![Survey of West Oxford](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Survey of West Oxford B\ J l L1A" i\Il "BY and To" DODD 5L ,r\lARY IlIl' \Un't') that follow,\ 1\ ont of II number of \l"I!t)'~ oj thl' ",burb, oj Oxford that compiemeTlt Salin-\ 1mb/HitI'd HI"'0 oj projJrrl,t',\ m till' nt) and iI, Northgnll' /-Iwuirrd, '/111') ar, gentTal(~ ~iuular tnl/)'ll' to Salt,.,.\ HO'1't'), ami, {l\ 1\ Ihi' (lL~l' with ,haL ,Hol'f'). lI,/, amount of illfonrllltioll (ontainI'd ,\Pf'l1/\ to makt' ,hfir puhllwlum U'ortliu ,hilt' tlt'filnt, 'hnT romprt'_\\rd lonl/lIt: mdtI'd " JIllll lit' hoped thai IhB JanlUli will v'n1p to '-I'mmtllh, ,-rad" of 'h' pratt/'ionol ami h)/)(II/u'(;((1/ (hameln of tht data prtjt1lltd. tht tXllcl ordnlll[{ oj pmprrtlt\ l'n) OILY" bt'lng Iht ordtr that a/J/Nan '/1()\t likel) to tli, romp"''''' but 11)' IW IIIf(W\ Ihr onl.v /)(1\\1/;1111). Th, au/11o,", tJ.'illlH' gratt/1l110 OJ1) rMd", u'lw dr(Hl'~ 10 tlmr (IIII'll/lOll ",on m th, utn't') ami u'lll kt'l'jJ (I mnutt'd l'rnlOll In'lu/abl, for di..~lnblLtum by till' /lIle"lft he renowned Sun,l') oj Oxford In the Re\-', II.F. Sailer was a compilation on the T medieval corc of Oxford, in the for 111 of a sene~ of notebooks in which he tracked the hi~t{)J) of recognisilble properties as he founc! their hi~lOn in the deeds and leases ufOxford religious houses ~lIld colleges. ILs origin. one may supp0>,C. \\fJ.S essentially as an attempt to IO(du: and account for the academic halls of 1l1edie\"al Oxford. a matter that had (oncerncd i.lntiquilrie~ since Rous in the 15th centlln"" \\"ilh the publication of the Alap of .\1tdlPtlal Oxford (19~ll), .. Ind the map of (lCademic halls 111 the histol) of the university (I 'ell Oxon. Iii) this purpose "i.lS achie\'(~d. rhe manuscript Suncy ",:as never edited 01 completed (it omits, fOt example. much malerial publbhecl by Saher clsc\'.,here), except that an incomplcte types(l'Ipt COP) W(IS made thai was to be used 101 the e\'entual publication after Salter's death b) \\'.A PanLin and \\'alter Mitchell. ~1ost notably the suney did not include suburban areas that were predominantly post.medieval dc\elopmcnts, sudl as the environs of the to\\n clilfh ,md castle, and it left on one side the v,'eM subtlrb whith does of course include the mcdieval properties \\hose history Saller had lreated at length in the Oseney Cartllltlrv. While a Ilew edition of the Survey will one da) be desirable, it would seem worthwhile to fill III the K"lpS with at least an outline atCOUIll of the remaining parts of the historic town" It i'-l hoped to publish the survey of south·west ward b\ Hilan lurner and others. ("OITIpiled for lhe archaeolog) of the WeSlgale area III the I 960s, and a ",,"\e\ of the fields of '\onh Oxford would not be difficuh to (ompile. At the other end of the '-!lOP", there is a need for a foliation urthe mfOrm31101l on (mnership in the 19th·2(hh fentunes from Directories and the CenslI'-I returns. I"he work of Stephanie Jenkin'-l has led the way here, with the useful and altr..Icti\c web pages detailing the individual propen~ hi.,toric~ for each of the J ligh Street (h 1I P :/Iw ""W. headin\:"ton .org.u kloxon/higil/i ndex. h t m). B road Street (-/broad!i ndex. h tm) and St Giles (-/stf{ile,,..index.html. What is oITered here is a guide to Ihe property histor) of Sl Thomas' parish in the west suburb of Oxford, being a collation DC published and (.n-ailable sources that have been consulted. but in 110 wa) pretending (0 be clefinili\'c 01 ('ol11plete. In our experience it IS prererable to have a map and basic guide than nothing at all. \\ hile for the uninitiated the fomplexities of using lhe published source matenal a.s it stands makes Il i.llmost impenetrable. 1l1e map~ that 3«(ompan\' lhis sunery are between p. 474 and p. 475, Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 102 J M l.; N B \' AND A . 