WE RUN R REAL Flus LINE Annual Exercuet Annual Parade Peddle Exercises Hold Annual Services June Twentieth Graves Decorated
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y®d^* XXXV. No. 52. f f » Pir Ycir; mcm^STdWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. JUNE 5, 1924. Price 4 Cents. Whole No. 3.913 Alittuii Reimion OddFeDowsTo Public School Memorial Day Features Annual Dedicate Tree And WE RUN R REAL flUS LINE Annual ExercUet Annual Parade Peddle Exercises Hold Annual Services June Twentieth Graves Decorated CbthnieHCemeHt P"t ft i f » tft I n Hon. Charles W. Letzgus, C rand High School Building Cornerstone Memorial Address Delivered By cludes Addresses By Prominent Conductor of New Jersey, Will Will Be Laid W ith Exercises Rev. Samuel Steinmetz. Exer Graduates. Alumni “Get-to Speak at Tree Dedication and ApplicatioD For Bus Line Franchises Ac Next Thursday. Elect Teachers. cises at Monument and ,Cem gether Sunday Elvening. Memorial Service. Sunday Ser companied By Orations—Legal Battles etery. ' vice at I. 0. 0. F. Home. The commencement exercises of An alumni reunion, larger than- any Between Rival Bus Operators May the public schools will be held in Memorial Day was observed in held here since the war, will be the The Odd Fellows of Hightstown ^Come Later. the Baptist Church on Friday even Hightstown in a most appropriate feature of the Peddie commencement will dedicate their memorial elm in ing, June 20th. The address before manner. Owing to the threatening exercises of 1924 which will take place Memorial Tark on Tuesday evening, “We run a ‘Real Bus Line’,” said dressed Council and favored the the graduating classes of the high weather the annual memorial ad on June 7, 8 and 9. Several classes services beginning a t 7:30 o’clock, E. J. Peartree, general manager of Ebert line. The Judge had always and grammar schools will he de dress was delivered by the Rev. have already made arrangements to daylight saving time. The dedica the Trenton and Mercer County received the best of service from livered by Rev. Gill Robb Wilson of Samuel Steinmetz of Trenton in the attend the exercises, and all indica tory ceremony will be in charge of a Traction Corporation and of the Ebert; who was considered a safe Trenton. Baptist Church. tions point toward a record number committee of three members of the Central Transportation'’ Co., at the and reliable driver. The schools will close on Friday, The parade formed on Peddie of graduates being in attendance. All local lodge, and an address will be June meeting of Common Council on The franchise was awarded to June 13, and the exercises will be campus after the speaking. The mu alumni who live in the vicinity of delivered by Hon. Charles W. Lets- Tuesday night. Ebert, who agreeji to furnish a lia held one week later in-Order not to sic was furnished by the Princeton, gus, grand oonductor, of Gloucester Hightstown and Peddle bands,’ Mem Hightstownwre especially invite^and. ' “ I a'tn not a lawyer'and if 1 was 1 bility bond for the protection of 'his conflict ^with ChtrotSTuqUh. ” City. Mr. Xetzgus is Borough So bers of the 0. A. R. and American urged to attend-iihe-*‘geiitogether” would not be a bus driver,” said passengers. Teachers Elected licitor of the Borough of Westville, Legion were given the honor places which will be held in the Wilson Israel Weisberg of the Hightstdwn- R. Eddy Embley, who owns prop ■\t the June meeting of the Board and is an able speaker. in the procession. The Mayor and Hall Game Room following the service ’I'renton, et. al bus lines. erty with frontage on Mercer- and of Education Monday evening the Following the tree dedication the Council, school children, Peddie stu on Sunday evening, June 8. The Tuesday night session of Ward streets, desired information as following teachers were elected: annual memorial service will be con dents, fire department and citizens Saturday’s events include the an Council was really interesting to to whether or not he could use his George E. Coons, physical train ducted in the lodge room. Arrange participated. nual Class Day exercises of the class the spectators. There were many ground for a drive-in gasoline filling ing director, at $2,000. ments • are being made for special Short exercises were bold at the of 1924 in the Greek Thea,tre at 11 thrills during the first two hours of station. This lead to a general dis C. Dunn Williams, instructor in music for the occasion. The me Monument, after which the graves a. m. In the afternoon there will be the evening. E. J. Peartree and cussion of the zoning ordinance. The history, at $1,800. morial ceremony was written by in the cemetery were decorated with