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The Guardian, September 19, 1990

Wright State University Student Body

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. e e uar 1an Issue No. 6, Volume 26 Wright State's Student Newspaper Wednesday, September 19, 1990 News Briefs ecopyright 1990, USA TODAY/Apple College Information Network

Dugan fired for comments

Gen. Michael Dugan was frred Monday as Air Force chief of staff after public comments about plans to bombard Iraq and personally target President Saddam Hussein. "He showed poor judgement at a very sensitive time," Defense Secretary Dick Cheney said after firing Dugan. 53, in the post only since July.

Families richer in Florida

Two Floridians - made instant million­ aires in the second largest lottery in U.S. history - still could not believe their luck Monday. Richard Piasecki, 58, a retired auto worker in New Sm~ and Tampa accountant Scott Smith, 35, are the first winners in Florida• s $106.5 million Bongo Bay entertains hundreds of Fall Fest spectators lottery. The six other winners, still unknown, have 180 days to come forward. WSU plans to remold image Shuttle meets fourth delay

NASA Monday - for the fourth time since May - scrubbed the launch of the Kelly Keith Dunn shuttle Columbia after finding a poten­ Staff leading metropolitan university. then come to WSU. tially explosive hydrogen leak. NASA Approximately a year ago WSU Presi­ The problem, according to Mulhollan, 5) Typical WSU students~ less talented officials say the hydrogen leak- the same dent Paige Mulhollan asked the Division of is how the university is perceived, or misper­ than students at other mature schools, such as problem to halt previous Columbia University Relations to create a task force to ceived, by the community: Miami University, Bowling Green State Uni­ launches - likely would delay the mission study the current perception of WSU and 1) Educational programming at WSU is versity, and The Ohio State University. until November. Columbia was to have recommend a plan designed to update the seen as rather basic, routine, and bland. 6) WSU is a young and immature univer­ carried seven atronauts and the $150 general public on WSU's significance. 2) Some may believe that WSU offers its sity that is both literally and figuratively dis­ million Astro observatory. The task force, already formed and students too little "campus life." It offers a tant from Dayton. headed by Dr. Herbert Brown, includes rep­ good "factual-philosophical-theoretical edu­ 7) WSU is not a significant participant in resentatives from the faculty, staff, and stu­ cation," but not a true "college experience." the life of the community, as compared, for Mass. voters go to polls dents of the university. It does not educate the "whole person." example, with the University of Dayton. Beginning this fall the Marketing Com­ 3) Others may see WSU is a fast-grow­ 8) African-American students see WSU voters can choose munications Plan will begin to update ing, affordable commuter school, where the as an institution set up for white students, as between a couple of Democrats and a wsu· s image. "first generation," the economically a place where African-American students couple of Republicans. On the Demo­ In an interview, President Mulhollan ex­ strapped, and the place-bound go to college. will be uncomfortable. aatic side, former Attorney General plained that the intended message of the Mar­ (It is generally recognized, however, that According to a letter from Mulhollan' s faces University keting Communications PJan was basically many WSU students are place bound by office, the WSU Board of Trustees and president-on-leave John Silber. three- fold: choice.) Mulhollan have endorsed the Marketing Republicans can pick either House 1) WSU is the right place for students of 4) WSU is the choice of students who Communications Plan, and will share the Minority_Leader Steven Pierce or former unlimited potential. haven't worked hard in high school. It is an plan with the university community with federal prosecutor William Weld. Issues: 2) WSU is the right place for students "extension high school" and a four-year ver­ presentations of the plan during fall quarter. state's poor economy, rising who are seeking a complete university .expe­ sion of Sinclair Community College. It is the The first presentation will be at 219 Rike unemployment, planned cuts. rience. last resort college for the academically defi­ Hatt, on Thursday, September 20, from 10 3) Wright State University is the nation's cient Students dream of going elsewhere, a.m. to noon. ' 2 THE GUARDIAN Wednesday, Septemherl9, 1990 Financial aid for financial aid? Department of Education (OOE) HEAP received only 80 percent re­ teed through the Ohio Student Loan gress may also become stricter in its Susanna G. Newton insures state and non-profit guaranty imbursement from DOE on those Commission and the Great Lakes requirements for student credit, and Staff agencies to pay back the lender even loans, leaving HEAF with $8.8 bil­ Higher Education Corporation. The government guarantees may be low­ The strucwre of the guaranteed if a loan becomes a default The lion in unpaid loans. latter agency is one of the strongest in ered. More safeguards may be insti­ student loan program may be weak- agencyreceivesafeefrom the lender HEAF' s troubles will not imme­ the country. tuted into guaranty agencies. ening. for this service. diately affect WSU students. Ac­ But the long term effects of While student loans will remain The program, which began in TheHigherEducationAssistance cording to David Darr, WSU's fi­ HEAF' s woes will be felt throughout available, they will become more 1965, ensures lenders that student Foundation {HEAF) controls 18.8 nancial aid director, only one or two WSU as well as the entire nation. expensive. However, this increase is loans will be repaid Most of the percent of all student loans. Over the students obtained loans through Lenders may scrutinize student credit not anticipated to occur soon, and lenders are banks. credit unions, and past four years HEAF had a default HEAF. Recent WSU policy stipu­ records more closely. Presently, WSU students can expect no imme­ savings and loan institutions. The rate over 9 percent Consequently, lates that student loans are guaran- credit screening is minimal. Con- diate change. Paying for parking's a possibility

Thomas Gnau committee recommended, said quarter. ''There was additional Kretzer said that the best Acting News Editor Kretzer, to leave K-lot free. traffic on Main Road, more so places to develop parking areas There are about 3, 100 free than there would have been would be around the Ervin J. According to Robert L. parking spaces, Kretzer estimated. normally, some of it would have Nutter Center or K-lot, and he Kretzer, Assistant Director for The Parking Services Advisory filtered out on the other side of predicted that busing expense for Parking Services, the Parking Committee, according to Kretzer, campus." the university would increase if Services Advisory Committee makes recommendations about the Kretzer said that the closing of "those remote areas" were may recommend that students administration of parking, about Rock Road and Service Road hurt developed. pay for general parking. which groups should have especially. ''The real problem Dr. Edward Spanier, Vice "It will be recommended that preferential parking and about with that is losing the parking President of Business and Fi­ all of the parking on the upper, how money is spent on the WSU spaces." nance, said that he perceives a inner part of campus become paid parking system. They also handle Kretzer said that WSU hasn't growing demand for paid parking parking," said Kretzer. ''They parking appeals. generated revenue for a parking on campus, but he said that he has (the Parking Services Advisory Kretzer said there are three garage. "We haven't generated not yet seen a recommendation Committee) will come back this students on thel I-member parking revenues for almost seven from the Parking Services fall and meet again to determine committee. The students have years now. We don't have any Advisory Committee. two things: how much should be voting power. monies built up in a fund to put "Up to some time ago," said paye.d for that parking ... the Kretzer said he thought toward construction of a garage." Spanier, "Wright State had paid other idea they want to look into parking in the first week of the Kretzer estimated that the cost per parking." Spanier said that most is even improving the busing quarter was no worse than it month for each parking space in a state universities have paid further than it is now." The usually is in the beginning of the garage would be $50 to $70. parking. WWSU checks parking pulse

Thomas Gnau at Wright State." this lot-hurry to get to it' Acting News Editor Coleman, a junior, said the idea Something like that is going to fortheparkingteamcamefrom cause a riot" Amid the parking hassles in the one of the station meetings, when Phillips said that the parking first week of fall quarter, students, talk of how terrible first-week team is a good way of getting an if they were lucky, could find a parking spurred an engineer to idea of the students' attitudes and free compact disc, even if they suggest that they have someone frustrations. She said she has couldn't find a parking spot in with a pair of binoculars on top of heard a lot of complaints. time for their first class. a building find empty spots. Phillips, a third-year communi­ Employees of WWSU, WSU's "It's a little frustrating," cation-studies major, said she radio station, were around campus Coleman said. "We're actually would like to do something like in the mornings during the first trying to help Parking Services." this during the first week of every week of the quarter, relaying Coleman said that, among other quarter, when parking is usually information about the best places things, he wants to help students most difficult As far as she to park, listening to students' get on campus faster. He said that knows, the station has never done complaints, giving away music the closing of Rock Road is anything like this before. and generally having a good time. causing problems-'That was a According to Coleman, part of The roving WWSU parking­ major artery." the purpose is to alert the admini­ team is just one facet of a cam­ The team relays parking stratioo of the parking problems at paign to define and cement a new information-best routes, parking WSU. "But we don't want to start image for the mdio station, areas to avoid-via walkie talkie any fires," said Coleman, stressing according to General Manager back to the station, where the disc that it's his intent to give Parking Gary Coleman and News Director jockey then reports the location of Services some help. Tracy Phillips. the available spaces. Phillips said: "This is a ''We don't want to be known as Coleman said the team has tactful message." a radio station at Wright State taken care not to cause any races to anymore," said Phillips. ''We empty spots. "We're not gonna Tracy Phllllps and Matt Dewald want to be known the radio station say, 'Hey, there's an empty spot in

1 _ ...... - ...... _,.. ..._~ ..._~ .. t • ._ -·-

- . - .. .. . ------Wednesday, Septemberl9, 1990 THE GUARDIAN 3 Parking S erv1ces- wants to help you get where you 're going!

