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Socialsciences-USSR-1979-1-OCR-Sm.Pdf USSR ACADENIY A quarlerLq of lhe Section OF SCIENCES of lha Social Sciences, USSR Academy of Sciences. Philosophy Founded in 1970. Published in Moscoa in Englislt, History urtd aLso in F'rench, Sciences Sociales; in German, Gesselschaftsu,'issenschaftcn: Economics soc r in SpanislL, Ciencias Sociales; Politics ond in Portuguese, Ci6ncias Sociais Sociology s The journal is published by agreement: Larv irr Bengali, Philology Sannj Bijnan (Bingsha Shatabdi Publishers, Vol. X, No. I r97 I Calcutta, India): Psychology in Japanese, Shahai Kagaku (Shakai Kagaku Co. Ethnography Tokyo, Japan) Archaeology in Greek. Kinonikes c pistemes (Planet Publishers, Athens, Grecce) ; in Arabic, CONTENTS Al Ulum aL-ljtima'iga (Dar al-Farabi Publishers, Ileirut, Lebanon); irr Portuguese ("Avante!" Publishers, Lisbon, put out To the Reader the edition for circulation in Portugal). P. Fedoseyev Constitution of the USSFI and the Social- lhe Spanish edition is reprinied in Colombia ist Way of Life 8 by Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Sociales (CEIS) Publishers, Bogota. P. Zhilin Heroic Pages of History 24 * Systems Theory: Topica! Aspects V. Afanasyev Since '1976 fhe Editorial Board has been Systems Approach in Social Cognition 29 publishing lhe journal Obshchesivennie nauki V. Kuzrnin Systems Foundations and Structures in (Social six times a year. Sciences) in Russian. lt appears Marx's Methodology 45 l. Blauberg System and Wholeness Concepts 65 N. Lapin Social lndicators in Global Models 80 For subscriptions apply V. Sadovsky The Methodology of Science and Sys- to national distributors dealing with tems Approach 93 V/O "Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga" that are listed at the end of this issue. G.Sorokin The Historical Experience of the Soviet Five-Year Plans 111 @ Social Sciences, 1979 E. Yudln, Scientific Knowledge and Labour 125 Reprinis authorised with writlen permission from lhe Edilorial Board. B. Yudin Yu. Desheriev The Development of Sociolinguistics in "social Sciences" Editorial Oftice, 33/12 Arbat, Moscow l2lfl)2, USSR. Conditions of the Scientific and Tech- nological Revolution 137 A. Bykhovsky, V. l.Vernadsky, Reflections of a Natural- E. Kovalev From the History of the Chinese Com- munist Movement V. Los lst; V.LVernadsky, Scientlfic Thought as a Planetary Fhenomenon 275 DeveloPlng Gountrles: V. Kalryan The Culture of Develojled Socialist Soci- New Researches ety (A Review) 274 K. Brutents lmperialism and thE Llberated Gountries 108 A. Sldorov V.M.Polevoy, The Art of Greece 283 S.Tlkhvlnsky US Policy in Asia Drscussrofvs 284 Unemployment in the Capitalist World 176 BIBLIOGRAPHY COAUET{I CR|T\CAL STUDI/ES AND New Books on Africa 287 Vl.Alenasyev The Fetishist Basis of Contemporary "Problems of the Contemporary World" t".-'r!!--'-- 193 uieltern Political Economy series 291 * r MAN AND NATURE Contributors to This lssue 293 E, Fyodorov Relations with Nature Optimised Our Glossary 295 VIEWS AND OPINIONS Our Mailbag 299 Developed F.Kuznetgov Spiritual and MoTal Values.of List of Distributors 300 Socialism SCIENTIFIC LIFE Birthday Anniversaries of Soviet Scientists in 1978 229 D. Llkhachov The "Literary Monuments" Series 237 l. Krugllkova Soviet-Afg han Archaeolog ical Expedition 242 Congresses o Conferences t Symposiums S. AgaYev The 130th Anniversary ol lhe Communist Manifesto 246 K. Abulkhanova- Forum of Psychologists of Socialist Slavskaya, Countries 248 E. Faraponova Chronicle 251 BOOK BEVIEWS V. Fomlchev Vladimir llyich Lenin. Blographical Chronicle. 1870-1924, Vol. 7. 266 E.Obmlnsky M. M. Maximova, Ihe USSB and lnterna- tional Economic CooPeratlon 269 G. Khozln Problems of Environment in the World Economy end lntemational Relations 271 V. Kelle A. F. Dashdamirov, The Natlon and the lndlvidual 273 EDITORIAL COUNCIL FedoseyevP.N., Academician, Chairman Grigulevichl.R., D. Sc. (Hist.), Deputy Chairman MaslovaN. I., Executive Secretary Members AfanasyevV.G., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; ArbatovG.A., Academician; BogomolovO.T., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; BromleyYu.V., Academician; Frolovl.T., To the Reader Corresponding Member, USSR dcademy of Sciences; GapochkaM.P., Cand. Sc. (Philos.); GromykoAn.A., D. Sc. (Hist.); GtrryevI.E., Cand. Sc. (Econ.); GvishianiJ.M., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; InozemtsevN.N., Academician; KapustinE.I., Corresponding Both meetings Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; KhachaturovT.S., Academician; at and in their letters to us our read,ers show a heen interest the problems Khrapchenko M. B., Academician; Komkov G. D., D. Sc. (Hist.); Kostyush- in socialist way of life, to the of war and peace, and in koI. I", D. Sc. (Hist.); KovalB.f., D. Sc. (Hist.); Kovalchenkof.D., how legal scuence has becn further dcaeloped in the new Constitution of the USSR. We therefore open this issue qn Acadernician Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; KrivtsovV.A., D. Sc. with article by P. Fedoseyev, joumal. (Hist.); KumanevV.A., D. Sc. (Hist.); KuznetsovD.V., Cand. Sc. (Hist.); Chairman of the Editorial Cauncil of our He notes that MarkovD.F., Corresponding Mernber, USSR Academy of Sciences; it is in the sociali,st way of life, the affirmation of which is inseparable MchedlovM.P., D. Sc. (Philos.); MomdjanKh.N., D. Sc. (Philos.); from thc implementation of the proposi,tions of the Constitution of the LISSR Narochnitsky A.Lu Academician; OkladnikovA.P., Academician; Piot- in eaeryday li,fe that the interconnection between the socio-econorni,c and rovskyB.B., Academician; PrimakovE.M., Corresponding Member, political achievements and the changes in eueryday life and in the USSR Academy of Sciences; SemyonovV.S., D.Sc.