May 30, 1967 H. WALTER ETAL 3,321,920
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May 30, 1967 H. WALTER ETAL 3,321,920 METHOD OF PRODUCING PROPULSIVE FORCES BY INTERMI EXPLOSIONS USING GEM-POLYNITRO AND TTENT HYDRAZINE COMFOUNDS Filed June 29, 1964 INVENTORS 3,321,920 United States Patent Office Patented May 30, 1967 2 3,321,920 Instead of the parabolic thrust chamber shown in FIG. METHOD OF PRODUCING PROPULSIVE FORCES A, a simple cylinder or a frustrum of a cone may be BY INTERMITTENT EXPLOSIONS USNG GEM. used, which is closed at one side and provide with auxil POLYNTRO AND HYDRAZINE COMPOUNDS iaries 2 and 3 as shown in FIG. A. Hans Walter and Benno Walter, Huntsville, Ala., assignors FIGURE B illustrates a jet motor 4 provided down to Brown Engineering Company, Inc., Huntsville, Ala., stream with a divergent exit duct. Explophorics from tanks a corporation of Alabama I and II (not shown) are introduced via check valves 5a Filed June 29, 1964, Ser. No. 378,736 and 5b respectively and spray nozzles 14a and 14b. The 2 Claims. (C. 60-211) detonation waves thus generated travel with supersonic speed downstream. The devices 8 through 13 are to pres The present invention relates to special propellants for 10 surize tanks I and II (not shown) in a conventional man rocket motors and more particularly to some kind of ner, however, in pulsewise rhythms. When the said detona liquid or vaporous bi-propellants that detonate spontane tion shock waves pass by slot 8 in the wall of the chamber, ously upon contact with each other. a pressure pulse is sent through an opening in the laterally Rocket motors are usually powered by ergolic as well adjustable shutter 9 and subsequently through the flat as hypergolic bi-propellants. The former group comprises dome 10 and pipe 11. Following this, the pressure pulses the combination of a liquid fuel like kerosene, alcohol or actuate the heat-impermeable piston 12, which is posi hydrogen with oxygen or nitric acid. The ignition of these tioned by spring 13. Piston 12 generates pressure pulses propellants is performed by spark plugs, glow coils or of air or any fluid, which pressurizes both tanks contain pyrotechnical igniters. If the mixing ratio of the two bi ing the explophorics with the more or less delayed pressure propellants is not efficiently controlled, motor blasts will 20 pulses inside of 4. The divergent duct may be provided occur when re-igniting. This risk may be prevented by ap with inlets 7 to induct ambient air in order to perform plying hypergolic bi-propellants, which ignite spontane supersonic aftercombustion of unburnt constituents of the ously when contacting each other, thus preventing safely explosion gases. Additional cheap fuel, like kerosene or any detonations. Hypergolic oxidizers are nitric acid, low boiling gasoline, may likewise be passed into the nitrogen dioxide, and hydrogen peroxide. 25 divergent part, where it will undergo supersonic after Now we have found that using special oxidizers in combustion with ambient air. By this way, the expenses combination with strongly reducing fuels, reacting with for propellants may be greatly decreased. spontaneous and immediate detonations, offers a new and It will be noted that the new motors do not show any advantageous method for producing repulsive forces in 30 convergent-divergent De Laval nozzle. This does not ex rocket motors. In this case the thrust is produced by clude a construction of the walls of the new thrust travelling shock waves. chambers with slight constrictions for the purpose of One of the most important objects of the present in modifying the flow of the shock waves. However, any vention is to provide a high efficiency propulsion method, choking must be prevented. in which thrust chambers without convergent-divergent Now the present invention provides special oxidizers nozzles apply. It is known that the most vulnerable part 35 which offer explophoric properties, that is, properties of all chemical rocket motors is the nozzle throat with that cause a spontaneous detonation to be produced when the erosion limiting the time of powered flight to some the oxidizer comes in contact with reducing fuel. Ex minutes and less. This problem is completely solved by plophoric oxidizers were found to be gem-polynitro the above said thrust chambers without nozzles, which 40 organic compounds in which at least two nitro groups are allow greatly prolonged flight times. linked to one carbon atom, like tetranitromethane, nitro It is another object of the present invention to provide form, beta trinitroethanol, hexanitroethane or pernitro a method for producing repulsive forces, by which any butane, preferably dissolved in nitric acid, tetranitro risk of the occurrence of motor blasts is prevented. ethane potassium in solution and fluoro trinitromethane. It is still another object of the present invention to pro Another type of explophoric oxidizer involves com vide a method in which no igniters whatever are needed. pounds of fluorine with chlorine, viz., chloro trifluoride; it is another object of the present invention to provide with oxygen like difluoro oxide or with nitrogen, like fuel-oxidizer components, hencetoforth called explo nitrogen trifluoride, tetrafluoro hydrazine, difluoro amine phorics, which detonate immediately and spontaneously and fluorinated organic amines. upon contact to each other. 