TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Completed November 26, 2019 Convened at 5:35 P.M.

Call to Order Board President Addie Daniels-Lane called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance President Daniels-Lane led the salute to the flag.

Roll Call Present: Gene Bouie Addie Daniels-Lane Yolanda Marrero-Lopez Taraun McKnight – arrived 5:48 p.m. Gerald Truehart II Jeannie Weakliem

Absent: Emily Hernandez Fiah Kwesseu Sadé Williams

Superintendent of Schools – Ronald C. Lee – Present

Business Administrator/Board Secretary – Jayne Howard – Present

New Jersey Sunshine Law - Read by Board President Daniels-Lane

The New Jersey Public Meetings Law was enacted to ensure the right to the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted on.

On the rules of this act, the Trenton Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting by publicizing the date, time and place, therefore posted in the Central Services Building, 108 North Clinton Avenue, City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, the Times and the Star Ledger. Anyone whose name is on the mailing list should receive a notice.

Formal action will take place at this meeting.

Mission Statement - Read by Board President Daniels-Lane

All students will graduate with a vision for their future, motivated to learn continually and prepared to succeed in their choice of college or career. 1 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Adoption Of Agenda President Daniels-Lane advised of the following changes to tonight’s agenda:

• There is an HR addendum • The Student Study Trip for Grant School on December 4 should show the destination as City Hall • PULL Curriculum Items W and CC • Correct Curriculum Item WW to read “Resolution to Approve Partnership with Earl Jenkins Ministries (EEJM)-Trenton Restorative Academy for a Wellness Grant” • There will be a presentation on the Strategic Plan

Motion was made by Mr. Bouie and seconded by Ms. Marrero-Lopez to adopt the agenda with the above changes. Agenda was adopted by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Gene Bouie X Emily Hernandez absent Fiah Kwesseu absent Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Taraun McKnight not present for vote Gerald Truehart II X Jeannie Weakliem X Sadé Williams absent Addie Daniels-Lane X

STUDENT PERFORMANCE Students from Franklin Elementary School performed for the Board and the public.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REMARKS Mr. Lee discussed the presentations slated for this evening. He said the District is seeking permission to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a demographer. He also updated the Board on vacancies in the District, 9 teaching positions as follows: 2 Math at The Ninth Grade Academy, 1 Fourth Grade and 1 Fifth Grade Bilingual at M.L. King, Jr., 1 Music and 1 Computer at Monument, 1 Special Ed Inclusion at Daylight/Twilight, and 2 Resource at Daylight/Twilight. Superintendent Lee commended the Human Resources staff for their diligence in filling vacancies. He spoke about the instructional impact of absences. He also thanked all those who have been working on how to meet the needs of the growing bilingual population and addressing over-crowded classrooms. To this end, teaching positions have been added as follows: 1 ESL each at Monument, Washington, Grant (bilingual overflow school), Wilson and M.L. King Jr.; 2 Co-Teachers at M.L. King Jr., 2 Co- Teachers at Mott, 2 Co-Teachers at P.J. Hill and 1 Co-Teacher at Robbins; and 1 ESL at Daylight/Twilight.

2 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Lastly, Superintendent Lee announced that on the previous Friday, leaders from Trenton Education Association (TEA), Trenton Administrators and Supervisors Association (TASA), Board representatives and the Leadership Team attended the annual Rutgers University Labor/Management Collaboration Consortium. The meeting focused on working together to increase student achievement. He thanked TEA leadership for bringing the proposal to the District. He also discussed the work of the District Transition Committee.

PRESENTATIONS TO THE BOARD Assistant Superintendent Wilfredo Ortiz introduced the administrative staff at Daylight/ Twilight HS. Principal Rosario Casiano gave an update on the school (handout attached). Also presenting were Interim Principals Christopher DeJesus and Penny Britt. Board questions and comments were in the following areas:

• Strategy for course acceleration • Reasons for student attendance issues • Methods for determining if learning disabilities exist in ESL students • Extra support needed after hours • Length of time engaged in the tier system and measurements of success • Advising students of their reading and math levels • Addressing the impact of student social/emotional learning needs • Parental engagement • Mentoring program for 11th and 12th Graders

Mr. Jesse Adams, Field Services Representative for New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA), provided the Board with information about strategic planning services offered by NJSBA. A copy is available through the Board Secretary’s office. Board questions and comments were as follows:

• Critical process of developing a living plan to which everyone can commit

COMMENTS BY BOARD COMMITTEE CHAIRS Ms. Marrero-Lopez thanked Superintendent Lee for providing an update for the Human Resources Committee.

Ms. Weakliem reported on the Facilities Committee, stating that all issues with the State Fire Marshall have been addressed. The Committee is moving forward with any other building issues that arise.

Mr. Bouie said that the Operations Committee reviewed the Board agenda, Executive Session agenda, and the list of resolutions. The annual audit summary by the independent auditors will be presented at the December 16 meeting. The Committee observed that there still seems to be a challenge with the City providing School Resource Officer (SRO) support to the District. He hoped that further discussion will lead to SROs being present all day at the high school. Lastly, Mr. Bouie said there was a proposal for a pilot at the Trenton

3 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Restorative Academy to address the issue of students using cell phones during the school day. Further conversation will take place.

Mr. Truehart reported, on behalf of the FACE Committee, that the District is back on the radio with WIMZ 1300 AM every Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. The first two episodes introduce the Superintendent, discuss District goals and objectives, provide information on the roles and responsibilities of the Board, and discuss the difference between an Interim Superintendent and a regular Superintendent. Mr. Truehart expressed appreciation to Ms. Denise Kreiss for coordinating Parenting Matters with Children’s Futures. Classes are held each Wednesday.

Mr. Truehart said he has been meeting with representatives from the African American History Department at Mercer County Community College, planning events for February 2020. A scholarship will be available to students at TCHS; details will be forthcoming. There is also a committee working on supporting Amistad compliance. The next FACE Committee meeting will be held at Franklin Elementary School on December 12 at 5:00 p.m.

Mr. Truehart called the public’s attention to the policies on tonight’s agenda for a second reading. He thanked the Committee for diligently working on the Wellness Policy.

Ms. Daniels-Lane reported on the Curriculum Committee meeting, stating that the Committee reviewed all proposals and resolutions being recommended for Board consideration. The Committee also noted the disclaimer on the Curriculum recommendations regarding service providers having contact with students. The question arose as to how compliance with the requirements will be documented. The Committee discussed academic competitions across the District level.

Ms. Daniels-Lane discussed the merits of various proposals on the agenda. Streamlining the approval process for student study trips and clubs was considered by the Committee, along with School Improvement Teams and School Leadership Teams, and Restorative Practices training for 45 Teachers. The Special Services department was discussed, and the Committee noted that 13 Corrective Action Plans (CAP) have been closed since September. Eight CAPs are still open, with one in the process of being closed. There are no new CAPs.

Ms. Daniels-Lane said the Committee also discussed the Use of Physical Restraint Policy 5561 on tonight’s agenda. The Policy as written refers to Special Education students, and the person who practices physical restraint must be certified in restraint techniques. This must be accomplished before the Policy is implemented. Physical restraint is to be used as a last measure, after efforts to de-escalate a situation have been tried unsuccessfully. Lastly, the Committee discussed next steps in overall planning for progress in Special Education.

Ms. Daniels-Lane reported on a meeting she attended, along with some Leadership Team members, at the Trenton Police Department (TPD) to review the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the District and the TPD. She also congratulated Ms. 4 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Crystal Dyous of Rivera Community Middle School for receiving a Hipp Grant from New Jersey Education Association at the recent convention.

STATE MONITOR’S REPORT In the absence of Ms. Williams-Pullen, no report was presented.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Ms. Felise Boyd, Parent, thanked Ms. Kreiss for her management of the Parent Matters Support Group. She discussed ways the program has benefitted her personally. Ms. Boyd’s daughter read a poem in appreciation.

Ms. Judy Martinez, newly elected President of the Trenton Educational Secretaries Association (TESA), introduced herself to the Board and spoke of her background in Trenton. She expressed concern about litigation costs and said that much of this could be avoided if Administrators would adhere to the TESA contract and respect its members. She hoped everyone can work together going forward.

Ms. Marizol Tirado, newly elected Vice President of TESA, also introduced herself to the Board and spoke of her background in Trenton. She also felt that Administrators do not respect TESA members, and she expressed concern with the elimination of promotional possibilities within the secretarial unit. This was done under a prior Administrator who changed all titles to Secretary, abolishing the titles of Senior Secretary, Administrative I Secretary and Administrative II Secretary. Lastly, she thanked past TESA Officers Ms. Patricia Vogt and Ms. Ann Sciarrotta for their past service to the unit.

Ms. Janice Williams, Grievance Chair for TEA, expressed concern about attendance letters, commonly referred to as 3-7-10 letters. She stated that these letters were initiated by a prior Administration to be punitive in nature. She expressed concern that only TEA members are required to call their absences in to their Principals and to the AESOP system. Ms. Williams asked the Board why members of TASA are not required to do this. She stated that everyone should be required to call their absences into AESOP. She also discussed ways to streamline the transformation process and expressed concern with the amount of funding spent on consultant services.

TEA President Ms. Twanda Taylor thanked everyone who attended the labor/management collaboration session, and she looked forward to working together in transparency. She wished everyone a Happy American Education Week (November 18-22), and a Happy National Educational Support Professionals Day (November 20). Ms. Taylor spoke in support of District Secretaries. She stated clearer communication is needed regarding the Kindergarten report card, and that Channel 19 is still not operational. Lastly, Ms. Taylor listed TEA concerns with the following indicators on the QSAC report:

• Operations 14 – clarity is needed on Home Instruction, to ensure students are receiving what they need within five days.

5 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

• Operations 15 – documentation is needed to show that community members and parents have annually reviewed the Safety and Security Plan.

Ms. Talithea Duncan, TEA Vice President, said care should be exercised in awarding the RFP for Security personnel. She also asked for clarification on the PD days implemented in the School Calendar, stating that some Administrators do not realize this is a faculty meeting.

BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Mr. Bouie commended TEA for their suggestion on the Rutgers labor/management meeting, stating that the District should support this 100%. He also stated that the credit recovery program at Daylight/Twilight HS is outstanding and should be included in next year’s budget. Lastly, he commended Mr. Truehart and Ms. Kreiss for their work on the Parenting Matters program.

Ms. McKnight agreed with Ms. Taylor’s public comments on the importance of having Channel 19 operational. She also felt the Board and District should fully support the Parenting Matters program, stating it provides a very important service.

BOARD DISCUSSION & ACTION ON CONSENT AGENDA Meeting Minutes: September 30, 2019 Regular Board Meeting and Executive Session October 14, 2019 Regular Board Meeting and Executive Session

There were no questions or comments on the Meeting Minutes.

Superintendent’s Recommendations: Curriculum, Instruction, Professional Development, Assessment & Accountability/ Special Services Human Resources Finance & Facilities

There were no questions or comments on the Superintendent’s Recommendations.

Board Policies (Second Reading): 1140 – Affirmative Action Program 1220 – Employment of Chief School Administrator 1240 – Evaluation of Superintendent 1310 – Employment of School Business Administrator/Board Secretary 1510 – Americans with Disabilities Act 1523 – Comprehensive Equity Plan 1530 – Equal Employment Opportunities 1550 – Equal Employment/Anti-Discrimination Practices 1613 – Disclosure and Review of Applicant’s Employment History 5561 – Use of Physical Restraint (Policy & Regulation)

There were no questions or comments on the Board Policies. 6 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Motion was made by Mr. Bouie and seconded by Ms. McKnight to approve the Consent Agenda. The Consent Agenda was approved by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Gene Bouie X Emily Hernandez absent Fiah Kwesseu absent Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Taraun McKnight X Gerald Truehart II X Jeannie Weakliem X Sadé Williams absent Addie Daniels-Lane X



Elementary Snead Wayne Grant 1/24/20 Reason on file. Teacher Gr 2 c. NEW HIRES LAST NAME FIRST POSITION LOCATION SALARY EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME

Science Teacher Hedgepeth/ $57,490-BA, 11/19/19-6/30/20, Guhamazumda Rupa Filing a vacancy. (Sheltered) Williams Step 1-TEA pro-rated. d. APPOINTMENTS (CURRENT EMPLOYEES) LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION SALARY EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME

Climate and Daylight/ Correction McCarthen Aricia No change in salary 11/19/19-6/30/20 Culture Specialist Twilight to title.

Middle School $112,252-SUP, Step 1/20/20-6/30/20, Correction to Moultrie Treasure TCHS Athletic Supervisor 1-TASA pro-rated. effective date. e. TRANSFER/REASSIGNMENT LAST FIRST FROM FROM TO POSITION TO SALARY EFFECTIVE 7 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM


Elementary Kindergarten No change 11/19/19- Willis Jasmine Robbins Grant Teacher Gr 1 Teacher (Sheltered) in salary 6/30/20

Engineer No change 11/19/19- Fink Robert Mott Engineer Grade II Rivera Grade II in salary 6/30/20


Elementary Elementary Teacher No change in 11/19/19- Lawson Viktor Hill King Teacher Gr 3 Gr 3 (Sheltered) salary 6/30/20

Elementary Kindergarten No change in 11/19/19- Anglade Doris Robbins Grant Teacher Gr 4 Teacher (Sheltered) salary 6/30/20

Elementary Elementary Teacher No change in 11/19/19- Willis Jasmine Robbins Robbins Teacher Gr 1 Gr 4 salary 6/30/20

g. SALARY ADJUSTMENT LAST FIRST FROM POSITION LOCATION TO SALARY EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME SALARY Submitted proof of $57,490-BA, $58,590-BA, 9/1/19-6/30/20 Chukumba Theresa School Nurse Monument previous experience. Step 1-TEA Step 4-TEA Previously on the 10/14/19. Trenton $44,402-Step $41,680-Step Mendenhall Theresa Secretary Restorative 9/1/19-6/30/20 Correction to Salary. 12-TESA 11-TESA Academy

h. BEFORE/AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION SALARY GAAP EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME School Leadership 15-120-100-101- Not to exceed $576 per Clayton Irene Wilson $36.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Team 00009-00-31 person. School Leadership 15-120-100-101- Not to exceed $576 per Donaghy Hugh Wilson $36.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Team 00009-00-31 person. School Leadership 15-120-100-101- Not to exceed $576 per Marrazzo Michelle Wilson $36.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Team 00009-00-31 person. School Leadership 15-120-100-101- Not to exceed $352 per Stokes Marjorie Wilson $29.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Team 00009-00-31 person. Dance/Drama 15-401-100-110- Not to exceed $840 per Steele Jocelyn Hill $42.00 12/16/19-6/15/20 Advisor 0009-00-32 person. Girls Mentoring Club 15-401-100-101- Not to exceed $630 per Gamboa Monique Hill $42.00 12/16/19-6/15/20 Advisor 0009-00-32 person. 15-401-100-101- Not to exceed $630 per Walker Mandy Safety Patrol Advisor Hill $42.00 12/16/19-6/15/20 0009-00-32 person. National Honor 15-401-100-101- Not to exceed $420 per Friday Rosalind Hill $42.00 12/16/19-6/15/20 Society Advisor 0009-00-32 person. National Honor 15-401-100-101- Not to exceed $420 per Villanueva Norma Hill $42.00 12/16/19-6/15/20 Society Advisor 0009-00-32 person. Health/Wellness 15-401-100-101- Not to exceed $630 per Garcia Kimberly Hill $42.00 12/16/19-6/15/20 Club Advisor 0009-00-32 person. Health/Wellness 15-401-100-101- Not to exceed $630 per Henryk Kelly Hill $42.00 12/16/19-6/15/20 Club Advisor 0009-00-32 person. Tatro Christopher Music Club Advisor Hill $42.00 15-401-100-110- 12/16/19-6/15/20 Not to exceed $630 per 8 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

0009-00-32 person. Literacy Magazine 20-236-100-101- Not to exceed $2,520 O’Keefe Megan Rivera $42.00 12/1/19-6/30/20 Club Advisor 0009-20-82 per person. Social Emotional 20-236-200-101- Not to exceed $1,080 West Sharonda Rivera $36.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Learning Committee 0009-20-82 per person. Social Emotional 20-236-200-101- Not to exceed $1,080 Amon Debra Rivera $36.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Learning Committee 0009-20-82 per person. Social Emotional 20-236-200-101- Not to exceed $1,080 Schaeffer Warren Rivera $36.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Learning Committee 0009-20-82 per person. Social Emotional 20-236-200-101- Not to exceed $1,080 Edwards Heather Rivera $36.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Learning Committee 0009-20-82 per person. 20-236-100-101- Not to exceed $2,688 McAloon James Tech Club Advisor Rivera $36.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 0009-19-82 per person.

