'Ajrgo' Is not an official KENT ST ATI publication of Stockios State OlSef. bwt b oni hfihod by a«i UUIKIknal corporation Ucenaed In New Jersey. NEW TRIAL

Page 3 Volume 18 Number 20 Pomona, NJ. 08240 March 31, 1978 President May Accept Chancellor Post in Vermont WÊmÊ Richard Bjork, president of Stockton be a mutual interest" between the If President Bjork decides to accept a State College, has been interviewed parties. position elsewhere the matter of his for the position of Chancellor of State Trow added that periodically the replacement would rest in the hands colleges in Vermont. There are five President, as well as many other of the Board of Trustees. State Colleges in Vermont. members of the community, is The Board is required by federal law A variety of rumors have circulated contacted if it is known that interest to conduct all open and extensive throughout the halls recently in exists in other positions. search for a successor. regard to the President's future. "Eighty to ninety percent of all Whatever the president decides, At this time, .however, administrative people contacted will talk to some- according" to Trow, he will not leave officials claim it is too early to know body" said Trow. He emphasized, before the end of this semester. though, that talking does not neces- just what the President will do. At press time President Bjork was sarily indicate any commitment from Director of Planning and Develop- not available for comment. either side. ment Robert Trow explained that The matter of the President's future President Bjork was contacted about Presidential Assistant Michael Korff is expected to become clear within the position and that there "seems to said only that it would be "pre-ma- two to three weeks. ture to offer any comment." President Bjork Poor Planning Mars Spring Bash by Albert Bassetti and Kurt Staubach

On Friday, March 17, the Activity about to turn, ir thirty-six hou s_,the Mr. Ciccone, in order to book the At first, those working on the Spring Fee Review Board (AFRB) met in $2,000, eight hour event into a four Kinks three months ago, promised Weekend encountered difficulties emergency session to deal with the day, $10,000 Spring weekend. Accord- John Sher all of Stockton's future with the timing of administrative "Spring Bash" budget submitted by ing to Ciccone's figures, the AFRB concert bookings. procedures not working to their Ray Ciccone of the Programming during Friday's emergency session Also approved by the AFRB were a advantage. They approached Joe C«ri- Committee. On March 15, Ray Cic- approved the following: $3,000 $2,500 revenue spending plan for the deo, director of Campus Activities, cone discovered that $8,000 was supplemental for a Spring Bash Tenant's Association (this money to who, according to Ciccone, said that it available in the Programming cate- Concert. be collected at the door of the Spring was a good idea but that he could not gory of the Campus Activity Fee. Upon According to Ciccone, "We needed Concert), and a $4,000 revenue make an instant recommendation on this discovery Ciccone, Gary Maita of the $3,000 passed in 24 hours to make spending plan, these funds to come it. That day Cittideo asked the AFRB Tenant's Association Ralph Lombardo a firm bid to John Sher for Warren from the Spring Weekend, and to be to meet in emergency session so that and Jim DeGenerro of Veterans set Zevon, N.R.B.Q. and Chris Rush." applied to same. continued on page 3 Vet Day Activity Fee Survey Slated

"Memorial to the Living" A survey to determine and evaluate be available follows: student awareness of the distribution Monday, April 3, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. In a brief ceremony billed as a of activity fee money will be conduc- Tuesday, April 4, 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. "memorial to the living" Stockton ted outside G-Wing cafeteria April 3, Tuesday, April 4, 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. veterans and friends gathered outside 4, and 5. Wednesday, April 5, 10 a.m. to 4 G- wing Wednesday, March 29. The survey is sponsored by members p.m. Veterans of the war in Viet Nam of professor William Sensiba's Politics The results of the survey will be suffer with a unique dilemma. Never in the 70's class. tabulated by the class and will be hailed as heroes upon their return as A schedule of times the survey will made public later this semester. were veterans of earlier wars, the Viet Nam vets struggle today behind what they believe are insufficient benefits, a high unemployment rate and a AFRB Approves Grad. Funds sense of rejection from older veterans as well as civilians. The graduation committee's request te meeting. There was some contro- "Being a veteran, especially from for $1717.89 to purchase alcohol for versy concerning the ethics of charg- the Viet Nam era," said Wayne this spring's cereinvmies was passed ing undergraduates admission, as the Wilson, Veterans Coordinator here, by the Activity Fee Review Board at alcohol was being purchased with "is no easy ride' '. the March 16 meeting. The proposal money from their activity fees. When Also present during the ceremony had passed in the budget subcom- this question was raised at the were Father Joe Wagenhoffer who mittee the day before. subcommittee meeting, Brad Wickes offered the invocation, and President The budget was approved by a vote (who represented the graduation com- Bjork who delivered the opening of 5-3-1 despite a misrepresentation of mittee) said, "Students will not be remarks. Wayne Wilson the facts presented at the subcommit - continued on page 2 2 ARGO Positions Available On Student Board

