Bibliography from ADS File: Chaplin.Bib May 31, 2021 1
Bibliography from ADS file: chaplin.bib Metcalfe, T. S., van Saders, J. L., Basu, S., et al., “The Evolution of Rota- August 16, 2021 tion and Magnetic Activity in 94 Aqr Aa from Asteroseismology with TESS”, 2020ApJ...900..154M ADS Nielsen, M. B., Ball, W. H., Standing, M. R., et al., “TESS asteroseismology of Zinn, J. C., Stello, D., Elsworth, Y., et al., “The K2 Galactic Archaeology the known planet host star λ2 Fornacis”, 2020A&A...641A..25N ADS Program Data Release 3: Age-abundance patterns in C1-C8, C10-C18”, Steinmetz, M., Guiglion, G., McMillan, P. J., et al., “The Sixth Data Release of 2021arXiv210805455Z ADS the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE). II. Stellar Atmospheric Parameters, Lyttle, A. J., Davies, G. R., Li, T., et al., “Hierarchically modelling Kepler Chemical Abundances, and Distances”, 2020AJ....160...83S ADS dwarfs and subgiants to improve inference of stellar properties with astero- Steinmetz, M., Matijevic,ˇ G., Enke, H., et al., “The Sixth Data Release of the Ra- seismology”, 2021MNRAS.505.2427L ADS dial Velocity Experiment (RAVE). I. Survey Description, Spectra, and Radial Hill, M. L., Kane, S. R., Campante, T. L., et al., “Asteroseismology of Velocities”, 2020AJ....160...82S ADS iota Draconis and Discovery of an Additional Long-Period Companion”, Ahumada, R., Prieto, C. A., Almeida, A., et al., “The 16th Data Release of 2021arXiv210713583H ADS the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Thomas, A. E. L., Chaplin, W. J., Basu, S., et al., “Impact of magnetic Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra”, 2020ApJS..249....3A ADS activity on inferred stellar properties of main-sequence Sun-like stars”, Jiang, C., Bedding, T.
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