) 12 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FJITDAY, ATOIL 24. 1903. n xt a n es n n n sa m n m m j a ti 6 Friday Is Remnant Day

1 li.iL.0V.?W,:,:.:1 V Valnes Offer IlrlnK This Ad Mb Omaha's rnre Food Center. jjjj I v y I ed Yon 'II Find P With Yoir. il Yon Can't Du- rry la a Restaurant on 2d Floor i i mm ( Itrm Where dainty meals are served R plicate Else on Monry Paver N dm NEW WHITE GOODS at moderate prices. U trhcre. TMB RKLIABL.R STOftS for You. PRETTY NEW WASH FABRICS Open 7 a. m. Closes 7 p. m. J? ' ' AN KOLA COFFEE. Go on Sale Friday in Basement If 'you are paying 35c a pound jv for your coffee and not getting $ In the Famous Domestic Room Ankola you are not getting your O Bargain Friday in the Wide Lingerie Cloth, the finest and most desirable, cloth money's worth. 25,000 yards of Mill Lengths and Remnants from our Rcady-to-We- ar made for undermuslins and lingerie dresses. r FISH DEPARTMENT Cools Dept. High Grade Wash Goods and White Goods Departments. Daby Halibut, lb. .. .12 Vic Regular 25c value, Friday off the ; at, yard. .16 2v Brings These Two Rattling 50c AND 39c WASH GOODS 12iac, 15c, 19c . AND 25c Fresh Lake Trout, lb 17Vcsg 9 V to Pretty Plaid and Striped Voiles with mercerized embroid Fine Fresh Croppies, lb 14cJJ Good Bargains V YARD WASH GOODS, YD., Fancy Cod Fish, (middles) lb.lScy v 10c 5c Ib.-lOcJ- Arnold's Printed Sllka, 60c value; 6,000 In Mill Lengths ered effects that are new. Dressmakers are Large Cromarty Bloaters, Women's lieht weight top Coats of yards from' 10c tan covert and black . Arnold's Striped Silk Dimities, two to ten yards long, of Arnold'a pleased to find these 23c values offered, at yard. Buck Shad, each 45crii worth 39c; Cluster French Dim- $1.00 The quality of . the materials is 25c Swiss Applique, 19c Mohair Large Roe Shad, each ities, real Irish Dimities, French 36 and 40lnch wide bleached mus- White dotted madras grenadine, Bass, Channel Cat, In facta above the average, while the finish, 7 LuBtre, 19c Henry Serges, 25c de- Black Voiles, Drap de Linde and other long . cloth and , every yard the 25c quality, smoked tailoring and silk linings will sur- lin, ' a full assortment of fresh, fine Wash Goods, and Whlta Silk Warp Organdies. Plain Or- these are loom ends .from the sirable for drapery purposes of and fish. j prise you. It's what you would ex- per ' salt pect Goods, Dotted Swisses and Sac- - gandies and other goods up to a m'MsUn the country, all kinds, at In coats costing about $8.60. " best f AND DATES H A 25c, . . yard. 1UC FIGS There are fitted, semi-fitte- d guard Fancies, etc., ) yard all at, a !? at yard .. 5c lb 7c K and yard heavy Persian Dates, loose effects : double breasted, or at all one price, yard iJC 10 yard lengths of the Odd lengths all kinds floral Dates, lb s 6, 8, and drapery materials. Including cre- Fancv Fard luc liy front models, we ' regular 18c grade Imperial long Dates, stuffed with assorted nuts, Ijjij 19c AND 25c WASH GOODS, tonnes, denims-- ' and tickings, shall offer them for 7V2c cloth, Friday, at . In glass pars (very fine) per Arnold's Swiss Applique; Arnold's Printed Silk Mulls; Arnold's Plain 1 pieces suitable for making 36c this one day as a per yard Wl shoe bags, etc., each. 2c large Jar $ special flyerat 4.95 Silk Moussline; Scotch Dotted Swisses; 19c India Llnon; Smyrna Figs, In b. baskets. 