BUILDINGS A All yn Hall AF Alumn11Foundat1on AA Art Annex BS B1olog1cal Sciences co Childhood De velopment Center CA Creative Arts Center EM Engineering, Mathematics F Fawce11 Hall FL Forest Lane Apartments PLEASE NOTE: FW Frederick A. White Center Nutter Center Lots H Hamilton Hall may still be under ltS Health Sciences L Library construction In MS Medical Sciences September. M M1l1en Hall N Nutter Center (under construcuon) 0 Oelman Hall PE Physical Education R Rike Hall TV T elev1s1on Center UC University Canter ~ Construction zone t~~ F~, ­ - Campus Shuttle Stop _·-:... -. ;~~- ....L-O_T_I N_F_O_R_M_A_J_l_O_N_,.

Lot Zone a

Allyn A, B, F, H, S , M, AR (AA) Art Annex B, F, H, s, uv· Biological Sciences A, B, F, H, s, uv· (CD) Child Development Center B, F, H, s, uv· (CA) Creative Arts Center A , B, F, H, S, UV Ervin J. Nutter Center A, B, F, H, S (FL) Forts! Lane A. HR Frederick A. White Center F, H, S, Patient Hamilton Hall H. A. HA Hawthorn!C1;1dar.'H1ckory A. HR RR Health Sciences A , B, F, H, S, uv· K UV Laurel/Jacob/Boston A. HA RR Millett A , B. F, H, M, S, uv· Rike A. F HS.UV (SOM) School of Med1c111e A SOM V1:;1tor!. (TC) Tennis Court H (UC) University Cl:lnter A. B. f . M. S. UV V1s11or H V1!.1tor West A, B, H, S, RR , UV Bold indicates some general parking available.

·oue to ttio:! poss1b1ilty of incrt1aSl:ld demand lor zo111;1d pdrl\1119 sµd1.,e:.. the number or ava1lab1hty ol gt1neral spaces in tht!St! lots may change. PARKING INFORMATION AND REGULATIONS

Gener•I P•rking Are•• General Vehicle Regul•tlona 11 . A $5 fee will be assessed for replacement 7. Improperly displayed, valid permit ($15 fine) 1. A permit is not required after 4 pm , Monday A parking permit 1s not required in general parking permits upon approval. 8. Parking against the flow of traffic (No vehicle through Thursday, in certain designated F and areas. Overnight parking is proh1b1ted (except in K -.w...... -...... shall be stopped or parked on a roadway or in a lot) Sunday through Thursday night. S zones. parking area with the vehicle facing in a 2. Two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles must Parking Violations ll Lot direction opposite the normal flow of traffic.) park in areas designated for such vehicles. The following parking violations are subject to a fine Approximately 1.250 general parking spaces are ($15 fine) These areas are located at the ends of several of $10 to $50. The fine is reduced $5 if paid within available in K lot, located on campus between 9. Parking other than between the white lines of, parking rows. seven days of the date on the vehicle violation Kauttman Avenue and the university access road. and entirely within, one parking space (The fact 3. Responsibility for locating a legal parking space notice. Between the hours of 9 am and noon, Monday that other vehicles may be improperly parked is not resides with the vehicle operator. Lack of 1. Parking in a space with an H zone for handi­ through Friday, during fall, winter, and spring justification for parking across a white line.) capped individuals without a state handicapped quarters, we advise you to park In this lot, since available space is not justification for violation license plate placard permit, Wright State ($15 fine) the upper campus lots are frequently full. of the motor vehicle regulations. University H permit, or authorization from the 10. Obstructing a fire lane ($30 fine) Campus shuttle service Is provided. 4. The university assumes no responsibility for vehicles or their contents, including lost or Ott1ce of Handicapped Student Services and 11. Obstructing the flow of traffic ($20 fine) Ervin J . Nutter Center Lota stolen permits. the Office of Parking Services is illegal. t 2. Expired meter ($10 fine) General parking spaces are available in the Ervin J. According to the laws of the state of Ohio 5. Permits can be sold and issued only by the 13. Unauthorized overnight parking ($15 fine) Nutter Center lots for students attending classes. (Section 4503.44. Ohio Revised Code), a first Office of Parking Services. 14. Parking in excess of time limit posted for loading/ Campus shuttle service is provided. violation of th is law 1s a minor misdemeanor, unloading zone ($10 fine) 6. The legal permit registrant, vehicle owner(s), punishable by a fine not to exceed $100. Campus Shuttle Service vehicle operator, and/or permit holder is Failure to display proper, valid permit in handi­ A hold wlll be placed on registration amd transcripts Free shuttle service is provided to K lot and the Ervin responsible for all unresolved violations capped zone ($50 fine) if any vehicle violation notice la unresolved: J .. Nutter Center Monday through Friday during fall, involving that vehicle. 2. Displaying a permit reported as stolen or lost winter, and spring quarters. Schedules are available 7. Parking in the School of Medicine lot requires a ($50 fine) at the Office of Parking Services. valid permit and/or control gate card. 3. Displaying a reproduced or altered permit RTA Service 8. Permits must be attached to the inside rearview ($30 fine) Parking Services@ mirror with the zone identification visible from The Office of Parking Services has Route 13 (Wright 4. Failure to display a proper, valid permit in A, the front of the vehicle. State to downtown Dayton) and other route sched­ Reaerved, Resident, Remote Resident, Uni­ Wright State ~ ules available for the Miami Valley Regional Transit 9. Transferring the permit to the vehicle being versity Vehicle, Vendor, Visitor, or School of Authority (RTA). Monthly Commutacards and weekly used is the responsibility of the permit holder. Medicine zone ($30 fine) University ~ · i>asses for RT A buses are sold at the Office of 10. Due to the limited availability of parking spaces, Parking Services. 5. Failure to display a proper, valid permit in F, S, the sale and issuance of permits may be B, or other restricted zones ($20 fine) 044ALLYN terminated at the discretion of the Office of 6. Parking in areas not designated for parking 873-2152 ... .. Parking Services. ($15 fine) 4 THE GUARDIAN Wednesday, September19, 1990

