Lecture 20: Packaging MEMS ME 645: MEMS: Design, Fabrication and Characterization P.S. Gandhi Mechanical Engineering IIT Bombay Acknowledgements: Mukul Tikekar, Dr Anandroop Bhattacharya PRASANNA S GANDHI
[email protected] What is packaging? Service and art of providing a suitable environment to the electronic/ MEMS product as a whole to perform reliably over a period of time To protect delicate components from structural damage and/or malfunctions No addition to functionalityPRASANNA S GANDHI
[email protected] 1 Motivation MEMS packaging is a field of great importance to anyone using or manufacturing sensors, consumer products, or military applications Packaging is aaveryverylarge percentage of the total cost of MEMS devices MEMS packikaging iiissaaltlmost alllways app licati on specific and greatly affected by its environment and packaging techniques We will first have a look at electronic packaging and then MEMS PRASANNA S GANDHI
[email protected] Electronic Packaging Levels of Packaging Edge connector Wafer Chip Printed circuit board Chip Carrier Back panel Chassis PRASANNA S GANDHI
[email protected] 2 Level – I Packaging: Chip to Chip Carrier Chip carrier – Housing for the thin and fragile chip Purpose – Protects the chip from environment and abusive handling – Facilitates interconnections from the chip to the pads/holes on the circuit board – Provides pins/pads for that serve as bases for solder joints – Also involved in the heat transfer process as the first step in the heat flow path from source to sink PRASANNA