0 0 0 0 West Oxford Estate Histories and Sources The survey has been compiled fTom a number of key sources relating to the main estates in the area (see also following bibliography for abbreviations). C ity Property: Mainly wasle land round casLie and I-jvcr, deriving as manorial waste from the LOwn's assumption of royal lordship in 1199. Mu(h of II i, fully described in OCI' except fOl properties with no medieval histol"Y. Mary Prior added the Fisher Row pan as an appendix to hel important study Fisher Row. O seoeylChrist Church (Tbe D'Oilly Fee): I he extensive holdings of Oseney Abbey in South Osency passed to Christ Church. The medieval deeds, I"entals and post-medieval surveys have mostly been published in CO, though there are other estate papers and maps in Christ Church Archives. Rewley/Dutlon (The D'Ivri Fee): I he holdings of Rewley Abbey In orth Oseney passed to the Dutton family of Glou<cstershire, see W(S4) below. onh Oseney, a, defined by CO ii. 534, was on the north s.de of Iligh Street St Thomas, and while Rewley's property is relatively poorly documented, it does seem thm the Osency propel'lies (in Duth Oseney) were mostly on the south side of the streel. Although the island was well watered with roadside canals (see Loggan's map) there were not othen,,'ise clearly defined islands of Nonh and South Oseney. Godstow: The e'lI"tulary, in the PRO (Exchequer KR Misc. Books i 20), has never been published. An English translation was published in GodsLOw. Sandford: See Salter's inll"ociuction to Sandford. St Joho's College: As might be expected, St John'S college holds much material on the eady history of north Oxford, which has nOl yet been exploited beyond the indicalions in EHSJ. The earlier lllunimenlS are deeds of Godstow. T h e H u n dred Rolls of 1279: FOI an account of this remarkable survey, so important for a handful of towns including Oxford and Cambridge, see now Sandra Raban, A Steorul D(JTTII!stiayr TI~ Hundred Rolls of 1279-80 (200-1). The publication details of the Hundred Rolls for Oxford are not straighlforward. -n,e rolls themselves survive in the Public Record Office (SC 510xford, -rowe. eries 18). The Record Commission volumes (RoluiJ Hundrtdorum (l8IS), ii, 788-805) contain the rolls for the [OU I' wards of Oxford and, separately. rolls that include references to suburbs such as orth Gate Huncll·cd. These were reproduced in R. Graham , 'Description of Oxford from the Ilundred Rolls' in Collec/anea IV (OHS xlvii, 1905), 1-98, number'cd and sorted by parish. Graham arranged the entries by parish but ~Issigned numbers based on sequence in the original roll. Ilel numbers are useful because the pages of the Commission volumes are large; it should he noted however that her numbering goes straight from 509 to 600 and that she omitted an entry between 705 and 706. Subsequently the unpublished remainder of the roll for North West ward was found to contain suney entries by and large for St Thomas parish; this was published with useful notes in J. Coopel', Published in Oxoniensia 2006, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society SUR\- tV OF WEST OXFORD HJ:i 'The Hundred Rolls for the Parish of St Thomas, Oxford' in Oxoniensla, xxxvii (1972), 165-176. It should be noted thal the litle is not entirely accurale. for the Hundred Roll survey for Oxford was not arranged by parish; the part of Sl Thomas lO the sOUlh of High Slreel is omiued. and a few entries lhere are in the roll for south west ward of the City. and the final enlries on Cooper's roll concern Binsey and Godstow. \Ve refer to enlries from lhe St TIlOmas' roll as Cooper 123 and lO entries from the olher rolls as HR 456 where 456 is the number assigned by Graham. The Survey of 1772: This is published in ST This survey for the paving commissioners involved the measurement of the frontage of each property. When an entry is daled 1772 and gives a width il may be assumed that it comes from ST. Badcock: This is a series of estale maps and schedules of Christ Church holdings in 1829, in the Christ Church archives. It is reproduced in a reduced form allhe end of CO ii. Commonly used references BRUO A.B. Emden, Biographical Regisler of Ihe Uni",,"sily of Oxford 10 ADI500 (Oxford, 1957) BRU02 A.B. Emden, BIOgraphical ReFJISler of Ihe Unrverslty of Oxford, ADI500 10 1540 (Oxford, 1974) o Cartulary of Oseney Abbey, ed. H. E. Saller (OHS Ixxxix. xc, xci, xcvii, xcviii, ci, 1929-1936) Cooper 'The Hundred Rolls for the Parish of St Thomas, Oxford', Oxonien,sia, xxxvii (1972), 165-76. EHSJ W. H. Slevenson and H. E. Sallel~ The Early History of SI John's College (OHS ns i, 1937). Galbrailh V. H. Galbrailh, 'New Documents aboul Cloucester College' in H. E. Salter (ed.), Snappe's Fonnulary and other Records (OHS. lxxx, 1924), 337-86. Godstow Tire English Regisler of Codslow Nunnery. ed. A. Clark (EETS 129, 130, 142). OCP II. E.
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