A Tenelllent of Roger of ClUJUlor and Other Archaeological Investigations in Medieval North Oseney,

By ~1. R. R""IX I.,

"ith cOl1uibUlions by B. DLRII.\)"I. !\l. !\1J..IJ.oR,j.T. ~ll':,\IJ\, L. Au.!-.' and BOB "\'II~"'():,\


.In mamlion ~, tJy o.yord .lrehlUol~f?U'al enil m 1989 90 ,"poud m,din:al and poJI."lldiLval bUlldlTlfij on Ill'o ft0nuif/'. on Holi"bwh Rou' and Oil SI. Thom ... ·j Simi, in I1ll wU"iring ""Jim! suburb if SI. JJlOmaJ"J. 0.11' mfdlRal hous, and parts if Ill. ollins U'''' dueom,d ftontillg onto Hol!"bUJh Rou . . 1 rang' if ptTJonal mrdieml mtlo./u>ork and (oms (amt from WIt buildings. A slont'~/intd wain- chanml bttwetn two prOptT/ll., m~,' "PTt'fIIl all ,arly land boundal) flrrmng th, north suI, if proptr!Y gIV'" by RogtT if CUllmor W OSt710' .Ihbry. 17zt u'ater chamlll produad Q kad 5tal matnx l1I.scrihtd S'. Rogen. de. Comenort' Cl'ici+. 'J. .1 major rerOnJtrnctlO1l if the buildings U'(LI cam'td out in tJu 17tll ((!lIm:}'. 011 tflt St. ThomllJ'S Street frontage three 14th ·(mluT) bulldlllg~ U'tTt dueol.fTed, u'huh U'tTl rtbuilt In !hi 15th emluT).


h(> ~il(, I:'\'arional Grid Reference SP 507062.' lies on the Thames floodplain on the we~t T side of Oxford Fi~. I ,', in the medie\'al suburb of St. Thomas's. The street plan is essen­ tially medieval, although it has been much altered by subsequent de\'e1opment. Sl. Thomas's Street formerly High Street St. Thomas, ran from Oxford Castle in the east to St. Thomas', Church in the west. To\\-"ards the west end of the street, Rewley Lane ran nonh to the site of Rewiey Abbey, with the Bouey Causeway leading off it lO the west and Street to the ea~l. Eastwards along S1. Thomas's Street, a back lane known as The Hamel led off to the south, 10 O;ene), Lane and O,ene), Abbey. Rowley Lane was bisected e. 1769/70 when

1\'C\.... Road/ was constructed; I the north part of the lane between Park End Street and survives today as , and the south part of the lane,

Pr('\iou ~ l~ I\otrd in R H Gannistrr rt at ' ~kdi('\"al Brit.lin and Ireland in l~t8q' .Htd/rtlO1 Ardliuol. , 34 I 99tl, 207 8. rhis colT('"n lht' rt'ading publbhed in Gann1.5t("r ('I aJ • op cit nOI(" I J ~tunby dnd H Walton. Th(" building of :\(" ..... Road', O-CO'fllYU1Q, Iv 19(K.l), 123 :JO. Fig. I. Site location ... .\ 1 L,\D1 F.'\1 01 R()!.I.R 01 U\I'OR 1'1 RO IR:l

ht'(\\I'I'11 P.lrk End ~treel and Sl. Thomfl~\ Street. is toda~ HoJl)bu .. h Ro\\. Th(' origin~ ,mel cll"\"l')opmclll of lh(> 'iuburh han' b(~('n fully di ... eu ...... ed and illu ... trau'd 111 a recent acnalOt I and art' rOllsid('I't'd further belO\\ . . \ t the time of lht' t'xc.watioll ... lht' site had ht'('n (xTupit'd b) Hili!' ... Bf('wcrv for .tbout H1 years. ilnd had fl'('l'ntly been in u..,e a~


Pn'\'ious t'xra\·ation .. ha\'C' re-vcaled pan of i.l suburb of \\l'~\\"cr ... and tanners re1yinK on the ,\bb{'~s to the north and west. In 1976 7 dUring l'XC,I\·ations ,nllw Hamel, four phast's of domnlic buildin~ frum ,\D 1205 to the 16th celllun wtTt'di",coH'rcd, These were.1 mixturc or pt"t ... i.lIlt or


TIll' i..,land of Oseney, lying west of the l'a\tl e, was held as two manors by the :":orman lord ... of Oxfc)r(hhire, Robert d'Oilly and Roger d'lni, South Osency, \\ hieh had passed Ii'om Robert d'Oilly lito his foundalion ofOsl'nt,y ,\bbey and ('\'C'ntually came to Christ Chur("h 'I, includ('d the southern half of the I1t'\\ suburb of Sl. Thomi.Ls's, 1\"orth Oseney becaml' part of the Iionolir of Sl. \ 'alc.~I)' .. and passed to the Cistercian abbey of Rcw)ey in 1281, throuf{h the bt'nefiKtion of the abb<,y's founder. the Ei.lrl ofCorm\-all. \\"hii<- the OS(,T1ey/Christ Chun.' h land is \\<'11 d(X'umented from the 13Lh Ct.'ntull·, tlll'n' .In' fi..'\\ mt'ciicYal recorcb for thr RrwlC) rstat<', whirh ("amc afLer the Dissolution to the Dutton f~lInily, and in 15-l4 consistcd or 19

hOll'.e ... in Ho1hhll".h Rowand on Lile north of Hif{h Sln"t't St. Thoma... ,'4 fht' Earl of Com\\aU\ rents ran bt' trau~d in tht' 1279 Hundn'd Rolls for SI. Thomas"", and the rcmaininf{ portiom. continucd to he called "DUHon ... H oldjn~" ulllilthe 19th fC'ntUIJ,

i\ Paillwr. ',\ Bl'ak('r "uri .. 1 and ~Icdi("\al r(,ll('nlt"nt~ 111 l"he' lI.und, OxfcJrd', OWn/nllw, xl, 19HOI, 1:21 '125; IWfI;'ditrr Palnlt'r Ihe H.tnll'i" n Durh.lm. '(hll'ml: Park End SUTt'l. formrr H ,\II~ Bn"\1"1) O.\l TS .•\rch.u'ol()gical .\\\(',smt"11I frport, ekloh('f 1!l/IfJ P.llmer .. Ill(' Il.lnwl' J ~Iunl)\. ',\ l'iftf('nlh-("el1tury Wl'aldt"'1l Hou in Oxh)l'd' ()\/pntnuw, xxxix 1971, n ii. ':'\011: .md :'\c'" . Oxford Hall' Brt'\'«'r;. . SI 1l1um.LS\ · OlOliI/1l1lil, wi 11)51 83. I'utm111I1L\Wn ujthl' (:l.Iun~ ofOYord. i,' 1979,,278 :' 76, ("p. 16« H"


'"0 :> 0 EN D PARK

hl(_ 1. t he' ~jt(" in rrlation to mr 19th·(:entu~ top()waph~ of Ih(" art''' from OS I''}OO plan. 1876 .... iLh drl.ailllj propcM\ b()undaric~ and «"x(,walrod kalUr('s. .\ TL,\;DILYf OF ROGLR OF CU"OR HISTORICAL 185

[he origins and svowth of St. Thomas\ suburb h,,\,(' been discussed and illustrated in a rcccnt account. and need only be repealed in outline hrrc. Tht" suburban scuJemcm in \H' .. t Oxford had 'V0\\fI aJong the road from the casuc to O~ncy; the church of t. Thomas had lX'en founded (. 1190, and a new road, perhaps BOlle~ Road, laid out in c. 1210. 12 The area was low-I}'in~, and along several of the street fronts were .. Lrcams constrained in conduits. somt' of \'.'hich \olllyj\'cd until me 19th cenlun' Althou~h lht" c\;denc{' for the IWW suhurb ('omes largely from the Oseney side. the SLT(,('l surw'y prc<;crycd in the 1279 Hundred Rolls shows that de"e1opment had also taken plan' in the other manor. ~ There was a decline in the parish from the latc 13th cemury until the mid 15th century, during which many parts of the parbh were unoccupit'd. Oseney Abbey employed around ~OOO oftht.· parish's wage earners in the early 16th century and the dissolution of the monaster· ics hit the area hard. AttempLS lO alleviate the economi(' hardship did not succeed. Areas of houses may ha\'e been demolished in the Civil \\'ar to make way for defensive works which ran south from Re'.... ley Abbey moat and induded Sl. Thoma'i's Church within a bastion. Rebuilding after the Civil ""ar resulted in e(onomie f('surgence in the parish in the late 17th (:entury \\ith a sta'{11alion in the 18th ('entury and further de\'clopment in the 19lh century.,4 Thr pario:;h was ahvays a poor one; although the large numbers of ta.xpayrfS indicate \\-ealth, the conn'ntration of taxpayers in such a small area \uggt'SLS Olhu\'vise. Both the areas of ('xca\'ation \\:er(' in the manor of ~orth O~{'ney. In the case of the \!lC on 1. Thomas's . trect no medieval documentation can lx identified, and it had becomc .\ yers Yard by the late 19th century, one of the many tenements whose back yard had been built on to provide a row of cona,ges. I Fi.~·urf' 2 \hows the location of the excavations in relation to the 19th-century lOpography of the area, with property boundaries and probable roadside ditches.) i\ 19th-eentul)' dra\ving by Buck1f'r of Sr. Thomas's Street shows the front of these properties Fig. 3). The sreond sile, on Hollybush Row, was one of a number of properties of O~eney Abbe) in ~orth Osenf'Y. and is thu~ reasonably well documented; a small pan at the north end of the prcsrl1t frontage was not held by Oseney. Salter identified the main part with a messuage obtained by Osene) in 128+/5, which Roger of Cum nor had previously bought from Henry \\·irile. ltl Fi~re 2 shows the extent of this property. This \vas the latest of three .gTanl~ to Oseney from Roger in what was then Rewley Lane, the twO other donations (in 1265/6) being situated furthrr nonh. 17 Roger's sOlilhernmO'it holding was half an acre in size; the earliest maps sho\'.. it with water on three sides, and 111 1829 it still had a stream on the southern side, by \,,'hich lime it was 3 leasehold propenies \\ ilh 8 dwelling houses held by numerous sub-tenanLS. III It \'''as from the northern boundal)' \(ft'am that Roger's seal was recO\'crcd (see below, discussion,. From the medieval rentals of Osent·), we ran perhap\ If'arn \omcthing of the latCf histol) of Roger's pl'Opcrti('s, though the precise l(X'

Palm('r. I h(' H,lOld', 12+ 55 Carl. 01(11_ ii, Ill, H2, 449 C()(JIX'r, op. cit. 1I0le 10, no. 168 70. ' Ibid IJ5 H. \\' 'I S

FiJ.!;, 3. Buckkr's drawing of SL Thomas's SLreet in 1825 (Bodleian Ubrary, MS. Don. a. 3, [05, reproduced by courtesy of the CuralOrs). \ 'I L:\DIIYI 01 ROGER 01 CL "'OR HISTORIC.\! 187

Th(' O<;;(,I1e-y rent collenor went northwards up Re"lcy Llne, and in lilt' 1277/8 rrntal there arc two houses on the 'land of ROgt'f of Cumnor'. probably on the land nearer H) the Bridg(' 1 Strcet that Roger had donated to Cheney in 1265/6. '1 By 1317 II '111.:\\ hUlI'\e' with a mC'ado\\ has app('ared in the list before these. lO~cther with tWO COlta~t'r;,. and thr..,e arC' perhap" on the land Oseney acquired in till' 12805. on what seelnS likely to be lh(' sitc or the ('xc3v rental hefo)"e the hou ... e no\\ a cottage) with the mcaclo\\. They are called the first cottage of Roger of Cuml10r \\ith a second and third cottage), the older one~ ~1.re nO\\ lhr second COLLage of Roger \\ith a third and fourth), and the original ones (on the property donated in 1265 /() .IT(> the fourth cottage of Roger hogrLher with a fifth ,,21 This somewhat bizarre numbering systcm, which must rcAc"('l the appearance of di\·isions wilhin the primary H'ncmCnts. had gl\TIl wa} to a single numb('rin~ of one to eig-hl in lhe rental of 1++9. whil(' to add to t1w confu..,ion the post-medie\'al leas(' ... were numbered one to nine in the opposite dirruion, going from north to south!'! The most that can be said from this is that there was perhaps some rebuilding and rearrangement between the rentals of 132{ ,mel 1387, and also between the rentals of 1{28 and 1449, \vhcn the renlS incrcased and the first three 'collages' had become 'lenemeI1lS' .11 In the rental book for the yean; 1.... 53 79 the fl~l cottag-c is noted as being thatched, in distinClion from the second tenement which was tilrd,:.!I \\ hile bet\veen L187 and 1+28 the third cottage is always IN 'cum \'\'orkeheys', perhaps an enclosure behind the house .. \ 1538 leasl' of lhi' sLxth ten­ ement allows the lessee 'all manner of LOppS and lopps of all treCI) peneny11g' to the close and garden yarde, , . except appull trirs and plume trci'i',2 But despite the names of O\'{"r fift) tenants occurring in thes(" and later rentals. mo~t of them do not occur elsc\ .... hrre, and there is little indication of their social status or occlipatiom; the few hints t1u're are ~lIg:gest artisan ..... in line with what we knO\1,i of the [('st of S1. Thomas's,l" In the 1380 Poll tax we find three tenants and their wives who also occur in the 1387 rental heing a')sessed at 21. each, and from these sources we know that the tenants included a tiler, a cook and a I)cri\'l'ner,l, " 'ith the post-medieval Christ Church leases of :\orth Oseney we an' on more ('enain ground, and the Hollybush Row site can be identified as being on the fifth and si.xth tenements in 'Rewlcy Lane', The fifth wal) leased with a ~drdcn and orchard behind it. and meadO\\' in Botley ~Icad, and the lease of 1702 notes that the tenant \\'hitflcld ~Iillar, yeoman, had built 'a new freestone house'. The lessees \vere not nrcessarily the occupants. who arc lhcmseh't's rarely mentioned, and in the IA29 survey when \Villi am Rowland, meaiman, was Ics~e(', thert· were five tenants in the two dwelling houses al the fi'olll and three cottages in Ihe yard; tht· northernmost tenant was a baker. 111 The ,iXlh and seventh tenements \.... ere leased together as twO tenements, described as such until 1756, and as fin' tem'ments in 1796; in the 1829 15Uf\'(') the sixth tenement was one dwelling, and the seventh was di\ided hl't\\'een four hOll"cholds, two of which were in the yard behind. "I Something is known of the buildings on th(" site, which \\-ere recorded by RCII~I prior to

1~ Cart. O~m iii, 118. 1'1 Carl Osnl iii. I'IS. 21 Cart. DJm iii, 182 3. Carl. Oml. iii , 24;; ii. 50.'m 1 Cart. OSCI. iii, 235 and 2-15. I' C.ar/. Dun. iii. 27+ 5. \ CArt. Osm ii, 119. :. Palntl'r. 'TIl(' H,unl"i'. 13:'l-H J. Thorold Ro~l"l'!i , OX/f)nf CitJ; /)(j(lJmmLl Ox/. Hist. "xx x\iii. 1891 3:! "'..Ilton. O.;t>n/,\ ,md Ltrtn . ~ eml. Dtm. ii, 5tfi, hI 7. 2'1 Carl. Ojffl. ii. 5.f7, bl7 188 MR. ROBERTS ET AI. demolition Isee below .. Although on the ('orner of Park End Street, they had not lx'en affected b~ the making: of the new road in 1769 and sUf'vjv("d until the prest"1ll century; lCI mey consisted of a pair of houses. the comer one on part of the 'J)utlons Holdings' (House I), and the next mU~l be that built on 1h<> fifth tenement in 1702 lIous(' 2" under which the majority of thr l'xcavauons look place. As shown in photographs taken hefore their demolition in about 1960 set', for C'xample. Fi~. 4- they do appear to be slOll(" built, a pair of two-storey houses with

FiJ.t. 1 rhr Silt' .n Hollybu\h }{m\ \ho.... l11~ :\0. 'II P.lrk End Slr{'cl and '\'os. 1 3 H ollybu~h Ro\\ I)("fort' (ht'ir dt'molilinn in around 1960 Iiodh-ian jjbraJ). ~IS . I'up. Oxon d .105, no. II (I, rt"pn)4;iu("('d b~ ('(lUne-H' or Ih(' (:ur.lto~

their long sidt·s and roof lying par

\Iunb ~ and Walton. op. (it nou'l 12R (:C'nlrC' lor Oxford.,hirC' Studit=s I)holl~dphi( tnllr-won, l-{ uU,hu,h Ro\\ H F. ~dlt('r rd. Sun" Qllti ToAnu Oxl Hi,1. Soc 1:01",,11120 \8 Shlrky, Compton .md Kin~ \ JE:-'I.\lLVJ or ROGER Of CDI!\()R HISIORIG.\1. 189

.\S described by the RCII~I in the 1930s, nos. 2 and 3 HolI) bush Row were

!\\() IUtldl,!y buih .1' on!" d .... dlill~. Th(' main block h.l-" \\all' of dre--.ed ,(OIW and <;II''''P pi((-hNt roof p.ln 01 \\hich n"liliu\ old "Wilt tile~_ Slidin~ Y..... h('s hay€' I)('('n put in 1",0 of till" \\llldow~; the" other; han' woodcn Illullion" .lnel trammm, <;Oint' with old iron t·.l.';t'm('nt~, rhrf't' hr.! floor \\ind()\\~ to ~o. 2 han' Ix('n block,'d up. 11w d\imnn i., of ~tonf' \\ilh .1 bri(-k top. The prujt·(tion at the' back 01 :\0. :3 hil~ \tone gr()und floor and timb4:'r frdmin,!: III l,t fluor .mel 'IOIIl" tile- Wi'll' .md old iron (-tl$t:nU'nt'i :\"n. "21' ..aid to h,1\(' had a kIlU,kl(' bmw floor in Ihe nonh ~ound floor room. 'nwrc- M(' slol>-dl.llnft'rNi rcilin~ i)('arns and in Ihl" attic .. f"XI)()<.('d rool liml)('ls. '\0. 3 h.ld bolection mould ~Inrlt' lire surround, in ~ound floor room. Condition: Good except lin ("xtension at back 01 :\'0, :3 \\hi( h is bad.

Cl'he description orthe adjilcclil 31 Park End Sl[('C"t sug,~cc;ts the similarities bctween the buildin~:

:\"0.31 P.lrk End Slrc'('1 ha.~ aL'llrhni :\(). 1 lIolh'nu,h Row \\nkh i~ an old huu\!' Tnt'" north wall of' I HoU,hu.. h Rm\ 1l.L~ Ik"f"n taken ,,\\a~ on thr 'Vound noor. Pan or the'" I/J"ound nc)()r b lhuo;. thrown out intn tht" ~hop :\'0.31 Park I.nd Strt'"c'!' .wd parI is u'\('"d a" a ,torf'". nIl" upper noor. Mr not u5td and .m:- not ,l('ct'"S~ihlf'". 111t'" rront to HoU,hu~h Ro\\ is of'drt'<.sed ,!Om'. with o;.Jiding s;'l.~h \\ ind()\\s on tilt" wound floor. ,iliff ('a.~'mrnl5 \\ ilh mulliom & trammm 01 ullmoul,kd wood 011 Ihl.'" fiN flCXJT. 'rheTt" i .. a small donner winclO\\, Part or the.'" front is ronf"t"aied \" .\ hoardin~, I'h!" chimnt'\' i~ of,t"n" \\ith.1 hrid. lOp, rhr pitch orthr roofi.~ 'ttTp. On the- 'Vound floor is an C"xpo..c:·d dlamfrrt'd lTilin~ 1)("01111. Condition: WiIe'lt" accc"iblt· mn

If they were indet'd buill ill about 1700. these are intt'rcsting: ('xample~ or dated buildil1g'i or the period, ha\'in~ contemporary ft'aturcs sUfh as bolt-nian-moulded fireplaces, but casement windows with timbrr transoms rather than sashcs, and cxposed ceiling beams.