The following letter concerning the The Department is now in the mittee that will work closely with the The Committee will then elect a appointment of students to the New process of implementing a coordina- Board and with departmental student Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, Jersey Student Assistance Board and ted program of student assistance-- assistance staff. Note that the Chair- who shall become voting members of Student Advisory Committee from the Tuition Aid Grant (TAG) Program. person and Vice-Chairperson of this the Student Assistance Board for a Chancellor T. Edward Hollander, was This Program will be coordinated with Advisory Committee will be voting one-year term. After that point we addressed to Presidents of Student the new Garden State Scholarship members of the Board. First, hope that the Student Advisory Government Associations at New Jer- Program and the existing Education however, it will be necessary for the Committee will develop its own sey Colleges and Universities. Opportunity Fund Program, and will Board to create the Student Advisory selection procedures for reappoint-

As no student government association offer a wider range of tuition aid in Committee, as mandated in the law. ments as terms expire. I hope that exists here, interested persons should 1978-79 to a greater number of some associations will be able to contact Haskell Rhett, Assistant students than the population now To initiate this Committee, I am nominate students who are not now in Chancellor, Department of Higher aided by the State's student assis- asking each institutional student their last year of studies, as we will Education, 225 West State Street, tance programs. government association in New Jersey need continuity of membership in this P.O. Box 1293, Trenton, N.J. 08625, These programs will be the respon- to nominate one student who might Comi^ittee over the next few years, for the information regarding submit- sibility of a new Student Assistance serve on the Committee. These and it would be helpful to have some ting nominations. Board, which will be created under nominations will then be given to the students who might serve for two or the authority of a law recently enacted Student Assistance Board (or to the three years before assuming a To: Presidents of Student Government by the Governor, Assembly Bill 3411. State Scholarship Commission if the position on the Student Assistance Associations NJ Colleges and Univer- One of the most significant features of Board is not yet appointed) with our Board. sities this new Board is the representation recommendations so that the resulting If you have any questions about this of New Jersey undergraduate stu- Committee may be representative in procedure, I would suggest that you From: T. Edward Hollander, Chancel- dents as voting members, and the terms of class level, institutional contact Assistant Chancellor Haskell lor creation of a Student Advisory Com- sector, sex, and ethnic background. Rhett at (609) 292-8770.

Reception Funds Forum Now Official returned to the Student Activity Fund, charged." When the budget was in light of its seventeen hundred presented at the full quorum, howev- dollar contribution to the festivities. er, it was revealed that undergradu- First Meeting Called Carideo, however, disregarded this ates would be charged "for crowd idea. Tracey suggested the use of free A second organizational meeting of control purposes," and the revenue will supply the concerned Stockton guest passes to solve the problem of the Student Forum has resulted in the returned to the state to be applied to student with a hearing-place where crowd control, but this idea was also calling of a Student Forum next his/her voice will be listened to, and the cost of food also purchased for the disregarded. Tuesday, April 4. A Statement of where he/she can meet and commun- ceremonies. The President's reception for the Purpose and basic procedural struc- icate with other interested students. The admission fees collected, as graduates, where much of the liquor ture were drafted and approved by Forums will be called on one Joseph Carideo, Director of Campus will be served, is tentatively schedul- consensus of those in attendance. question at a time, by any student Activities admitted, will not even ed to be held in the G-Wing Cafeteria. The Forum's purpose "is to provide concerned enough about a particular come close to defraying the food At present, student organizations are a vehicle for the expression of a issue to call one. A.ny member of the expenses. As one AFRB member, not permitted to serve beer or wine in consensual opinion on various issues student body may attend. Mark Tracey, later remarked, "Why any G-Wing functions. affecting the Stockton community. Those present will be broken down even attempt to offset costs at the Three of the five AFRB members are The forum does not represent anyone into groups of approximately eight to students' expense?" He proposed, also members of the graduation except the individuals present at the discuss the issue and ultimately rather, that the money should be committee. meeting." It is felt that the Forum continued on page 3 PREGNANT & DISTRESSED ? HARBOR LIQUOR