other in ways that respect each Student code individual," said Risacher. "If WSU boost they choose to behave in ways that do not respect each individual there would be consequences to of conduct that behavior." Risacher said there were three scholarship ways a tudent could file a report of harassment by another tudent Jill Larcomb through Financial Aid by or professor: the student may re­ Staff writer scholarship committees in the modified port the incident to a tafT member various departments," he said. Charles Kin at the Office of Student Devel­ The Campus Scholar hip The campaign was held for qu ts for xual favors, obscene opment, report the incident to Fund recently raised over three weeks in April and May Staff writer phone call , indecent exposure, Public Safety, or report the $112,000 through donation These campaign have been held Thi year th re are two addi- courtship violence, acquaintance in ident through th Ombuds­ from faculty and taff, cording for 13 years, according to tion to the Student Code of Con- rape, sexual ult," and other sex- man's Office. A written report to Assistant Director Scott Hoskins. Next year the cam­ duct. ual conduct that i uninvited and of the incident will be reque ted Hoskins, Development for paign hopes to reach a 14-year The two additions refer to sex- may be against an individual's will and, if necessary, the report will Annual Giving. total of over $!,000,000. ual and racial harassment. Accord- and interfere with that individual's be investigated by the affinnitive Hoskins said, "The Campus The scholarship fund will ing to a memo from Joanne Ri- academic progress. action office. If the situation is Scholarship Fund is a voluntary hold an informal reception for sacher, Assistant Vice President of Risacher said the additions were not solved, the person filing the solicitation of faculty and staff the students and faculty in­ Student Life, said the additions voted on last spring to clarify rules complaint can refer the case to by faculty and staff." He said volved in the fund on October I concern "Physical acts, threats, against harassment already in- Office of Civil Rights of the that all the money raised goes 4, at 4 p.m. in the Upper I verbal slurs . . . referring to an eluded in the Code of Conduct The department of education. to scholorships for continuing Hearth Lounge. This year over individual's race, ethnicity, reli- ideas sprang from the Office of 'The additions are to encour­ students. "We are trying to keep 118 awards will be awarded to gion, sex, sexual orientation, creed, Student Affairs. The additions were age a campus environment that good students in classes at students. "We want the stu­ national origin, handicap, or vet- made necessary by two incidents respects individuals," said Risa­ Wright State." dents to meet the faculty and eran's status" with the intention of harassment that occured in the cher. "These additions address The scholarships are based staff who donated the money of insulting or ridiculing the person previous academic year. issues that are not respectable of on merit and are distributed to and have the faculty meet the or his or her beliefs. ''The general reason was to be individuals. These are behaviors students in all schools and students. We want to say thank The additions also concern very specific that we are serious the university does not want in departments, Hoskins said. you to both faculty, and to "unwelcome sexual advaoces, re- about students interacting with each their environment." "The money is distributed students recieving the money." Campus murders prod Senate to pass legislature robberies, rapes and assaults each 1987 and September 1988. Of receiving federal aid to publicly Denise Kalette Gainesville, Florida have 1.uuven all too clearly that college year. That's one violent act every those deaths: 16 were students, report campus crime statistics. OCopyright 1990, USA TO­ campuses aren't the bucolic 25 minutes. 10 were non-students, 2 were Statistics currently are hard to DAY /Apple College Information havens they 're often portrayed. A 1988 USA TODAY professors, one was a campus obtain, since schools are not Network At least every 10 days, across investigation of campus crime policeman, one was an infant and required to report crimes to the the country, someone is killed on found 31 murders and murder­ one was a student-suicide. FBI, or, in most states, even to GAINESVILLE, Ha. - The or near a campus. Students fall suicides at U.S. colleges and Thursday the Senate passed prospective students and their murders of five students in victim to more than 21,000 armed nearby areas between January a bill that would require colleges parents.

418 E. Fifth St. Dayton.Ohio 45402 In The Wstorical Oregon District Phone: 223-2470


) ; i Wednesday, Septemberl9, 1990 THE GUARDIAN 5 • signed, dated, and include the returned to the company. Accord- the Ombudsman assists members Committee brought up and Be 1n student's ID number. Names will ing to Media Services, the photo of the university community with approved a recommendation that not be printed in the paper, but ID card system will be imple- any questions they may have about there be paid parking on the main used only to confinn student mented as soon as the snags are the university policies and campus. (See "Paying", page 2.) the know status, contact the student when ironed out and the equipment is procedures. As a mediator, the This is only a recommendation so needed for additional infoonation, working properly. Until that time, Ombudsman facilitates a satisfac- far and if it is approved, it won't be "Be in the Know" is an avenue or to respond directly to a question your validation card for fall quarter tay end to a conflict between two until next year that the plan will be for students to raise issues of that is specific to an individual will be used at the Nutter Center. parties. The Ombudsman also implemented. A side note to the concern on a regular basis. This case. Questions will be researched Library cards may be obtained at informs the administration about parking situation: the 1990-91 column will apprM regularly in and responded to by the Office of the circulation desk of the library, issues that concern the student Vehicle Regulations brochure is in. The Guardian and is a public the Vice-President for Student and residential students have been body. There have been quite a few service of the Office of the Vice- Affairs and the Office of the issued an ID card fa- food sezvices changes made in the policy and President for Student Affairs in Ombudsman. and residential access purposes. 3. I understand that all of the fine structure. Parking illegally conjunction with the Ombudsman. lots on the main campus are to will cost quite a bit more this year Que_,tions may be submitted to: 1. I thought we were to have 2. What does the University become paid parking. Is this true? (double in some cases). Therefore, "Be in the Know" in care of the picture ID's this year. What Ombudsman do? familiarizing yourself in the next Office of the Vice-President for happened? No, at least not this coming few days with new parking StudentAffairs,\VrightState The University Ombudsman academic school year. According regulations is good idea. These University, Administrative Wing, That was the plan, however, the provides many different services to to Robert Kretzer, Assistant informative brochures are avail- 102 Allyn Hall, Dayton, OH new photo ID equipment did not the students, faculty and admini- Director of Public Safety, the able in the Information Center 45435.Allquestionsmustbe work properly and had to be stration. As an information source, Parking Services Advisory located in Allyn Hall. Jacob and Schlagheck predict battle

Thomas J. Lucente, Jr. Arabia from an Iraqi invasion. is an associate professor and the not stood for the kind of aggres­ technical. Staff In addition to the military chair of the political science sion promulgated by Iraq on the Both adhere to the notion that · buildup in the area, an air and sea department Dr. Donna M. small nation of Kuwait. Both the cost of countering Iraqi On August 2, 1990, in blitz­ blockade involving multi­ Schlagheck is also an ~sociate agree, that economics is a major agression should be shared among krieg fashion, reminiscent of the national cooperation h~ been professor and Director of the new reason for the U.S. presence in the nations of the world. Nazi invasion of in 1939, undertaken. The hope is that the International Studies major. Saudi Arabia Other than this, Both believe a long drawn out the Republic of Iraq invaded and embargo will force the Iraqi Both professors believe it is in both professors are in agreement war will be political suicide for annexed the State of Kuwait leade.r to withdraw his forces this country's interests and indeed with most of the American President George Bush and a The Iraqi leader, President from Kuwait and have the legal the world's interests that the U.S. population on what is going to short, highly decisive victory will Saddam Hussein, cited historic government reinstated. defend Saudi Arabia, although the happen and how it is going to almost assure President Ifosh re­ prcccdcnt and Kuwait's alleged In addition to the military reasoning for each is somewhat effect the U.S. election in 1992. violations of OPEC production reaction to the invasion, there has different Both believe that a military Both believe that this opera­ quotas as his authority to invade been a flurry of debate among Dr. Schlag heck believes the confrontation is inevitable and tion in no real and substantial way the small state. scholars across the country. A lot underlying and ultimate reason probably during the month of can be compared to the Vietnam This invasion caused the most of questions are being raised and the U.S. is there is economic and October, which is historically war War. The list of what Jacob and massive mobilization of American debated by the academic commu­ therefore if Saudi Arabia w~n' t month in the Middle East because Schlagheck agree upon goes on. military personnel and equipment nity; Wright State University is sitting on all that oil the U.S. of weather conditions. American Despite the rising numbers of since the Vietnam War. This no exception. In an attempt to see wouldn't be there. forces and its allies should be at people protesting the American military buildup, called "Opera­ how the professors of WSU are On the other hand Dr. Jacob full strength by mid-October. involvement and their compari­ tion Desert Shield," is officially a reacting, I spoke with two profes­ feels the U.S. is there for greater Both believe the war will be sons to the Vietnam war, most defensive force designed to sors from the political science reasons beyond mere economics, relatively short but with high Americans still believe in the defend the Kingdom of Saudi department Dr. James E. Jacob and that the U.S., historically, has casualty rates, and will be highly administration's handling of the crisis...... Campus Digest...... Compiled from University Communications writing in the U.S." "This award is an important thing, not just for Nexus, but also for the university," said Chris Rue, editor of Nexus receives awards Nexus. "It sets a standard with this award and past awards. We will have to work even harder and keep Nexus, Wright State University's literary pushing Nexus beyond where it is now." magazine, received an All-American honor rating from the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) for its 1989-90 editions. Students attain Dean's Honors In addition to receiving the highest possible rating, Nexus also received marks of distinction A total of 291 students at Wright State University in all five categories. earned Dean' s List honors during the summer 1990 "You create one of the most important quarter, based on their grade point averages. literary magazines put out by a university in the All students must take 12 or more credit hours to U.S.," said one of the ACP judges. "Nexus earn Dean• s List honor. Honors designates those President Mulhollen awarded Jeanne Ballantlne the seems to be on the cutting edge of what•s new students receiving a 3.4 to 3.59 average for the quarter; •0utstandlng Faculty Member Award" on Tuesday, and innovative in writing. Your magazine in ex­ High Honors. designateS a 3.6 to 3.79 ave13ge for the September 11, at the Wright State University convocation. tremely important for the h~th of creative quaner; and Highest Honors designates a 3.8 to 4.0 ' • 6 THE GUARDIAN Wednesday, Septemhe_r ~ 9, 1990 Editorial Parking spaces elude WSU students

