Role of the NE-SW Hercynian Master Fault Systems and Associated
Chapter 6 Role of the NE-SW Hercynian Master Fault Systems and Associated Lineaments on the Structuring and Evolution of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Basins of the Alpine Margin, Northern Tunisia Fetheddine Melki, Taher Zouaghi, Mohamed Ben Chelbi, Mourad Bédir and Fouad Zargouni Additional information is available at the end of the chapter 1. Introduction The Mesozoic and Cenozoic evolution of the northern edge of the African margin (Fig. 1), and particularly the northern Tunisia, fossilized successive paleogeographic and tectonic episodes. In fact, after rifting and extensional periods, which started at the end of the Paleozoic and continued during the Mesozoic [1‐6], was settled the Alpine orogeny that results from the convergence movements between the African and Eurasian plates; it is induced by compres‐ sive tectonic stresses, beginning at least since the Tertiary intervals and probably the Late Cretaceous [7‐24]. This orogeny has induced, on the Mediterranean edges, many mountains chains extend from the Apennines at the East to the Betic Cordilleras at the West. The various geological works established in northern Tunisia [25‐42,18,43‐47], north‐eastern Algeria [48‐50,23] and in the Siculo‐Tunisian strait [51‐57], demonstrated that the NE‐SW inherit‐ ed fault networks have controlled sedimentation during the Tethyan rifting and have also con‐ trolled the structuring of the central and northern Atlas during the successive tectonic events. This margin of northern Tunisia, including the Tell and the Tunisian furrow domains (Fig. 2), is limited to the East by the Zaghouan master fault, which appears to have effect on the sedimentation since the Jurassic [58,59,33].
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