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HOURS: cafeteria 7:30-2:00 Mon. - Fri. Snack Bar 9-7 Mon.-Thurs. 9 :00-2:00 Fri. Stockton State College ARA SERVICES Thank you for vour natronaoe MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Chicken Rice Minestrone Navy Bean French Onion Cream of Tomato Spaghetti & Oldfashioned Roast Sirloin Chopped Sirloin Baked Fish Meatballs Lamb Stew of Beef Steak Hot Beef B->l-ed Italian Frankfurters Turkey Cutlets Fried Fish Sandwich Zucchini w. Cheese and Baked Beans Mashed Pot. Fr. Fr. Pot. Macaroni & Buttered Potato Puffs Green Beans Buttered Broccoli Cheese Green Peas Harvard Beets Stewed Tomato ARGO 3

SPRING BASH New Trial at Kent State continued from page 1 it might consider the budget. The "I had a test when the meeting Ohio authorities must again face a 4, 1970, during a campus protest Board voted to meet. started, I stayed for twenty minutes, $46 million damage suit for National against the invasion of Cambodia by long enough for a vote.'-'With regard Guard shootings of Kent State Uni- U.S. troops in Vietnam. Early the next morning, Ciccone said to the quality of the budget, Poluck, versity students in 1970, the Supreme Surviving relatives of the four slain he met with Carideo, Becky Raibley Budget Committee chairman, and Court said Monday. students and the nine wounded and Con Kimura (the Campus Activi- Programming representative, said, students sued state officials for ties staff) to discuss the budget. "It was interesting that something By denying the appeals of Gov. alleged civil rights violations. James Rhodes and members of the Subsequently, the Office of Campus could be done of that quality. Prior A 1975 trial cleared Rhodes and the Ohio National Guard, the court cleared Activities approved the budget. Later Planning could have been used but National Guardsmen of all charges. the way for a new federal trial in that morning the AFRB met in circumstances do not often lend One of the jurors had been assaulted Cleveland. emergency session, but there were themselves to prior planning.'"'Prior and threatened during the trial, only six members present and ni'tte planning was not used in this National Guard troops killed four however, and a federal appeals court are needed for quorum. Ciccone said, instance, but the bureaucratic students and wounded nine others in said the effect of those incidents on "I filibustered for an hour so they process needs time so that all a 13 second outburst of gunfire May the outcome should have been studied could not adjourn and we could get concerned know what's going on!'On quorum." the issue of the revenue spending plans, Poluck said, "I wasn't sure where the money was going." Forum Called According to Laurel Hester, chair- continued from page 2 person of the AFRB, there was a vote prepare a group statement to be does not speak, writes down exactly The motion was brought to a vote to adjourn and the vote was 3-3, a tie, presented to the entire Forum. The what the facilitator says. The final and was passed by the Board 8-1-0 and Hester voted to continue the group will select its own spokesperson result will be a statement on the issue with the lone dissenter being Yvonne meeting. She said she voted to and scribe; the scribe will take down acceptable to all attending the Forum. Gieve of Free To Be. The recommend- continue because she felt "...the the individual opinions of the group ation was then approved by Chuck Board could be sensitive enough to members, and the spokesperson will The first Forum, scheduled for 5:30 Tantillo, V.P. of Campus Programs, deal with the budget on its own combine these opinions into a state- Tuesday, in the Designer's lounge- that same afternoon. When asked merits." There also was no notice of ment which the group finds accepta- (G208/9) will concern the question of about the official minutes of the the meeting to board members who ble and present it to the Forum. "Student Communication through meeting Anna Jones, Secretary of the were not present at the previous At the outset of the Forum, a Special Interest Groups." AFRB, said that she did not have meeting. Mark Tracey, AFRB mem- facilitator and a scribe shall be This forum will discuss better plan- the minutes but they were being ber from Tenant's Association, was appointed by consensus. The facilita- ning and coordination of events in prepared and would be ready some- responsible for contacting all board tor, who must be impartial, takes the order to save money and time. The time next week.' members by phone but "did not get group consensus opinions and at- basic problem in the past has been no the list of phone numbers. No one was tempts to mold them into a "Forum communication and cooperation and When asked for her opinion on the contacted." consensus opinion". The scribe, who the forum will try to remedy that. matter, Chairperson Laurel Hester said, "I am not sure of the facts. My Because there were only 11 members perception of the situation is totally at the previous AFRB meeting, there different. I want to see the figures in 1/2 11/2 could only be 11 people who were black and white. I am very mad at Joe's (Ca'ljdeo) recommendation on ! Gables of informed of the emergency meeting. During the filibuster, the Program- this budget, it was a very bad ming members representing the bud- precedent. ' ' o get found two other Board members I Margate S 1 in the halls, but were still one short of Joe Carideo's comment oh the Spring GO ______— - • — n% the nine needed for quorum. Bob Bash budget was "On the issue of the Poluck then entered the meeting Spring Bash, that was absolutely poor O o making the ninth member. He said, planning." APRIL 5, 7, 8, 9 5 ex. Wed., In., Sot., « San. UPROAR ae REACH FORTHE GOLD r\ 3: Wed., Iri., Sot. TAKE FIVE •n TUBORG GOLD 2