15c 7Lt 4 4 wide,; Persian Lawn, on day, 25c White Fancies, etc, all at a yard , . ,,12 inches Sateen linings sale all b. 30c , We shall have on sale two hundred summer dresses, a baskets snlendid for black and colors, a quality that Figs In Jars , .10c very handsome, strictly hlch grade a rare value, at Is better than the regular Fancy Layer Figs, lb 15c & all silk Petticoats, made from Si- Extra Specials per yard 20c grade, yard ' mon's best . will 12ie 5c DEPARTMENT $ There be Fancy colored yard wide drapery Mill lengths sheer India Llnons, LIQUOR every conceivable color, Including 0:00 TO 10:0O A. M. :00 TO 10:00 A. M. 0.00 TO 10:00 A. M. One bottle of Port wine FREE the popular Copenhagen Goade, light or dark, 76c Bedspreads bwIbb, regular price 15c, jr values up to 19c yard, every purchase of one quart V and brown Lonsdale from the bolt 47 on bargain square, yard for yard with shadings. They have elaborate noun at yard at yard 7 69c Bedspreads, ;jr 6ic at $1.00 or over. X ces in many styles. 54, 12ftc Printed Duck, 69c Bedspreads, 7VsC Apron Ginghams, yard 25 IN THE FORENOON 1N THE AFTERN00N Garments that are at yard at 5 Fnnrtnev Ct Go fine values at $7.50. 2H 15c Towels, each g H 2:00 TO 8:00 P. M. ft TILX. 10 O'CLOCK BEGINNING AT 1:30 Friday, buy them 4.95 10c Batistes, at 12c Towels, at. OH From the Bolt buy new at... 2 , fancy white goods, Now Is the time to a 12 Vic Batistes at 10c Towels at . . 36c inch SllkolineMth summer dress pretty new 7 oonneots all Vepts. n rt 5t .5 : Prtvate exctoanre 36 inch Percales, at $1.00 Bedspreads, at 12 c grade, at prints and all kinds cotton printed batistes, light and dark Rvrrv item tell. tn story B 2d intruding num- - colorings, suitable lengths C of . yard ...... each 25 Other Specials. goods, and FRIDAY'S WHITE GOODS dclRtve underprlclng and rich sav- -' 12Wr 59 erous odd lots, at yard.'.IC for waists. dresses .. JIJ lngs. Just five bdrgelns. hut e children a wear, at yard. DRUG SALE AI1D one rinirs true. If vnil fir. a irua SPECIAL economist and need such goods It will p SPECIALS pay you to come In Friday. High Grade Wool Curtain and Drap- FREE SAMPLE SATURDAY Whit. Plgnred Waist lugs Also A very checked and striped lawns, .Clot!' nice soft flnlnh sam- regularly that fabric, good weight and quality for DRESS GOODS REMN ANTS We have on hand a quantity of sell for 12 Vic, underwear purposes bar- - . Dress Goods ery Specials will be... i 71 ples of VarlouB Toilet Articles which .....C gain Friday price ijC 97.50 Rope Portieres for double fine, all wool dress goods remnants: novelty dress distribute to our Customers Whit Valnsooks In FROM 0:00 TO 11:00 A. M. 1.500 yards we wish to stripes; excellent for checkschildren's and Bedspreads Hemmed, a good slse doors, special Friday and check nevt Saturday and shall therefore ana woai ana weignt, aaaptel to summer uee 6,000 yards of Wool Dress .3.98 Roods, imported , poplins, shadow stripe Day.'' waists, ic materials, 84c weu worm sac, our usual Sample Portieres, great call Saturday "Sample will he..... price, Friday 52c Goods In long remnants from 3ft assortment of handsome patterns batiste, etc!, lengths run from 2V2 yards to 10 yards FREE Samples Violet See Salt. series, ' 'regularly to 6 yards, that sold from 76c to and rich colorings HALF PRICK goods, up to FREE Samples Jersey Cold Cream. "St "fSrKyTt .7; "f" 3C Curtains, 64 wide season's worth ' Vti. Broad- Cable Net Inches and are all this Toi- I .'Z??. $3.98 yard: Henriettas, FREE Samples Madain Ise Bell (Not over Two Dozen to a customer.) " beautiful patterns, worth up to all at one price, yard sJ JK cloths, Serges, Poplins, Taffetas, $1.50 yard, let Powder. $5.00, per pair ...... $3.50 High FREE . Sample Woodlawn Violet NEW BORDERED Voiles, Tailor Sutings, Fancy Dress Cluny Curtains, white or ecru, 40 Grade Wash Goods Remnants. TVtcum Powder. Sale of Suitings, Wool Batistes, Nun's Inches wide, snap at pair S2.0S pieces, 2 to 15 yards, from our entire stock of imported 60c Plnauds Comtesse Powded GLASS WARE Veiling and other goods will go In IN DOMESTIC ROOM Short Saturday '. '. . .29J SUITINGS Rope Portieres, all colors, great shocr mousselines, pin dot dimities, fancy Tokio 75s Pompelan Massage Cream, .Linen finish materials and batistes; A C&EAH CUT EfeCIBXYB BAB. four lots:. voiles, either plain or stripe grounds, with GAIN. bargains at and 31.25 50c on - Saturday 49 a or plain Two thousand pieces, Including Couch Covers In Roman Stripe. 