Volume Iii, Issue 16 the St. John's Colibge Independent Student Weekly Feb
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THE VOLUME III, ISSUE 16 THE ST. JOHN'S COLIBGE INDEPENDENT STUDENT WEEKLY FEB. 8, 1982 A Serious Question I have recently heard someone say that To The Polity: there are no modern heroes. It i-s-· On Wednesday night, January 27, at corrunon to say "som~thing is good" but about 7 p.m., while Juniors and January how often, in 1982, do we exclaim Freshmen were having dinner together in "he or she is noble!" In Homer, in-old the Dining Hall, a group of students fashioned war, noble passions filled began jumping up and down on the second the lives of the young with the incen floor of Randall, in order apparently to tive to be noble. But now our wars make a disturbance by way of welcoming and our culture are very different. the newly arrived students. A distur When are you filled by a sense of bance it was. The chandeliers swayed noble passion? Where is it today? ominously, and a number of acoustic tiles came loose from the ceiling and fell down onto tables and floor. Luckily, DH.. Weinstein, ' 82 no one was hurt. Observers in the Dining Hall have described the event as "scary" .. This "welcome", we are informed, is a , a year and a week old. We must add: it is a stupid, pointless tra dition, with no saving feature, and is / dangerous and destructive as well. ·we I demand that the "tradition" be terminated I forthwith.. \-./e promise that students in a a future year seeking to repeat a "welcome" of this sort will face stiff fines or suspension or expulsion from the College. In othe.r \lords: :::;to~> .:i.t. 3arbara H. Leonard Curtis ~,Jilson Assistant Deans Campus Mail will be distributed twice on Sunday, Feb. 14: once at.1 .L2 I Noon; and once at 7pm. ~ *WEEKLY CALENDAR* --2-----------------------------------------------...1----------~Monday, February 8 - Sunday, February 14, 1982 Lecture Rev,iew Monday, Feb. 8 Student Aid time sheets due Financial Aid Of :ti by Janet Durholz Tuesday, Feb. 9 In Mr. Dark.ey' s lecture, "The Dark _4:00-6:00 Faculty Study Group - Mr. Zeiderman McDowell 24 ling Singer," he read and commented on three poems that share the image of a 4:15-5:15 Study Group - Mr. Raphael Conversation Room The Wednesday bird singing in the dark--and if you 7:00-9:30 Painting Class Mellon 207 possible (and didn't know that that was what 'dark 7:30 p.m. New Testament Class - J.W. Smith McDowell 36 st. John's, continues this week with ling' meant, you weren't at the lecture. _9:00 p.m. Delega.t~ Council Meeting McDowell 21 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, dir The first selection was the opening .. -~. W,~es~a:r, Feb, 10 ected by John Huston, and starring Walter of Book III of Paradise Lost, Milton's .00 ,6.0Q. Firecider Cof;fee Shop· Huston and Tim Holt. Walter is, of famous invocation of light. Mr. Darkey '4:00-6:00 Wittgenstein Study Group - Mr. McKinley Rare Book Room course, John's father, and his excellent 4:00-6:00 Faculty Study Group - Mr. Zeiderman McDowell 24 spoke of Milton's loss of sight, and told performance won him an Oscar for Best how he composed his poetry at night as he 7:00 p.m. Small Chorus - Mr. Zuckerman Great Hall supporting Actor. The story is an en 7:00-10:00 Ceramics Class Mellon 207 lay awake, memorizing the verses, to be grossing study of the depths to which dictated during the day. Thus the poet 7:15-10:15 Life Drawing Class Mellon 207 greed can drive men: Bogart, Huston, and 8:00 p.m. ·study Group: Aristotle's Politics - Mr. Berns McDowell 32 writes, "as the wakeful Bird/Sings Holt play three men who set out pros darkling, 11 summoning the invisible 8:15 p.m. Humphrey Bogart Film Series: John Huston's Treasure FSK Auditorium pecting for gold in the mountains of Mex~ of Sierr·a Madre 1948 Walter Huston, Tim Holt beauties of creation in song. ico, and the changes in their personali Keats' "Ode to a Nightingale" owes ties brought on by their mutual suspi Thursday, Feb. 11 something to Milton's bird, although it cions power the film to its ironic con calls the poet in a different direction: 2: 15 _p. m. Delegate Council_ Meeting with Deans and Treasurer McDowell 23 clusion. (John Huston plays the American "Darkling I listen; and for many a time/ tourist and Robert (Baretta) Blake plays 10.:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Blood Drive F.S.K. Lobby I have been half in love with easeful LONG WEEKEND BEGINS AFTER SEMINAR the little kid at the beginning of the Death ••• " Keats had just lost a brother movie.) 