vu ac F00SEBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS O XCEPTI0NS o o LOOK FOR DATES & LOCAL LOCATIONS o% SPECIAL I o COMING APRIL 9th & 16th oc u. as BEEF & BEER NFW GPFTNA HONOR $5.00 -o Ten WINTER HOURS ALL YOU CAN EAT & DRINK K| "V Minutes MON. THRU THUR. O FROM 3:00pm til 7:00pm O Away CLOSE AT 9 PM. MUSIC TIL MIDNIGHT fRI. AND SAT. vt Pky. O HillilllllllllllllllllilllllllllllillllltllilllllllllllllllllllillllMlllil^ C10S£ AT 10 PiVL z ffo Exit O ce 1 BRING THIS COUPON | ua ae 50 a. ni IMIDTS =3 W» ut .TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirI FOR FREE ADMISSION FI CALL BEFORE 3:30 EVERY WEDNESDAY PITCHERS OF BEER Phone: 2% FREE DELIVERY U/2 COLD BEER FOR TAME OUT U/2 4 ARGO

Members of a political science class plan to conduct a survey to determine whether or not students understand AFRB: Conflict of Interests how the money they ;ontribute to the student activity fund is spent-a unique. issues are we expected to believe that ness. Decisions made regarding the laudable endeavour. The Board's vote to allocate the those presently in control of student use of student money begin in the In light of recent developments funds, 5-3-1, is more than suspect monies are acting in the students' at office of Campus Activities and end in concerning the Activity Fee Review when one considers that three of the large best interest-or are they merely the office of Campus Programs. Board, however, the survey might voting members of the Board are also playing politics amongst themselves? Student Board members wonder if well be extended to members of the on thè graduation committee which is At a recent AFRB meeting Campus their presence is anything more than Board as well. sponsoring the reception. This Activities Director Joseph Carideo a token one. situation presents itself as an obvious reportedly claimed that the way the It is a matter worth wondering case of conflict of interests. Board is presently set up conflicts of about; one which all students, if they EPCtHIJECJ interest are impossible. AFRB Chair- understood the workings of the Board, Another recent incident, involving person Laurel Hester disagrees. With would wonder about. The AFRB, under admitted picssnre the Programming Committee, stands an awareness of how few people are from administrative officials, recently to raise further questions concerning on so many committees, Hester The Political Science class survey approved the use of student money to the credibility of the AFRB. The maintains that conflicts of interest are shoud determine just how much purchase liquor tg the President's Programming Committee's apparent inevitable. student awareness regarding these at graduation reception. manipulation of the Board to secure And so it appears they are- conflicts times all-too-esoteric matters exists. Although a precedent was establish- the funds needed for the Spring Bash not only between the AFRB and Beyond gaining an understanding, ed last year for approval of reception indicates that a small group of elites student organizations but conflicts • then, lies the securing of a Board funds, the decision to use student control a majority of the student within the Board itself. which will represent the best interests money to buy liquor which will be purse. Student Board members are present- of all the students in an open and served in the G-Wing Cafeteria is In the wake of specifically these two ly questioning their own effective- accountable fashion.

