 (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, herewith approves the 2018/2019 Contractual Agreement between Burlington County Educational Services Commission and the Trenton Board of Education for the provision of transportation services for Special Education, non-public, public and/or vocational school students. Account Code: 11-000-270-515-0000-00-65 ee. Resolution Approving Transportation Costs for DCF (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2018/2019 Transportation Costs for DCF to transport one student placed at Cherry Hill Campus attending YCS Sicklerville, at a cost not to exceed $9,900.00. Account Code: 11-000-270-515-0000-00-65 ff. Resolution Awarding Transportation Bid #18-19A (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, awards the following routes to the lowest bidder for Bid #18- 19A, to Parthenos, Good Dove, St. Mary’s, Rick Bus and George Dapper Bus as noted:

DAPPER RICK Route # Route CostInc/Dec AIDE Total Route CostInc/Dec AIDE Total ESY-ELM-2* $0.00 342.00 3.00 122.00 $464.00 ESY-ELM-4* $0.00 342.00 3.00 122.00 $464.00 ESY-ELM-7* $0.00 342.00 3.00 122.00 $464.00 ESY-MID-1* $0.00 342.00 3.00 122.00 $464.00 ESY-MID-2* $0.00 342.00 3.00 122.00 $464.00 ESY-HIGH-1* $0.00 342.00 3.00 122.00 $464.00 ESY-PRE-2* 310.76 2.50 67.50 $378.26 342.00 3.00 122.00 $464.00

70 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

PARTHENOS GOOD DOVE Route # Route CostInc/Dec AIDE Total Route # Route CostInc/Dec AIDE Total BAN1* 217.90 0.95 40.00 $257.90 BAN1* $0.00 Brook-1* 246.90 0.95 40.00 $286.90 Brook-1* 273.00 2.00 80.00 $353.00

RICK St. MARY'S Route # Route CostInc/Dec AIDE Total Route # Route CostInc/Dec AIDE Total BAN1* 376.00 4.00 122.00 $498.00 BAN1* $0.00 Brook-1* 382.00 4.00 122.00 $504.00 Brook-1* 265.00 2.00 60.00 $325.00

DAPPER RICK Route # Route CostInc/Dec AIDE Total Route CostInc/Dec AIDE Total BCL2* 317.36 2.50 79.96 $397.32 342.00 3.00 122.00 $464.00 ROB1* 264.76 2.50 67.50 $332.26 312.00 3.00 122.00 $434.00 C-1 $0.00 282.00 3.00 $282.00 C-2 $0.00 282.00 3.00 $282.00 PAU2 $0.00 342.00 3.00 $342.00 BRA3* 331.30 2.50 67.50 $398.80 257.00 3.00 122.00 $379.00 COL2* $0.00 312.00 3.00 122.00 $434.00 COL3* $0.00 312.00 3.00 122.00 $434.00 GRA3* $0.00 312.00 3.00 122.00 $434.00 GRA4* $0.00 312.00 3.00 122.00 $434.00

71 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.


TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

DAPPER RICK Route # Route CostInc/Dec AIDE Total Route Cost Inc/Dec AIDE Total DAY1* $0.00 116.00 3.00 49.00 $165.00 HEDG1* $0.00 116.00 3.00 49.00 $165.00 PAR1* $0.00 116.00 3.00 49.00 $165.00

DAY2* $0.00 116.00 3.00 49.00 $165.00 HEDG2* $0.00 116.00 3.00 49.00 $165.00 JEFFIS1 $0.00 116.00 3.00 49.00 $165.00

DAY3* $0.00 116.00 3.00 49.00 $165.00 DUNN1* $0.00 116.00 3.00 49.00 $165.00 COL1* $0.00 116.00 3.00 49.00 $165.00

WEST1* $0.00 116.00 3.00 49.00 $165.00 DUNN4* $0.00 116.00 3.00 49.00 $165.00 GRE1* $0.00 116.00 3.00 49.00 $165.00 $0.00 ISLAND 134.25 2.50 $134.25 139.00 3.00 $139.00 PAU3 134.25 2.50 $134.25 139.00 3.00 $139.00 GRA2 134.26 2.50 $134.26 139.00 3.00 $139.00

73 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

DAPPER RICK Route # Route CostInc/Dec AIDE Total Route CostInc/Dec AIDE Total HEDG3* $0.00 169.00 3.00 69.00 $238.00 GRE2* $0.00 169.00 3.00 69.00 $238.00 $0.00 KILM2* $0.00 169.00 3.00 69.00 $238.00 MLK1* $0.00 169.00 3.00 69.00 $238.00 $0.00 KILM3* $0.00 169.00 3.00 69.00 $238.00 MOTT2* $0.00 169.00 3.00 69.00 $238.00 $0.00 RIV1* $0.00 169.00 3.00 69.00 $238.00 MLK4* $0.00 169.00 3.00 69.00 $238.00 $0.00 RIV2* $0.00 169.00 3.00 69.00 $238.00 MLK3* $0.00 169.00 3.00 69.00 $238.00 $0.00 RIV3* $0.00 169.00 3.00 69.00 $238.00 HILL1* $0.00 169.00 3.00 69.00 $238.00 $0.00 FOUND1 180.05 2.50 $180.05 189.00 3.00 $189.00 MLK6 180.05 2.50 $180.05 189.00 3.00 $189.00 $0.00 FOUND2 181.20 2.50 $181.20 189.00 3.00 $189.00 MLK5 181.20 2.50 $181.20 189.00 3.00 $189.00 $0.00 PAU1 192.60 2.50 $192.60 189.00 3.00 $189.00 FRA2 192.60 2.50 $192.60 189.00 3.00 $189.00 $0.00 FOUND3 $0.00 189.00 3.00 $189.00 GRA1 $0.00 189.00 3.00 $189.00

