'Ajrgo' Is not an official KENT ST ATI publication of Stockios State OlSef. bwt b oni hfihod by a«i UUIKIknal corporation Ucenaed In New Jersey. NEW TRIAL Page 3 Volume 18 Number 20 Pomona, NJ. 08240 March 31, 1978 President May Accept Chancellor Post in Vermont WÊmÊ Richard Bjork, president of Stockton be a mutual interest" between the If President Bjork decides to accept a State College, has been interviewed parties. position elsewhere the matter of his for the position of Chancellor of State Trow added that periodically the replacement would rest in the hands colleges in Vermont. There are five President, as well as many other of the Board of Trustees. State Colleges in Vermont. members of the community, is The Board is required by federal law A variety of rumors have circulated contacted if it is known that interest to conduct all open and extensive throughout the halls recently in exists in other positions. search for a successor. regard to the President's future. "Eighty to ninety percent of all Whatever the president decides, At this time, .however, administrative people contacted will talk to some- according" to Trow, he will not leave officials claim it is too early to know body" said Trow. He emphasized, before the end of this semester. though, that talking does not neces- just what the President will do. At press time President Bjork was sarily indicate any commitment from Director of Planning and Develop- not available for comment. either side. ment Robert Trow explained that The matter of the President's future President Bjork was contacted about Presidential Assistant Michael Korff is expected to become clear within the position and that there "seems to said only that it would be "pre-ma- two to three weeks. ture to offer any comment." President Bjork Poor Planning Mars Spring Bash by Albert Bassetti and Kurt Staubach On Friday, March 17, the Activity about to turn, ir thirty-six hou s_,the Mr. Ciccone, in order to book the At first, those working on the Spring Fee Review Board (AFRB) met in $2,000, eight hour event into a four Kinks three months ago, promised Weekend encountered difficulties emergency session to deal with the day, $10,000 Spring weekend. Accord- John Sher all of Stockton's future with the timing of administrative "Spring Bash" budget submitted by ing to Ciccone's figures, the AFRB concert bookings. procedures not working to their Ray Ciccone of the Programming during Friday's emergency session Also approved by the AFRB were a advantage. They approached Joe C«ri- Committee. On March 15, Ray Cic- approved the following: $3,000 $2,500 revenue spending plan for the deo, director of Campus Activities, cone discovered that $8,000 was supplemental for a Spring Bash Tenant's Association (this money to who, according to Ciccone, said that it available in the Programming cate- Concert. be collected at the door of the Spring was a good idea but that he could not gory of the Campus Activity Fee. Upon According to Ciccone, "We needed Concert), and a $4,000 revenue make an instant recommendation on this discovery Ciccone, Gary Maita of the $3,000 passed in 24 hours to make spending plan, these funds to come it. That day Cittideo asked the AFRB Tenant's Association Ralph Lombardo a firm bid to John Sher for Warren from the Spring Weekend, and to be to meet in emergency session so that and Jim DeGenerro of Veterans set Zevon, N.R.B.Q. and Chris Rush." applied to same. continued on page 3 Vet Day Activity Fee Survey Slated "Memorial to the Living" A survey to determine and evaluate be available follows: student awareness of the distribution Monday, April 3, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. In a brief ceremony billed as a of activity fee money will be conduc- Tuesday, April 4, 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. "memorial to the living" Stockton ted outside G-Wing cafeteria April 3, Tuesday, April 4, 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. veterans and friends gathered outside 4, and 5. Wednesday, April 5, 10 a.m. to 4 G- wing Wednesday, March 29. The survey is sponsored by members p.m. Veterans of the war in Viet Nam of professor William Sensiba's Politics The results of the survey will be suffer with a unique dilemma. Never in the 70's class. tabulated by the class and will be hailed as heroes upon their return as A schedule of times the survey will made public later this semester. were veterans of earlier wars, the Viet Nam vets struggle today behind what they believe are insufficient benefits, a high unemployment rate and a AFRB Approves Grad. Funds sense of rejection from older veterans as well as civilians. The graduation committee's request te meeting. There was some contro- "Being a veteran, especially from for $1717.89 to purchase alcohol for versy concerning the ethics of charg- the Viet Nam era," said