Cusgarne School Bulletin

number 32

published 15 July 2021 Cusgarne School, Cusgarne, , TR4 8RW t: 01872 863563 e: [email protected] w: Head of School : Mr Tim Barn ard

Dear Parents

I make no apologies for the rather lengthy bulletin this week, so make yourself a cuppa and read on!

I hope you have all had time to read and digest the Covid update letter sent home. With the end of school year in sight, I am appealing to you all to use caution and hope that we can all enjoy our final week and the activities we have planned.

All of the staff would like to say a huge WELL DONE to the children for joining in their Sports Afternoon’s. Thankfully the sun shone, and the children had two great afternoons. We would like to thank Plymouth Argyle for organising the events and for coming in over the past year to lead our PE sessions. They have covered a range of activities for the children and brought fun into the sessions. Please note that after school clubs have now finished for the term.

Tomorrow, Kingfisher class have a day at the beach! The children are having a surf day which we know they will thoroughly enjoy. Remember your sun cream! We will also be welcoming our new pupils who are starting in September as they join Mrs Turner and Mr Barnard for a Teddy Bear’s Picnic.

Reports – the end of year school reports are being emailed home. Please keep an eye out and if you wish to make any comments or speak to the class teacher, please email [email protected] and we can arrange this. Tempest – the Tempest photo order has arrived, and the photos have been sent home. Please check the bookbags if you ordered a photo.

ParentPay – I am asking that every family logs onto their ParentPay account and brings it fully up to date. If your child is having a lunch next week – or attending breakfast club, please make sure this is paid before next Friday.

A Company Limited by Guarantee. An Exempt Charity Registered in & Wales - Company No. 07387540 Registered Office: Aspire Academy Trust, Unit 20, Business Park, St Austell, PL25 4FD

Friends of Cusgarne – following a successful meeting, the Friends are back in action! I hope you all received the leaflet about ice creams next week? Please remember to return your slip tomorrow (Friday) together with payment in a sealed envelope. We will pass these onto the Friends so they know how many to cater for. The Friends will also be starting a pop up uniform shop.

Summer Reading Challenge – The library service has a Wild World Heroes reading challenge this year. Our lovely friends from Library were unable to pop along and see us to tell us all about the challenge, but please have a read of the leaflet at the end of the bulletin.

Bugsy Malone - Next week our year 5 and 6’s will be performing their rendition of Bugsy Malone to their parents. The performance will take place outside and 2 adults from year 5 and year 6 families can attend. The children have worked so hard on the play and they deserve the opportunity to perform. Good Luck Kingfishers!

Newquay Zoo – Don’t forget that Thursday 22 July is our whole school trip to the zoo! Please do not be late and remember that it is a non-uniform day. Sunhats and packed lunches are a must! The teachers will Tweet when they are leaving the zoo to give you a better idea of arrival back to school.

A Company Limited by Guarantee. An Exempt Charity Registered in England & Wales - Company No. 07387540 Registered Office: Aspire Academy Trust, Unit 20, St Austell Business Park, St Austell, Cornwall PL25 4FD

Year 6 assembly – we will be saying a fond goodbye to our super year 6’s next Friday. They will be having their leavers assembly at 12 noon before the whole school waves them off at 12.30pm. It will probably be emotional!

Also next Friday, our caterers will be offering a picnic menu. (Please see below). They will need to know numbers in advance so please would you complete the form Picnic Menu

Finally, school will finish at 1pm on Friday 23 July 2021 so please note to collect your children at this earlier time.

Have a super weekend.

Yours sincerely

Tim Barnard Head of School

A Company Limited by Guarantee. An Exempt Charity Registered in England & Wales - Company No. 07387540 Registered Office: Aspire Academy Trust, Unit 20, St Austell Business Park, St Austell, Cornwall PL25 4FD

A Company Limited by Guarantee. An Exempt Charity Registered in England & Wales - Company No. 07387540 Registered Office: Aspire Academy Trust, Unit 20, St Austell Business Park, St Austell, Cornwall PL25 4FD