R~~er if Cumnor

Th{' discovery on this site of the <,;{',ll of the man who had pn·\>jously owned the land is ar particular intere"it, His can'cr as known rrom sUlyiving charters is ollliined below. Roger or Cumnor, dl'scribl'd as a derk, (!melts, was alivc in the I 260s and possibly also 1210 X 20, bUl perhaps not in 1279, and he had a son Henry. The C"arliest rcCncner mayor course be to another indi\idual with the same nam(', but the buying and selling or land in the I 260s ma} ha\'e been disposal or his property to,..-ard!'. the end or a long lire. He must have bcen moder­ ately wcalthy, and his serics or bcneranions to Oseney Abbcy may suggest that he encied his lire therr. One oCthc Osene\ canons in 1280 was aJ. orCumnor, possibly a relati,'e.:H Roger may have been a ,,("ribe, and it is possible thai hc wrote some or the deeds on which his name occurs as last v.. itness (se(' list below), In addition to dw disCO\"('I)' or his 'ieal in the count or this ex(';walion (sec belo\\ in SmalJ Finds rcpon" two rurther ,cal" are round on other charlcf't listed below. In 1260/70 Roger wa'i usin~ a round seaJ with t'vo ha\\ ks. and in 1265/6 an oval Slar and CI"l's("cnt dc\'icc; none or thes<.~ document~ displays (he lion rampant or thc seal round herc, This \'aricty of devices and forms, which Sl'cms to di .. play a ("asuaJ attitude to Ihe nature or a pero;,onal "cal. \'\--as not in raCt particularly unusual, and may partly be du{' to changing rash ions in the course of the 13th century; whal is more remarkable is findin~ the matrix 011 a propCrty where its O\"I1('r may actually ha\-c lin·d. I~

R.C H:-'I1:. filt·, in :\'auona! Building') Rccord Oxford I H -I. \\--ilh ~k("u'h plan and pholo Rd O~1 '}o & 91 imt"'lu"oltffl b~ R,W :-'IcD{c'"dIl1.2I.x.37 CoTt. ().m. \i. 207. P,D\ Harwy, ·P.·rson'll St'als in Thiru'rnth-Cr'IIIUT)- En'tl.lI1d', ;n I Wood and CO,\ Loud 'r'cb", Church and Chmnirlt III th ,\IUidIl.l,E:ft: tU~1 pT({l7Iud toJ(J11II Tq)/ar 19(1). t"$p. 12t 7; !;t'(" also T..\. f-le~l()p. 'En~li~h Seal, in thc rhirtl"t"nlh and FourtcC'nlh Ct'llluri(·,'. inJ ,\h'xander .1.nd p, Bin~ki eds.,.~ rifU,iraIIJ .. Irt in P11lnltJ!:mL1 En;;/muJ 1200 /400 1981. lIt 17. Anulht'r cxampk of .l peNlIlill link \\ ith .t IO~1 S(".II i reponed b\ Plait 11\ Southampton: (' Platt and R. Coiem.ln-Smilh, f~\{maJiom m \/,d",'o./ :'illuUuunpli.m 19iJ lfi(l} 19751,3:2, 1<)0 \1 R. ROBER 1 S ET \\..

()~rord r1rml((.1 (Q Ro.~" if Cumnor'" cl:.!ln:l1l

'( I'l. Sir ROl{("r dt' ( '. grant<. to \I.u-)o ..... ,\ldC)\\ nr(;ill:w:n It- P,"(h("n· ,.1 n'l\I lin St l'hlllnJ.,· Id.II'· pruu.lbl, ill Uhf\.; or I'D!).; jud~n~ lrom .... iuw s Ii,. U/.~7 ii "~( II 'III!

IlbO/71) ROL\'"' dl" (. gralll III Iri~ 'i()I\ Hnll) ,IJllri I,'nnnnll, in SI. Ilwffia,,' .1Ild ~1. ~ I a~ 'la~d.IIC"l1I" St".11: S"ROC" n' CO~ IL:\OR:\CI:tC I 1 .... 0 h,l\\k un p('Td\('~ r C\F I. 'iijfl 10H,. f) } '~11 )-"\11 / \\")08 HI Sollu"r, SunV'}' I (hl",,1 Ii. (hi IIhl. SI.)( n.'. x..'1( 1%11 22M. '\' 121l

l:lhl !-I t'll tit" (:rok('~fllld ){fant of land in S. Ihorn,h to RII~('I" til' C. tini! tI~. U) ii, ~ Hi IW)2 .

1:lld/2 ,,"m. !t. \\"am eI." \ .lllihu;, J.,'1.lIIb hllll' .1IIt! 11"111"1111"111. S\\ lid, in St. PI·tn 1(" H,lil,", III RI)~I 'T d," C. dt'Tit"U;'. U) ii, 77 hOI



12h"l/b Ro~n dt' ( R;l'"dllh It'lll'nu III S\\ ltd 111 Sl P,'ln k Hail.·\ to 0""111) ~',II: ..,' R()(;' DI (:\"\lI-"\OR Stolr .lhuw.1 U('!>I("1lI [01" x .... u) Ii, 7~ bO:l

l:!h}/l> Ro~tT de C, dail u;, ){filTH" II"IWI1Wllt 01 I h'J!l\.l, It- Lill~edr.lp,·r III SI. I hl)rn,l~ If) ()'I'T1n "",llil1l{ d.IU'c· Inll 110 o,{',11 U) ii. Iii 111,)0

l;lh:l/h RO~(,1 tit' C. til"! i{u, 1.,'1-,l.IIl~ 1.111(1 01 111 '111"\ ot C:rtJ~l"f(lId in ~I IIWIll;t~ hI O'\'lIn -.t·,lling' 1.1lI" but no '«'al" CO ii, I UJ IO.'U

12h7 Rm:n tic- C. clt'rku~ \\11111'" In ){f;1II1 01 I.lIuilll ~l. ~I.tn lilt" \ 'ITKin. U/.~7 I, /l7 I:lB ,

"don" l'l.bB

t :l7~1 RO~I'1 dl' c.:. h.ld WWIl 1m ~un 1i('111"\ ,I 1l1('''U,I~I' in SI. \1.11) \l a~d.ll("lw, '\ 1101, ,tile! 1f "lIn tC"11ll1'f1 it to Gilbc'n Ie- Won'IIl,1Il lIulld!!'!! Rolli Roll/und. II. HilS: (")11 I ~h 'lit.

127ft O'I"IW) h~ 011(' ('mpl\ pia,,' ,md 011t' 1011.1'-:(' in ~t rhom.l,. hom RUl!;tT dt" C, Hundrc·rI Rull,' CO",,", 1M.! 2:2, 17

12i'1 Iknr. dl' C h.t., 01\" ('ot lrum til' !.uhn Rut.:;. in"'l 1l101ll-". lIundrt'd Roth: {"ocj'n. 1/\ HI

J:lH t /5 CI,IrI'muud,1 \\i

!){'(" d ~ in \,hidl Ill' (l("("lI~, and .lhbn·\'i.lliull~ in tlw \1':<1.1, <11"(' .h fi.,IIU\\" UISJ: HE S.dln 'NI.). (.arlu/m)'I!/lhr /lol/iltal o{SI.Julm 'Oxf. HiM. StM· Ixvi. I.,(\'iii. Pili l.'lI. i. 'n7, In; ii. :!q1. UF SR. \\·i~l.ml (I'd. (,'nrlulary I!/lhr \!""(J ilm II!.\'I. Frult1111J" , Oxf Hi.1. ~K x:o(\"iii, tHIiI. J) } . " J)c'n!wlm·YIJUI11!;. JhJw.'ol lkfdl uf UfrlJl UlImh (hI. 1I i.,\. ~')( xcii. 1'1:1I 'ill "it'itl CO Carl. f),m. ii. 7i H 'it'a! III R. OR- ( L Shad\\dl .md H I. Sa1\I'r, OrvJ Rmlf(/, Ox/ il i,1 Soc. Ixx ..'(\, 192b. ·U.">. (:0""",, Coopn, op. {- jt, nnu- 10, 11;11 :ll. 27. 17:.! H3,_ Rllt. /lund.' H;,luh lIu"d"tI,rrum. R~ 'c Comm 18181, ii. MOS. (.IJIlh.t: (,ol/nl


I1m"(' mc·dlt'\.tI hou-.(·" Wilh "ton(' \\all'i \\t·rt· tli"lmc'I('d, "ith a Ii,{'qu('nn' of Roor;. ThNe" pmut.uC"d I Jth'«'lllll~' dill'll{''' .lI1d pib. rhe houS{'", \\1'((' dt'mol~hl'd b("tw('('11 tht' I :;th and 17th Ct'llturit· ....md n'buih h~ 170'2 a date· prmidc'd by lht, dC)('umem o\('r tht' liktllllt" of tht· hou ... ('" nwanl lhilt thnt· W.iI'i no (t'nain corn'... ,>ondt·IKt' l>t,tw('cn tht' dating of tht' walls. and or Iht' floor;. and oU'upation l.tyt'r;.. I n the following M("()tlnt thn .\fC· dt'<;("ritx-d ';('paratcly; t'pisock ... of construc­ tion imoking fhiln~(''i to \\all'i ilTe dt'snibed fiN. foUc)\\cd h) the 'i{'«Ut'nft' of noor; and make-up layt·rs. I'll(' ""qlU'l1n' of dq>mib. and It'atun''i i<.; ginn III dc,t.lil Oil lilc" 'itTiltiW

Pha.I' I. £art)' tl/ mid 131}1 (inJury'

I h(' fir.t ~i~h nf ani\il\ ()lIlh(" il(' \~('rC' ditch", and pit, \\hi(·h .... '·r(' (UI 11111) th,· flld wound ~url:\n; 11ll" dil(lu·... I r; nnd 1'17 \\C'fI' a.ii{l"I1t'ri .11 ril{hl·an{l"Ir-, to H(lll~bu"h Rcm Thnr- .... a~ UIlC' pit I H. not illu~lralt"d and.1 lin!",lr Ic-AtUri' 11h .... huh \\01.< lut d\\.I\- b\ Latn dep',..it~ ·!lw l..tn:l·r rht(h I'li ,\.h in c·x("(·... -', ur ",,3m .... ide" .Hul .... a' und,w·rI. hUl it \\d" "ullt"r'Wd('d b\ .1 ,wllt'·lill("'d dlanm·1 '12, ~c·t' hc·IO\\ un the \dille- it.li~nrnt·nt .... hkh cnntain('{1 I 'hh-u'IICUI"\ p"ClI'1"\ ill its 100\I'r hlk Tile" nlhl'r fi'alun' "rrl' dal('d 1)\ poClC·r.· to die" mid I 'Jth cc·ntur.-.

PhIL" 2 . .\I id 13th to 15th (flltu,..

I hi, ph;!'!' ilH ludt', tllC" (Un~lrUllinn of thl'("(' l1l)u<;(" \\hil'lI ,11'(" nllmh("rt'd I til 'I fmlll:\ 10 S .. alld thl" rnTUl\(,lll of tht I.lr~(· rh"h n.'> Onl) thc' bach HI Iht' huu'!.·" .... C·IC· n"fm('n'd in till" ('\.(.J.\aliom. th(' from, {If th,· h,IU""" 1)(,1Il~ il1.1("(I""\ ihk umkr Ihe mudI'm )tTt,(·t Ironti\~r ;lI\d p.WtlllC"nt. l'hmt 2a: Int'flm~ It!)."l. II", fir<.! dt'Ill('m of tht' ""(ontl ph.N' 2a .. \.t,.1 >;('QU('I1(T IIf chlml'K"'d mat('riai. 1(,H'lIin~ chc' .. itt· 1.1~'·"" :10. I'n. 124, 1]2 ilnd I.~ I . rh('~t' I.\~('r<. ond,IY 11\1" hll, uf til(' t'otrli(T f(-atur{"~ ,md cOlllained r,lrh 10 mid I 'hh'n'ntur, pOt\I"n, I'll{. \\-dll~ of hou .. cs I II) '1 \\(TC' huilt 011 top 01" chi, liI\'!"r

I'/ta!f :!b: Italll ,,/ htlUltl I /11 ."I. allli W chanrul. ,\ .. ilt·lillt"d dlollmd 1):11 r.m I \\ al()l1~ Iht' ~ .. idt' of tile" lint' of diuh I :Fl. It \\.1' ( I.:J", m "..idt". dnd \\il' fc:-\t'l\(-d 11\ hattcT('{i "umt' ".III~ on ih:'\ and S_ ~idf'S rhe S wall of hnuo;(' I hall )'l had bnn il1lc·~.It("d into Ih(' top of tile" '\ c-halllll'l fC"\I·tl1lf'nl; it ..... 1' ('on'tnl(ll'd of .... dl·fdn·d ... tonC'. and \\.1' I m. "iel(' 1111" I ".111 of h()u~ 1 ..... 111 3R, ..... Ii "b.o uf "Ion(". hut ".1\ r.lllll'f n.lffO"t'T. \\ ith a .... idlh nf O. 7) 01 11l(':'\ \\all,,1' bnu~:2 \\.tll R "".1." of \Innt·, c. 0.7) m, .... idc·. and .....1' built Ull lOp uf Iht' S. channc'l n·\t·Ullf'IH. IlH' .... all~ 01 bou'>f" "l and 1 .lpprarc-d to be- IIf ont' build_ 'l1w\ had.1 h.ln·d I.. \\all ..... 111 R/3<1. 0.73 m, "idt' And built nr~WIW, ,md \\rrr di\idt·d b~ .1 WIIl(, panition .....111 \\,1)1 In. O.jOm_ \\idt·. "hit'h had 1M"<"11 kt')f'd into ..... 11139 lI uu,,' 'l hAd Ih,. tTate' of an t'arlit'T .. tOIle" \\all ,\\;\11 108 un th,· ,1111(' alil,(nmt'1H .1' \\-,111 ,"')fI I'hl' '111\ of thl' (hannri '1:1/1. ')212.9213. '121 I \\tTl' ilt" ·I-h,· l('al malri." of RO~('r of Cuml1ur. (lrrirw h't 13 :'\0. I It i, po... ~ibk Ihat hou I- I h 1.Ilt"r th.1II houW' 2. Illt' ~. wall "f hou~ I .... all 53 lay in thl' micldk of ttlC' ('ar" dUt h US This mav tx- hrcau'it' Iht' .... all ..... ~ put 1I11.lt,·r .... 11('11 chI' dilch .... a., \iited up, pOs..... lbh,." I.U('.h thf' L"lth «('ntUI). II m~('"\'t'r. it <;('('m .. unlikd) Ih.1t lilt' ditch \\ould h.\\{' h.ld .. T('!ainin,!; ,\all 011 Oil(' \id(' Ilnlr; in .Iddition. Iht' sih\ \\-I'r(' not dl\LUTI)('ci anel comaim'd hnd, d,Il.lhlt' to thf" 13th and I hh centuri('~.

I~ULIt 11. huult 'I, Mcupa/IuIl, The t'arlie$t ddtt'd pottI'ry frOIll til(' hmN' '('fjllf'llf(' {'o\llll' frmn ,h(" flOON of hOll'l"" :~ dt Ibl' S_ ollh(' Ire-n(h .. \ (t)ll1panc'd gra\d (loor I.I~(,T 120 .... ith htlrllll).l\(h('"~ Wib (lv!"rlain 11\ a gl"f)·black "il" floor 1.1\t'r \\lth tlM/fO.11 and .Ir('d.' 01 burning 119 nU''-C' lIuur la~r" .md tile" 1I\("rI}ilJ~ ma1r-up laY(,"N 117 And Ilh ""n' und.m·d, ()\'('rl\ln~ 117 \\.U a ~ey/black ,ilty 1001111 floor I.I\-("r ""'ilh ,«)Ille a.,h lIS \\hieh con tamed punt''' datt"d to tht' I :hh CC'lllul) II:' \\a..~ u\'('rlam b, !loor 112, Thl \\a, :o.(·akd h~ .1 Inak('·Up la\'('r III t'Ontainin~ I Jlh-i.c·llIUI) poltel)' \\hi(h olbuut'd hC"d.rth 110 nil thl" \\ i

House 2


House 1 ditch 57 OOmOD "'" drain 13 -, culvert 1 N


~------~~ ~ 135

o 2m ~.~~=---~----~ Fig 6. lIollybush Row : N-S sectIon I'll \I.R ROBLR I' LI \1.

\\("n- ... ·d]' II h) UnfiT 1.1\("r If)!') .... hid, \'oa! Und,.m("dth makr~up la,,-r 1.18. \lIlhe floor la~~~ undcrn(,dlh 100 abuut"d tlu- ir.u"{lllo'1I1 uf '\ .... "all lOR \ r('(C" ill:\ S. \\,tll ~(j ".1 lilkd by H2. a J..\~t'r orlimc tonc block" ""hi(h 'prcad Ji~htJ\ 'I) ti1l' \\ II\("f 138. l100r la~(- .... q7 and HII fl\.t"ridY I :JR. I hrrr .... {'"II· ('AO abuilint{ hranhs or 0\ ('m I ut in(() '17 11111 HII \ ...rmi ... inul.tr c,\("n 77 on ,I 11.11 st(1I1r b.\,,· at h.ultlw "M..... 111 of hou~ 3 .... a1l 59 ,Ie, a ba,)" .... all Inmwliia1f"h:\ HI men n "'Cl' d halln" S(uop I)(r-flt TInt illu'lr.uc·d p.trth tilll"d .... ith ~tfJn("~ pitched nn ('nd. j'!Jru, 1r!. f, t and h. ho. " ~(i, ' In tilt" middlr of Imu-.<' 2. po l-medil''\,I] dumnt'\ :o.l,u-h had df"',lw\c'd lh,' Ilw,li. \ ,111.1\1 r 1" ,Ill" '\ "I' Iht' (himlw\ 1.11 \." tllolk.--up l,t\,"1' 111 .... ,is 11\I'rlain 1)\ funhrr law-n dump<"d to rai,,' tIll" J,.:IIIUIHII'·\I·! Illh I'n till'S. 1.1 tilt" ,hiIllIW\ 1.lIk ,h.. Ilri~ill.IIII'VI"lling la\('r 112 \\,\, oW'riain b) m.lkt'·up 1.I)t·1 1311. It)ll.UJd 11tl chd no ,IIIl, .. in 1)(1,1('1""\ .md so till" initi.11 d("poslt, li'T It'\('lIin~ Ih ... llouT \\,'n' Ill., darnl 1..1\("1 lOll 11.1(11)("1"11 I ut 11\ .1 mllh.. , Ilt'n, h 121-1 ,tell.ln·1It '" \\.,11 R I II till' ~. 01 lIw ,himnn _t.u-h \\!'rt' .. s"qW'fl('(' 01 floor •• nd 1ll.1k,,-up 1,\\(,,, ph'I'" 21.1; I 'W, 129 ,lIld 12.'l! \\hit h c ,lhuUc'c! \\.111 In, Pit 121i nm illu~tral('d fUI 1.IH"r 12 ,. l1(X)I 101)1" l'l:;, \\.1 1I\"'rI"in by <\ p.tu·hl'"d ~.lIld flour laytr II.i \\hi, h produrrd 1:llh- \0 I !th-u"l1tUl)' pottn,'. ,\ltd ,hi, \\<\$ III turn O\("II,lin h) ,\ furthn 'cqlll'll("t· 01 '('or(')u,d ,mil ,I,h, tlnuf, IOl, I):, .lIId Iw.u-th 71 I'()\\.u"d, IIII' inllu,i\I' (hilllnl"\ ~1.1I1.. ..111,11(",>(" 1,\\"", Wl'"n" nil h~ ,I ~trln,· lillt'd d"pn' ,jllll IIH \\ hi, h ("(mlai,wci 1 :'hh- 10 I hh-, l'I1IU~ POilU' ph.l~· 2," .\ portiol1 of tht' E. \\,111 of tile' hou I" R 1,,\(1 h('"('"11 n.I,I}I'd "ut ••met th,' fiJI "f,I,,' "II,I)t"f Ilt'mh 7HllIIllI.,i,wd 11Ih-1() 1.l)tlht:'"ll !uI'" p0111'1""\ A d,lrk l/fo\\11 ~.lIIlh fluor I.I\('f 7i (·IlIll.ljl\ill~ I.w" Ilth-(f,ntu,", poti'"f') ~I-"kd till' robl:W'1 m'n(h phaS(' 2f I lu'II,)<,r I.,\,·n 11\ hou 1 to IllI" ,. 11111.r litimll('\ 1.lIk "1"ff'" imil.u 'II thll(' S_ 01 iI, butt\\u \CTli('al,,,jd,"d 11.11-IM'lInll1ld pit, III[ allil [02, mIl iliu,lr,IIf'"11 h.I(II)<'I"11 till illill IllI'" Illolk,·-up la~'"f I!}!) in till" I . 01 tilC" huu ,. ph~ :!I{ IIII'" pit ~","n' !'"Ilt-d h~ lIl.tke·upl.I\,·r 'IH ulldn 1111\ !l,xlr l.t~c'r H7 and fluor 1.I\f'f 8il. \\hid, I'nllt"ulwd .1111- to I hh-f('nlun P01""n. Il,)('r Rh h.1I1 .t IlI'"1I th \'1 In 11. ,011 Im"I,1 01 bunll limc"IIJ1ll'" .mel a.\h H'). lIot illt! 1I.\led I hi, \\,1 iI\('"rI.t1ll b~ .... \luh I1lxIt !."c'r It7 ,md dump Ill, ph.I"· 2h, \\jlh 14Ih-n-!ltun. pnl1tn