Connie J. Hart Editor-in -Chief

School has now been in ses ion for a week, and the com­ plaint which I have heard more any other is about parking. APPROACHING The parking situation at Wright State University can be PLANET WRIGHT d cribed with many word , but I can describe it in one word. HORRENDOUS! STATE CAPTAIN. On my way to work Wednesday morning I passed Col. I Glenn Highway and North Fairfield Road Traffic was backed up nearly a half mile on North Fairfield Road, and at least that much on Col. Glenn Highway. I arrived on campus from Fairborn at 9:30 a.m. and could not believe my eyes. For the first time in two and a half years at Wright State University I ended up parking in K-Lot. I was told that all on-campus parking had been full since 9:00 am. I was not happy, but I also understood that the first day of school is the biggest day for everyone. Nearly every student who has a class comes to school and people are here early so they do not miss classes, to buy books and to get an early place in the registration lines to add and drop classes. As the quarter progresses people start to skip classes, they get sick , they begin to arrive on campus closer to class time antnca are located at 9"' feel that it is time for the administration to start looking for Unl•enitJ Center, Wrlaht State UnlnnltJ, Dayton, Ohio 45435. liuin­ • When responding to another writer's letter, refer to the Oftb Phone: 17).2515. N-Oftkit P11one: 173-'lSM. date and headline only. Don't refer to the writer's name answers. T .. '*-""" NMcriba tD tile USA Toda7 / Apple Coll.. lnb-matloa Networtt. of the earlier letter. Refer to him or her only as "the E41toriall wftbo at bJ-llB• nllect a maJorltJ of the editorial bo9nL writer." E41toriail wltll b7.U- nlled tile oplaloe oftbe writer. Vlewt apre9led la Editor's note: mlumm ancl cartoon• are tboN of tbe writln and ll1ilts. .-n..- •The GIUU'ditut reserves the rlgbt to reject letters dealing Scott W. Urick, former Editor-in-chief of The Guardian, with theological argumenm or letters which make AbV&llAINU POIJCY allegations that can not be proven. was involved in a car accident and was admitted to Miami T .. '*-""",_,_the ftaht •~.reject, or 6appro•e ol anJ Valley Hospital at 5:25am ·on Tuesday morning, according Ml•trtbl111 ciopJ la aimnluce wltb anJ p..-nt or future Mlftltblna ~ naSel eltablllhe4 bJ T .. '*-""a. to a MVH spokeswoman. Urick was reported in serious App...,... of All•ertblaa la TIM a-... lhoul4 not be med to Inf• the It.tr lllpporU or,..-doaa tbe ue of UJ prodadt OI' ~ -tloeed condition Tuesday night. t ...... Wednesday, Septemherl9, 1990 THE GUARDIAN 7 Entertainment Friendlier VCRs

