投稿類別 : 英語寫作類

篇名 : The influence of Korea on 韓國文化對台灣的影響

作者 : 劉先逸。 成淵高中。高一 11 班 林楚謙。 成淵高中。高一 11 班

指導老師: 柯良潔老師

The influence of Korea on Taiwan 韓國文化對台灣的影響

I. Introduction

A. Background Information and Research Motivation Recently, the number of Korean restaurant is increasing. On holidays, many people would hang out with friends with some Korean dishes, such as Bibimbap and Tteokbokki. In the similar fashion, the number of Korean cosmetic stores is also increasing, such as Innisfree and around Main station. While walking on the streets, we can often hear KPOP music. Many people around us start to listen to KPOP music as well. In the past, many people like to travel to and , but nowadays, many people like to travel to Korea. It seems that the trend of traveling to Korea is rising. We are curious about these phenomena. This is why we want to know how Korean culture affects Taiwanese people. Additionally, we want to know how different generations in Taiwan feel about Korea.

B. Method

First, we searched information about Korean culture on the Internet, and turned our questions into a questionnaire (Appendix). Secondly, we went to the Taipei main station on December, 2nd, 2018 to interview the passers-by. The following is our finding.

II. Result and Discussion

A. Results

1. Originally, we think that only younger generations would like Korean culture. But according to our interview (Figure1), 23.5% people of our interviewees like Korean culture. As a result, we can know that not only younger generation like Korean culture. Moreover, we may think that only females like Korean culture. But based on the result of our interview, 37.5 % males like Korean culture (Figure 2). In fact, many entertainment companies work on girls and boys singers as groups or individuals. Average people think that only females will love male group but it is reported that KPOP male group is popular among males (排長,2016). Based on the above, we can know that Korean culture appeals to a wide range of crowds, and there’s no gender difference.

Figure 1 -Age Figure 2 -Gender

1 The influence of Korea on Taiwan 韓國文化對台灣的影響

2. When it comes to KPOP, we consider that most people may listen to Korean music, but they may not know the singer, and lyrics. However, among our 18 interviewees, 16 know the song (Figure-3), 14 know about singer (Figure-4), 15 know the name of the song (Figure-5) and 12 know the lyrics (Figure-6). Furthermore, 11 interviewee put some K-pop music on their song lists, such as BIGBANG and Girls Generation (Figure-7) . In conclusion, we can know our assumption was wrong. At the beginning, we consider that people listen to Korean music randomly and won’t pay much attention to the singer, the lyrics and so on. But, some do know a lot related to KPOP music.

Figure 3 Do you know any Korean song? Figure 4-Do you know the singer?

Figure 5-Do you know the name of the song? Figure 6-Do you know the lyrics?

Figure 7 Is there any Korean song in your smartphone? What are they? (If no skip it)

2 The influence of Korea on Taiwan 韓國文化對台灣的影響

3. We thought Taiwanese people get access to Korean culture by listening to KPOP music, but according to our interview, 61.1% of interviewees think that the Korean government promotes its culture by shooting drama (Figure-8). In fact, the Korean government uses two strategies to promote its culture. According to the “Cultural Prosperity Promotion Plan” (Korea Culture, Sports and Tourism Department, 2016). The first one is shooting drama since 1994. The second one is releasing KPOP music since 2002. No wonder our interviewees are quite familiar with Korean drama.

Figure 8 Based on your experience, how did Korean promote its culture to the world?

4. We also asked our interviewees whether their friends or family have following habits such as listening to KPOP music, going to cosmetic store and eating Korean food as well (Figure 9). 6 said that they did it with their friends, 5 said they did it with their mother, 3 each said they did it with their brother and sister, while no one did it with their father, since most of the interviewees’ fathers were not interested in Korean culture.

Figure 9 Do any of your friends or family members have following habits such as listening to KPOP music, going to cosmetic store and eating Korean food?

3 The influence of Korea on Taiwan 韓國文化對台灣的影響

5. Take a look at Figure 10, we can know that almost everyone in our interviewees like Korean culture. On the scale of 1-7, 12 people give more than 5 points on a scale from 1 to 7, and only one person gives 1 point. He thinks that Kpop music is a little bit noisy.

Figure 10 Rank the level you like Korean culture on a scale from 1 to 7

6. At the end, we asked our interviewees which ways is the most effective and apparent one to promote Taiwanese culture. 6 think that enhancing the positive image to the world online is the key. 5 thought that setting up art and exhibition centers is also important. 3 thought that shooting films related to Taiwan might work. 2 thought that culture-based souvenirs would work.

Figure 11 Taiwanese government has also been trying to promote Taiwanese culture. Which of the following do you think is the most effective and apparent one?

4 The influence of Korea on Taiwan 韓國文化對台灣的影響

B. Discussion

We are interested in how Korean culture may influence Taiwanese people , so we use the Causal Loop Diagram (Anderson & Johnson, 1997) from system thinking (Figure 12) to explain the related cause-effect relationship.

