New Mexico Quarterly Volume 33 | Issue 2 Article 5 1963 Relacion del Conquistador Bernardino Vasquez de Tapia John Hughton Allen Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Allen, John Hughton. "Relacion del Conquistador Bernardino Vasquez de Tapia." New Mexico Quarterly 33, 2 (1963). This Contents is brought to you for free and open access by the University of New Mexico Press at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico Quarterly by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Allen: Relacion del Conquistador Bernardino Vasquez de Tapia Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1963 1 New Mexico Quarterly, Vol. 33 [1963], Iss. 2, Art. 5 t 140 JOHN HOUGHTON ~N , The year fifteen hundred and"seventeen, this Gove~ol".Don Diego Velazquez sending his cousin, the Captain, Juan de Grijalva; with four ships of war, in theservice'.of Your Maje$ty to.'discoverisIandsot'l1ew lands,'I went ,with the Heet ~s Ensign General ofall the men and anna ment;'and.on thatvoyage wediscQvered,the.IslandofCo;lum.el'and tlte coa~t of Yuca~n,from iheparty inthe'south to a place wenam~d the Ba~of,' Ascensi6n.' Afterw~lJ:ds, wcf f(jIlowedthe coast SQ~tbw~tand' East'and North. and cameunta a great town thatwa.scaIledCat;npeche; here we- disembarked and the na~vesgave US~ battle; in wbich wewere in dire ~nger of losing our lives' and the Captain.~me.out badly wounded as didall afuswho were there, and.