Brett Turner staff

Are you among those who still cannot program the timer on your VCR? If so, that problem may soon be eliminated by the mere touch of a button. An improved VCR, known as VCR PLUS+, will be introduced into selected markets this fall. The VCR PLUS+ system will allow the VCR user to program their VCR in one easy step. This will then eliminate the lengthy, often complicated, procedure involved in recording programs while you are away. The system works like this: you select the program you wish to record from a listing which includes a short code. The codes can be found for all shows, both local broadcast and cable, in TV GUIDE or the local newspaper. The user then punches the desired code into the VCR PLUS+ and the VCR PLUS+ system will tum on and record the selected program. Thus, recording becomes a simple, one-step process. The VCR PLUS+ also has features not found on most com­ mon VCRs. On VCR PLUS+, you have a choice of how often you want to tape a show: ONCE, WEEKLY, or DAILY. These Liam Neeson: features would be especially beneficial to people who have erratic left as the schedules, such as students and people who travel often. Darkman: scientist Dr. Other features include a REVIEW key which recalls all previ­ Peyton ously stored programs by date and time. An ADDITIONAL Westlake; TIME key will allow extra time for sporting events which may above as his run overtime. Finally, there is a CANCEL key which cancels the comic trend alter-self, anything you may want eliminated from the memory. Darkman. With nearly 70% of the homes in the U.S. having a VCR, and continues less than 50% knowing how to program them, VCR PLUS+ should be a welcome addition to anyone who would like to make taping an easier process. Look for VCR PLUS+ to be distributed David Sykes also be where he and Julie live) alleys, he goes in search of the only nationally in early 1991. Staff Julie decides to confront her client, person he thinks can help him: Strack, about said memo. Once Julie. "I am everyone ...and no one; Strack learns that Julie knows about When their first encounter fails, everywhere... and nowhere. For I and possesses the memo, he dis­ Peyton decides to return to his lab. Nexus wins awards am ...Darkman!" patches his "number one guy" It is here that he learns of his disfig­ What a quote. Robert Durant (Larry Drake) to urement and begins formulating Rich Warren opposed to the old, three staple Believe it or not, the recent tactfully retrieve it. Durant success­ plans of revenge on Durant, Strack, F&E Editor method. trend of comic-book heros is far fully completes his mission in an and their unscrupulous henchmen. "It is not intended to be read once from over. With the likes of explosive blaze, rivaling the It is here that Peyton becomes Poetry, fiction, artwork, and and then thrown away," Rue ex­ "Batman" and "Dick Tracy" penthouse blast in "Die Hard"­ "Darkman". poetry combine to make Nexus an plained, "It'smeanttoberereadand leading the pack, it seems rather almost killing Peyton. From a brief overview of the award wining magazine. reread and reread. That's why liter­ difficult to get noticed. Right? ... Yes, I said he almost kills plot, one might think "Darkman" Nexus, Wright State's literary ary magazines exist." Wrong! Especially if you are Peyton. The blast blows him out of was a typical hero/vigilante movie. magazine, won the highest rating in Nexus is between 130 and 140 "Darlanan." the building and into the river, This could not be further from the each of the five divisions from the pages, mostly dedicated to poetry, "Darkman," directed by Sam where he is found and taken to the truth. There is nothing, and I repeat Associated Collegiate Press/Na- but also including fiction, non-for­ Raimi, centers around Dr. Peyton hospital. Due to the amount of bum N-0-T-H-I-N-G typical about tional Scholastic Press Association. mal essays, artwork, and photogra­ Westlake (Liam Neeson), a damage he received, Peyton falls "Darkman." From the eye-catching ACP/NSPA reviews all types of phy. Approximately two out of scientist obsessed with creating and into a coma Peyton, under the visuals at the beginning to Danny college based magazines, judging every ten submissions are from perfecting synthetic skin for bum name John Doe because of his lack Elfman's hauntingly gripping them on their content; writing and Wright State or local writers and victims. As he inches closer to of identification, has surgery to screen score, the movie-goer is sus­ editing; photography, art, graphics, artists. perfecting the synthetic skin, eliminate the pain. The surgery, pended in a state of awe and amaze­ and typography; layout and con- "We would definitely like to Peyton's f1311ce, Julie Hastings however, has further effects, grant­ ment The further the movie pro­ cept increase the number of student sub- (Frances McDonnand) an attorney, ing Peyton super-human strength gresses, the more one becomes en­ "It' s definitely more profes- missions." Rue said, "We know it's stumbles upon a memorandum (caused by a constant adrenaline twined between Drake's sadistic sional" Editor Chris Rue said, com- here, we're just having a hard time which implies bribes were paid to rush), and giving him very nasty, Durant and Neeson' s ruthless yet paring last year's issues to those of getting it" the city's zoning commission by sudden mood swings. compassionate Darkman. While the past, "As the quality of the con- Anyone interested in submitting wealthy land developer Louis Upon his return to conscious­ Darkman 's reason for existence tent improves, it almost demands a a poem, photograph, or any other Strack (Colin Friels). Wait, though, ness, Peyton escapes from the hos­ may be questioned by one's morals, better format." The format of the material should stop by the Nexus it gets better. pital, hoping to piece together the it tends to leave one question-do "new" Nexus boasts higher quality office, 006 University Center. Look One day, while Peyton is work­ remains of hi~ life. Donning old the actions make the man, or is iS paper and a "perfect bound" bind- for a Jlew issue to c 1 _e out every , mg inrus·lfil) (whicb.. liappenS to clothing foUnd in. tiaSh cans and .... - "tile mtenuoos? , # - - - , ~ ' .ing., ..a-flat,c lx>ok s~le.. binding~ as- .qwu:ter~ around final.e am time. 8 THE GUARDIAN Wednesday, Septemherl9, 1990 "CampusQuot,es" i After three years, . ., ' What do you think Wright State l Geldof returns could do to make parking easier? Rich Warren 1 multi-talented musicians. To­ but mostly, Geldof leans toward F&E editor gether, Phil Palmer (guitars), the darkly humorous or ironic. ) ' l Geoff Richardson (viola, guitars, Even the song titles, like "Love or The star of Pink Floyd• s movie clarinet, saxophone, recorders, Something," ''The Great Song of "The Wall," the lead singer of the penny whistles, and ukelele ), Indifference," ''Thinking Voyager 1 Boomtown Rats, and the organizer Steve Fletcher (piano and organ), 2 Type Things" and "Big Roman­ and figurehead for Band Aid, Bob Alan Dunn (accordions and tic Stuff' conjure up interesting I Geldof is no newcomer to the organ ), Bob Loveday (violin, and humorous images. world of music. penny whistle and bass), the The Cajun styling, from soft However, the style of Geldofs former Boomtown Rat, Peter ballads to high-energy jigs, gives newest -0 The Vegetarians Briquette (basses and keyboards) the album a deep, earthy feeling­ of Love"-is an unexpected and many, part-time "Vegetarians" a feeling that contrasts nicely with "The shuttle bus should let "I think they should get rid of addition to modem music. About a form a rare band whose improvisa­ the "traditional Boomtown" cuts. the students off across the the barricades and stop year ago, Geldof started to make tions are e.qual to most bands' For these songs, Geldof changes to !treet from K- lot Instead of security from directing his second, post-Boomtown planned performances. a raw voice, reminiscent of Bob going to the Nutter Center." traffic." album. After recording a few Improvisation and spontaneity Dylan, albeit a Dylan that can rough cuts, he decided to do are what ''The Vegetarians of carry a tune. Again, this earthy Jackie Crawford Don Lett something a little different-he Love" is about Geldof sacrificed style is fun, but not necessarily Senior Sophomore decided that many of the songs perfection to capture pure energy what most consider "high quality." Accounting Engll•h Education would sound best if set in a Cajun and emotion of live music, using If you rate your music by its style. many first time recordings and two studio perfection, avoid "The Planning a no-frills, spontane­ improvisational pieces. The result Vegetarians of Love," but if you ous album, Geldof asked his is a fun album-not necessarily judge music by its entertainment producer, Rupert Hine, to hire symphony quality but fun. Some value, its energy and charm, and amateur musicians for his backing of the songs may be angry or its originality-"Vegetarians" is band. Instead, Hine hired many dreary, like "The Chains of Pain," what you have hungered for. The Fleet Flies Far their common enemy. the Khalia. the Fleet, for unlike the Khalia, the Jeremy Dyer The Khalia, short, weasel-like hu­ Syndicate is made up of humans. Staff . manoids are vicious and ruthless, Total War is a transitional piece making up for their poor physical in the series. Now that the Fleet has Those who write of the future "Bulld a four story parking "I Think a parking garage strength by their great speed and defeated the Khalia, who have now seldom paint a picture of happiness garage In front of Rike and would solve the dally parking wicked claws. Previously unknown become an uneasy ally. they dis­ the Allyn." chaos." and hope. More often than not. to the humans, the Khalia appeared cover that the war is far from won future is portrayed as violently cruel, from nowhere, carving a path ofdeath and that many more years of fight­ Paul Schley where progress and technology have Jennifer Wllaon and destruction across the cosmos. ing are ahead of them if they hope Senior Junior pervened mankind into the barba­ With such a premise, it would to defeat the Syndicate. Warfare Psychology Human factors that ran rism rampant before civili­ have been easy for the writers to doesn't begin right away. for the Pbotm by Tmy O.laiDllo. n. GllllU'diolt zation. In effect, the enlightenment conjure scenes of blood and gore, Fleet must find the Syndicate first. and betterment of progress ultimately with horrendous weapons splatter­ The Khalia never knew who their reverses itself so that, despite new ing flesh and bone onto the decks of Syndicate benefactors were or from and better ways to help mankind, spaceships. But rather than dwell on where they came. there are still better ways to retard the violence of warfare, the stories Like every book in the series, and destroy it. focus more on the development of Total War contains several stories Correction: With that cheery thought in mind, characters, their thoughts and feel­ that best display the heart of the se­ Two of the pictures (Suzy saves the earth and the book co-op) in the the editors ofTotal War present their ings about the horror and excitement ries. "Pirates" by Christopher latest collection of life and death. of combat with such a ruthless foe. Stasheff explains how some Khali­ September 12 issue of The Guardian were reversed. Don't worry. there book Total War, the fifth of The Fleet The first four books of the series ans refused to accept their own sur­ are no books at McDonalds nor are there recycling bins at the book series, maintains the pessimistic at­ dealt with the beginning of the war, render and continued to raid human co-op. titude toward the future coupled with the confrontations between the ships. Stasheff gives the Khalian the old standby plot - alien menace. Khalia and the Fleet, and the gradual lea<'~ such depth of character that But,despite the standard dismal fre, victory of the Fleet But as the fourth one can almost understand his posi­ Total War and the rest of the series book began to close, the Fleet dis­ tion. ~Ji~ are well written short stories by some covers that the Khaliaareonly pawns, Although a needed part of the of the most fam0t ; writers of the being driven by an even worse power series, the transition of Total War science fiction genre including David known as the Syndicate. Cunning doesn't make for the most Drake, Anne McCaffrey. Piers and technologically capable, the exciting reading, at least compared Anthony and Gary Gygax. Syndicate is a coalition of families to the other books. There are specific The Fleet is the name of the al­ from a hundred worlds who sees the stories which hark back to the duill liance between the humans of Earth Fleet as a threat to their power. Al­ of the previous books, but taken as and aliens from many other worlds though not evil, the Syndicate begins a whole, Total War isn't the best of who have ban together against a slow infiltration into the heart of the series Wednesday, Septemherl9, 1990 THE GUARDIAN 9


agreement including answers to a few short questions. The students were then matched by The first DAWN • hand, based on infonnation from their application. Now, with pid • "Rapid," the applications are scholarship processed by computer. This means that an application/ housing's new tool agreement can be processed the day it is turned in-placing a G. Kestrel Last year, twenty years for matching roommates greater emphasis on applying F&E Assistant Editor later, she returned to Wright earlier. State. Rich Warren Housing. "But that's what being New students are paired It is difficult to return to "I have to admit I was F&E editor a beta site is all about." Coakley based on accessibility needs, school after a long absence. scared to death," she said. then added that Housing was mutual roommate requests, The Dayton Area Writers' "But it has been wonderful. Matching roommates can be a "cautiously pleased" with the community requests, and Nexus (DAWN) offers a schol­ feel like Alice in Wonderland. difficult task, but this year new program, and the program smoking/non-smoking prefer­ arship that is designed to I almost feel guilty, I'm Wright State had it easy­ had great potential. ence. Returning students are provide financial aid for having so much fun." maybe. Unfortunately, the program also processed through "Rapid," female English majors who Returning to school has did not deal well with roommate but since they often request Wright State wa a beta site have returned to school after been a family affair. The for "Rapid," a housing integrated requests, resulting in several specific rooms and roommates, working or caring for a family whole family has worked software program from friends being separated. Fortu­ they go through a different and the first DAWN scholar­ together. Her husband, Gary Network Compatibility Group nately, this mistake was caught process. ship was awarded to Diana and two daughters Elizabeth, from Columbus. and amended. Hopefully, next year's Woodward. age 13 and Melody, age 12 ''There were a few bugs," In the past new students filled housing assignments will work Ms. Woodward said, "Re­ have all been very supportive. said Mike Coakley, Director of out a housing application/ efficently and bug- free. ceiving this scholarship is most Diana goes shopping with her important to me because it is daughters and they advise her awarded purely on academic on what is currently stylish. achievement. The monetary "Mom, that's too old." Ohio welcomes Mark Russell assistance it represents is won­ Diana is currently a junior derful but being recognized for and has only two years of the League of Women Voters, "The Mait Russell, the irreverent For his Palace Theatre perform­ good work is most exciting." study left. humorist, will appear in ance, Russell will include material concert has both a humorous and a litical Diana graduated from Why did she chose to go to ncert at the Palace Theatre in with a decidedly Ohio slant. With serious side to it. As Mark Russell Fairborn High School in 1965. Wright State? olumbus on Friday, September2 l. the governor's race at hand, City makes us laugh at ourselves and our She had attended Heidelberg "Because they have a e 8 p.m. event is a fundraising Council elections, even the "Big political institutions, we know that College in Tiffin, Ohio for two fantastic program for non­ nefit for the Education Fund of 10"-or is it 11?-there is much the serious business of informing and a half years. Then, in traditional students." Diana the League of Women Voters and material to kick around. As Phil voters will be able to continue. The 1969 Diana applied to Wright WOSU-TV. Kloer of the "Atlanta Constitution" proceeds from the concert go to explained. "The school has a State University. A week and a Mark Russell, a native of Buf­ put it, Russell's humor is non-parti­ publish the Voter Information Bul­ wonderful creative writing half before the term started, falo, began his career in the clubs san; "He hands it out equally to letin. This is a way to have fun and program." d hotels of the nation's capital. Democrats and Republicans, con­ support a very special cause." Gary Woodward proposed, and Ms. Woodward would love The Washington scene provides the servatives and liberals." For additional information con­ Diana decided to forego to write stories and novels terials for his witty songs and oft According to Kitty Burcsu, tact the League of Women Voters at college to raise a family. after graduation. uoted punch lines. President of the Education Fund of 221-1743.