Superintendent’s Recommendations:

Curriculum, Instruction, Professional Development, Assessment & Accountability:

A. Proposal to Approve the Trenton Youth Wrestling (TYW) at Dunn Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Trenton Youth Wrestling (TYW) at Dunn Middle School to foster the holistic development of the students, grades 6 – 8, by teaching the sport of wrestling and encouraging the inherently required self-discipline demanded of the sport and to encourage academic achievement; November 19, 2019 through March 31, 2020; no cost to the Board.

B. Proposal to Approve the Spelling Champions Club at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Spelling Champions Club at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. The club will encourage students to practice spelling and participate in spelling bees. The club will result in the development of an annual school wide spelling bee championship competition in the spring for grades 1 through 5. This should also provide greater outcomes for the preparation and success for NJSLA and other high stakes assessments. December 9, 2019 through June 10, 2020; cost not to exceed $2,142.00; GAAP code 15-401-100-110-0009-00-31.

C. Proposal to Approve the CS Education for All/Princeton University Department of Computer Science and Program for Community-Engaged Scholarship (ProCES)- Hedgepeth Williams Middle School and 9th Grade Academy BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the CS Education for All/Princeton University Department of Computer Science and Program for Community-Engaged Scholarship (ProCES) Hedgepeth Williams Middle School and 9th Grade Academy. Princeton University students will be able to help Trenton students with both computational thinking and programming tasks, important components of state technology standards. Princeton University students will visit classrooms weekly and act as teachers’ aides and computer programming experts. They will provide one on one or group assistance. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; no cost to the Board.

D. Proposal to Approve the Mercer County FSO: Girls Circle Program: “Wise and Well” – Hedgepeth Williams Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Mercer County FSO: Girls Circle Program: “Wise and Well” – Hedgepeth Williams Middle School. Girls Circle Program is a structured support group for girls age 9 to 18 years old that integrates relational theory, resiliency practices and skills training. Girls Circle will provide a safe environment for girls to express their feelings and ask questions to decrease chronic absenteeism, increase positive body image, help create healthy relationships and promote self-efficacy. November 19, 2019 through June 4, 2020; no cost to the Board.

9 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

E. Proposal to Approve Young Audiences NJ & Eastern Pennsylvania – Trenton Adopt A School Initiative 2019-20 – All TPS Elementary & Middle Schools BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve Young Audiences NJ & Eastern Pennsylvania - Trenton Adopt A School Initiative 2019-20. The Adopt A School program provides each school with three interconnected educational services; live performances for the entire school, hands on arts making workshops for students and teacher professional development to help educators integrate arts education activities into daily teaching lessons. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; no cost to the district.

F. Proposal to Approve Young Audiences NJ & Eastern Pennsylvania – Creativity Consultant Project 2019-20 MLK, Washington Elementary Schools & Hedgepeth/William Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve Young Audiences NJ & Eastern Pennsylvania - Creativity Consultant Project 2019-20. Selected teachers and students will work with a trained Creativity Consultant in order to meet school classroom and teaching challenges through creating, modeling and co teaching arts integrated lessons. Young Audiences will provide each school with a planning meeting with staff and artists. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; no cost to the district.

G. Proposal to Approve the Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts Club – Fitness Club BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts Club Fitness Club Program. The Fitness Club will provide opportunities by involving students in the goal setting, planning and monitoring process in which students will not only improve their physical health, but also learn a process for taking responsibility for their own health that they can use throughout their adult lives. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $1,370.00; GAAP Code 20-033-100-101-0000-18-08.

H. Proposal to Approve the Rivera Middle School Clubs Intramurals BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Rivera Middle School Intramurals Club that will implement a unity of purpose that will help change the cultural of the school and create a vision for school community. Students will have a sense of community and school pride with structured opportunities for socialization and competitive skills outside of the classroom. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $6,782.00; GAAP code 15-101-100-110-0009-00-15.

I. Proposal to Approve The STEAM Team – Rivera Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the STEAM Team – Rivera Middle School. Rivera is transitioning to a STEAM school with a focus on technology. A STEAM team will be developed to help guide the transitioning Rivera to a STEAM school in order to create a full school STEAM approach developing positive students who are prepared for future careers and successful community engagements. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $6,976.00; GAAP code 20-236-100-101-0009-19-82.

J. Proposal to Approve the Rivera Community Middle School Tech Club - AMENDED TO REFLECT CHANGE IN COST (APPROVED SEPTEMBER 30, 2019) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Rivera Community Middle School Tech Club. The program will provide students with additional opportunities to engage in Technology/STEM instruction. Two students per classroom will be trained in school technology in order to support the teacher and facilitate streamlined classroom technology implementation. October 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $2,893.00; GAAP code 20-236-100-101-0009-20-82.

10 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

K. Proposal to Approve the Rivera Community Student Book Club BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Rivera Community Student Book Club. Students will meet weekly afterschool to read/discuss books of their choice. This will give students an opportunity to read various literature and discuss in small groups with peers. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $7,213.00; GAAP code 20-236-100-101-0009-30-82.

L. Proposal to Approve the Rivera Community Middle School Enrichment Math Program BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Rivera Community Middle School Enrichment Math Program. Students referred by Accelerated teacher will focus on Pre-Algebra skills and prerequisite skills needed to prepare for Algebra I. December 1, 2019 through May 31, 2020; cost not to exceed $3,120.00; GAAP code 20-236-100-101-0009-19-82.

M. Proposal to Approve the Rivera Community Middle School Math Tutorial Program BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Rivera Community Middle School Math Tutorial Program. Tutorial assistance will be provided to support 50 struggling 6th graders in math. Students will be referred by math teacher. December 1, 2019 through May 31, 2020; cost not to exceed $3,120.00; GAAP code 20-236-100-101-0009-19-82.

N. Proposal to Approve CityStep Princeton – Grant Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve CityStep Princeton – Grant Elementary School. CityStep teaches dance and performing arts to students in weekly one-hour sessions. Team work and creativity is encouraged. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; no cost to the Board.

O. Proposal to Approve The Wiz – Trenton Central High School Spring Musical BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve The Wiz – Trenton Central High School Spring Musical. Students will audition, rehearse and perform the Wiz production. Staff will facilitate rehearsals, production, technical support and performances. November 19, 2019 through March 31, 2020; cost not to exceed $40,100.00. GAAP code 15-140-100-101-0009-00-05, 15-190-100-610-0000-00-05, 15- 190-100-320-0000-00-05.

P. Proposal to Approve the 1st Annual STEAM Spelling Bee Champions Competition for Trenton Public Schools in Partnership with National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the 1st Annual STEAM Spelling Bee Champions Competition for Trenton Public Schools in Partnership with National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa. The spelling bee will be developed to provide a quality academic activity for students in grades 3-8 to help develop their academic vocabulary and spelling in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts and math. November 19 through June 30, 2020; no cost to the district.

Q. Proposal to Approve Amplify Science – Joyce Kilmer School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve Amplify Science – Joyce Kilmer School. Students in grades 6-8 at Kilmer middle school need access to NJ Student Learning Standards for Science. In order for students and teachers to succeed in using Amplify Science, teachers need training, licenses and supplies. Teachers will receive training in how to teach Amplify Minds using kits, software and journals. community engagements. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $37,598.53; GAAP code 20-285-100-610-0048-20-82.

R. Proposal to Approve the Girls Who Code, Partnerships with College Of New Jersey and Princeton University (AMENDED COST TO ADD 4 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AND GAAP CODE) 11 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Girls Who Code, Partnerships with College of New Jersey and Princeton University After School Program. Middle and high school girls will join their sisterhood of supportive peers and role models using computer science to change the world. They will use the core values of sisterhood, coding and team work to design a computer science impact project that solves real world problems in the community; November 1, 2019 through June 15, 2020; Cost not to exceed $9,321.00; GAAP Code 20-285-100-101-0009-20-82.

S. Proposal to Approve the World Language (Spanish)Program for District Staff that Support ELLs BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to approve the World Language (Spanish) Program for District Staff that Support ELLs. The proposed World Language (Spanish) for Administrators and Teachers initiative will provide a platform for Trenton School District adult population to be able to engage with Administrators, Parents, Staff, Students and community members at large of Spanish-speaking backgrounds. Activities will include direct instruction by a certified World Language teacher in all four domains of language (listening, speaking, reading and writing), role play and simulation of different school situations, and participation in real-life cultural settings. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $ 15,120.00; 20-245-100-101-0009-20-82.

T. Proposal to Approve the 2019-20 Club Intervention STEM Program (Afterschool) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the 2019-20 Club Intervention STEM Program (Afterschool). District students, grades 3rd-5th grades in all 14 elementary schools will benefit from the enrichment experiences in hands-on STEM based and project-based learning activities which help students develop interests and generate curiosity grounded in STEM throughout the 2019-20 school year. November 21, 2019 through May 29, 2020; cost not to exceed $48,270.00; GAAP codes 20-285-100- 101-4809-20-82, 20-285-200-300-0048-20-82, 20-285-270-512-0048-20-82, 20-285-100-610- 0048-20-82, 20-285-100-890-0048-20-82, 20-285-200-101-4809-20-82.

U. Proposal to Approve the Revising of the District’s CTE (STEM) Professional Development/Center for Women and Work School of Management and Labor Relations Rutgers/NJDOE Department of Career Readiness BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Revising the District’s CTE (STEM) Professional Development/Center for Women and Work School of Management and Labor Relations Rutgers/NJDOE Department of Career Readiness. This will align the district’s curriculum guides by providing guidance to schools on implementing NJ Student Learning Standard Nine, 21st Century Life and Careers. Standard Nine includes Career Ready Practices, Personal Financial Literacy, Career Awareness, Exploration and Preparation and Career and Technical Education. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; no cost to the Board.

V. Proposal to Approve the Revising District’s CTE (STEM) Curriculum Guides and Creating Lessons of Study Pre-Apprenticeship Certification Training (PACT) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Revising District’s CTE (STEM) Curriculum Guides and Creating Lessons of Study Pre-Apprenticeship Certification Training (PACT). This will align the district’s curriculum guides by providing guidance to schools on implementing NJ Student Learning Standard Nine, 21st Century Life and Careers. Standard Nine includes Career Ready Practices, Personal Financial Literacy, Career Awareness, Exploration and Preparation and Career and Technical Education. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; no cost to the Board.

W. Proposal to Approve the Building Our Youth’s Development (B.O.Y.D.) Program– 9th Grade Academy - PULL BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the 12 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Building Our Youth’s Development (B.O.Y.D.) Program. Students in the program participate in 90 minute sessions once a week. Two or more facilitators instruct a group of 50 students in character education, college awareness, teamwork, leadership and civic responsibility. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; Cost not to exceed $16,500.00; GAAP code 15-190-100-320-0000-00-04.

X. Proposal to Approve the Professional Learning & Collaboration at Patton J. Hill Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Professional Learning & Collaboration at Patton J. Hill Elementary School. The program will serve to create a professional learning community among teachers to improve instructional practice and student learning in the classroom and to increase student performance on school, district and state assessments. November 19, 2019 through May 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $50,055.00; GAAP code 20-236-200-610-0000-20-82, 20-236-200-100- 0009-20-82, 20-236-200-200-0000-20-82.

Y. Proposal to Approve the Intervention Planning Committee – Dunn Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Intervention Planning Committee– Dunn Middle School. Sixty teachers will meet afterschool to develop lessons for the Intervention period, develop cross curricular supports, and analyze individual student instructional needs. This will provide teachers and teacher leaders from across the school the opportunity to engage with one another to develop improvement plans for implementation. November 19, 2019 through June 10, 2020; cost not to exceed $32,400.00; GAAP code 20-236-200-200-0009-19-82, 20-236-200-100-0009-19-82.

Z. Proposal to Implement a Professional Development Series on Eureka Math Implementation- Gregory School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Professional Series on Eureka Math Implementation- Gregory School. The professional develop series will provide teachers with a greater understanding of the Eureka Math program. Teachers will meet with their grade level team and math leader to help develop a clearer understanding of mathematical strategies that are unique to Eureka math and new teachers. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; Cost not to exceed $36,893.81; GAAP Code 20- 236-200-101-0009-19-82.

AA. Proposal to Approve the Martin Luther King Elementary School Teacher PLCs BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Martin Luther King Elementary School Teacher PLCs. The program will provide teachers in grades K-5 the opportunity to work together along with various staff members in order to read professional texts and to incorporate discussion and best practices. November 19-, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $12,670.46; GAAP codes 20-236-200- 100-0009-19-82, 20-236-100-600-0000-17-82, 20-236-200-200-0000-19-82.

BB. Proposal to Approve the Camp Fire NJ – Trenton Elementary Schools BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Camp Fire NJ – Trenton Elementary Schools. Camp Fire – NJ will help students in grades K,1st,3rd and 4th and their families develop social and emotional learning skills. November 19-, 2019 through June 30, 2020; no cost to district.

CC. Proposal to Approve the Building Our Youth’s Development (B.O.Y.D.) Program– Dunn Middle School - PULL BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Building Our Youth’s Development (B.O.Y.D.) Program. Students in grades 6 – 8 will participate in 90 minute sessions once a week. Two or more facilitators instruct a group of 50 students in character education, college awareness, teamwork, 13 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

leadership and civic responsibility. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; Cost not to exceed $3,000.00; GAAP code 20-236-100-300-0000-20-82.

DD. Proposal to Approve The DREAM CATCHERS—THE AWAKENING– Hedgepeth Williams Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the DREAM CATCHERS—THE AWAKENING– Hedgepeth Williams Middle School. Dream Catchers is an empowerment program designed to provide behavioral support while inspiring, developing and motivating young African American boys to reach their full academic potential. There is a need to address the socio-emotional needs of the students. Dream Catcher’s has prepared “The Awakening” that consists of nine (7) innovative teambuilding workshops to expose students to the possibilities, opportunities and benefits of going to college. These workshops will consist of sharing information and experiences expanding the imaginations of what’s possible and how students can connect their gifts, talents and abilities and apply them in life; November 19, 2019 through June 2020; Cost not to exceed $2,000.00; GAAP Code

EE. Proposal to Approve the Trenton PEERS (Performing, Educating and Engaging about Responsible Strategies) – Martin L. King Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Trenton PEERS (Performing, Educating and Engaging about Responsible Strategies). The Trenton PEER is a year round education and support group made up of two made up of two mixed gender teams of youths ages 13 to 18. The PEER Educators are extensively mentored and trained to provide violence prevention and life skills education to their peers. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; No cost to the Board.

FF. Proposal to Approve the Martin Luther King After School STEM/Math Club BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Martin Luther King After School STEM/Math Club. The program will provide students in grades 3-5 with the opportunity to learn about STEM and engage in STEM related activities. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; Cost not to exceed $20,000.00; GAAP codes 20-236-100-100-0009-17-82, 20-236-100-600-0009-17-82.