60 silks, worth in regular full piece yard, C of a Grecian stripe border for Water Bottles, Baskets, LOT 25c LOT 3.. 49c 25c Face Powder, several trimming;-- . very popular new makes; Glass Nut 1. Inches wide, each. i . Bowls, Fruit Bowls, footed comports...... g9r main floor bargain square, yard &J them, two for . . . . 25 stunning suits or separate skirts; new Flower Vases, Sugar and Cream LOT 2.. 39c LOT 4.. 59c Ruffled Net Curtains, worth up to 50c GarBoms Kidney Pills 2O0 Copenhagen and leather shades, etc. Mapples, (Syrups, Etc.. Cut every 2.60 pair, each 40 ?.ononcraoaononoaoc30aoaoaoEioaoaOE30x3g 60c Magda Cream, Saturday ... 20 Glass design; piece FROM 2:00 TO 4:00 P. M. 11.50 Barnette Curtains, very Buy your water either of H 15c, Yd. wortn i!5o to 700-- a most ex- 10c Q sado at 12ic, 20c, 25c traordinary bargain at great of Entirely handsome weave, at pair . fi to Brandeis this Week and See the our stores the "Owl" "Onyx King" Another Sale 08 M Come O New Goods, will go in four lots: Fringes In all colors, worth to 16c O Fountain Is the most beautiful In the yard, at yard. . , Real Irish Laces Made by Hand D modest "Onyx Queen" Coy's $10.09 Suits ...... 24 west while the 3 . Hardware Dept. LOT 1.. LOT BOO Pairs Lace Curtains, manufac- Threa expert Irish Lassies from County Roscommon o at 16th and Dogde Is a Model for 19c 3. 39c samples, on , turer's sale at each beautiful work very day. . 0 Chaste and Classic design. Window Frames, knocked down, can Friday For $3.75 derrsonstrate this r be made to fit any window; anyone LOT 2.. 25c LOT 4.. 49c M - o "BUY AT EITHER STORE" 40 13 A 1'niqne Scene- lor Those Who Love Dainty Hand Work can put them together 380 upward. This Is the kind of ST bargain that 25a a D SHERMAN & McCOKNEL DRUG CO. Screen Doors, big variety, every size, makes one sit up and take notice. Tonitcht Rev. M. O'Flanagan of Ireland, will deliver tree at 08o upward. Creighton 210 South Eighteenth street, on H CORNER 16TH AND DODGE STS, Its a lot of sailor blouse suits of Lecture at Institute. Screen Wire Cloth, best quality, sq. fine woolens, and worsteds; beauti- "The Revival of Irish Industries." H DRUG CO. ft. ..2 20 Fine Special Silk Bargains OWL Poultry Wire, In full rolls, 100 sq. ful patterns and shadings. In a CORENER 16TH AND HARNEY STS. ft., for , 6O0 regular way wa could sell them at -- Imported Beautiful Novelty and Plain Silks, 9ononoaononononoaonononoooaoaonono Lawn Mowers, every style and slse, from $8.00 to $10.00, for they are Remnants of finest Silks 1 to yard, length , long remnants MEDIUM at 93.98 upward wortn 11. nut we oougnt tnem values $2.00 from hundreds of left REMNANT OF AND WIDE Including a grass catcher. cheaply, we will sell H to Hi yard, just the thing for from the week's great selling, to FIIEE TO LADIES Rubber Hose, 60 feet with nozzle, $fi, the same way. These " fancy work or dress 4Q-yoke- s, select from, values to $1' Q $8.50, ,.I7 and 98 fit boys five to ten If3e75 - SATURDAY ONLY And Double Green Trading Stamps old on Friday on sale at each 1 iJC yard, to close Friday, yd E MB R O ID ERIE'S. 36 Ir a Black 36 inch Black 86 Inch Black Tne new store at 1403 Douglas street Accumulation of remnants and odd lengths from our great (formerly the Hughes Grocery) Is giving