Color Measurement1 Agr1c Ü8 ,
I A^w /\PK4 1946 USDA COLOR MEASUREMENT1 AGR1C ü8 , ,. 2001 DEC-1 f=> 7=50 AndA ItsT ApplicationA rL '"NT SERIAL Í to the Grading of Agricultural Products A HANDBOOK ON THE METHOD OF DISK COLORIMETRY ui By S3 DOROTHY NICKERSON, Color Technologist, Producdon and Marketing Administration 50! es tt^iSi as U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Miscellaneous Publication 580 March 1946 CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Color-grading problems 1 Color charts in grading work 2 Transparent-color standards in grading work 3 Standards need measuring 4 Several methods of expressing results of color measurement 5 I.C.I, method of color notation 6 Homogeneous-heterogeneous method of color notation 6 Munsell method of color notation 7 Relation between methods 9 Disk colorimetry 10 Early method 22 Present method 22 Instruments 23 Choice of disks 25 Conversion to Munsell notation 37 Application of disk colorimetry to grading problems 38 Sample preparation 38 Preparation of conversion data 40 Applications of Munsell notations in related problems 45 The Kelly mask method for color matching 47 Standard names for colors 48 A.S.A. standard for the specification and description of color 50 Color-tolerance specifications 52 Artificial daylighting for grading work 53 Color-vision testing 59 Literature cited 61 666177—46- COLOR MEASUREMENT And Its Application to the Grading of Agricultural Products By DOROTHY NICKERSON, color technologist Production and Marketing Administration INTRODUCTION cotton, hay, butter, cheese, eggs, fruits and vegetables (fresh, canned, frozen, and dried), honey, tobacco, In the 16 years since publication of the disk method 3 1 cereal grains, meats, and rosin.
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