Neotectonic Features of the Catalan Coastal Ranges, Northeastern Spain

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Neotectonic Features of the Catalan Coastal Ranges, Northeastern Spain ACTA GEOLOGICA HISPANICA, v. 29 (1994), nos2-4, p. 107-121 (Pub. 1996) Neotectonic features of the Catalan Coastal Ranges, Northeastern Spain E. MASANA. Departament de Geologia Dinimica, Geofísica i Paleontologia. Facultat de Geologia. Universital de Barcelona. Campus de Pedralbes. E-08071 Barcelona. Spain RESUMEN ABSTRACT Rasgos neotectónicos de las Cadenas Costeras Catalanas, NE de The Catalan Coastal Ranges constitute the northwestem emerged España. sector of the Catalan-Valencian domain of the Valencia trough. Since late Oligocene this domain of the Valencia trough was subjected to ex- Las Cadenas Costeras Catalanas constituyen el sector emergido del do- tension wich gradually attenuated during later periods. The Miocene minio Catalano-Valenciano del surco de Valencia. Este sector del surco tectonic evolution of the Catalan Coastal Ranges is relativelly well de Valencia ha estado sometido desde el Oligoceno superior a un pro- known while the Pliocene to-Quaternary stages have not been studied ceso extensivo que se ha atenuado a partir del Mioceno superior. in detail. The recorded seismicity of the area is moderate and constant Aunque la evolución tectónica durante el Mioceno es bien conocida no but not sufficiently intense to cliaracterize and locate recent tectonics. ha sido estudiada durante el Plioceno-Cuatemario. La sismicidad de la However, geological analysis provides further information. A morpho- zona es moderada y constante pero no suficientemente intensa para ca- tectonic and deformational analysis of the Catalan Coastal Ranges is racterizar y localizar la tectónica reciente. El análisis geológico aporta presented in this paper. información al respecto. Se presenta el análisis morfotectónico y de la deformación de las Cadenas Costeras Catalanas. Se describen tres gran- Three main mountain fronts which show characteristic neotectonic des frentes montañosos que muestran indicios de actividad neotectóni- features are examined: El Camp, El Baix Ebre and El Montseny moun- ca: los de El Camp, El Baix Ebre y El Montseny. Estos frentes presen- tain fronts. These fronts have faceted spurs, -with more than one gene- tan facetas triangulares, con más de una generación en El Camp y El ration in El Camp and El Montseny fronts-, moderate to low sinuosity Montseny, sinuosidad moderada a baja (1.30-1.50), drenaje ortogonal al (1.30-1.50), orthogonal drainage across the fault, "wine glass" draina- Erente, cuencas de drenaje en forma de "wine glass " con un índice SeL ge basins with moderate Se/L index -0.52 in El Baix Ebre front- and moderado (0.52 en el frente de El Baix Ebre) y perfiles topográficos convexity in the topogr4phic profiles orthogonal to the front. Severa1 convexos perpendiculares al frente. Varios escarpes de falla se disponen fault scarps are aligned parallel to the main faults in the southern half paralelos a las fallas principales en la mitad sur de la zona estudiada. Se of the studied zone. Morphological anomalies are also apparent in the describen anomalías en la red de drenaje, como asimetrias en las cuen- fluvial network, for example: asymmetrical drainage basins indicating cas que indican basculamientos. Se analiza la segmentación del abani- tilting. Segmentation is noticeable in St. Jordi alluvial fan located near co de St. Jordi (El Baix Ebre) debido seguramente a una falla que lo the Baix Ebre basin. Brittle deformation in Pliocene and Quaternary se- afecta. La deformación frágil en los sedimentos pliocenos y cuaterna- diments is sparse, but is evident in St. Onofre outcrop (Baix Ebre) with rios es escasa. En el afloramiento de St. Onofre (El Baix Ebre) se des- normal faulting with vertical o1 and NNW-SSE ~3 in Pliocene sedi- criben fallas normales con 01 vertical y 03 NNW-SSE en los sedimen- ments and NNW-SSE normal faults in Quaternary sediments. tos pliocenos y