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Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42677-0 — Sixteenth-Century Readers, Fifteenth-Century Books Margaret Connolly Index More Information General Index ‘A good contemplacion for a prest or he go to Altham, Elizabeth, 263 masse’, 149, 219, 221 Altham, James, of Mark Hall, 67, 172 A Good Tretys of a Notable Chartour of Mary, wife of, 172 Pardoun of Oure Lorde Ihesu Crist, 98 Altham, Thomas, 67 A London Chronicle, 233 Ambrose, St, 162 ‘A lytil tretise ayence fleischly affeccyoneʒ & De bono mortis, 160 alle vnþrifti loves’, 149, 219, 223, 229 An vniforme and catholyke prymer in latin and A Prymer in Englyshe, 201 Englishe, 201 ‘A songe of loue to owre lorde Ihesu Christe’, anathema (book curse), 120 92, 115–116 Angele qui meus es custos pietate superna, A Tretyse of Gostly Batayle, 92, 131, 219, 220, 208, 214 224, 225 Anima Ihesu christi sanctifica me, 209 A Tretyse of þe Stodye of Wysdome þat Men Anne of Cleves, 262 Clepen Benjamin. See Richard of St ‘Anno quartodecimo virgo concepisti’, 211 Victor: Benjamin Minor Anselm, St Abbey of the Holy Ghost, 219, 221 Prayer and Meditations, 149 acrostics, in English verse, 117, 119 ‘Answeris to hem þat seien þat we schulde not Act of Supremacy and Succession, 156, speke of holy writt’, 79, 82, 84, 97, 243 157, 160 anthologies, devotional, 148–149, 217–230 Acton, Middlesex, 23, 26 Antwerp, 238 Fosters, manor of, 21, 22, 35, 141 Aperton, Middlesex, 61 Adam of Dryburgh Ardern, Sir Peter, 130 De Instructione Anime, 146 arma Christi, 112 Adam, Humphrey, lawyer, 32, 33 Armyster, John, Master of the Temple, 56, Anne, daughter of, 32, 33 172, 238 Henry, son of, 33 Ars Moriendi, 160, 220 will of, 32, 69, 143 Arundel, Thomas, Archbishop of Adam, Nicholas, 33, 69 Canterbury, 129, 147 Adesto domine supplicacionibus nostris, Arundel, Thomas, fl. 1540, 158, 159 208, 214 Ashill, Norfolk, 33 Adoramus te, 210, 215 Atkynson, William, translator, 130 Adyf, George, cleric, 26 Atte Hall, John, 27 Alderton, Thomas, of London, citizen, 26 Atte Wood, John, 22 Alexander VI, pope, 212 Aty, Robert, of Kilburn Priory, 23 298 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42677-0 — Sixteenth-Century Readers, Fifteenth-Century Books Margaret Connolly Index More Information General Index Eleanor, daughter of, 16, 23, 171 Benjamin Minor. See Richard of St Victor Auchinleck manuscript (NLS, Advocates’ Bernard, Edward 19.2.1), 9 Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliae auditor, office of, 64, 140, 260, 261 et Hiberniae, 248 Augmentations, Court of, 142, 164, 239, 263 Bernard, St, 133, 134, 222 Augustine, St, 162 De duodecim gradibus humilitatis, 222 Confessions, 103 ‘Verses of St Bernard’, 187 prayers attributed to, 110 bibles, 142 Soliloquies, 103 bequests of, 33, 70, 143 Ave et gaude mater domini nostri ihesu vernacular translations, 105, 170 christi, 208 bindings, of manuscripts, 101, 161 Ave gemma preciosa, 194 Blackborough Priory, 31 Ave Maria, 86, 117, 119, 210, 213 Blacman, John, scribe, 160 commentary on, 94–96 Blakmare, John, 159 in English verse, 117 Blundeville, Thomas in Pore Caitif, 79, 80, 84, 86 The fower chiefyst