Survey of West

B\ J l L1A" i\Il "BY and To" DODD

5L ,r\lARY

IlIl' \Un't') that follow,\ 1\ ont of II number of \l"I!t)'~ oj thl' ",burb, oj Oxford that compiemeTlt Salin-\ 1mb/HitI'd HI"'0 oj projJrrl,t',\ m till' nt) and iI, Northgnll' /-Iwuirrd, '/111') ar, gentTal(~ ~iuular tnl/)'ll' to Salt,.,.\ HO'1't'), ami, {l\ 1\ Ihi' (lL~l' with ,haL ,Hol'f'). lI,/, amount of illfonrllltioll (ontainI'd ,\Pf'l1/\ to makt' ,hfir puhllwlum U'ortliu ,hilt' tlt'filnt, 'hnT romprt'_\\rd lonl/lIt: mdtI'd " JIllll lit' hoped thai IhB JanlUli will v'n1p to '-I'mmtllh, ,-rad" of 'h' pratt/'ionol ami h)/)(II/u'(;((1/ (hameln of tht data prtjt1lltd. tht tXllcl ordnlll[{ oj pmprrtlt\ l'n) OILY" bt'lng Iht ordtr that a/J/Nan '/1()\t likel) to tli, romp"''''' but 11)' IW IIIf(W\ Ihr onl.v /)(1\\1/;1111). Th, au/11o,", tJ.'illlH' gratt/1l110 OJ1) rMd", u'lw dr(Hl'~ 10 tlmr (IIII'll/lOll ",on m th, utn't') ami u'lll kt'l'jJ (I mnutt'd l'rnlOll In'lu/abl, for di..~lnblLtum by till' /lIle"lft he renowned Sun,l') oj Oxford In the Re\-', II.F. Sailer was a compilation on the T medieval corc of Oxford, in the for 111 of a sene~ of notebooks in which he tracked the hi~t{)J) of recognisilble properties as he founc! their hi~lOn in the deeds and leases ufOxford religious houses ~lIld colleges. ILs origin. one may supp0>,C. \\fJ.S essentially as an attempt to IO(du: and account for the academic halls of 1l1edie\"al Oxford. a matter that had (oncerncd i.lntiquilrie~ since Rous in the 15th centlln"" \\"ilh the publication of the Alap of .\1tdlPtlal Oxford (19~ll), .. Ind the map of (lCademic halls 111 the histol) of the university (I 'ell Oxon. Iii) this purpose "i.lS achie\'(~d. rhe manuscript Suncy ",:as never edited 01 completed (it omits, fOt example. much malerial publbhecl by Saher clsc\'.,here), except that an incomplcte types(l'Ipt COP) W(IS made thai was to be used 101 the e\'entual publication after Salter's death b) \\'.A PanLin and \\'alter Mitchell. ~1ost notably the suney did not include suburban areas that were predominantly post.medieval dc\elopmcnts, sudl as the environs of the to\\n clilfh ,md castle, and it left on one side the v,'eM subtlrb whith does of course include the mcdieval properties \\hose history Saller had lreated at length in the Oseney Cartllltlrv. While a Ilew edition of the Survey will one da) be desirable, it would seem worthwhile to fill III the K"lpS with at least an outline atCOUIll of the remaining parts of the historic town" It i'-l hoped to publish the survey of south·west ward b\ Hilan lurner and others. ("OITIpiled for lhe archaeolog) of the WeSlgale area III the I 960s, and a ",,"\e\ of the fields of '\onh Oxford would not be difficuh to (ompile. At the other end of the '-!lOP", there is a need for a foliation urthe mfOrm31101l on (mnership in the 19th·2(hh fentunes from Directories and the CenslI'-I returns. I"he work of Stephanie Jenkin'-l has led the way here, with the useful and altr..Icti\c web pages detailing the individual propen~ hi.,toric~ for each of the J ligh Street (h 1I P :/Iw ""W. headin\:"ton .org.u kloxon/higil/i ndex. h t m). B road Street (-/broad!i ndex. h tm) and St Giles (-/stf{ile,,..index.html. What is oITered here is a guide to Ihe property histor) of Sl Thomas' in the west suburb of Oxford, being a collation DC published and (.n-ailable sources that have been consulted. but in 110 wa) pretending (0 be clefinili\'c 01 ('ol11plete. In our experience it IS prererable to have a map and basic guide than nothing at all. \\ hile for the uninitiated the fomplexities of using lhe published source matenal a.s it stands makes Il i.llmost impenetrable. 1l1e map~ that 3«(ompan\' lhis sunery are between p. 474 and p. 475,

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 102 J M l.; N B \' AND A . 0 0 0 0

West Oxford Estate Histories and Sources

The survey has been compiled fTom a number of key sources relating to the main estates in the area (see also following bibliography for abbreviations). C ity Property: Mainly wasle land round casLie and I-jvcr, deriving as manorial waste from the LOwn's assumption of royal lordship in 1199. Mu(h of II i, fully described in OCI' except fOl properties with no medieval histol"Y. Mary added the Fisher Row pan as an appendix to hel important study Fisher Row. O seoeylChrist Church (Tbe D'Oilly Fee): I he extensive holdings of Oseney in South Osency passed to Christ Church. The medieval deeds, I"entals and post-medieval surveys have mostly been published in CO, though there are other estate papers and maps in Christ Church Archives. Rewley/Dutlon (The D'Ivri Fee):

I he holdings of Rewley Abbey In orth Oseney passed to the Dutton family of Glou

'The Hundred Rolls for the Parish of St Thomas, Oxford' in Oxoniensla, xxxvii (1972), 165-176. It should be noted thal the litle is not entirely accurale. for the Hundred Roll survey for Oxford was not arranged by parish; the part of Sl Thomas lO the sOUlh of High Slreel is omiued. and a few entries lhere are in the roll for south west ward of the City. and the final enlries on Cooper's roll concern Binsey and Godstow. \Ve refer to enlries from lhe St TIlOmas' roll as Cooper 123 and lO entries from the olher rolls as HR 456 where 456 is the number assigned by Graham. The Survey of 1772: This is published in ST This survey for the paving commissioners involved the measurement of the frontage of each property. When an entry is daled 1772 and gives a width il may be assumed that it comes from ST. Badcock: This is a series of estale maps and schedules of Christ Church holdings in 1829, in the Christ Church archives. It is reproduced in a reduced form allhe end of CO ii.

Commonly used references

BRUO A.B. Emden, Biographical Regisler of Ihe Uni",,"sily of Oxford 10 ADI500 (Oxford, 1957) BRU02 A.B. Emden, BIOgraphical ReFJISler of Ihe Unrverslty of Oxford, ADI500 10 1540 (Oxford, 1974) o Cartulary of Oseney Abbey, ed. H. E. Saller (OHS Ixxxix. xc, xci, xcvii, xcviii, ci, 1929-1936) Cooper 'The Hundred Rolls for the Parish of St Thomas, Oxford', Oxonien,sia, xxxvii (1972), 165-76. EHSJ W. H. Slevenson and H. E. Sallel~ The Early History of SI John's College (OHS ns i, 1937). Galbrailh V. H. Galbrailh, 'New Documents aboul Cloucester College' in H. E. Salter (ed.), Snappe's Fonnulary and other Records (OHS. lxxx, 1924), 337-86. Godstow Tire English Regisler of Codslow Nunnery. ed. A. Clark (EETS 129, 130, 142). OCP II. E. Saller, Oxford City Propertte, (OHS lxxxiii, 1926). Prior M. Prior, Fislrer Row (Oxford, 1982). OR Oseney Rentals. in CO iii. RCHM Royal Commission on Historic Monuments, C,ty of Oxford (1939). RCO W. H. Turner, Records of the City of Oxford (Oxford, 1880). T H. E. Salter (ed.), SUnJeys and Tokens (OilS Ixxv. 1920). Sandford The Sandford Cartulmy, ed. M. Leys (Oxfordshire Record Soc. 19 (1938), 22 (1941)). SO H. E. Salter, A Survey of Oxford (0115 ns xiv (1960) and xx (1969)). Squiloes T. W. Squires. In West Oxford (1928). Twyne Bodleian MSS Twyne. Wood A. Wood, History of lire C,ly of Oxford, ed. A. Clark, 5 vols. (OHS xix, xxi, xxvi, xxx. xl, 1891-1900). Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society Hil MLNB' \NO A. nOOD

Survey of West Oxford (St Thomas's Parish) WALION SIRH.I

\Vest side o[\\'aILOn Street to the Thames. from the south side ofJericho Sl. lO the Clarendon Press and elson Street. In St Thomas' parish in 1279 and 1769, later in 5t Paul's; though Saltel u"eats as being in 5t Mary Magdalene. sin(e the site of Gloucester College was partl) in Sl Mar)'s in 1291 (CO ii 344). Well Twentiacre Uericho) Most of this is fl"om Hugh \VaiLOn, 'Oxford's Jericho and the Furse Family of Devonshire', ()wm Loral Hislory 3.8 (Spring 1992), :,38--1 I. Pal'll) based on lilie deeds of No. lilian Street, Ihis SIOI"), was uncovered by the characteristi( tenacity of the late county al·chivist.

)\Jfdi('v(I/ history: /Jarl of ~Va"on manor (SI GI'OIgf (lmi o.'fllry). 1086 held by Roger d'l\ ri in Domesday; 1074 foundalion grant to Sl George in the Caslle: sec CO i\ 25 (17) (forgery); 31 (20a) ok, 33 (21) elc.; see index in CO vi (2:lS). I I ~9 church of Sl George granled lO (>Sene) Abbe). 1279 Coopel" 106 (i.e. the last in the parish), \\ here Osene) had 1 tenement Gllled 7u'enlialTt' with 39 cotarill.' pa}ing 112s.

Po.\I-Ull'dipilol'mlor)': Bear Meadow (Flint' familJ). 15-1 I (22: II), Wallon granted by Henn \'111 to Dr George Owen (his doclor), L&P lI,n 1'111 xvi, 442; Particulars of Gralll. PRO L:lIS/824. 1558 passes on death of Owen to hi~ SOil Rich.nd. 1571 (12:9), licence to RO and wife Mary to alienate to rho mas Furse 'one toft xxv acres of meadow & xx acres of pasture with appurt. in the Parish of 51 Thomas', PRO Alienalion Office (A.) fee book 4 for 1571 I ndex no. 9973 al 1'.19; granl of li cence on Palenl Roll 13 Eliz I (C.66!1 081 m.31); conveyance by final concord 14 Elil, 15 days afler Easler (£40). Thomas Furse was a singing man ofChrisl Church (BRU02, 222); licenced lo keep a lavern in 1555 (Cal. Pal Rolls Phil & MtlI), 155-1-5, 127), which was Fun"es, then the Bear Inn, SE (15). Councillor from 1540, Chamberlain 1549, dismissed and read milled 1562 (RCO 162, 201, 261, 293, 301, 320-1). Married 1570 (All Sainls Par. Reg.), died 18 Sepl 158S. will of 'TF of Par All Saillls Inholder' left estale lO nephews John and Waller (PCC 57 Rutland; Inq.P.M. PRO C,142/2IS/S). 1769 Shown as ]ericho Gardens' on plan ofSt Giles (Stjohn's Munim.). 1790 Pan of Great and Little Bear Meadows sold by the Rev. Peter " 'ellington Furse to Company; extent shown on plan auached to deed [from Mount Street to \Vorcester College], (British \\'aterwa}'s Board, copy penes H \ValLon). Sold jor dn"loplllmi a' jericho (partly for Clarendon Press). 1825 sales at Kings Arms b) Tholllas Mallam (Wallon) 1827 (17:5) Re\ I~IV. Furse sold several lots to John Pike (WallOn). W(2) North of Gloucester College Uericho) "Vest of \ValLon Street, \\'alLon CrescentLO \'\'OITestcl Place. A-Iedinlal hi.\tory possibly as last. or pel"ilap::,: 1279 Ilundred Rolls: a meadow of John of Langpolt. formerl, Alice de SLOkwell. paying 2.\ 6d to Osene),. and a house of Nicholas of Kingston, held of Evnsham, Cooper 104- 5; these ma", of course. be further south. Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society "it R\~' 01- \"'~_Sr O'1-0H.D Hi!')

