Scanning Microscopy Volume 5 Number 2 Article 16 2-16-1991 Three-Dimensional Morphology of Cerebellar Protoplasmic Islands and Proteoglycan Content of Mossy Fiber Glomerulus: A Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscope Study O. J. Castejón Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela H. V. Castejón Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Biology Commons Recommended Citation Castejón, O. J. and Castejón, H. V. (1991) "Three-Dimensional Morphology of Cerebellar Protoplasmic Islands and Proteoglycan Content of Mossy Fiber Glomerulus: A Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscope Study," Scanning Microscopy: Vol. 5 : No. 2 , Article 16. Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Western Dairy Center at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Scanning Microscopy by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Scanning Microscopy , Vol. 5, No . 2, 1991 (Pages 477-494) 0891 -7035/91$3.00+ .00 Scanning Microscopy International , Chicago (AMF O'Hare) , IL 60666 USA THREE-DI MENSIONAL MORPHOLOGYOF CEREBELLAR PROTOPLASMIC ISLANDS AND PROTEOGLYCANCO NTENT OF MOSSY FIBER GLOMERULUS: A SCANNING AND TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPE STUDY 0. J . Cas tejon and H. V. Castejon Institute de Investigac1ones Biologicas. Facultad de Medicina . Universidad de l Zulia. Apart ado 526, Mara ca ibo, Venezu ela (Received for publication May 2, 1990 , and in revised form February 16, 1991) Abstract Introduction The present rev , ew summarizes the outer and The cerebellar protoplasmatic islands and inner surface features of mossy f ib er glomeru li the cerebellar glomeruli were studied at light 1n vertebra te cerebellar granular la yer as seen microscope level by Denissenko ( 18771, Ramon y by conv en t i ona l scanning electron microscopy Cajal ( 1889, 19551, Retzius ( 1892a,b), Lugaro <SEMI and SEM fre eze -f ra cture method .