GG. Proposal to Approve the TWILIGHT HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT RECOVERY PROGRAM BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Twilight High School Credit Recovery Program. The program will be structured in a lecture style classroom that can accommodate approximately 50 students. The lecture classroom will be available for 4 hours from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Monday thru Thursday. The high school courses will be provided by Odysseyware Learning Solutions. Content area teachers in Mathematics, Language Arts, Science and History will be on hand in the lecture classroom and available for the students as facilitators and tutors. The teachers can assist the students with navigation of the online courses and provide tutoring in contents areas. We will have a tutoring focus in separate days of the week. On Mondays and Wednesdays, the tutoring focus will be on Science and Mathematics. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the tutoring focus will be on Language Arts and History. In addition, a counselor will be available a couple of days per week, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, to review students’ transcripts and inform the students the courses they need to complete their high school requirements. The counselor will be able to review the students’ transcripts from Odysseyware and transfer passing grades and credits into power school. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $53, 000.00; GAAP code 15-190-100-101-0009-00-35

HH. Proposal to Approve the Mentor Program – Daylight Twilight High School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve the Mentor Program – Daylight Twilight High School. The mentors will combat the numerous roadblocks that impede student success and academic advancement for students’ in grades 11 -12. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $6, 300. 00; GAAP code 20-236-100-101-0009-19-82.

14 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

II. Proposal to Approve Literacy Through the Arts (Dance), Carl Anthony - Hedgepeth Williams Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves Literacy Through the Arts (Dance), Carl Anthony - Hedgepeth Williams Middle School. The partnership with the guest artist will provide students in grades 6-8 with opportunities to be exposed to and participate in a series of dance workshops, small group mentoring and character study development. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $2,000.00; GAAP code 15-190-100-320-0000- 00-08

JJ. Proposal to Approve the Support Group “A” Place for Parents - Hedgepeth Williams Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves Support Group “A” Place for Parents - Hedgepeth Williams Middle School - Hedgepeth Williams Middle School. The goal is to Support, Educate and Advocate for our families so they can learn how to obtain services that our students need. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; no cost to the Board.

KK. Proposal to Approve Best Practices in Reading Instruction Professional Development Series - Dunn Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves Best Practices in Reading Instruction Professional Development Series - Dunn Middle School. The professional development will assist teachers in developing a systematic and school wide focus on learning, improve ELA instruction to meet goals identified in Dunn ASP and build capacity through analysis of student data. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $21, 702.24; GAAP code 20-236-200-200-0000-20-82, 20-236-200-101-0009-20-82.

LL. Proposal to Approve Best Practices in Math Instruction Professional Development Series - Dunn Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves Best Practices in Math Instruction Professional Development Series - Dunn Middle School. The professional development will assist teachers in developing a systematic and school wide focus on learning, improve math instruction to meet goals identified in Dunn ASP and build capacity through analysis of student data. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $21, 702.24; GAAP code 20-236-200-200-0000-20-82, 20-236-200-101-0009-20-82.

MM. Proposal to Approve Professional Development for Fundations by Ann Robinowitz Education Center (NEWGRANGE,526 South Olden Avenue, NJ 08629) and TCNJ Heather Tellier & Dr. Kathy Rotter, K-2, 2019-20 SY - Amended to add a Vendor and Cost - Board Approved September 30, 2019 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve Professional Development for Wilson Foundations Phonics Program, K-2, 2019-20 SY. Teachers Tier 2 & 3 will receive professional development on reading foundation in the area of phonics instruction. September 3, 2019 to June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $15,000.00; GAAP code 20-250-200-300-0000-20-84.

NN. Proposal to Approve Professional Development with AIM Institute for Learning and Research for Special Education Programs, Grades 2 -5, 2019-20 SY - Amended to change Cost - Board Approved September 30, 2019 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve Professional Development with AIM Institute for Learning and Research for Special Education Programs, Grades 2 -5. All 2nd-5th grade Special Education teachers will receive professional development Wilson Reading for students in the 2019- 2020 school year. September 3, 2019 to June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $15,000.00; GAAP code 20- 250-200-300-0000-20-84. 15 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

OO. Proposal to Approve Professional Development on Kid Writing, K-1 from University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia Writing Project 2019-20 SY - Amendment to change Vendor and Cost – Board Approved September 30, 2019 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to Approve Professional Development on Kid Writing, K-1. Teachers will receive instruction on teaching writing foundations implementing Kid Writing which is a complete and comprehensive guide for developing meaningful and joyful proficient writers and readers in PreK, kindergarten and first grade. September 3, 2019 to June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $10,000.00; GAAP code 20-250-200-300- 0000-20-84.

PP. Proposal to Approve Professional Development on Lexia Core 5 Reading Intervention- Elementary Schools BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves Professional Development on Lexia Core 5 Reading Intervention- Elementary Schools. All K-5 teachers will be provided professional learning sessions to prepare teachers to understand the student online experience in Core5; learn how to use real-time student data to plan instruction; access teacher-led Lexia Lessons® and paper- based Lexia Skill Builders® and find additional resources on the Core5 Resource Hub. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $12,000.00; GAAP code 20-250- 200-300-0000-20-84.

QQ. Proposal to Approve Trenton Public Schools Restorative Practices Initiative: IIRP - International Institute for Restorative Practices. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Trenton Public Schools Restorative Practices Initiative: IIRP - International Institute for Restorative Practices. Restorative practices is a social science that studies how to build social capital and achieve social discipline through participatory learning and decision- making. Forty-Five Trenton Public Schools staff members, including all School Counselors and Climate & Culture staff, to receive 4-days of training in restorative practices provided by the IIRP - International Institute for Restorative Practices. As a result of the training, school-based staff members will provide support to their respective schools on the introduction of restorative practices in the form of Informal professional development conducted during PLCs and faculty meetings. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $29,165.50; GAAP code 11-423-200- 320-0000-00-86.

RR. Resolution to Approve the PRINCIPALS QUARTERBACK LLC. THOUGHTFUL TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – GREGORY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Be it resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the Recommendation of the Superintendent, approve the Principals Quarterback, LLC, Thoughtful Teacher Professional Development. The Thoughtful Teacher Professional Development model is designed to provide classroom management and personalized coaching specifically related to classroom management. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020; cost not to exceed $38,700.00; GAAP code 15-190- 100-320-0000-00-21.

SS. Resolution to Approve the School Improvement Panels (ScIPs)-Trenton Public Schools BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Resolution to Approve the School Improvement Panels (ScIPs)-Trenton Public Schools for school year 2019-20.

TT. Resolution to Approve the School Leadership Teams (SLT) -Trenton Public Schools BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Resolution to Accept the School Leadership Teams (SLT)- Trenton Public School for school year 2019-20.

16 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

UU. Resolution to Approve the State of New Jersey Seal of Biliteracy for Graduating Seniors in Trenton School District BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Resolution to Accept the State of New Jersey Seal of Biliteracy for Graduating Seniors in Trenton School District. This will allow students to certify attainment of Biliteracy, prepare students with 21st Century skills and recognize and promote foreign language instruction in public schools. School year 2019-20; cost not to exceed $10,00.00; 11-240- 100-320-0000-00-82, 11-240-100-610-0000-00-82.

VV. Resolution to Approve THE TRENTON SCHOOL BASED YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY OF NEW JERSEY BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Resolution for the Trenton School Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP) permission to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey. Trenton Board of Education and The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey entered into an Agreement effective September 1, 2019, in order to provide Child Care and Transportation Services for up to 12 Trenton Central High School students and up to 12 of their children, ages 0 to 3. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) provides further details regarding expectations, standards and roles and responsibilities that may not be fully covered by the Agreement. Therefore, be it resolved that the Trenton Board of Education grants permission for the Trenton SBYSP to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey. School year 2019-20; no cost to the Board.

WW. Resolution to Approve Partnership with Earl Jenkins Ministries (EEJM)- Trenton Restorative Academy for a Wellness Grant (Corrected) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Resolution to partner with Earl Jenkins Ministries (EEJM) – Trenton Restorative Academy. EEJM provides a program called Faith, Fit and Forever (F3K) System to inspire and build character skills that would benefit student attendance. 2019-20 School year; cost not to exceed $3,000.00; GAAP code 20-285-100-300-0000-19-82

XX. Resolution to Approve to Accept the Nursing Services Plan for 2019-20 School Year BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Resolution to Accept the Nursing Services Plan for 2019-20 School Year. No cost to the Board. (Attachment 1-XX)

YY. Resolution to Approve to Accept the Letter of Agreement with Trenton Health Team Trenton Health Information Exchange Participation for 2019-20 School Year BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Resolution to Accept the Letter of Agreement with Trenton Health Team -Trenton Health Information Exchange Participation for 2019-20 School Year. No cost to the Board.

ZZ. Resolution to Approve to Accept the College of New Jersey’s Professional Development School Network Articulation Agreement for 2019-20 SY BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Resolution to Accept the College of New Jersey’s Professional Development School Network Articulation Agreement for 2019-20 SY. The goal of this agreement is to recruitment and retain highly effective teachers necessary to improve student achievement and attain district goals. The cost of the College of New Jersey’s Professional Development School Network is $3,750.00 per year. This cost is waived the first year for Trenton Public Schools. Cost for Radiate and Urban Teachers Academy not to exceed $6,000.00. GAAP code 11-000-221-320-0000-00-81

AAA. Resolution to Approve Partnership and Collaboration with Vision to Learn 17 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Resolution to Partner and Collaborate with Vision to Learn. Students and families will receive educational information to take home and learn the importance vision plays in supporting student learning. November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020. No cost to the Board.

BBB. Student Study Trips BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following field trips:

Month Applicant School Destination Purpose No. of Date Funds Cost GAAP Code Students

Nov. Sylvia Kenney MLK State Theater of NJ Students will see a 49 1/14/2020 Board $691 15-000-270- N. Brunswick, NJ theater performance 512-0000- integrating visual arts, 00-23 science and dance. Nov. Sylvia Kenney MLK State Theater of NJ Students will see a 98 2/5/2020 Board $1,375 15-000-270- N. Brunswick, NJ theater performance 512-0000- integrating visual arts, 00-23 science and dance. Nov. Sylvia Kenney MLK State Theater of NJ Students will see a 98 4/29/2020 Board $1,381 15-000-270- N. Brunswick, NJ theater performance 512-0000- integrating visual arts, 00-23 science and dance. Nov. Nicole Gresko Parker Franklin Institute Students will explore 90 1/13/2020 Board $557 15-000-270- Philadelphia, PA an imagination 512-0000- intersect in the Space 00-27 Command exhibition. Nov. Claire Becerra Parker NJ State Museum Students will learn 128 5/28/2020 $0 Trenton, NJ about the Solar System. Nov. Chris Werner HPW State Theater Students will see 40 12/13/ $0 Fundraising N. Brunswick, NJ holiday performance 2019 by American Repertory Ballet. Nov. Chris Werner HPW Princeton University Students will explore 45 1/15/2020 $0 Fundraising Art Museum the Museum Gallery Princeton, NJ highlighting ancient histories. Nov. Theodore HPW Mason Gross School Students will tour 40 3/30/2020 Board $278 15-000-270- Hoover of Arts school campus and 512-0000- N. Brunswick, NJ experience theater 00-08 culture. Nov. Theodore HPW Temple Students will tour 49 5/21/2020 Board $279 15-000-270- Hoover University/Fabric college campus and an 512-0000- Workshop & arts integrated 00-08 Museum museum Philadelphia, PA Nov. Katrina Smith HPW Cherry Hill Skating Students will learn 90 12/6/2019 Board $460 15-000-270- Center and demonstrate the 512-0000- Cherry Hill, NJ transition of 00-08 movement from isolated settings. Nov. Katrina Smith HPW Mercer County Students will learn 90 1/30/2020 Board $1,250 15-000-270- Skating Center and demonstrate the 512-0000- W. Windsor, NJ transition of 00-08 movement from isolated settings. Nov. Catherine Harrison Watershed Institute Students will learn 50 5/13/2020 $0 McCarthy Pennington, NJ different habitats of animals on the Reserve. Nov. Nicole Wilson Franklin Institute Students will learn 104 11/26/ Board $835 15-401-100- Stephens, Ed.D Philadelphia, PA energy and 2019 110-0009- engineering concepts. 00-31

18 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Nov. Nicole Wilson Adventure Aquarium Students will learn 104 3/31/2020 Board $1, 801 15-401-100- Stephens, Ed.D Camden, NJ about aquatic animals 110-0009- and their habitat. 00-31 Nov. Nicole Wilson Fernbrook Farms Students will learn 104 6/5/2020 Board $835 15-401-100- Stephens, Ed.D Bordentown, NJ about farming and the 110-0009- different animals that 00-31 live on the farm. Nov. Nicole Wilson Philadelphia Zoo Students will learn 104 12/6/2019 Board $835 15-000-270- Stephens, Ed.D Philadelphia, PA about animals and 512-000-00- their habitat. 31 Nov. Felicia Brown TCHS Passage Theater Students will be able 35 11/15/ $0 Trenton, NJ to analyze elements of 2019 a production. Nov. Archie Jones Grant Philadelphia Zoo Students will learn 240 4/29/2020 Board $1,391 15-000-270- Philadelphia, PA about animals and 512-000-00- their habitat. 20 Nov. Debra Embert Robbins Tulpehaking Nature Students will 80 11/20 and Board $352 15-190-100- Center investigate and 21/2019 590-0000- Hamilton, NJ observe living things. 00-28 Nov. Debra Embert Robbins Tulpehaking Nature Students will 100 4/2 and Board $440 15-190-100- Center investigate and 3/2020 590-0000- Hamilton, NJ observe living things. 00-28 Nov. Blair Grant Howell Living Farm Students will learn the 98 5/22/2020 Board $1257 15-190-100- DellaPenna Lambertville, NJ habitat of animals. 590-0000- 00-20 15-000-270- 512-0000- 00-20 Nov. Barbara Grant Garden State Students will 95 5/22/2020 Board $2,070 15-190-100- Winckler Discovery Museum participate in hands on 590-0000- Cherry Hill, NJ activities. 00-20 15-000-270- 512-0000- 00-20 Nov. Michelle Gregory Adventure Aquarium Students will learn 100 3/10/3019 Board $1,734 15-000-270- Begonja Camden, NJ about aquatic animals 512-0000- and their habitat. 00-21 Nov. Felicia Brown TCHS Robbinsville HS Students will perform 16 12/7/2019 Board $1,544 15-000-270- Robbinsville, NJ scripted work for 512-0000- specific audience. 00-05 Nov. Felicia Brown TCHS Montclair State Students will perform 16 1/11/2020 $1,420 15-000-270- University scripted work for 512-0000- Montclair, NJ specific audience. 00-05 Student Activities Nov. Felicia Brown TCHS McCarter Theater Students will describe 35 1/30/2020 $0 Student Trenton, NJ and analyze various Activities elements in production. Nov. Felicia Brown TCHS McCarter Theater Students will describe 92 2/7/2020 $0 McCarter Trenton, NJ and analyze various Theater elements in production. Nov. Felicia Brown TCHS McCarter Theater Students will describe 35 3/18/2020 $0 McCarter Trenton, NJ and analyze various Theater elements in production. Nov. Felicia Brown TCHS Passage Theater Students will describe 35 5/7/2020 $0 Passage Trenton, NJ and analyze various Theater elements in production. Nov. Felicia Brown TCHS McCarter Theater Students will describe 35 5/28/2020 $0 McCarter Trenton, NJ and analyze various Theater elements in production. Nov. Scott Munro TCHS Savoy Chemical Students will focus on 28 11/19,12/3 $0 Big Corp. career readiness in the /2019, 1/7, Brothers Princeton, NJ STEM field. 1/28, 2/11, Big Sisters 19 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