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Good food, a pleasant atmos­ hostess was channing and soon we $4.49, but if you want to add it to slaw and french fries for $5.99 anl phere and superlative service com­ were sea~ free to peruse the any entree the price drops to opted for a Loaded Baked Potato, bine to create an excellent restau­ menu and order drinks. $2.69. Several of the more an additional $3.69. "A little rant: Ruby Tuesday. Our waiter, Ken, was attentive expensive dinners also include a expensive, but delicious!", he sak Don't go there expecting it to and kept us well supplied with single trip to the salad bar. When the waiter first brought be inexpensive. It's not, but here bread and soft drink refills. His My selection was the Supreme the dessert tray to table, I was sur1 Ruby Tuesday you do get your money's worth. friendly style went very well with Steak Teriyaki Dinner for $10.99. that I could not eat another bite, Located in the Dayton Mall, it is the atmosphere. It included either two side dishes but once he described all the an ideal place to relax after The salad bar tempted my ap­ or one side dish and a trip to the Gwendolyn F. Kestrel delicious options, I found a little shopping or running errands. petite. The food was fresh and salad bar. The steak was small but more room. The Brownie Pie at F&E Assistant Editor Our first look into the restau­ plentiful. In addition to conven­ delicious and truly the medium S2.99 was a scrumptious way to rant revealed a softly lit, bar, type tional vegetables, pasta salads, rare I requested. end the meal. Prices: $8.99 average without aunosphere similar to T.G.I. cheeses and meats were also My husband had the Barbecue I didn't even have room fCl' a tax, tip and beverages Friday's and Max and Enna's. The offered. As a main meal it co ts Pork Sandwich, served with cole thin mint. The Wall: Live in Berlin Wall: Live In Berlin i the re ult. Ordinarily a fanta tic live band, Jeremy Dyer For the epic event, Waters Scorpions fail to et the appropri­ Staff pulled out all of the stops, erecting ate mood which is crucial in a huge stage complete with recreating the rock classic. \ I Roger Waters, founding enonnous props including, of Waters himself rescues the \ member of the seemingly immor­ course, the wall. The result is a situation with his haunting vocal tal Pink Floyd, always expressed surreal slice of Water's mind that on "Another Brick In The Wall his desire to perfonn the Floyd serves as the platfonn for an (Part 1)." His voice doesn't seem classic The Wall in Berlin should eclectic band of famous perfonn­ to have aged a day, and is per­ the real wall ever come down. ers to display their own interpreta­ fectly complimented by an After a year of glasnost, peris­ tions of The Wall. excellent sax solo by Garth troy ka and freedom erupting on Scorpions begin the Hudson of The Band. the far side of the iron curtain, on festivities on disc one of the two Purists may be troubled by July 21 of this year, Waters saw CD set with a surprisingly lack­ one of the next selections, "An­ his dream become reality. The luster version of "In The Flesh." •• .. Wall" on page 14


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. . ·... ----·---·--,. ___ __ ...... - ... Wednesday, Septemherl9, 1990 THE GUARDIAN 11 ___SP.Orts Wright State falls to Air Force in Met-Life Bowl

Cindy Horner Neither side could take a bite builder. We'll take it one step at a Meyer faced 10 shots on goal and Sports Editor of the scoreboard before the half, time. This tournament is very racked up four saves. Wright but it didn't take the Raiders long important for us to gain national State's record drops to 4-2, but There wasn't enough insurance to score in the second half. The recogni lion." both of their lo se have come at for Wright State's men's soccer lone goal of the game came with Also on Saturday, Air Force the hand of nationally ranked team to become champion of 37:36 left to play in the game won in an earlier game hutting team , Evansville and Air Force. their own tournament for the when Brian Walter heide zinged it out Miami -0. In the fir t five minute , WSU nd time thi on. on a pass from Jeff Clark. "I'm very pleased with the kept the ball near th ir goal but The Raider fini hed second Then WSU's defense tightened team up to thi point," Head th y couldn't score. Wright State' when they h ted their own up and took over from there. Coach Greg Andruli said. "Ian lone goal came in the first half tournament, the Metropolitian-Life In the la t three minutes, WSU has done a super job for us so far. when a foul was called on Air Soccer Bowl, sponsored by Met- had to endure attacks from the He's been pretty solid and has Force giving Wright State a free Life over the weekend. Others that spiders, but the Raiders did not Tony aart.n.tto, TM GulitdMJ made some key plays. He's being kick. Neil Chandler took the kick participated were Miami of Ohio, have arachnophobia as they held WSU goalkeeper Ian Meyer pushed every day by Mike and nailed it to come to within one Richmond, and Air Force. them off for the victory. Gregory." of Air Force. The Raiders had a tough road "When we needed to come Ian Meyer's third shutout. He On Sunday, Wright State had Throughout the second half, to travel. They were successful through we did," Waltersheide faced four shots on goal from the to wait for a while before they WSU could not generate the through half of it. said. ''There is not one person that Spiders and tallied two saves. tangled with the Falcons of Air offense while Air Force hit two On Saturday, the Raiders met really sticks out on the team. We "In the second half, we had a Force. Miami and Richmond took more goals to seal the victory and up with the Spiders of Richmond all play together as a team. There's lot of help from the midfield," the field first and Richmond give them a 5-1 record. and on Sunday they clashed with a lot more talent. We have a deep Meyer said. "On defense, every­ finally came out the 3-2 victors in Wright State will play again the Falcons of Air Force. Both bench. If someone gets hurt we one was marking well. We had overtime. when they host Louisville this teams are nationally ranked. can pull someone off the bench better chances. We had the guys Then the Raiders and the Saturday at 1 p.m. It will be a The Raiders squashed the that is of the same caliber." upfront to put them away. Our Falcons came out to decide the doubleheader day of soccer when Spiders 1-0 by playing strong The fourth victory of the whole schedule is going to be championship game. the women's teams take to the defense. season marked Raider goalkeeper tough. This is a confidence The Falcons prevailed 4-1 . field following the men's game. WSU finishes at the top in Cross Country