Po\l-mtdil"lI11l: 1538 (10: II) leased by Osene) LO john lIowell fOt· 80 ,ears. EHSj 437-8. 1541 purchased with Walton by Owen (as above). 1558 pa~ses on death of Owen to hi$ son Richard. 1559 (9: II) rhomas son of john Howell It

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 466 J M lJ N B Y AND A. 0 0 0 0

1576 (12:4) St john's lease of Gloucester Hall includes 'an orchard close and pasture ground. now divided into two with a mound and a ditch, abutting on the highway east, upon the entry of the Hall ... south, a close of the College in the tenure of William Tilcock north', EHSj, 437. Also in 1578 lease, ibid. 1675 Shown on Loggan's map divided into two, and with a building on Walton Street. 1714 not transferred to Worcester COllege at foundation, EHSj, 439. CI8 plans of c.1750 and 1770 show garden of 3 acres between the N gate of Worcester and the road to the meadows; on both the 'Cock and Botl1e' is shown on Walton Street, and in c. 1770 'Tagg' (i.e. the nurseryman of that name) is shown as occupier, EHSj, pI. at p.439 1744-5 'Gardens and meadows silUate to the north and west of Worcester College acquired from Stjohn's, VCH Oxon. iii, 309 n 67 (Minute Book, 6: 11 1744 ,8:5 1745). 1772 Survey: Mr Tagg; garden 63 yards (189 ft) is N of Worcester College, ST 43. W(4) Gloucester College Meadows WOI'cester College Garden, north and west part: south of I, west of2 and 3. M ,die-val history: Possibly part of Gloucester College. May have included 'pratum' of Oseney, mentioned in rentals, CO iii, passim. The agreement of 1291 (see No.5) gives a pasture of Oseney on the north bound of Gloucester College. Post-medieval history: Appa"ently pan of Gloucester College (qv), unless acquired by St john's with Walton (see 2 above). 1559 (14:11) Crown survey of Gloucester College includes 'two pieces of meadow; one piece containeth by estimacion two acres and thother piece containeth three acres, surrounded by water, now in tenure of Doctor Wright, worth to be rented yea rly 26s 8d', which may be pan of this, EHSJ, 434. 1560 (23:3) Gloucester College granted to Stjohn's, EHSJ, 434. 1576 (12:4) Stjohn's lease of Gloucester Hall includes 'two meadows, divided by a ditch, call ed Gloucester College meadows, and a little ham on the south side of the said meadows, certain banks or little narrow pastures compassing round about the said meadows and ham abutting on the Thames west, on a close of Thos Williams, alderman, south, on Gloucester College orchard, the hop yard and and close of William Tilcock east, and pastures oflllOmas Furres innholder nonh', EHSJ, 437. Also in 1578 lease, ibid. 1675 Shown on Loggan's map divided by streams. 1714 not transferred to Worcester College at foundation, EHSJ, 439. CI8 plans of c.1750 and 1770 show meadows and walks totalling c.1 0 acres, EHSJ, 1'1. at p.439 1744-5 'Gardens and meadows situate to the north and west of \Vorcester College acquired from StJohn'S', VCH Oxon. iii, 309 n 67 (Worcester Minute Book, 6:11 1744,8:5 1745). W(5) Gloucester College/Worcester College 8'J0,.e the College: Salter, Survey, N(136) 1279 Ilundred Rolls, south to north, probably the following (Cooper): (95) The Knights HospitaJlers hold I 'great tenement'; (96) Elyas of Weston holds I messuage of Oseney for 3s; (97) Elyas holds I cot of Oseney for lSd, wonh 6d more; Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society S L R V f. Y () J. W E S ~I () X F () K J) 467

(98) john Weston holds I house ofOseney for lSd, worth 6d; (99) Adam of Derham holds I house of Oseney for & 6d, worth ISd more; (100) john of Langport holds I messuage of Littlemore for I mark, which he had from Andrew his father, and he from Alice of tokwell, and she from Thos fiI ?Decani, worth 2(h more; (101) john at a holds I cot from ich. Dewy, and he from Dionisia Bure"'old, for Id, worth 4s more; (102) john Burgeis holds I messuage inherited from his father, by service of allowing the Hospitallers' carts to go one day with hay through his niTia; (103) john Langport holds I cot from Osency for 4s. The Osene)' propenies might be those mentioned in the Cartulary in Stockwell treet (CO ii, 350-60), but this seem unlikely (see fUllher below: Salter's view that the land north of Gloucester College gateway was in St Mary Magdalen parish should be taken seriously, and if he is right Cooper's assignment of 96-99 must be wrong. I n reading SaiLer's remarks in CO ii 256 it must be remembered Lhat he had not read ti,e Ilundred Rolls for Stockwell Su·eet). From tile description in 1283 it would appear that some of these lay ofT the street. lenements belonging to Eve Lotrix, Philip de 0 and tephen de Coue are mentioned below (1283, 1291, see also 1380). Glouet,ln- ColI'g': 1277 Decision to found a Benedictine college at Oxford by the prO\'II1Ce, Galbraith, 342, 1283 john GifTard of Brimpsfield bought a house of the Ilospltallers for a cell ofSt Peter's Gloucester, Galbraith, 344; I'CII Oxon, ii, 70, I t lay between the lands of Stephen of Langford, Eve Latrix and john of Langford on one side, and the land of the on the other, BL ROl.COLl. vi (1,2), quoted in Cooper, 1972. 1290 Four more tenements presented by GifTard, and it became a priory of the Benedictine order of lhe province of Canterbury, veil OX(Jn. ii, 70; Galbraith, 345. 1291 Agreement wiLh Oseney Abbey about tithes of siLe Gloucester College, '/om in fTonle quam !II gaTdmo, '"TgullL' & pralell«' lying in the parishes of t George, St rhomas and St Mary Magdalene, extending from the Carmelites to the lenemem which Philip de o once held, and behind along the Thames from the Carmelites to the pasture of Oseney', CO ii, 246-9 (805). 1298 Refoundation as dependancy of MalmesbUl) Abbe). The foundation chartel lists the property gr.lIlted by GifTard: (i) 'all lands and tenements which I ha,e ... of William de Hauuir, Prior of the HospiLal of Stjohn jerusalem' [=(95)] (ii) 'all lands and tenements which I ha,e ... ofjohn of Langeport burgess of Oxford' [=(100,101)] (iIi) 'all that tenement I have ... or Eve Lotrix' (iv) 'all that tenemenL I have ... of john Weston and Vdonea his wife' [=(98)] (v) 'all that tenement I have ... of tephen de Coue [or Deuone] and Alice his wife' (Galbraith,361-2). 1321 Gloucester College acquired the adjacent site of the Carmelites (see W6), Galbraitll, 379-80. 1:180 Licence, following , to Rob. Tresilian to gIVe Lhe of Ablllgdon a garden in tockwell St next the Black Monks to enlarge Lheir residence, Inq. AQD 297.7 (not in Abingdon Cart.). Likely to be property of Philip de 0 in 1291, as much of O's property passed to Stadley and then Tresilian, alter urory, N( 136) Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society IhK M l "J Ii' \ ...... D \ DOD 0

F()1 the hisLOf) of the College, see f'eN OXOIl. Ii. 70-71; Reyner, Apo,\/olaIU\ Bnlfdirlinorum HI Angha, .\ppendi', Pan II: Galbraith; I 'C1/ 0\(111. iii, 301-2: R.B. Dobsol1, 'The Foulldation of GIOlKcster College in 1283'. I~ormler ColI,W R,wrd (1985). Ihe medie,al building; ,\I e lulh described in I'CH 0'011. iii, :102-7 (plan. p.:lO:l; Loggan\ "ew at p.29:1). Ihe college 'nnel slIlTcndel'ed to the kmg, but f<.'ll 1I1LO hi., hand~ b, the Dissolution of the monas tel ie.,'. filS], - I:l~. 71" lIi,hop" Pa/are (/542-7) I!H I (22: 12) Glollcester College granted 10 John GI) n and John James, yeomen of Ihe Guard, EIISJ. 432 for thi., and follm"11lg (MUnl111 ,vl.26). 15·12 (30:8) granted to Ihe bi ... hopric of Oxford. then founded, to be a residence fill the . :l7 lien V III bishopric surrendered to king. ~lH lien VIII bishopric reCOn!Sliluted with (:hll.,t Church. hith Gloucester College a~ part of Its endowment. E)-17 (28:7) bishopric propenies surrendered to Edward VI. 1547 (13:9) bishopric endowed withoul Glouccster College, which was left III halld~ of one who fanned it for 26'i 8d a )'car. 1559 (14:11) Crown sun"ey with a yiew 10 "'dle, EHS.I. ,:tl (~Iunjm. xyi.lS) Descriplion of buildings of GlolKe~tcl College, and lands: I liuJe garden 1 4- acre; garden OJ on hard let to Dr \\'rightc, 1'2 acre (?3): two picfes of meadow. 2 and 3 acres ~lIlT(}l1nded \\ilh walt:r, III tenure Dr \VI-ighte (?4). Glollrfller Hall (1560- J 7 J 3) 1560 (23:3) site and buildings of Cloucester College gl anted to SI John's College. ~ II 'J. ~34. 1560 (13:6) site and buildings lellsed to William St()C~. Principal ofCloucester lIall. ~J ISJ, 435. FOI later leases, see above, and EIISJ, 435-9. 1675 Loggan's view of Gloucester Hall shm\'s no garden to N or S. For lhe history ofLhe Iiall, see I'Cll OWI1. iii, 298-300, and M. FosLel-, 'Thomas Allen (1540-1632). Cloucester Iiall and the ~unival of Calholicism in Post-RefcmnaLion Oxford', OMI/ie/ma, xlvi (1981). 99· 128. II a,mln College ( 1 i 14) 17 1:1 St John'S sells freehold of Gloucestel Iiall, I'CN O'UII. iii. 300. 171 I (I ~:7) \\'orcester College inaugurated. ibid. 171 I (20:8) St John's sells Cloucester Iiall 10 Provost and Fellows 01 Worcester College. EHSJ, ~39 1711 Acquired all or part of No.6. 1744-5 Acquired Nos. 3 and 4. 1772 Sun'e): Worcester College 87 yds 2 It Gins (26:l ft) lmlllage, ST ~:l . CI9 Carden histor)" I'CI-/ axon. iii , 309. FOI thc history ofLhe College, sec I'Cll 0\01/. iii. 300fT. As late as 1848 the college plan did nOL include cornel of Ill' the Bridge SU·eel, Bodl. MS l(,p. Oxon a.22(R).

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society S l R V t. \ 0" \\ .. S r 0 x FOR () lIi~'

W(6) The Carmelite South pan of Worcester College.

JI,dln.~llll/jlory: SO N(135)

At the south end (see 7): Ric. of Stokwell is N of lI)the Bridge Street in c.1220, CO II, 360 (933) (see 8): perhaps John Carpenter in 1236;7, CO ii, 359 (931). The following ;eqllence of three possibly go sOllth to north, but mal be ranged along the north side of II) the Bridge Street. with D at the corner (but only if that was also called Stockwell street); none of A to D are rnentioned here in the Hundred Rolls, nor in the Oseney rental of 1280 (fol other Oseney properties. either here or west of II}the Bridge. see in 7 below. Thereafter the Hundred Rolls entries go from south to north. A Oseney: c.1230 Will Mitterquorne is here, CO ii, 355 (926) 123617 11enry son of Henry Simeon grants John 01 Lancelotland bctwcenJohn carpenter and lIugh Co ken e), CO ii, 358 (931) post-1210John fil Galf Ie Muner grants asene) a place in Stocwellstret betw asene) and John Cal penter, CO ii, 359 (932) B Osene): (.1230 \\'m. fiI Codv.'in grants to Sauore Arzonarius land in Stoc'\-'elle betw Rob Coc and hOllse of Wm Mitterquorne, CO ii, 355 (926). c.12~~7 Ilugh Tailur grants to Galf, rector of Oxted, messuage betw Hen fiI Simeon and Rob Cok. CO ii. 356 (927). 1239/40Galf, rector of Oxted, grants to Osene) land betw Hen r.I Simeon and Rob Coc in Stokwellestret, ca ii. 357 (928-9). 1243/- 1 Roger de Grenham confirms to Oseney Ihe grant of Calf rector of Oxted, CO ii, :~58 (930). C Osene): c.1230 \Valter fiI Agnes Blacsalt granLs to Rog!il Baldcwin de Grennan land betw cart road once LO Roger'S garden and land of John de Fonte in SLOcwellestrate. CO ii, 351 (918). L 12~}5 Rag til Baldewin grants LO Rob Cok land in Stocwelle beL\\ \\'m Mercer and domllm Salloris, 5 yards wide and 8 yards deep plus 2 feet each wa>", on which two feet he can build a house; also a small path in his garden as far as the ditch (/o.\,\alwn) on which he can ha\e a drain (cloaca). (Illd can come and repair it, CO ii, 351-2 (919- 20). c.1240 Rog m Baldewin gr"nts to aseney 12d (then 2.<) rent he had from Rob Coc, CO ii, 353 (921-2). 1245,6 Rob Coc grants to Os.ene), his messuage in Stoc\\,ellestl'ete. betl\' Osency [B] and ith de Stoc\\elle [D], which he holds from Osene) for 2., rent; also a rent of3d paid b) Nich. de StoC"l,elle for a hOllse ieh hok" from him, between the fish-pond (tift/unum) of Nich and the well at the end of Rob's messuage at the west, CO ii, 355 (925). rhis is perhaps. the eponyrnous Stocwell. D Land ne£lr lhe corner? c.1230 land ofJoh de Fonte next C , ca ii, 351 (918). e.1235 house orwm Mercer next C , ca ii, 351-2 (919-20). 1245/6 land of Nich de Stocwelle next C and E, ca ii, 355 (925). 1260; I land of Nilh de Stokwelle next E, ca ii. 348 (913). 1279 Ilundred Rolls: perhaps one of the two cottages of Nieh de Stokwell, as F below. Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 170 J M t 8 Y AND ADO 0 0

E Land of cripLOr: 1245/6 Thomas de Grenham fil Rog de Grenham [iii Baldewin] grants to Oseney 12d rent from tenement which Nicholas of Eynesham scriptor held in Stocwelle. betw Nich de Stocwelle on either side. CO ii. 354 (924). 1260/1 grants to the Carmelites land once Nicholas Scriptor between ith de Stokwelle on both sides. which extends from the land of the Friars to the king's road. CO i•. 348 (9 13). F Littlemore: 1279 II und.'ed Rolls: Littlemore holds two cottages of Nich de Stokwell. Coope. 69, G Liltlemore: 1279 Hundred Rolls; Nich Forstull sold Ihe Carmelites a house which paid 3, to Littlemore. Cooper 70, H Liulcrnore: 1279 Hundred Rolls: Sibilla Kam holds an empty place which used LO pal :1.1 to Liulemore. Cooper 71. I Liulcmorc: 1279 II undred Rolls: The Carmelites hold a hou,e the gift of Nich de Stokwell which used to pay 3.1 to Littlemore. Cooper 72, 1282 (31: 10) Oseney agreement with the Carmelites that they shall hold freely the area which Ric dictus Maydeloc inhabited. where their gate is built. 60 ft deep and 30 fl wide. between William of Eynsham U) and Ric Ie Kam (H) in the suburb of Oxford in the parish ofSt George ill.