2/25, 3/10, of Mercer 3/31, 4/7, County 4/28, 5/5, 5/19, 6/2/2020 Nov. Scott Munro TCHS Trenton Trails Students will focus on 15 11/22,12/5 $0 Mercer Pennington, NJ career readiness in the /2019, County STEM field. 2/19, Trenton 3/18, 4/28, Trails 5/22/2020 Nov. Andrew TCHS The College of New Students will 24 11/19/ $0 Seabert Jersey experience 2019 Ewing, NJ professional printmaking while studying the history of art form. Nov. Andrew TCHS Mercer County Students will study 200 5/8/2020 Board $1,391 15-190-100- Seabert College with a professional 590-0000- W. Windsor, NJ artist. 00-05 15-000-270- 512-0000- 00-05 Nov. Nicole Marino TCHS St. Francis Medical Students will be 30 11/21,12/5 $0 Center mentored by health /2020, 1/9, Trenton, NJ care professionals and 1/23, 2/6, attend health care 2/20, 3/5, presentations. 3/19, 4/9, 4/23, 5/7, 6/4/2020 Nov. Marsha Martin TCHS Rutgers University Students will visit 80 11/19/ $0 N. Brunswick, NJ Rutgers Campus. 2019

Nov. Debra TCHS Big Brothers Big CTE students will 20 11/19, $0 Cunningham Sisters have an opportunity to 12/10, develop post- 12/19/19, secondary goals. 1/15,1/29, 2/5, 2/26, 3/11, 3/18, 4/8, 20, 22, 5/13, 27/2020 Nov. Archie Jones Grant Philadelphia Zoo Students will see 240 3/30/2020 Board $1391 15-000-270- Philadelphia, PA animals in their 512-0000- habitat. 00-20 Nov. Rhonda PJ Hill Adventure Aquarium Students will see 51 12/18/ Grant $924 20-236-200- Williams Camden, NJ animals in their 2019 890-0000- habitat. 20-82 20-236-270- 512-0000- 20-82 Nov. Adrienne Mack PJ Hill Adventure Aquarium Students will see 153 2/28/2020 Grant $4,022 20-236-270- Camden, NJ animals in their 512-0000- habitat. 20-82 20-236-200- 890-0000- 20-82

Nov. Adrienne Mack PJ Hill Philadelphia Zoo Students will see 153 5/5/2020 Grant $3,167 20-236-270- Philadelphia, PA animals in their 512-0000- habitat. 20-82 20-236-200- 890-0000- 20-82 Nov. Robert Rivera College of New Students will learn 30 11/19/ Board $350 15-000-270- Esposito Jersey about printmaking 2019 512-0000- Ewing, NJ techniques. 00-15 Nov. Debra Amon Rivera Liberty Science Students will learn 100 5/19/2020 Grant $5,706 20-236-270- Center hands on concepts in 518-0000- Jersey City, NJ Science. 20-82 20 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Nov. Chris Robinson HPW Mercer Museum & Students will learn 45 3/11/2020 $0 Fundraising Fonthill Castle about handcrafted and Student Doylestown, PA ceramic tiles. Contribution Nov. Walt Kelly Kilmer Rider University Students will learn 50 1/9/2020 $0 Lawrenceville, NJ about career and educational opportunities. Nov. Melda Grant TCHS 2020 Teen Students will learn 30 5/12/2020 Grant $1,500 20-470-200- Conference about pregnancy 890-0000- Mt. Laurel, NJ prevention, healthy 20-05 relationships, empowerment and teen health Nov. Joseph TCHS Joyce Kilmer Students will perform 80 12/19/ $0 Pucciatti Trenton, NJ holiday concert and 2019 recruit students for band Nov. Scott Munro TCHS Studio Hillier and Students will be 15 11/21/ $0 Michael Graves exposed to career and 2019 Design educational Princeton, NJ opportunities. Nov. Scott Munro TCHS Trenton Bath House Students will learn 15 11/27/ $0 Ewing, NJ about local historically 2019 significant architecture. Nov. Scott Munro TCHS Clarke Caton Hintz Students will be 15 12/6/2019 $0 Trenton, NJ exposed to career and educational opportunities. Nov. Scott Munro TCHS University of Students will be 15 12/16/ $0 Pennsylvania exposed to career and 2019 Philadelphia, PA educational opportunities. Nov. Scott Munro TCHS Studio Hillier and Students will be 15 11/21/ $0 Michael Graves exposed to career and 2019 Design educational Princeton, NJ opportunities. Nov. Scott Munro TCHS Walking Tour of Students will learn 15 12/20/ $0 Trenton about local historically 2019 Trenton, NJ significant architecture. Nov. Countess Irvin TCHS Fort Dix Cadets will participate 25 5/9/2020 Board $330 15-000-270- Fort Dix, NJ in hands on 512-0000- competition with 00-04 other schools. Nov. Countess Irvin TCHS John Mann Pavilion Freshman students 400 6/7/2020 Board $2,550 15-000-270- Fort Dix, NJ will be introduced to 512-0000- team building 00-04 exercises and competition. Nov. Christal Hood Mott Trent House Students will explore 75 12/11/ Board $550 15-000-270- Trenton, NJ how events are 2019 512-0000- connected. 00-26 Nov. Amanda Short Mott NJ State Museum Students will explore 145 5/7/2020 Board $1,113 15-000-270- Trenton, NJ the features of our 512-0000- solar system. 00-26 Nov. Amanda Short Mott Fernbrook Farm Students will learn 67 6/2/2020 Board $839 15-000-270- Chesterfield, NJ about historical farm 512-0000- practices. 00-20 15-190-100- 590-0000- 00-26 Nov. Rasheeda Mott Fernbrook Farm Students will learn 100 5/28/2020 Board $980 15-000-270- Robinson Chesterfield, NJ about historical farm 512-0000- practices. 00-20 15-190-100- 590-0000- 00-26

21 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Nov. Jason Sabol Rivera Poquessing Middle Students will engage 30 12/13/ Grant $568 20-236-270- School in wrestling with 2019 512-0000- Feasterville-Trevose, peers from 20-82 PA surrounding communities. Nov. Chenae Moore Harrison Philadelphia Zoo Students will see 46 3/13/2020 Board $460 15-190-100- Philadelphia, PA animals in their 590-0000- habitat. 00-22 Nov. Chenae Moore Harrison NJ State Museum Students collect 46 5/21/2020 Board $275 15-000-270- Trenton, NJ information about 512-0000- diverse cultures and 00-22 environments. Nov. Lenora Hines Harrison NJ State Museum Students will learn 50 4/9/2020 Board $550 15-000-270- Trenton, NJ about natural history, 512-0000- Earth and its solar 00-22 system. Nov. Angelia Curtis Mott Trent House Students will explore 82 12/12/ Board $557 15-000-270- Trenton, NJ how present events 2019 512-0000- connect to the past. 00-26 Nov. Christal Hood Mott Philadelphia Students will explore 85 3/18/2020 Board $366 15-000-270- Insectarium all plants/animals and 512-0000- Philadelphia, PA see they have both 00-26 internal and external 15-190-100- structures. 590-0000- 00-26 Nov. Kim Marcucci Mott Philadelphia Zoo Students will see 102 3/19/2020 Board $557 15-000-270- Philadelphia, PA animals in their 512-0000- habitat. 00-26 Nov. Kim Marcucci Mott Johnson Corner Students will learn 102 5/29/2020 Board $1,264 15-000-270- Farm/Locust Farm about farming and 512-0000- Jobstown, NJ different foods and 00-26 food groups. Nov. Jill Maurice Mott Fernbrook Farm Students will learn 75 4/29/2020 Board $557 15-000-270- Chesterfield, NJ about historical farm 512-0000- practices. 00-20 Nov. Rasheeda Mott Cape May Zoo Students will see 110 6/4/2020 Board $3,385 15-000-270- Robinson Cape May, NJ animals in their 512-0000- habitat. 00-26 Nov. Nicole Dent TCHS Philadelphia Art Students will practice 30 12/18/ $0 Museum STEM skills. 2019 Philadelphia, PA Nov. Chantel Kilmer Universoul Circus Students will acquire 110 12/3/2019 Board $2,053 15-190-100- Wooten Philadelphia, PA knowledge and skills 590-0000- to think analytically 00-24 and systematically. 15-000-270- 512-0000- 00-24 Board approved on September 30th Agenda. Change of date. Nov. Barrington Grant City Hall Students will perform 30 12/4/2019 $0 Brown Trenton, NJ at Board meeting. Corrected Nov. Mia McRae MLK FunPlex Students will learn the 700 6/12/2020 $0 PTO Mt. Laurel, NJ fundamental concept Fundraiser related to the execution of action.

Human Resources:

BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following personnel transactions: 22 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM a. CREATION OF POSITIONS TITLE NUMBER OF POSITIONS LOCATION ESL Teachers 3 Various Locations Health and Physical Education Teacher 1 Gregory b. ABOLISHMENT OF POSITIONS TITLE NUMBER OF POSITIONS LOCATION Elementary Teacher Gr 4 1 Parker Elementary Teacher Gr 3 1 Hill Elementary Teacher Gr 2 1 Robbins Elementary Teacher Gr 3 1 Robbins Elementary Teacher Gr 1 1 Monument Elementary Teacher Gr 2 1 Monument Elementary Teacher Gr 3 1 Monument Kindergarten Teacher 1 King c. RETIREMENTS LAST NAME FIRST NAME POSITION LOCATION YEARS OF SERVICE EFFECTIVE

Falsetti Benjamin School Counselor TCHS 39 3/1/20

Miller Donna School Counselor Mott 25 1/1/20


Paraprofessional Daylight/ Counts Tahijj 11/8/19 Reason on file. Special Education Twilight

Reason on file; Guzman Marcelina School Counselor Dunn 10/29/19 correction in effective date.

Bilingual Elementary Sanchez Ivan Wilson 1/1/20 Reason on file. Teacher Gr 3

Glashow Jodi Media Specialist Kilmer 1/14/20 Reason on file. e. TERMINATIONS

23 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM


102738 1/13/20 Reason on file.

104835 11/1/19 Reason on file.

112556 11/13/19 Reason on file.

112789 11/5/19 Reason on file.

112733 10/15/19 Reason on file.


11/19/19- Acheampong Margaret Paraprofessional Grant $24,000-PARA 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. pro-rated.

11/19/19- Paraprofessional Ajewole Abisola Monument $24,000-PARA 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Kindergarten pro-rated.

11/19/19- Special Education $57,490-BA, Step 1- Asciolla Jillian Gregory 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Teacher (BD) TEA pro-rated.

11/19/19- Trenton Restorative $57,490-BA, Step 1- Bland Amy English Teacher 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Academy TEA pro-rated.

11/19/19- Trenton Restorative Brannon Felicia Parent Liaison $24,000-PARA 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Academy pro-rated.

11/19/19- Elementary Teacher $57,490-BA, Step 1- Coty Rachel Parker 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Gr 5 TEA pro-rated.

11/19/19- $57,490-BA, Step 1- Dallas Cheston ESL Teacher King 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. TEA pro-rated.

11/19/19- Gibson- $57,490-BA, Step 1- Lexis Kindergarten Teacher Grant 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Brown TEA pro-rated.

Trenton Restorative $57,490-BA, Step 1- 11/19/19- Jenkins William Science Teacher Filing a vacancy. Academy TEA 6/30/20, 24 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM


11/19/19- Accounts Payable $35,181 – BST, Step Kenney Richard Accounts Payable 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Specialist 1 (C Guide) pro-rated.

11/19/19- Elementary Teacher $57,490-BA, Step 1- Lawson Vi Grant 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Gr 3 (Sheltered) TEA pro-rated.

11/19/19- Lewis- Paraprofessional Daylight/ Bridget $24,000-PARA 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Burgess Special Education Twilight pro-rated.

Special Education $82,565-BA, Step 14- 1/1/20-6/30/20, Filing a hard to Livingston Geraldine TCHS Teacher (Math) TEA pro-rated. fill vacancy.

11/19/19- Elementary Teacher $57,490-BA, Step 1- Martindale Tanya Wilson 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Gr 3 (Sheltered) TEA pro-rated.

11/19/19- Masoud Nabih Paraprofessional Grant $24,000-PARA 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. pro-rated.

11/19/19- Trenton Restorative $57,490-BA, Step 1- McCallam Bertram Behavioral Specialist 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Academy TEA pro-rated.

11/19/19- Health and Physical $57,490-BA, Step 1- Mendoza Daniel Gregory 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Education Teacher TEA pro-rated.

11/19/19- Elementary Teacher $57,490-BA, Step 1- Morgan Marisa King 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Gr 3 (Sheltered) TEA pro-rated.

11/19/19- Reyes Miguel Paraprofessional Grant $24,000-PARA 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. pro-rated.

11/19/19- Rivera- Luz Paraprofessional Monument $24,000-PARA 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Godbold pro-rated.

11/19/19- $57,490-BA, Step 1- Woodard Amy Music Teacher Gregory 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. TEA pro-rated.

11/19/19- Elementary Teacher $57,490-BA, Step 1- Zink Hannah Wilson 6/30/20, Filing a vacancy. Gr 3 (Sheltered) TEA pro-rated.

25 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM


Special Education Hedgepeth/ 11/19/19- Filling a Clark Joyce No change in salary Teacher (CMI) Williams 6/30/20 vacancy.

Filling a DeLizio Shannon School Counselor Dunn No change in salary 1/20/19-6/30/20 vacancy.

Special Education 11/19/19- Filling a McCarthen Aricia Daylight/Twilight No change in salary Teacher (Life Skills) 6/30/20 vacancy.

11/19/19- Middle School $112,252-SUP, Step Filling a Moultrie Treasure TCHS 6/30/20, pro- Athletic Supervisor 1-TASA vacancy. rated.

10/29/19- Culture and Climate Trenton Restorative $57,490-BA, Step 1- Filling a Pollard Clifford 6/30/20, pro- Specialist Academy TEA vacancy. rated.


Kindergarten Elementary No change 11/19/19- Filling a Anglade Doris Robbins Teacher Grant Teacher Gr 4 in salary 6/30/20 vacancy. (Sheltered)

Computer Computer 9th Grade No change 11/19/19- Filling a Antoine Marie Monument Teacher Teacher Academy in salary 6/30/20 vacancy.

Elementary Elementary No change 11/19/19- Filling a Beitel Edward Monument Kilmer Teacher Gr 6 Teacher Gr 2 in salary 6/30/20 vacancy.

Elementary Kindergarten No change 11/19/19- Filling a Borota Stefan Parker Parker Teacher Gr 4 Teacher in salary 6/30/20 vacancy.

Climate and Trenton Climate and Daylight/ No change 10/29/19- Filling a Butler Edward Culture Restorative Culture Specialist Twilight in salary 6/30/20 vacancy. Specialist Academy

Elementary Elementary No change 11/19/19- Filling a Cianciarulo Gretchen Robbins Mott Teacher Gr 4 Teacher Gr 2 in salary 6/30/20 vacancy.

Kindergarten Elementary No change 11/19/19- Filling a Karkowsky Joseph Monument Monument Teacher Teacher Gr 6 in salary 6/30/20 vacancy.

Elementary Elementary No change 11/19/19- Filling a Lawson Viktor Hill Teacher Gr 3 King Teacher Gr 3 in salary 6/30/20 vacancy. (Sheltered) 26 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Trenton Science Daylight/ No change 11/19/19- Filling a Miglis Charisse Restorative Science Teacher Teacher Twilight in salary 6/30/20 vacancy. Academy

Daylight/Twili No change 11/19/19- Filling a Powell Melissa Secretary Secretary School Support ght in salary 6/30/20 vacancy.