Routes Not Awarded

74 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

ESY-ELM-1* TA02* ESY-ELM-3* TA03* ESY-ELM-5* TA04* ESY-ELM-6* TA05* ESY-ELM-8* TA06* ESY-MID-3* TA07* ESY-MID-4* HS9S1* ESY-PRE-1* DUNN2* ES10* MOTT1* HAM* HS9S2* DEL* DUNN3* BFA1* FRA1* ES10* HS9S3* NUV3* KILM1* TA01* JEFF1*

gg. Resolution Rejecting Transportation Bid #18-19B – School Related Field Trips (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, rejects all of the bids for the Bid #18-19B. hh. Resolution Awarding Transportation Bid #18-19C (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, awards the following routes to the lowest bidder for Bid #18-19C, to Dapper Bus as noted:

DAPPER RICK Route Route Route Route # Cost Inc/Dec AIDE Total # Cost Inc/Dec AIDE Total ALLEN ALLEN 267.00 3.00 $267.00 DEL* 427.06 2.50 97.66 $524.72 DEL* INTER1 426.90 2.50 $426.90 INTER1 $0.00

Routes Not Awarded DEL ALLEN ii. Resolution Awarding Transportation Bid #18-19D (Administrative Approval 7/31/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, awards the following trips to the lowest bidder for Bid #18-19D, to A1 Limo:

Trips 18-19D A1 Cost per Adjustment Trip ID # Hour Provision Cost

WCVFT-1 $125.00 $125.00 WCVFT-2 $125.00 $125.00 WCVFT-5 $125.00 $125.00 WCVFT-6 $125.00 $125.00 CFT-1 $139.00 $139.00

75 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

CFT-2 $139.00 $139.00 CFT-3 $139.00 $139.00 CDC $139.00 $139.00 jj. Resolution Approving the Services of Kelly Creque (Administrative Approval 8/2/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the services of Kelly Creque as a consultant for data analysis and accountability for the period August 3, 2018 to June 30, 2019 at a cost not to exceed $20,000.00. kk. Resolution Approving the Services of Chimaobi Amutah (Administrative Approval 8/2/18)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the services of Chimaobi Amutah as a consultant for data analysis and accountability for the period August 3, 2018 to June 30, 2019 at a cost not to exceed $20,000.00. ll. Recommendation for RFP #1819-13 Award of Contract for Prospective Organization to Provide Security Services (Administrative Approval 8/7/18)

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Public School Contract Law and the New Jersey Statutes Title 18A:18A-37, the proposal solicitation for Prospective Organization to Provide Security Services was received on July 18, 2018; and

WHEREAS, the proposals were reviewed by Trenton Board of Education Staff per N.J.S. 18A:18A-4.5d; and

WHEREAS, the Board received the following responses:

Motivated Security Services, Inc. Patriot Security Group U.S. Security Associates We See You Safety & Security

WHEREAS, based on the evaluation criteria included in the solicitation Patriot Security Group received the highest score within the qualifications listed below:

1. Technical Criteria 2. Management Criteria 3. Cost Criteria

WHEREAS, funds will be made available from the following Account: 11-000-266-330-0000- 00-57

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, awards a contract to Patriot Security Group for the proposal solicitation as indicated, at a cost not to exceed $2,548,358.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant.

76 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M. mm. Recommendation for RFP #1819-16 Award of Contract for Prospective Organization to Provide Reading Diagnostic Assessment and Professional Development (K-9) (Administrative Approval 8/7/18)

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Public School Contract Law and the New Jersey Statutes Title 18A:18A- 37, the proposal solicitation for Prospective Organization to Provide Reading Diagnostic Assessment and Professional Development (K-9) was received on July 18, 2018; and

WHEREAS, the proposals were reviewed by Trenton Board of Education Staff per N.J.S. 18A:18A- 4.5d; and

WHEREAS, the Board received the following responses:

Achieve3000 Lexia Renaissance

WHEREAS, based on the evaluation criteria included in the solicitation Renaissance received the highest score within the qualifications listed below:

1. Technical Criteria 2. Management Criteria 3. Cost Criteria

WHEREAS, funds will be made available from the following Account: 11-000-221-320-0000-00-81

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, awards a contract to Renaissance for the proposal solicitation as indicated, at a cost not to exceed $50, 681.50.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. nn. Recommendation for RFP #1819-17 Award of Contract for Prospective Organization to Provide Web-Bases System to Support the Special Education Program, 504 Plans and the NJ Tiered Support Services Program (NJTSS/I&RS) (Administrative Approval 8/7/18)

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Public School Contract Law and the New Jersey Statutes Title 18A:18A- 37, the proposal solicitation for Prospective Organization to Provide Web-Bases System to Support the Special Education Program, 504 Plans and the NJ Tiered Support Services Program (NJTSS/I&RS) for 2018-2019 on July 18, 2018; and

WHEREAS, the proposals were reviewed by Trenton Board of Education Staff per N.J.S. 18A:18A- 4.5d; and

WHEREAS, the Board received the following response:

Public Consulting Group, Inc.