1'I'aM " MIl 11 furl IIII' Im\(" I J'Hn oIbo\" thc ~c'lIrr.ll huild-up u)"r III hOll"" I \\as.t gJ".tHI maJ,,'-upl.l\ I III Ihi'l h.ld .1 til, ul..tf hurnt MI'".I JII7 \\\thin it \ hm'/" 111 ".I,: .1 d.nk W,·, ',ll1Ih ria" floor HfI wilh (h.lfnMI 1\1"1 k l.d\,'r HH 10111.\1111"0 pol\,T\ of' Ilth- \IJ \'lIh'I' ntun. 11.1((" hUI \ 11"l1ur hdu" 1101('""<, lh,ll it I' Ir,l~ll("lIt.11""\ ,Uld IllIll,lin, I,·SIdU.I) ,lind, in I.lbrir _\(., \\hilh 01.1\ Ix' (1lIII(·II1I)(lf.ln. \\ilh thl" rt",idu.11 hon no'" 1)<'nOl- InJlltt'd III l.!W, In In Ihi, I.I~IT Ihl .1 ('ircul.u p,ltth of hUlllilll:\' IIi \\llh .1 'Iakdlll,," lfll in tht" (('\lIft", O\,f'"f SS W,l' ,I IIwl-blll\\ n ,""\[h ,1.1\ Ii I \\ ith oli\"-lol"un'd ~tdi\lillq i I I nntainill~ 11th· t', [Sth-n·ntun. pu(\,·,...·

1'1/(11/ 3: I itlt to Iflth rrntw:r

I lli'l 1.11.11' "I ,l\ti\ll\ nJIlII,ri">t·" IllI" dnllnlll"l11 .11,,1 1'\"111111{ III lUlU''''' I II, 'J J,h.t\!· 101 .mel Ihl'lr lilll) "<1"1'"111 11'1 111l'IIUI lion ,I lid ""'UIMllnn ph"'!'l\ ~h 10it.: 1111" 11·(OlbllU\I,·d pfol)<·nit·, 1'\'\1'<1 ulltil rli-Ill()lillon in till' Iqhfls, \\ it" !Ill" ,ldd.llol1 "I rhnnnn ~I.l!k, ph,,'!, it ,md kluwkl,·hnl\'· nUlu ph.N· 'i~" ill huu,,' 2.

1(1 inn 1h n lVI/I fr ~tI11l!!.' In hOIl'" I. huild-up 1.1\1 r i 2 .1IIt! ;"o\ITla, IIIXlf H9. I .. l\l'"f 71 nmldl/wel JSI!J-u·ntur. l"lllt"l"\ .uIII.I I.u,· Ihtb- to t',lrI~ 17111-I("Iuun IlIk"1\ In h"IIS1'" 2 .1 'Ut(!" loll of dumrlf'"d 1<1.\1'1 O\l'"rI,n th. l.lSl 11001 411 phil~ 1 h3 to Iht" '"\ of thl'" I him",'\ 1.111.. \ "1111111 tht' 111\\," \ 1.1~"r 11fdumpin~ :'7 \\d ,I IlunllIkl'M) it nl m.,1 I.Ilrs 5-, (hrr Ihi,,\\il.\ .Ul'lllwf 1.1\l'r of dum pill I( lit Ililh '-'Ih-, ,"ntun poUt·n.. 1"0nt.lininl{.111 MI"d 411 dump("d tOIl!" -J:! Ld\{"r Hi "bulled \\.111 8. ("II tlw S uf Ih,' t hilJUlt"\ la, k~. till !\I' duml:w-d laWN \\,"fC" identihl Ii .J.... h'~ \\hic It ,,,ntAlIlnl t.ll'" Ilth-H:ntun. POI\I'n. III huu"," I, dUIl1IJt'd 1.t\1"I bl \\.I~ undn dump"" 1.... 1'"1 -,h, \\hllh (C'III.UllId 11th-III 1'ilh-(·l'"lltur. puIU·I""\. 1111" '\IlIW-"'\t"\tc'd ,hAlllwl f)2 h .• d 1)('('11 hlli-II ill "ith I".un i "hid, .. I", U\I,tI ..\ waU H. \ llll"" dllml)<,III.I\t"r" ontain r Iflu.tl pol"""', Itl!" d.tllll't III ttl!" d'llIolillnll .U1ol'·\l"llim;: i pMt lIumi"Ill.1I1t ,md P,lIt IIlIigJ.lphil 11\1" ("t.il" hOIll ,III" m{'rhlll~ I.I~I r:. ph.I!· \( "n ~Ul!:t.tl·'t th(" 17th·ct"l\lun. nllNnKI\()1I I)f thl" b\lildjnt.t~. 1 111' \'I\nl J.l\l'r~ Ihat aff'" ",'ai,," h\ ,Ill'" dUIIIJlc"d 1.1\,'''' dU" I ')tlH entun. pha'l.' 'li \ ttle I hth- lit C'.lrl\ litl"II·IIIUn. II)kl'll \\ n,,'U\I'I'I'd lr,"n la)1'"r 7.!

PIIILI'l II!' II "II, lloll'" 2 w..t~ l'xIl'nd"d 1100Ih\\.(fd,

J'lia '1/1 MUll I. O

PhllJ/J le, Jt. 31 and 3~: htnLlf 2. f)(flJ.ptJhtm. 1"0 rnf' S. of Iht' ~ hIl11111"\. dumprd la~r-r bj pha~' 3a "as ()\("rlalll b\ .1 ~ut'n((' of Hoor lap;"": mid-bro"'TI/ohH' IlooT I..H'T h2 uIIJ("r.1 liM!.. hm"" IlllOr Ia~t'r ..... both O\C'rl.lin t" 1.I.\I'r 4.'l (If monar and day phase' 3c. Tn lht" '\ or the- I hLmnns, II'M)r 1,\\I'r •.t '\.1 O\e-rlain b~ Hoor I.nrr -11 pll.t r :k. "'ith a!h and mortar malt'-up. ",hieh comAint'd a Ch•• rif's I I"fn<' fartllln~. 1100T U "as wI b, lour h.lllc>1,.. 1>O'lhol('( rihnl ,,('ft' to thf' S of the' dralll and cOlTf"'pondrd to tht' 1.1\(," to thr :\ ~)f lh~' drain, HI .lJId 11 1..J\('r ,11 "hRh ~{)rrf"'lxmd<-d to I.l\f"r 11, r.ttl up to thl." S r.tfc:" of .... all H. nC)o~ 22 dnd 3b "('f"f" "UI b~ thf" con'lru~t1ml trel11 h 111 tilT ,I h"Mth .md I himnr\ ,tMk hotS(' ~b, pll.l._V" if nu' hedrth ""'.IS (onstruol."d of day h(,arth Lilt'" whit h \q'n' burnt .1I1(i P,Udlt'd in p1.urs. Thf" Iw.lnh .Hld (himn,') ~1;1(k had t"vidt"llth lx-tn altu('d on numuou, (XT.I imh. and Wf"n' f"xtf'ndt·d <;oullm.trID fhe:~. c'xte:nsioll \\.1' rt'cordt'd ,lS 91, il was M'I o\"cr a ntakf"-up iayt'T of ~and dlld "rran'l ~Ib).' and W,l'i {Ilmtru("tt'd of largr, TOundt'd hill( 1..., of -.oft limf"stollr \\;th a r('{('" Tn apan: Iht' :\ t'd~t'S of Ihr joi~1 ~Inl'l hdllCh floor 68, \ pit b6 cut 1.1\t"T 72 and tht' 1\\0 h('anh .. hCl .md 7fJ ,

Phas, 4. Modml d,pOIIL<

Tht· la~t pha'!' of ,Inivlt\" within the hous('~ \\." \"e~ti1t]al. h.l\'in~ hn'n Inllll".lI('d hI Iht" lalr'r demolition. It ill( Imlnl drains ano~, Ih(' building<., a \\oockn floor ann S 0I1t' 01 th" dr.&ilh .mel Pit' du~ into tht' t'.lTIit"r l,lyt'N,

P/uJ..lf -Ia. /lQU.J, I. floor Ib o\'tTl.t)' dump laytT 1'1 J)h.bot, 'ib) ,lilt! l'ontainl'd re~idu.t1 mrdil'\al poltr~ and.1 Ch..rk I ro~ f.mhing. A pipc Irl"lIeh 12 r.m \\' E.

PItaJ, 16. H"wl 2.\ '1OIlc-lin('d drain tn'll('h 1312 CUI th(' Jui~t ,It)u 17, \ pi~ n, had Ix-<-n in-.rnt'd illlu till' drain trrl1eh .It a I.ut'. d.ltt,; a forgeci Geor2;t' III halfrrowlI, d,lI('d I I{ 17.' ".1\ rc;-c()\·C'.('d lrolll Iht' fill around tht, PII)(' T .... o jOt t \1/11 a1j~ed \\ E :1-1. and 2i la) 10 Iht' , 01 Inc drain In'lleh: j<>i'l :!-l appt'"ared to (ut tlw ed1:l"t' (If lilt' lItOIl(, lillin~. ,\1 Ih(' r{"dr of the propc-n, was a cobbled ~ard 'urtu(' .lU "hilh .... a~ O\('riain b, a laH'r of loam and ~a\C'1 1'1., 1.I)er 1'1 wa.~ {"O\"c.rd b~ gardt'll soil 18 which ronl.liJlt'd (,.tTl) IlO,t-nwdinal pottery.

PfUJ.1I 46 and -If. 1IU1& .1. Tht, E, \\,,-11 of hom(" 3 lfj

Phase 5. ,\ lodem d,pollL<

Thi5 ph,t$(' wmprill,{'d drlllolitiOIl la}'t'fS ,mel tarm"e over .111 of III(' tr('l1th :\ Iodl'rn dumpin~ 10=2), st"itkd b~ 1,lnn,\( (I. on'r!ay houv\ [ and 2. Abo .... e hou"," 3, modenl b.i,k fO"11I1~ 21 ,md 15 .lnc! a lafKt' brilk-lil1rd pil H (ut through build-up I...... er 11 inlO tht' medin'aI 1,lyrr<;; the~t· depmih W!'rt' ... ('.lled h,· tht tMmac I


Fra~("ntary r('mains of three !'hh-c('ntul) mh-waJkd hou~~ \\('r(' di'\l'O\ en'd houses -t, .') ilnd 7 , which were later rl'placed by thrt'C' slone house .... \nouwr \1011(' hou'>{' housc' 6 \\as buih at th(' rear of 1111'''(' 196 ~I R ROBERTS ET AL

St Thomas Street Phase 1


r----, r------,

edge 01 I ----1- lrtal r-: waH I I trench loollng, I I I

I I I I L _ J r---- -j, , , , , ,l. ______, I , I ,I I ... ------' L_ J ._~, ___ J I

----P- _,,",r

I I • -19------1 l~' ~1 ,::.:'_c l f - 2£i~-~b' ~U"" 254 265 214 221/1 ~ ~ i l House 4 ; i House 5 t"! Jfi._____ ..l._ , ______J~;: . ______I section flgurs 9

o- 5 10 m


Fi~, 7. St Thomas'~ Strrrt: pl.1Il f)f r:({ol\.\lrd fratun" • ph4M' I 197

St Thomas Street Phase 2


r,-,- "- ' r------, edge 01 I ,,,.1 , , I- w'll Ilrench lootlngs r , I , ' '-'-. I ~

27~ ~ I L_J - ~, , , modern I dllturbance I [:j, '0' • , , '0 ~'• ______J _____ -, • V, 277 '; House 6 '.:!) 1 _ : I: I ~~p___ J I tank 1, \ \ 231 : , \ ;------,}, ,-_J __