Elementary Kindergarten No change 11/19/19- Filling a Saad Rania Monument Monument Teacher Gr 1 Teacher in salary 6/30/20 vacancy.

Elementary Elementary No change 11/19/19- Filling a Stapleton Janet Robbins Robbins Teacher Gr 2 Teacher Gr 1 in salary 6/30/20 vacancy.

Elementary Elementary No change 11/19/19- Filling a Thomas Brittany Robbins Robbins Teacher Gr 3 Teacher Gr 4 in salary 6/30/20 vacancy.

Elementary Elementary No change 11/19/19- Filling a Thomas Raina Monument Monument Teacher Gr 2 Teacher Gr 3 in salary 6/30/20 vacancy.

Elementary Kindergarten No change 11/19/19- Filling a Vagnozzi Melissa King Teacher Gr 4 King Teacher in salary 6/30/20 vacancy. (Sheltered)

Elementary Elementary No change 11/19/19- Filling a Wheeler Jazmine Monument Teacher Gr 1 Grant Teacher Gr 3 in salary 6/30/20 vacancy. (Sheltered)

Elementary Elementary No change 11/19/19- Filling a Willis Jasmine Robbins Robbins Teacher Gr 1 Teacher Gr 4 in salary 6/30/20 vacancy.

Elementary Elementary No change 11/19/19- Filling a Wilson Amber Monument Teacher Gr 2 Grant Teacher Gr 3 in salary 6/30/20 vacancy. (Sheltered)


Filling a vacancy. Correction $36,190–Step 10/28/19- Daylight/ Rogers Nacosha Secretary to salary. 5-TESA 6/30/20 Twilight Board approved on 10/14/19.


Corado Niurka Paraprofessional Monument Paraprofessional Monument (Special Education) (Bilingual)

Parham Ashley Paraprofessional Mott Paraprofessional Mott

27 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

(Special Education) (Bilingual) k. LEAVES OF ABSENCE ID REASON EEFECTIVE

10/22/19; 4/9/20; 4/10/20; 4/15/20; 112206 Religious 4/16/20; 5/29/20, without pay

105335 Administrative Leave 10/21/19-12/16/19, with pay

111777 Administrative Leave 10/27/19-12/16/19, with pay

103601 Medical 10/2/19-10/25/19, with pay 11/4/19-12/20/20, pay 112425 Medical 12/23/19-2/28/20, without pay

104462 Administrative Leave 10/30/19-11/30/19, with pay

100067 Medical 12/3/19-3/3/20, with pay

10/16/19-11/27/19, with pay 101897 Maternity 12/2/19-1/31/20, without pay

10/2/19-11/15/19, with pay 111887 Medical 11/18/19-11/20/19, without pay 10/1/19-10/31/19, with pay 100779 Administrative Leave 11/1/19-11/30/19, without pay

107222 Medical 10/25/19-12/4/19, with pay

112192 Medical 10/18/19-11/18/19; without pay

112244 Maternity 10/23/19-12/31/19, with pay

112244 FLA 1/1/20-1/24/20, with pay

106339 Medical 10/21/19-12/13/19, with pay 104690 Medical 10/21/19-11/29/19, with pay

28 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM


111572 FLA 11/4/19-12/12/19, without pay

100616 Medical 11/4/19-12/13/19, with pay

10/4/19-11/1/19, with pay, 100480 Medical 11/7/19-11/8/19, without pay

101839 Medical 11/18/19-11/29/19, with pay

112011 Medical 11/1/19-12/27/19, without pay



102946 Medical 10/28/19

103601 Medical 10/28/19

106137 Medical 11/4/19

107117 Medical 11/1/19

111307 Medical 11/27/19

111775 Medical 11/4/19

111839 Medical 11/12/19


29 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION FROM SALARY TO SALARY EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME NAME Behavior $57,490-BA, Step $60,140-MA, Step 10/1/19-6/30/20, Submitted proof of master’s Allen Adrianna King Specialist 1-TEA 4-TEA pro-rated. degree and previous experience. Supervisor of $112,252-SUP, $121,308-SUP, 7/29/19-6/30/20, Submitted proof of previous Caine Joyce Coaching and Curriculum Step 1-TASA Step 10-TASA pro-rated. experience. Development $57,490-BA, Step $58,090-BA, Step 9/1/19-6/30/20 Submitted proof of previous Chukumba Theresa School Nurse Monument 1-TEA 3-TEA experience.

Elementary $59,590-BA, Step $60,340-BA+30, 9/4/19-6/30/20, Submitted proof of 30 additional Cianciarulo Gretchen Mott Teacher Gr 2 6-TEA Step 6-TEA pro-rated. credits.

$63,540($62,040- $72,615($71,115- Audio BA+60, Step 7- BA+60, Step 11- 9/1/19-6/30/20 Submitted proof of previous Cuniglio Mario Broadcasting TCHS TEA+$1,500 dual TEA+$1,500 dual experience. Teacher certification) certification) Trenton Health & Physical $58,090-BA, Step $60,090-BA, Step Submitted proof of previous Grillo Marc Restorative 9/1/19-6/30/20 Education Teacher 3-TEA 7-TEA experience. Academy

Social Studies 9th Grade $57,490-BA, Step $69,165-BA, Step 10/8/19-6/30/20, Submitted proof of previous Gunter Nadia Teacher Academy 1-TEA 10-TEA pro-rated. experience.

Behavior $64,340-MA+60, $65,640-M/A+60, Submitted proof of previous Hammond Jessica Hill 9/1/19-6/30/20 Specialist Step 2-TEA Step 5-TEA experience.

$60,540($59,040- Elementary $57,490-BA, Step MA, Step 1- Submitted proof of master’s Hill Iris Franklin 9/1/19-6/30/20 Teacher Gr 5 1-TEA TEA+$1,500 dual degree and dual certification. certification) Elementary $57,490-BA, Step $60,090-BA, Step Submitted proof of previous May Erica Teacher Gr 2 King 9/1/19-6/30/20 1-TEA 7-TEA experience. (Sheltered) Submitted proof of previous Daylight/ $57,490-BA, Step $71,125-MA+30, 9/23/19-6/30/20, McCaden Dorothy Business Teacher experience, master’s and 30 Twilight 1-TEA Step 11-TEA pro-rated. additional credits. Social Studies 9th Grade $57,490-BA, Step $70,715-MA, Step 10/8/19-6/30/20, Submitted proof of previous McCann Pamela Teacher Academy 1-TEA 10-TEA pro-rated. experience and master’s degree. Trenton $44,402, Step 12- $47,232, Step 13- Mendenhall Theresa Secretary Restorative 9/1/19-6/30/20 TESA salary guide. TESA TESA Academy Trenton $57,490-BA, Step $57,790-BA, Step Submitted proof of previous Ofoegbu Charles Science Teacher Restorative 9/1/19-6/30/20 1-TEA 2-TEA experience. Academy


Hill LouShawna Secretary Early Childhood 20 $600 11/1/19-6/30/20

Jones William Custodian TCHS 20 $800 11/29/19-6/30/20

Lively-Sallie Andrea Secretary Medical 30 $800 10/30/19-6/30/20

30 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

p. BEFORE/AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS FIRST LAST NAME POSITION LOCATION SALARY GAAP EFFECTIVE NOTE NAME Art Club 15-401-100- Not to exceed $1,492 per Esposito Robert Rivera $42.00 12/1/19-6/30/20 Advisor 110-0009-00-15 person.

Chorus Club 15-401-100- Not to exceed $1,492 per Scaran Claudia Rivera $42.00 12/1/19-6/30/20 Advisor 110-0009-00-15 person.

Band Club 15-401-100- Not to exceed $1,492 per Pokryska Ronald Rivera $42.00 12/1/19-6/30/20 Advisor 110-0009-00-15 person.

AM/PM 15-421-200- Not to exceed $14,000 Gomez Elizabeth Wilson $29.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Monitor 110-0009-00-31 total program.

AM/PM 15-421-200- Not to exceed $14,000 Hernandez Zoraida Wilson $29.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Monitor 110-0009-00-31 total program. AM/PM 15-421-200- Not to exceed $14,000 Mayfield Shimica Wilson $29.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Monitor 110-0009-00-31 total program. AM/PM 15-421-200- Not to exceed $14,000 Toro-Mays Lysette Wilson $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Supervisor 110-0009-00-31 total program. AM/PM 15-421-200- Not to exceed $14,000 Tucker Joan Wilson $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Supervisor 110-0009-00-31 total program. 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-04 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-05 15-401-100- District Wide Various 110-0009-00-08 Not exceed $8,481 Plunkett Ted Marching Band $42.00 10/15/19-6/30/20 Locations 15-401-100- per person. Director 110-0009-00-10 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-15 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-24 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-04 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-05 15-401-100- Music Teacher Various 110-0009-00-08 Not to exceed $1,680 per Brady Sarah for Music $42.00 10/15/19-6/30/20 Locations 15-401-100- person. Camp 110-0009-00-10 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-15 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-24

31 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

15-401-100- 110-0009-00-04 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-05 15-401-100- Music Teacher Various 110-0009-00-08 Not to exceed $1,680 per Moore Eucles for Music $42.00 10/15/19-6/30/20 Locations 15-401-100- person. Camp 110-0009-00-10 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-15 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-24 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-04 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-05 15-401-100- Music Teacher Various 110-0009-00-08 Not to exceed $1,680 per Wilkins Alan for Music $42.00 10/15/19-6/30/20 Locations 15-401-100- person. Camp 110-0009-00-10 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-15 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-24 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-04 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-05 15-401-100- Music Teacher Various 110-0009-00-08 Not to exceed $1,680 per Hall Daniel for Music $42.00 10/15/19-6/30/20 Locations 15-401-100- person. Camp 110-0009-00-10 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-15 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-24 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-04 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-05 15-401-100- Music Teacher Various 110-0009-00-08 Not to exceed $1,680 per Pucciatti Joseph for Music $42.00 10/15/19-6/30/20 Locations 15-401-100- person. Camp 110-0009-00-10 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-15 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-24 15-401-100- Music Teacher Various 110-0009-00-04 Not to exceed $1,680 per Plunkett Ted for Music $42.00 10/15/19-6/30/20 Locations 15-401-100- person. Camp 110-0009-00-05 32 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

15-401-100- 110-0009-00-08 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-10 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-15 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-24 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-04 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-05 15-401-100- Music Teacher Various 110-0009-00-08 Not to exceed $1,680 per Lerner David for Music $42.00 10/15/19-6/30/20 Locations 15-401-100- person. Camp 110-0009-00-10 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-15 15-401-100- 110-0009-00-24 Wrestling Club 15-401-100- Not to exceed $1,260 per Johnson Ola Mott $42.00 11/1/19-6/30/20 Advisor 110-0009-00-26 person. 20-034-100- 101-0009-19-82 Lexia $42.00 20-034-100- Not to exceed $3,465 Reading $42.00 101-0009-20-82 (with students) Wiley Latoya Intervention Grant 11/19/19-6/30/20 $36.00 20-034-200- Not to exceed $1,548 Program $36.00 101-0009-19-82 (without students) (Grade 2) 20-034-200- 101-0009-20-82 Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Abrams Karen Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Babore Colleen Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Begonja Michelle Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Bernstein Lindsay Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Cabell Tamika Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Campbell Dieisha Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Chesner Susan Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program

33 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Connolly Megan Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Dennis Lori Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per DiPalma Autilla Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Dixon Rita Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Ely Amanda Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Garcia Jennifer Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Gary Denise Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Georgevich Kimberly Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Hallinan Denise Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Jacquay Kimberly Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Lopreato Domenica Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per McLaughlin Karen Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Moody Darrell Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Napoleon Sharon Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Porter Jennifer Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Rice Jacquelynn Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Ross Bridget Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program 34 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Russell Jaycenth Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Slipp Erin Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Smith Ivy Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Spencer Glynis Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Spruill Althea Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Stilwell Sarah Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Trimble Susan Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Vogel Lynn Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Language 20-236-100- Not to exceed $3,360 per Wheeler Claudia Arts & Math Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-009-20-82 person. Program Breakfast Club 20-231-100- Not to exceed $1,260 per Bustamante Gabrielle for SEL Parker $42.00 10/1/19-5/29/20 101-2009-20-82 person. Advisor Breakfast Club 20-231-100- Not to exceed $1,260 per Figliano Anthony for SEL Parker $42.00 10/1/19-5/29/20 101-2009-20-82 person. Advisor Breakfast Club 20-231-100- Not to exceed $1,260 per Jackson Kathleen for SEL Parker $42.00 10/1/19-5/29/20 101-2009-20-82 person. Advisor Breakfast Club 20-231-100- Not to exceed $630 per Nassif Eman for SEL Parker $42.00 10/1/19-5/29/20 101-2009-20-82 person. Advisor Breakfast Club 20-231-100- Not to exceed $1,260 per Paulick Jennifer for SEL Parker $42.00 10/1/19-5/29/20 101-2009-20-82 person. Advisor Breakfast Club for SEL 20-231-100- Not to exceed $1,260 per Darling Beth Parker $42.00 10/1/19-5/29/20 Advisor 101-2009-20-82 person. (Substitute) Breakfast Club for SEL 20-231-100- Not to exceed $1,260 per Herring Rachel Parker $42.00 10/1/19-5/29/20 Advisor 101-2009-20-82 person. (Substitute) Leno Karen Breakfast Club Parker $42.00 20-231-100- 10/1/19-5/29/20 Not to exceed $1,260 per 35 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

for SEL 101-2009-20-82 person. Advisor (Substitute) AM/PM 15-421-200- Not to exceed $1,670 per Keephart Margaret Monitor Grant $29.00 11/18/19-6/30/20 110-0009-00-20 person. (Substitute) Girls Who Admin 20-285-100- Amended to amount. Not Barbato Nicholas Code – District $42.00 11/1/19-6/30/20 Building 101-4809-20-82 to exceed $945 per person. Facilitator Title I Parent 20-235-200- Not to exceed $666 per Diaz Stephanie Liaison Parker $22.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 173-2709-20-82 person. Stipend Title I Parent 20-235-200- Not to exceed $666 per Borrero Alyssa Liaison Robbins $22.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 173-2809-20-82 person. Stipend AM/PM 15-421-200- Not to exceed $14,000 Stephens Nicole Wilson $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Supervision 110-0009-00-31 total program. 9th Grade 15-401-100- Not to exceed $1,620 per Lakarosky Jamie Club Advisor $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Academy 110-0009-00-04 person. 9th Grade 15-401-100- Not to exceed $1,620 per Jones Laurel Club Advisor $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Academy 110-0009-00-04 person. 9th Grade 15-401-100- Not to exceed $1,620 per Savage Nicole Club Advisor $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Academy 110-0009-00-04 person. 9th Grade 15-401-100- Not to exceed $1,620 per Sergeant Shawn Club Advisor $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Academy 110-0009-00-04 person. E-Sports Club 9th Grade 15-401-100- Not to exceed $1,620 per Jones James $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Advisor Academy 110-0009-00-04 person. Technology 9th Grade 15-401-100- Not to exceed $1,620 per Fullard Roy $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Cub Advisor Academy 110-0009-00-04 person. Student Government/Pe 9th Grade 15-401-100- Not to exceed $1,620 per Araromi Yetune $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 er Mediation Academy 110-0009-00-04 person. Club Advisor Drama Club Hedgepeth/ 15-401-100- Not to exceed $966 per Harrell Carrie $42.00 1/6/20-6/30/20 Advisor Williams 110-0009-00-08 person. Art Club Hedgepeth/ 15-401-100- Not to exceed $966 per Simpkins Julie $42.00 1/6/20-6/30/20 Advisor Williams 110-0009-00-08 person. Chorus Club Hedgepeth/ 15-401-100- Not to exceed $966 per Wilkins Alan $42.00 1/6/20-6/30/20 Advisor Williams 110-0009-00-08 person. School 15-140-100- Not to exceed $504 per Massenat Jessica Leadership TCHS $36.00 12/1/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-05 person. Team School 15-140-100- Not to exceed $504 per Mulcahey Kathleen Leadership TCHS $36.00 12/1/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-05 person. Team School 15-140-100- Not to exceed $504 per Hamlet Nicole Leadership TCHS $36.00 12/1/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-05 person. Team School 15-140-100- Not to exceed $504 per Duncan Talithea Leadership TCHS $36.00 12/1/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-05 person. Team 36 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