offices belongyng to ‘Ave quene of heven ladi of erþe welle of all horsemanshippe, 74 bownte’, 117–119 Bodley, Beatrice, widow, 29, 34, 131, 132 Ave virgo graciosa stella sole clarior, 206, 212 Bodley, Francis, of London, grocer and fishmonger, 131, 132, 170 Babham, Thomas, of London, grocer, 131, 170 Bodley, Richard, of London, grocer, 130, 131 Margaret, wife of, 131 Bodley, William, of London, grocer, 29, 131, 132 badges, pilgrim, 42 wives of, 131 Badingham, Suffolk, 195 Boethius Baker, Sir John, lawyer, 66, 235 De Consolatione Philosophiae, 8 Baldwyn, John, lawyer, 49 Boke of Crafte of Dying, 219, 220, 225, 227–228 Bale, John, 99 Bolton, William, cleric, 26 Ball, John, chaplain, 26 Bonde, William, 59 ballads, 167 Bonwicke, Ambrose, 249 Balland, Nicholas, monk, 159 books of hours, 10, 77, 185–199, 200–217, Barking Abbey, abbess of, 147 247, 257 Barnes, John, of Willesden, 23, 38, 67, 263 additions to, 199, 204–217, 231, 242 Jane, wife of, 40 calendars in, 31, 174, 189–193, 201 Mary, daughter of, 23, 40, 171, 263 family records in, 15, 34, 131, 168–170, Barnesdale, Anne, 217 193, 263 Barnet, Battle of, 24, 174 from the Low Countries, 194, 202 Barnet, Herts., 24 miniatures in, 187, 194, 204 Batmanson, John, 156 printed, 186, 201 Beaufort, Lady Margaret, 9, 130, 245 books, early printed Bede, St, commentaries by, 257 prices of, 201 Bellamy, Richard, lawyer, 69, 141, 257 print runs, 130 Benfylld, John, 247, 258 books, of law, 62, 69, 153, 166, 167 299 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42677-0 — Sixteenth-Century Readers, Fifteenth-Century Books Margaret Connolly Index More Information General Index Boone, Nicolas. See Bowne, Nicolas Peterhouse, 57 Boorde, Andrew, monk, 157 Queen’s College, 58 Bourne family, 170 St Catharine’s College, 263 Bowes, Sir Martin, 151 Carbonell family, 199 Elizabeth Harlowe, wife of, 151 Carbonell, Elizabeth, daughter of William, son of, 151 Margery, 195 Bowne, Nicolas, 59 Carbonell, Richard, 195 Bowton, John, 257 Elizabeth, wife of, 195 Bowyer, William, the younger, printer, 249 Carbonell, Sir John, of Badingham, 195 Bracton, Henry de Margery, wife of, 195, 199 De legibus et consuetudinibus Angliae, 125 Careley, John, of Willesden, 20, 26, 27 Bragge, William, industrialist, 252 Carthusians, libraries of, 147, 160, 161 Brentford, chapel at, 58 Catalogus eruditorum Thome Becket, 69 breviaries, bequests of, 33, 70, 143 Catewodes. See Roberts family, of Willesden, Brevis tractatus de arte moriendi, 160 main residence Brewood White Ladies Priory, 156 Caxton, William, printer, 130 Bridgnorth, Shropshire, 154 Chambers, Middlesex, prebend of, 21 Broke, Sir Richard, lawyer, 62 chancery, scribes of, 2 Broke, Sir Robert, lawyer, 66, 239 chantries, 41, 233 Brooke, John Arthur, of Fenay Hall, 252 Chantries Act, of Edward VI, 233 Brooke, Thomas, of Armitage House, 252 charms, 167, 183, 207, 214 Brown, John, lawyer, 64 against fevers, 214 Browne, Anne, nun, 141 Flum Jordan charm, 184 Browne, Sir Humfrey, lawyer, 66, 235 for toothache, 184 Browne, William, 29, 34, 141 for worms, 74 Alice, wife of, 29, 34 ‘God was Born in Bethlehem charm’, Browne, William, alderman 184 Alice, wife of, 29 ‘Three Good