A Tenelllent of Roger of ClUJUlor and Other Archaeological Investigations in Medieval North Oseney, Oxford By ~1. R. R""IX I., "ith cOl1uibUlions by B. DLRII.\)"I. !\l. !\1J..IJ.oR,j.T. ~ll':,\IJ\, L. Au.!-.' and BOB "\'II~"'():,\ 'l\I\L\R\ .In mamlion ~, tJy o.yord .lrehlUol~f?U'al enil m 1989 90 ,"poud m,din:al and poJI."lldiLval bUlldlTlfij on Ill'o ft0nuif/'. on Holi"bwh Rou' and Oil SI. Thom ... ·j Simi, in I1ll wU"iring ""Jim! suburb if SI. JJlOmaJ"J. 0.11' mfdlRal hous, and parts if Ill. ollins U'''' dueom,d ftontillg onto Hol!"bUJh Rou . 1 rang' if ptTJonal mrdieml mtlo./u>ork and (oms (amt from WIt buildings. A slont'~/intd wain- chanml bttwetn two prOptT/ll., m~,' "PTt'fIIl all ,arly land boundal) flrrmng th, north suI, if proptr!Y gIV'" by RogtT if CUllmor W OSt710' .Ihbry. 17zt u'ater chamlll produad Q kad 5tal matnx l1I.scrihtd S'. Rogen. de. Comenort' Cl'ici+. 'J. .1 major rerOnJtrnctlO1l if the buildings U'(LI cam'td out in tJu 17tll ((!lIm:}'. 011 tflt St. ThomllJ'S Street frontage three 14th ·(mluT) bulldlllg~ U'tTt dueol.fTed, u'huh U'tTl rtbuilt In !hi 15th emluT). INTRODUCTION h(> ~il(, I:'\'arional Grid Reference SP 507062.' lies on the Thames floodplain on the we~t T side of Oxford Fi~. I ,', in the medie\'al suburb of St. Thomas's. The street plan is essen­ tially medieval, although it has been much altered by subsequent de\'e1opment. Sl. Thomas's Street formerly High Street St. Thomas, ran from Oxford Castle in the east to St. Thomas', Church in the west. To\\-"ards the west end of the street, Rewley Lane ran nonh to the site of Rewiey Abbey, with the Bouey Causeway leading off it lO the west and Hythe Bridge Street to the ea~l. Eastwards along S1. Thomas's Street, a back lane known as The Hamel led off to the south, 10 O;ene), Lane and O,ene), Abbey. Rowley Lane was bisected e. 1769/70 when 1\'C\.... Road/Park End Street was constructed; I the north part of the lane between Park End Street and Rewley Abbey survives today as Rewley Road, and the south part of the lane, Pr('\iou ~ l~ I\otrd in R H Gannistrr rt at ' ~kdi('\"al Brit.lin and Ireland in l~t8q' .Htd/rtlO1 Ardliuol. , 34 I 99tl, 207 8. rhis colT('"n lht' rt'ading publbhed in Gann1.5t("r ('I aJ • op cit nOI(" I J ~tunby dnd H Walton. Th(" building of :\(" ..... Road', O-CO'fllYU1Q, Iv 19(K.l), 123 :JO. Fig. I. Site location ... .\ 1 L,\D1 F.'\1 01 R()!.I.R 01 U\I'OR 1'1 RO IR:l ht'(\\I'I'11 P.lrk End ~treel and Sl. Thomfl~\ Street. is toda~ HoJl)bu .. h Ro\\. Th(' origin~ ,mel cll"\"l')opmclll of lh(> 'iuburh han' b(~('n fully di ... eu ...... ed and illu ... trau'd 111 a recent acnalOt I and art' rOllsid('I't'd further belO\\ . \ t the time of lht' t'xc.watioll ... lht' site had ht'('n (xTupit'd b) Hili!' ... Bf('wcrv for .tbout H1 years. ilnd had fl'('l'ntly been in u..,e a~ <l bottling plam; IUl\\l'vc.:r, by 1989 the brewery "a, to bt: rt'io(:.ut'd oUl"ide the dty centn' and ib land \\01' ,thcdtd('d for rede\'c)opmc'lll. The: r('cin'C'jopnll'nl area comprised tht, grcalt'f pan of thl' hl(x-k or land bounded by Park End Slretl. Park Lnd Piau'. H on~. bush Rm\ and Sl. I'hom,h'" SUTl't. \ 11 ilr<:hilt'ologir~ll (,\<lllliUiol1 \\'il'" l'ill'ricd oul on the IlollybU';h Rowand St. Tholllils's Strt'Cl rronw~cs during the autumn of 1989, and I(K<.ltcd ditches and mc:dic\i.l1 bui)din~, Subst'quentl~ a ful1-s{'ilJc excil\'mion \\-as carried out on lhese fromagcs during the winter of I ~'8q 90, with thl' important disco\'cr~ of .1 se~11 m.urix in the name of ,\ 13th-cemul) ownc', of th(' Iiollybush Ro\\ SiIC. ARCHAEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND Pn'\'ious t'xra\·ation .. ha\'C' re-vcaled pan of i.l suburb of \\l'~\\"cr ... and tanners re1yinK on the ,\bb{'~s to the north and west. In 1976 7 dUring l'XC,I\·ations ,nllw Hamel, four phast's of domnlic buildin~ frum ,\D 1205 to the 16th celllun wtTt'di",coH'rcd, These were.1 mixturc or pt"t ... i.lIlt or <lnisan dwc:llin~ aJol1~idt' largn propeni('s su("h as the Hall ofSt. Helen. Oll1('r early bui1din~ in SL Thomas's an' knO\\ 11 from 19th-rt'ntul) illustrauuns and from the \\ork