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society SL'RVt..Y OF WESI OXfoORD 171

Q lIuJemore: 1279 I lund red Rolls: ,wo emp'y places here pay no relll, and no-one vrodicat ta." Cooper 1972 (80). R Sandford: 1279 Ifundred Rolls: a large holding of , he lemplars a' Cowley (Sandford), consisting of 9 cOllages, 4 houses, 2 messuage;, I solar and I emp'} place, Cooper 1972, (81-87; 89-93); see nOtes and references to Sandford. 1 hese propenies may all be behmd the (Wo messuages, in a lane; some confirmation of this is to be found in a grant of land adjacen, '0 (91) in 1251x61, which give. bounds eas' and wes', Cooper; andford 94. S Phil de ,ocwell: 1279 Ifundred Rolls: Calf Ie Mercer holds 'wo cellars wi,h ,wo solars and I emp') place ,hrough Galf his father and he through Alice his mo,her, paying 4s '0 Phil de S,ocwell, wonh 3.' more, Cooper 88. T Carmelites: 1279 If undred Rolls: Alice Tare,er sold a collage to Ric de Can,erbury and he '0 'he Carmeli,es, paying Id '0 Wal,er Aurifaber, Cooper 9-1.

-nit Canll,ltus (Willie Fnan) 1256 Nich de Molis gramed the Cannelites a place near the hospital in tockwell Street: occupied on 21 Aug, VCH OXOII. Oxon ii, 18; CO ii, 344 (909). [Presumably all behind the street frontage. see nexl.] 1257 (5:2) Oseney agrees with Carmeli,es '0 qui, ,hem of tithes 3l,d oblations for IQ, a year in the area ieh de Molis gave them 'luxla, lIospttalt m Stockwt'LL\tret' and the nearby area formerly Nich de Stockwell with a sm.all opening for an entry on the front towards the street, on which they can build an oratory, the houses between their area and the road to remain as before, CO ii 345-7 (910). [The area given by Nich de Molis was evidenlly behind the street front, and Stockwell's area was presumably [I) above, where their ga,e was in 1282.) I 260s Royal gifLS of oaks '0 Carmelites in 1259 for their houses, and in 1258, 1266, 1267, 1268 for their church, VOl axon. ii, 138 (Close Rolls). 1270 (2:2) Oseney receives from the Carmelites 10 silver marks for tithes and oblations in lhe area in which Lheir oratory is built, and from the nearby area on the south, 40 fee, wide and rel,ching '0 the Thames, CO ii, 348 (914). [I' is jus, possible tha"his drea was the siLe of the Osene}' tenements A-C above, not mentioned in Lhe lIundred Rolls.] 1279 lIundred Rolls. The Carmeli,es have G, I, K (&everal,enemenLS) and T above. 1280 fhe Carmelites receive mortmain licence from the Crown to acquire as much adjoining land as they require, I'CH axon. ii , 138 (Pal. 9 Edw. I, m.30). 1282 See above a' I. 1283 The D,rmeli,es are sOUlh of Glouces,er College, BL Rol. CO'L vi (1,2), quoted In Cooper, 1972. 1288 I he prior of the Carmelites brings an assize of novel disseisin against the abbot of Glouces,er (on account of 'heir land taken by Gloucester College; resul' unknown), FCH axon. ii, 138. 1318 (I :2) King Edward II granLS '0 the Carmeli,es his palace of Beaumon, wi,h iLS closes and buildings, VCH axon. ii, 139 (Pal. II Edw. II , pl.i, m.3). 1318 0:5) John XXII authorises the Carmelites '0 sell or exchange their former dwelling place, VCH axon. ii, 139 (Cal. Papal L. ii, 175). Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 172 '" l 'J H , \ ..... 0 \ D () I) I)

1:ll H (28:6) ~ Ihe ling allows the Carmelites to make a tunnel from their old to their new site, I'ell O.\on. ii, 139 (Pat. II [dw II, pLii. 111 .:1; Inq. AQD 13:1 (18)). [It '"'' nO! builL] FOI the II'hite Filar., 'ee \ 'CH (han. ii, 137·43. P",t (lJ C/ollCf.lter Collfgf

1:l2 1 GlouccMcr College acquil ed the adja(('nt site of I he Carmelites (see 5), Galbraith, :\79-80. rhe extent of thc site in 1:i2 1 is not known, but may h3\'c induded most land a'!' f~lI south as I hthe Bridge Street. ifnOl :'111 the properties on Stock\\cll Street. In an) ca~e these may ha\c disappeared aner tht· Black Death. For later properties on J I)the Bridge Streel. sce 7 helo\\'.

HH/-llIf'fhl'lIa/ (G/ou(f'.sler J/all and ~Vo,.(p,\ln ColI"j{l') 1559 (I...J:J I) Crown survey wilh a view to salc. EHSJ. I:ti (Munim. ,\1.18) DesCI iption of buildings of and lands of Gioucestci College (see 5 abo\'{') does not necessarily include any land south of the college. though (as on the north ~ide), \0111(:, may have bcen leased by Ihe GIOlIteSlcl' Hall and Worcester College. 1675 Loggan's map shows twO separate ?nurscl)' garden::, south of GlouceSlel" Hall, with buildings at the corner and along II ,the Bridge Street (see 7 below). 1711 \\'orrester College purchased fnun \11 rho mas \\'rench [nursenman] 'the whole garden on the south 'ide of the COllege'. l 'Ut O\III/. iii, 309 n.66 (Mmute Ho"l29:6 1741 ). 177'1. Survey: Mr Tagg; giuden 78 ,ds '1. fL 9 ins ('1.36 h) frontage ~ollth of "-or(cstci College, ST 43. 1H 12 Decided thai 'the Garden on thc SOULh side of the college. late in the ocnlpiuion of ~Ir Tagg. Gardiner, be kept in the hands of the College, fa.· the use of fell(III', I'C/-I Oxon. iii, 309 n.68 (Minute Book I: 12 1813). \Vrenth and Tagg were noted nurserymen, whose principal garden was in Paradise Gardens in St Ebbe's, J. Ilarvey, Early N"n'rym,n ( 1974).


W(7) North of Hythe Brid ge Street: SO . (117) From corner or \VOI-cester Street to Hythe Hndge All'd.,..",/ rrCanll,lit,\ anti G/oumtn Collfg.}

C J:l Oseney propen) possibh here. "'lee 6 abo\ e, A-C; for other Osene) propert) 111 Irishmanstreet, possibly here. or ~Iherni.lti\'eh west or . see CO il. 361- 5. and rcntals. 1:1:18 (5:6) Joh de Dokelinton's executors grant to\dam de a tenement iuxta Ilithebruge: Giles de Chllele E, th" I hames running to Castle Mill\\, (Lincoln deed) 1349 (18:4) Sib)!. wielow of Ri< de Selewode grants to Ric Auewoele and others a messuage 111 St Thomas' al Hithebruge; Agnes de \\'ichele E. the ling's mill stream W (Lincoln deeel) ell Wood refers to presentments of nuisanle for Gloucester College hlocking of the lane to Stoke well, Wood i, 366. For 'Plato'> Well', see \\'ood ii, 365. Po.\(-wnl,Pl.1a/

Prcsumabl) did not pass with (.Ioucester I hili, ~ee 6 above. 1675 Loggan's llIap shows buildings and an irregulal plot orland along the nOl'lh "'Idc of I" the B. idge Street; Sun C) (I 17)

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society .:., l R \' 1:.. () f W F S -I 0,"" () R J) 17:\

1772 une)': ~Ir Roberts; house and garden 27 yd, I ft 9 ins ( 2 ft) frontage south 01 Tagg's garden and Worce,ter College (see 6 above); Mr Roberts; home, garden, ,hop, &c 106 yds 8 ins (318 ft) frontage between comer and High B,;dge, Sl 37. On 18th-cent map.., a narrow strip is shown along , much as on Loggan: this appears ..,omewhat wider on Haggar's tn,IP of 1850, and as a larger and more rectilinear plot (but still sepanne from the college) on the 1898 as plan, with a frontage of about 110 feel on \\'orcester lreel. As late as 18-48 plan \Vorcester College did not include corncl of Ilythe Bridge Street, Bodi. MS Top. axon a.22(R); no doubt the Worceste, archives will hold fnorc information. W(8) Hythe Bridge Street (Site 01) L1200-10 Osene) builds Hythe Bridge, CO ii, 419 (1055). c.1220-25 fhomas fiI Rog fil Hemming quitclaims to Oseney rent from land between the road 'which lies between Sto(;welle and Oxford Castle' and the new bridge to Osene}. between Ric de Stocwelle and Rog Trash, which land is the king\ highway, CO ii, 360 (933). Rob Iii Thos Iii Rag confirms, CO ii 361 (934). Cf4 O,ene) rebuilds bridge, EHR xxxiii, 500. W(9) Worcester StreetlHythe Bridge Street (Ca, I'arl) ,\1"11_,,,,1 dud,: CO ii, 366-73, propenies A-H below A. Domus Trais 1230-1244 CO Eva wido\\ of Roger Trais grant' her cornel" land to Osene}; it extends from the house of the Ilospitallers to the ri\'t~r and is between the road to the ne\\ bridge and land of Richard Iler; 12<1 10 chief lord, 2d to the light of St [homas and Id to her. 1230-·11 CO Reginald Pistol' and Alice d. of Roger Tmis quitclaim; so does Loece. 1257 CO Lease by Oseney of i:I me~~uage to Robel"t Vorn and his wife Agnes. 1279 Cooper 68 Alicia Forn holds a messuage with 6 cottages; 205. 1287/8 CO Avice d. of Robert Vorn, a widow, quitclaim~ to Oseney; it reaches fi·olll the Thames in the weSl to the tenement of I. de Eynsham in the east; abo the (llrlillum that stretches in length to the hedge that runs from the Illore western tenement of said John to the ditch opposite the castle in width. once of the tenement that Ric. Her held of Osency. 1288 CO Osene), grant her a corrod)"; she rna)' (I\,,'ell in the small tiled house next to the principal messuage that Robert Ie Forn once held, and the adjacent curtilage in length reaching the small house on the east and in breadth towards the south reaching the curtilage that Ric. Iler once held, now enclosed b) a wall. 1321 CO Oseney lease to Thomas de Newentone, mason, and Agnes for their li\'es the messuage with cottages that Robert Ie Forn once held by H)'the Bridge; 26~ rent. 1317 OR ' l1lOmas Ie Masun 2& 1321 OR Thomas cernentarius 26\ B, John of Eynsham 1257/8 CO Crant b) Oseney of a corner house between land of Roben Ie Fom and land thaL was of Ric. Her; lOs rent. 1279 Cooper 67 I. Sclatter has a house and seven cottages, lOs to Oseney worth 10.\ more. 1283+ OR Domus Trays ic. de Enesham lOs 1317 Bishop Emma d. of l. de Eynesham g"anted to Cilbert f. Will. de Hakebourne a mes uage in St Thomas between a tenement of Margaret Q. of and a lenement ofThos. rEspice ... He in turn granted it to William f. Henry de Covele. Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 474 J . M U N B Y AND A. DO 0 0

C. The Trais cottages 1279 See (B). D. Domus Her 1250 CO Richard Her grants to Roland de Oddiggeseles a messuage between Oseney N. and once I. Bard S. in StocweUestreet; rent 21d. 1258/9 CO Roland grants to Oseney; described as before; to be held free of service. 1279 Cooper 66 Roger of Oseney holds with Alice f. Raben; rent 65. 1320 OR l\vo cotlages, Will. Ie Ros and [) scriptor 1324 OR Domus Her 5s E. The next south 1279 Cooper 65 Magister Henry holds an empty place of Philip of Stockwell for Id. F. Domus Wytteneye 1279 Cooper 64 Rad. Cu pere holds a COllage of Alice de Wyttenei and she by William her father: 6d to Oseney, worth 25 more. 1280 OR Once William de Wyttheney 6d 1285 OR Once William de Witten' 1317 OR Domus Witteney 1320 OR Domus Witteneye per Ric. de Tewe 1324 OR Domus Witteneye 6<1 From l387 it cannot be identified. This seems to be out of place in the rentals. The coll ector visits here before Peter de Stockwell on the northern corner of Hythe Bridge Street, so this should be part of W(7). G. Jordan Pistor 1279 Cooper 63 Ric Heymonger holds a house Oseney had of Andrew Auceps for 5s, it is 1 wonh 12 /2d. 1387 OR 4th tenement of Calf. de Burton. I-len. Marys 5s H. A placea of the King 1279 Cooper 62 Ric Carpenter holds an empty place of the King; 2s to exchequer. Post·medievalleases: CO ii, 373-5. 1772 Mrs Freeman's house and garden 318 ft, ST 35. 1793 sold to Canal Company, CO ii, 374. C20 Acquired by NufTield College for annexe to coll ege buildings, Colvin Unbuill Oxford (Yale, 1983), I 68ff. W(IO) Oriel College/New Road (Queen's Arms, Morrell's) Medieval deeds: Oriel Records, 271 , 327-9; CO ii, 492-4. 1232/3 Oriel. Henry de Tywe grants LO William Franceis in freemarriage his nonhern tenement held of Nic. Molendinarius by the external drawbridge lOwards the N. from Oxford castle, reaching to the Thames and to the moat of the castle; rent to Nicholas Molendinarius 12d. 1270/1 Oriel Nicholas Franceis with the assent of Matilda grants in free alms to the Hospital of St Bartholomew between Robert Ie Vorn and the castle ditch; 12d to Robert while he lives. 1279 Cooper 61. Bans holds two cola of the grant of Nicholas Franceis, and he of William his father; 12d to Nic. Crabbe. worth 25 more.