Cindy Horner women's race and she finished third eryone gets used to college. There's Sports Editor with a time of 20:0 I a big ad ju tment from high school to WSU's senior captain Jim college. Everyone on the team is It was a almost perfect day for Salyer, who finished 18th with a laid back. Everyone knows when to Men's Soccer- Brian Wal­ running and Wright State's harriers time of 27:32, felt that this was his work hard and pull together. There's tersheide finished well when they hosted their best race of his career at Wright a lot of competition which makes Women's Soccer- Nikki own meet, the Wright State Invita­ State on this particular course. everyone work hard." Samuels tional at Sycamore Park in Miamis­ "In the four years I've run here, The women's team is coming Volleyball- Micki Harris burg over the weekend. this was my best race," Salyer said. together well also. Junior Angie Men's Cross Country- Matt Pennucci The men's team finished fourth ''This is the best team we've had DiSalvo, who placed 10th with a with 79 points and the women's since I've been here as far as the time of 21:04, felt that the team did Women's Cross Country­ Jane Recker team finished third with 89 points. comeraderie and the competitive­ well in their own invitational. Morehead State was the fastest ness. The team is willing to work "We did well as a team," she Golf- Sam Arnold on this day. Their men's team fin­ hard and work together. I hope our said. ''The pack time was a lot better. ished first with 33 points and their te.am can stay injury-free if we do It was a good day for running." women's team also finished in first we should exceed our expecta­ Senior Michelle Weiss fol­ place scoring 33 points. tions." lowed behind DiSalvo in the p~k. "At this point, from where we Coach Baumer fielded a young placing 11th with a time of 21: 11. Tony a..tariello, TMGullrdan men• s te.am and they were up to the Freshman Allison Teemley placed came from, the team is doing real WSU CC runner, Tim Best well," Cross Country Coach Mike Wk. Freshman Mau Pennucci fin­ 25th at 22:37; freshman Julie Gi­ Baumer said. "Tim (Best) and Jane ished 10th, at 26:40; freshman bson, 29th at 23:07, Kris Kirkpa­ they will participate in the Malone (Recker) were disappointed with Jamie Schramm 19th, at 27:33; trick, 30th at 23:26, and Tracy Invitational at 9 a.m. The men will their times, but other people back in freshman Jeff Smith 25th, at 28: 19; Owen, 36th at 23:58. run a 1Ok race or 6.2 miles and the the pack ran some strong races. freshman Kasey Sims3 lst,at28:55; Recker feels that this year's women will run their usual 3.1 We're going to need them." and sophomore Mike Dahl 35th, at team is similar to last year's. miles. Even though they were disap­ 29:28. ''We're about the same .as last "The main thiDg I gear training pointed in their personal races, Best Best feels that this year's team year," she said. "As a whole, we're around is for improvement by the and Recker were still WSU's top has a lot of talent and that the team young. The race went pretty well. end of the season," Baumer said. finishers. will come together when they all We always improve during the year. ''We have real good depth on the The men's race was about five become used to running on the col­ We're all really good friends. We men's team. It's unbelievable. We miles and Best finished seventh, lege level. just go out and have fun." have 14 guys running next week in bl'lling in a time of 26:27. Recker "Wehavealotofathletic talent," Wright State will take to the field Malone. It's going to be real inter­ bad to nm a total of 3.1 miles in the he said. "We'll be sttong once ev- again on Saturday, Sept 22, when esting."

------.=-- ' 12 THE GUARDIAN Wednesday, September19, 1990 Women's volleyball backed against the wall

Nathan Roach ally step in to do the job, but for practice into a game.,, Assistant Sports Editor now the Raiders are feeling the The same old question of trials of having a young team. leadership was still there. "We Going into this weekend, the "We have younger players," need someone to get us through," women• s volleyball team had Schoenstedt continued. "They're Schoenstedt said. "It is hard for their backs to the wall. trying. If you play freshman you the team to keep its intensity The Miami Invitational was live with freshman mistakes. It's after the first two games. If we crucial to say the least. The a double-edged word. The up­ could only count our first two Raiders lo t to Alabama-Bir­ perclas men are lacking intensity, games we'd be number one in mingham three game to one (6- if they don· t ri e to the occasion, America." 15, 15-11, 13-15,12-15) then to lowercla men will tart. We will Is thi going to be con idered Miami three games to one (15-6, play who will give it their all. We a rebuilding year for the 5-15, 8-15, 9-15) leaving Wright need to play well. Every match is women's volleyball team? More Stale• record at 5-5. the World Serie ." like a reloading year according to Why are the Raider trug­ It i ju t a matter of time until Schoenstedt. gling? It certainly i n 't lack of thi team catche on fire. Schoen­ ''We've got the guns. We talent, but remember that coach sledt feels that when the intensity need ammunition. We are Linda Schoenstedt lost four starts to rise, so will the team• s adjusting and modifying our graduating seniors and this year record. offense," she said. the team only has two. No one "It (intensity) will keep us Will there be anything has stepped forward to assume competitive. We can steal different about the team than the the role of team leader yet. matches from better teams. If we first ten games? "We're not "We need leadership," said get confidence we• 11 win going to hesitate to play younger coach Schoenstedt "Every coach matches. I have concerns about players," Schoenstedt said. is looking for intensity. We seem intensity.,, "We'll take our lumps with to take mental vacations. We Coach Schoenstedt saw some younger kids. We are going to need to eliminate mistakes." promising things this weekend at run different lineups. We need to Tony C1artuief10, »» Guarrhn This team is chalk full of the Miami Invitational. "We are forget about the pressure. Win­ Cindy Dalton sets to Jodie Whitney younger players that will eventu- playing better. We incorporated ning will come."

more save than Rowland. On Sunday, the Raiders Women's faced off against the Arkansas Razorbacks, falling 3-2. Minus One and Two Wright Wright State jumped out to an Soccer early 1-0 lead as junior Joanne Paxton tied Debbie State still comes through unsuccessful Dunn for the team lead in goals at three. Paxton scored with the help of Meli sa Nathan Roach in Nebraska Jones. Assistant Sports Editor season. The Raiders couldn't hold people playing time," he said. "We need to play competi­ Grea Billina off the Razorbacks, as they "I didn't play our number one Sta fl ran off three straight goals. Fred Jefferson, Wright and two players. I did it tion that is in the Northern After the scoring Arkansas State's golf coach elected to go because we're real young - Intercollegiate," Jefferson said. After a fast 2-0 start, the held a 3-1 advantage late in with his younger players at the these players have three or four "It's predominantly Big 10 and Wright State Raiders the game. Franklin Golf Invitational not years left. You never know hopefully we• 11 peak. If we can women's soccer team finds Freshman Mary Beth using his number one and about the number one or two place in the top five it would itself below .500 for the first Lengefeld of West Carrollton number two men, Frank Lick­ player, something could happen. be a good season. We need it time this year. The Raiders stirred up threats of a come­ liter and Dave Pashko, and the It builds confidence." for post-season play." suffered two losses over the back, knocking in her second younger ones came through as Freshman Sam Arnold was By the time the Northern weekend, in games played in goal of the season with four the Raiders won the 18 hole the tournament's medalist Intercollegiate and the Colonel Nebraska. minutes remaining. Nikki golf tournament sporting a score shooting a 70. He also earned Classic start Jefferson feels that Wright State dropped it's Samuels picked up her first of 373 at the Hillview Country player-of the-week honors for his young players will be ready. first game to host Creighton collegiate assist and Cindy Club in Indiana. his efforts. Sophomore Louis "We'll have our number one on Saturday, 1-0. The bright Conley was also credited with So far the golf team has Smith and junior Mike Duteil and two players there," Jeffer­ spot on the day was Raiders' an assist on the goal, her third performed up to coach Fred both shot a 7 5, freshman son said. "This is new to us. goalie Becky Row land. of the year. Jefferson• s standards. Randy Cherubini shot a 76, New players will be used to it Rowland, a freshman from For her performance in "I• m happy with their per­ freshman Chris Meyers a 77 and can play to their potential. Cincinnati {furpin, recorded Nebraska, Samuels was formance," Jefferson said. 'Tm and junior Tony Elieff a 78. Hopefully we can build momen­ named athlete-of-the-week for seven saves for her efforts in just pleased in general. We Franklin finished second in tum." the goal. In five games, her outstanding offensive came back after being four the tournament with a 378 and On Sept. 22-24, the Raiders Rowland has allowed just effort. shots behind in the first nine Indianapolis 379. will travel to Virginia for 36 seven goals, while stopping The Raiders, 2-3, attempt holes. The whole team came Jefferson has high hopes for holes of golf in the James 28 opponents' shots. to get on the winning track together. I was pretty happy. the team's future at Northern Madison Invitational. Going Even though Wright State against host Wilmington on into the invitational Jefferson is lost, they matched up nicely Sept 19. Wright State finally Jefferson gave his new Intercollegiate Invitational planning on good things to with Creighton. Both teams returns home with games players a chance to prove coming up in two weeks and happen and hopefully things had 12 shots on goal. against Louisville (Sept. 22) themselves. the Eastern Kentucky Colonel Creighton recorded just one and Siena Heights (Sept. 26). "We're getting our new Classic, the last meet of the fall will.