I _____ ~-'---, 266 ------1 :: ....4- TR 2 ' 2/ 16 .' I ~. - I It,; .;ifI\ . I 203 -.,.... ;, ,dt,"Il::: ,'i s. :: , ._--- 0:.,.-- 2/17?'5

~~~V'58'~ ,Ol~2!1 man hole , \ ~ I .,' House 4 t ~ 1 14: 206 '.. - I House 5 _~_:~o~ __ _ -'- - , section figure 9 I L .~. ~ pavement

O.. -==- .. =o.. <= ,.oc=> ..c= i· ....<====- ....c=== ,..... '0m

h~. 8. St. Thomas" Slrtl"t: pl.m or ,·xta,.lu:d ft-allm· ... philM' 2. E House 7 House 5 3 3 ~U 3 2a C0 pipe -r: 2c trenc\ pipe kf)L lc I / If trench manhole '- 1 be=: 7b la w8112Is

------gravel -I ------=dIesel impregnated layers , gravel ------

House 4 w ~------~~3~==~----~~;:==::==::======~3==~====~ _____ modern pipe Hench <::::::::: <=) 2d ::: ' • wall ld ld~PIt 2 ,./wa;,;'9 254 - -- -,- .'---~---- s I c -- _____la J I la I L-----,-, ----.------~ I I I L ____ J _ diesel impregnated layers - - -- gravel

o _

Fig. 9. St. Thomas's Street E· W c,ct: tlon \ II 'a:.\IIS1 or RO(.IR ()I (.l ""OR L'( \\ \TIO' 199 prnpj"rtlf"'; I hC'fr "{'rC' tran-" of 1>O'Hll('di<'Yai propt"ftll"l of \\ hKh dra\\ In{t\ and photographs "IUV1\'(" 'tT Fi~ . .J .md I rht ('xca, .llIon on thi ... "Itt" \\{Te- "<'\'en'l~ h,unlx'rrd h\ tile' prt' ('IICC of latt'r drain ... a manhole' and dic,\("ll.Ulk ... I ht, latH'r had kakcd and imprl"~al('d pt·mwablt· la~('I''i down to th(" gum.'1. \\hich pr('\­ ("ntc·d tilt' n·tordin~ uf lht, affc((('d d('po"ib. In addition, lhc' hi~h ,\au'r 13bl(" prt"\"("nt('d n'('ordin~ in lht an',l of duo \\ (flalm'ne-h. 111(' ..tn'a O1\',lil.\I>I(' jflf nmlroUc'd t"Xca\.Hion was dTrc(in"h. (('''ilnnrd In tilt" E. h.llf (If dw ... itt", and to it .. S. ("dV;(', \,hc'r(' .UTC' ... \\.t, funlH:r collslr.lined by pro).imil) to thl" n)(ldern "m'{'( frollla~(' .\... a (011"('<1"('11('(". lht' ('x(,3\'<1ted ('\'id(,II(,(' in('vitabh rcprt"sel1l~ an incomplf'tl" pinun' of tilt" <'("(IUt'TlU' of dcwlopmt'nt, hoth of til(' individual buildin~ .tnd of the <'itt" a.1;, a wholr TIlC' lollm\ in~ aCTOUIl! identifies and dcSC"rih('~ thc tI<'art'st ilnd most significant archa<'ologic.'l.1 remains t'IlC:'Ollnt('rt'cl, hlll Iht, IIlttTpn'tation of tht· c\ilriHiolh outiillt'd ahmT. The ~l'qUt'n{"(' Ill' d{'po~il.\ .mel ft'illun'S i~ ,gi\('11 in elt,tail 011 thl' stratigraphic matrix il\ailahlt' in ardll\{' , th(' ">t'nion Fig. 9) ,hm\s floor .mel In

P/ulir I: I-Ith (rtltw.:r

PJUlIt la, dumplII!: lilt' c'.Irlic"I.Ulivil\ nn the ~ill' '\.1 .. 1.1\('1" ul dumpim:: :l.')t :l.')'; ,mtl 1hR ph.l.'it' 1.1 rlw ('aflll',1 1.1\( f 01 dUIllJlIll~ ill th(' 'Ir.1ti~aphi,- ..rqut'lltt· ",h 1,l\c'r :lila, "hidl "a.~ I1t,I\;I\ impft'Wldl("d 11\ diN'1 fu('l. rhi \\.11 unckr la\("f :l.')i, 01 lnam "ith (·halTo.II I\c'( k: ()n Ihe \\ ide ul tilt' trC'nch ".1\ dump la~tf 2,:,J, .Usn clf In,un with lh.moallkcl..,. \\Il\Ih (Clntaim'd I hh"cc'l1Iuf\ Ixltl(· ..... hnm ohvf\.ttion on th(' I~t dA~ 01 thr ('XCa\.llInn it aplM'all'cI th.1! thl1 dump la\Tr rna\ ha\'!" ocen tllC' hll of .1 ro.lcI~i(k clil(h I1li, ,i~htine; \\~ nOI "til SUIDt.lIlli.IU,d .mel ttllldlli(Jn~ did IIn( .tl1(J\\ lunlwr ill\t',ti~alion. bUI tilt' pr(''''u«· nl a fUd.d,idr ditrh "ould not 1X" C'xct'ptional in Iltt' p.l .. i h.

1'IlllV Ih: "f/.I/ru.-t/ilfl and ()(jupaf/iln r.if hlllJJ( 7. I-Iou~· 7 W.l' rqm·"·IltC'd b~ 1\\0 w.llls, and a <.C"qul'llce (If tloor Id}l·f"I. \1\ E \\ ("(Ih ".111 DO ,1PJX'dfC'd In r('p~nl Iht' :\ \\.111 of tht, huildine;. It \\.1.' of Ihe ~a11lr build .1., thc' mh \\.111, 01 him,,·, I .md :), (C)lhi,ting of \"("f\ compan mid .. lImwn d.\\ \\ith :JO"" ~"\('t. rlw \\ \\0111 of Iht, huu'i(' ,2b.1 funned .t p,lrt~ ".111 ',itll hOIl"\' ~, .md \\,h fl'prt"<.C'!1t('d h) .1 lillc- of lonl' rUllnll1e;:\ S. \hultin,-: \,,\11 :2h_") 10 the L, wa!. ,I '>t."quenn· Orel.IY n(lCJl' 11,0,2.';<) and :2.')81 .... hkh contAined hut' 13Ih-(·cllluT) pUll(' ..... In til(' , of hou .. t" 7, till' L. \,. wh \\.111 270 was .Ibuut'd b\ il()or I.t)rr. containing charroal and .1..h.

\.. hidl "(.1(. mC'rI,\1Il b\ \c·]ln\\ 1p'awl and sand) floors lh:l .mel 2h1 "hirh nml.UllC'd I hh-ct'ntu~ pOIlf'I). (hc'r 1.)Illh nlloN 2:'8 ,lIul :lb2 \\a..~ " lllakC' .. up t.Wl"f 2SI>

I~ It iI f"tnu hOlt llJJd O(,-uplfwn rif JUlllj, j, I-IO\N' 5 ".l~ lit(' be t pf("'('f\ ('d flf (Ilt' ('arly buildill~. and Wd.' rcp .. r\('lltl'd h, Ihfl',· \\,lil~ .Hld .1 "'qucm"\" of f100f kl}C'r-.. nJ(' L. \\,111 01 Ih(" hou'i(' \\d.\ til(' \\ wall of hou 7 263. nu' :\ .uul \\ \\ •• 11 \\ •• II..! 13 .md h.tll 2.')'" \\t'fl" of lob. nm,lfu(t("d flf C"nmpactl'd bmwn dav hun with 1()"~ ~.\\"('l. and \u're' ""\ \I\lU.1 hurnt 1.I.\fT :lRO hhich cln-fl.l\ 11lI" J>rtnM~· dump 1,1)"('r :lH l"uRt· ,\on(', 1)1Il~ n.11 had iK'cn '>('1 inln ",\11 2·B. ,tt II \\' I'nd; thC'o,(:' (ould fC'pn' nl.1 'ta~C' of rc'buildlll~, or 1)(1'> ibh 'tfene;tht"lling fOf lh(· (Unlrf t hc' !loor ]."c'rs of hnuo;(" ., abulIf'd \\.Ills 2bi ane! 251. hut IhuC' '~.I\ nu fcl.uion,hip \\ith wall 2,-11 d~ d 1.II("f hall lUi (III illln ,hc' I!noi". I"ht" 10hf" t lloor 1.I\"f"r 2-1q ha<. (Inf m,il.:C'"ul' Iur H 7 .md ",ill llJ and '~a~ .. ('t into l

J'hfl\f Id: fI"lIlrurt/IIf' mlli Ut:cuplIlwn tf Iwu.lt -I lIuu<.l" 1 "it, thC' 1(',,:;1 \.. c,lI"prl'\f"rHd of IhC' C'afl~ buildill~. It 1.1) in thc ~\\ (nnlt'f HI tllC' tre'mh, "here Ih(' carlic·"1 .ttli\·il\ \\0\.\ ft"pn' c·ntt'd b) dumpinl( 25:-\, ph

1)C)lIt'" \ pit 214 ('U! mbbc:r lrcm:h 21(1 and lavt'T 215; Iht' pll \\'" lilkd ",,;th limt',tonr- boulders and quart.l.itr 1)C'hbl(, 11\ .\ Ino dark bro\\"Tl loam 10 the' \: (If hou<;(" .f was a dN'p pit :.!'lIb. \\Imh had bt'c-n liJUud in Ihl" as_,mt"nt tr(,IITh; il mnl.tin("d I3lh· If) 1 hh-HntuJ) P(lIII'", , .\ rou~" I' \\' a1il{flrd ditch 1117 .... hid' \\.l und.It("'(I .... a.\ rUI b\ Iht' pi!.

PJUJ.Jf 2: 1.J11t to 15th rtnturi~J

1 hi, pll.l'>l· ()II I Inl "f IlfXlr Id~c>n dnd II.· .... '.'o.IIl~ III h()u~ :) clllt! dumpin"t \: ul huu~-, S .mel huuS(" 7. Uou'S( I ..... 1' ,Il'\(l I("huill hUI the' 1.lter \("f'iioll uf (ht, how,,' w.u (llt ,I\\-,\Y 1,.,. it tun u·llar. Huu~(' h \\i\' (()fhtrunc·d to til!" \"

''1lfl\( :lrl: h/)/N 5, Ifw/tJlrutlu)Il and ()(flI/l(ltUI1I. Du' tlm'l' \\all, II! hOlI'.(' :') 2.11. 'l·U ,lIId 2h.1. phast' id "('fI' t"('hUllt in ~tmw '".LlIs :lOll, :107 and ::W(il. hut 'iub<;(,(tllt'lII aller.Him" nwotnt Ih.lt \("1") lillie oflht' ori~J1.11 ~lUnewock \u"'i\t,ct, .md Ihc' rt'lation~hip of lIoor 1.lp:rs IU w 1.ty imm{"diatt'l) ~. of ...... 111 107,011 .In nhliquf' SL. ,w .. li~runC'nt: lilt' funllion nf lhi~ ..... aU l' un,IC'.IT. hUI .Ippi,.m'd to 1)(' a 1.11('1' inl,("lIioll, .in't" 1\ "'dS e ut illlo \\,111 206. \\'.,11 211f1 "'A~ COII\trut lI'd:'\ of. dlld p.trallrl tn, \\.111 207 II i~ po,sibk thdt \\,,11 :208 mol' d,w' hnm tlU' 17th {'('IHU~ .md l' ('ontrmJXIr.1I1- .... ith tit,. rt"II.lr :1I V:.HH ph.l'''' 2d, 1>t'1,) .... ; hO\\f"\,('r, ,1' till" Mit' \\.&5 hrd\ il~ di'lurbrd hy lain M,ti"t) thi, rtm"in~ ulldl"al '\0 intt'nl,11 flonr or ocrupdlion la\'t'N \u,,;\,f"d "ithin hUll'" p) III till' :\ uf \,,ill 205. ~. (If wall :.!{)'), ,t m.lkc'pup 1.l\c'l 01 ,.dl".... /bulT d;l\ 241 l1\erta\ lht' dqJllslb 01 phao,(' h src' .th.,\c' rhi., \\,1'1 oH'tiain b\ mak,'-up l.t~\'r .!:W, which «()ntOlilwd Ihh"nlltu'1 poue:",: a dq)o,it of mortilf and !;()I1W ~tOlW :l:li' \\.1\ inlerieawd \\ith 1.1.\1'1 :.!'211 .\IId Ill,,, r('pn'~nt th(' fl'm;tilh (lr rtlld... nn~ from .1 rlc'll1nli,hf'ti \\,Ill, OVf"f make-up l.nf"r :UO "a m.lkc'-up I.IWI :J18. \ ... hich '\.\., owrlain by 1'\11 floof'> 217 and 2221 whi(h did nut JOIl1 l-1(M)r 217 w,\., ur blark ~ilt .md il!>h, amf \\,1 S of, .md .thutlln~. w.III::!!);). l'loor:222 .... <1' uf d,uk bTlmn ~ih hun; it 1,1\ tu thc' ~_ of 2--13 .lIId ulIltAinnl I:>lh-cc'ntu~ 1)(lltC'f\. '-loOT 117 \\;\.~ undt'r nlilkt'-up kniT 1111

PlI(/\1' 2h; F\/mllr c1l1oulfl .5 and 7, Tn till" '\ of hou'c',.i .md 7 W"~'1II .Irea \,ilh IWO pih .Hld.1 'mall dill'll. Pit :tJI lolll'lilled I ith-n·l1tury IXlu{'1) ,md ...... s ('UI b, pil :lB. riu"t' pit, wc're- I'UI h\ a mall rlildl 235" nri(,I1II'<1 1.:\ I \\'~\\., and wt'n' mt'rlain b\ a layer nf"lu.ull .... Ith cll,trw •• t ,2'10, UlldcT it Ihid; tiumpt'd by\"! :2:JIJ

"!1II1( ;2(. l>Ump,,(~. l"lu: L, ~idc' of hm"t' i h,ld hnll (k,troHd I" .1 'lOlh-n'nturv m.mhole \\'ilhin thc' Ill.mhol(, \\,b .1 po,siblc" \\1,11 171, bUI rlil.'~·1 {'ont.unin.llion Illoltk il impo ~ihlc' tu il1\(,\li/l'('II(, thi, ft'alllr!:' funh('r_ '\U f\fM)r ].I\c'r; ,u"i\('d 10 1111' L 01 til(' manholt" bUI a snie, 01 dump 1J.~f'f'> \\~'r(' n'('urC"la~I'N \\('ft' mor(' dUI1lpt'd 1.1\('1"'1 ",hirh t'\.If'mkd \\ UHr hou,,' .'). l.a)u 28-l O\t'rla~ dumfX'd 1.1\t'r 'lHh .mel 1.1\-1'1 1R~ "hid, had I)(:rn dumpt'd ilhi<\(' houw 7

Pllfllf 1d: h"uJt 4_ (h'rr Ll~("fl> 278, :2ll .mel:l15 pha,,' lei, SIT ,II)(IH' \,.I~ a I.t\('r 01 dumJlin~ 201 ",hi"h wnt.lll1t'd I hit· tn 15Ih-('('ntu" and 161h- 10 17th-nmu" POUtT, \ ",all 21:1 alie;rwd E. \\', \\as cut into Ihi, 1.1\('r ,m" I1M\ h.1\(' b('ro tht, :\ .... all of hou\(' 1. '111(' crM flllhr hOii'(' \\01 {ut ,may by- lith- In 19th-(,t'mu" n'I1M :2111. .\ w.11I :.?U, iml1wdialtl~:\ of .... a11 211. prohahh' n'prc',nlu'd tht"' S \.... tll uf thi, CI'liar. Tht" tdlac lill 'lUUI III "PI~'an'd to h.l\'r .lccumul.nt'd 10 .... 1). and Ihe ImH'f fill, lldd bnn <,t'dkd b\ ,I britk flooc

['fut" 2,: b/.m41 uf hUWI$ 5 and 7. 10 tht, :\ of hou-.rs S dlld 7 .... Ul" dumr*d I.IY('~, lilt' dq)(Nt' 01 ph.l\l' :.!b \\1'" owrlilin h\' hun 2:17. "l1i('h contailwd "

Plu1I( 2/ "OIL)' 6. Hou-.r b w~ cOI1~trun('d in thr :\1. nf tilt' Ire'm'h ..... ith witll 273 fomlin~ in S ,ti('. \\',,11 27 t lornwd tht" \\ ,idc' .Iud Ihecr- was ,I \'{'stif{ial .... dlt I\('XI to :zn dJiI{Ilf'ci L \\ '27:.! \\'ithin hou~t' b build-up I"yc'r 2.J.11, l-onlainiuK mf"din'aIIXlttCI) and a ~·.II Fit!. 13 "";n, '2. Wd'l U\f'rlain b\ d flom of mid bro.... n ddV (rum ..... ith rhano.• 1 fink.. :Z4~, with Hth-('('ntu~ p()ttrl), Thi, h •• d a p.Udl of whblt's ,276 and t\\O stOlll'-lim'd pit.. (275 "ud 277 {UI imo it. \Ircm-\-ai and Ibth- and 17th-('('nluf\- poue" \\,1 ublained from th(' dfanine; of tht' illlt"rlor elf Ilw hem,c' \ I I."'DIE:\"T OF ROCER 01 Cl\I"'OR E:\C.\\.\l 10", 201

Phasf 1: modml

St'Hr.. 1 m(' 7 Thrft' .... nt aJo;o ,\\!) pil\:\ of hou~) 232 and 234 • onr of .... hith 131 wntainc-d I fhh-H'nlun. pourn. and a tin-oprnrf In!" mUTt If('nen had ht'rn \t'H'lkd for Ihe brC"W('rv huildin~ 200.



Somt' 1,461 .. hl'rds w('re f('corded ~ part of an a.'iSC'"c;m("l1t fl.)f Hollybu<;h RO\, and a further 9·15 \,('r(' n'covl'rcd from St. Thomas's Street. Two major ccnllnic traditions \A1\ 1 and AQ) dominated throughout the tcmpora.1 span of the site ,'o;ec Tables 1 and 2. rht" ffW rfgionaJ imports comraslcd ,\'ith site'S c1ost:r to th(' commerciaJ hub of the to\m, where- a wider ran~t' of sourc("s art" r('presented, but the presence or On<· ju~ from ainton~e in south-west France, in association \\ith much metalwork, may '1u~e.st that an ocrupant c. 1300 had a slightly higher standard of living • .lnd ('I'!joyed French wince;. A fra~ent of md\{' lYpe StOW lile from the Cologne an'a in Gt'fman)" \\,Ui recovcred from Hollybush Row, m{" first lImt: .,toW' tilc~ ha\,(' been recognised from the archaeologic'al rc("ord in Oxford.

,\ [,tJ/Odologr

r hl" cl"ramin from lht"M" ~it{·s wt'rt' asse~~t'd at a low It'vl''l in 1989 10 t'\lahli'l.h tht' ObJf'Clivt'~ ~t OUI bela", The b,m, r("\ordin~ unit ad('pIl"d was a sin 'tIl" sht-rd. or aJll'mativt"h' a group 01 \hf'rd~ '" ilh t'ff('C'tivt'h idl'ntical charal"tt"ri\tio, .Uld u':i("d ~h('rd-numl)('r to liu'iliLale rapid rt'tordin~. 1 nll' .lbhrt'vialiom and tht' cla'l.~ifkation rolla", tho"l' set out (·I"t'\\hC'("('. Shenh das~ifl ed as mi~l'l1.lOeou~ wcre 100 \mall 10 1)(' a... s i ~ned to a r,lbrk Iype, or their rabrics wert' ob..currd Ihrou~h S('wlldary hurnim;, or art" rt:~ldual mt'dit'val ~hC'rds in a poSl-mt'di('val mntex! I!,~. pha-.e 3<1


Inl:' pnut''1 "a~ ,L~<,{' wd to t'~tabl~h thl:' datI:' ran~t' or pt'f1hc contexu within stratlp;r.lphic <,{'qut'nct's rddtin~ to raeh houst', ,lOd tu a.sses.~ Iht' pott'ntial of lh('~ $tr.uifit'('1 'Ioequenct's conn'rning:

;1 tht' sl,lIu-'> or !ht' inhabllant~ of the propt'rtl(''I.; h tht' curnp,uLvlIl (If pottt'T) aMembla~ with tll~ from lilt' It'nC'ment~ of tht' Hamel; lhe proce 't('s of dt'po,il fonnalion and in particuldf rt' idualil)."

rht' rt'sult~ Mt' I OUI houS('-by-housc in stratisvaPhic order, hul tht' ("('mil. from indi\-,dual ~quenc" art' combined into l'abk 1 and 2 to dt'momlrale gent'ral \rt'nds_ . \ lthou~h !hi\ amal'tamation lead, to a lo!oS or infonnalion, parti{ ular!)' in r("gard 10 lht" ,itt' ronnallon proct'S"f"'I, tht' numbrr of ~ht'rd rrom 'IOmt' fluor Je\eb ~ere regarded as

II , Blake and p, Davey, Cuuklinn fin tilL Prowntr,f and PuhlicotWn of .Htdin't1l POItn:r from ExcOl'Q/Unu (Ot'pt. of Iht' Environnlt'nt Occasional Paper 5, 1983), 50, ... R Haldon "ilh t\1 ~ t dlor, 'Latl:' Saxon and Medi('val pouery', in n G. Durham, 'Atehaeologie.al l nvt"$ti~tions in Sl. Ald,He's, Oxford', OxonlDlSUl. xlii 1977),11039; qualified in M ~ I dlor, 'Poue!)', in Palmer, "rnt' Hamel'; and in ~I Mellor, 'Tht' POllery'. in B.G Durham. 'Th(' Infinnary and Hall of Ih(' Mt'dit'val Hospital of SI. John lht' 8'lPli~t al Oxrord', Ofomm.no, hi 1991j, 5-1, ror Iht" medl('\·aJ pt'rioci; and J\ I Mellor, 'The Pouel)', in TG Hauall. C.E. H.upin and M J\leUor. 'Excavations in SI Ebb("'s Oxrord, 1967 76: Pan II ', OXOrllt7UUl, xlix (1984-,. 17& 219, hcht' l\. 11 GS-ill G2, ror tht' post-medi("\'a1 prriod J £\'an$ and J\ t \tillett, 'Rt'siduality Rt'\;sitt'd'. Oiford ]mmwi of A"Juwtoc. II '2\ 1992';, 225 to. T\BU> HOIlSBl"SII RO\\ IUITLR\ IIY 'l ~1BLR" THE 'l ~IBLR " BRACKLTS IS 1 HE PLRCL""l\(.L