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society SURVEY OF WEST OXFORD - MAP 1

50o~ t


., iil-_--... ~ ,'. \ W(2)



BROKEN BEyS , r--;:=::::::::::=:::::::::::=~


W(ll) . { CASTLE

1 '1~, I Walioll SLlcel, properties 1· 12. Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society SURVEY OF WEST OXFORD - MAP 2


[ •...... ::" ... :' [

W(71) BOTI.EY ROAD W(83) \'---.!.-.---. / W(85)


:tl ~ ~ ~ ;! '0: '0: '0: ~ .!:l ~ ~ ! ~ '0: ~

..,. ,.' ~ i ~ ' . ' Soot :; 1

Jig 2. S, I h(lIlld" !>. proptc'TlItc'\ 13-110

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society ~ t I{ \ t. Y () I W f. S T () X fOR [) )7!'",

1407 CO Thomas Coodfelawe of Bloxham grants lO Hugo Cok a garden in Irishmanstreet with a little stream from the Thames to tlle castle ditch. which he IIlhented from his father Nicholas. 1442 CO Thoma; Cocke, son of Hugo late of Oxford grants the same lO William Codfra~ and Margeria his wife for life. 1444 Oriel TI,e King releases to "'alter Lyhen a pi'" in Fish Street where once stood the Cok and the same garden with stream. 14-.11 Oriel \\'aller grants the same to Oriel; no warrdlllY. 1414 CO Waltetleases the garden to William Godfray and Margeria for their lives. It seem!) thatlhese tenements ha\'e Vorn (on the t·iver bank) west, the castle east and olher tenements north and south. and are sometimes described with abuttals east-west and sometimes nonh-south. pOI/·m,d,tt'aL leale<, OneL, 329. 1769 Sold lO 1~"'l ey Turnpike Commi;sioners fOI ew Road, see J. Munb)' and II. WalLOn, ' Building of ·ew Road·. o."m;","a, " (1990), I 27--il. 1772 ~Ir Pace)" house, 18ft (N of New Road), ST :\5.


W(II) nivffidmarsb Lane (Night Club) M,dtn',u dm1;, /': /111' Call. ~I here must be at least three tenements here. A. University College 1270 UlE2/311 WI Petronilla d. of Henr) the 1 anller grants 6. relll to I. of GodslOwe 110111 the tenement Nic. Crabbe held of hel t'f1".HL.\ II' Barbelum 1286 IE2/311 0/2 I. de CodsLOw grants his renl to Nic. de Wychendone; between I, Barbeem, and 131ld of Philip Burgeis 1295/6 U/E2/3/1 0 /3 Nic. de Wynchendon grants to Rad. de tokes; as before with Nic Burgeis instead of Philip. 1316 f\, xxiiI 636: The" ill of Rad. de Stoke: Item lego Galfrido fratri meo 6 solid""" annui redditus provenientes de tenemenLO icholai Crabbe atte mallbnlgge in parochia sancti Thome in suburbio Oxonie. \Vood thinks Smallbrugge is Knowles' Bridge but it must be another name for here. 1322 U, E2/31 D,4 Emma de BOlles "idow of NiL C,·abbe quitcla,ms to I. de Gom,arelb) and so eventually to Universit), College; between Osene} south and Barts north . B. Crabbe's 1279 Cooper 60. "lie. Crabbe has one messuage b), !\ite. Molendinarius and he of O.ene) for 4,; 2.\ to the heir of Nic .. worth ..h more. 1280 OR Terra ,acua . 1\. Crabbe and R,c. Lingdrape,· 4.5 1317 OR N. Crabbe and Emma 2.<. 13 i OR 3nl tenement of Calf de Bounon, Ric. [het 2., C. Next south 12i9 Coope, 59. Robert of W)lham hold, a house of \Iice d'lUghter of Ilugh and she of lIugh; rent to Oseney 2.,; wonh 6s. 1317 OR Gall. Cocus 2.< . 1387 OR 2nd tenement of Galf de BOllnon, Thomas Wh)tele 2.• .

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 176 M t ""I B \ \ N DAD 0 0 0

PO.I/-",edll'vailease,. Umv Call. (to Tawney I nr)

1773? L Ill\- sells to Mileways Commissioners 1772 Waste ground, 51 rt (bet" Ne" Road and Tawney), ST 35. c.1961 Purchased by Nuffield College W(12) Tidmarsh Lane Malthouse (loniversit) Sune)or)

Med,,,,,al d"d,. CO II. 3i5-80. 1200 CO Granted to GalC de Burton 1 2~0 CO Granted to Osene) ror a pittance 1270 OR N. Crabbe IBd 1279 Coopel' 58. Oseney holcl$ a vacant plot, once of \Valler Ie Tanner. in pUle alms; worth 4J. 1285 OR Terra Galf' de Burton; ple/allria. I ~l 16 OR Domus Bradenach fur pilallCUlnlml 1&1 Disappears from rentals from 1324 p(Hl-medu~·l'alleast.'i, CO ii, 38 J 1772 ~ I awney, mailhollse, garden & waste ground. 26-1 ft (on E side). Ta\\ ney. house. 64 ft (on side) T 35. 1773 Sold to Talme), ibid. W(13) Boreham's Yard (St Peter's CoUege) See Oxrord Archaeology, Boreham's Y,nd, Tidmarsh Lane, unpublished desktop assessment, also Booth, 'The \Vest Gale of Oxford Castle: Exca\'ations at Boreham'~ Yard . Tidmarsh Lane, Oxrord, 19~-5 ', Oxollle/lIIn, Ixiii (2003), 363-424. M ,diroal deeds Southern tenement: Land of Stephen de Hampton 12 10 0 Granted to Hugh Pisto, Northern tenement: Land of Laurence Kepeharm J 2 10 Codstow 52 J Laurence Kepehanll grants to GodSlOW 2~ from land or \Villiam Burgeis under the castle Both: CO 1261 /2 Gramed to Thomas or Reading by Philip Burgeis: Walter Ie clanner is N. 1279 Cooper 57. Oseney holds rour cola 'by the castle b"idge' or the gram orThomas vicar or Cokewell who bought or Thomas, Porter or Oseney, who bought of Robert Pole; lOs to the ,icar orCokewell, 2s tOJohn Burgeis and 2s to Godstow. 1280 OR Domus Willelmi Crompe per Cossepuil 2s 1317 OR Agnes Dlond 2s There is no payment of2t to Godslow in the resoluciones. 1387 1st tenement orGaIrde Bourton, John elby 2s.

Posl-meduval deeds Badcock 1829: CO ii, 60 I Title deeds or Boreham's Yard (seen by JM): 1871 ( 18:10) Dean and Chapter to William Round orSt Thomas', Coal Merchant ro. £700 'messuage or dwell ing house with the cottage stable and outbuildings yard and premises adjoining" in occupation WR, together with a garden plOl formerly

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society .., U R \ " 1· Y 0"- W E S I 0""- () R D 17 7

woodyard near the messuage and brew house formerly of John Bishop. Castle \\all (S). towards Hylhe Bridge (. ). the \I'arham Stream (\1') and Castle Wall (E). no" called Castle 1 louse. 1883 (/:2) Will of William Round leaves all ,eal and per""nal properly to his" ife 188·1 (31:5) Mrs S.M. Round sell> lO "tephen Franklin oflhe Canal Wharf Lime ' Ierchanl for £ I 100 the Castle House and COllage yard >Lable buildings and ground acljollling 1888 (27:6) Slephen Frd.nklin Lllne Mel"Challl conveys "'line lO his son Henl") Franklin of lhe Canal Wharf. Coal Merchant. 1914 (/:10) lIenn Franklin de,ises to his w,fe FlancesJane and dies at Castle Hill House 193-1 (1: 7) Will of Frances J Franklin appoints her sons and exeCUlOl'S and dies. 1936 (/:12) lIerberl Franklin MA and The Revd Frederick H Franklin having execuled lhe will of FJ F now veSl lhemselves in the '~lab l e~ and yard all3ched in Tiullouse Lane now or for some urne pasl in occupation of Fredet-ick C.L. Boreham as lenanl.' 1949 (25:3) The Franklins sell lO FGL BOI cham. Elew"iG,1 Engineer for £2750. 199 :~ P:IO) Borehams Ca,' Eleclrical Senile> Ltd ,,,1I,0 St Peter's College.

H ~Rl CROSS QL 1"1"(. BRIDGE ,,'II) ROL'I) tiff CASII.~

W(14) Swan PH (I n road. N of Ca;L1e Mill) Po,/-",,,dln.<,1: OCP 198-9 W(J5) Castle Mill See ' "CfI OAon. i\' for medie\'al hislOl")

POl /-/II,dleml: OCI' 200 OI\I IS papers on lhe demolilion controver,y. Bodl. Ocp. d. 511. [here cross bridge back. o\'er the millslreamJ 11'(16) Paradise Slreel oorth (SI P,ld, Coll,W. ql/ ol/dalll mil" d'POI) Memioned in OCP 189 but nOl included. 1923 Schedule of City Prope"y. 60 [W

\\'ARAM B",IJFlsmRs Row. Sl tIRl,,(; II lilt SOl III E'Ill

W(J 7) Swans est POIl-lII,d,n.,,,I: OCI' 196-8 W( 18) Malthouse opposile bridge, etc All'difllal doclImt"tlh Land b} CasLie Bridge. This eem~ (0 have been a lomplcx prOperl) (omaining ~c\'eral cottages (lcncmenwlll super aquam cum (ol.3giis) 1277 OR Nic. Pisealor ISd; Ga lf. PiscaLO. 17d (1&1 in later ,.enlals) 1279 II R 237 ichol .. PiseaLO ' b) heredity pal ing :1, to Osene) and 2d to lhe church as ch,ef lord. Probably J-I R 239 was here lO(J . 1317 ORJohn de Coleshulle 2., 1387 OR William Cotesale and Richard Dyere :11

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 178 J M l' N BY AND A I) () D ()

1420 I" xxiii, 374. C",nt by Thome Gibbys and Margaret his wife to lrustees of a messuage with 4 shops and gardens adjelcent in St I homas by the Castle Mills between the tenement once of William Dycr by Ie Castelmyllyate to the wcst and a stream commonly called Temese 011 the eafit, from the High Way by the mill'i LO the north to a small stream running behind the said gardens to the south. 1428 OR rhomas Cybbes 3,. 1453-79 OR (Mansura prima super war<-lm versus Castrul11 cum jiii cOLagiis iUXLl pOlllcm l110lendini CasLri) TreLhcl-f family 3\ Post-medieval ChCh quitrent: CO ii, 503 W(\9-20) Medewards j\.1ediet-'ll1 documenb 1277 OR Domus Medeward 12d 1279 II R 238 (RS) I-Iem') Blome holds by IllS wife the widow of William Ie Mode" ard, who bought it of Arnisius Pannarius; half a pound of cumin LO Roben Molendinarius and 12d 10 the Earl of Cornwall as chief lord. 1317 OR GalfCocus 12d 1387 OR Agnes Deve 12d; it is now two tenements 1428 OR Rob. 5kyrne 12d 1453-79 OR VaJ;ous tenants. 20s Post-medin'll/ 10lh to 11th Christ Church tenements, CO ii , 501-3 W(2\) 51 Katharine's House Mediev"l documents, CO ii 394-400 Domlls ad finem ponti [sic). This was two Icnen1ents, the corner property (A. B) and one to the west running as far as the Backslream (C). 1245/6 CO Peter Faber and his wife may for their lives dwell in the liled house by Castle Bridge (pOlltcm versus Castrum) opposite the land thal was Hasar's. BUllhis might also be Bookbinders, 1273 GociSlow 712 Waller f. Robert de Chcveleswelle grants to Alexander of Cowley, miller, and Malilda his wife; it is between Humfrey Fissher and the King's way. 1277 OR Roben ad finem ponti per Alexander Molendinarius 6s; House of Adam Ferrator b), the same fu. 1279 II R 240, Alexander of Tvdinglon of the gram in freemarriage by Alexander of Cowie). 1317 OR \: Domus ad finem pOlltis, 3\. B' Domus proxima 3.L C: Domus Ada SerraLOris 5.1, 1387 OR Ric. Dyere and Maurice Taylour. 1428 OR A: Abbot of Rewley 3,; B: Thomas Gybbes 3s, C: Thomas Cybbes 5\. 1444/5 CO Osenc) have recovered A by a writ of cessavil; Rewley cede it and quitclaim all rights on the said bank. They also conccde access to their meadow so that Oseney may fish the stream bClween Osenc)"s lock by the close ofRewley Abbe) on Ihe west as far as Hylhe B,'idge [W(73)] 1453-79 OR A: Various lenalllS, 20s B&C: Trelher! fa mil) 4.> &1. Post-med,eval: OCP /93-6 [here Bookbinders and Quaking Bridges]