(Philos.); Shaposh- consciousness of people in the course of the new society manifests nikovV.S.; ShiryaevYu.S., D.Sc. (Econ.); SobolevA.I., D.Sc.(Philos.); itself rnost ai,uidly. We also publish an abridgecl text of the speech rnade by TikhvinskyS.L., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; P. Zhilin, Correspond,i,ng Mernber of the USSR Acad,eml of Sciences, TimofeyevT.T., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; during a discwssi,on of L. I.Brezhnea's &oofu I-ittle Land and, Rebirth af TrukhanovsklV.G., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sci- the Diaisi,on of History, USSR Academy of Sciences. ences; \finogradovV.A., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; VolskyV.V., D. Sc. (Econ.); ZhilinP.A., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; ZhukovE.M., Academician. Systems Theory V. Afanasyev, Cowesponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, d,escribes uarious aspects of the systems appraach ta the phenomtna and processes of social life. Y.Kuzrrrim summarises his studies of the role and signifi,cance of the systems principle in works by Marx. L.Blauberg ernphasises that the methodalogical foundations of the concept of wholeness should be studied. in close connection with the elaboration of the systems approach. N" Lapin discusses interdisciplinary aspects of a specific growp of large systems-global modals. V.Sadovsky analyses the expediency of using system idaas for the further deuelopmmt and irnproaement of current concepts of the methodology of scicnce. rf rl. * Philosophy In the second half and interconnection of of 1978 o B. anil E.Yudins deal with the interaction editions in Portuguese. In por oarious spheres of the life scicnce as a major prod,uctiue force with _of the "Avantel" Publishers (57, es that a whole' and of tie the second edition circulated life the socialism hos Put in the firms tn the by t with hds griwing sPi Kniga". dialectics of his relations with society. sue, we are introducing some your changes in the layout of our journal. comments and i.rggestions ,,o'iir u. Economics welcomed. , In our G. Sorokin analyses tke of the souiet fiae-year plans that t the comme haue always been blased on economic theory and cgnsftytly- Since cnriched fi. Vt.Afanasyev some Westem aiews in the field of then i'n the Portuguese politica nt the changes !?ki? iroduct the STR as rad,ical changes in the posed. fresh problems. soc00-ec In this to mark the forthcoming lOth anniversary e intend to publish in the Zlosing issue of this History aire in the h'ope that o.r. ,, Contemporary replies to it to further improve the journal. the wide E. Kovalev researches material showing We wish our read,ers strata in China in the reaolutionary eaents in Russi A Happy and Peaceful year! response of the Chinese liberal press to the Great New Reaolution. The Editors Developing Countries K. Brutents writes about the faiture of imperialism's neocolonialist policy, i,mpelting i,ts archi,tects lo rnahe changes tn the strategy and tactics of this policy. Linguistics dy of language in all its dizterse ,n current social deueloPnnent, the sc and the Progress of tke natural sc istics' Interdisciplinary Research {Jnemployment as one of the economic, socio-political and sPi analysed, in the article "UnemPloY society's actiaity has reached' such 'become has irgentty necessary to protect nature i,n order to preuent irreoersible and untlesirable changes of the enaironment' sources of wealth, by some strange weird spell, are turned into sources of want. The victories of art seem bought by the loss of character. At the same pace that mankind masters nature, man seems td become enslaved to other men or to his own infamy. Constitution of the USSR and the Socialist WaY of l-ife PYOTR FEDOSEYEV sion of the joint activities of people into an alien force dominating them. Socialist society refracts the key gains of social progress in the activities of each individual, in his way of life. The new Constitution of the USSR, which came into force on Elements of the socialist way of life have been developing and the blY called the gaining strength ever since the victory of the socialist revolution. Fun t the Present They took root in proportion qo the break-up of the former stag one may say' socio-economic system, in the struggle against the traditions and thJ exPressed in way of life of bourgeois society, in the offensive against capitalist fundamental laws.
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