I",/G_ 1. 1 , 1. , I, l' -I 2' I' I. Id '. C;p 11\ n; '1 1 2 01-1

(ip J8 ? 101 9-81 U III lin h 2' 1 B' "8" S2 IB lOll 10 Ol~

(il'lI :: \Q l(li,q I 11 11 It. 11, ~n 11,!h II..!II 11).2!' 1120 11 1J J 21 111 l' 1"1 'J .m 10 '1 :2H If, '" '" ~ (,1' III ;:: \ 12 2') 12 1>1 101 I fit. ... , ;.: \ \\\ 1t 2.? " II , n .\(; III:.! 1 01" " .\H I 111 '" ~\1 ~," 25 .. ,~ .Jl 5 ,I> 11011 17 II, 7n )l ttl{, 101 71 .?Htd , "I ~n ; B' IB 1 )II 1100 IlQ if'll RiM II() I ;::: .\\\ tq'i 2121' II JH H " ., ,!O'J ! Ii 7" 18 RC; 10') , 11 1112 0' "0.<1' I () H' 'W 7 I Iq '1 111 ],1 201 110 hI 11 0"," \1I'iC 1, :l 13,1"1\ hlO 11 II~R I, I j ml71 I'ltl un 2 10 3 120 82 RL\\ 'l(2Q ",); 1(2) 0.'1 RSI -1,1 0' \\ H\\ " 0.14 I",,' 110 lj h, 111 117 'I 4, 271 lIB h Ii 21 III ; W'l 1..,1 2" • " A TE:-<~\lE:-''T OF ROGER OF Ct:M:-:OR POTTERY 203 too "mall to ~ rdiablc: to tesl the quali~' afme ~idencr. Howc\.cr, some floor 1evds and the dump l('n:L~ comained a greater quantity of ceramics and fUMer quantification 01 the mdivldual pottery asscmbla~e~ IIId~ be valid in [utur(' 'S«' Discussion

Hol[rbush Rou'

PhaJ, I: A sequence of ditche. probably define property boundaries around the houses; only 2 sherds of Early Meditval Oxford Ware Fabric .-IC, Group IB were found d37) and may Ix associated with primary hll. The rev. (('ramie 120 shr:rdsi from the earliest (eaturts 133. 136) include 2 cooking pol/Sloragt' \'('ssris Fabric A(b Croup II , M't: Table II, fragments of COan('warcs from the vicinity of BriU/80arnall Fabric A"' , Croup III and a regional import possibly from Nunc:aton, Warwickshire: (Fabric AH, Croup III This ceramic material is similar to that found from the prt'-hQ!i;pital dumping 3t the Hospital of SI. John the- Baplbt at Oxford Phase 2:, in ,hal coanewar(><; from Buckinghamshirt' and a probable East Wiltshire source were present; this ~ma11 assemblage may ~uggest a date ('ont('m­ porary with thc potlery from thc Ixginning of the Hospitall("veb Pha~ 3a dated to lhe second quaner of the 13th century perhaps in thc I 230s. Ii)

Pfuut 20: The subsequenl phase, interprcted as levclling and dumping IC\"e!s, com'lint'd 110 sherds (20, 123, 124, 132 and I H '>Omc of which may haVe" bt't'n brou~ht from elst-whc~ in thc town' 123) The lallcr included mort' residual material (coarst'wares in Fabric J , Croup HI which wcre not present in .my quantity in the" floor b 'ch of thc properties).. \5 in Phase 1 the majority of coarse ..... ares .... ere supplied by t..... o sources and the fineware jugs, often decorated ,",.'ith mottled green or dark green glaze, werc supplied by thc Brill/Boarstall kilns ..\ Surrey \\'hileware from the SUITcy/ Han1pshirr border (Fabric BC, Croup 111 1• ' was present and, although synonymom in Oxford with late I hh- to 15th-crntury contexts, had bttn found in I'hh-century comuts on '>Orne nearby rural 'iites ("g. Dean Court, Cunmor. U Small amounts of Medieval J\bingdon Ware (Fabric AG. and Abingdon Type tlJ wcre abo presrnt. nlis phase is broadly datcd to thc ~cond quarter of the 13th c('nlU!), as PhuS(' I. with one or twO illlrusi'e ~hrrds ofthf' later medil"val pc-riod (123, 134).

Plum 2b all hou.w: The walls relilting 10 the three houses yielded only 2 sherds from House 3 lI08!, thc frmailling poIlC!)' being associated \\;th makc-up I("'els '121 and 131 which includrd regional importS from Olnc), Hyde in Northamptonshirr (Fabric GC, Croup IB, see Table I'!' f'Iuuc 2c nOust 3: In contrast to the above, the carliest floor Icvel!> associated with housc 3 yielded only 2 ~hcrds, many of the floor.; being dcvoid of sherds (89, 97, 100. 119 and 120), Again thc COaJ"S('wan:~ wen· supplit'd by the Sanlt twO sources as 111 Phase I and in tht adjo inin ~ houS(''i, but jugs from Brill/Boan:t.lU included roulclled applied decoration with moult'd grl"('n ~Iaze, a ~Iy l e of decoration first recognised at the nearby Hamel as first oCl"urring in Phase BIOa, dated carly to mid 13th ctntury'" but v.. hieh cames o\'er into the second half of thc 13th centu!)·.

P1t4JI2tf nOIm 2: The earliest sequence ofRoor lc\,('[s associated \\;th house 2 (99, 103,105,113, 125i di,;ded b} a latef intrusion (c himney stae-k 26) contained 55 sh('rds, the remaindcr !x-ing from a small pit (126). Pitcht'rs, wner(' dccorated, fa,'oured rrd slip rath('f than applird slrip~ and on(' jug with carbon deposits on the esterior of the- pOt had clearly bern used over an optn fire, a phenomenon noted on jugs locally' in 14th-century contexts.'

/lflay 2t hoUJt 2: The dump le\'d in house 2 contained fc\\ sherds but included anothC'r jug with rtd slip. mottled green glazl" and a carbon deposit externally (se(' abon·).

'" j\1. f>.ldlor, 'Thc Pottery', in B.C. Durham, 'The Infinnary and Hall ofthc Mrdit·val Hospital of St.John thc Baptist at Oxford', Oxonrm.rUJ. h,; '1991 1t 50 . • 1 R. Haldon with M. Mellor, 'Late Saxon and Medieval potlery" in B.C. Durham, 'Archaeological Investigations in St. Aldat(:'5. Oxford', Oxonimrta. xlii (1977), 119. "T. Allen, 'A ~Icdieval Grange: of Abingdon Abbey at Dean Court Fann. Cumnor, Oxon.', OXDnlnLflO. lix 1994, 219447. , ~I. ~fellor. ·Pouery from the excavations at 89 91 SI. Aldatc's', in Oxford IKjoTt JIu l 'mlm"l{)" Oxford Archa('olog­ ical Unit, Thames Valley l ..andsca~ Monograph, in prep. •~ ~1. Mellor, 'Pou('ry', in Palm('r, 'Th(: Hamel', fig. 13 no. 28. ;' Ibid 160 82, Fiche 2(H M R ROBLR I'S 1'.1 .\1.

1'Iliut 2[ Iwu\~ 2' "111f: l('\'dlin~ Ill' hou,," 2 Pha-.e:l.f ill( luded d l(o\\. mc,rt' $ht'rd, 'If"(' "-ablt" I but "ilh rt'\\- di.a.I{llOSlil' '(",tturr 10 d.mh. thl" datin"l:. ,\noU1t'r ('xamplt' of Surrt'\ \\llill"w;iJT .... a pr~nt and prol>abl~ datffl to t~ l.uC'r 11th ("("lIlun

Phalt:!g ho/llt 2- \ ,urpri.~in~ numl)('r of \/wrd, from floor k\c·ls weft" dso;(xi.<-l{C'd .... itb lhe north \idt' ()f hc)u .... 2 127 ~ht'rd~ III( '~ rna) h.-I\(" buill up ~t"ITn tlw mid I.hl! to lht' rar" 11th rt'ntur"\ and ~ the daung o\l"rlap' ",ilh that III ph.l'>(' ld to tht, soulh. Ont' fra!{lnc-nl 01 a S.. inIOn~(· IWM-\h,lped JII~ from SOIl{h-\\("M Fran("t' Fif(. 10. :2 ".I..~ in tilt" t.mdard labri, ami de(-(lrau'd \\ith \t·rtical runllill~ li,li.Ju· MroU .md a \\;bh or roluurk!. gI.IU; ddtrd UNO non. \m'~-J"in' \\lIh ph.l..'>t" It 122 S.JUlt()n~1' \'r.... o,(.! (-.III flnl\ iJ{" paralklc-d locall\-' in Oxfonl at 11 31 Chmrh Sin" t' ,(' \,a' ridwr lh.m from Ulhn .Idjuining prnlx'rUt", (hrfl" '\<1$ a1.ro a green glazC"'d ,Iu'r(\ with " (\i,II11Ullci ruliletlf dt't"Of

HUll( 211 hOlm 2: Tht' north ('"lid of hou~(' '1. ("olll.llIwd mor(' dlimplIl't wI' 1 ilhlt, II, the Hm' fluor layc'r fi71 wilh H ,hrrcii ha\in~ I('"c'r La\t \\'ih,hin' C-()dN'\\.m's hUI pmb,lhl' ,till d.1t('d to till' I-hh cemul), IllI' dump kH'1 b3 .IPIX',u,'d 10 I)f' (-orw'mpm,u)' \On,

1'1IIl.,, :1, hliN ,- 'Ill!' onh' sUI'\'i\'in~ noor k\'t'l ;n hOlN I HH \'itll r)') ,llI'rds c()nlaim mm-h th.1I I' Ira~nl'nl.ll) 11111

Plun,:.! dlllfj1j,/' TI\I' lillof Iht' ,wllt'-lil1rd ".nn dlillllll'l lI2. \\lIh '111 ,hl'rd~, 1I1Iliaillrd ruhhi,h tikl'lIMt.m UOlU' 1,IIt-d dUlIll-;;: Ihr lilt- uf huU'<,,,,, I, '2 and :I, dalin~ Iwm thl" \('1 und '1L1.lnn (,1 tht' I Jlh to Iht' lau'r 14th (lr fXK.,ihh

('\('11 ('Mh 15th c'entur\ \""'\t'I, indmkd furlha ju({'t ",Ih c.uholl d('IX1~il on thr external 'ourfan", bUI nl) nl)\iou~ in\(-n\al d('pc"il~ (If calcium carhonatt' .t, rni~hl lx' ('xpn Ird il \\.Ill't hold I)lTn hc'aled .. \ (h.lfin~ lrt'd h} til(' hlliag-(' in tilt' lornl: .tll th("I' \'(";\c'l, \\('(1" madc' .11 !Ill" BrillllmaN.tll kilm, siluolinel\ typc~ FabriC"' BB, Group IB frolll .IT\other -.rlUf<'(' in Wilbbir(' hut furthn north, .Ii \\("11 .1' lilt" waN' and hne\\olrt's t:-'Pic-a1 of Ihl" nth and 11th tTl\turic"_ rht'f(' WolS little ('\;dt'nn' of I hth- ('C'11 ITtdc\C' in IIU' ff'glllll oi ColoKJ1(", north Grnnoll1\, but" Ulhtrauill'(\ ill ;I !loor Ind pi)'Ht.uiJig II\(" 17th-anlul'v H'-huildim: Thr iron-tlt'C' f~lbrit, dnd rxt'eptional qu.uily or mottled ~('rll ~1.1II' 'Iond out dr.trh frtlm thr kl(al .l~m"l.l~" .lIld a I mnplru' ~tnH' dc'rumll"d "ilh th('<;(' tilC"'~ would haw \JeTIl

i>.\ !\It'llor, 'Thl' (lottery', in TG, H.l,~.lll, L.L.. il.llpin .111(\ 1\1 J\\r-lIor, 'Excavations ill Sl Ebbe's. Oxford, 1%7 70: Pdrt 1', O''lIIIII7UW, Ii\ 1989). fia;, 51 no, 12, 2()q I. P Page. Ilmhcoming, EXC<1\'atiUi1s at tht- sill' of thc- medin'al lTtoall'd m"!lor al Harding'S Fidd" (;hal~ff)vl', (hon; l'urrt"lIlh unpubl TS_ repon hdd b~ Oxford \r('ha('()II1~t'a1 l nil. til I illTt grat('fulw Bob Thomo;c)n fur his i(kntill('.lllon and fUf tim IIlrOnnallOl\, ... B.G Durham and ~I ~Idlor, 'l)ollt'T) rmm J>t"ck\\.lIt'r Quad..-.ma;11' Chri.~t Church. Oxftlrd' ()"nam.na, xlii 19i7 2b5 7 \ I E.'\E~IE.'"T 01 ROGER OF (t ~I"OR 1'0 n LRY 205 29 ..

l -~ .. I

" 2

2 -~ ' , ~ . " 4 3

3a 2b

D while slip 0 green o yellow 0 red/ brown O~....-==- ~==~'~OO~==~ ____~ 200mm 8

Fil{. 10. Poltcn H ollybu~h Ro\\ , I PI06/0/LJII; 2. P8710/IU.; 3. Pb l2ll.lH, J,P92121IBX; S.P65/01 1Bll; 6.P72/0/IAJI Sl. Tnol11.u·s St. 7P'131 IO/I.UI, 8. P231/0/2UI 206 ~I R. ROBERTS ET \1.. it \'I~u.tlh \("f'\ impN'~~i\'r feature in an) latr nu"di.,,\a! hou\C": it would h,- indicall\"t" of('on~id('rabl(' ('cull(lmi, .tandin~ in (hr ("ommunit)

J"fuu, • .'If, 3d aM '/g: rht· rtmdinin~ phaM".s Wllt.. illl·d fr\\ .. Iwrd\ hut ph,l'w :id indudt'd a rrdl{lll("1l1 01 19th·(('lItu .... "'CIIwv.arr .... milan drAin. PhdS(' 3~ inciudC'd ~m(" 18th- and Il}th .. n:"ntu~ wart'

11uIIr r Contl'xb from tht' fin.tI phaV". "jlh dt"pt"ih frum Clut!lld",hl' huu<'(·s. \\rrr mC'dirval in dalr "!lh Iht, n:n'"pllnll til ,,,tilt" bUild-up IB, ",hi{"h contilinrd tht" olll~ t'.trh po,t-nwdit"\.ll ,l<,\f'mhlagt" Thr .. ,' induclf'd produos from Urill ! Unar\wll. Sun-e) \\1Iitr ..... Lrn indudinl(" rudor (;tc'(-n l'lX', .lIId 'tOIlC'\\.lrt" fj,lltnm from Frt<:hrn in Itw Rhind.md d.ltill~ ,n \IIt" (·ad) to mid 1711\ {Tlltun. \ n(Hlr 11-"" Ih, indmkd a Ch.u-It- ... I Rusl' rarthiTl~, but till' polt,·~ \\.I~ Inidu,11

St 77lOmm \ Strut

Somt' qt'i ,had., ",wt' H'('oV('rt'd from lilt" ,itl" TIl(" dllmpin~ It".. t+. I>ha'r 1.\ 2:)1' cuntaint'd a Ie .... ,I\('r(h \:11 tI.lIim~ to th(' I hh (('ntur, ,!;('t' Tahl(' '2,

I~ 16 IrQU" 7: In wh-"illlt"d hUll'>!:' 7.11'\\ ,Iwrd" "('rl'" a...... u('l,lwd .... lIh till' dumping. but thl') IIltlu{kcl.1O .lIIlhwIM)' Illorphil pitT!" 2.'lh Two \t"Cjuem'c'''' oftluor \1'\1'1.'1 2'lR, 2,'}1j and :ltd and 26:1 \\ith onl) 'H ,Iu'rds imlud,·tI ~OIlW Ll'l \\'il~ hin' toarS("\\.l.rC' but "('r,. df)minatrd h, Urill'Uu,tf'lall ((lar~",arCl> ."lc! fin('\\art· Tahk 2 .\mlln~'t II\(" ran~t" of \·r.. M,I, \\.t, a pim'h-'IX)ut["d bo",1 wilh ,-arl)(lfl d"PfJ~il' nil Ih,· t'xlc'Tior (urfal-c'~, Th .. liNt "'qUl'lleT .riA .!IId lS9 li~hlly prt'-datro thr ~(Olld '>t'qu('nu' :!h:! and 26:1 • lht· I.HIt·, Iwinl{ dall·d to thc 11th crnlur..

1'fI4Jt Ie "~t j: rhr ('arlit"Sl Ob ... ('mhl.lj(c ... 111 till' .lCljau·1l! coh-huilt hou,< S Uldudt· 12 h,'mi from lilt' ,"h .... ,111'1 tlwlmdn's :1H ,wd 254), \,hile a -.equt'nn' ofllour \('\('1'1 217 NIl21l1 and :l,·)0 \\uh onl\- 1-1- 'lU'rd~ \\I)uld .1"lw.1f 10 Ik' ,·urHrmpor.H"\ wilh Utt' malt'nal Irum till' nIh \\a1k

PIUl.lf ld "(lUlf i Illl' .Idjoinin't cob-built hUll'!' I indudt'd 1:~Il ,hrrd, "hidl 'H'rf' .L'~(M.-idlrd with .1 \.HWI~ 11\ ft'.lIurr~ lIlduding .1 pil 214, ,I robher IU'nrh 21'1 ,I h

l'hlll( 20 hou,( :i: '!\\t'nty ~('W'11 ... Iwrd, wt'n' n-ruwrt'd Irom 1\11" \Ifllw-huiil hllu'>(' S. of \\hirh un" "'\1'11 \I,·It· .W~O('i.Ht·d "'I\h ,I floor k\'d 1:122', .tnd indicat!' ;t \5Ih-u'nIUl)' (\;lIe

l'ha l(:!b Tn Ih( Wlr oj h/llllf :i: a '-lIh-n'llIu!") dall' W

1'1111" 2.. nit' k\\ ,h('rd~ in ph.l'ot':.?l wt" ('dbit- :! .... t·rr m.unl,.1 "M I.ttrri wlth.1 InC'1 (lr dumpin\t ("flnt.linin~ 1"M'ttl'r, d.II"d In t!1f' I hh ,j·ntur;.

l¥ralr 2d !wit,,·/' Ill(' dumping Il·\t'l ,211 1 (Ilnt

l'hlll( 2, "To 1M "aT f!! hOli.lt 5: •\ \('ry ~uihw.ntial .mlOunt Ill' pott{'f"\ \\.I~ hrought in with thr dump 11-"",\ l'tl

... \1 \ll:'lIor, 0p. cil nOlC'Hi. til.!; 56 no. 2,'l, 21h \ I"E'DltS"1 01 RO(;f.R 01 Cl "'OR PO n I.RY 20i 1.\811. Z " I Hlnl \s" S IREI. I PO rlI.R' IHI. 'I ~IHLR I' HR.\CKETS IS lHE PERCI.:-"\GI. GP/C... I... I. II> Ie Id 2;t 2b 21 2d 2(' 2f rOl.11

(jp IR .\(' 22 20.2 8M :2 1 Z 7 -10.1

(;1' II .\1.2. h:l'l S II

1"(<1/ 21 2h 27 I'JO 21 II 11 112 ')19 29 C1-t;

illu·n·,t i~ ,I 1I(·.INomplt·l(' o,,(lual drinkmg- jug v.iln rod h,mdll' but 111) \IX1UI Fig. 11.9" , ...;th bands of rilling on Ih(' nt'('k and Iht' hdl .... 1)('1v.('('n \,hidl wa~ ,I thin 1ll01lkd () " 6/1, il pit ill th(' ~am(' area. AnOlher prociut"t, rare'" ,tlllon/('1 tllnt' .l.~ mhla~t·~, "01., a fi~c()\'('r (curfe\... {QUI'" tltiro, nimh bl.tckrllt'd in~ide and out. from a wun'e v.hidl b unkn(J\\n .abri( 111/' Group III but which Illi~hl fall within tht' £.lst Midlands R('duced Ware tradilion Fi~. II, HI·)O Thb cin'ular firec()\'('r with '>Cort'"d lint"s .!round the n'ntral \"t'nt and inci,('d dt'"coratioll on the upj>('r p.lrt ..... Huld ha\c' h«n u..ro tu C·O\·t"r tht' embc-rs to ("ontain ~p.lrks ur to It'"t'"I' tht' crnbC"1'"$ a.li~nt o\·emi~ht. Tni.\ cxamplt'" \\.IS dc',il?;nrd fur ;t firrplan- that v.a.~ central 10 tht' room. r.uht·r than clO\f' to a wall or niche, which would h(" Irom thc' drmolilion It'\t"! at Cnalgrovt' M()atrd M.lIlor in !>oIJulh .... ;t.\t Oxfurd.,llIrr and mclude a finr tablrwan", v.f'll I,!;I.t7ed "ith mottlt'd ~t'll both intemall~ and eXl("malh Fi~. II. J:.! and aJ .... J I()(ai Tudor tYJ>t"s from lht' neMby Hamel datrd 10 lhr firsl hair or thf" 151h ct"ntury ,\ \Lmilar dalt' "a.\ i1l1rihutt'd 10 th(' pil 26hll, 26612. "hi("h containrd d b.uu\ler JU~ with ("arhon on the basr. Tht" imna in rt'q:lonallyprs.1t this p<"riod i... abo mirrort"d dl tht" H.lmt'1. dnd reinrO!"U"llht· idt"a that tht" t't"nlraJ 8u<.:kin~ham~hirt" potl"ri('s (l'l1Ir('d 011 "rill wrrt' 10 ing lheir monopoly III tht' to ..... 11 l'ha ~ if Itmm 6: Ill(' final pha.~ of hou<;(' I) wlllainNJ .1 floor wllh only IWO ,h("rci! IN5), the rt'maindrr I)("in~ ,moci.lI('d v.ilh dt'.minl."t and rn.ike-up lewl" ·228. 2·16 and 25'1, I'hC"W' induded d. rril~C"lIt or t'mbo.w-d 'jewt'!' dt'{'oralf'd l1louldt'd !-'t'll1ord~hirt' ~lipwart' and Rheni~h ~IOIlC"\\"art" daling to tilt' mid 17th century

