April • May • June • 2020 Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Psalm 25:4 • Daily Devotions for Living Life to the Fullest • Welcome to • Daily Devotions for Living Life to the Fullest • • Daily Devotions for Living Life to the Fullest • I remember the day during my senior year of high school when I received my first pair of glasses. On the way home from the optometrist, I looked up at a pass- ing billboard and was amazed at how sharp the words now appeared. Perhaps you wish God would put His will up on the billboard for you to clearly see. King Da- vid had a similar thought in Psalm 25:4, “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.” As we reflect on these daily messages, let this be a time for God to teach us how to discern His will as we explore the theme, “Make Your Ways Known,” throughout this issue. As Christians, we learn God’s ways through prayer and the scriptures. In addition to these daily messages, explore our weekly video devo- tional ministry, Moments of Comfort, at WorshipAnew. org/MOC. Moments of Comfort shares messages that help us cope with the challenges we face in our daily lives. May you always find comfort and peace along this path we take with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Matthew F. Leighty, Executive Director Lutheran Ministries Media www.WorshipAnew.org
[email protected] • Daily Devotions for Living Life to the Fullest • • Daily Devotions for Living Life to the Fullest • April • May • June • 2020 Volume 9 • Number 2 Rich Bimler, Mark Zimmermann, Editors Laurie Senkbeil, Kasey Nugent, Editorial Assistants Hope-Full Living Mission Statement To inspire God’s seniors with the assurance that “This very day, I have a body, a mind, a spirit and a message—God’s rejuvenating Gospel message to and through me—to share with my world, my friends and my Lord.” Hope-Full Living is published quarterly in January, April, July and October by Creative Communications for the Parish, 1564 Fencorp Drive, Fenton, MO 63026.