50 The third type of explophoric oxdizer comprises azido For better understanding of the nature and object of compounds like sodium azide, ammonium azide or beta the invention, reference is made to the following descrip azido ethanol, which are explophoric not only with reduc tion and drawings. ing fuels but likewise with acids. Referring to FIG. A, 1 shows an explophoric thrust The above listed explophoric oxidizers may be applied chamber in the form of a paraboloid. An oxidizing and a 55 either as such, or in form of mixtures respectively in so reducing explophoric, contained in tank I and tank II lutions with each other or with non-explophoric oxidizers respectively (not shown), are introduced into 1 via check like nitric acid or hydrogen peroxide. valves 2a and 2b respectively and slightly constricted noz Reducing fuels reacting explophorically with the afore zles 3a and 3b respectively. The two explophorics, when said oxidizers are sodium-potassium alloys, hydrides of introduced, meet at abcut the focal point, whereby a boron and of aluminum, alkyls of magnesium, of zinc downstream travelling detonation shock wave is generated, 60 and of aluminum, moreover hydrazine, mono- and unsym thus producing thrust. A rarefaction wave reflected back metrical di-methyl hydrazine, diamino guanidine, carbo will generate a pressure decrease. This will actuate 2a and dihydrazide, triamino guanidine, formic acid, and acrylic 2b and suck in explophorics, liquid and/or gaseous ones, acid. from tanks I and II. The subsequent detonation with its Both types of explophorics may be applied either as strong pressure rise will close again the check valves 2a 65 such or in form of mixtures of oxidizing explophorics or and 2b, thus terminating the detonation cycle. The fre of reducing ones. They may likewise be applied as so quency of intermittent detonations may be furthermore lutions. This provides the use, not only of liquid ex controlled by varying the form of motor 1, oscillating plophorics, but likewise of solid and gaseous ones. These with organ pipe quarter waves. In this way the pulsating 70 several combinations furnish a simple means to control detonations are controlled without the co-use of mechani the induction- or detonation-delay within larger ranges. cally actuated valves. This in turn represents a control of the number of inter 3,321,920 3. 4. mittent detonations per unit time and, hence, a control Furthermore engines, powered by gas detonations, are of the thrust. to be initiated by spark plugs, pilot flames or similar A further control is furnished by varying the ratio of means, whereby a track of variable length of a slow com oxidizing and reducing explophorics. For instance, tetra bustion precedes the formation of the steady detonation nitromethane and hydrazine offer prompt detonation in Wave, thus giving rise to serious off-design operations. any ratio while liquid sodium-potassium alloy and beta This, again, differs fundamentally from explophoric op trinitroethanol offer various detonation frequencies, de eration, which involves instantaneously fully established pending largely on the mutual ratio as well as on the detonations. There is likewise a fundamental difference particle size. in comparison to conventional high explosives, which re By way of example with the explophoric combination quire the co-operation of a primer or a booster in order of tetranitromethane-hydrazine in the ratio of 60.5% to O to develop fully established detonations. 39.5% weight respectively, a specific impulse is achieved We claim: as high as 306 sec. It should furthermore be emphasized, 1. A method for producing thrust by detonation waves that external cooling of the new motors by convection in an explophoric thrust chamber in the form of a di and radiation can be performed more easily and efficiently 5 vergent exit duct, which comprises injecting intermittently than in conventional rocket motors. a gem-polynitro oxidizer and a hydrazinic fuel from Pulse jet propulsion, viz., the German V-1, likewise Separate sources. produced thrust by intermittent detonation; however, 2. A method for producing thrust by detonation waves they apply only for the air breathing operation. More in an explophoric thrust chamber in the form of a parab over, the number of explosion cycles is unduly reduced, 20 oloid, which comprises injecting intermittently a gem since the periodic refilling of the pulse jet with ambient polynitro oxidizer and a hydrazinic fuel from separate air requires a considerable time delay. So, they cannot SOCCS. compete with the conventional rocket motors and apply for very low altitudes and low speeds of flight only.