~Idl()r. op. CiL not("" -I.i. Op. til. nOlt" II. pha..<;c" !-'T3 and E-t Ii. Ibid. 176. ,\1 ~Idlur. ' I ht' l)ottt'rY', III TG Ilas:.<.111. C.E. H,\lpm •.IIld ,\1 f>.h·lIor. 'Ext"a\atiom in SI. Eblx's Oxford, 1%7 76: I\m II', (h;o1I1nIl/.Q, xli..x 198 .... I-i,he II Fb, h~. 85 '0. 2. 208 M R ROBERTS LT .\L 2e


10 •• "~- ~ A ( 11 " r " ~\I

12 / .O...... =====c ,..... -======>.... ~ 2.00mm

I -i~ II Potter. St Thorn.ls\;; St. II P:tN/O/:UII. In Il

/)UCU.UJ(J/I ifpotln;

rhi" .L<.;..e, ... mt'nt sho.... , that the c("ramics \"tTy much n:flnt Ihe pOUt'r":.- of t.h(" period and t1H'n: t ... 1mit­ ill ttlt" cl'ramir producLS to indicalf' (lincn'nn .. in rnnsunl('r choirt'o nr thaI an~ (lnt' hou ... dlOld c'ni()~t'd it hi~l1('r \(andard orIi\'ine; durin'!; U1(' OlfdiC'val 1>,·riod. rhe' lIollybush Row lmust"s \'Quld ""('m to haH" he'en built SOlnt" two or thn.·(" g("Ilf.:rations later than tho,(' at TIl(' Hamd, whilt" tho ... t at St nlOm.l~ s Sm'I'! \\('r(' perhaps inhabiu:d ~mt 2 'l ~('Iwralioll\ latc'r th.m HolI)bush RQ\\, or the' ('arlit,,,,, 1nc'l ... had I)('rn n'mond in tht mc.-die\,ill p(,riod I"Iw l'llk or f(·gional imports suggt'SL", if allylhin~. a n'rtain .onsl'f\,-mism in 13th-(rntu!') (ontr'b. Onrallliltk ~kdie\",d .\binC!;don \\-arr l.lbrit· A(., Group III Wd!

'H \1 1.,r1{'~ , - \ \ Irdil:\'al POIlt'1') Indu'lr. .II IW.lf'l.llJ_ 8ud;.inR"h'Ulhhirr RtCt"dr if Bu..kmgJuvruJuff, ""xi\' 19A2 117 \ n.'E~"_'1 01 ROGI.R 01 Cl ""OR PO n LRY 209 follo\\s lhC' pau('m nident a1 me Hamel. in contrast to tht, ... ilf''' ~)ulh of the town along the lint' of SL .\ldatr\, when: a , .. idf'r ran'(C' of conullt'lual and r{'~()nal Lmport... lIt" n Idem. Ibe- pft.';,ence of lh(" lat('-mc."di("\.ll or ('OJh J.>O't-mediC\'aj Gcrman stO\(' Lilt: .... hi(-h ....." unfonunatc-ly unstratified in a l:Kht­ nwdievaJ layer docs ho\.. ('\,('r indicate quality hou .. ehold rum~hin~. and implit·s wnsiderablr status at th.u pc:·riod. rhe pr(' t'net" of food warmers chafin~ disht· ... in tht, (UkCTt Pha",(.' 2 rna,' rdlen chan~n~ ('uquC't(C' or nt· .... mt"lhoci-. of food preparation r\ \'arit"ty ofH"sM"ilypr" W(,fl' appan-ml\' u\t'd UHf thr fin"lx':-.itie'l the ubiquitous cookin~ !)I)t.lx·rauM' bo",J.. and in particular ju~ , .. {'r(' used to heat liquid~ a' "hown by 1h(' prrs(,Il('(' of carbon dep05iLS; this ~UAAfSLI:j that th(' mcchanism for h("at.in~ was nOt H~ eflicit,nt, sinn th(' carbon would haw burnt off 10xidiS('d if a hi~her l('mperalUre had lx-en ,,-,ehi(,\·t"d. rh(' frawnenta~' natun.· of the \"el:l:jd" doc'S not allow Ihe 0\"('"1"<111 sooting p.Hlerns to be studied. Tht' ahs('t1ce of certain major (('ramie traditions on this sitt, "abric .1e, Group lB. .l-abriC" 1, Group III is a useful monitor to lhc amount of f('sidual polt('ry that rna\" he appearing in 13th-ccntury ami later It.'\"els on other major site)i with long sequ('nn.'"s in Oxford: in panicu\ar the- Hamel, \.. hen' ~1t'die\·.tI Oxford Ware.- W.LS apparenLiy still in US(' in the mid 13th ccntury BlOb and continued in a limitt'd Illilnll('r into thc' 11th c('ntu~', This sitl' and lh


1/0/i,bUJh Roll'

ThC"rt, \\Cf(' 307 ObJl',ts rf'co\"i..'rC"d rrom Hollybu,h Row, or \\hirh 1:)3 w('rC" nails. and 105 oth("I''' \\('1'(' id('ntifiabll', Onl~ 2h \\('rt' rrom medit'\'al rt·alurt'" the n'mamUl2; 79 id(,nlifiablc' objl'cts lx-ing from posl-m('dic\'al or mocit'm COlllt"xLS, Th(' a.~"<'lllbla~(' Indud('d tilt" follcming matt"rial c3tc,gori('!\ with th(" numbC'r of ObJl'(()i nOll.'d III brackets: l:il\"l.'r I, copper aUo) 95), iron I R-t including 153 nails, lead II, bOIl(' 5" stont" B, slate I j, flint 21 and jC"t I ' I·h ... ohjc((s an- (-atalu~l.'d b\ material and Obj ... ft l)-lx' ,\ disrussion of tht" objC'Ch b) pha.se follow, tht' ("alalogu(' for Sl. Thoma,<;'~ Slreet, below.


COlnJ,j'1/0'L< and WktrH identified by Dr. ~. ~Ia)"h(·\,-

SluJrI. noJS pmTtl'. ,ilv("r, ('omplt'lt', Clas\ III. dalt' of ~Irikin~ ( I ]!I{J II~H III nrrulalion until ( 1147. In'ICriplioll \\"lLU~~IO:'\I.\·"'" 1:l05 10 )):21 mm. SF 102 GIX 88 PH 1-10 2i

Op. (It. nnl~ -l3. 210 ~1 R ROBERTS ET AL

lthn, I("ad. IIlfomplt't(', Cro!IS hatching 14th C rart\-' modt'rn, 0:20 mm. Sf' 71 crx 5 PH liD 3a

\Mr""bn~]tUlm. ('op~r allo\ complete. Hann K.r-d.u"~"i.nd.d 15805 1635) 0:21 mm. ~S ..· 137 CTX 79 PH HO 3al

CharI< J R,ISt!artJlltW, ('opprr alIo~. complt'tt'. t:~('nt mark, 1636 H. 0:12 mm. SF 28 CTX 2 PH HO I)

UW"/I I Rnlt fa't)lI~ 1636 +t, ('upper a1lo\. ('()Inplrlt' 1):12 mm SF 43 C'TX 16 PH HO 3h

(./UI1/(J I Rliit JUTth",/[ 1636 +t • ('ppper .tI1o'r. ((Impll"'l(' J): 12 mm. SF -18 CTX 43 PH HO 'kl f:I~' oj Otpml jar/hU/f, tol..nl 1652), copPf'r alloy, complt'!!'. D: 15 mOl. SF :i{; CTX 1312 PH HO -Ib,1

Iovtl, fOpp"r .llln), compit'I(,. OXFORD 1(1)7; \NN IYRTON ..... ith ..'oat of Mms. D: 16 mm. ,S I 209 ( IX 'l711 I'll 1-10 3Ji:'

(~~ 1I11w(fCToun 1R19) copper alloy. compklt'. Forg{'r) I)::n mm \S F 20-1 CTX 13 PH liO lbl

F.dut11a I'll M!I/Jmn.. I 90S). wppn .1..110),. co01pl(,I(,. D: 26 mOl. ,!)I- b CI X -III PH /10 :lh

Irkn, It"ad. incomplcte, \. wh~L Rc\ ~E D:21 mm SJ 15 crx 2 PH HO ~

(,'Jln,topJX"rallo),(ompletc.lmdentiJit"d. D:10mm. SI'I11CrXBi PH H02h

.'iI!al .l/a/rim

'Yal mD/TU. kad, wmplt"tr. Pomtt'd 0\ al in \hilpt' with ,I perfnrau-d Itle: on tht' rew'rot" Tlw inSCription rt"ad ,.,~ Roe,m. dt. (;g,,,mnrt aur+- surrounding- a lion rampant. 1.:39 mm. ~I- K9 CTX 921 " PH HO 21 Figurt' 13 No. I

(,'opprr all~~

Ptnonal Or7U1mrnlJ

1';'11:" "n.II, wpper ,1110), inC"Ornplrlc'_ Stirrup .. hapt·c! rin~, a ~I('ndrr hoop rising to ,I pointed hezd; thc sr(tln~ IS ml'!.~in~. D 26 mm. SF 13:1 CTX 92/·1 PH liO 2) FiKUre 12 :'\0. 1

Bu.-Ak flaw torcular coplX'r .illov, ("omplcl(' Plain circular buckll:' fram(' and pin_ The framc is unilllt"ITUptrd b)- a mmtrinion and i~ ,hrrdorc classified as a burkir rathl:'r than ;t broOfh. D: 42 mm_ I.SF 2-1 CTX III PH 110 3bl

/Ju'/Jtjranu ()\al, copper alloy. incomplru.'". O\'al bud.;lr frame with (ompmitt'" m~id plates; the fr,unt' i.~ bndh·c!.md lipprd I()r the pin thr plates arr incomplrte." I..: 31 mm. SF 61 CTX 5 I'H HO 3a Fi!l;Ure 12.'\"0. :1 lJu.Ak.frwru (ova.l wpp«'r alI0), inwmpl('lr. Oval budde frame \~;Ih om.Hl' OUL~idt' Cd~C5 and ~h("rt roll("r fhl' pl.HI"~ Me incnmpl("tr but.ttr r("ce<;:sed for tht" frame and h,l\'(' two riHb. 111C pin is mis,ing ..... I..: 17 mm ,SF 129 CTX 61 2 PH 110 2, Fi~re 12 ' 0. 3

Had.lt .framt I)- ~hap("d wppt'r alIo\- and iron, compl('l('. I)-shapt'd buddt' rramt' with ccntral bdr .md c'ofTt)(lrd lton pm I.: 2·' mm. SI202 CTX 13 PH HO +bl

•. Cf AR Goodall. 'Copp<'r .llIoy and I{'"ad Objt'fl", in Palmrr. 'Tht" lIamd', fiche 2 813, li~. 23.:"in I A gold c')C

- 2 . 3 - •

<.\ ~ 0 .1 ~ :gQ: o~~ -# 2 I ~ •• , • 6 E U ------'""'-'-o...J '0 o 30 mm •

8 9 7

"". dr.wn hom X r.y 5 I

fig. 12. Small rind~ 212 M R ROBER" C'J AI..

seal Impression -•=- - 1 2

seal Impression

10 •0 30 mm Dao.aoi--==-~""

Hu,AII pm, l'Opr)("r .1110), incompktl- L: 1.\ mill. S~ 11-1 (. r:\. RH I'll HO 2i

BUlA" P/fl/l copp.:r 01110). incompletr 1\\0 r('{ tangul,tT bUI kk pl..!\(' hrokt'll oft at tht' fold, joint'd hy four pl.1in riv('t, and ,I ("('nlra] '('xfoi! mount with cOIll'a\"(' Jobn J.round Iht' ('dl('; lher(' j, •• ~1Il1{1C" b.md of incisc-d li~ zaJ,t dr("{)ration ~ L 'm mm. SI' Id (;TX 46 PH HO :\a Fil.p.ln" 12 ~(Jl

(:1. Lgan .1nci Pritchard, op. ("it. nott 57. 111, Itg. n. '\fI. '}:.!O 213

/JUJ~b plall. wppt'r all,,,, incomplc'lt'. Bud.lt: p1.11t' frd~t'1lI broken orr dl lold. Trel.'" '>('d fur the buckk framc' wilh a ~k), lor lhf' pin. on.- riHI hult- r('nl.l.inin~. L!.!. mm st" I H ( I \. u/s

\trap mt1, c"p(X"r a1lm. lilt ompklt" PUle Imm ;\. lone- ndrTO\\ trap cud .... lIh a 1011("<1 Icnninal ....llh a "\'('t lhrnu~h tlu­ I ('Ilirr .mel '\H) lunht"r nHlS at tilt" uppt"r (,lid (If Iht" pl.tll" I', !Otl lITt' Ih('" trap il"'l·lf. Cununon III thr lith u'nlun I ...,'1 mm. "" IIIi ( I X B8 PH HO li Fi~n' 12 '\;0. 3

\/mp loop. WJ>pn .I.II()~. 111(0I0plc·I(,. (h.11 ~Ir.tp k)()p \\lIh illlrwal met. I. 15 111m. ~I 138 C ~ iUU PH HO 2r liar mOOll', (Upptr .1110) IIIl'ompl("ll', Solid b.lT mount .."ilh u'nnin.1.1 and C(·ntrallulx-s. Ihl" bar la~n lrum !III" «("Illr('. Ih(' {"('mral heM h.\!; a rais("d 1>("\'('II("d ~urroulld: lh,. u'nl1ill.\1 10b('\ arC" ,tl">() rai.-.c.·d. L 37 mm. SF 70 Cl"X Ii·' PH II() :.!i

Bm mount. nlpl)('r •• 110\ (1I1I1pll'II' Simple rrrtan&n1l.lr bar mnunt, \olid n-,hap4"d v-ninn '" ith chamfrn·d ("Illh .md 1"(11((" dt"wr.lI("d \\1111 ilwi\t"d notche.. rht'r(" M(" "H) riHI Imln, onl' ",nh.1 riH'1 pn: l'lll. L 22 mm. SF IIIi CI X Hii I'll 110 2h,

8m mount, lUPJ~:r .1110), wmpktl- Simple rel:t.1I1'tU1.lr b.lr ml,unl. lnmlrtlClI'd out of cOPI)('r alloy sht't'l ",ilh.1 rt'ntraJ rid~(' .md nll((" Ihitt cur-t' to\\ard~ Ih(" back_ r.,.. o riH·t hol(", til I ~ :,u mm SF 119 CTX 87 PH HO 2111 ltar Plount, ('opper .llIo~. H)mpit'l(" Simplt' pl.UIl N'CI.Ulf(ul.u h.lr mount. I)-,hal)('d ~('ctl()n wilh 1\\0 ri\("b prr 1"111. I. 7 mm. ~I 122 (. rx IOh PH 110 2"

Bar "IOU"I. wppc'r .t.llo~. incompit"lt' Simpl(' rc'ctan~;\lI.u har mount, I)- halX'ei nioll. raist'd ("d~t' .. dccorated .... ilh un l~eI nnuht'.. I .... u riHI rt'main cithl"f .. irk of a iarl1:t" Ct'nlraJ pnfor.uion fXx Ibl, for it ct'lllraJ d«or.Hi,t' ~,_ I Ih mm. SF 1-1') ( rx WI PH liD 2r

rittlR.,!, wpp<"r .1110\. iI1lCJInplrl(,. D-~hapc.. d rra~ent of copprr allm ~h(,t't ..... ith ITClanltUl.lr bar mount .macht'd .... Ith ,I '1Il~1(' ri\l't thf()u~h it Po~,ibll" foldin~ ('nel from .1 strap (1.l.sp. brok(,11 ullal tilt' fold. I.: 28 mm. SF 87 CTX S PI! lin ia

flulwn, ("oPI:K'"r dllm. IIIromplc'll" BIC'(lI1\("x button made ul \Ii.llnpt·d shl"l"t n\('«I1 ....-ilh ... o;ep.tr..HC ,h.mk th.u pa.s~('~ thruug-h.1 C clltr.II holc ill tht' lJ.lck. I. 4- mlll_ Sf I. eTX 'I. PI! HO 5,

IJullm. wppn .llIuy inrol1lplrtl". Frnl!;Jllcnt b'om a bi('on\'t"x button tndci(' ur,tarrlpt-d shn·t metal; th(' attachmC'nt loop i~ lIli "UlI( D- I:} mm. !)£" 76 C rx b5 PH HO 3.1

lJulillru. C1rrul,lr diM' butl(llls: SFI7 CTX2: SI·31 C rX2: SI''110 (. rXI:1. SF31 \\.l.S d('coratcd .... ith muther ofptMI. SllOI ..... L~ ~Ii~hth dOlnt'd. with .1 di~h('d eel~('

1..1.1<1 lag! wpprr .Il1n) ,\II thl" 1('(un:' lhe 1.1("(" rhi... 1'1)(" of lact' t.11t wa.~ in u"<" in ,hl' Ilth ('l'nlOry but mort" ('omOlon in Ih(' 16th

CI Ibid lin II. hI{. 72, :'\0. Sib. 4 Cf ibld_ I'JfI I. iiI(. R5, :'\0", 605 6; S. ~largl'o;(}n .... ilh 1.1-1. Guud.lIl, . IkltfiuillJri and ac('t" -c;oril's' in S. ~1.lrgtWn ('d \, n1'Uh II'J/I,,,ho/d;: tJu mfdmoaJ aM ptJJ/-mtdU1.tlJ jlnthjrom \an(uh .tuTton t\(QlaIMU 1'171 78 E,a.sl .\IlI~lian \rch.l.r· ol~ 58, 199:\ H h. hR;. 35. '"C)!;. 232-4. , Cf I ~ltan .. lid Prltt·hMd. up. cit. nOlI" 57, 230, frg. 115.1\0, 1231 Cf. Ihid. '1H fiR;. Ill, :'\0. IIS8; 0 .. \ Hinton. 'Belt and ~tr.lp muunts', til ~I Biddll' t'd .• Ohy(1 and «tin,",!) m m"ltrrdl U"in(htJln Wincilt"stt"r SlUdit' .. 7.ii, 199()I. j43 -t, F i~. IH. !\o. 1371 Cf Egan ,Ind Pritchard, op. cit. nOlt' 57, 211 13, fi~. 133, No. 11171138. Cf ihid '111 13. fi~_ U3, :'\o~. 11371138. Cf. Ibid. 211 11. fig. 133, l\os. 1138; A Goodall, op. (it. 1I01t' ')6, htht, 2.(;01 h~. 24, ~o. 31 Cf E't'ln and Prill·hard. up. cit. nOI(, 57. 116. fig. 77, :"0. 5')5. (:1 ibld_ 271i. Il~. 179, '0. 1398; A. Goodall, op. ('it. not(' ')6, ficht' 2.COI, i1(t. 24, ";0. 4-7. Cf J-.R;an .and Pritchard, op. cit. nOI(, 57. 276, fig. 179. ;'\/). l'i98. 2 14 HR. ROBERTS ET AL. and 17th ct'nturies. SF13 CTX10 PH HOS; 5F2\ CTX2 PH HD 5; SF26 CTXI8 PH H04b; SF203 Cl"'XIO PH HOS

PillS T lm.·t' t)'pC~ of pins were recovered. The first group ('onsiSlS oflarge pins with globular heads, of a type dated at T he Hamel 10 Ih(" 15th ccmury.H At Hollybush Row: SF21 CTXi8 PH HD 4b; SF38 CTX 1312 PI! HO fb. The second group consists of pins \vilh flal heads, dated at the llamt'110 the 16th to 19th Centuries. At Hollybush Ro\\ SF7 CTXIO PH HO 5; SFS CTX IO PH HO 5; SFI6 CTX2 PH HO 5; SF22 CTX2 PH HO 5; SF 35 CTX 5 PH 11 0 3il; SF37 CTX 13/2 PH HO Ib; SF207 CTX27 PII HO 3~. Tra("C'~ of non-ferrous plating were' dcu'ctC"d on SF7, SFlb, SF37, SF207. The third group tonsisL~ of pins with win" wound heads; drawn pim. art" luW\\11 a.~ (',Irly ilS tilt' medieval period, but smaller finer pill,) su(h itS Llwse are mort' C(JOlmou in the 16th and 17th C"clllUrit's.lt, At HoUybmh Row; SF!8 CTX 2 PH 1-1 05; SF9 C IXIO PI! H O 5; SF25 CTX 18 PH H O 4b; SF29 CTX 18 PH II () ,II>; SF35 C T X.'l PH 1-1 0 3a; SF39 CTX22 PII H O 3("; SF,12 CTX43 PH HO 3e; SF60 C T X lfj PH HO 3a; SF 207 CTX27 PH 1-1 0 3g. A number ofrins with small, spherical hca(l~ were also found in these context;; and al~() SF27 C T X 17 PH HO ~b; SF206 CTX2 PH HO !'>. Two points W(T{" abo rcco\,cn·d: SFgO CTX!i5 1)1-1 HO :5a: SF IO CTXIO PH 11 05.