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society ,)l ltV!·' 0'" WI'ST OX I· ()Itl) 17H

W(22) WaramlLower Fisher Row ,\I,dlrt"'[ duds: CO II, 382-91 1210 CO Granted to Hugh de Scipfo/d, miller; Slrnon [] and William Longus had held; reserving access to the water for the inhabitants of lhree cotana in the road thal leads to the castle. It is hard to see where these can have been - see W(30). 1277/8 OR Luca piscator 5s 1280 OR Luca piscator Viel Fullo; between \\,illl<1111 of "-liford and Gerald b"other of Wiger 1241-7 CO Alice widow of John Viel quitdail11s lO Oseney; her husband had held of John I'ady 127 /9 OR Rad. Carpentarius 55 1279 Cooper 2 Oseney holds 4 COllages worth 20.; could be all the resl. 1280 OR Wall. Pisealor altered to Matilda Ie Mareys 5. 1317 OR Will. de Glorie -Is 1320 OR I. de Wante -Is

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 180 M Lr N 1\ \. \ NO\. 0 () L) 0

Post 11lIliinl(l/: Ith Christ Church tenement, CO ii , ·198 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 602 W(26) WaramILower Fisher Row Medln'il/ d"d,: CO ii , 382-91 1278 CO Oseney grant lO Roger' de Sallnlford and his wile Marger'ia belween Osene) (N.) and John Roland's house (S.) 1278/9 OR Mal ilda de Rading 6.< 1279 Cooper 3 Roger de Samford holds of Osene, 1280 OR Roger de Saunford (is 13 17 OR Thomas Ie Tanner and \\lire 5\ 1320 OR T Ie Tannere 5,

Po~ t 1IlIliinlll/: 5th Christ Church tenement, CO ii , 19M Badcock 1829, CO ii, 602 W(27) WararnlLower Fisher Row Med,n",/ dm/l: CO ii, 382-91 1278/9 OR John Roland 4.< 1279 Cooper 4 John Roland holds a messuage 01 lhe fee of lhe Earl of Cornwall, he of Roland his falher and he of Richard SeOl and Richard de EI)a L) nge Draper; 12.\ LO Cornwall and? to Osene) 1280 OR John Roland ~s 1285 CO ~Ialthew f. John Roland grant, to Juliana TropencJ his slepmothel a cellar and solar bel"een Richard Ie Lingedrapcr (5.) and Roger de Sand lord (N.) 1296 CO Adam or Abingdon and luliana de Iropinel his wire quitclallTI 1.0 O!'enc; belween Richard Ie Clolhmonger (S.) and I. de Saunford (N.) 1317 ORld 1320 OR I. de Sibford Id

POSL 1tIfliirval: 6th Christ Church tenement. CO ii, 498-9 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 602 W(28) WaramILower Fisher Row Medin'a/ deeds: CO ii , 382-91 1278/9 OR Ric. Lvngedraper 8s (called lhe house olThomas Tinclor) 1279 Cooper' 5 Richard Lyngedraper holds I COllages of Oseney and Cooper 6, a tenement once orThoma!'l ... 1280 OR Richard Ljngedraper t< 1317 OR2s 1320 OR M. Will. Herdwike 4.1 + 12d pro iliner e 1:189 OR Ric. Djer 13, + 12d ,ia ad aquam I 15 ~1 OR Via ad aquam rnodo lalrina.

Post 1I/f{/tellal: 7th Christ Church lenemelll. CO ii, <499-500 Bade()( k I H29, CO ii , 602 W(29) WaramILower Fisher Row Mn/lI'I'n/ dud,: CO ii, 382-91 1279 Cooper 7 Robert de \VailS. but wrongl) Sli.IlC~ lhat it i, held of Osene) 1331 LA 37 Will of Will. de Herdewyk 13~0 CO Execulors ofm. Will . de Herdew)k sell 10 Ill. Will de Slafford bel"een len. Will. de Assheb) holds of Oseney ( .) and lhe road.

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society ')URVl-Y OF WEST OXFORD IKI

1348 CO I. aLte Mulle of Bicester chaplain grants to Margeria de Stan lake 1378 CO Calf. Norton piscenarius and Katherina his wife grant to Thomas Somerset and John Shaw; he holds by grant of Robert de Whitele mercer. 1469 CO Robert Hall grants to Oseney 1498 OR I. Sutton 6.1 &J Pos/medin'll/: 8th Christ Church tenement, CO ii, 500-1 Badcock 1829, CO ii , 602 W(30) Waram/Lower Fisher Row Medin'lll deeds: CO ii, 3S2-9 I From the rentals it appears that there were lenements between the corner tenemelll and Bookbinders stream. Domus angularis and W(23) may be one and the same but there is no record of a rent to Osency [rom the latter until 1498. 1280 OR Domus angularis 4s; Domus proxima 2~; Domus quana 2s; both Richard Lyngedraper. Could this be Cooper 6? 1317 OR Corner 45; Will. Broun sutor 4.<; Will. Ie Couper 3s; Will. Ie Ros 35 1320 OR M. Will. Herdwike 45; 3 = Willie Copere, 4 vacat, 5 = Will. Ie Ros 13S9 OR There is now a solar above. 1498 OR 5 cottages by Bookbinder's bridge, 13, 4d, Will. Bonefant. Post m,diroal: 9th Christ Church tenemelll, CO ii, 50 I Badcock 1829, CO ii, 602 W(3 1-2) WaramlMiddle Fishe r Row Post m,dleva/: 12th & 13th tents ChCh CO ii, 503-1 Badcock IS29, CO ii, 603 [12-13) W(33-6) Uppe r Fisher Row Pos/ medieval For leases of four City tenements: see Prior App. Ill .


W(3 7) Hoser 's Te neme nt Medin'al deeds: CO ii, 402-4 1210 CO Granted to Oseney cum molendino chevalera7 by Will. Hosarius. Wood calls it Chevaliers Mill and says it was once held by the of Cowie). See p. 410. 1316 OR Two houses of Hosar, 33s and 325 1317 OR St George's HalJ and next, 33s and 315 13S9 OR Tenementa Osarii, rent fallen to 9s and 6.< &J 1449 OR Combined rent 26.1 &J Pos/-m.dumal deeds: 18th tent ofChCh, CO ii, 523-4. Leased to brewers from I7IS, and Morrells from 1803; Badcock 1829, CO ii , 604 [IS) W(38-9) next Mediroal duds: CO ii, 405-10 (Frideswide's tent) The Frideswide's tenement consisted of two houses (W(38), W(39». 5 cottages (W(40)) and a final house (W(41». In 1317 W(38) and W(39) are Domus Gylot Cissoris and next, W(40) are Cotagia Trillaria and W(41) is Domus Scot. It appears that W(41) occupies the entire space from Knowles' Bridge to the Northeast corner of the Hamel. Salter believes the other

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 182 J \1 l '" 8 Y 'l" 0 ADO n t) properties are in the Hamel, but in that case the rem collector would presumably visit Ihem after W(41); and anywa), the Hamel is full enough already. \\'e are simpl) told that the cottages are by the stream that flows under Osene); access may have been b) another side street parallel to the Hamel and 10 ils east. as in Badcock. or b) a path on the we!)1 bank or the weS! Bookbinder stream. In thaL case the hOll.o;;e opposite Hos~lr's lhat Ric. ~Iolendinadus and Alice Scot grant to Osenev fill thei. le",c might be \1'(38) and \\'(39) ,,"he. than Bookbinders. Said to be once of 11 0 ar. Entire tenement: 1251 CO William Amys. \\ ho seem, to be Amys Ie Linged. aper (see W(42)). 1260 CO Bought by Oseney ror 15 mark~ from SI Frideswide's. to whom it WilS grallled by Reginald the Mason. who had bought it from \Villiam Amis. W(38-9): 1277/8 OR Thomas Tinctor. But sec p. :189. W(:18) and W(39) disappear from the renta" from 1387

Pnl/-"lPdln.~" deedl: 16th -17th tent of ChCh. CO ii. 522-:1 Badcock 1829. CO ii. 605 [16-17] W(40) next, to corner of Hamel \/edll'7Ja/ deed.\." CO ii. 405-10 (Frides,"de", tent) See W(38-9) Let with \\,(·11) ft om 1387 POI/-1II,,/il'l.'a/ deedl: 15th tellL of Cheh. CO ii. 520-21 Badeoek 1829. CO ii. 606 (15] W(41) East side of Hamel Medu'M/ dud.,.. CO ii. 405-16 (Frideswide"> tent) 1261 CO Lease la Ric. Molendinariu!I and Alicia SCQ( for 4s; Ihe) pay 10 marks and grant a house opposite Hasar's. 1270 CO They buy a 13ft by 13ft 1'10' from William Pickering at W(39). 1277/8 OR Alice SCOt 4 .. 1317 OR Rob. de Leehe 8s I :187 OR Unnamed. 9,; let with COllages. lh ) 453 both side~ or the Hamel ha\'c been ,-ebuilt so as to erase lhe old tenemcm boundaries. There are three tenements 111 lligh Street. there is a ~hop at the cornel with a ')olar above it. and one more tenemCni at the top of the Hamel. PO.I/-medlrm/ deed\: 1st telll ofCheh. CO II. 524-30 Badeock 1829. CO i•. 607 [I] W(42) East side of Hamel Medwoa/ deedl: CO ii. 405-16 (Roland's tent) 1251 /2 CO Roland of Reading grants to Reg. Cementa!"i",: I

are called lmnllrolll fimdnlons vocal, uofu'"" Clalld, . rhis shollid not be taken LOO seriollsly; generall) propenies whose deeds cannot be found are attributed to the founder. The foundation charter sa)'S that the lands of Leofwin Claudus were mfra burgum. Posl-l/l,dlnJ(l/ tUtds. 2nd Lent of ChCh, CO ii, 524-30 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 607 (2) W(43) East side of Hamel M,diroa/ duds: CO ii, 405-16 ( picer's) \Villiam Specer had once held here. 1258 CO Reg. Cementa';us granl> to Walter his son; he had boughL from I. de la Lappe. He grants it to his mother for life. 1271/2 CO John Crompe sells 45 renL from here to Roger Hering. 1277/8 CO Walter grants to William de Wodestone; -Is to Roger Hering, Id to I. de 13 Stappe. But it also seems to pay 8d to (heney. 1279 HR 242. As previous bUL 10d to 0 eneyand Id to the church instead ofSLappe. Why this is in the Hundred Rolls but neighbouring tenements are not is unknown. 1314 15eO Roger Heringqullc1anns 4; rent to Osene) 1316 OR Cotagium Scriptoris -!J 6d 1324 OR Cotagium I. BenollL 4s 6d 1326 Cart. ic. Bishop. In an enumeration of the rents of the Kepeharm estate thel-e i!ol mention of 14d from a tenement of Leli h\ la lasolln once Ric. Spicer in St TIlOmas. Disappears thereafter

POSI-II",du'l>a/ duds: 3rd Lent ofCheh, eo ii, 52·1-:~() Badcock 1829, CO ii, 607 [3) W(44) East side of Hamel Meditt~d duds: CO ii, 405-16 Quondam I. de ybbeford (alive 1271) PO.lI-mfl/U'tJa/ duds: 4th tent of ChCh, CO ii, 524-30 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 607 [4) W(45) East side of Hamel PO.lI-m~dil'l'a/ duds: 5th tent of hCh, CO ii, 524-30 Badcock 1829, CO ii. 607 [5) W(46) East side of Hamel /I1,dltm/ dud.. : CO ii, 105-16 (LlIc de Wurth) 1316 OR Doma nova ad pon,em 6., 1324 OR Domus Ie Ilare 6s 1387 OR Tenementum Luce de Wonh, Mal. Ryng, 6., to sacrist In 1435 this is the ninth F'rideswide tenement velten tude [.HC] Worth and the rent is to.\. PO.'I-wdirml dmi<: 6th telll of ChCh, eo ii, 524-30 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 607 [6] W(47) East side of Hamel, south end f',/tdin)ai: domus super conductum 1387 OR Second ,enement of Luke de W", tho 4j to sarTlSt.

