487 The Orbits—Anatomical Features in View of Innovative Surgical Methods Carl-Peter Cornelius, MD, DDS1 Peter Mayer, MD, DDS1 Michael Ehrenfeld, MD, DDS1 Marc Christian Metzger, MD, DDS2 1 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ludwig Maximilians Address for correspondence Carl-Peter Cornelius, MD, DDS, University, Munich, Germany Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ludwig Maximilians 2 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Albert Ludwigs University, Lindwurmstr 2a, 80337 Munich, Germany University, Freiburg, Germany (e-mail:
[email protected]). Facial Plast Surg 2014;30:487–508. Abstract The aim of this article is to update on anatomical key elements of the orbits in reference to surgical innovations. This is a selective literature review supplemented with the Keywords personal experience of the authors, using illustrations and photographs of anatomical ► anatomy of internal dissections. The seven osseous components of the orbit can be conceptualized into a orbit simple geometrical layout of a four-sided pyramid with the anterior aditus as a base and ► osseous structures the posterior cone as apex. All neurovascular structures pass through bony openings in ► bony surface contours the sphenoid bone before diversification in the mid and anterior orbit. A set of ► periorbita landmarks such as the optic and maxillary strut comes into new focus. Within the ► extraocular muscles topographical surfaces of the internal orbit the lazy S-shaped floor and the poster- ► connective tissue omedial bulge are principal determinants for the ocular globe position. The inferome- compartments dial orbital strut represents a discernible sagittal buttress. The periorbita and orbital soft ► nerve and vessel tissue contents—extraocular muscles, septae, neurovasculature—are detailed and put supply into context with periorbital dissection.