Marijuana Decriminalization Planned Legislation that would decriminalize Joe daly legalization," Herman was quick to would carry a fine of up to $500. EDITOR marijuana and hashish in New Jer- point out. "But we feel that this is an Possession of lesser amounts of each sey but levy among the stiffest fines ASSOCIATE EDITOR offense that does not deserve a would bring a fine of up to $250 upon in the nation for their use and chrts Janssen criminal stigma." conviction. possession-may be released from the MANAGING EDITORS The legislation would carry no jail The bill has attracted some support Assembly's Judiciary Committee in al bassettt sentences because "tens of thousands from the American Civil Liberties April chrts baumle of state and federal dollars have been Union. David Hocker of the ACLU Committee chairman Martin Her- spent in the arrests and trials of said his organization's only reserva- SPORTS EDITOR art rementer man, D-Salem, said Monday the bill persons for possession of small tion to the proposed legislation was would be released to the floor after amounts." that the New Jersey fines would be ENVIRONMENT EDITOR alan bookman further amendments were made by The fines, however, would be steep. considerably higher than those im- the attorney general and its sponsor, Possession of 28 to 56 grams of posed by other states that have BUSINESS Jeff ludwltj Peter Shapiro, D-Essex. marijuana or 6 to 12 grams of hashish decriminalized the drugs. "Decriminalization does not mean PHOTOGRAPHY Stephen koob Jon wlttenwyler

Soviets Maintain Fresh Water Supply PRODUCTION Jennifer king Some may consider Russia ahead in twenty percent of the world's fresh over 191 million dollars have been gta porter

the space race after the recent water, has been the object of intense spent to purify the lake. Argo, an independent newspaper, is not an official publication of Stockton completion of history's longest man- Soviet preservation efforts in the Boats and ships are now prohibited State College. Argo is published every Friday by the Stockton State ned space flight by Soviet cosmonauts face of increasing development in the from discharging oil or waste water College community. Opinions ex- pressed are solely those of the Yuri Ramanenko and Georgy Grech- lake area. into the lake. Motorboats are not individual writer except in the case of editorials, which are the opinion of ko. Designers of Siberia's newly constr- permitted to use the lake during the Argo Editorial Board as defined in "Policy". Material published in no Some may also regard Russia ahead in ucted Baikal-Amur railroad planned to spawning season in September. way reflects the opinion of the the 'ecology race' when they learn of Stockton State College administration locate tracks far enough inland to In 1973, a representative of the EPA oi Board of Trustees. Argo subscribes the environmental protection that the to College Press Service (CPS) and avoid potential pollution. was reported to comment during a accepts material of any kind from world's largest lake, located in Siber- anyone. Mail items to: Argo, Stockton According to the chairman of the visit to the U.S.S.R. that some water State College, Pomona, N.J. 08240. Subscriptions are Î6 per year. Contri- ia, has been receiving. Buryaf branch of the Siberian Acad- purification equipment used for Lake butions are welcome. Call 652-1776, Lake Baikal of Siberia, which holds emy of Science, Marks Vasilyevich, Baikal is "exceptionally good". ext. 560 or 573 for any information. 5 ARGO Lack of Health Services Disturbing

