A Study of Maturity Indices for Halehaven Peaches
A STUDY OF MATURITY INDICES FOR HALEHAVEN PEACHES DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Surinder Singh Attrl, B. A,, M. S. ****** The Ohio State University 1959 Approved by Adviser Department of Horticulture ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Throughout the course of this study the following people have materially aided the author* In acknowledgment of their help and the value of their association* the author wishes to express his appreciation* To Dr* Freeman S* Hewlett, Chairman* Department of Horticulture* for his invaluable advice* criticism* and suggestion in the writing of this dissertation* and particularly far his guidance and one ouragement • To Professor Donald Comin* who has given freely and willingly of his time* interest* guidance* and advice* To Dr* C* R. Weaver* Statistician* Ohio Agricultural Experi ment Station* for his interest and assistance in the statistical analysis of the data* To Jfr. Harold S* Steamer, whose co-operation and assistance in operating the equipment used for this work has materially aided the author* Surinder Singh Attri ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter PaC° I. INTRODUCTION....................................... 1 II. REVIEW 01'’ LITERATURE................................ 4 A. Teminolo^' of Maturity.......................... 4 1* ihturo and its Derivatives........••••.••••..••.*4 2. lUpe and its Derivatives ...... ...5 B, Indicos of Maturation, ............ 6 1, Color.......... ,••••...••6 2, Pressure.......... •••««••». ,.•••...... .£ 3, Soluble Solids......... ••..•••,..10 4* Acidity, ......... ••••........ ,,10 5. Ifcrdrogen Ion Concentration.........11 6. Index Humber................ ...*........ ...12 7. Soluble Solids/Acids Ratio,....... •••••12 T, Cliloropliyll .......................... 13 9. Carotono and Carotonoids,.,.••.•••..,••••••••••13 III. MATERIALS AND METHODS............................. 14 A. Firmness Tests,, .... •••••.••.... .,,17 1, Test with the Durcmeter,.•••••••••••...
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