WHEREAS, based on the evaluation criteria included in the solicitation Public Consulting Group, Inc. received the only score within the qualifications listed below:

1. Technical Criteria 77 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

2. Management Criteria 3. Cost Criteria

WHEREAS, funds will be made available from the following Account: 11-000-219-320-0000-00-84

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, awards a contract to Public Consulting Group, Inc. for the proposal solicitation as indicated, at a cost not to exceed $76,348.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. oo. Recommendation for RFP #1819-18 Award of Contract for Prospective Organization to Provide Evidence Based Adaptive Learning Software Specifically for PreK-2nd (Administrative Approval 8/7/18)

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Public School Contract Law and the New Jersey Statutes Title 18A:18A- 37, the proposal solicitation for Prospective Organization to Provide Evidence Based Adaptive Learning Software Specifically for PreK-2nd for 2018-2019 on July 18, 2018; and

WHEREAS, the proposals were reviewed by Trenton Board of Education Staff per N.J.S. 18A:18A- 4.5d; and

WHEREAS, the Board received the following response:

Waterford Research Institute

WHEREAS, based on the evaluation criteria included in the solicitation Waterford Research Institute received the only score within the qualifications listed below:

1. Technical Criteria 2. Management Criteria 3. Cost Criteria

WHEREAS, funds will be made available from the following Account: 11-000-219-320-0000-00-84

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, awards a contract to Waterford Research Institute for the proposal solicitation as indicated, at a cost not to exceed $57,335.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. pp. Recommendation for RFP #1819-20 Award of Contract for Prospective Organization to Provide Substitute Coverage and Supplemental Support for Psychologists, Social Workers, Learning Disability Consultant Teachers (LDTC), Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists and Special Education Teachers for 2018-2019 (Administrative Approval 8/7/18)

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Public School Contract Law and the New Jersey Statutes Title 18A:18A- 37, the proposal solicitation for Prospective Organization to Provide Substitute Coverage and Supplemental Support for Psychologists, Social Workers, Learning Disability Consultant Teachers

78 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

(LDTC), Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapists and Special Education Teachers for 2018-2019 was received on July 18, 2018; and

WHEREAS, the proposals were reviewed by Trenton Board of Education Staff per N.J.S. 18A:18A- 4.5d; and

WHEREAS, the Board received the following responses:

Advanced Advanced Education Advisement Cumberland Therapy Services Educational Based Services-EBS General Healthcare Resources, LLC dba GHR Education Invo Health Care Kaleidoscope Education Solutions ProCare Therapy Therapy Source Staffing Solutions United Therapy Solutions Inc.

WHEREAS, based on the evaluation criteria included in the solicitation Kaleidoscope Education Solutions received the highest score within the qualifications listed below:

1. Technical Criteria 2. Management Criteria 3. Cost Criteria

WHEREAS, funds will be made available from the following Account: 11-000-216-320-0000-00-84

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, awards a contract to Kaleidoscope Education Solutions for the proposal solicitation as indicated, at a cost not to exceed $100,000.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. qq. Professional Services Contract – Khafre Solutions LLC

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for a Professional Services Contract with Khafre Solutions LLC to provide professional development in data driven boards for the Board and Leadership Team for the period of August 31, 2018 through November 30, 2018, at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 11-000-230-630-0000-00-50 rr. Recommendation for RFP #1819-19 Award of Contract for Prospective Organization to Provide an Evidence Based Learning Software for Literacy Intervention Support for Students in Grades K-9 in both English and Spanish for 2018-2019 (Administrative Approval 8/14/18)

79 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Public School Contract Law and the New Jersey Statutes Title 18A:18A- 37, the proposal solicitation for Prospective Organization to Provide an Evidence Based Learning Software for Literacy Intervention Support for Students in Grades K-9 in both English and Spanish for 2018-2019 was received on July 18, 2018; and

WHEREAS, the proposals were reviewed by Trenton Board of Education Staff per N.J.S. 18A:18A- 4.5d; and

WHEREAS, the Board received the following responses:

Achieve 3000 Imagination Station, Inc. dba Istation Lexia Learning Systems, LLC Newsela

WHEREAS, based on the evaluation criteria included in the solicitation Lexia Learning Systems, LLC received the highest score within the qualifications listed below:

1. Technical Criteria 2. Management Criteria 3. Cost Criteria

WHEREAS, funds will be made available from the following Account: 20-250-100-610-0000-1984

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, awards a contract to Lexia Learning Systems, LLC for the proposal solicitation as indicated, at a cost not to exceed $162,500.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. ss. Resolution Approving Collaboration and Partnership with any NJ Approved Family Care Health Insurance Company

WHEREAS, a student’s health strongly affects their school attendance and academic performance. Schools are often the first to identify students who may need additional help to perform at their full potential. Health insurance information will be made available for students who are uninsured or underinsured; and

WHEREAS, in an effort to make health insurance accessible, health insurance information would be available in health offices throughout the District and health insurance companies will participate in various school events to provide health information to families; and

WHEREAS, families, students, school staff will also receive educational information to take home and learn about the health insurance resources that are for uninsured and underinsured students. It will benefit for immunization compliance and the student will have access to a medical home. Now therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Trenton Board of Education to approve collaboration and partnership with any NJ Approved Family Care Health Insurance Provider, such as Aetna, Horizon or United Healthcare, that would benefit uninsured and underinsured students in the Trenton Public Schools covering the period August 24, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board 80 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

tt. Resolution Approving the Services of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital

WHEREAS, examinations by a physician for the purpose of determining whether alcohol or other drug use interferes with students' physical and mental abilities to perform in school or students are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs; and

WHEREAS, a written report of the medical examination shall be furnished to the school district designee such as principal, chief school administrator, and parent within 24 hours of the referral of the student for suspected alcohol or other drug use. The report findings shall verify whether the student's alcohol or other drug use interferes with his or her physical and mental ability to perform in school.