It is disturbing to me that Stockton adult....we assume you can go to the students. The Office of Student A few words for the other side: On has no infirmary on campus. The doctor when you are sick." Services also puts out a roster of Wednesday, March 15, a woman reasons are obvious; there is nothing The emergency procedure now relies on-campus and off-campus services, working in E-224 (the reserve work at school to accommodate medical on campus security. All calls are including family planning offices, room) started having severe chest emergencies or, for that matter, a directed to them and all cases are dentists' and doctors' phone numbers, pains at about 12:00 p.m. Her splintered finger. handled by them, then forwarded to hours and a description of services companions didn't know who to call I interviewed Mr. Mercado, of the the Atlantic City Medical Center. offered. These have only been access- since there "wasn't any nurse's Student Services Department, con- Another important point Mr. Mer- able to students who live in the office" on campus. They finally called cerning this issue. He said that the cado made was the fact that an dorms, but I'm sure if you wanted one the operator for advice and she said employment of a doctor or a nurse infirmary "wouldn't provide maxi- Student Services would be happy to she'd send somebody up. It took five would have to be picked up by the mum service for students." Since an oblige. to ten minutes before an officer came Special Activities Fee, besides the office of this type would only have Mr. Mercado also said he thought to the scene and twenty to twenty-five extra cost for state standards a hours from nine to five, any crisis the Bookstore sold aspirin and the minutes before an ambulance got medical office must follow. He felt happening before or after these times like. I checked their stock and found there, bringing oxygen and a stretch- that "a small number of people would wouldn't be handled through this Alka Seltzer, Cotton balls, Hold er. The officer who responded made use something that everyone is paying office. cough drops, Vicks Formula 44, the woman comfortable, but did not for." He also pointed out that many He also says that many divisions in Dristan, Excedrin P.M. ; bandaids, have any medical equipment to students carry Blue Cross and Blue Stockton act as directories for medical Rubbing Alcohol, and for your splin- accommodate the woman. I couldn't Shield insurance policies. attention. For example, Mr. Mercado tered finger, a sewing kit with help but wonder what would have Mr. Mercado stated that two-thirds pointed out that the college has needles. In concluding, Mr. Mercado happened if that woman needed of Stockton's population owns a car, if provided transportation for those who said "If I thought it would make a immediate medical attention. not, they know someone with a car. need a doctor but have no car, and tremendous impact on Stockton's by Monica Rozinski He said Stockton" treats you as an they've also contacted physicians for students.I would fight for it." Colby: Cloning Process Not Exact

A human being created by cloning "Cells can be put in suspended from now," the professor said. Colby also noted that whole individ- will be an identical twin but not a total animation indefinitely, and could be duplicate of its "parent", according used to produce a physically identical uals could not be frozen and serve as to an associate professor of cell individual by cloning, say a century orSan donors for heart and kidney biology here. contïiu.». i on page o The professor, Richard Colby, said he believes the technology may now exist to create a human being through cloning, a process in which a genetic- ally identical individual is created MATT'S OFFICE TAVERN from a single cell rather than the normal mating process. NOW SERVING PLATTERS & The controversy over cloning, which, among higher animals, is known so of anyone else. A clone is nothing SANDWICHES DAILY. far to have worked only on frogs, was more than an identical twin, but rekindled last week by a science younger," he explained. "Even if it writer who claims he knows of a 14 ROUTE 559 SOMERS POINT RD. were- possible to make a clone of month old baby born through cloning. Einstein, the new individual would MAYS LANDING 625-1077 "I think it could be done, if not now, not have retained his knowledge or at least by the end of the century," his IQ. Colby said. He said the question of Come Sing Along With Folk Singer ''Current research indicates that most whether or not to use the process in of what we are is from experience and human clones would have to be environment rather than heredity," answered by society itself, and that he said. BOB WATERS most physicians would probably hesi- A technique which has been perfect- & tate to experiment with cloning. ed and is widely available, allows the He debunked the idea,however, that preservation of living cells in a a clone would be the exact duplicate laboratory. His Acoustic Guitar & i5tcf)ola£ of tt)t Request Your Favorite Song HAIR DESIGN Mon. Thru Fri. 5:00pm til 10:00pm COLLEGE STUDENT SPECIAL ' Monday Night Jam With HANABULL ÎHAIF PMCF WITH THIS AOl THURSDAY NIGHT DRAFT BEER NIGHT UN hiUU 393 Bloomfield Ave., Montclair, N.J. 07042 In N.J. BanCalkl AmericarFREE (800d — )Maste 772-217r Charge 4- Visa 7 ARGO W U H Bring this ticket and NO TRUE TEST TUBE BABY receive Advance Sale Price continued from page 5 transplant operations. He said only the father and the son. nine months, and born in the normal 1978 HOME cells not whole organisms, could be A more reasonable use of cloning way. put in suspended animation. would be to permit a couple to have "There's no such thing as a true &GARDEN David Rorvik, the author of a forth- normal children, when one parent is 'test tube baby,' in which the entire coming book, who claims he was known to carry a defective gene that nine months of gestation would occur SHOW would otherwise produce a genetically in an artificial womb, because the present at the creation of the first April 19 to 23, diseased child. complex nutritional requirements of human being through cloning, said 1-9 Daily,1-6pm Sunday the experiment was paid for by a The actual process of cloning requi- the embryo and the complexity of the res that the nucleus of a female egg placenta cannot be duplicated in the The Montclair Arena millionaire who wanted a son just like 41 Chestnut Street himself. Scientists doubt Rorvik's , be replaced with the nucleus of any laboratory," Colby said. Montclair, N.J. 07042 other male or female body cell to He added that a human clone could claims, which remain unverified. Tickets at Door - 2.50 Colby also commented onJRorvik' s produce an identical individual. The not be produced without the egg, Advance Sales, Students, claims, stating that before he would egg is then reimplar. ted in one of the since no other cells will implant in a Senior Citizens - 2.00 Remember to save the stub for mother's fallopian tubes, carried for woman's uterus and begin devel- believe them he would want to see the daily prizes results of extensive blood typing of opment into a fetus.