fallas normales con dirección NNW-SSE en el Liquefaction deformational features are described and may be related Cuaternario. Se describen sedimentos afectados por liquefacción posi- to paleoseismology. Vertical normal slip is inferred for the main neo- blemente relacionados con paleosismicidad. Se deduce un salto predo- tectonic mountain fronts with more activity concentrated in the southern minantemente vertical y normal en las fallas recientes, con una mayor Catalan Coastal Ranges. Present-day tectonic activity is characterized concentración de la deformación en la parte meridional de la zona es- as very small. iudiada. La actividad tectónica actual es caracterizada como muy baja. Keywords: Pliocene-Quaternary. Catalan Coastal Ranges. Palabras clave: Plioceno-Cuaternario. Cadenas Costeras Neotectonics. Geomorphology. Fracturation. Liquefaction. Catalanas. Neotectónica. Geomorfologia. Fracturación. Liquefacción. INTRODUCTION ................ O 25km.......... ...... ...... The Catalan Coastal Ranges are a NE-SW system of ................. low ridges (the highest point is 1,700 m above sea level) ...... ............... and depressions occurring in the SE edge of the Ebro ....... ....... Basin, parallel to the Catalan coast (Fig. 1). They are the emerged sector of the Catalan-Valencian domain of the Valencia trough (Fontboté et al.; 1990), and constitute its northwestern edge. Its structure is characterized by an echelon fault system, subparallel to the coast, that affec- ted the Hercynian basement and the Mesozoic overlying PALEOZOIC SUSTRATUM sediments. These basement faults had strike and reverse .(((I MOUNTAIN FRONTS slip component during the Paleocene (Guimera 1984, Anadón et al., 1985) and acted later as normal faults to Figure l. Mountain fronts in the Catalan Coastal Ranges with neotec- accommodate the extension that took place from the Late tonic morphological features similar to those described in known acti- Oligocene to the present. The Neogene extension in the ve mountain fronts. MMF, Montseny Mountain Front. CMF, El Camp Valencia trough was intense during the early Miocene Mountain Front. BEMF, Baix Ebre Mountain Front. BE, Baix Ebre ba- sin. C, El Camp basin. VP, Valles-Penedis basin. P, Prades range. M, and decreased during middle and upper Miocene and in Miramar range. the Pliocene. In the latest periods the deformation was concentrated mainly in the edges of the trough and con- Figura 1. Frentes montañosos de las Cadenas costeras Catalanas que centrated in the major marginal faults (Roca and muestran características morfológicas similares a las de frentes monta- Desegaulx 1992; Bartrina et al., 1992). ñosos activos. MMF, Frente montañoso del Montseny. CMF, Frente montañoso de El Carnp. BEMF, Frente montañoso del Baix Ebre. BE, fosa de El Baix Ebre. C, fosa de El Camp. VP, fosa de El Valles- The normal faults have created a "horst and graben " Penedes. P, Sierra de Prades. M, Sierra de Miramar. system with Miocene to Quatemary basin infilling. From SW to NE the basins studied in the area are el Baix Ebre, SEISMICITY el Camp and Valles-Penedes (Fig. 1). The Valencia trough seismicity is considered modera- Some recent tectonic activity features in outcrops of te. The macroseismic and instrumental data of the northe- the Catalan Coastal Ranges have been descnbed by other astern Ibenan Peninsula show three concentrations of epi- authors (Llopis 1942; Solé Sabarís et al., 1957; Julia and centers, the Eastern Pyrenees, the Catalan Coastal Ranges Santanach 1980; Gallart 1981; De Mas 1983; Arasa and the Betic range, with almost total absence of earth- 1985; Masana 1991). As the seismicity of the area is low quakes between the last two zones (Olivera et al., 1992). but constant (Susagna, 1990) -several M<4 earthquakes recorded annually - there is a need for a global neotecto- The northem and southem half of the Catalan Coastal nic study in the zone to determine the amount, kind and Ranges have different seismic behaviour (Fig. 2). In the situation of the recent tectonic activity. The