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 18' M L :"\; B Y AND, 0 () 0 0

PO.I/-m"/i",,,"l dudl: CO ii, 534 Badcotk 1829, CO ii, 607 [14]. Helber! Ilurst noted a house here decorated with Sybil's heads. W(48) West side of Hamel: Two cottages at the south end of the Hamel on the west ,'/"lIn'al dud... CO 11,116-28 1325 CO Michael Pille granlS to Stephen de \dynton; he had them ofKal. de Wodesdone. \Vi lliam de Woclesdone also has a meadow around here, but the desuiption i:s hard LO understcll1d: see CO ii , 460. Posl-lIledll!'val deedl: ith tent of ChCh, CO ii , 5:11-4 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 608 [7] W(49) West side of Hamel Medieval dfPds: CO ii , 4 16-28 (11,,11 01 St Ilelen's) 1240 CO Philip of St Helen grants to St John's Ilospital (HSj) the land he held of Andrew llalegod; 10\ to the laller and -I marks to Philip and his si::;tel"while the) live. 12·16 CO Andrc" Halegod confirms the gift. 126617 CO HSj grant to icholas de Weston (= II'odesdon: William and icholas were brothers) 1271 CO Nicholas dies and le,nes to his daughter Alice. though wife Emma may mhabit while she lives. 1277ii8 OR 2d rent to Oseney 1279 II R 2'-1 I \-\'illiam de \\'odesdone holds b) malTiage to icholas" \\ He Emma; the family seems in a terrible mes::; but as \\,illiam was one of the jurors we 111£1) hardl) doubt the entry. 1285 OR The rent is many years in arrears 13 17 OR 4d rent from Alice de Wodesdone 1322 CO Al ice dies 1325 CO Nicholas and William de Wodesdone, sons of Alice, grant to Stephen de Adynton 1333 CO Stephen grants to J ohn de Bibury wi th \v(48); there are 5 cottages. A rent of 4d to Oseney is mentioned for the first lime. It is described as between Oseney tenements on either side; maybe Osene)' built on both sides of the Hamel \\ hen Lhe y made the new house at \\'(46). 1 3~l3 CO john of Bibur} grants to Osene}; but in general his grants appear to have been of no effect. and the tenement now \'ani~hes from the rentals up to 1435 I 115 CO Osene} buy the HSj rent lor 40 marks. I 15 ~1 CO Nine new tenements on the west of the Ilamel appear in the rentals, th e first being that of Nicholas \Yeslon; John Ddlton pa)s lOs. This replaces all the tenements as far as \\'(53) inelusi'e. The last (n lllth) ne\\ entl) is described as cotagium \'ocatum ~Iarionhalle ; \\ hether this is one of the older cottages is unclear. Posl-TIlf(hn'lll dm": 8th tent ofChCh, CO ii , 531-·1 Badcock 1829, CO ii , 608 [8] W(50) West side of Hamel: Domus Ie Quarreour M,dm'fll d",d.\; CO ii, ~ 16-28 (Domu, Ie QU;I1 leour) 1205 CO juliana d. of Gilebert grants to I. III "tel hel land 111 Osene) that she holds of the Abbey between land of Philip Alegod ancl land of Adam Janitor; I/~Ib cumin to her and 6d to Osene}.

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society ... l U. \ I- \ () I W I, S I 0"" () U. I) IWI

1254-60 CO O!tene~ gram to \\'aller Ie 1~lI1nUl and Oiollisia his wife a messuage in St Thoma> between land once of PhiL de SI Ilelena and their land that Walter the c3"pemer once held; &. rent. Note that it \\as [wmerly rented at 5J and maintained at the Abbey's expense. 12M3,6 OR Domus Walteri Ie Tannur per \\,ill. Quadratorem 9, 13M7 OR Ten. Ade Ponarii per loh. Saul11mcl R\~ pluance 1435 OR Ten. Ade Portarii per lad. So"dam 12.1. ~ I a)be includes cottage I' Posl-lIIrdirl.'Ol dud..: 9th tent of ChCh, CO ii, 531-1 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 608 [9] W(SI) West side of Hamel: colagium primum A/,dirml dud.I: CO 11,416-28 127;-8 OR Dornus Galf. de "'ithon per Powyc ad vitam sua III 6~ 1285 OR Domlls PO\\)"c ad vitam suam 1283/6 OR Cotagium primum per Powy( h 1389 OR I leid with Mansura prima " I~ 1O!l1 OR CotaglUm primum [Ade] Il'ill. Snllth & Simon Sm)th-/.,

POl/-md,rl'fl1 dud,: 10lh tent ofChCh, (0 II. 531-1 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 608 [10] W(52) West side of Hamel: com er cottage A/ldtn.'lll dud" CO ii.116-28 12;;-8 OR O()mll~ in angulo per leli(l~lm Brelel ad vitam ~lIam 4J 1285 OR Oomus in angula per Brctcl ad \ itam SU~lll1. This is not Bretel's: curious!) Salter, having correctly distinguished the two Ihelels. confounds their house~. 12g~V6 COlagiulTI secundum per rcliclam b 1316 Cotagium secundulll Thollle Ie Foci 5., 1389 OR I kid with Mansura primil 5., 1410; II OR Co,agiulll secundum 5.1 Ilere follow in 1285 onl}': 1285 ler",. angula"is 1285 COlagiulll primum per Will. Mol[] Po,I-'lU'dll'T.<,1 duds: Il'h tent of ChCh, CO ii, 531-1 Badcock 1829, CO /I, 608 [I I] W(53) Wes' side of Hamel POlHlU'd'~T.'ll1 dulls: 12,h tent of Cheh, CO /I. 531- 1 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 608 [12] W(S4) High Street wes' of Hamel Posl-lIlldll'T.<,lllmb: 14th 'ent of ChCh, CO ii, 519-20 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 610 [14] W(S5) Higb Street south side Mldm.>al un/a!.. 1285 OR Cotagium ecundum per POller 1277-8 OR CotaglLllllterciulll, POller :1. 1389 OR Held With Mansura pnma 3., 1~28 OR Held w,th Mansura pnma 4.

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 186 J '1 l '" B \ ' AND A [) () D 0

Ilere rollow~ in 1277 only: 1277-8 COlagiulll quanulll, Ric. Ic Graunger 3\ Posl-TIlPd,n'al dml<: 13th tent ofChCh, CO ii. 517-19 Badcock 1829. CO ii, 610 [131 W(56) High Street south side: Adam the Janilor Med,rlJa/ ren/a/., Because of the rebuilding of the 11 'lrnel in lhe 151h century the nUlllbers do not corre~pond up to here. But it is striking how well the), corrc-,poncl from here 10 the church. 1277-8 OR Domus que vocaLUr scola per Agne[] R, 1285 OR Domus Cham pcr I. Sclaltorem 1317 OR Domus Willclmi Ie Messager 8s 1387 OR Mansura prima super conductulll &~ 1453 OR Ten. primum Ade Portarii super COndutllll11 \"ersll~ capelhlln sancti Thomc 16.\ Po;/-medin'Gl deeds: 12th tent of ChCh. CO ii. 517-19 Badcock 1829, CO ii. 610 [12] W(57) High Street south side Medztt>a/ duds: CO ii 423-8 (Brete)'s) 1220 0 Adam lanitor with the assent of Dul,,'} his daughter to I. Bretei clerk Ihe ea~elllent of all of his gable that lies between their houses, 1257 CO Oseney grant to Ilugo de Burgo Ie Mazun and lohanna his wife the JlleS~udge bel\\een land of\Villiam de Foulewelliingcdraper and land once of Adam Ponarius; relll 105 [forgery] 1277-8 OR Domus nova Brete! per Rob . Clollllonger 6s 1387 OR Mansura secunda [supel"co nduCllllll] per lohannem Lavendere 6s 1449 OR Mansura secunda per Thomam Wolton 135 4d 1453 OR len. secundum [Ade] 13s 4d PO'/-II"din'ol deeds: 11th tent ofChCh, CO ii, 5 17- 19 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 610 [II] W(58) High Street south side Medil'ml d/'ell.<: CO ii 423-8 (Bretc)'s) 1230 CO Alice f. Robert Textor grants to O,ene) with Breters on the east 1257 CO Osene) gram to William de Foulewell Ie l.ingedraper the messuage in St Ihomas where William de Doddeford once dwelt; 105 relll [forgery] 1277-8 OR Domlls Ric. Portarii 10,; pittance 1283/6 OR Domlls Ie PoneI' pel' Ric. Ie Lingedraper 10, Missing from 13 16

Po,/-med,eval dUlL<; 10th telll of ChCh, CO ii, 515- 17 I~ad cock 1829, CO ii, 610 [10] W(59) High Street south side: Domus Kneubon Medin./of renl(lL~ 1277-8 OR Domus Knellbon pel Ric. C'onverSUIll ad "itam 6s 1285 OR Domus Kneubon pel Ric. perver~UlIl [,ir] ad vitam suam 1324 OR Domus W. Ie Daye RI 1387 OR Mansura tertia ibidem per Agnetcm Da,;c a~ - with next two 1449 OR Mansura tenia per Will. Matlew 10, 1453Published OR in Oxoniensia reno tenium 2006, (c) 13\Oxfordshire 4d Architectural and Historical Society ~ U lot V to Y 0 I· W to. C; lOX }o" () R I) 1M? l'osl-11"d,n'fl[ duds: 9th tent of ChCh. CO ii. 515-17 Badcock 1829. CO ii. 610 [9] W(60) High Street south side [Woodbine Place] /I1,din'fl[ duds: CO ii. 428-9 Domus Mabbe 1277-8 OR Cotagium proximum per Mahiliam lotri(em 1, 1285 OR Domus proxima per I. ScriptOl-em 1316 OR Domus Mahbe 21 1387 OR Mansura qual'ta fu 1406 OR Mansura quarta 6s per Will. Fuller - with neXI 1453 OR Ten, quanum 121 This is marked as a quilrenlLO 1324, bUl we have no idea who had the freehold f'osl-m,d,n

1277-8 OR Domus [ustachii 4s 1283/6 OR Cotagium primum per lithel Pi;cator 5.1 1316 OR Cotagium primum Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society IH1'I M l N B' \!'\ 0 \ 0 () I) D

1317 OR Domll\ I. de Enesham per Mic. Piscatorem 5, I :187 OR Man;ura oclava per I. Legge 5.' - Wilh neXI I 128 OR \lansura OClava per Thomam Pyno{ke 5\ - with next I 15 ~~ OR Ten. onavum \·eI mansura quarla 10, Po.I /-II",dwva/ tlmb. 4lh & 5lh lent olCheh, CO ii , 510-11 l3aclcock 1829, CO II, 613 (-!-5] W(64) High Street south s ide [site of O xpens Road] Mflllnxi/ rnll.fll.\ 1277-8 OR COlagiulll Sampsonis 4\ 1283/6 OR COlagium secundum per []ssard 5. 1:116 OR COlagium secundum 1:Hn OR Mansura Ilona Ss 1153 OR ren. nOVlIl11 vel mansura quinta (um Ie holtc ex opposito 4 gardinorulll ~h Po.I /-IIl,dm",/ dml.l: :l rcl lenl or ChCh, CO ii. 509-10 l3adcock 1829, CO ii , 614 [3] W (65) High Street south side Met/wI'll/ renta/\ 1277-H OR COlagilllll iuxta per Aviciam 4" 12836 OR Cotagiul11 tcniul11 per ,·\Ianum 5\ I :l87 OR fansura dccima pcr Ric. Megere 5_\ - with next IIS:{ OR 'l en. decimum vel mansura sexta 10, PO ,/-II"tlil'l'fl/ dred,l: 2ncl lent or ChCh, co ii, 507-9 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 6 14 [3] W(66) High Street soutb side Aled,nllll ,-enlllL~ 1277-8 OR COlagiulll angulare1s 12~tl / 6 OR Cotagium quanum pel' Agnetcm Chelwrth 13 16 OR Cotagium quartum I :187 OR Mansura undecima 5s 1453 OR len. undecimum \'el mansura septima 10\ p(JI/-lII,d,n,'a/ dud.,: lSI lent orCheh, CO ii , 505-7 Baclcock 1829, CO ii , 615 [I]

FROM I In CIILRClI 10 REII'U.\ .·\l,O'l;C; ( (Oil YBL'S II ROil

W(67) West side or Church Street Building land in 1829; houses by Hoggar map Bad«}( k 1829, CO ii, 615 [G-J] For I he COI1VCIlI (w hose gate remains). sec Squires 50 & pIs. W(68) Church and School A/n /, n",,/ "mil: CO Ii , 132-42. 1182-9 CO Bernard de St \\taler) grants to O~enc~ the mOlct} of 17 1/2 aues of his domam 111 O-,cnc) ;:I

Salter's anal)sis is that thi~ was a field bounded b, the northern boundar', of the dose or Osene, to the ~outh, the Botle\ ' Road' to the north, the Osnev stream to the west and HOllybush Row to the east. and 'it is hard to imagine an ahernati~'e; his conjecture that the other owner wa\ Oseney itself is also plausible. TIle eastern boundar) is described as 'the road rrom O,ene) to St George's' and it i. unlikelv pact Salter that this means Il'gh Streett Thomas beGlUlie It would be peculiar to use an east-\';est road as an eastern boundan. Instead the charter must refer to the north-south segment of the road, and b) the time the canulaI') was made this tunled south just before reaching 5t Thomas church. Ho\"c\'cr. it cannot have run thel'e when the charter was wriuen because it ",auld then have run through Bernard's field , so presumabl) we have to conjecture a southern extension of Holl)bush RO\\ running (llong Ihe fie ld boundarh where the stream can still be seen s01lth of High Street on lalel maps, \Vhen the field was acquired and the church built the houses to the sOlllh of High Street ma) ha\'e been built across the old road and a new road made in the later position. By \\ h~1t right Oscncy held the tenements between Adam the Janitor'S and the field boundar) on the south of High Street is not clear. Sec CO ii 181 fOl' deeds relating to tenements near the great causeway, presumably the BOlley Road: Luke de \Vorth has land between the great causeway and land of m. Reiner; it was Wakelin's. Next m. Reiner and next \Valler the priest. It reads as lhough they ran away from the GHI~eWi.ty. Might these have been at the lOp of Iiollybush Row on the western ~ide? W(69) Vi carage (east of churchyard) M,din'ai dudl CO 11.410-2 (Fou"d"" COllag') = 1.11 4 III NO"" 1279 Cooper 18 5 cottages by the church wonh ISs. There art" twO b'TOUPS; perhaps access to the second was by the porta opel'ie;. Thi\ JOlgtll explain \\hy. i.lfter the cornel tenement was acquired, the rent [ollector \'isited Ihe \e[ond group after thal tenement. 1st !,'roup: A·E A: 1277/M OR DOlllus Cristine de DokelinlOne 305 1283/6 OR Cotagiulll quintulll iuxta capellam 3s 1:1I 7 OR Cotagium par-vulll iuxta capellam pCI' "\Iexandum Ie !'onere 3.\ 1324 OR Cotagium parvum iuxta capellam; vaeat 3,\