School 15-140-100- Not to exceed $504 per Troup Terry Leadership TCHS $36.00 12/1/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-05 person. Team School 15-140-100- Not to exceed $162 per Davis Dorothy Improvement TCHS $36.00 12/1/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-05 person. Panel (SCIP) School 15-140-100- Not to exceed $162 per Mulcahey Kathleen Improvement TCHS $36.00 12/1/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-05 person. Panel (SCIP) School 15-120-100- Not to exceed $1,440 per Estrada Sandra Attendance Robbins $36.00 11/19/20-6/30/20 101-0009-00-28 person. Team School 15-120-100- Not to exceed $1,440 per Shedgda Kathleen Attendance Robbins $36.00 11/19/20-6/30/20 101-0009-00-28 person. Team School 15-120-100- Not to exceed $1,440 per Thomas Brittany Attendance Robbins $36.00 11/19/20-6/30/20 101-0009-00-28 person. Team School 15-120-100- Not to exceed $1,440 per Tindall Laurie Attendance Robbins $36.00 11/19/20-6/30/20 101-0009-00-28 person. Team School 15-120-100- Not to exceed $144 per Della Penna Blair Improvement Grant $36.00 9/9/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-20 person. Plan School 15-120-100- Not to exceed $144 per Stewart Marybeth Improvement Grant $36.00 9/9/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-20 person. Plan School 15-120-100- Not to exceed $360 per Preston Brittany Leadership Grant $36.00 9/9/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-20 person. Committee School 15-120-100- Not to exceed $360 per Stahlbrand Susanne Leadership Grant $36.00 9/9/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-20 person. Committee School 15-120-100- Not to exceed $360 per Stewart Marybeth Leadership Grant $36.00 9/9/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-20 person. Committee School Leadership 15-120-100- Not to exceed $360 per Tymczysyn Natalie Grant $36.00 9/9/19-6/30/20 Committee 101-0009-00-20 person. (Substitute) School 15-120-100- Not to exceed $432 per Costa Jessica Leadership Mott $36.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-26 person. Team School $36.00 15-120-100- Not to exceed $432 per Hammons Katherine Leadership Mott 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-26 person. Team School 15-120-100- Not to exceed $264 per Olmeda Gloria Leadership Mott $29.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 101-0009-00-26 person. Team School 15-120-100- Not to exceed $432 per Short Amanda Mott $36.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Leadership 101-0009-00-26 person. 37 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Team CTE Technical Skills Attainment After School Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,470 per Feliciano Crystal Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant - Finance CTE Technical Skills Attainment After School Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,470 per Riddick Monique Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant - Marketing CTE Technical Skills Attainment After School Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,260 per Pollock John Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant - Culinary CTE Technical Skills Attainment After School Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,260 per Wakefield Stephanie Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant - Culinary CTE Technical Skills Attainment After School Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,260 per Morris Monica Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant - Culinary

38 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

PLC Planning Time for CTE Lead Teacher to support College and Various 20-285-200- Not to exceed $900 per Munro Scott $36.00 11/1/19-6/30/20 Career Locations 101-1009-20-82 person. Readiness and the Revision of the CTE needs assessment PLC Planning Time for CTE Lead Teacher to support College and Various 20-285-200- Not to exceed $900 per Francis Alvin $36.00 11/1/19-6/30/20 Career Locations 101-1009-20-82 person. Readiness and the Revision of the CTE needs assessment PLC Planning Time for CTE Lead Teacher to support College and Various 20-285-200- Not to exceed $900 per Seabert Andrew $36.00 11/1/19-6/30/20 Career Locations 101-1009-20-82 person. Readiness and the Revision of the CTE needs assessment PLC Planning Time for CTE Lead Teacher to support College and Various 20-285-200- Not to exceed $900 per Cunningham Debra $36.00 11/1/19-6/30/20 Career Locations 101-1009-20-82 person. Readiness and the Revision of the CTE needs assessment PLC Planning Time for CTE Lead Teacher to support College and Various 20-285-200- Not to exceed $900 per Dent Nicole $36.00 11/1/19-6/30/20 Career Locations 101-1009-20-82 person. Readiness and the Revision of the CTE needs assessment CTE Technical Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,470 per Zwierzinski Elizabeth $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Skills Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. 39 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Attainment Afterschool Program for CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant - Dance CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,470 per Brown Felicia Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant - Drama CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,260 per Gray Dorita Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant - Cosmetology CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,260 per Cravo Helen Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant - Cosmetology CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,890 per Ruggiano Bridget Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant – Photography CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,470 per Sorrentino Scott Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant – Digital Arts 40 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,470 per Cuniglio Mario Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant – Digital Arts CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Massenet Jessica Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,470 per Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant – Engineering CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,470 per Peroni Mark Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant – Construction CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Program for Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,470 per Monzon Daniel $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 CTE Students Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. Support by the Perkins Grant – Construction (Substitute) CTE Mentoring After School Program to Support Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,680 per Ruggiano Bridget $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Graduation for Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Supported by the Perkins Grants CTE Mentoring Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,680 per Vinegra Philip After School $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. Program to Support 41 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Graduation for CTE Students Supported by the Perkins Grants (Substitute) CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,470 per Prunetti Robert Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant – Fitness CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Program for Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $1,470 per Hyslop Gregory $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 CTE Students Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. Support by the Perkins Grant – Fitness (Substitute) CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $840 per Fennelj Gerard Program for $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. CTE Students Support by the Perkins Grant – Health CTE Technical Skills Attainment Afterschool Program for Various 20-361-100- Not to exceed $840 per Nadadhur Raman $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 CTE Students Locations 101-0009-20-05 person. Support by the Perkins Grant – Health (Substitute) Anthony- AM/PM 15-421-200- Not to exceed $14,000 Dolores Wilson $42.00 11/19/19-6/30/20 Musa Supervisor 110-0009-00-31 total program.


42 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Brown Felicia $36.00 learning –Drama Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Cravo Helen $36.00 learning – Cosmetology Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Cunigilo Mario $36.00 learning – Digital Arts Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Feliciano Crystal $36.00 learning –Finance Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Fennell Gerard $36.00 learning - Health Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Gray Dorita $36.00 learning –Cosmetology Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Hyslop Greg $36.00 learning - Fitness Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. Massenet Jessica CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed $36.00 learning –Engineering Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Monzon Daniel $36.00 learning –Construction Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Morris Stephanie $36.00 learning –Culinary Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Morris Monica $36.00 learning –Culinary Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Nadadhur Raman $36.00 learning - Health Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Peroni Mark $36.00 learning –Construction Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Pollock John $36.00 learning –Culinary Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Prunetti Robert $36.00 learning - Fitness Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Riddick Monique $36.00 learning –Marketing Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Ruggiano Bridget $36.00 learning – Photography Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Sorrentino Scott $36.00 learning – Digital Arts Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Teacher to support Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Zwierzinski Elizabeth $36.00 learning –Dance Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. CTE Lead Teacher to Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Munro Scott support College and $36.00 Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. Career Readiness CTE Lead Teacher to Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Francis Alvin support College and $36.00 Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. Career Readiness CTE Lead Teacher to Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Seabert Andrew support College and $36.00 Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. Career Readiness CTE Lead Teacher to Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Cunningham Debra support College and $36.00 Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. Career Readiness CTE Lead Teacher to Various 20-361-200- 11/19/19- Not to exceed Dent Nicole support College and $36.00 Locations 101-0009-20-05 6/30/20 $360 per person. Career Readiness Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Allen Shari Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program.

43 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Almase Eiser Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Amon Debra Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Baker Bridget Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Bernardini Stephanie Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $29.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Berzanskis Alycia Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Bester Caryn Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Blain Ritha Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Bryant Brittany Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Burkholz Michael Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Ciaccia Janet Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- D’Abronzo Theresa Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Davis Denise Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Davis Linda Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Dawkins Ieshia Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Dorsi John Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Downing Sharlene Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Dyous Crystol Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $29.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Edwards Heather Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Esposito Robert Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Franz Bettina Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Not to exceed 44 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 $10,800 total program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Gonzalez Xiomara Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Goulburn Andrew Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Green Fred Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Guindon John Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Hanscomb Kendra Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Harter Andrew Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Hawley Tiffanie Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Jennings Steven Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Kaplan Hollie Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Kelley Dawn Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Maggie Kathleen Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Marks Howard Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- McAloon James Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- McBride Ryan Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Miller Elizabeth Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Mobilio Karyn Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Muse Naeem Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- O’Keefe Megan Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Not to exceed Perry Christopher Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 $10,800 total 45 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Piwonski Michael Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Pollock Susanne Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Pokrysko Ronald Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Rubinstein Marc Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Sabol Jason Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Scaran Claudia Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Shaffer Warren Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $29.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Silver Lisha Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Taylor Melanie Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Taylor Phylica Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Taylor Kayla Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Taylor Leigh Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- West Sharonda Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- White Deetra Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $29.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Williams J. Gilbert Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $29.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Wilson Karen Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Xu Vincent Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program. Not to exceed 20-236-200- 12/1/19- Yoon David Spanish Lessons for Staff Rivera $36.00 $10,800 total 101-0009-20-82 5/30/20 program.


46 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM


Ash Paul Head Baseball Coach TCHS $7,828 11-402-100-101- 3/1/19-6/15/20 0009-00-55

Butka Ronald Head Indoor Boys TCHS $6,133 11-402-100-101- 11/27/19-3/3/20 Track Coach 0009-00-55

McCamy Ryan Head Softball Coach TCHS $7,828 11-402-100-101- 3/1/19-6/15/20 0009-00-55

Francis Shante Head Girls Spring TCHS $7,828 11-402-100-101- 3/1/19-6/15/20 Track Coach 0009-00-55

Middle School Girls 11-402-100-101- Bethea Alakee Kilmer $2,518 12/2/19-2/15/20 Basketball Coach 0010-00-55

Middle School Girls Hedgepeth/ 11-402-100-101- Hoover Theadore $2,518 12/2/19-2/15/20 Basketball Coach Williams 0010-00-55

Middle School Girls 11-402-100-101- 9/9/19-10/26/19 Rubino Robert Dunn $2,518 Soccer Coach 0010-00-55

Middle School Girls 11-402-100-101- Smith Regina Dunn $2,518 12/2/19-2/15/20 Basketball Coach 0010-00-55

Middle School Girls 11-402-100-101- Williams Gilbert Rivera $2,518 12/2/19-2/15/20 Basketball Coach 0010-00-55

Middle School Boys 11-402-100-101- Guindon Johns Rivera $2,518 12/2/19-2/15/20 Basketball Coach 0010-00-55

Middle School Boys 11-402-100-101- Moody Darrell Kilmer $2,518 12/2/19-2/15/20 Basketball Coach 0010-00-55

Middle School Boys Hedgepeth/ 11-402-100-101- Murphy Robert $2,518 12/2/19-2/15/20 Basketball Coach Williams 0010-00-55

Middle School Boys 11-402-100-101- Plasky Jacob Dunn $2,518 12/2/19-2/15/20 Basketball Coach 0010-00-55

Head Boys Spring 11-402-100-101- 3/1/19-6/15/20 Butka Ronald TCHS $7,828 Track Coach 0009-00-55 s. NOVICE/PROVISIONAL TEACHERS WORKSHOPS LAST NAME FIRST NAME RATE GAAP CODE EFFECTIVE NOTE

47 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Not to exceed $465 Ojoegbu Charles $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 11/19/19-6/30/20 total program. t. STUDENT INTERNS LAST NAME FIRST NAME SITE TEACHER LOCATION SCHOOL/ EFFECTIVE COLLEGE

McNally Clair Sandy Jimenez Columbus TCNJ 11/19/19-1/31/20

Bellissimo Kimberly Marybeth Stewart Grant TCNJ 1/25/20-5/31/20

Chen Audrey Kathryn Flowers Parker TCNJ 1/25/20-5/31/20

Gilkin Maureen Ashley Ennis Grant TCNJ 1/25/20-5/31/20

Hamilton Sydney Blair Della Penna Grant TCNJ 1/25/20-5/31/20

Lerant Kira Nicole Gresko Parker TCNJ 1/25/20-5/31/20

Pook Amanda Regina Landgraf Grant TCNJ 1/25/20-5/31/20

Reagan Timothy Erin Pinelli Hill TCNJ 1/25/20-5/31/20


Caver Bryan Volunteer Coach TCHS 11/19/19-6/30/20

Cunningham Tyler Volunteer Coach TCHS 12/10/19-1/9/20

Fletcher Darryl Volunteer 9th Grade Academy 11/19/19-6/30/20

Green Elkins Volunteer 9th Grade Academy 11/19/19-6/30/20

Hood Jonas Volunteer 9th Grade Academy 11/19/19-6/30/20

O’Neal Shante Volunteer Gregory 11/19/19-6/30/20

Berman Rebecca Volunteer – City Step Grant 11/19/19-6/30/20 Princeton

Betancourt Sarah Volunteer - City Step Grant 11/19/19-6/30/20 Princeton

48 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

King Margaret Volunteer – City Step Grant 11/19/19-6/30/20 Princeton

Lalin Natalia Volunteer – City Step Grant 11/19/19-6/30/20 Princeton

Hernandez Roberto Catholic Charities Daylight/Twilight 11/19/19-6/30/20

Pinto Sandra Catholic Charities Daylight/Twilight 11/19/19-6/30/20

Ramirez Berta Catholic Charities Daylight/Twilight 11/19/19-6/30/20

McCargo Daniel Volunteer Gregory 11/19/19-6/30/20

Berman Rebecca Volunteer Grant 11/19/19-6/30/20

Lalin Natalia Volunteer Grant 11/19/19-6/30/20

King Margaret Volunteer Grant 11/19/19-6/30/20

Kaiser Lynn Volunteer King/Robbins 11/19/19-6/30/20

Finance & Facilities:

a. Appropriation Transfers – September 2019

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A requires that the Board of Education approve appropriation transfers; and;

WHEREAS, the Superintendent has authorized the budget adjusted to reflect the appropriation transfers;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, does ratify the transfers approved by the Superintendent of Schools. (Attachment 3-A)

b. A-148 Secretary’s Report – September 2019

WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A-17-9, the Secretary of the Board of Education shall report to the Board at each regular meeting but no more than once each month, the amount of total appropriations and the cash receipts of each account, and the amount for which warrants have been drawn against each account and the amount of orders and contractual obligations been drawn against each account and the amount of orders and contractual obligations incurred and chargeable against each account since the date of the last report; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner has prescribed that such reporting take place on Form A-148;

WHEREAS, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11©3, the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the report(s) no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education accepts the above referenced reports and certifications and orders that they be attached to and made part of the record of this meeting; 49 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with N.J.A.C 6A:23-2.11©4, the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary’s monthly financial reports for September 2019, and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. (Attachment 3-B)

c. A-149 Treasurer’s Report – September 2019

WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A-17-31 et seq. boards of education are required to have the appointed position of Treasurer of School Monies; and

WHEREAS, the Treasurer shall serve in trust to receive and hold all school monies belonging to the district; and

WHEREAS, the Treasurer shall report to the Board of Education on a monthly basis on the Form A- 149, which is prescribed by the Commissioner of Education;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, for the period ending September 30, 2019, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, adopt the A-149 and cause it to become a part of the official minutes of this meeting. (Attachment 3-C)

d. Staff Travel

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, ratified staff attendance/participation in the following professional conferences, workshops, seminars or trainings with the requirements, that staff turn-key as required by administration those issues addressed at the approved professional development events which have relevance to improving instruction and/or operation of the school district.