t Staple Domestics in Bargain Day in the Taffeta, yard. H9c I Taffeta, yard. .VsL Taffeta, yard ..85c or medium and wide embroideries, including corset cover to ladles a liberal sample bottle their Sale VALUES YOU CAN'T EQUAL IN ANY OTHER OMAHA STORE. sales, high grade Old Port Wine. This Is their CORSETS 86-in- 'Cambric, regular 12He quality Lot of 60c Batista Corsets and Sum-.m- er embroideries on bargain square, J tfign jM means of advertising this excelent wine. Friday sale 70 -- I best doctors all over the world have Net Girdlea, in all sizes, lace 3ZmK$2 The Cases,1 45 86 top . . . . . worth up to 30c yard, at yard. unanimously agreed a pure port wine Pillow 'full and inch, trimmed and bottom. i .8S0 that usual ,11c kind, special lOo Another lot high bust, long hip Cor- Is best, most beneficial stimulant tonio MuMlrl, yard wltle, ex- Notions U0XpSSfmfh' fr'day of 5c. 10c Yard, worth to 25c the Bleached full sets In medium weights uind sum- Remnants Lace at 2c. to women. If pure It Is an entirely cellent quality, very special, Friday, up yard ,,, 60 mer nets, all sizes, white only, spe- All staple Notions at far below ordinary prices in this greatest and German Valsj Torchons, Filet, Cluny and Venise harmless but delicious drink; It builds cially good French blood, gives BXXBAXtTB One large lot, consist- number 490 Notion Sale of the season. and tones the system, makes ing pillow casing, These corsets are on sale for itlls edges and insertions, worth up to C vitality and energy and when used regu of fine muslins, 25c Dress Shields for 10 Darning Eggs, each Ut cambrics, wash goods and domestics one day only, and we consider them 2H to 25c yard, 3 bargain lots, at yard. . .' . .l-Jt-l- t(r larly and moderately it will absolutely of all kinds, regardless of cost, per the best specials advertised in many Gold Eye Needles, package for 1 Silk Floss, skein for 1 cure nervousness and nervous lus. yard '. 60 a day. Warren's Silk covered Feather-bon- e, King s Thread, per spool . . . ,2 'The New Store." operating a cut price In yard . ve colors, at Merrick's Spool Cotton, at per doz- fruit and wine store. Is selling this ...8 weak-Spe- cial - fifty-seve- spools All thla Demonatra- quality port wine for n BIG Aluminum Thimbles, each en 50 will give a free sample to those BENNETT'S GROCERY Corset Laces, each 1 Pearl Buttons, per doz. IHo & Hon and Sal of th Renowned cents and Bennett's Capitol Excelsior Flour, sack 91-7- and B0 Green Stamps. It. Tape 10c Brushes, . -- who request Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, two pound can 4SSt and 40 Green Stamps. 60 Inch Measures, each lr Tooth each 4H Teas: B. F. Japan, Oolong, English Breakfast, Shoe Laces, per pair 1 Crochet Silks, per ball and Gunpowder,, pound B80 and B0 Green Stamps. ...,2H La Vida Corsets paraioga inips, per pound .wvn Hundreds of Staple Notions at corresponding low pjrtces. Malta Vita, four packages for 8S manu- JL Chicken Feed, pound ...... 3o Rhubarb, Beets, Miss M. E. Nolan, the Bone Meal, per pound 8H0 Squash, Cabbage ASSOCEMED Oyster Khells. per pound , 10 facturers' expert corsetiere will Vegetable and Flower Seeds, package 8H0 Seeds, alz fo 80 Pictures at Half Special Sale of ADVERTISING CLVBS English Walnuts, per pound loo J be in atendance. She will be glad Diamond C Soap, nine bars for 8 So Six Great lota of framed and ed OFAHERICAOQNVENT10N Ghirardelli's Cocoa, pound can for 6O0 and 40 Green Stamps. Pictures to be closed Fri- Kachmer Rugs Bennett's Capitol Oats, package for lie and 10 Green 6tamps. 