PHOTO ROUNDS Kimia Ziahosseini, MD 5 cases, 1 cause Stockport Eye Centre, Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport, Cheshire, of irritated eyes United Kingdom rritated and watery eyes. Mild ery- of his left eye that had been bothering him
[email protected] thema of the nasal bulbar conjunc- for the last 2 weeks. He had been treated Thabit A. Mustafa Odat, tiva. Photophobia. Blurred vision. with a topical antibiotic, but showed no MBBS, FRCS, JBO I Oculoplastic and Orbital These were just some of the signs and improvement. Surgeon, King Hussein Medical symptoms that prompted the following CASE 4 A 15-year-old girl came in com- Centre, Amman, Jordan 5 patients to seek treatment. Though plaining of irritation of the left eye over f E a TU r E E d ITO r the specifics of their cases varied, their the last month. She was seen by an oph- Richard P. Usatine, MD diagnosis was the same. thalmologist, who attributed her symp- University of Texas Health CASE 1 A 35-year-old man presented toms to exposure keratopathy due to lag- Science Center at San Antonio with a foreign-body sensation and tear®- Dowdenophthalmos—inability Health to close,Media or poor ing of his right eye that had lasted for a closure of, the eyelids (FIGURE). He treated few days. The eye showed mild erythema her with different lubricants and antibiot- of the nasal bulbar conjunctivaCopyright andFor linear personalics, without improvement. use only corneal abrasions. CASE 5 A 15-year-old boy came in com- CASE 2 A 23-year-old woman came in plaining of blurred vision in his right eye.