Wayne this spring's cereinvmies was passed ing undergraduates admission, as the Wilson, Veterans Coordinator here, by the Activity Fee Review Board at alcohol was being purchased with "is no easy ride' '. the March 16 meeting. The proposal money from their activity fees. When Also present during the ceremony had passed in the budget subcom- this question was raised at the were Father Joe Wagenhoffer who mittee the day before. subcommittee meeting, Brad Wickes offered the invocation, and President The budget was approved by a vote (who represented the graduation com- Bjork who delivered the opening of 5-3-1 despite a misrepresentation of mittee) said, "Students will not be remarks. Wayne Wilson the facts presented at the subcommit - continued on page 2 2 ARGO Positions Available On Student Board The following letter concerning the The Department is now in the mittee that will work closely with the The Committee will then elect a appointment of students to the New process of implementing a coordina- Board and with departmental student Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, Jersey Student Assistance Board and ted program of student assistance-- assistance staff. Note that the Chair- who shall become voting members of Student Advisory Committee from the Tuition Aid Grant (TAG) Program. person and Vice-Chairperson of this the Student Assistance Board for a Chancellor T. Edward Hollander, was This Program will be coordinated with Advisory Committee will be voting one-year term. After that point we addressed to Presidents of Student the new Garden State Scholarship members of the Board. First, hope that the Student Advisory Government Associations at New Jer- Program and the existing Education however, it will be necessary for the Committee will develop its own sey Colleges and Universities. Opportunity Fund Program, and will Board to create the Student Advisory selection procedures for reappoint- As no student government association offer a wider range of tuition aid in Committee, as mandated in the law. ments as terms expire. I hope that exists here, interested persons should 1978-79 to a greater number of some associations will be able to contact Haskell Rhett, Assistant students than the population now To initiate this Committee, I am nominate students who are not now in Chancellor, Department of Higher aided by the State's student assis- asking each institutional student their last year of studies, as we will Education, 225 West State Street, tance programs. government association in New Jersey need continuity of membership in this P.O. Box 1293, Trenton, N.J. 08625, These programs will be the respon- to nominate one student who might Comi^ittee over the next few years, for the information regarding submit- sibility of a new Student Assistance serve on the Committee. These and it would be helpful to have some ting nominations. Board, which will be created under nominations will then be given to the students who might serve for two or the authority of a law recently enacted Student Assistance Board (or to the three years before assuming a To: Presidents of Student Government by the Governor, Assembly Bill 3411. State Scholarship Commission if the position on the Student Assistance Associations NJ Colleges and Univer- One of the most significant features of Board is not yet appointed) with our Board. sities this new Board is the representation recommendations so that the resulting If you have any questions about this of New Jersey undergraduate stu- Committee may be representative in procedure, I would suggest that you From: T. Edward Hollander, Chancel- dents as voting members, and the terms of class level, institutional contact Assistant Chancellor Haskell lor creation of a Student Advisory Com- sector, sex, and ethnic background. Rhett at (609) 292-8770. Reception Funds Forum Now Official returned to the Student Activity Fund, charged." When the budget was in light of its seventeen hundred presented at the full quorum, howev- dollar contribution to the festivities. er, it was revealed that undergradu- First Meeting Called Carideo, however, disregarded this ates would be charged "for crowd idea. Tracey suggested the use of free A second organizational meeting of control purposes," and the revenue will supply the concerned Stockton guest passes to solve the problem of the Student Forum has resulted in the returned to the state to be applied to student with a hearing-place where crowd control, but this idea was also calling of a Student Forum next his/her voice will be listened to, and the cost of food also purchased for the disregarded. Tuesday, April 4. A Statement of where he/she can meet and commun- ceremonies. The President's reception for the Purpose and basic procedural struc- icate with other interested students.
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