50c on to explain the many points of B day and Saturday, at about Advona Jams, assorted, can lOo anil Greeji Stamps. ' in these famous cor- Best We Have brand, Suoootash, six cans for . ...8S0 and 60 Green Stamps. the dollar. , Oriental patterns, colors superiority, Best We Hava Corn, six cans for 6 60 and 60 Green Stamps. Large sized Pictures, a Batavia Gloss Starch, pound box for 48o and 20 Green Stamps. LOT 1 guaranteed 12 sets the new features in La Eddy's Mustard, with spoon, Jar 180 and 10 Green Stamps. great variety of subjects, values fast, patterns Bennett's Capitol Oats, package for llo and 10 Green Stamps. to $2.00, choice at . . .". . Vida Corsets make them more Red Snapper Relish, Jar for ISO and 10 Green Stamps. 08d to select from. ISo-r-a- Christy Pictures, all new Green tatuee Plums, can nd 10 Green Stamps. LOT 2 desirable than any other corset Jell'O, Ice Cream Powder, two packages for 8O0 and 10 Green Stamps. subjects, $1.25 values, on sale at Bayles' Pickles, t'how enow. Mixed sour. Cyclone choice for G9 "NO WRONG SIDE TO A made. D. C SCOTT, D.V.S. Relish. r bottle lOo and 10 Green Stamps. regu- Bamaodotu.) Vinegar, bottle 8O0 and 10 Green Stamps. LOT 8 Pictures that sold (Baaessenr to Dr. & L Haarmann'a cider big assortment, KACHMER" VZATB TXTEHSTABXa larly up to $1.00, AMXSTABTT a; 1 choice for mm. SeeprtsJ. S810 tttmom 48 9x9 size Rugs, others get $6.75 OffM LOT 4 A fine assortment of Pic- . Btrest. our price ., $5.75 Promptly Answers! at All tures In gilt frames at less than Extraordinary Sale Next Saturday Calls Hot. value of frame and glass, choice 0x0 Size Rugs, others get $10.75 for 254 our price ....$8.75 LOT 8 Unfraroed Pictures, splen- Size Rags, others get CkD Weak and nervous me subjects, sold regular- SAFETY RAZORS' FOR IOC lUUU S4JK who find their power ta did lot of $10.50 our price .,..158.25 UVRVrC ' wors and youtniui vigor ly to 25c, choice for 10 gone as a result of over- b LOT 6 Framed and unframed 0x12 Size Rugs, others get $12.75 niKiIJ . vtaka Ilousefurnishing Department work or mental exertion should - CO RICHT Te MuNNEWTOUS up 26c, on our price OKAY'S KERVB FOOD PILLS. They will Pictures, values to 0.48 sleep and D. a maa ' Basement, Old Store tnaka you eat and E sale at. each 5 A Splendid assortment of Mat- again. 111 Come Early and secure first A good, complete satisfactory Safety Razor for a Dime , y wall. 1? Chicago feffei tings and Fibre Rags shown. 91 Box I S Hoses 99.80 choice. They're. Snaps. CO, - : ;1 Mall Order 13c. Three extra blade jtot 10c XX&SCAM M.oOOSDL.T. XUw I : v: Cor. and Dodr. Sta. '?Mi m Great OWLlhXSLUO COMfAJTY Cox. leth and Karaey Bta, Omaha. sTsa. tz Wr1 Western Hayden's For Paints 50c-75- c Men's $2.50 and $3 Shirts, at There la no question about quality tere, you all know these brands, On Sale Next Saturday" ;l Two Ti.. Eci W., DJ,., &ri Yoa WJ IAm.' and what you have to pay elsewhere. Why not buy the best at these ! Uona.oos.-- 1 Tic- k- tr-o- . . Pongee Shirts mohairs and fine madras all sizes biggest shirt Zjll: prices? bargain ever at Brandels. T City FtutenoT and riektt Agtnt. XK Alabastine, the famous wall coat- Big Sale on Jap-a-l- ac Sapolln, etc. f4y. Union Depot lilt Famam titrett, Omatia. j VXV' h ing, 32 colors, ready to use, reg- Sapolln, the famous varnish stain, JSy' ular price 66c for 6 pound pack- all colors, 7 60 quart cans 39 age, our price '29 all colors 40c "pint cans for Liquid Veneer, the 25c furniture 19 polish, for 17 all colors, 26c V pint cans 10 Electric Wall Paper Cleaner, 16c 69 colors House Paint ready-mixe- d, Realty cans, for 8 warranted 3 years, on mi 16c cans Screen Enamel, only fjj for 08 Barrjain s Read These, Grocery Prices For every Cay SUf-mE- Find them R FLOWBniflO BULBS by watching the xn Friday's Sale TBJB CALADIUMS, Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 for . 