Agenda Applicant Position School/ Purpose Location Date Funds Cost GAAP Dept. Code Nov. Keysha Jackson Grants CSB State Hearing Galloway NJ 12/2/19 $0 Manager Session on Perkins V Plan Nov. Austin Witter Program TRA PowerSchool/Power Orlando FL 3/29/20 – Board $3984.50 11-423- Manager Edge University 4/3/20 200-580- 0000-00- 86 Nov. Ed Treadaway Manager of CSB School Jamesburg NJ 12/6/19 Board $16.30 11-000- Transportation Transportation 270-580- Operations Supervisors State 0000-00- Meeting 65 Nov. Theodore Counselor HPW Social Emotional N. Brunswick, 12/16 and $0 Hoover Character NJ 18/2019 Development Workshop Nov. Amanda Dice Teacher TNGA NJAHPERD Annual Long Branch, 2/24 thru $0 Convention NJ 26/2019 Nov. Zebbie Belton Principal Robbins NJDOE Principal Branchburg, 12/6/2019, Learning Network NJ 3/26,27/ 2020 Nov. John Dunston Supervisor CSB 2019 AMTNJ 11th Monroe, NJ 12/4/2019 Grant $208 20-285- Annual Special 200-580- Education and Math 0048-20- Conference 82 Nov. Denise Kreiss Coordinator CSB Building a Culture of Somerset, NJ 12/5/2019 Board $85 11-000- Health Conference 211-580- 0000-00- 57 50 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Nov. Isabel Cruz Teacher CSB Get Your Teach On Los Angeles, 1/20 thru Grant $1,093 20-246- CA 22/2020 200-580- 0000-20- 82 Nov. Ron Butka Teacher TCHS Track & Field Clinic Atlantic City, 12/04 thru $0 NJ 06/2019 Nov. Shante Francis Teacher TCHS Track & Field Clinic Atlantic City, 12/04 thru $0 NJ 06/2019 Nov. Barbara Episale Media TCHS Central Jersey Neptune, NJ 12/6/2019 $0 Specialist Library Book Review Nov. Sandra Iturbides Supervisor CSB TCNJ Annual Ewing, NJ 12/6/2019 $0 Conference – Emergent Literacy for Students with Disabilities Nov. Janet Nicodemus Supervisor CSB TCNJ Annual Ewing, NJ 12/6/2019 $0 Conference – Emergent Literacy for Students with Disabilities Nov. Sonnia Cisnero- Teacher CSB TCNJ Annual Ewing, NJ 12/6/2019 $0 Leber Conference – Emergent Literacy for Students with Disabilities Nov. Kelly Fullard Teacher Harrison TCNJ Annual Ewing, NJ 12/6/2019 $0 Conference – Emergent Literacy for Students with Disabilities Nov. Amy Kinczel Teacher Harrison TCNJ Annual Ewing, NJ 12/6/2019 $0 Conference – Emergent Literacy for Students with Disabilities Nov. Chelah Cesar Teacher HPW TCNJ Annual Ewing, NJ 12/6/2019 $0 Conference – Emergent Literacy for Students with Disabilities Nov. Frances Maye Media TNGA Garden State Trenton, NJ 1/13/2020 $0 Specialist Summit Nov. Frances Maye Media TNGA 100 Best Strategies Trenton, NJ 1/15/2020 $0 Specialist Workshop Nov. Frances Maye Media TNGA NJASL Better Trenton, NJ 12/9 thru $0 Specialist Together – Turnkey 20/2019 training in District Nov. Antonella Teacher Monument Autism Workshop Tinton Falls, 12/11/2019 Board $222 15-000- Roldan NJ 223-580- 0000-00- 25 Nov. Scott Munro Teacher Leader TCHS NCAC 23 Annual Anaheim, CA 12/3 Grant $2,695 20-275- Conference thru7/2019 200-580- 0000-20- 82 Nov. Tara Conrad Math Specialist Kilmer 2019 AMTNJ 11th Monroe, NJ 12/4/2019 Grant $208 20-285- Annual Special 200-580- Education and Math 0048-20- Conference 82 Nov. Bonita Johnson Math Specialist Washington 2019 AMTNJ 11th Monroe, NJ 12/4/2019 Grant $208 20-285- Annual Special 200-580- Education and Math 0048-20- Conference 82 Nov. Karen Leno Math Specialist Parker 2019 AMTNJ 11th Monroe, NJ 12/4/2019 Grant $208 20-285- Annual Special 200-580- Education and Math 0048-20- Conference 82 Nov. Melanie Taylor Math Specialist Rivera 2019 AMTNJ 11th Monroe, NJ 12/4/2019 Grant $208 20-285- Annual Special 200-580- 51 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Education and Math 0048-20- Conference 82 Nov. Wayne Fisher Math Specialist TNGA 2019 AMTNJ 11th Monroe, NJ 12/4/2019 Grant $208 20-285- Annual Special 200-580- Education and Math 0048-20- Conference 82 Nov. Lakshmi Math Specialist TRA 2019 AMTNJ 11th Monroe, NJ 12/4/2019 Grant $208 20-285- Voruganti Annual Special 200-580- Education and Math 0048-20- Conference 82 Nov. Dawn Hendryx Math Specialist MLK 2019 AMTNJ 11th Monroe, NJ 12/4/2019 Grant $208 20-285- Annual Special 200-580- Education and Math 0048-20- Conference 82 Nov. Francine Math Specialist Columbus 2019 AMTNJ 11th Monroe, NJ 12/4/2019 Grant $208 20-285- Conyers Annual Special 200-580- Education and Math 0048-20- Conference 82 Nov. Dolores Math Specialist Wilson 2019 AMTNJ 11th Monroe, NJ 12/4/2019 Grant $208 20-285- Anthony-Musa Annual Special 200-580- Education and Math 0048-20- Conference 82 Nov. Sarah Stillwell Math Specialist Gregory 2019 AMTNJ 11th Monroe, NJ 12/4/2019 Grant $208 20-285- Annual Special 200-580- Education and Math 0048-20- Conference 82 Nov. Michelle Dice Teacher HPW NJAHPERD Annual Long Branch, 2/24 thru $125 Board 15-130- Convention NJ 25/2020 100-101- 0009-00- 08 Nov. Adam Olivieri Teacher Monument First Aid/CPR/AED Tinton Falls, 11/26 $0 Workshop NJ thru27/2019 Nov. Victor Farnath Vice Principal Rivera NJ L2L Professional Monroe, NJ 11/29/2019 $0 Development Nov. Paul Ash Teacher TCHS NJSIAA/NJSCA Flemington, 12/12/2019 $0 NJ Nov. David Caruso Teacher TCHS NJSIAA/NJSCA Flemington, 12/12/2019 $0 NJ Nov. Joe Rosario Teacher TCHS SHAPE America Salt Lake 4/21 thru $0 National Convention City, Utah 25/2020 Nov. Lorcha Lewis Principal Parker ILA Conference New Orleans, 10/10 thru Board $1,571 15-000- LA 12/2019 223-580- 0000-00- 27 BOARD APP’D SEPT. 2019 – COST AMEND ED Nov. Nadia Vice Principal Parker ILA Conference New Orleans, 10/10 thru Board $1,501 15-000- Romcharan LA 12/2019 223-580- 0000-00- 27 BOARD APP’D SEPT. 2019 – COST AMEND ED Nov. Sandra Iturbides Supervisor CSB Path to Biliteracy Monroe, NJ 12/16/2019 $0 Training Nov. Elizabeth CAO CSB Leadership Academy Monroe, NJ 1/16, 2/24, Board $450 11-240- DeJesus Series 6, Cohort 7 3/25/2020 100-580- 0000-00- 81 52 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Nov. Talithea Duncan Specialist TCHS NCUEA Fall Savannah, GA 12/4 thru $0 Conference 7/2019 Nov. James Rolle, Jr General CSB Essential Training Trenton, NJ 12/3/2019 Board $209 11-000- Counsel for Attorneys 251-580- 0000-00- 52 Nov. Valerie Counselor TNGA Why We Bully N. Brunswick, 1/14/2019 $0 Hedgepeth Workshop NJ Nov. Joseph Povio Electrician B&G Required Continuing Martinsville 11/30/2019 Board $669 11-000- Foreman Education – Institute NJ thru 262-580- for Technical 03/31/2020 0000-00- Advancement 61 Nov. Stacie Wood- HR Manager CSB NJ Association of Pennington 12/11/19 $0 Chapman School Personnel NJ Administrators - Certifications PD

e. Facilities Report – November 2019

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves School and Community Organizations to use Trenton Board of Education Facilities.

DATES TBOE or ORGANIZATION Prof OF DAY FACILITY TIME PERMIT Outside MTG PROG Recre Other / DEPT. Dev USEAGE Usage Columbus, Gregory, Hill, Kilmer, Monument, Mercer County Mott, Board of Elections - 6/4/19 & Stokes, 5 AM to 9 A16- Primary and Tuesday Outside X 11/5/19 Washington, PM 10927 General Election Wilson, Polling Sites King, Hedgepeth /Wms, Dunn, TCHS Elizabeth Gill/Ann Sciarrotta Trenton Educational Administra 3:30 PM to 10/23/19 Wednesday A16-9844 TBOE X Secretaries tion 7 PM Association - Elections

Daniel Hall - Band 10/16/19 - Hedgepeth 2:30 PM to A16- Wednesday TBOE X Rehearsal 6/7/20 /Wms 3:30 PM 11407

Michael Tofte - Hedgepeth 1 PM to 3 A16- Districtwide Math 11/13/19 Wednesday TBOE X /Wms PM 10882 PD

Michael Tofte - 1 PM to 3 A16- Districtwide 11/13/19 Wednesday Rivera TBOE X PM 10882 Science PD

Crystol Dyous - Parent Event, 4 PM to 6 A16- 11/14/19 Thursday Rivera TBOE X Multicultural PM 10426 Community Event Crystol Dyous - 4 PM to 7 A16- Parent & Family 10/30/19 Wednesday Rivera TBOE X PM 10425 Event, Fall Festival

53 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Crystol Dyous - 4 PM to 6 A16- Parent Holiday 12/12/19 Thursday Rivera TBOE X PM 10427 Fest

Crystol Dyous - 4 PM to 6 A16- Math, Science & 01/16/20 Thursday Rivera TBOE X PM 10428 Literacy Night

Crystol Dyous - 4 PM to 6 A16- Daddy/Daughter 02/20/20 Thursday Rivera TBOE X PM 10429 Dance

Crystol Dyous - 4 PM to 6 A16- 02/21/20 Friday Rivera TBOE X Mother/Son Dance PM 10431

Crystol Dyous - 8 AM to 04/23/20 Thursday Rivera A16-9827 TBOE X Muffins & Moms 11 AM

Crystol Dyous - 4 PM to 7 Parent Meeting 03/19/20 Thursday Rivera A16-9830 TBOE X PM about NJSLA

Crystol Dyous - 8 AM to 04/22/20 Wednesday Rivera A16-9828 TBOE X Donuts & Dads 11 AM Crystol Dyous - 4 PM to 6 CPP Training for 12/12/19 Thursday Rivera A16-9829 TBOE X PM Parents Jenn Renshall - 3/6, Friday & Administra A16- Princeton Art All Day TBOE X 9/2020 Monday tion 10586 Museum Program

Wanda Martinez - Hedgepeth 5 PM to 8 A16- 10/25/19 Friday TBOE X Fall Party /Wms PM 11422

Wanda Martinez - Hedgepeth 5:30 PM to A16- Hispanic Heritage 10/15/19 Tuesday TBOE X /Wms 7:30 PM 11425 Celebration

Trenton Youth 10/15- Tuesday & Washingto 3:30 PM to A16- Outside X Soccer League 11/26/19 Thursday n 5 PM 10618

Denise Kreiss - 4:30 PM to A16- FACE Committee 12/12/19 Thursday Franklin TBOE X 6:30 PM 10650 Meeting Denise Kreiss - 4:30 PM to A16- FACE Committee 05/21/20 Thursday P.J. Hill TBOE X 6:30 PM 11039 Meeting Denise Kreiss - 7 AM to 2 A16- Parent Resource 02/29/20 Saturday P.J. Hill TBOE X PM 11042 Drive

Keysha Jackson - Administra 2:30 PM to ESSA Stakeholders 10/15/19 Tuesday A16-9893 TBOE X tion 4 PM Meeting

Major Countess 9th Grade 5 PM to 10 A16- Irvin - JROTC 10/11/19 Friday TBOE X Academy PM 10372 Movie Night

Denyce Carroll - Trenton Administra 8:30 AM to A16- 10/29/19 Tuesday TBOE X Paraprofessionals tion 2 PM 10861 Association 54 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM


Paula Bethea - 10/9/19 - Tuesday & 2:40 PM to A16- Lexia After School Kilmer TBOE X 1/30/20 Thursday 4:10 PM 10555 Reading Program

Shaketta Vincent - 5 PM to Community 11/19/19 Tuesday P.J. Hill A-9127 TBOE X 7:30 PM Resource Fair

Shaketta Vincent - 4 PM to 7 11/12/19 Tuesday P.J. Hill A-9126 TBOE X Career Fair PM

Shaketta Vincent - 6 PM to 10/30/19 Wednesday P.J. Hill A-9125 TBOE X PTO Meeting 7:30 PM

Shaketta Vincent - 4 PM to Job Readiness 10/22/19 Tuesday P.J. Hill A-9124 TBOE X 6:30 PM Workshop

Charged Upp 4 PM to 6 A16- (PBSIS), Anna 10/24/19 Thursday Dunn Outside X PM 10522 Elson - Fall Dance

John Dunston - PD 10/22 & Administra 9 AM to 4 STEM Engineering Tuesday A16-9895 TBOE X 29/19 tion PM is Elementary Jenn Renshall - Performance 5:30 PM to A16- Celebration for 10/23/19 Wednesday King TBOE X 7:30 PM 10587 Hispanic Heritage Month 11/13, Monica Carmichael 12/4/2019 - Monthly Early 1/8, 2/12, 9th Grade 11:45 AM A16- Childhood Wednesday TBOE X 3/14, 4/1, Academy to 4:30 PM 11051 PD/Extended Staff 5/6, Meetings 6/3/2020 Sarah Stillwell - Parent Night Out, 12/5/19, Thursday & 4 PM to 8 Father-Daughter 2/20/20 & Gregory A-8774 TBOE X Friday PM Dance, Mother-Son 5/29/20 Dance Denyce Carroll - Trenton Administrators & Supervisors Association Administra 9:30 AM to A16- 12/03/19 Tuesday TBOE X Arbitration tion 3 PM 10868 Session/Trenton Business & Technical Mediation Micah Freeman - Henry J. Austin 10/22 & 1 PM to 5 Tuesday P.J. Hill A-9129 TBOE X Health Center 29/19 PM Medical Van Visit

Katrina Smith - Fall Hedgepeth 5:30 PM to A16- 10/25/19 Friday TBOE X Dance /Wms 8 PM 11417

55 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Jennifer Yarde - Administra 9 AM to 3 A16- Pearson PD for 10/22/19 Tuesday TBOE X tion PM 11085 Literacy Coaches

Sandra Iturbides - Daylight/ 4 PM to 8 A16- 11/21/19 Thursday TBOE X PAC Meeting Twilight PM 10683

11/12 & 12/10/201 9, 1/14, Star Wright - PTO Hedgepeth 5 PM to 6 A16- 2/18, 3/17, Tuesday TBOE X Meetings /Wms PM 10450 4/21, 5/19 & 6/9/2020 LaToya James - Childrens Home Society - Trenton 11/5 & Tuesday & Hedgepeth 2:30 to A16-9456 Outside X Education Dance 14/19 Thursday /Wms 4:30 PM Institute Enrichment Wanda Martinez - Hedgepeth 4:30 to 8 A16- Spanish Speaking 10/29/19 Tuesday TBOE X /Wms PM 11445 Parents Forum

Ashley Rodriguez - Class of 2020 5 PM to 11 A16- 11/01/19 Friday TCHS TBOE X Homecoming PM 10248 Dance & Snack Sale Michael Tofte - 1 PM to 3 A16- Districtwide Math 11/13/19 Wednesday TCHS TBOE X PM 10881 PD Michael Yaris - Interact Club 2:30 to 03/19/20 Thursday TCHS A-8456 TBOE X Dodgeball 6:30 PM Tournament

f. List of Bills

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:19.1 and N.J.S.A.18:6-31 provides for the Board of Education to authorize the payment of bills; and WHEREAS, the Business Administrator/Board Secretary has reviewed the documentation supporting the attached lists of bills; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, authorize and approve the payment of bills on the attached lists for the Monday, November 18, 2019 Board meeting in the amount of $30,742,271.35. (Attachment 3-F – Bill Lists of 10/15/19 & 10/31/19)

g. Acceptance of Donations

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, accepts funding from the following generous donors:

DONOR DONATION RECIPIENT PLANNED USE FOR FUNDS First Day of School $1,000.00 Grant Elementary School Purchase of instructional Foundation materials Shine and Inspire Toiletry items, clothing, Trenton Public Schools To be provided to displaced school supplies & families miscellaneous items Shine and Inspire 18 Laptop Computers Trenton Public Schools To be used in Parent 56 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

engagement programs and workshops Walmart $1,500.00 Wilson Elementary School Honor roll incentive Foundation program Eastern Stars Immediate need items Kilmer Middle School Care Closet for Kilmer students

h. Out of District Placements – November 2019

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following Out of District Placements.

