Explosives Engineering Professional Affiliate of the Engineering Council UK 40th Anniversary Journal Awards Results Page 4 Effect of end shape on blast from cylindrical charges Page 28 THE JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF EXPLOSIVES ENGINEERS March 2014 Contents Contents Features Regulars Best practice for Commercial Explosive Ordnance 8 Disposal (EOD) in Great Britain Institute News 2 Ken Cross MBE CEng MSc BSc(Hons) FIExpE Tech Spec 34 Critical review of novel detection 12 methods for buried explosives The Bennett file 36 Holli Kimbl e MEng MSc MIExpE Sidney Alford column 37 A cost effective method for preliminary 16 explosive characterisation Industry News 38 Andrew Envy BEng AIExpE Conference/Exhibition Diary 40 D10 dozer recovered from a 21 In a flash - Ben Hoge BA (Criminal 40 high wall using blasting Justice) I.A.A.I CFI CFEI MIExpE Tristan Worsey BSc MSc MISEE A history of explosives: as they 26 Front cover picture: Images through SEM (scanning electron relate to the UK microscope) of blackpowder Ian McKay CEng MPhil BSc DipH&S FIMM FIExp E (left) and SEM of spherical agglomerate of gun propellant grade n-guanylurea dinitramide (GuDN/Fox-12) (Centre for Defence Effect of end shape on blast from cylindrical charges 28 Chemistry, Cranfield Scott Bradley BEng MSc(EOE) University). The Institute of Explosives Engineers Editor Suite 3, 7–8 Mill Street, Stafford ST16 2AJ Diane Hall Telephone and fax: 01785 240154 Telephone: +44 (0)1729 840765 Email:
[email protected] Mobile: +44 (0)7778 063373 www.iexpe.org Email:
[email protected] [email protected] Institute of Explosives Engineers Design and Print/Production and Registered Office: Advertising Manager 141 Victoria Road, Swindon SN1 3BU Gordon Hunt Company No.