I've got Pabst Blue Ribbon on my mind"

PAISSl HK'I WINCj COMPANY Milwaukee. Peoria Heights. Newark. I os Ahgt-los, Pahsl (ieorp The Programming Committee presents Two Sides of Jazz with the Roy Meriwether Trio and the Barry Miles Quintet, on Sunday, April 9 at 8:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center.

A collection of photographs entitled Homage to Mishima will be on exhibit Crack The Sky in the H-Wing Gallery April 10-14

Crack The Sky Lifesong Records JZ-35041 By Nick Sodano

Crack The Sky is a relatively unknown and new band. Their most recent album, Safety in Numbers, is their third album. On it, they again reveal a tight, unusual style of rock that often features a syncopated trio of bass, drums, and guitar. A Beatles influence evident in the vocal harmon- ies of their first album is also present here. On the track "A Night on the Town (With Snow White)" this Beatles influence is even more appar- ent as not only the vocal harmonies but the jocular quality of some Beatle songs (like "Lovely Rita") is very obvious. GARY LEE CHAPPELL RICK WITKOWSKI JOEY D'AMICO JOE MACRE JIMMY GRIFFITHS Side one opens with the tune "Nuclear Apathy". It's an appropri- ate song to open the album with since it typifies the ban^! versatility, tightness, and imagination. Starting Dorothy V. Gapsis-Gomez, a Stock- entries were judged according to with a mellow acoustic guitar solo it ton student currently studying with National Competition criteria instead then blends into a transitional piece Associate Professor David Ahlsted, of the customary State or County between itself and a crisp rock section entered several original oil paintings standards. that follows; I find this transition in the 17th Annual Juried Art Show of Final awairds will be presented at the delightfully imaginative. The rock the Atlantic City Art Center now Silver Jubilee Anniversary Dinner, section of this song also has its celebrating its Silver Jubilee Anniver- Saturday, April 1st and the work of transitions into the synthesized sary. Mrs. Gapsis-Gomez received the all the finalists will be exhibited from realms of art rock (symphonic rock) distinction of having her impasto oil April 2nd through May 5th in the and back again. titled "Lord Cromwell" selected for Main Gallery at the Garden Pier, New With this album, Crack The Sky final judging from the hundreds Jersey Avenue on the Boardwalk, seems to have survived the loss of submitted. Atlantic City. Other works will be on lytf içSfct/musician John Palumbo. Pal- The Judges of the Art Show were the exhibition and for sale in the adjoin- uffcibo seemed to be the driving distinguished W. Carl Burger, 2nd ing Seaward Gallery and Browse creative force in the band and was Vice-President of the Federated Art Room. The reception, judges and certainly the leader of the group in Association of New Jersey and Lucille finalists attending, will be held April concert. In any case, Crack The .Sky. Hamsberry, head of the Mainland Art 2nd from noon to 3 p.m. in the Main has once again produced the tight, Work Shop. Because of the large Gallery, and will be open to the stylized brand of rock that made their number of works submitted, all Dorothy V. Ga psis'Gomez public. first album so enjoyable.