Student Test

1. Drug Screening 2. Breath Alcohol Test 3. Suicide Counseling 4. Crisis Services 5. Blood Testing for students who are potential for bloodborne pathogens

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Trenton Board of Education to approve services by Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital to provide reporting, notification and examination procedures for Trenton Public School students suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs for the school year 2018-2019 according to 6A:16-4.3.

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board uu. Resolution Approving a Partnership with the School of Nursing at The College of New Jersey

WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the District to allow nursing students to observe the school nurses in their health offices and observe the health educational programs with the intent of the students becoming potential employees as school nurses; and

WHEREAS, the School of Nursing at The College of New Jersey requests that their students enter into the Trenton Public School District for the purpose of completing their course of study by observing school nurses in the district health offices and observing the health educational programs within the district; and

WHEREAS, all other additional supporting documents have also been submitted to the Superintendent

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Trenton Board of Education to approve a partnership between Trenton Board of Education and the School of Nursing at The College of New Jersey covering the period September 6, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board vv. Resolution Approving Collaboration and Partnership with Henry J. Austin Health Center and the City of Trenton Health Department 81 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

WHEREAS, students and Families in the Trenton Public Schools who would benefit from the partnership with Henry J Austin Health Center’s various professional services such as Dental, Asthma (AIM), Immunization and physicals for students who are uninsured or underinsured program and the ongoing collaboration with staff; and

WHEREAS, in an effort to increase school mandated compliance, and school absences related to asthma and Oral Health in the underserved communities of Trenton, and Immunization school compliance; and

WHEREAS, students and families will also receive educational information to take home and learn the importance of good dental hygiene (Smile For A Day) and Asthma management (AIM) program and uninsured and underinsured students will benefit from immunization compliance to support student learning; and

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of students to have access to Asthma, Dental and Immunizations compliance resources. School Nurses will provide the identified family/caregiver of the child with a referral to a HJAHC Healthcare Provider, if needed, for Healthcare services, and for AIM Case Management services. School Nurses will provide the AIM program with a location within the school facility to conduct Community Education workshops for families that have children with asthma. Student will participate in the Smile For A Day program in February 2019 and uninsured and underinsured students will be identified with parental consent to benefit from Free immunization.

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Trenton Board of Education to approve collaboration and partnership with Henry J Austin Health Center and the City of Trenton Health Department to provide professional services to the students in the Trenton Public Schools covering the period September 6, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board ww. Resolution Approving Vendors for Home Instruction for 2018-2019

WHEREAS, the District Board of Education shall provide instructional services to a medically fragile enrolled student whether a general education student in Kindergarten through grade twelve or special education student age three to twenty-one (6A:16-10.1) and;

WHEREAS, when this confinement is due to a temporary or chronic health condition, need for treatment, court order, or exclusion due to conduct which precludes participation in their usual education setting, whether general education or special education (6A:16-10.1) and;

WHEREAS, it is necessary to contract with an agency or institution provider that will provide appropriately certified teachers for delivery of the required out-of-school instruction and;

WHEREAS, instruction shall be provided for no fewer than five hours per week on minimum of three separate days of the week for medical reasons and if the student is physically able, not fewer than five hours per week of additional independent guided learning experiences without the presence of the teacher (6A:16-10.1) and;

WHEREAS, instruction shall be provided for no fewer than ten hours per week on a minimum of three separate days of the week for court ordered or conduct exclusions and ten hours of independent guided learning experiences without the presence of the teacher (6A:16-10.2) and;

82 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

WHEREAS, it is necessary to contract with a provider that will contact appropriate school personnel to obtain academic status and guidance for continuity of service, submission of grades and progress reports within the bounds of home instruction;

Therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, authorizes vendors as follows for Home Instruction during the 2018-2019 school year, at a cost not to exceed $250,000.00.

The School at Lighthouse New Hope Treatment Center UMDNJ- University Behavioral Health Care Brookfield Schools/Academy Education, Inc. Bergen County SSSD P.A. Clinical Schools Day Top New Hope Carolinas New Hope Foundation Carrier Clinic & Educational Development Center Inc. Bancroft Neuro Foundation Union County Educational Services Commission Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Professional Education Services, Inc. St. Christopher’s Hospital, Philadelphia Embrace Kids Foundation Capital City Children’s Collaborative St. Peter’s Hospital, New Brunswick Shelter of Hope at Ranch Hope, Inc. Burlington County Special Services Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission Bridgeton Board of Education Fairmount Behavioral Health System Children’s Specialized Hospital, New Brunswick Bucks County Intermediate Unit #22 Straight & Narrow, Inc. American Tutor, Inc. The Horsham Clinic/UHS of Pennsylvania Inc. Newark Renaissance House, Inc. Silvergate Prep Intergity House Monmouth Ocean Educational Commission Hampton Academy xx. Resolution Approving Bicycle Safety Program from Capital Health System

Whereas Students have performed partially proficient on NJASK 3-8 and the students are , expected to attain proficiency on the NJASK 3-8, and develop literacy, math skills and science needed to be a successful member of society; and

Whereas The development of Background Knowledge is crucial to developing an understanding , of Core Content Concepts and

Whereas Teachers can use the information provided by Capital Health System to reinforce , personal safety practices; and

Whereas The instructor, Capital Health System, integrates an educational presentation with a , DVD presentation; this is designed to appeal to students and promote bicycle safety. The program, Bicycle Safety is designed to address safe bike riding rules and the importance of wearing a helmet; and

Whereas the program/ service meets Trenton Board of Education and New Jersey requirements. , Therefore be it

Resolve the Trenton Board of Education approves a Professional Services Contract to Capital d Health System for these services to address bike safety for the period 2018-2019. This is : a FREE program. yy. Resolution Approving Professional Nursing Services Provided by Accredo Health Group, Inc.

