Cushing Jarvis, Sketches of Church Life in Colonial 20
T H E HISTORY 0 F TRINITY C 0 L L E G E Notes CHAPTER I 18. Journal of the Convention of the Diocese of Con 1. "Colonial Church Mission of the Seventeenth Cen necticut, 17g4, p. 8. tury," The Church Review, I (April, 1848), 16n; Lucy 1g. Ibid., PP· 1g4-1g5. Cushing Jarvis, Sketches of Church Life in Colonial 20. Journal of the Convention Diocese of Connecticut, Connecticut (New Haven, 1go2), pp. 183-184 et passim. 17g5, p. n ; Joseph Perkins Beach, History of Cheshire, 2. See Glenn W eaver, "Anglican-Congregationalist Connecticut from 1694 to 1840 (Cheshire, 1g12 ), p. 247; Tensions in Pre-Revolutionary Connecticut," Historical Subscription List for Episcopal Academy of Connecticut, Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, XXVI, Episcopal Academy Papers, Box 1, Archives of Diocese (September, 1g57), 26g-285. of Connecticut, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut. 3· Charles C. Tiffany, A History of the Protestant 21. Clifton Hartwell Brewer, A History of Religious Episcopal Church (New York, 18g5), pp. 141-142; Wil Education in the Episcopal Church to 1835 (New Ha liam Wilson Manross, A History of the American Epis ven, 1g24 ), p. g8; Journal of the Convention Diocese of copal Church (New York and Milwaukee, 1g35), p. 106. Connecticut for 1796, p. 15; E. E. Beardsley, An Address 4· William A. Beardsley, "Episcopal Academy of Con Delivered in St. Peter's Church, Cheshire, October 1 , necticut, 17g4-1g17," Historical Magazine of the Prot 1844, on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the estant Episcopal Church, XIII (September, 1g44), 1g3. Episcopal Academy of Connecticut (New Haven, 1844), 5· Cutler went to Massachusetts, Wetmore went to P· g.
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