On the right-hand side is the balancing loop, B. On the left-hand side is the reinforcing loop, R. If we take a look at the reinforcing loop, R. We will get the following concept. The more exposure to Korean culture, the more culture exchange there will be. For example, Taiwanese people would travel to Korea to experience the local culture, such as wearing ancient costume. Or, a well-known mobile phone brand--Samsung, which market share 20%, in the same way ( 張為竣, 2015), Taiwanese brand phone--HTC has also play a big role in Korean mobile phone market. Another example is Taiwanese popular male group--MayDay held concerts in Seoul in 2014 and 2018, the tickets were all sold out in a short period of time. Likewise, a lot of Korean pop group such as BIGBANG, BTS and have also sold out their tickets in a few seconds in Taiwan. To sum up, whether we know what their lyrics meanings or not, we are sure that Taiwanese are exposed to Korean culture to a great degree.

Now, take a look at the balancing loop, B. When we go to Korea, the clerks may strongly recommend us that we should buy Korean products by claiming that their products are the best. This is how Korean show their nationalism. After this, Taiwanese people may want to show their nationalism as well because they think that Koreans are too aggressive. They won’t be willing to buy more. We believe the rising Taiwanese patriotism is the reason why Korean culture can’t take over our local culture.

Figure 12

Causal Loop Diagram

5 The influence of Korea on Taiwan 韓國文化對台灣的影響

III. Conclusion

All in all, in this interview, some of the results are way beyond our expectations. First, Korean culture not only affects Taiwan’s young generation but also other generations. Second, we thought that many young people may download Korean songs in their phones, but, most of them just listen to the songs on radio or on TV. Third, the stereotype that males only listen to Girl’s music is not correct. Some males will listen to boy’s music.

In the 21 century, the Korean culture is prevalent in Taiwan. As for the foreign cultures, we have learned how to accept and respect it. Korean culture is mainly favored by Taiwanese teenagers, because Korean culture can play an important role in Taiwan through the spread of social media. Although it is said that popular craze of Korean will be declining, but we believe that as long as Korean government keeps using effective strategies. It’s not easy to stop the trend.

The role that Korean government plays in promoting Korea culture is beyond our imagination. We think that's the reason why Korean culture has become so popular across the world. On the other hand, Taiwanese government should continue developing maretks in Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, America, and the mainland(交通部觀光局,2018) in order to increase the culture exchange among the above area and Taiwan..

IV. References: 李宜融(2018)。從韓國文化創意產業與觀光產業論韓國觀光公演。國立臺南大學:碩士論 文。 排長(2016)。男生愛的團體和妳不一樣!韓國男生票選最愛的團體 Best9 最後一名女生不 認同啊~。取自 https://m.wishnote.tw/contents/?contentsId=29801 劉新圓(2016)。韓流、韓劇,以及南韓的文化產業政策。2018 年 11 月 30 號。取自 https://www.npf.org.tw/2/16277 交通部觀光局。2019 年 2 月 14 日,取自 https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/FileDownLoad/FileUpload/7440066b-4f21-4e17-b2d0-92f0aa2831ae.pdf 蘋果日報。2019 年 2 月 28 日,取自 Anderson, V., & Johnson, L. (1997). Systems thinking basics: From concepts to causal loops. Waltham, Mass: Pegasus Comm., Inc.


1. Do you know any Korean song? (1) Do you know the singer? (2) Do you know the title? (3) Do you know the lyrics? (4) Is there any Korean song in your smartphone? What are they?

2. Have you ever been to any Korean drug and cosmetic store? (1) If yes, where? In Korea or Taiwan? (2) If it is in Korea, which one? and How many times has the interviewee been to Korea? (3) If it is in Taiwan, which one? Why did the interviewee step into the store? Did he make any purchase?

6 The influence of Korea on Taiwan 韓國文化對台灣的影響

3.Have you ever tried Korean Food? (1)If yes, where? In Korea or Taiwan? or any other place in the world? (2) If it is in Korea, what did the interviewee have? Why did he taste it? Did he know how to say that dish in Korean? (3) If it is in Taiwan, what did the interviewee have? Why did he taste it? Did he know how to say that dish in Korean?

4. Do any of your friends or family members have following habits? (A)father (B)mother (C)brother (D)sister (E)other

5. Do they have any partners when they do 4-(A), 4-(B)...? Who are they?

6. Rank the level you like Korean culture from 1-7 and rank the level that your parents like Korean culture from 1-7.

8.Based on your experience, how did Korean promote its culture to the world? (A)By releasing KPOP music (B)By shooting drama (C) other

9.Which culture do you prefer to? Taiwan or Korea? Any reasons?

10. Taiwanese government has also been trying to promote Taiwanese culture. Which of the following do you think is the most effective and apparent one? (A)Shoot films related to Taiwan (B)Set up art and exhibition centers (C)design culture-based souvenirs (D)promote positive image to the world online (E)others