Walter Scott: a Legend of Montrose ======A Machine-Readable Edition
Walter Scott: A Legend of Montrose ================================== a machine-readable edition version 1.1: 1995-09-14 ------------------------------------------------------------ <titlepage> A LEGEND OF MONTROSE BY SIR WALTER SCOTT, BART <series title> THE TALES OF MY LANDLORD A LEGEND OF MONTROSE <series epigraph> Hear, Land o' Cakes and brither Scots, From Maidenkirk to Johnny Groats, If there's a hole in a' your coats, I rede ye tent it; A chiel's amang you takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it!---Burns Ahora bien, dijo el Cura; traedme, senor hu<e'>sped, aquesos libros, que los quiero ver. Que me place, respondi<o'> el; y entrando en su aposent, sac<o'> d<e'>l una maletilla vieja cerrada con una cadenilla, y abri<e'>ndola, hall<o'> en ella tres libros grandes y unos papeles de muy buena letra escritos de mano.---=Don Quixote,= Parte I. capitulo 32. <text> INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST EDITION. Sergeant More M`Alpin was, during his residence among us, one of the most honoured inhabitants of Gandercleugh. No one thought of disputing his title to the great leathern chair on the ``cosiest side of the chimney,'' in the common room of the Wallace Arms, on a Saturday evening. No less would our sexton, John Duirward, have held it an unlicensed intrusion, to suffer any one to induct himself into the corner of the left-hand pew nearest to the pulpit, which the Sergeant regularly occupied on Sundays. There he sat, his blue invalid uniform brushed with the most scrupulous accuracy. Two medals of merit displayed at his buttonhole, as well as the empty sleeve which should have been occupied by his right arm, bore evidence of his hard and honourable service.
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