of S,L. Rigold in 1947 8 on lhe north side of St. I'honlils's Street, whne a I3th-centull house' some 18 ft, b~ 9 ft. was found, alif{llt'd obliquely LO the road, HISTORICAL BACKGROUND I" J 1 \IL'II) TIll' i..,land of Oseney, lying west of the l'a\tl e, was held as two manors by the :":orman lord ... of Oxfc)r(hhire, Robert d'Oilly and Roger d'lni, South Osency, \\ hieh had passed Ii'om Robert d'Oilly lito his foundalion ofOsl'nt,y ,\bbey and ('\'C'ntually came to Christ Chur("h 'I, includ('d the southern half of the I1t'\\ suburb of Sl. Thomi.Ls's, 1\"orth Oseney becaml' part of the Iionolir of Sl. \ 'alc.~I)' .. and passed to the Cistercian abbey of Rcw)ey in 1281, throuf{h the bt'nefiKtion of the abb<,y's founder. the Ei.lrl ofCorm\-all. \\"hii<- the OS(,T1ey/Christ Chun.' h land is \\<'11 d(X'umented from the 13Lh Ct.'ntull·, tlll'n' .In' fi..'\\ mt'ciicYal recorcb for thr RrwlC) rstat<', whirh ("amc afLer the Dissolution to the Dutton f~lInily, and in 15-l4 consistcd or 19 hOll'.e ... in Ho1hhll".h Rowand on Lile north of Hif{h Sln"t't St. Thoma... ,'4 fht' Earl of Com\\aU\ rents ran bt' trau~d in tht' 1279 Hundn'd Rolls for SI. Thomas"", and the rcmaininf{ portiom. continucd to he called "DUHon ... H oldjn~" ulllilthe 19th fC'ntUIJ, i\ Paillwr. ',\ Bl'ak('r "uri .. 1 and ~Icdi("\al r(,ll('nlt"nt~ 111 l"he' lI.und, OxfcJrd', OWn/nllw, xl, 19HOI, 1:21 '125; IWfI;'ditrr Palnlt'r Ihe H.tnll'i" n Durh.lm. '(hll'ml: Park End SUTt'l. formrr H ,\II~ Bn"\1"1) O.\l TS .•\rch.u'ol()gical .\\\(',smt"11I frport, ekloh('f 1!l/IfJ P.llmer .. Ill(' Il.lnwl' J ~Iunl)\. ',\ l'iftf('nlh-("el1tury Wl'aldt"'1l Hou in Oxh)l'd' ()\/pntnuw, xxxix 1971, n ii. ':'\011: .md :'\c'" . Oxford Hall' Brt'\'«'r;. SI 1l1um.LS\ · OlOliI/1l1lil, wi 11)51 83. I'utm111I1L\Wn ujthl' (:l.Iun~ ofOYord. i,' 1979,,278 <j. J Coop"r, 'Ill(' HundlTd Rolli ror lh("' Pari h (lfS, rhUlIldS' O,ollU1lJlll. x.lc'(\ii 1972 .. It>:' 76, ("p. 16« H"<lrth I.u: ill III, Salu'r. Sun ....·' and ToAm! Oxf. Hi~l. \(JC.lxx" 1920 :111, ndduxk'~ 18:2(1 Sunl"\, in H.F., S.u\c·r t,tl. {.arl!llary I} (),..~ .Ih~· Iwrt'd/ta em. O,m. i oxr HIt. Sue X( xci l(t?8 q til; , 18 1 M R. ROBLRTS LT A I ~ N '" '"~ r '"-< '"0 :> 0 EN D PARK hl(_ 1. t he' ~jt(" in rrlation to mr 19th·(:entu~ top()waph~ of Ih(" art''' from OS I''}OO plan. 1876 .... iLh drl.ailllj propcM\ b()undaric~ and «"x(,walrod kalUr('s. .\ TL,\;DILYf OF ROGLR OF CU"OR HISTORICAL 185 [he origins and svowth of St. Thomas\ suburb h,,\,(' been discussed and illustrated in a rcccnt account. and need only be repealed in outline hrrc. Tht" suburban scuJemcm in \H' .. t Oxford had 'V0\\fI aJong the road from the casuc to O~ncy; the church of t. Thomas had lX'en founded (. 1190, and a new road, perhaps BOlle~ Road, laid out in c. 1210. 12 The area was low-I}'in~, and along several of the street fronts were .. Lrcams constrained in conduits. somt' of \'.'hich \olllyj\'cd until me 19th cenlun' Althou~h lht" c\;denc{' for the IWW suhurb ('omes largely from the Oseney side. the SLT(,('l surw'y prc<;crycd in the 1279 Hundred Rolls shows that de"e1opment had also taken plan' in the other manor. ~ There was a decline in the parish from the latc 13th cemury until the mid 15th century, during which many parts of the parbh were unoccupit'd. Oseney Abbey employed around ~OOO oftht.· parish's wage earners in the early 16th century and the dissolution of the monaster· ics hit the area hard. AttempLS lO alleviate the economi(' hardship did not succeed. Areas of houses may ha\'e been demolished in the Civil \\'ar to make way for defensive works which ran south from Re'.... ley Abbey moat and induded Sl. Thoma'i's Church within a bastion. Rebuilding after the Civil ""ar resulted in e(onomie f('surgence in the parish in the late 17th (:entury \\ith a sta'{11alion in the 18th ('entury and further de\'clopment in the 19lh century.,4 Thr pario:;h was ahvays a poor one; although the large numbers of ta.xpayrfS indicate \\-ealth, the conn'ntration of taxpayers in such a small area \uggt'SLS Olhu\'vise.
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