held a track meet between Peddie Rankin Johnson for the Central local zoning ordinance prohibits gas Miss Marion ,S. Comly of Moylan- members pf the local lodge, being flowers and flags. and Trenton High School, and at Company, Former Mayor Myers of filling stations in the district in which Rose Valley, Pa., instructor in F’rench, In the evening a block danee was 8:30 p. m. the Peddie Dramatic similar to the memorial service given Milltown for the New Brunswick the Embley properly lies. at $1,800. held on North Main street, under Club, under the direction of J. last year. Motor Company, 1. W’eisberg for It was further learned that with a Miss Elizabeth Norris, second Members pf the local lodge and the auspices of the firemen. Walter Reeves, will present Robert his various interests, 'fony Ebert and gas filling station eliminated that grade, at $1,200. their families and friends have been Housum’s “The Gipsy Trail" in the William Farrell for themselves in negotiations were pending between Miss Olive Petty returned: her invited to attend the services. William H. Carr Greek Theatre. Music will be fur the Perrineville applications, each Embley and Weisberg. The latter contract as she will not teach the On Sunday, June 8, the local lodge nished by the Peddie Band, directed addressed Council. is considering the leasing or purchas coming year. The funeral of Former Mayor by Mark W. Swetland. will have charge of the Sunday ser ing of sufficient ground on which to Miss Mildred Davenport, instruc William H. Carr was held Saturday Mr. Myers stated that 4he,.New The anniversary sermon before vices at Odd Fellows Home, Pen erect a combination building to be tor of mathematics, salary increased afternoon from the home of his son- Brunswick Motor Company had been the -graduating class will be preached nington avenue, Trenton. The ser used as a public waiting room for to $2,300. ‘ in-law, R. Eddy Embley. The in operating for some ten years and by the Rev. Joseph C. Haien, D.D., vices will begin at 3 o’clock in the af his bus line patrons, storage and re Two vacancies are expected to be terment was made in Cedar Hill cem wished to continue running between of North Orange, N. J., on Sunday ternoon. Members who own oars pairing of his auto busses and private filled witnin the next few weeks. etery, under the direction of J. S. Hightstown and New Brunswick. morning in the First Baptist Church, will leave Hightstown at 1:30 and gas filling station. This would be Cornerstone Rogers & Son. Mr. Weisberg objected to the service while the annual address to the go direct to the home. All Odd Fel permitted under the zoning ordin The cornerstone of the new high Mr. Carr was a retired railroad given by the Brunswick Motor Com Peddie Young Men’s Christian Asso- lows in this vicinity are expected to ance. school building will be laid with ap passenger conductor. For some 35 pany and claimed that tl^eOserviee eiation will be delivered at the same attend the services. Ordinances Passed propriate ceremonies on Thursday, years he was employed by the P’enn- was irregular and unsatisfactory to place on Sunday evening by the June 12tb. gylvania Railroad Company. Dar patrons. He desired that be be The ordinance relating to the Bon. Harold B. Wells, a graduate of Pretbyterlan Church Forty desks have been purchased ing the first years of his service bo, given an exclusive franchise between 150,000 sewer bonde for refunding Peddie in the class at 1894. , Judge The school will not have a fore- for the room in the Morrison avenue ran on the U. T. line, which at that Hightstown and New Brunswick. * the temporary bonds was passed. Wnllo' class is planning a reunion noon session next Sunday. ' sehool. An addititma' . teacher will time was operated by the Peniuyl- Council postponed action until the The ordinance relating to the regu this year, and it is expected that a be employed for the next school year. 11 a. m.—Public worship. The lation of n^tor busees in the borough vania sys.tom. Later he ran on the oonaiderable number of them will be July meeting. In the meantimp.^the pastor will preach; subject: “A Child was passed. An ordinance appropriat Hightstown-Camden -Amboy run. present to hear this address. written application of the New Bi'uns- Medical Reftet in the Midst.” wick Motor Company will probably ing $750 for the building of a water He was master of Hightstown 2:30 p. m.—The school will as Lodge, No. 41, F. & A. M., in 1888-89. The annual meeting of the Board bS filed. The petition to state rates main extension on Summit street Dr. W. L. Wiltuf, medical inspec of Corporators will be held Monday semble in the Chapel for a brief ex of fare and schedule.