83 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

WHEREAS, there are two students who require specialized nursing care from an agency who specializes in Hemophilia; and

WHEREAS, there are two students who require intravenous medication by a Certified Hemophiliac Registered Nurse on a regular basis during the school day; and

WHEREAS, it is the in the best interest of the students to continue their hemophiliac care on a routine basis; and

WHEREAS, Certified Registered Nurses from the Accredo Health Group, Inc. are able to administer intravenous medication to the students diagnosed with Hemophilia

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education approves the Accredo Health Group, Inc. to provide nursing services to students who require administration of the intravenous medication on a routine basis in the Trenton Public Schools covering the period September 6, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board zz. Resolution Approving Dental Education Program from Hamilton Dental Associates

WHEREAS, there are elementary students in the Trenton Public Schools who would benefit from a dental education program; and

WHEREAS, students will practice healthy lifestyles in relation to dental education by visiting the dentist, exhibiting good dental hygiene, and eating healthy foods; and

WHEREAS, students will also receive educational information to take home to parents and learn the importance of good dental hygiene; and

WHEREAS, is it in the best interest of the students to allow school nurses to schedule a dental lesson from the Hamilton Dental Associates to provide additional dental education and provide students with free toothbrushes

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Trenton Board of Education to approve the services of Hamilton Dental Associates to provide a dental education program to the elementary students in the Trenton Public Schools covering the period September 6, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board aaa. Resolution Approving Heart Education Program from Capital Health System

WHEREAS, heart disease is the leading cause of death of most racial/ethnic groups in the United States; someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds, and each minute, someone in the United States dies from a heart disease-related event; and

WHEREAS, elementary, middle schools and high school students in Trenton Public Schools who would benefit from a heart education program; and

WHEREAS, students will gain knowledge of the heart and symptoms of a heart attack and to be prepared to initiate the 9-1-1 system for help: and 84 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

WHEREAS, students will also receive educational information to take home to parents and learn the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle; and

WHEREAS, is it in the best interest of the students to allow school nurses to schedule the Heart Education Program for School Aged Children through Capital Health to provide educational relating to heart, heart attacks, and adaptation to a healthier lifestyle

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Trenton Board of Education to approve the services by Capital Health Care System to provide the Heart Education Program for School Aged Children educational program to the elementary, middle schools and high school students in the Trenton Public Schools covering the period September 6, 2018 through June 30, 2019

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board bbb. Resolution Approving Partnership with Children’s Dental Health Foundation to Participate in the Mobile Dentist/Smile Program

WHEREAS, there is need to promote good oral health practices in children to help prevent tooth- related problems later in life: and

WHEREAS, there is a need to increase the quality of life for children from low income families who do not see a dentist for simple and highly effective preventative measures such as dental exams, cleanings, fluorides and sealants; and

WHEREAS, Mobile Dentists team members provide dental services including a thorough dental examination or screening, dental cleaning, fluoride treatment, sealants, and x-ray: and

WHEREAS, elementary, middle, and high school students would benefit from the Mobile Dentists/Smile Program; and

WHEREAS, the school nurses at the elementary, middle, and high school will assist in sending out permission slips to the parents and return the slips to Mobile Dentists; and

WHEREAS, students who return the completed permission slips will be seen by the Mobile Dentists team members and receive preventative dental care

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education approves participation in the Mobile Dentists/Smile Program conducted by Mobile Dentist team members covering the period September 6, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board ccc. Resolution Approving Renewal of Standard Procedures for First Aid Treatment in the Trenton Public Schools

WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide Standard Procedures for First Aid Treatment in the Trenton Public Schools in accordance with New Jersey Administration Code 6:29-2-3 Care of Injured Pupils; and

85 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

WHEREAS, it is necessary to assess, plan, implement and evaluate pupils’ and/or staffs’ health status and follow protocols according to medical orders provided by the Chief Medical Inspector; and

WHEREAS, these procedures will be available for all employees in the Trenton Public Schools to read and is located in the Business Office and Office of School Health Services at the Central Services Building and in the Health Office of each schools

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education approves the Standard Procedures for First Aid Treatment in the Trenton Public Schools in accordance with New Jersey Administration Code 6:29- 2-3 Care of Injured Pupils for the school 2018-2019 school year; and

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board ddd. Resolution Approving Stroke Education Program from Capital Health System

WHEREAS, there are elementary and middle schools students in Trenton Public Schools who would benefit from a stroke education program; and

WHEREAS, students will gain knowledge of a stroke and be able to recognize the symptoms of a stroke in an adult and call 911: and

WHEREAS, students will also receive educational information to take home to parents and learn the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle; and