Initials Placement Cost School Extraordinary COMMENTS GAAP Code Year Services School Year TH East Mountain School $60,913.89 11-000-100-566-0000-0084 SS Joseph Cappello School $44,856.00 11-000-100-565-0000-0084 KP Joseph Cappello School $50,568.00 11-000-100-565-0000-0084 GE Joseph Cappello School $50,568.00 11-000-100-565-0000-0084 WE Mercer Elementary $56,112.00 11-000-100-565-0000-0084 FS Titusville Academy $44,758.98 11-000-100-566-0000-0084 MV Commission For The Blind and $1,900.00 11-000-100-569-0000-0084 Visually Impaired EY Commission For The Blind and $1,900.00 11-000-100-569-0000-0084 Visually Impaired JD Mount Laurel Bd. of Education $10,423.00 19-20 legal placement 11-000-100-561/2-0000-0084 MB Woodstown-Pilesgrove $14,555.00 19-20 state placement 11-000-100-561/2-0000-0084 FD Bonnie Brae $64,370.00 11-000-100-566-0000-0084 JJ Bordentown Regional School $13,278.00 19-20 Homeless 11-000-100-561/2-0000-0084 District placement DT Burlington County Special $37,124.10 11-000-100-565-0000-0084 Services ZJ Maple Shade School District $15,846.00 19-20 Homeless 11-000-100-561/2-0000-0084 placement AT Maple Shade School District $13,816.00 19-20 Homeless 11-000-100-561/2-0000-0084 placement JT Maple Shade School District $13,816.00 19-20 Homeless 11-000-100-561/2-0000-0084 placement YG East Mountain School $71,663.40 11-000-100-566-0000-0084 IF East Mountain School $71,663.40 11-000-100-566-0000-0084 QT Delaware Valley School $368.74 19-20 tuition increase 20-250-100-500-0000-2084 SF Delaware Valley School $368.74 19-20 tuition increase 20-250-100-500-0000-2084 QM Gloucester County Special $2,998.80 11-000-100-565-0000-00-84 Services District MB Mary A. Dobbins School $66,072.16 11-000-100-566-0000-0084 PW New Roads School-Parlin $54,919.12 11-000-100-566-0000-0084 MS Bancroft Cares $31,500.00 11-000-217-320-0000-0084 TJ Garfield Park Academy 46,634.02 11-000-100-566-0000-0084 EG Green Brook Academy 63,332.82 11-000-100-566-0000-0084 AG Thomas Rubino Academy 15,325.71 11-000-100-561/2-0000-0084 RP Thomas Rubino Academy 15,325.71 11-000-100-561/2-0000-0084 IT Newgrange (228281001) 64,063.28 20-250-100-500-0000-2084

Total $967,540.87 $31,500.00

i. Resolution to Approve Increase to Purchase Order 19-00101 for Loving Care Agency, Inc.

57 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Increase to Purchase Order 19-00101 for Loving Care Agency, Inc. for a total cost not to exceed $155,000.00. This item was originally Board approved on June 26, 2018 and increased on June 28, 2019. j. Approval of QSAC District Performance Review

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for the QSAC District Performance Review to be submitted to the County Office of Education. (Attachment 3-J) k. Resolution Awarding Contract for Emergency Repair for Fire Violations – Wiked Designs Signs & Graphics

WHEREAS, The Trenton BOE (hereinafter referred to as the Board) entered into a contract per N.J.A.C. 18A:18A-7 Emergency Contract with the following vendor:


To perform emergency flame retardant application to wood in cafeteria at:


BE IT RESOLVED: That the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for emergency services affecting the health or safety of occupants of various schools and approves payment for services to the vendor noted above. The proposed scope of work shall be at a cost not to exceed $20,000.00. Account Code: 11-000-261-420-0000-00-61 l. Resolution Awarding Contract for Emergency Fireproofing Patching and/or Spraying – Ocean Fireproofing

WHEREAS, The Trenton BOE (hereinafter referred to as the Board) entered into a contract per N.J.A.C. 18A:18A-7 Emergency Contract with the following vendor:


To perform emergency fireproofing patching and/or spraying to the following:


BE IT RESOLVED: That the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for emergency services affecting the health or safety of occupants of various schools and approves payment for services to the vendor noted above. The proposed scope of work shall be at a cost not to exceed $3,700.00. Account Code: 11-000-261-420-0000-00-61 m. Resolution Awarding Contract for Emergency Door Replacement/Repairs for Fire Violations – Jammer Doors

WHEREAS, The Trenton BOE (hereinafter referred to as the Board) entered into a contract per N.J.A.C. 18A:18A-7 Emergency Contract with the following vendor:


58 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

To perform emergency door replacements/repairs to the following:


BE IT RESOLVED: That the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for emergency services affecting the health or safety of occupants of various schools and approves payment for services to the vendor noted above. The proposed scope of work shall be at a cost not to exceed $2,850.00. Account Code: 11-000-261-420-0000-00-61 n. Resolution Awarding Contract for Emergency Repair for Violation – Hamilton Building Supply Company

WHEREAS, The Trenton BOE (hereinafter referred to as the Board) entered into a contract per N.J.A.C. 18A:18A-7 Emergency Contract with the following vendor:


To perform emergency repair to classroom door at the following:


BE IT RESOLVED: That the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for emergency services affecting the health or safety of occupants of various schools and approves payment for services to the vendor noted above. The proposed scope of work shall be at a cost not to exceed $650.00. Account Code: 11-000-261-420-0000-00-61 o. Resolution Authorizing Payment to New Jersey Schools Insurance Group (NJSIG)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves payment to New Jersey Schools Insurance Group (NJSIG) of a policy premium in the amount of $19,680.22 due to the addition of new school buses and school vans. p. Resolution Authorizing Payment to Atlantic Associates

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves payment to Atlantic Associates in the amount of $10,698.00 for environmental pollution liability coverage through Ironshore Specialty Insurance Company for the policy period 8/15/19-7/1/20. q. Renewal of the Annual Memorandum of Agreement with Law Enforcement

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Renewal of the Annual Memorandum of Agreement with Law Enforcement (Attachment 3-Q). r. Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) between the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA), Trenton Education Association (TEA) and the Trenton Board of Education

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) between NJEA, TEA and the Trenton Board of Education for the NJEA Priority Schools Initiative at M.L. King Jr. 59 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

Elementary School, Washington Elementary School and Kilmer Middle School as per the terms and conditions of the MOAs. (Attachment 3-R) s. Approval of 2018-2019 Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Self-Assessment Report

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2018-2019 Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Self-Assessment Report to be submitted to the New Jersey Department of Education. (Attachment 3-S) t. Resolution to Approve Invoice from Central Jersey Program for the Recruitment of Diverse Educators (CJ Pride) through West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District for 2019-2020

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Central Jersey Program (CJ Pride) through West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District to provide assistance in the recruitment of diverse educators at a cost not to exceed $100.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 11-000-251-890-0000-00-52 u. Resolution to Approve Application for the STEM Dual Enrollment Grant

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the application and receipt of funds, if awarded, of the New Jersey Department of Education STEM Dual Enrollment Grant. If awarded, the goal of the STEM Dual Enrollment program is to “provide access and opportunity for underrepresented students in New Jersey’s comprehensive high schools to an education in an in-demand STEM career pathway by participating in a Grades 9-14 industry-driven, high-quality dual enrollment early college program, where they earn a high school diploma, a postsecondary degree and gain valuable employability skills.” The maximum award under the grant is $200,000.00, and the project period is February 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. v. Joint Transportation Agreement with Ewing Public Schools

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2019/2020 & ESY Joint Transportation Agreement between Ewing Schools and Trenton Board of Education for the provision of transportation services for one student to Bridge Academy on route BRA3. Ewing will pay Trenton Public Schools the annual cost of $15,920.00 w. Joint Transportation Agreement with Florence Township Schools

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2019/2020 Joint Transportation Agreement between Florence Township Schools and Trenton Board of Education for the provision of transportation services for one DCP&P student to PJ Hill on route V&. Trenton will pay Florence Township Schools the annual cost of $13,090.91 Account Code: 11-000-270-513-0000-00-65 x. Resolution Adding an Aide on Route GRA2

60 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves adding an aide on a Dapper Bus route GRA2 of a cost of $103.20 per diem. Account Code: 11-000-270-514-0000-00-65 y. Request for Proposal (RFP) for Prospective Organization to Provide Demographer Services

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation for the Superintendent of Schools, authorizes the School Business Administrator/ Purchasing Agent to prepare or have prepared Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Prospective Organization to Provide Demographer Services which shall include all items set forth in 18:18A-4.4. z. Resolution Awarding Contract for PEOSH/Hazard Communication Standard/Right to Know and Asbestos Awareness Training

WHEREAS, The Trenton BOE (hereinafter referred to as the Board) entered into a contract per N.J.A.C. 18A:18A-7 Emergency Training as per NJ DOH/PEOSH with the following vendor:


To perform training for Art and Science Teachers at

• Ellis Auditorium /Trenton Board of Education – NOVEMBER 21, 2019

BE IT RESOLVED: That the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for emergency services affecting the health or safety of occupants of various schools and approves payment and services to the vendor noted above. The proposed scope of work shall be at a cost not to exceed $1,400.00. Account Code: 11-000-261-420-0000-00-61 aa. Revised Resolution to Approve the Frontline Technologies Group, LLC Renewal Agreement for 2019-2020

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Revised Frontline Technologies Group, LLC Renewal Agreement for 2019- 2020 SY for the period October 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 at a cost not to exceed $95,000.00. Frontline Technologies Group, LLC supplies online training, assessment, and certification in the Danielson observation and evaluation tool. Frontline Professional Learning Management (PLM) is an online system for scheduling, tracking, and evaluating all district professional development (PD), as well as scheduling, recording, tracking, and reporting district observations and evaluations of certificated employees. Frontline Applicant Tracking is an online system for managing applicants and their interview and hiring process materials. This item was originally Board approved on September 30, 2019 (Curriculum Recommendation WW). The revision is needed to increase the cost and change the GAAP Code. Account Code: 11-000-251-340-0000-00-52 bb. Approval of Contract with New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA)

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves a contract with New Jersey School Boards Association to provide services in the area of strategic planning for the period November 19, 2019 through June 30, 2020 at a cost not to exceed $7,000.00. Account Code: 11-000-251-340-0000-00-60

61 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

OLD BUSINESS President Daniels-Lane re-stated the importance of having Channel 19 operational. Everything is in place from Xfinity for this to happen; the District just needs to address closed captioning and programming issues.

NEW BUSINESS None presented.


President Daniels-Lane read the Executive Session Resolution:


WHEREAS, The Open Public Meetings Act, codified as N.J.S.A. § 10:4-6, et seq., permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting under certain circumstances; and,

WHEREAS, the Trenton Board of Education is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist, indicated as follows:

Any material which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy if disclosed;

MATTERS/CAPTION: Student Hearings

Any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiations to which the Board is or may become a party to, and any matter falling within the Attorney-Client Privilege, to the extent that confidentiality is required to preserve the Attorney-Client relationship and allow the Attorney to exercise his/her ethical duties as a lawyer;

MATTERS/CAPTION: • Settlement Agreement • Litigation Update • Legal Invoices

Personnel matters related to the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of the performance of, promotion, or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public officer or employee employed or appointed by the public body, unless all individuals who could be adversely affected request, in writing, that the matter be discussed at a public meeting;

MATTERS/CAPTION: • Administrative Leave • Other Personnel Matters

62 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Trenton Board of Education, County of Mercer, State of New Jersey, that an Executive Session will be held on November 18, 2019 for the statutorily permissible purposes indicated in this resolution.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that action may be taken by the Board when it reconvenes in Open Session.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the minutes of the Executive Session with regard to the above subject matter shall be disclosed to the public at a later date and to the extent that the same is not prejudicial to the interests of the parties involved, no longer adverse to the public interest, or does not endanger any individual’s right to privacy.

Motion was made by Ms. Weakliem and properly seconded to adjourn the meeting into Executive Session. All were in favor, 0 opposed 0 abstentions.

ADJOURN 7:48 p.m.

REOPEN PUBLIC MEETING Open Public Meeting reconvened at 9:18 p.m.

1. Legal Invoices

TEA v TBOE, QN 0752, Reimbursement $2,327.19 to Nirenberg & Varano LLP for Services Rendered 10/1/18-1/30/19

Y.D. v TBOE, QN 2299, Reimbursement $1,440.00 to Adams Gutierrez & Lattiboudere LLC for Services Rendered 5/1/19-8/31/19

Y.D. v TBOE, QN 2299, Reimbursement $640.00 to Adams Gutierrez & Lattiboudere LLC for Services Rendered 9/1/18-11/30/19

Motion was made by Ms. Daniels-Lane and seconded by Ms. Marrero-Lopez to approve the Legal Invoices. The motion was approved by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Gene Bouie X Emily Hernandez absent Fiah Kwesseu absent Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Taraun McKnight X Gerald Truehart II X Jeannie Weakliem X Sadé Williams absent Addie Daniels-Lane X

63 TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – November 18, 2019 – 5:30 PM

2. East Brunswick BOE v TBOE

Docket No. EDU 18381-17, Agency Docket No. 235-9/17 – Decision of the Commissioner of Education

Motion was made by Ms. Marrero-Lopez and seconded by Mr. Bouie to accept the decision of the Commissioner of Education. The motion was approved by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Gene Bouie X Emily Hernandez absent Fiah Kwesseu absent Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Taraun McKnight X Gerald Truehart II X Jeannie Weakliem X Sadé Williams absent Addie Daniels-Lane X

Motion was made and properly seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m.

ADJOURN 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Jayne S. Howard

Jayne S. Howard Business Administrator/Board Secretary