B: 127718 OR Domus Galf. Carpemarii 3.~ 128:1/6 OR COlagium sextum per relictam Cal'pentarii 3_~ 1321 OR COL(lgium secundulll per fralrem Ricardulll -4.~ c: 1277/8 OR Cotagiulll Manini Breveler 2.~ I 28:V6 OR Cutagiurn e;epumulll !}.\ D: 1277 /8 OR COla!,'ium lohannis Noneis per Danielem 2.1 6d 128:116 OR Cotagium OCta,um 2.. 6d rhelcaflcr thi~ group becomes cotagium primum fundaLOris 3s 2nd group: E-J

E: 1277/8 OR Domus iuxta pOrl4Ull [operie;] per Symonem Peting-~" 5s 132·1 OR Cotagium juxta pOl'tam operis 4s vacal: sed g-c:trdinum infra 2\ per II. WhiteC()~ lhereaftci cotagium secundum fundatoris -h F: 1277/8 OR Domu, Roberu de []Iunhe 4., 1283.6 OR Domu angularis 4.1 1320 OR Cotagium secundum 41 vacat; sed gardinum inrra 2.1 pe,·:--. de lIaneborwe Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 190 J M U N B Y AND A . DODD

G: 1317 OR Cotagium per H. Wytecoke-ls 1324 OR Cotagium Henrici Wytecoke 4.< H: 1317 OR Cotagium per N de Hanborne.Js 1324 OR Cotagium N. de Hanborn' 51 In 1283/6 OR Domus proxima 55 Presumably one of the preceding 1: 1277/8 OR Domus Aiicie Textricis 1283/6 OR Domus Textricis 5. 1317 OR Will Redhed 5s 1324 OR Cotagium textoris 5, J: 1283/6 OR Terra vacua iuxta Blisse 5, Post-medieval dffds: 1st & 2nd tents of ChCh in N Oseney, CO ii, 535-9 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 616 [1,2] W(70) St. Thos/west sid e Hollybush Row [Wealden house] Mediroal deeds: CO ii, 430-2 (Founder's Cottage) = 1st 4 in Osen 1279 Cooper 19 I. de Sibbeford holds a cottage b) Peter de Sibbeford and he by Adam Ie Bolter; 2s to Earl of Cornwall. Maybe this tenement is older than the church. 1324 OR Domus H.le Sclatter 6s Thereaftel"cotagium tertium fundatoris 6s (and the corner mansura) See j. Munby, 'A Fifteenth Century Wealden 1I0use in Oxford'. Oxoniemia, xxxix (1974), 73-76. Post-medieval deeds: 3rd & 4th tenis of ChCII in N Omlty, CO ii, 537-8 Badcock 1829, CO ii, 616 [3,4] OS 1:500 St Thos School (Girls) at S; The Elms' at N. W(71) site of Medieval deeds: CO ii, 442-3. 1210 CO Thomas of SI Walery grants Oseney in free alms two selions of land for the making of a road in North Oseney by the ditch his father gave them, together with tht! I"oseium [Salter says that Wood thought it meant a bed of rushes] between the fOl'd called Wereford and land of Oseney; the road is to run in length from the ford to GaIter Ie Lingedraper's house. Wereford stood where Oseney Bridge now stands; the ditch is the northern boundary of the field desuibed in W(68); Salter suggests that the land of Oseney is Fullingmillham, which is part of the foundation (CO iv 59), but it seems more probable that the roseiulll adjoined the ford on the eastern bank, so that the reference would be to the field of W(68) once again. W(72) Rewley Abbey Medieval deeds: CO ii, 450-70. Pm/-mediwal deeds oj Rewley: CO iii, 101-2 See J. Munby et aI., From StlU/iW" to Sta/lOn: Rendry Abbry and RfWlry Road Station, OxJord (Oxford, 2006). Notes on leases from Nicholas Doggett: 23 Eliz (1580) Francis Willis, President of St john's College 1618 Katherine Willis Widow of Francis 18 Charles I (1642-3) john Rouse 'of the University'

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society S t: R V ~ , Y () F WE S T () X FOR D If)1

No date \Villiam Hutchenson 1650 Sylvester Hutchenson Daughter of above 1659,1667,1674 John Hicks Gentleman (ofGloucestershire) 1684 Unton Cmke Of Inner Temple, London 1695, 1702 Roben Horne Of the University, M.A. 1716, 1720, 1723 Timothy Bourne Gentleman 1737,1744 John Saunders Gentleman of the parish 1758 Revd Benjamin Blayney Worcester College 1765, 1772 Dr David Durrell Principal of Ilertford, D.O. 1779, 1786 Thomas Spencer Of St Clement's, horsedealer 1793 Richard Godfree & wife Of London, upholder 1800, 1807, 1839 James Rowland 1851 Acquired by Bucks. Railway Badcock 1829, CO ii, 624 [K]. For 1828 description, see ChCh Mss Estates 77 §407.


W(73) North side of Hythe Bridge Street TI,ere is a deed in the Bridgewater collection (22/23) [Snappe's Fonnlliary, ed. H. E. Salter (OHS lx xx, 1924), 227] where Rewley lease to Roben Atte Wode a plot in St Thomas that runs from the tenement of William Skynner in the west to the fossatum currens on the east, together with the fishell' of the same as far as the Oseney Lenemelll where Rad. Haukyns late dwell. In a subsequent quitclaim that Salter dates to about 1450 Roben Stubber replaces Rad. Haukyns and Ric. Barber William Skynner. Robert Stubber was at W(22) 1462-7. The plot measures 105 feet along the mad. Might this be the nonh of Hythe Bridge Street to the west of the Backstream? See also W(21) 1444/5 Post-medieval 1829: Same ChCh lessee on Badcock as for Rewley Badcock 1829, CO ii, 624 [K]; also at 624, plan for subsequent building plots. [see W(33-6) above for Upper Fisher Row] W(74) South side of Hythe Bridge Street Pos/-",,,dinm/ deeds: I St tent of ChCh in Rewley Lane, CO ii, 539--10. Badcock 1829, CO ii, 621 [I] All leased to lIenry lIall [a] houses at east end [1-13] [b] Antiquity HaIl [14-16] See Squires for this famous watering 'Hole in the Wall' [c] garden and yard at west end [17-20]

H OLl_YBliSIl Row, EAST SIDE, FROM NORTII TO SOln II The medieval sequence here is very conjecwral. W(75) Corner of Hythe Bridge!RewIey Lane [Robin Hood] M ,diemi deed, 1205 Alan of orth Oseney grants to Oseney his plot in Nonh Oseney from the TI,ames nowing to Castle Mill to the road and Stream that run towards St Thomas chapel, 32 feel in breadth; for them to hold in free alms and use as pleases them. 1279 Cooper 20: 5 cottages with a garden in pure alms of tile fee of Doyli, 205.

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 192 '1 L "I B' \ N 0 ADO 0 0

By 1379 the rentals ascribe the corner tenement to Roger de CUlllilor, but earliel it i~ c~llled cotagium Lund. In fact there were only two Lenement!oi of Roger de CumnOl - Saller's account in CO ii 1..J 5 fajis to notice that Ilenrv de Crokes«>rd and Henry \\'irile are the S<:Hlle pet'son (SO sub 5\"141). The third tenement is an invention of the late 11th century. The grant or Alan or Nonh O,ene) (CO i, H9) looks a more likeh source - 32 leet i, rather broad fOt, a road and some land on either side would have been left oveJ. Blil the h'.IIldwriting of this deed is nOl of the period and the wording strange; it may be a forgery created later than 1279. Maybe this includes Domus Ie COn-COLII' in the rentals, Osenc) had onl) a 2d quitrent here. In 1387 the Carmelites paid the 2d fiJI a dose in dOlllllS Ie COlTeouJ", so a lo{:a tion neal II ythe Bridge Street seems approp' iate.

Po.~1 medieval: Initially leased with last, unul 168·1; '1Il'Wil ,rf(/f{l' 1684 CO ii , 540-1. 177'2 ? Ilowse, Baldwin & era" furd = 12 yd~ Badcock 1829, CO ii, 620 [10] J 'hI ee-gable hOllse on earl)' views (Robin Ilood) W(76) [B,-icknell] 1279 Coopel 21 Elyas Lingcdraper 1772? Beasley & Hedges = I I yds 1829 'Bricknell', Badcock 620. ·Iwo tall houses on early photos [one a Iialb ] W(77) North of corner Medu'vai deeds; CO II, -/-/6-7 1261 CO Thomas Ie Lingedraper grants to Roger of Cum nor: between Elias de la \Vike [5.], a road [N.] 1265 CO Roger grants to Osency: now has Lingedraper north 1279 Cooper 22: An empty place, 12d to Earl Or Com wall, worth 7., Is this the domlls nO\'a cum prato in the renu,I.,? /'OI/-m,d'l'vai dud,; 2nd tent or ChCh in Re\\ ley Lane, CO ii , 5·11-2. Badcock 1829, CO ii, 620 [2] All leased to Widow Wheeler. 1772 ?Collis & West 7 yds [Colli" West & Maynard = 12 yds] In 1851 a pail or C 17 dormer houses [Squil-e, 81]. e<1r1) C20, Railway Ilotei. W(78) Corner of New Road (Hollybusb) ,\lnir"t'ai dud; 1279 Cooper 2:l: Elias de Ia Wike (I COllage)

Po'I ~11lpdln... al dffds: 3rd tent of ChCh in Rev"le) Lane. CO ii, 5-12-3, Bade-ock 1829, CO ii, 619 [3] All leased "'.lames Wicken, with W(79-8I). 1772 ~Ia) nard = 5 yds Pan lost 10 New Road and combined with next [plan at Cheh] I n 1851 a large corner house [Squires 81]. early C20, Railwa) Hotel. W(79) The former Hollybush (New Road)

Pm/-medinllli dped,: 4th tent of Cheh in RewlC) Lane. CO ii. 5~13-5. \,\'eo,t end lost to new road in 1769. The Iiollybu~h 'newh erected' in 1771 on 1101 th ,idt· or nc\\-' road, partly on land of the third tenement. Leased with remainder of north side of road \\'(SO) and land on ,outh or mad at east end \\'(8 1).

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society .., t.: R \ f \ () 1- W f .., T 0 X I, 0 K () ,'1:\

Bad(ock 1829, CO ii, 619 [3J A1llea,ed to James Wicken, wIth 3rd tent. SB /II 182911" romblMd tn'WUTC of W(79), (80) and (81) II about I an~, '0 Ih,... could all hi II" I aat' 'on/wrd and rlo\t'ltaJtd u·,tll tilt Illl trnnnnlt III J597. Loggan ~hows d ~ingle piece of land ~urrounded by lrees.