WHEREAS, is it in the best interest of the students to allow school nurses to schedule the Stroke Alert for School Aged Children educational program through Capital Health to provide educational relating to stroke

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Trenton Board of Education to approve the services by Capital Health Care System to provide the Stroke Alert for School Aged Children educational program to the elementary and middle school students in the Trenton Public Schools covering the period September 6, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board eee. Resolution Approving Renewal of Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan

WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide in the Trenton Public Schools a Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan in accordance with OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.1030; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary for employees to understand the protective measures, the Trenton Public School District has put into place for the protection of the employee from exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials (OPIMS) which might contain Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus. These viruses cause AIDS and Hepatitis B, and are carried in blood and other body fluids of infected persons; and

WHEREAS, this plan will be available for all employees in the Trenton Public Schools to read and is located in the Business Office and Office of School Health Services at the Central Services Building and in the Health Office of each schools 86 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education approves the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan in accordance with OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.1030for the school 2018-2019 school year; and

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board fff. Resolution Approving a Non-Public Nursing Service Contract with the City of Trenton, Division of Health

WHEREAS, Chapter 26 requires that the Trenton Board of Education shall provide nursing services to non-public school students within its School District; and

WHEREAS, it had been determine that it is in the best interest of the Trenton Board of Education to contract for said service with an outside agency; and

WHEREAS, the City of Trenton, Division of Health provides nursing services to the non-public schools students

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Trenton Board of Education to approve the contract between the Trenton Board of Education and the City of Trenton, Division of Health for non-public services for the period September 6, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Be it further

RESOLVED that the cost of the non-public nursing services will not exceed the state allocation of $10,185.00.

Funding Period: September 6, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Funding Source: 20-509-200-300-0000-18-56 Garvey 20-509-200-300-0001-18-56 Islamic 20-509-200-300-0001-18-56 Sprout Univ Child Dev ggg. Resolution Approving Oral Health Workshops from the NJ Department of Health

Whereas, the Children's Oral Health Program provides a variety of age-appropriate educational activities for children. Registered dental hygienists are available to conduct educational oral health presentations in schools. Teachers can use the information provided by NJ to reinforce personal safety practices; and

Whereas, the Dental Hygienist integrates an educational presentation with a DVD presentation; this is designed to appeal to students and promote oral health; and

Whereas, the program, Oral Health, is designed to address the importance of oral health and how it benefits student success in school; and

Whereas, the program/ service meets Trenton Board of Education and New Jersey requirements. Therefore be it

Resolved: The Trenton Board of Education approves the Oral Health program provided by the NJ Department of Health for these services to address oral health for the period 2018-2019. This is a FREE program 87 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

hhh. Resolution Approving Nutrition Education Program Provided by Rutgers Cooperative Extension

WHEREAS, there is an opportunity to provide supplemental nutrition education to Trenton Public School Pre-K through high school students; and

WHEREAS, students will be provided age appropriate lessons include interactive lessons and coordinated educational activities to Pre-K through high school students; and

WHEREAS, all curricula used in nutrition education for students follow the New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards for all grade levels; and

WHEREAS, is it in the best interest of the students to allow school nurses to schedule a nutrition lesson from the Cooperative Extension Supervisor.

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Trenton Board of Education to approve Professional Service of EFNEP/Rutgers Cooperative Extension through the NJ SNAPP-Ed program to provide nutritional lessons to Pre-K through high school students in the Trenton Public Schools covering the period September 6, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board iii. Resolution Approving Participation in the Wellness After School Program from Capital Health System at Hopewell

WHEREAS, childhood obesity has become a national epidemic; and

WHEREAS, there is a need to increase the quality of life for children in addressing childhood obesity; and

WHEREAS, CHMCH team members are offering a wellness program which would teach school age children how to eat a healthier diet and increase physical activity which would help reduce their risk for chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease; and

WHEREAS, CHMCH will coordinate and implement a semester-base program that will run for 12 weeks, occurs 2 days per week; and

WHEREAS, those school age students of Gregory Elementary would benefit from the wellness after school program; and

WHEREAS, the school nurse at the Gregory Elementary will assist in the coordination with Capital Health program coordinator by sending out enrollment and permission/consent forms to the parents; and

WHEREAS, students who return the completed forms will participate in the after school wellness program CHMCH team members.

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Trenton Board of Education to approve participation in the wellness afterschool program with Capital Health System at Hopewell (CHMCH) covering the period September 6, 2018 through June 30, 2019. 88 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board jjj. Resolution for Promoting Safe Routes to School

WHEREAS, childhood safety is a priority when traveling to school; and

WHEREAS, a collaboration with the City of Trenton Planning, Greater Mercer TMA and Trenton Health Team will conduct anonymous tally for the purpose of planning and implementing interventions aimed at safe routes to school in the community in particular Martin Luther King Elementary;

WHEREAS, an evaluation of the impact will include asking students the following questions “How did you arrive at school today?” and “How do you plan to leave for home after school?” Answers will be tallied by show of raised hands and will be counted for each travel mode: walk, bike, school bus, and carpool, take a family vehicle, transit or other. The survey will be conducted mid-September 2018; and also

Therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Trenton Board of Education to approve the aforementioned sharing of anonymous student survey tallies by members of the District Wellness Committee; during the period of mid-September 2018.

