Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 231 5th International Conference on Community Development (AMCA 2018) Tolerance in Dealing with Different Mazhab (Schools of Islamic Thought) in Makassar City Muammar Muhammad Bakry Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar
[email protected] Abstract. This paper discusses the development of person. Being tolerant of differences is a good quality tolerant character in dealing with the differences of in someone that positively impact on the way one mazhab fiqh (school of thought within Islamic understands truth according to the most reliable dalil jurisprudence) through the development of four (reasoning or inference). aspects, namely spiritual and emotional, Differences of opinion is something natural. intellectual, physical and kinesthetic, as well as Although it often leads to a clash of opinions among affective and creativity. These four aspects become the ulama and later creates mazhab fiqh, yet it is the standard of assessing religious tolerance in actually a grace and convenience for Muslims. Various Makassar City. The more scholars have mujtahid ijtihad (independent reasoning) of ulama has become (one who is empowered to interpret legal issues not Islamic treasures and pride for their umat. explicitly address in the Qur’an) capacity, the more Differences in fuqaha only occur in secondary fertile and flourishing fiqh ‘flowers’ produce a problems (furui’yyah), not the primary ones like fresh and natural scent will be. As a result, it will aqidah (creed). The ultimate difference of ulama is in impact on the dynamics and variations of worship the level of human understanding in capturing practices that can refresh the umat (Islam followers) messages and meaning, drawing legal conclusions, in dynamic nuances.