Brothers’ charm, 184 Brut, chronicle, 142 to extinguish fire, 207 Bryce, Alice, 29 ‘Uncorrupted Wounds of Christ’ Brydeman, Mistress, 172 charm, 184 Bugon, John, 64, 140 Charters of Christ, 92, 112–127 Bulkeley, Anne, 9 Long Charter of Christ, 119–127 Bull and Auvache, booksellers, 251 Short Charter of Christ, 112–115, 125 Burgon, Thomas, 64 charters, format of, 113, 123 Burgoyne, John. See Bugon, John Chaucer, Geoffrey, 2, 8 Busshop, John, priest, 22, 35, 233 Canterbury Tales, 127 The Man of Law’s Tale, 127 Calais, 65 Chauncy, John, 69 Cambridge, university of, 57, 248 Chauncy, Maurice, 160 Christ’s College, 57 Cheseman family, of Dormer’s Wells, 58 Emmanuel College, 58 Cheseman, Edward, lawyer, 58 300 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42677-0 — Sixteenth-Century Readers, Fifteenth-Century Books Margaret Connolly Index More Information General Index Eleanor, daughter of, 61 Cordell, Sir William, lawyer, 66, 237 Elizabeth, daughter of, 150 Cordewell family, 171 Cheseman, John, 58, 61 coroner, office of, 59 Cheseman, Robert, brother of Edward, 58 corrections, scribal, 86, 188, 190 Cheseman, Robert, son of Edward, 58, 59, 60, Cotton, Robert, book collector, 8 61, 63, 65, 150 Counsels of Saint Isidore, 219, 222, 227, Chester, Sir Robert, 36, 239 229 Katherine, wife of, 36, 172, 239 Court of Arches, 156, 238 Chewton, Somerset, 158 Coventry Priory, 159 Cheyne, Sir Thomas, 51 Coverdale, Miles, 105 Frideswide, wife of, 51 Cranbrook, Kent, 261 Chidleye, Robert, lawyer, 66 Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Cholmeley, Nicolas, 59 Canterbury, 56 Cholmeley, Sir Richard, 59 Crayes, Walter, 247, 258 Cholmeley, Sir Roger, lawyer, 61, 63, 66 Cristede, Anne, 26 Christ Cromwell, Thomas, 34, 64, 156, 157, 265 life of, 111, 122 Crophill, John, of Wix, 177 Passion of, 111, 112, 115, 204 curse, on book thieves, 120 verses to, 115 Curson, Robert, clerk, 20 words of, 120, 121, 124, 187 Customs House, London. See Woolwharf, Chrysostom, St John, 162 London Civil War, English, 23, 244 Clarence, Susan, 239 Da nobis domine auxilium de tribulacione, 128 Clement, Robert, innkeeper, 265 Daunce, Sir John, 60, 62, 236 Clerkenwell Priory, 150 Daunsey, Anne, nun, 236 Cok, John, scribe, 142 David of Augsburg Coldhill, Constance, 191 De exterioris et interioris hominis Coldhill, Roger, 191 compositione, 223 Colet, John, 105 De duodecim utilitatibus tribulationis, 220 Commendatio animarum. See De regali stupe nata Frideswida nobilis, 205 Commendations Deane, John, 140 Commendations, 187, 194, 202, 203 decoration, of manuscripts, 79, 100, 108, Commission, to search properties (London), 137–139, 186, 187–188, 246 63, 175 Dedisti domine habitaculum martiri tuo Commission, to seize property (of Scots), Clementi, 207 59, 69 Dee, John, 10 commonplace books, 162 Denysell, John, lawyer, 63 Confessionem derelicti pauperis. See Pore Caitif Derham, Thomas, 170 Contemplations of the Dread and Love of God, Deus qui beate Frideswide virgini tue 219, 221, 225 felicitatem, 206 Cook, George, fl. 1656, 23 Deus qui es vera felicitas et requies Copped Hall, Waltham, 64 beatorum, 206 301 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University