MAY IT BE FURTHER BE RESOLVED: that there is no cost to the Board kkk. Waiver of Building Rental Fees for Special Parent Advocacy Group (SPAG)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the waiver of building rental fees for Special Parent Advocacy Group (SPAG) for use of the parking lot at Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts to pick up and drop off students receiving services for the 2018-2019 school year, under Permit A16-11681. lll. Resolution Authorizing Approval of Application for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Grant for the Period July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019

WHEREAS, The Trenton Board of Education has been notified by the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) that it is entitled to the following funding for the 2018-2019 fiscal year under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Consolidated Formula Grant:

Title I Part A SIA $ 2,135,000

Therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Trenton Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the submission of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Grant (ESEA) and upon approval of the said grant application, the Board accepts the above funds and that said funds be utilized for the purposes described in the ESEA application filed with the NJDOE and be administered and monitored in accordance with the appropriate state and federal regulations. mmm. Resolution to Apply for Grant Funding for Acelius STEM Coding Labs

Whereas, District Students benefit greatly from enrichment experiences grounded in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and 89 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Whereas, Acelius provides grant funding for STEM labs and for ruggedized laptops, and

Whereas, Elementary students and students with special needs can use Acelius STEM lab experiences to develop visions for their futures which include STEM opportunities; therefore be it

Resolved: Trenton Public Schools hereby applies for grants for Acelius STEM lab and ruggedized computers for our elementary schools and for special needs students. nnn. Resolution Awarding Contract for Emergency General Contracting Project Services (Administrative Approval 8/21/18)

WHEREAS, the Trenton Board of Education entered into a contract per N.J.A.C. 18A:18A-7 Emergency Contract with the following vendor:

Gemini Restoration, Inc. - Perform emergency water remediation services for the first floor main office, gymnasium, and corridors of the existing Kilmer School. The proposed scope of work shall be at a cost not to exceed $41,648.68.

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for emergency services affecting the health or safety of occupants of various schools approves the Resolution for payment and services to the vendor’s noted above. Account Code: 11-000-261-420-0000-00-61 ooo. Rescind Request for Proposal (RFP) for Prospective Organization to Provide Consulting Services for the ESL/Bilingual Department for the 2018-2019 School Year

BE IT RESOLVED: that Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation from the Superintendent of Schools, authorize the School Business Administrator/Purchasing Agent to prepare or have prepared a Request for Proposal for organizations to provide consulting services for the ESL/Bilingual department, which shall include all items set forth in 18:18A-4.4. This RFP was Board approved on April 23, 2018. It is being rescinded. ppp. Request for Proposal (RFP) for Prospective Organization to Provide an Embedded and Customized Professional Development and Time Management Tool for 2018- 2019

BE IT RESOLVED: that Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation from the Superintendent of Schools, authorize the School Business Administrator/Purchasing Agent to prepare or have prepared a Request for Proposal to provide an Embedded and Customized Professional Development and Time Management Tool for 2018-2019, which shall include all items set forth in 18:18A-4.4. qqq. Resolution to Approve Contract with Strauss Esmay Associates, LLP

BE IT RESOLVED: that Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation from the Superintendent of Schools, approves a Contract with Strauss Esmay Associates, LLP to provide services for updating the District’s Bylaw, Policy and Regulation Manuals for the period August 28, 2018 through June 30, 2019 at a cost not to exceed $6,000.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 11-000-230-339-0000-00-53 90 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

rrr. Recommendation for RFP #1819-06 Award of Contract for Prospective Organization to Provide Job-Embedded Professional Development, Coaching and Modeling in Literacy and Mathematics for 2018-2019

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Public School Contract Law and the New Jersey Statutes Title 18A:18A- 37, the proposal solicitation for Prospective Organization to Provide Job-Embedded Professional Development, Coaching, and Modeling in Literacy and Mathematics was received on June 7th, 2018; and

WHEREAS, the proposals were reviewed by Trenton Board of Education Staff per N.J.S. 18A:18A- 4.5d; and

WHEREAS, the Board received the following responses:

Susan Radley Brown, Inc. DBA: Accelerated Literacy Learning Generation Ready Houghton Mifflin Harcourt National Training Network New Jersey Teacher to Teacher, LLC Partners in School Innovation Southern Regional Education Board Tigris, LLC

WHEREAS, based on the evaluation criteria included in the solicitation Generation Ready received the highest score within the qualifications listed below:

1. Technical Criteria 2. Management Criteria 3. Cost Criteria

WHEREAS, funds will be made available from the following Account: 20-236-200-300-0000-19- 82;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, awards a contract to Generation Ready for the proposal solicitation as indicated, at a cost not to exceed $100,000.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant.

sss. Resolution to Approve Evaluation Timelines for all Non-Tenured and Tenured Staff for 2018-2019

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the New Evaluation Timelines for all Non-Tenured and Tenured Administrators, Instructional and Classified Staff, for 2018-2019. (Attachment 3-SSS)

NEW BUSINESS Ms. Watson spoke about the ad hoc committee working on revising and updating the agenda format. This will not change the substance of the information provided or the participation of the community. The committee consists of Ms. Watson, Ms. Marrero-

91 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Lopez and Ms. Vandenberg. The objective is to have more transparency for the community through the Board’s discussions.

At this time, President Bouie read the In Memoriams from the TAD Department:


Be it known that the Trenton Board of Education acknowledges the loss of its employee, Robin Strand. Ms. Strand was employed by the District for 30 years, and until her death served as a Social Studies Teacher at Grace A. Dunn Middle School. Her dedication and service to the school district, families, students and the community will always be kindly remembered and serve as an encouragement to others.