Bffld jel. complt'lI". Globular jet bead, D: 11 mm. (SF 50 CT X :l1 PH H () 3) Dom/stu utmsiJ.s

Slmnmn, cappel alloy. incomplete. Fragment from a perforall'd skimmer ho.... l, on(' ("urvl"d edge and St:\'C'IlIWr/ClriltiullS \.-i ... ible.'J L: 52 mm. ,51" 58 CTX 4-8 PH 1-1 0 4-a). Figure 12 :"l"o. f)

'nllmbil!, COppel alia}". complete. Straight sidt'd t.himble with machinc' applied indentations abo\'{' a narrm\ plain band I,,: 18 mm (SF 205 CTX 2 PH HO 5 Otht'T

Other objects rec'oYered wert' a copper alloy/mult, sr.'l6 <'':--1-:\.-48 PII H O .ta, and lWO small nn,~ , I, possibh dMin-links, SF 19 CTX2 PJ-IH OS, SF57 CTX48 PH HO lao l'Il('n, wt.'n· 31 unidentified copper alloy objrcls n·C'o\."('f"ed (i'orn ~ilt.' which include Strip, ~het"l and miscellant'Qus fragments; a rul! li~t or lhe~e is available in thr- arclli\'{,.

Iron Pl'nmw/ omamellt.l

Hllllnn. iron, inromplt'It". Circular disc bUIl!)Jl, lht'

Dom/JII< utrosiiJ

II 'll/utI' IImg !;mjr, iron. incomplete. K nW:: \vidl lrian~/"ular blade: til(' tang i~ c(,!lIra] [0 tilt" bLtde. t.!lI' ~hould('r~ an' Hraigh1.J~ L: 88 mm. (SF 127 CTX 113 PI! 1-1 0 2d

Whlttk lang krl~jt. iron. incomplete. The tanR is central 10 Ihe bhuk, lhe shQulder,> are strai~ht. the bark and bladl' edgt' an' maigh1.- L: 56 mm. I,SF 83 CTX 77 PH HO 2c

.yalr lang kllifr. iron and KFP, incomplt'lc. F ra~mcUl of the blolde and scale tang. nOll ferrous shoulder plat(, and sinc;lt· rivet. L 124 mm, ',SI' liS CTX 88 PH H O 2i,

1 cr. M. Biddle and D.A. lI inton, ' Point~', in H Biddlc' (ed.). or. cit. note 66, 581 9; I\. Goodall, op. dl note 56, fig. 24 No. 65. " cr. A. Goodall, 01'. cit. nOle 56, fiche 2.C03, fig. :26, No. 93, J~ cr. ibid, fi che 2.C03, fig. 26, No, 95. Jb Cr. ibid , fiche 2.C03, fig. 26. No. 110. J. Cr. I.H. Goodall, ' IrOIl kitchen implemellts', in S. ~ l dI'gt~SOIl (ed.), op. cit. note 64, 118 [9, fig. 114, Nos. 7-13 5: A. Goodall, op. cit. note 56, fiche 2.C03, fig. 26, 1'\0. IH, J. Cowgill, 1\ 1. de ~eergard and K Griffi1.h~, ,\I(dl(OOf {illti.ffmm mowlllJtIJ UI /.ondan lo/urnr 1.- hniUJ WId .'i(ahbardl (19871. OR, fig. 69, No. 84. 'J cr. ibid. 86, fig. :18, ~o. 55. \ TI.'f-\lfSr O F RO(,ER 01 CD"OR "L\IJ F"lh 21;


ITTflUlrmJ. irun. in(ompl"t(, SO(kl:'tffl and harbt-d .1fTOwlw.1d, Ih(' lip ... (If tllf'" ham, an' danld~('d," L 71 mm. SF 100 ( I ~ HH PH 11 0 li Fi~n' ,2 :\(1. ; '!nt,,,,, .", ,

\ ha.,p. SF22'! C 1:\ lh PIII-IO ja. 1\\0 lapin Sl 4j C rx n. PH 11 0 ii' SI :H2 CTX 2 PH HO S, and a rinR' IUllar, S~ 1 (" h/2, PH HO:1. \i:uls \\ton: rr'\fl\nrd hum numt"ruu wntl"". indudin~ floor. and h"M1h~ of ph.to,(' 2. ·~.I. I .mel ), ,md it luI] 1i,1 i~ d\'ailablf' ill ,Irchi\'l'

JIlin. (IT

Ihc'rr \\t'rt" 1\\0 lionrlh SF III ( rx q PH ItO 31( .... a~ fit lob.HI; pmhlr. \\ith thnT rt"ctanl;Ular hol("~ in ('Mh Mm. IlMro" \\<,h .md h("l\~ I'alkin\ L: l.t? mm. SF 130 CT X III PH 1-1 0 :.?d \'.l~ of plain profilr,wnh four rt'll.lIIl{Ul.lf holt", in ("Mh .Iml. ",idf' M·b~ ,md l i~hl ('alkim l. 112 mm lIl('rt, wa~ .Iho a fiJdl, My flail, SF 5 C T X I I PII HO 'Ib

Othn b LJ \'t("ft' IWO iron />DUltl, and then- \\("rf' II> Unldt,ntihC'd iron objt"tl' rr(O\("red dt"lails in archiw'


II "Iu'l. uad, k.ld, III! nmp!I'll' Cir{-ular o;("{"\ion,liatu'l\(-d ill ()ne (·lId. I.lpnimc to a pOint .11 tilt, other: Ih,' tip is mis'iinlt I. hi mm SI· .,'1 ('rx IS PH 0 la

\n ill nmpl"tc' 11"'';''11.. 11m, and a dUt \\fTt' al ..... , n'l'o\c'u'd, .lIld thc'rf' "c'n' 6 mi",dl.meou~ fra(lnents (It-laih in .tnhl\,'

tAlUbl, I/drd wm/HJIIU (()mh, fl.1I s('t"lion tapt:' rC'd .It Iht'" t'dJ,(" .In el fotmdt'd .It til(' t' n d~. R ect;'II\~lar Shdl)C', rounded lornrr;; liw untut .wnl" is 'lraight \\-jlh t"n iron ri\"("t\, TIlt" flllt" and ("(>

\Pl1ldlmhorl, IXlne proxim.tl kmur ('p i php.i.~ from faull' or dt'"('f), ('Omplrl(' I'lallo convrx ~pind1ewhorl Cut frorn the hrad 01 a bm:oid humrrm or Ii.'mur 0 : -l-I m Ol, SF In CT X 101 PII 110 'l~, Fi~re 12 No.8.

['Ilffl' "('ft' al~o Iwo bont· pomb, SF!):.! e TX 16 PI 1 II(Ba wiU a "h.tlt .mel ti p from a Pi\{ fibula, and SF II b C rXB6 PH HO 2h \\J..... I ("UI"'.C·


' Unll"fUlI' incompkt(" .. ~lvtJ/n'tr wrr~ rcco\"('rrd: SF33 (' 1':\1 PH 11 0 'la, SF8h CTX ') PH HO ja. SFlK) G I'XH> PIIIIO .tJ. SF91 (. r x ih PHilO 3a. SF98 eTXS!! PIIIIO :.?h. SPr-1 C r XSb PlfHO 2h, SF IIO (. rx9 PHHO 3~, "'1-131 ("1'121 1>11110 2~, \ 1l ar(" uf\("hi.q, r)!;n'pt SF i31 whirh i of\omd,tone. T h(' ~1TI.,Il""din ~ill' and fine 'hapinv; of til(' (' \\llI't~lOn("<; \\ould ha\,(' m.ld(' thrill rno" uil.1bl(' for harpc'uing Illil.lkr hladrs and crafl!>m.lIls woh

""(;f. III Goodall. ' \ rro\\ heads'. in .\1 8iddlt'" led op. CIt. notl' 66,1070 lOll, ril:{_ 3-11, :'\O~ 40104015 III Cf. ~I Bidelll' and J) Brl)\.\-'O ill ibid., ' \\ 'r il i n ~ equipmrll t' 7-11, ~ o, 1299, c.;1a... ~ II ; datcd al \\'in cht'~ t er to th(' 11th .md 14th ((,Iltunl" II (:f P (;alluway in ibid" 'Comb, or bone. antler ,md iV()I)--', hli,') 90, h ~. 18 t, :So_ 2176, (:f :\1 \\ oodland in ibid .. 'Spindle\\horl~' 21b- 25. fi't 46. :\0. 139 .. Cf Sl., Elli, and DT \loorr in ibid. ' H /)I\r~', 868 AI 216 ~f R. ROBER IS t;t .\1.

\101L pm.,j Ult'Ulllpit-U' and broken at l)

flmf Id('l1lilird b, Philippa Bradle\

/-, .v flml. inr()mpit'h' L"uli/fd flakt', di~l.tl and m~tll hand ,d., tI~'d, brokf"1l at Ih(' proXlIllaJ (·nd. I .: ,(11111n. :-,1 '11 ( I" 11 PII H() Ib

n,u.., 1I11lt. Ill! ompktt" Broken h.ud·haIlUllt"r st . II( k lI.tl(· bOlh !.IL('r.L1 !'d~(" brokt'n. hin~j' fr.tc 111ft' ~I 22ft {. I \. IHII PH 11 0 I

St. 'Thoma.1 \ Sirfel

I"here '\-('f(, HR Objl'('t$ f('(ov("rrd from tile' St I homas':; Slrcet t'XC'il\ iuions; of the~('. ~ 7 \H'lt' nail .... and onl\" 2H of the r(,~1i.lind('r h-er(' identifiable Ollly I ohj('cl\ "rn' from Iflcdi('\"al contcxh. tile" n'm,lindt'l ht'mg from j>usl-Inrdinal and modern f(',Hurl's. T ht' as .. t·mhlagr illtiud('d lhl' follO\\ ing mat('ri.li ('iHq~nr· iI" \\ilh lilt, numlx-r ofobj(,(,"b nOll'rl in hradi,(",,: mpI)('r alloy '2.1, iron 5i including -17 IMil .... IC',ld I nOlw 1. stull(' 1 and gla..


Com.l,jrttollJ and tok",,) identified by Dr. :\. ~I a)hn\

.7(ltun~ mpper .illo~, mmplt-It. I 'jill C('ntur.) !) '10 mm. SJ Ih7 ( rx :zoo PH S J i

(,f()r~( III jart}wlf; 177 i coprw:r aUIIY. I'umpku' 1):'22 mm_ SJ 1:11 ( I \. 200 I'll S I 3

' "II//1rUllljl1rthmc JSbh rnpptT a1!o,", nmlplc-u' 1):20 111m. sl- I flO ( I\, 2CX) PII S I .~

,val .\I,l/m, {'uppn alluy. {'fllllp]ctf'. Cirnll.lr .... jlh a pr.lkl"(\ h.lIlell<- .... Ilh h,"xd.'tllllal ""1 lion. pil"f("'d ,II Iht"" ('nil I he .",11 drpi" a ('ffl..... Tlc-d tlying \. \\ilh "I.m. Lr mm_ :>'11'12 ( IX '.!If, PH Sf 21' Fi'{Urr 11 '0" 2 lIn rutl MmJ1I1rnb

1l",Akjrl1m, douhk mill. COpptT ,111m, IIKumpktf'. D.". m,lIc"d till Ihl" rt'nlolinllll: IIIW ')tII,jrk "d~,' .... ith h\!" tfi,III1.,TJ.II,1I pUlnls thl' pin i mis.,in~. I. Ti mm S}- Ibl CTX 21H PII S I l

8/1)./' pll1ll ('opprr al]O\. incompl(,h' Fra~nwnl (If ."''' frtl,IIII{lIWr pl,H' .... jOllll"d b\ 1\\0 n\("h al Ollt· "nd \round III(" I"d~l' 01 th,' platc IS a df)ublr lint" o( OppClI'cJ punduod trian.:!,.. 1:11 mill. SF 180 ( I X 2!1J Pit Slid

\I. 111. t'opprf allm, wmpkw Circular dnrnrd mount .... nh '1n~11" l·l.laf.lIl' ri\('t: Iht" Iw,\d i dn'Ofalt" I \\I11t .m IHClij'" lour IX·lal nm\I't oUllirwd in pldn'!> with rHUlcllt'd dOl. III!' riHt h pt·r!or,w·d Il("M thl: l).l~t' D: riIlUIl. S!' IHl ( "1:1h PH SI 2t l·il{U"· 12 ~IJ, 9

(:f S \l M!(,·..un" 'Wrilinl{cquipm'"III' in S ~l.tr).!;t'scll1 .. d Oil. {il. noh' fi~, 71. fl~ '!8, ,\", 111-4 ('j .J Cilt"m aI ~lalfiC(·i in \1 Biddl." (>d ,up ut. nut'" bl!. 7.)-1 "'t. 21-1. :\0. '!jl~1 (:j (j EJZ;.J.I\ and l' Prilchard, op_ tit note' 57, K2 -I , h~. ')1 cr ihid. 110 14, h~. 7:1, :\(1. 50R: \ Gnnd,lIl up_ cil 110tr J{., he hI" 2 81-1, h~ 24, :\ ... 28, .\ 1 E"E~IE.Yr OF ROGER m CDI"OR ,\1.\1.1. fl."DS 217

O,hrr obJC'ct~ rrco\('rr-d indudf"d dn 0' t Sf 170 CTX _JfJO PH ..., 1 , A dreor-urn butlml v.ith thr lOa! of aom 01 tht" Cni\(' .... il) of O~ftlrd Sf 159 CTX 200 PH ST 3 and it Trl ""jIll a loopt'd hrad ...,F1i2 CT'200 PH ST 3 J.LJU la&' S. 184 crx 22& PH ST 2(' and SF 187 ("IX 'l2Q PH S-I 1.1. pl/l Sf 1')0 CTX200 PI! ST3. SFlS5 CTX200 PH sT 3, Sf- \7\ <.: 1,,:\200 PH 51' 3. SFI86 (. fX22<1 PH S I 1;1 and "'lIIb SFlb2 CTX20() PH SI 3 and SI'II,. (.1i\.212 PH SI 3 .... tTf' of Ihr samr rorm~ a\ Ihu'>(" rC"cc)\('r('d at Holhhu~h Ru,", V'(' abo\(' Thr("(' .... rrr fivt', unidt"ntifltd r0Pl'~r .1110\ objrct\ dt"wih. in ... rchi\.('·


IJrad. gla ... " tnmplt'lr. Spht"riral blue ~b~s bead .... ilh.1 ~hghll) r.u'>('o b.uu\ "round IIw diarnrlcr. D:\Omm. SI· lb8 (,TX 200 PH S I 'J


\. liU llVI( hu/. Iron. incompklC" Fragml"nt from the' cOrTodrd bl.lCit" .md .... ale la.n~, ,tn~lc· pt"rforatlon throu~h thr t.UlIt_ L: 119 mm, Sl' Ib:3 c: rx 20n PH ~T :I

-'<1. '1 iron, illfOmplrtt fht blad,· art inuct. tht" h.lIldk~ drt' dama~t'd .md onh nnt' loop rtmaim" L: I h7 mm. SI· 161> C 1 X lOO PI! Sl ].

Implmt'"t, Bont-handkd iron impltmt·nt Thl." h.mdlt l'l .t pL\tnl "rip tyJK' .... wrrd 1)\ thn'r iron rl\·tt\; thl" Impl~n\t'nt h.h twO pmn~, and j, po.\ibl}.m illwmpiett' fork L:lhUmm sl' 151 L IX 232 PH 51 2r/3'

StrwhlTflJ fittl~J and Ilthrr obyttl

I hr'l(" COIll!>1 i,t'd .l \wpll Sl'h8 crX:t!8 PH S- 1 If and 17 llJ.i], d('I.\il\ in Me hi\'(' , lngl'lher wilh a rod SFI5h G I X20U PH ST 3_ 1hrrr .... 1Tt' fin" unidentifird iron ObJt(b Idnli], in ardti\r\ fLail

1, '"lUl!: Iidd. ]r"d, inwmpirll· Writing \t';dd ..... illt circular \CTlion. 1I,IlIC'IWei .11 nne' rnei, lapc'rin~ to a point al ttu- ulhn, .... ilh thr lip mi,'in~,"

Bont lI(l1Idk, I> 1 :J


1 .... 0 incomp\('tt' UlulJtllMJ .... .-n. rrco\rrrd, SF I ~9 (" rx ZOO PH SI :1 dnd SF 175 crx 'l15 PH S'1 I d. Roth .... rrt' or ~hi' l , lind of Iht' \.Imt' t'rpt" J.5 tho"t, rrco\'crt'd al Il nllybu~h Row 't'T abon' 1

cr. I II Goodall. 'Iron ObjcCL", III Palmrr, 'Th(' H.lmrl' hchc 2 <:Oi fi~. :,?q So, 12 . .. A\ noU' HI cr D \ Hintun Handlr,', in \1 Biddlr t'd. ('P' ril. notl' h6, 8111 R, fi~. 2h1 ~o, 2902. 218

I>1J(usswn I ",,!./JIIJII Rim mttiltuJ.i phnm

I'ht'rt' "trl; 110 ubjt'Cb rrf'r .dlo}, bar mount (SFI45) ....·t'"re r('co .... ered from onupationle.... t'I .. of Iwu<,(':J J>h;l~I' 2, Rt'"ctanl{Ular bar mounls wer!· (omOlon throu~hout lht' medieval ~riod 1\ whitut'" 1.ln,\: knill.' ;.,F8l daling to tht' earl) to mid Hth (("ntury" "ollo r("co\("r("d from cont("xl 77. a 'it'micircular 0\·('11 CUI inlo floor laYt"1 89. rlwre w('re 12 obj("cts recovered lrom COIH('XIS as'iOCial('d wilh the OCCulMtion of house 2. Tht''\(, lIldud{'d funh('r ~imple, l"Op{>(·r alloy bar mounts SFl22, Sl"i19 and SFIIR) from la}cN containin~ l·hh-H'nlUry pottt'f\ .\ \\,111111(, Ian,\: knife SlI27 i\ datablt' to th(' I-Ilh (f"lltury and a numbt'r uf .... heL~lont' fragnwnts .... e"" al

IlfJl()'bllJh Ruu poJf-mtdin.>a{ plll1m

I'll(' obj('("\l, reco\'ere-d from (·OI1l('Xt.\ ,\Ss(xi,Ht'd .... ilh th(' (It-molitioll

S,L Ri~ld. '"1"0 common 'Il)('{'it's nfmC'di(...... 11 ",a! ol.ltrix' Inhquarul]()UTMI,I\ii 1977.32'1 . (iL nmt" 78. 86 Ib;d SS . • , I f-1. Goodall, in M. Biddle ',f"d.), op, (·it. not(' hh, 1O.')b (, Egan .md F Pritchard, oJ>' (""it. note 57,110; ibid 1'\0 Ib;d. 110. , Ibid, 5.i. Ibid /16. M, BIddie- .Ind K Barclay, in.\1 Biddle (rd_), op, nt. nott' bb, 560 I 21'1

Objt'rb from ("01U("1([ of phd...,,(" I \\-("n' aN"i.lIt'ci \\ilh th,' 1Il ... ·nioll 01 dr.lin .uro lht' huildin~ . .and "jIll Ihl" dl~~ of pllt LIllo rarli("r !.l\tn Illt" small hmh an a rnlXf'd .t\5("IIlIJI.u~r "I rnkpo itl."d m('ru("\.a1 and rarh rx \­ mt'clif"\al m.ltrn.ll..1 oci,urc! "ilh lall"r po~Hnrdindl ohl{"tl~ \ {.h.trll's I rtl'>l" I;trtlun~ ~F.}3 (If IhJb 1-4 ,mel it plain wppt'r alJm dre ulAr budJr frame SF24 (amI' irom h()u~: I nu-n' \\C"r(' I"tl;!ht Clbjrd$ Irum ("unu"xL.. ~ M Lltnl v.ith hfluS(' '1. 1\\0 Wlll~. ,\ rn~c'd G('O'ltt" III haJJ (ru.... n .... , 201 "r I R 1'1, and .t dl~ 01 Oxlord rdrthm~ tukrn .... 13" of 11)51 .... rrr rr(O\,'rrd hum ((,"I('XI 13. tilt" fill III .1 pil"' In"nth Oliln 'md from (OIltt'X' 1 i indud"d .1 pl'lill mplXr .lllo~ nrcul.lt disc button SF'ltJi it «('pp<'r ,1l10\ D- h,I,')<"1I hUi IJr h,lmt' .... 12o:.! .... lIh.1Il iron pm dnd.1 I.intt' coppa .J.Ho~ pill SI'm wnil a globular ht'ad d.lIt'd.1I IIIC" 11 .lInd II) lilt" I,ilh Ct'IIIUr., .\ <;imilar pin .... <1., I'"('co\<'rt'd fmm tht' ,.Ird ,urf.'lct' lonU'XI JO .11 thr rt'I~'n' ~h)(km dumpin~ I.l)('r' I(ont('x~ :2 .Uld [0 IUIH.ILIlt,d it) UbWlt' .•,11 of 1><"t- llwdin.11 datr rhe',· Lntiud,-d .1 Charlt" I ro~ lanhmf.": SJ 18.;\ )trai~hl-\id"d ("01'1)('r a1lm thimbk .... ilh mathiuc-.lpplit·d indt'nt.ltiun~ S I":.W5 but­ lOn.'l, Ian: ta~. dr('ss-making pin and" ~Iall' pt"ncil Sri:! in '"OlllmOIl IN' Irum thl' 18th (Tlllur,

V ThomIlI'~ Slr"t: 1II1'din'(J.l plw.\(\, / -1M (tntuIJ

n lt"rt' .... ('n· no find, from CQlllt'Xb ,xiatt'd \\ilh tht, (on_InICtlon .ulfl uHup.uiulI "f hUlldin~ .) !("Up.llilJlI of Imu,,· I. Ph.I"· lei indud,'" a hU('klt- pl.\!(· li'