W(SO) Tenements on oorth side of new road IIlStory a, W(79) from 1771 lease, and presumably together with W(Sl) before m

W(Sl ) Park End Wharf etc 00 south side of new road III;!ory as W(79) f/'Om 1771 lease, and presumably together with W(SO) before makmg of New Road. Bad«){k 11129, CO ii. 618 [3J show, ral k End Co. wharf, house and stables etc. on land leased to James \\'ickens. rhe name dcrives frorn the Parkend collien III the Forest of Dean . W(S2) Park End Place B


W(S4) Corner of Hollybush Row: 31 [Dutton] 1772 Shil le) 45 ' Bi:ldcock 1829, (;0 ii, 617 shows \\,illiam Il ale as neighbour here on nonh. Dullol/'.' J/o/dlllg: The Rewle) Abbe) I

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 194 J M N B V AND A. 0 0 0 0

& King)]. The last twO measurements agree with the uneven division of the fifth tenement as shown on the 1829 survey, and the second house consists of a double-fronted northern half of three windows, and a single southern half with two windows. The similarity of appearance and structure between this and the corner house may imply thatlhey were built at abollt the same time, although they belonged to din".-ent landlords. W(S5) Oseney 5th tenement and land bebind see last for buildings Medieval lustory: see M. R. Roberts, 'A Tenement of Roger of CUlTInor and other Archaeological Excavations in Medieval North Oseney, Oxford', Oxoniensia, Ixi (1996). 181-224. 1260 CO Robert r. Hugh the Mason grants to Henry de Cl"Okesrord: between Ilugh the Mason [5.] and once N. Braban [N.] 1261 CO Henry grants to Roger of Cumnor 1265 CO Roger grants to Oseney 1279 Cooper 27: A cottage, 9d to the Earl or Cornwall, worth 14d 1284 CO Claremunda Henry's widow quitclaims Post-medin,al deeds: CO ii, 545-6 [5th in Rewley Lane] 1772 Compton 24' and King 17' Badcock 1829. CO ii. 617 [5] The fiflh was leased with the garden and orchard behind it, and meadow in Botley Mead, and the lease of 1702 notes that the tenant \Vhitfeild Millar, yeoman, had built 'a new freestone house'. The lessees were not necessarily the occupants, who are themselves rarely mentioned, and in the 1829 survey when \Villiam Rowland, meal man, was lessee, there were five tenants in the two dwelling houses at the front and three cottages in the yard; the northernmost tenant was a baker [CO ii.546. 617]. W(86) Oseney 6 & 7th tenement MedieVf1l history: as W(85) 1279 Cooper 28: Ric. Cocus holds of Hugh the Maso n. Post-lIlediroal deeds: CO ii, 546-8 1772 Carter I I " Latham 20' and Collis 10 ' Badcock 1829. CO ii, 617 [6 & 7] The sixth and seventh tenements were leased together as two tenements, described as such until 1756, and as five tenements in 1796j in the t 829 sUl-vey the sixth tenement was one dwelling, and the seventh was divided between four households, two of which were in the yat'd behind [CO ii.547, 617]. W(S7) Oseoey Sth & 9th tenement Medlevall",tory: as W(85) Post-medU'V(l1 deeds: CO ii, 548-50 1772 Cox 14 ', Cox 6' and Moore 15' Badcock 1829, CO ii , 617 [8 & 9] W(8S) to corner:. say (SS-91) 1772 Blenkinsop 14' 1772 King IS' 1772 Fletcher 12' 1772 Fletchet· 22' 1772 Buck 52'

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society S L R \' E\-O F \,,' EST 0" FOR D Iq~

H IGII S 1 REET S r THOMAS. ",ORTH SIDE There are almost no medieval deeds for the following properties. With the 1279 Hundred Rolls it is not clear which entries in Cooper correspond lO the tenements north of High Street, but the likeliest candidates are entrie:) 28 to 52. Cooper 35 is of particular interest, because it seems to describe the same tenement as Lincoln deed UOXF/2: 1265 Henry de Crokesford grants to William Kepeharm land in orth Oseney: desCl;bed as once of Philip r. 1. S)'pman it is between Luke r. Alan and l. de la Stappe (marbe = Scappe in Cooper 36?). -I he north side of High Street was considered to be in North Oseney. but this is weak evidence: the tenement might as well be in Hylhe Bridge Street. At any rate, with the lack of medieval records for any tenements between Hollybush Row and Knowles' Bridge on the north of the street, we have not attempted to add H lind red Rolls descriptions to the following records. The post-rnedieval title deeds of the following properties ha\e also been hard to trace despite (and because of) their recent acquisition by property companies for the successive rebuilding of High Street St Thomas. Accordingly a collation of the 1772 survey and photographs prior to the 'slum clearance' is the mOSl lhat is possible at present in most cases. W(92) 44 The Chequers House: brick 2 windows looks south. 1772 Buck 52' on Rewley Lane; 23'on High Street W(93) 45-46 shop in 1956 1l ouse: pail- of rendered & sashes 1772 I1aynes 27' W(94) No. 47 I louse: jetlied timber-framed house 1772 Morgan 21 ' W(95) Nos. 48 & 49 lI ouse: brick early 19th cent. 3-storey pair 1772 Medcraft 12 ' & Buck 20' OS Ayers Yard W(96) Nos. 50 & 51 House: bl'ick 18th cent. 2-storey pair 1772 Buck 27' OS one back yard W(97) Nos. 52 & 53 House: brick 19th,cent. 3,storey pair 1772 Stowe 27' 53 HIgh Sireel Stevco deeds 1606 ?llawes to Joh Fletcher whitebaker, Wm Bell (J::) [2] 1615 J F of St Peter Bailey 1606 Rob. Dudley [see next] W(98) No. 54 54 fhgh Strul (1772 survey: Rowland 40 ft) I n November 1606 William Dutton of Shirborne in Cloucestershire leased to Andrew Ilawes a tenement in St nlOmas late of William Bell. bake,'. The later history of this property. described as a malthollse in 1686, seems consistently to have been conneCled with baking or brewing. For a long time it belonged to the Rowland family: \\Tilliam Rowland, who acquired it in 1745, was a 'whitebaker' who died in 1767, it was described as a 'rnes uage and bakehouse' in 1836. and flnall)' passed from the Rowland familv to C.H. Cooper in 1901 (still

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 19(; J \1 L N B' \. N D.\ 00 I) 1)

on a I ,OOO-,"'car lease). to become pan of the Cooper and Boffin baker)- The buildlllg sho\\ n on the street fl'O l1lll1 early photographs is a pair of Viclol-ial1 two-store" brick hOllse~ wilh SLOne dressings, and a large enln lo the y..ud on the we~t. with an ad\'enisemenr fcu Goodwin's Forge 011 the gale, 5-1lllgh Strret [Rowland 40 ' in 1772] S'CV«) deeds: 1606 13 oV~140Jasl/V[1606] \Villiam DULLon of Shirborne Glos to Andrew Hawes. leasc of 10 years for £50. tenement late William Bell Bake, be,\>. Wm Bushell (E) and Rob Dudle) (11'), road (5) and Christ Church in ten. John Whitfield (N). [Another of 14 Nov] 1606 Wm DUllOI1 to And. Hawes. late Wm Bell baker [2] Ilawes no will; Bell of 5t rho, I", 1611 (D.M. Barrall, Oxon Proba(, Rmm/l, 1516-1732 (1981-5)). 1672 widow Bowell lo MatL Pinncll?? I~] Bowell & Pinnell no will 1686 DanieltoJoh. Taylor bellI Bmhell & Dudle) [2] mallhou~e 1695 Joh. Bishop brewe,' to Joh. Freeman lellmonger [2] Freeman ha, appr §112 eLe. will 1730 (:.1. Craham, Oxford ell) Apprelltlrfl. 1697- 1800 (OilS n.S. xxxi. 1987». 1710 Pinnell to Webb [2] 1745 Ceo. Webb to Wm. Rowland late Bell [2J WR whitebaker appr 1733 [§1550J. hi, app .. §1836 (1744), §1924, §2067, §2267 (1763) died 1767 1760 Munday to lIanwelllate Bell betw BUlhell & Dudley [2]1762; lIa'l\\ell", Pea,,,," mortgage [2] 1767 Pearson to SLOne late Bell [2] 1804 'Ilawes' [sec next] 1836 Rowland to Rowland mess & Bakehouse [2} 186~ Hawes now Rowland [see next] 1901 Rowland to Cooper [2] 1901 Cooper to Brownsell & Calt [I] 1915 Calt to Calt & Derby [I] 1914 Cooper et alto Cooper & BofTin 54 54A 55 55A [I] W(99) No. 55 [Nos. 55-6 Iligh Street t Thomas The dc\-e1opmenl site consists of three distinct properties. 54. 55. and 56 Iligh treet, for which the.c i, a ,aluable series of utle deeds dating 110111 1606, the longest series being for 54 lIigh Street St Thomas, some to No. 55 and a fe" to No. 66 [Deeds penes Messrs Darby, sicus, coullesy of ~" . Clifton] 55 IIlgh St",t (1772 survey: Cilder 33 ') In 1606thi, was occupied b) William Bushell, bllt 'he next deed is in 1804, a 1000 year lease to William Faulkner, and it passed to C. W. Coopcr in 1867. On being transfcrred lO G.II. Cooper in 1890 the lease was altered to a fee simplc, thus extinguishing whalever remained of lhe manorial interest; in 19-1--:1 it became part of Cooper and Boffin with No. 54. On earl) photographs it is shown wilh a building th ~H is probably 17th-centul+Y in (hue: a two-stOJ'l'\ building with a large atlic dormer above. probabh all limber-framed, and rendered. 111(' \\est part oflhe property was an entrancc\\a) with one room o\-er it, roofed in line wilh the rest of the building: the gateway has 'igm for Cooper's Bakery (Minn 7'5B: OCL 90'961), By 1920 this had "II been demolished and replated I" a large three-store, block in brick with Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society S lj R \. E. Y () f \\ l: S lOX r () R I) t')7 stone dressmg', and a prominelll parapel w'lh 'G.H. COOPER' displa)ed on il. fhi, alone remained long after the nearby house~ had been demolished. 55 & 55A fllgh Simt [Gilder 33' m 1772] Slevco deeds 1606 Bushell [see lasl] 1804 Chillingworlh & Swifl 10 Faulkner, 1000) rs [2] 1864 Faulkner toA)ers [146' x 43'] [2] 1867 .\)crs to Cooper assignment [2] 1872 Cooper Faulkner mortgage [2] 1879 Cooper/Rowell mortgage [2] 1890 Cooper/Rowell mortgage [2] 1890 Cooper/Cooper Assurance [2] 1890 lal Dec of Cooper (purchased from A)ers) [2] 1893 Cooper/Rowell mongage [2] 1892 Cooper & Morrell rights of Iighl [2] 1911 Rowell 10 Franklin [I] 1933 Cooper 10 Cooper & Boffin [2] 1944 Coopo, 10 Thornton [I] 1944 Cooper el al 10 Cooper & Boffin 54 54A 55 55A [I] W(IOO) 0.56 56 Illgil Simi (1772 ,urver: Beeche) 17 ') The recorded hislOry is shoner and straightforward. In 1807 the executors of A. lIughes aSSigned the leasehold to Messrs. ~lotTell (referring to the somewhat improbable rem of two eels). "nlis became the Tur·ks llead public house. but was transferred from Morrells to Cooper and Boffin III 1941. The building is shown in photographs as having a stone or rendered frolll, lhree Slore)S with parapel and horizontal bands, perhaps of c.1800. 56 Iltgh Sirul [Beeehe) 17' in 1772) Steveo deeds: 1804 'Owen' [see last] 1807 Davies extl,S of lIughes to Morrell (rent of2 eels)[2] 1864 Turks I lead, once Tho, Owen [see last] 1913 NOle aboUl rebuilding of Turks' Head [2] 1944 Morrell, Brewery 10 Cooper & Boffin [map] [I] W(lOI) 0.57 1I0use: 19th cenl 3-s10rey, sashes Is this built on an old road or stream??? 1772 lIughe; IS ' 3" 1872 lIughes 10 Cooper [I) 1961 Davies 10 Stevco 1\] W(102) Nos. 58-9 Hou,.: I 8th/l 9th cenl. 3-stor<), timber-frame and render? 1772 lIick' 16 ' 9" and Coales 16 ' OS Holyfield's Yard W(103) os. 60 & 61 House: tall dormers 1772 I'inncl 24' 9" OS Peacock Yard W(I04) os. 62 & 63 Hou;e: pair limber-frame gables 1772 Slevem II ' and AIkin 12 ' 8" o Plaslerers' Arms Yard

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 19H J M L. N R \ A 0 ADO I) l)

W(105) o. 64 Windsor Castle Ilouse~ late 17th-cent. rair dormers; see D. Sturdy. 'Ele, en Small Oxford lIouses' OXOnml,l(j, xxvi/xxvii (1961 '2), :129 1772 lIughes II ' and Kates II ' 5"

W(106) Nos, 65 & 66 Ilou;e: late 17th-cent. pair gables; see D. Sturdl, "I'. cit. 1772 Crawford 16 ' 5" and Busby g ' 9" OS Wareham's Yard W(107) No. 67· OS Bookbinders' Yard ?? 1772 Earle 12 ' 10" and 1772 Merrick 13' 3" W(108) Uncertain 1772 Wild 52 ' 4"


W(109) Bookbinders/Churcb House Bookbmd"", 'TU'd.",,,,/ duds: CO ii, 39 1~l. CO 983 is a quitclaim by Edmund mediCi" of land illler duos pontes by the castle. Salter adds a footnote saying that the two bridges are Quaking Bridge and Castle Bridge, but more ('ommonly the term inter duos pontes mean':! between the two Bookbinders bridge,. So we might consider the possibility that Osene} held the land long berore it first appears in the rentals in 1389 - indeed it could be the mansura or Wa,-ill Ihe chaplain. The same goes £01 the g,-ant to Luke de \North. Matilda de \Vorth secures the house once of Luke de \>\forth as part of her corrody (though this may be the lounger Luke de Worth), and before that it was similarly assigned to Philip de Gay. I r the tenement was regularl) assigned to COT rodist\) this might explain its absence from the rentals before 1389. See 1'.389. 1389 OR Ten. prim urn inter duos pontes 12s; two COllages, 2s and 5s; Rad. Sclmler. 1406 OR Three COllages, 12s, 2s and 51, 1410/11 OR As berore, Agnes Sclallcr 1417 OR First is now 4.. 1428 OR Nic. Bishop has them I ~ 36 CO Lease to Roben Allewode 14~9-62 OR Cottage with garden 13.. 4d Edyth Dyat I ~62 CO Lease to Rob. Stubber I ~62· 79 OR Rob, Stubber 1487 OR -I homas Kynkham 20,

PO.lI-lIled,eva/ d,,,il [51h Ina.]: Churrh IIOI/If, CO II, 538·9. 1714 Gadney pipe maker 1772 T,twney 30 yards 1829 Badcock, CO ii, 632

BRIDG~ ()~ BAC" SIRI;.A,\I: BOO"BI'\IH.R.'> BRIDGE, .\"1) SO B.\C" 10 FISII~R Rem \I W(22)

Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society