Now, be it resolved, that the Trenton Board of Education celebrates the life of Ms. Strand and will place this In Memoriam among its official records.

Be it further resolved that a copy of this In Memoriam will be forwarded to the Strand Family on behalf of the staff and students of the Trenton Public Schools.


Be it known that the Trenton Board of Education acknowledges the loss of its employee, Norma Webster. Ms. Webster was employed by the District for 13 years, and until her death served as a Head Custodian at Jefferson Elementary School. Her dedication and service to the school district, families, students and the community will always be kindly remembered and serve as an encouragement to others.

Now, be it resolved, that the Trenton Board of Education celebrates the life of Ms. Webster and will place this In Memoriam among its official records.

Be it further resolved that a copy of this In Memoriam will be forwarded to the Webster Family on behalf of the staff and students of the Trenton Public Schools.


President Bouie read the Executive Session Resolution:


WHEREAS, The Open Public Meetings Act, codified as N.J.S.A. § 10:4-6, et seq., permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting under certain circumstances; and,

WHEREAS, the Trenton Board of Education is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist, indicated as follows:

Any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiations to which the Board is or may become a party, and any matter falling within the Attorney-Client Privilege, to the extent that confidentiality is required to preserve the Attorney-Client relationship and allow the Attorney to exercise his/her ethical duties as a lawyer;

MATTERS/CAPTION: 92 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

Settlement Agreements with I.F., M.C., Educational Services Commission of NJ, S.A., and an agreement regarding special ed placement

Legal Invoice:

A.N. vs. TBOE Claim # QN-1803 – Reimbursement $3,617.88 (of $10,000.00 deductible) to Adams Gutierrez & Lattiboudere, LLC as follows:

Invoice Number Date Amount 7560 11/1/17 $2120.88 7637 11/20/17 $1437.00 7774 1/25/18 $7.50 7888 2/22/18 $52.50 TOTAL $3617.88

Personnel matters related to the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of the performance of, promotion, or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public officer or employee employed or appointed by the public body, unless all individuals who could be adversely affected request, in writing, that the matter be discussed at a public meeting;

DESCRIPTION OF MATTER(S): Merit Goals submission forms, Tenure Charges, Discussion of Termination of Employment

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Trenton Board of Education, County of Mercer, State of New Jersey, that an Executive Session will be held on August 27, 2018 for the statutorily permissible purposes indicated in this resolution.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that action may be taken by the Board when it reconvenes in Open Session.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the minutes of the Executive Session with regard to the above subject matter shall be disclosed to the public at a later date and to the extent that the same is not prejudicial to the interests of the parties involved, no longer adverse to the public interest, or does not endanger any individual’s right to privacy.

Motion was made by Ms. Watson and properly seconded to adjourn the meeting into Executive Session. All were in favor, 0 opposed 0 abstentions.

ADJOURN 8:00 p.m.

REOPEN PUBLIC MEETING Open Public Meeting reconvened at 9:26 p.m.

93 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

1. Isaac Fajerman vs. TBOE – Docket No. MER-L-433-18 – Settlement Agreement

Motion was made by Ms. Daniels-Lane and seconded by Ms. Marrero-Lopez to approve the above settlement agreement. The motion was approved by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Addie Daniels-Lane X Fiah Kwesseu not present for vote Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Gerald Truehart X Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X

2. Release Agreement with Michael Coe

Motion was made by Ms. Watson and seconded by Ms. Daniels-Lane to approve the above release agreement. The motion was approved by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Addie Daniels-Lane X Fiah Kwesseu not present for vote Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Gerald Truehart X Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X

3. Revised Settlement Agreement with Prudence Wade (Docket AR-2017-228)

Motion was made by Ms. Daniels-Lane and seconded by Ms. Marrero-Lopez to approve the above revised settlement agreement. The motion was approved by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Addie Daniels-Lane X Fiah Kwesseu not present for vote Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Gerald Truehart X Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X

94 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

5.C.D. and J.D. o/b/o D.D. – Agreement for Special Education Placement

Motion was made by Ms. Vandenberg and seconded by Ms. Watson to approve the above agreement. The motion was approved by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Addie Daniels-Lane X Fiah Kwesseu not present for vote Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Gerald Truehart X Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X

6.Merit Goals Submission Forms: Jayne S. Howard, Elizabeth DeJesus, Shelley Jallow, Alfonso Llano, Keith Miles

Motion was made by Mr. Truehart and seconded by Ms. Marrero-Lopez to approve the above merit goals forms for submission to the County Office of the NJ DOE. The motion was approved by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Addie Daniels-Lane X Fiah Kwesseu not present for vote Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Gerald Truehart X Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X

7.ECSNJ v TBOE – Docket MID-L-4062-17 – Settlement Agreement

Motion was made by Ms. Vandenberg and seconded by Ms. Daniels-Lane to approve the above settlement agreement. The motion was approved by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Addie Daniels-Lane X Fiah Kwesseu not present for vote Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Gerald Truehart X Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X

95 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – August 27, 2018 – 5:30 P.M.

8.Sossi Armani v TBOE – Docket AR-2017-053 – Settlement Agreement

Motion was made by Ms. Watson and seconded by Ms. Marrero-Lopez to approve the above settlement agreement. The motion was approved by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Addie Daniels-Lane X Fiah Kwesseu not present for vote Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Gerald Truehart X Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X

Motion was made and properly seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:27 p.m.

ADJOURN 9:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Jayne S. Howard

Jayne S. Howard Business Administrator/Board Secretary