Infr,' \\,'n' lin find, rC'r()\,'rC"d from cuntext' a''>f"Kidwd \\i(h ph.tl;.f'~ 2.1. 2h, IIr 2( Inn'" obJt'(\~ \\I'n' re'"{)\I'rr-d from nmlC"Xb a,so( idu'd .... ilh hou~c I in thi~ pha'>!:" \ hall and tip from il ('upper a110\ pin or nccdk SI"I71 \\a\ rt'('owrcd Ircun .1n r'-l-~(-\\C·~t aJi'tlwd \\oall. COlllnl 21 'l, po Ibh Ihf' north \\ .111 IIf hOll"" 1 111e n'" of ,h,' hOll... · \\it.. (lit .1WdY by.1 17th IYlh-(-C"ntul) cdlar, conl('x\ 201, "hi,h wnt.lin('cI ,I dHUhk 0\,\1 bu{'kl,' fraul(' Sl"I h·l with an om.lI,' nUhid" ('(I!.!;(·, and a 1,,011(' pi'lo\ 'tJ'ip h.mdll'" SFlhS from a .... hiltl" \.Ul~ lI11pl(,Ill"IIt: bolh find, .1r(' pO'I-mt'di",.tl III £1.1\('. Tht'f,' .... frr 1\\00 Ilbj(,t I ~ from Iht" t'X lfrior nf Ilnu<,('5 '1 ,lIld 7;.1 I.lrj(e (ill ular dumed moun I or bUIltIn ~ F I8:1 \\ ilh ,Ill uppt'r ,url.tfe- dt"I'oralt'd .... Llh punclwd dOl~ ill lilt' lonn I)f .I lilUI pCI.lilrd O,)\\,'r \\,l~ r{,(',,,'C'rt'd from, unU'xt 126. a Id)'rr of ~,mlcn wil .... hich t'onl, w a;. rccoHrt'd from a huill-up 1.1\'C'r '1. 16 within hom(' h r ht' dt',i~ when u'>t'd a, a -.eal 1$ a.W)( i.III'd \\ith t'ilhn priv.tlt· or ,,'(Ttt klters (lr a" .111 indu .lIion of fAith. Tlw ,\ .. I.tnds fo r IImM, 10\,(', bUI Ih,' mcanin!.!; ('OHTS a ~pt'C1ru rn lrom tn "t to 10\'1' eillwr u f .1II indl\idual ur God. r he- ".ll h.li btC'll dalt'd by l .\ H rslop \C) Ihe 1.1." qUMU'r of the- 11th CC·Il!Ur., .llld a ~'ili of ,imil.lr limn d.u inl{ from Ihl' mid 141h to C'arh I:)lh CClltUI) \\.1 rt't"m('red .11 \ \·imilr,lC'r. \\t'.trt' gr.tll,fl.lllO ~ l al1in H elli~ liJr drawin~ our .H\t'llIiOIl 10 Iht mt"lltion of this dl',i~l ill Ch.lun'r wlll'rr .1 dl/uhlt ",/nul" is 1I11endt'd_ ..

\ n unide-nllhahl~- implt'mc'm .... "h a hOIl(' pi,wl ~ip hdlltl\,' SI'I ",I \\.l't. rt'W\I'f('t! Irum d pil 2'l:.! to tht' north 0\ hou 1, \\hi.,h al..o conl.linro Iqlh-(·t'ntu!,) poll('" \ lurtlwr h nhJrt t 01 p()~I·mroi.'\d1 dale- indudilllit lOin buuom, d p.lir of .... -i".. ol'\ .tIld.1 '" .lle 1.1111{ knift, w('rr fT(()\/'ft'd from (unIt''' :!(K),.I I.IYt'r d\ <)cialrd .... ilh Ihf' Inrllint;t (If Lilt' rmin' il(' for the- huildin'l; of t1w hr(,\\1',,·

\ Goodall, up, cit. note S6, fi

1:'.,1 , '


HrlihhlL'>h RIN.1

The-n' w(orC' 211 ohjrch r("('overed from medit'vai C()nt("xl~ i\1I1C of Ihese- ' .. ere of copper alloy and lhl'~ w('n' all pc:rsonal ill·m~. 'nlt:y consi"tt:d of ... imp\(- f(,n.mgular bar mount" and belt fillin~ common throughOlil tht' mcdit'\'aJ period. 'nl(" majority of lhl'sr objen'i \\t'I'(' f('covered from occupi.llion layel \\ithin hou\C's 1 '3 .•\!ong with a ... ilH'T ... hort tro.... , pt"nn~ datnllO 1190 119-1.. The itl'm" W(T(' nUl of a p.trtifularly high status \\;Ih thl' t'x(cplion of lht' wppc'r alloy fin~w ring and lht' kad sl'al matrix or Rogl'r of Cumnor. a clerk who o\\oed (rncnll'nt\ in thl' parish of Sl. Thomas's in the mid 1'{th (("ntury. rhi .. sin~k find links lht' excavall·d archarologicai t"'idcnn' with tht' documentary eVidence for hill land­ holdin~. The' rrmailling: obje'ct3 wcre' of a domcstit nature, includin~ kni\'('s, an arrowhri.td, ,\:ht'L"lOl1t' Ira~m{'nts, a spindk',horl, windm... cam(' and a hor<;(,,'1h()(' . As al thl' nearby sit(" of Jhe Ilamd, th("f(' wt'rC' no objects recoHred associated ...... lth trad(' or (Tali, which wac; ('\'id("ntly takine; place' l:"I<;t'wher(', In Similar ohjeCls are rt'prest'nt('d at nearby C'xca\'att'd sit('s at 5+ j5 St. Thomas's 5Ir('C't. rh{' 11,\111("1' , and Sr. Lbbe's. \ l'h~Tt" ...... t·f(· 79 id("lltifiabl(' o~jl'ClS from I,ner ("ont("xts, datine; rrom tht" lith C{,IllUI) to lh(" mo(krn Ix'riod; tht,V il1r1udl'd post-mediC'\'al ("()in~ and jt'ltons, hutton." bt'h fitlin~ 'some \\-;th disunti\'l' post­ Int'di(,\'aJ df'Hlr;U10n , dra" n \\ in" pins, and IJre;er pms \\ nh globular heads which did not appear in lhl' ('arliI'r pt"riod. Oth{'r domestic itt'lm indude .1 lilll11bl(', and ",hetstollt' rragmcnts,

I"IIt' Il1c(iln'aJ objects ("Ons~led or a bucklC' plal(", .J wriune; kad, a whC'lstol1c fragment and


Smdll colintion' /,fbon('>; wcrt' eXdlmned frllm Ilwdinal .lI1d !IC)St-mr'dir'dl urban context.. in 1"'0 .ur,\ oflh(' iH' ~il1tr ~ampk ~il(, .... err m.linl~ small, fraJ{lnrnt numbel"' \\rrr .Ulldlp;allldted to obtain all o\"erall nnprt" ion fit bOlli' dep(l~it., from lhi .. pArt or (O',n. Id('ntihcaliuns Art"' listed ill I,ibk 3, but do nOI indudr flftecn 17lh-O"it of tht'ir prr1lxl, and aloj(} Iypi, al in th,\t Cflar-.t'r hon~ debris l'arne from drpn\ib uUhic\r buildin~ Ih.m from dC"PO'Il5 within. Ik,idl" lht' (',1111(' mt'larodial" III thr Huor, fo.)1 debris ',a~ rdati\('ly .lbund.lIlt '-l'(' Libi(' I' notAbl\ a ri.sing prrct'nl.IR:t' of het'p foot (")CUlf" in latr" Illrdinai dnd posl-medi< .... aJ deposit ,\I Hulh'hu,h Rm, .•t.llhtJlI'th samplt' ,iJ.("S a~ain dtt" ,m• .n.

1).1lI11('r, rht' Hamer .... \ 1-f,lrdy, 'bc:c.I\"aliom at 51 5h St. I'hom,ls", SUn't", thb volumt' I'J Palm"r, "1 hf" H.uot'r I.G Hil~~all ('I aI., 'f..x("avCltion" in St Ebh('\, Oxford, Ir.h7 7h: Part I lal(' Saxun and m('dinal cicmlt'1>\I( cKcupalloli and tt"nrmel1b, and tht' m('dit'yaJ Gr('\lriaf'l (honlll'X1l4. Ii, 198<1 22 1

I \ BII, j FR. \G~ JJ ST ,nIBERS ,-'0 PERCISI \ (;E, " PH.\ SI GROU"> OF .'-'1\1.\1. BO " ~"

I ! I j (,1 14 C/3 1.1 U4 /I, u; II"",", c.utit' 13 31 :.6 I; lU ·n H 7 15 Shn'p/l/;odt 17 -Ii fl6 41 211 H Ii 411 H,) p;. 8 21 30 1'1 7 IU 2 liof'(' 4 .I Dog I I FaJlm\ dur I I R.thbn 3

lK 158 hq Iti 47

Cllid('I1Uht"d 171 101 13 19

f lllal 'HI nq 1711 h"

Dumt',ti( fm\ I :l4 .. J)"lllnli,' ~("l(~ 3 l nicit-llt. fhh I Hurnt frd.'!l1Wnb 2 J.') 5

:\umllC'r'\ In brae kl'l~ .Ul· ptro'maJ.:n .1 m.linh rrom St I hom.l"'s Strr('t Pha.-.t" I h m.unh rrom Jiulhhu,h Rm\ pha. ..,. 2 om.. ard~

I.\BU. I i'\l ~ IBLR s ""n r· ERCLX!\G!:....., O J C. \RCJ\ SS LI .E \II-.'\ I S OF LA I II.E ,' '\1) ~ HL E P

Cauk .lnup 1"1/111' land:! 3 J aNI :? 3 and f 5

;";umbc'r b9 38 HI 15 III " " IIt"old i(l'" II 17 II 20 hxn .11 34 IH lJ 78 81>(1\ '\9 55 I', .1 I 2

\ p.1n lrum lilt' W~l.11' for bunt' 11001"'\ in Oxford and olln-( t(",.,m, 1\ "'PP{".ln. th.1t uther debr'U from "kjnlHlI~ and Olhef !rUmulll.1;l'l) tradt' dPPCMCd I()()M' on lh{" \it(' at Ialrr t.d~(,~ nft){('ul>dtMJIl. Illis indi(Alt"'S that tlw tradC', \\c're' locau'd on ur m'M Iht' ,it('. (1\('(.III,hr (tm.lin' m,;l;~ .U'K> indiu.t(' a d.'dint" in .. ldIU' of O((up.lIlh from I.ut' rnt'di("\'al time, on, ahhou~h .. j~" uf highrr ~t"lu' of inh.thit.lIlh In Ihe t'ar li ~'i l pha~ ,ut' 'I( M( 1'1\ !'\ Idf"1l1 Ollt" might ("xrk'n hight'r rt"prr'>t"ntali'ms of hCll1("~ (lr pi~, dt'"("r dod .... ild hirds, I )o~,ib l ) .... orkt'n I'n((,t~("cI in thi'" killning ,lI1d ft"lhnon~(""n lrad("~ aClually li\'("d on till' ~ II ('" in hllf"r pniod ,

III P \ rmilal.!;l', 'Th(" lbt' or animal bont" as huildinlr; m.lle-rial in Jl(~t·mrdi("\..tl Britain, .tnd 'G.lzru(;t"r or 'lit"' .... lIh dnimaJ hom' u~J as buildin,!; mall'rial', in n ~'l"Jl'ant""'" and T W.tJdron «l". INJ turd Craft /11 TflU1U 8,\ R UrilL,h ~'r It)fl, (flBc) , 147 /:iO .mel lUI 23 222 \I R. R08LR" ~,I \1.


rhe ('ilrlie ..,t fi.'iltUIT' Ob'i(T\rd \\"('1"(, datable to LIlt" mid I Jlh ("(·nlury. fhl' mo..,t 1Il1t·f{· ... ting of Ih("(' \h'" a large dil<'h 13S at ri~hl angle.., 10 Hollyhu'ih Rm\. TIl<' lint' of thi, ditch p(T\i'llt'd illl!) modern lil11<:~ ,t'j ~t propt.'I"t) boundar) .mel it l'i \'i'iibll" on J.ogg Ihat tl1{" dC\"l'lopl11clll of this 'jitl' "a" rilther latcr than tht" sitt' al The Hamrl, where houndarv ditche'i W(,I"(' dated to the late 12111 (TIHUT)', Ditch I:n panly "ilted up, or \"a.., backfilled, and lined with ..,lOnt' to rOml il channel q:l) 'iOl11r 1,25111. wide. DUfing the mid 10 latel:hh n"ntlll"-Y huildin~ \\CI'(' C01hlll.lCl<.'d • ..,('1 with their long ax(''j parallel to the !'ilrret, ilnd with their \\alls parth' founded on the 1,10111' Iinin~ or the channel. Hou\cs :? and 3, south of tht· dlctnnl'l, had ~l ('ommon rear w,)11 of a ,ing-It, I)uild, Ilou:-.(' I, north of the rhannei, wa:-. ()I1ly partly ('xcrt, I:lR-lr,. It i'i p()\;~ibl(' th.\t he li\-('d on th(' proP('rt~. but tht' arrha('c)logicai ('\-id('nn' f(x a \\('alth~ or('uparn is limiled, and need not be cOlltcmporarv wil h tht' 1..110\\ 11 datt'''' or his life. ,\ ('Oppl'l (1110) fmger ring Fig. 12 :\0. I \\,l:-' r('con'red from Ihl" ,.tme layt'r as the 'cal Ill.Uri\., hut i, of a ('Ol1unon mt·die\·a1 type. _\ notahle numJ-x'r of mt'tal belt ornaments w('J"e l'{'('on'f('eI fwm the latcr floors \\hich could indi(';1le .1 \\('alth) ()(TUpaTll .• \ rare rragm(·nt of i.\ Sai11l0ngl' jll~ dall·d to 1280 I:JO() was re(o\Trt'd from Ih(' ilo()["i 01" hou.,(' 2: thi~ n'''I,eI would h.t\(" b('('11 imported with barn'ls of wine, to act ill; a l,lsting \{'SSt·!. Shnds of two (haling di,h('''' fill' h:('('ping f(){)(1 \\ann <\1 table \\l'!'(' also ft'("on'f{·d .•md 11lt':-.(' find'j may incti('at(' .\ (omf()I"tahk :-.tandctrd of Ii\-ing, l·nrortunalely. a fra~lt'nt of (;('nnan '\lmT lilt, wa ... umtralified in ,t noOl k\·(·1 pOl;tdating the 17th-century rebuilding, but if it indirate, an oven d('(Or.uNI with th('I;(' tilcs, thil; might suggest Ihat the hilt' Illl'dic\-al o(cupantl; weI'(' of cOIl'iidcrabl(' f(ol1oll1ir stilnd­ ing". Other medil'val finds W('fe uJ1rxn'ptional, induding Imin'..,. wheL\wnc .... an arrowh("~\d .•1 spindlcwhorl and a ho~e 'Shor a .... well as bclt ornaments and structural ironwork. The tl1f('(' hOllo.;r.., appcar to have 1."'lCd until al I('a.'i' the end or thr 15th ("<'I1IU~. all<'1 which tht·), wrre c1emoli..,hed: the demolition bye" l'ontaim'd residual find'i or 111h- .md 111h­ ("(:'IllUry POll(' IY and mcwlwofk, and ;,C' rna\- han' reu>;,C'd til("' exi ... ting IIll·din al fiJUndations. Hm\"l'\"(T, ItS ml'di('\,\1 ... outh \\all was replaced by a thiI11wr wall :n Oil the same ali~Tllnent, appart'ml) fun(lionin~ a'i .1 part\ \\all with the extt'ndt'd hou ... !' 2 to th(' 'iouth. ~o ("vidence was recm"errd fex th(· ITcomtructioll of hou'ic J. Seflion ... of w,tll \\l'rt' n'('orckd runnin~ ra,( behind tilt" bal"b of the hou\(''i. ,md thcy may rl'prescnt \\ all ... of cOllagc· ... and outhouses in the' yard. Till' {'XI'.,tt'nc(' of such buildin~ is apparent from the docum('nt,u, records and maps, and a 'projn­ lion' wa ... n'cordc'd by thl' RCH~I I)('hind no. :~ HoJlyhush Row the 'iouth end of house '2. ha\"in~ a stOI1(' ground Hoor with limber framing above. nil" dOl"lIlTIelllary {'\"idence sho,,"s that hou<;e 2 w;t"l split into two properties :\'os. 2 and :{ Iiollyhu'ih Row 011 ,l line through the chimnq "Itark. TIll' chimney stack was extended to the..' south, p(~rhaps \\ h('n the hOllse wa$ diYidrd. PalChel;, of knucklebone floor \\"l'r(' excavatcd imnwdiatdy east of the ("himm'y Slack, and in the south of house 2. The cx("a\"ator noted \\Tilr on tht' floor ~U1d it is possible lhat this hard\H'afin~ floor had been laid down insidr a d()on\a~ kading 10 the yard at the feaf of lht' house..'s, or in a passage joining the north and ,outh parts of til(' di,"ided hou ... e. The e..·xca\"atcd nidt'nce contra'ib with the commtnt rl'("orcl('d b\ thl' RCH.\I, that :\0. 2 Hollybu~h R(m "a..s 'iaid to ha\"(' had a knucklebone floor in th(' north ~rround floor room; hert', lhl' t"\ca\"'lIion"l f('\"('alt'd (',"idenl"t' or wooden floor; on joish m"('rJying ,\ sequCJl(T of carlier earth and mortar flcKlfS. HOWf\Tr, a sherp-bom> floor rna} haH ('xistt'd 11l're. a" frat{lTIcms of ..,heep It'c't wcrt' disturbed in the initial 'Sill' clearanre "t'(' aboH', ,\ nimal BOlle rrport,. 1"11(' an-hat'oiogi("al evidence, whith is con""i'i(clll for alllhrre hOllsl's, Sug,~csLS that the initial pO'oI-rnedic\"al rccomlrunion took placr in the 17th ("('ntury. SC\"eraJ Charles I farthing') wefl' rt'l"O\Tred. although only nne of thc ... (' i'i likely to ha\l' lx'('n m \/tu; this farlhin~ ,SF :\0_18' \\i.lS f('cOH'fl"cI from floor 13 in house..' 2. l-l oor 13 predatt'd the' insertion of the chimncy 'itack,

sinn' it W.\'i cut for its comtnlction ... \ track tokt'n of 1657 lSF :-\0, 2091 Wi.l:) found with thl" knurklchont' floor, which itsrlf scems to posldclt(, tht' construction of the ChlIl1ney, sinn' it parllally ()\"('rhl\ llw fhimncy footin~. h may be nou'd that Lo~g-an's bird's-eye "iew of 1675 "ho"s lilt' sln'l't frolltagc w be comp1Clcly built up and a house ("crtainiy stood on the site by 1702: tht' dcsniption of it as a 'ne\\ frC(·..,lone housc' may only mean that it had bn'n built in the prc("(.·ding SO ) ear.... or pO'isibl} that il partly timber-framcd building had been recc)ll­ ... trul'll·d ("omplcu'" in ~tone.

St 1llOmm \ Strut

.\n ('arly dit("h \2/17 alignt'd E. \\'. ran Ix·hind Ihc fir ... t houses, paraUrI to the road. Tlw dite'h W,b nil hy a pit 2/16; e..·ontaing l'lth- 10 I-hh-("cntuf') pOllcry, and may rcprt'scnl Ill(' ('"arlit'sl phasc of ani,"ity on thc sitc. Tht, presl'nce of a possihle roadside ditch \"\"as infern-d rrom the rharanl'r oflayer 253, although thi" (-ould not be rully inn·stigatcd. Roadside ditchel;, scem to h"1\c b('en common in thb low-lying suburb, Th(' only evidcnce for aliwamenL'i of propt'rty boundarics was a series of pits (0 th(' north of house 5, \,,"hith may Ix- respc("(in~ a property houndary; this may su~gesl that the latcr boundary rolJowed a medieval line. I'h(' site' was le\"t'lled , ... ith dumped material priof to tlw ("onstruction or cob-walled houscs in th(' 11th (TlltUf'). Thrs(' houses hous(.'S t, 5 and 71 are' unlik('ly to have been more than ont' "LOrt·~ high ..\t least one cob wall may ha,"c b('('n rendered (layer 223)_ .\ similar cob­ , .....


rhe t·\.ril\·ati()n~ were funded b\' (.rro~\·('n()r Squart· Propnties. and were und(,I1akrll a., .1 n'sult of a planning a,'SfN'ment \... Ilh Oxford City Council PJannin~ Authority. Fieldwork was dirt'ctcd by Brian Durham OAL·'. The- illustrationo;, art· by Danid Hacker, and tlw It'xl \\as .. dlted bv Anne Dodd IOAC).

R c'm, '\\".illin~()rd (:a.. dr' CR.\ Group 9 \f1J.jfrlln iii IQ73 . IH;J. Clldpelot .md R FO'-~I('r Iran"!. H CkC'rt' j, '!hI lilltl!!' ami /lflUSI In 1M ,\/uid/r A.I,'(! 1198.'» . :.!5S h. fi~. BI , ,-, nott:' -17