51.00 nouncemeata In Granulated Sugar, the belt, at leaa The best Crisp Olrvger Bnepa, lb. le T" k. -- .. ( . r. Tp.,MAla, ..... 1,. Ch 3 BEE'S Want Ad Cf if than Jobber coat. '.i TUBE ROSES, Mammoth Peart, doz. 35c; dox . 11.00 GREAT RAZOR GALE 48 pound aacka beat Highest Patent The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, GLADIOLI, in Superb Mixture, doz. 50c; 50 for , $1.00 una OO XaTPOBTBS BABOBS, 97o. Flour, nothing finer wad, at per pound to The demand for these ra roll Moilow around, and Bet B.ady (or Use. aack !). fr best fancy Cookies, per lb. 10o CIXNAM0N VINE, Extra Larue, each Wc; 12 for $1.00 ore having exceded our lu burs beat brands Laundry fcSoap The beet Tea StftlnKS. per lb. ..l&o groatest expectation ws have for 6o Fancy Basket Fired or Uncolored DAHLIAS, Assorted, each lOc; 12 for . . ; . $1.00 decided to continue the sale Quaker Oats Company's Toaatxd Japan Tea, a very fine drink, at for on. week longer.- - It will Wheat Flakea, package (or bo per pound ...... 25o HEBftnSKA SE&D GO.. 1613 positively end, however, on Bromangelon, jellycon, or Jello, at TilC Howard St. Saturday ext This will be per package 7 Ho YEQXTABI.B rBJCXS OB your last chance to secure Haarman'a Pura Malt Vinegar, at, par one of the following brands bottle U3T of razors at 70 teach, ana Oil r Mustard Sardines, per can lUo Fresh Spinach, per peck 100 tho list Includes such fain 4 cans fancy Sweet Huftar Corn ISO Freeh Asparagus, 2 bunches (or..loc a-- - Tomatoea Fresh Peas, per quart So liUTELM. mil makes as the "Wade t pound cana Solid Packed Heans, Butcher," "Brandt. " "I X L, caix. rrxiiD. for - 10 Freeh Wax or qt..lGo oasiii , THE HOWARD WATCH Rogers," "Woetenholm Pipe Raior," "Kabits Magneiic,'' and 60 other popular I pound package beat Dorneatlo Mac- i bunches Fresh Katiisliea 60 nomples. guaranteed to give sat- - - 1 heads fresh Lettuce ..to p xar brands of all famous makers. All high grade aroni tor- iMt per , wbxsj regularly sold $2.10 and 13 P0 each. Every rasor vlll be Japan Rice for . ,26o Freeh Beets or Carrots, bunch to on of the brat makes and the moat reliable three blop MtMitat Isfactlon. and are at pound choice Large o la eo honed and ready for use. by a sr,rll expert from the Hrandt Cutlery Co. 10 pounds best Granulated Cornmenl Cucumbers, each days end the prices now are moderate, too. Our ot. nir-Boms- a 9To. 150 Fancy Klpe Tomatoes, pound.. ,.T Ho and company's also Is back of every 83.00 itmm, for (uanrure the HOTEL TULLER ' The BBABX BJBi.r-MOHlt-biivdt alAaOia Is the best raxor strop on Choice California Prunea, per lb. 4 Ho t Hunches Freah Celery lo watch. LtOult tor tbe name. Absolutely Fireproof. raso. l'Orworld hones and strops per lb. 7 HuiK'hea Freeh Onions Aaajsia Ava. aaa raitk . the market today.- The only siro la the that Fancy Cleaned Curranta, Ho. ....60 Cor. saop your raxor at the same time and enables you to obtain an edge which only an Fancy Muacatel Kalalna, .per lb. 7 Ho 4 tiunuhea Pie Plant lo S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler la lbs enter of the 'i'haaur, experienced barber can give. The Bandt Self. Honing llasor Strop will put a Ding and Uualuois DlstricL edge on a with fewer strokes than any other raao strop. Your 1516 DOL'GLAS STREET 0) Cafa. OrlH RoOSs. keener - raior A la Carta rasor will show,- and your face will feel the difference at once. Guaranteed bervlce l'nexcellei. never, to become or ghm.y . rrxmT boom it th, hrdpoclal AtMntioa Olv.n to Mali Orders. - FIRST 1 tiaOfiiiH nil, TRY I- HATXC 9L50 t.J VAT AJTD UJP. - G HER MAN & McCONNEL DRUG CO. -- t - . T. W. TVI.I.BB. Frp. COirsB IIITXIITR ABO ZOXbB BTBXET. 328 Ucr ! Ms Pro since Results K. A. aaa. Mgs.