General Index
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42677-0 — Sixteenth-Century Readers, Fifteenth-Century Books Margaret Connolly Index More Information General Index ‘A good contemplacion for a prest or he go to Altham, Elizabeth, 263 masse’, 149, 219, 221 Altham, James, of Mark Hall, 67, 172 A Good Tretys of a Notable Chartour of Mary, wife of, 172 Pardoun of Oure Lorde Ihesu Crist, 98 Altham, Thomas, 67 A London Chronicle, 233 Ambrose, St, 162 ‘A lytil tretise ayence fleischly affeccyoneʒ & De bono mortis, 160 alle vnþrifti loves’, 149, 219, 223, 229 An vniforme and catholyke prymer in latin and A Prymer in Englyshe, 201 Englishe, 201 ‘A songe of loue to owre lorde Ihesu Christe’, anathema (book curse), 120 92, 115–116 Angele qui meus es custos pietate superna, A Tretyse of Gostly Batayle, 92, 131, 219, 220, 208, 214 224, 225 Anima Ihesu christi sanctifica me, 209 A Tretyse of þe Stodye of Wysdome þat Men Anne of Cleves, 262 Clepen Benjamin. See Richard of St ‘Anno quartodecimo virgo concepisti’, 211 Victor: Benjamin Minor Anselm, St Abbey of the Holy Ghost, 219, 221 Prayer and Meditations, 149 acrostics, in English verse, 117, 119 ‘Answeris to hem þat seien þat we schulde not Act of Supremacy and Succession, 156, speke of holy writt’, 79, 82, 84, 97, 243 157, 160 anthologies, devotional, 148–149, 217–230 Acton, Middlesex, 23, 26 Antwerp, 238 Fosters, manor of, 21, 22, 35, 141 Aperton, Middlesex, 61 Adam of Dryburgh Ardern, Sir Peter, 130 De Instructione Anime, 146 arma Christi, 112 Adam, Humphrey, lawyer, 32, 33 Armyster, John, Master of the Temple, 56, Anne, daughter of, 32, 33 172, 238 Henry, son of, 33 Ars Moriendi, 160, 220 will of, 32, 69, 143 Arundel, Thomas, Archbishop of Adam, Nicholas, 33, 69 Canterbury, 129, 147 Adesto domine supplicacionibus nostris, Arundel, Thomas, fl.
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