present tec- northem half there is a higher concentration of epicenters tonic activity in the Catalan Coastal Ranges is not inten- that range from very low magnitude to M=4. In the southem se enough to localize the more active zones by means of half there are fewer epicenters but the M=4 is more abun- seismicity information only. In order to overcome this dant and there are not many low magnitude earthquakes problem we have done a morphological analysis of the (Susagna, 1990). The hypocenters are no deeper than 15 km. whole zone and a structural analysis of the deformations observed in recent sediments. The Tivissa earthquake (1845) -Intensity VI (MSK)-, which produced landslides (Jardí and Brú, 1921) and the After a synthesis of the seismic data we present the Montseny one (1927) -Intensity W 0-are the more im- results of the morphoneotectonic analysis, -that is, the portant histoncal earthquakes in the macroseismic catalogue. analysis of the mountain fronts, the fault scarps, the flu- vial network and the arrangement and possible anoma- Figure 2 shows the location of the epicenters recorded lies of the alluvial fans that lie at the foot of the fronts, by the "Servei Geologic de la Generalitat de Catalunya" followed by a description and analysis of the recent de- bulletin between 1986 and 1991 and the foca1 mecha- formational structures and possible paleoseismic indi- nisms determined by Susagna (1990) and Olivera et al., cators. (1991 and 1992). The absence of epicenters in the Baix MAGNITUDE I July 4th 1985 August 24th 1987 December 15th 1991 Figure 2. Epicenter map (instrumental data) of the earthquakes occurring between 1987 and 1992 in the Catalan Coastal Ranges containing the calcu- lated focal mechanisms (note that the earthquake with two focal solutions is older than the time span represented on the figure). The situation of the main faults is also shown. (Olivera et al., 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, Roca and Guimera 1992). Figura 2. Mapa de epicentros (datos instrumentales) de los terremotos ocurridos entre 1987 y 1992 en las Cordilleras Costeras Catalanas con los me- canismos focales de algunos de ellos (nótese que existe un terremoto con dos soluciones focales que es anterior al periodo representado en la figura).
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    TERMINOLOGY USED BY CATALAN BASKET-MAKERS Dolores Soriano 'I'he Catalan terminology for basketry is different from the Spanish terminology. The Catalan, unlike the Spanish has one special name for each part of the basket. This terminolgy was collected from the Catalan basket-makers all around Zatalonia, in different fields of basket work, during the years 1978, 1979 and 1980. The terminology and the techniques use11 now by the Catalan basket-makers are snown in this report. I. TECHNIQUES OF BASKETRY USED BY CATALAN BASKET-MAKERS. 1. Woven Technique ("Tecnica Teixida" ) . 1.1. Diagonal braiding of two directions ("Diagonal de dues direccions") . Or twilled work. - In this technique each element of the weft passes over one, two or more warp elements. Both warp and weft strands are brought together in pairs and one twined about the other. Use: to make the plaited strand of alfalfa and palmetto Geographical localization: Marseme (Tordera), Baix Ebre (Els Reguers, Beni- fallet, Alfara dels Ports), Baix ~m~ord: ('I'orroella de Montgri) and ~onsi; (~2s de Barberans) . 1.2. Diagonal weave of three directions: triangular weave ("Diagonal composta de tres directions") . The warp is made by a pair of rods, knotted to a hoop of iron with a nylon thread. Each pair is spread at a 45O angle: 'The one on the right runs downwards and the left upwards. One rod goes up spirally to the hoop of iron and is tied to the rest of the warp with a nylon thread, forming a series of triangular structures. Use: the baskets made with myrtle, rush and cane are used for fishing: basket of fish ("gambines" ) , lobster- pot ("nansa," "cistella de peix") .
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