8:15 Wednesday at 8:15, free! Friday, Feb. 12 so to him the nightingale's song spoke of mortality. 12:00 noon Annapolis Area Alumni Luncheon Dining Hall Because it's long weekend and lots of The title of Thomas Hardy's poem, people like to go away, (including pro "The Darkling Thrush," admits his in Saturday, Feb. 13 jectionists) there will be no Ascent of debtedness to both Keats and Milton. 9:00-12:00 Sculpture Class Mellon 207 Man or Friday late movie this week. For It was written on the last day of the 8:15 p.m. Film: Blake Edwards' The Great Race 1965 FSK Auditorium those of you who find it hard to break nineteenth century, when Hardy, at the Tony Curti?, Natalie Wood, Jack.Lemmon, Peter Falk the habit, though, we will lower the age of sixty, had already written his screen and turn on the projector for an last novel. ("The tangled bine-stems Sunday, Feb. 14 hour andr a half at 11: 15. Admission will 3:15 p.m. scored the sky/ Like strings of broken Film: Blake Edwards' The Great Race 1965 FSK Auditorium only be 75¢. lyres .. ") The darkness of this poem is Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, Jack Lemmon, Pe~er Falk 6: 30 p.m. Pottery Class Mellon 207 For those who don't go awav, the film on Saturday at 8:15 and Sunday at 3;15 The second French Reading Knowledge The second Algebra/Trigonomet:ry Test will be The Great Race directed bv Examination will be given on Saturday morning, will be given on Saturday morning, Blake Edwards, and starring Tony Cur February 20 at 9:30 a.m. in McDowell 31. February 20 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in tis, Natalie Wood, Jack Lemmon and Peter The test is to provide· a readable translation Room 24. Falk. The story is set near the turn of in English that gives accurately the sense An account of the kind of problems • Permanent Centers open clays, • Opportunity to make up mined the century and concerns a great auto evenin1s and weekends. lessons. of the French original. appearing on the test and how to solve • Low hourly cost. Dedlc11ted full· • Voluminous home-study m~terl1l111 rrobile race from New York to Paris. time stiff. constantly updated by r1u1rch· them is given in a short manual available • Complete TEST·n·TAPESl<lfacllitlH ers expert In their field. (There actually was such a race in 1908) for review of class lessons 1nd • Opportunity to transfer to 111nd Passing of the French Reading Knowledge in the Bookstore. supplementary materials. continue study 11t any ot our Tony Curtis plays the chivalrous hero • Small classes t11.11ht by sllllled over IO centers. Examination is a pre-requisite for entering Passing both the Algebra part and the good guy in white, Lermnon plays the nas instructors. the Senior year. Trigonometry part of the test is necessary ty crooked bad guy in black, and Wood is for entrance into the Junior year. the suffragette damsel in distress. It's a big bawdy slapstick farce, spoofing Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours, just about every type of movie ever made. It's great fun, and includes the biggest 2 -1 pie fight ever filmed, with Curtis in 4201 Connecticut Ave., N.W., spotless whites, wandering idly through Washington, O.C. 20008 Edward G. Sparrow Edward G. Sparrow it. Come see if he gets it or not! It's De~n Dean only a buck. spiritual, for it is set in late evening, Lively Arts in winter; the sudden sound of the thrush's It has recently been my good for~une to. There is no true existence .. *" song suggests "some blessed Hope." Concert: The Albernie Quartet--at the discover on the third level of the library, As evidently we cannot term Mr, Darkey tried to discover what Library of Congress, Coolidge Auditorium, buried beneath apile ~apparently) o: tear the existent as 'existing', an these birds had in cormnon. He said that Feb. 12, 8 pm, info., (202) 287-5108. odden notes for a senior essay, an irnpor idea hitherto confused by the their wings suggest freedom, their bright ~ant and as yet unpublished t:r·:.!:::.ti~e by th'" babbling of my esteemed colleagues, eyes alertness, and their beautiful voices, Recital: Virginia Reinecke--on piano, reno1.,,rrwd (jf so;newhat 'Jbscure-~a sign of we must term that which r~ers to ~sc n·cc :•Ji'ttgPnstr.:in) nhilosooher M. the existent in itself (b <.:t.cni-'f) u • the poet's act of singing. He mentioned works of Beethoven and Chopin, at Loyola grea tn <::::: ._,' -··· • - • '· •· Homer's epea pteroenta, winged words. But College in Baltimore, Feb.