- -- ~-~~--===-~==--===--=-===-...:....;;;..__:_,:_.:______._.~..-- Wednesday, Septemherl9, 1990 THE GUARDIAN 13 Super Bowl favorites: 1990 predictions

go to Tampa Bay in January Nigerian Nightmare" Christian Nathan Roach Cunningham can only do so much. Andre Rison is a great wide coming out of the same division. Okoye, and the best up and coming 4.) Dallas Cowboys- Shaping receiver. The Falcons will be a Assistant sports editor The New York Giants are solid defense in the NFL with Derrick up to be a great team in the future­ great surprise. They can run well with OJ. Thomas, last year's Defensive good defense. 4.) New Orleans Saints- The Since 1980 the AFC has won Anderson and rookie Rodney Rookie of the Year, and draft-pick 5.) Phoenix Cardinals­ Saints have the worst quarterback the Super Bowl three times (the Hampton, the passing game is very Percy Snow. Talentless. Only bright spot is there in the NFL (the worst since Cliff Raiders winning twice). From talented with Morehead State In the AFC Central, the division are only 16 games. Stoudt). Jim Mora doesn't have 1985 to present, the NFC has alumni Phil Simms, and their could be won by one of two teams. NFC Central- much to work with. dominated the Super Bowl games defense is solid, led by Lawrence The Pittsburgh Steelers, who 1.) Chicago Bears- Defense AFC East winning by an average margin of Taylor. razzle-dazzle no one, but just play really does win games. 1.) Miami Dolphins- Dan 26 points. The Washington Redskin on well enough together, have a 2.) Minnesota Vikings- So they Marino is awesome; the defense In 1989 the AFC Championship the other hand have a good decent defense, a good young have Hershel Walker but nothing will hopefully put it together. was played to who would be defense, not great running backs, quarterback (Bubby Bri ter), and a else on offense. Great defense. 2.) Buffalo Bills- good team, thrown into the den of th hungry but an exceptional pa ing auack solid running game. 3.) Detroit Lions- Good but not great. They need con is­ 49e and how big the margin of led by Mark Rypien. The other team i the Cincinnati offense, great running back in tency. victory would be. The AFC title i up for grab . In Bengals. Their offense i razzle­ Barry Sanders- what about a 3.) New England Patriots-The The bridesmaids of the NFL, the East, the Buffalo Bills or dazzle, and there is an armory full defense? NFL's worst fans, but a solid team. the Denver Broncos, went to the Miami Dolphins have a chance, but of talent The defense, especially 4.) Tampa Bay- Vinny Testav­ The Patriots need a quarterback to Super Bowl and did what just both teams have a lot of gaps to fill its secondary, is the weak spot erde is a good quarterback: replace an ancient Steve Grogan. about everyone picked them to do, before they can be a Super Bowl Rookie linebackers James Francis everyone leave him alone! Still a 4.) Indianapolis Colts- Jeff lose and embarrassingly (55-10). champion. and Bernard Clark have a lot lot of holes. George? Phyllis George may be a Will 1990 in the NFL be any The Bills have a good defense, resting on their shoulders, but if the 5.) Green Bay Packers- Should better NFL quarterback. ciifferent? Can an AFC team prove but a sporadic offense led by a hot offense can score its usual boat finish better than this, but will 5.) New York Jets- Bruce themselves worthy of beating the or cold Jim Kelly. The Dolphins load of points, some of the pressure "Majik" Don Majkowski be able to Coslet will whip this team into a NFC? don't have a great defense or a can be taken off. come back? contender- someday. One promising factor is that the good running back, but they do NFC East- Best division in the NFC West - 3 playoff teams AFC Central 49ers are on their way down. 'The have one of the most talented NFL 1.) L.A. Rams- Jim Everett is 1.) Cincinnati Bengals- They team of the 80' s" is showing their quarterbacks in NFL history. 1.) New York Giants- Strong great, the only question is injuries. have a strong offense, secondary is wear and tear; they might just In the West, it is shaping up to defense, solid offense. 2.) San Fransisco 49ers- Joe a big question. make the playoffs, but in a wild be a one team race. If Steve 2.) Washington Redskins- Their Montana is fantastic, but San 2.) Pittsburgh Steelers- Their card spot. DeBerg can get it to~ether, the passing attack will lead them to a Fransisco's magic has run out offense is a weak spot. The NFC doesn't have a Chiefs will take the division in a Wild Card, and a trip to Tampa 3.) Atlanta Falcons- Jerry 3.) Houston Oilers- Jack Pardee dominating team in 1990. They cakewalk. The Chiefs are very Bay. Glanville is a great coach. Chris will find out that the Oilers have have two very strong contenders to strong at running back with "The 3.) Philadelphia Eagles- Randal Miller is a great quarterback. see"Super" on page 14 EED CASH ~ plasma alliance FOR · 165 East Helena Street Dayton, Ohio SCHOOL? Phone: 224-1973

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14 THE GUARDIAN Wednesday, September19, 1990

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------Wednesday, Septemberl9, 1990 THE GUARDIAN 15

"Hey You" and then surrenders the stage to The Rundfunk Wall Orchestra and Choir and The continued from page 10 Military Orchestra of the Soviet WELCOME BACK STUDEWIB other Brick In The Wall (Part 2)" Army for largely uninteresting as sung by Cyndi Lauper . renditions of "Is There Anybody Cyndi's vocal range, which runs Out There?," "Nobody Home," the span of mildly to violently "Vera," and "Bring The Boys irritating, is well suited to the Back Home." ~E SUPPLY We song, which itself is supposed to Any undertaking of this have all be irritating- to the establishment magnitude reaches a critical point anyway. If nothing else, a Thomas which will decide the fate of the Geye<'s Office $lM Dolby keyboard solo saves the whole. In The Wall: Live In 26'll. Colonel Glenn Hwy. song. Berlin, the make or break point is Fortx>rn. ())lo 45324 Another surprising choice for "Comfortably Numb." With a (5 13) 429-1 099 our schoI e lead vocal is Sinead O'Connor on little help from Van Morrison and "Mother." While her voice carries The Band, Waters is at his mo t the song well enough, it seem an ethereal, his voice filled with THE SEARCH IS NOW ON! "1991 MISS OHIO USA PAGEANT" odd choice for her to sing, and he solemn desolation as it drifts over NO PERFORMING TALENT REQUIRED sound a little out of her element the burning guitar of Rick Di ....------If r n ppli nt wh qu hf1 nd r The next ong is both a Fonzo and Snowy White . tw n th of 1 nd und 27 by bru ry surpri e and a treat. Joni Mitchell By itself, this "Comfortably 1. 1991 , n r m m nd t I t 1x month r 1d t of Ohio, thu coll d rm tud nts ar singing "Goodbye Blue Sky" Numb" is a fine effort, full of ehgibl , you could be Ohio's repr ntative at th proves that, not only does she still emotion. But stacked against CBS natl nally televised Miss USA Pageant · in February to compete fer over $200,CXXl in cash and have a good voice after all, but Waters' own Pink Floyd, who prizes. The Miss Ohio USA Pageant for 1991 also she is better than both Cyndi recorded the same song three will be presented in the Grand Ballroom of the Radisson Airpcrt Hotel in Columbus. Ohio, Lau per and S inead 0' Connor. Her weeks earlier at the Knebwonh November 23rd, 24th and 25th. 1990. The new great vocal, along with a flute solo concert, Waters can't compete. Miss Ohio USA. along with her expense paid trip to compete in the CBS-nationally televised Miss by James Galway, is itself a David Gilmour, who wrote most USA Pageant. will receive over $2,(X)() in cash classic. of "Comfortably Numb" elevates among her many pnzes. All girls Interested In competing for the title must write: Canadian rocker Bryan Adams his song beyond the greatest Melissa Procter rasps his way through "Young heights. With guitar in hand he Miss Ohio USA Lust" with just enough youthful stands alone, despite Waters' best; 1991 Miss Ohio USA Pageant energy to keep the crowd in a &nd this can be said for mo£t of c/o Tri-State Headquarters - Dept. CA USA mild frenzy. His blistering guitar Live In Berlin. 347 Locust Avenue, Washington, PA 15301-3399 is Tri-State Headquarters Phone Is 412/225-5343 on . ... work positively drips with youth The Wall: Live In Berlin ~s :­ and lust. magnificent undertaking and is Application Deadline Is October I, 1990 Unfortunately, The Wall: Live full of good music, but head to Letters MUST include o recent snapshot, brief blogrophv. phone number and address. In Berlin hits a flat spot on disc hwid against David Gilmour and ·Miss USA ' Pageant i. part of t1tie family of Paramount Communications, Inc. two that never completely van­ Pink Floyd, Roger Waters can't MIH Ohio USA Is 'A Carvern Production' ishes. Paul Carrack wades through stay afloat

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