flmswelike 0A DONOST1A ZINEMALDIA FESTIVAL DE SAN SEBASTIAN ,• .uff ,,,nto NrEmmottAt FILM FESMAL , 41 1;q • F- A FILM BY ALEXANDER SOKUROV NI AN LEGY FOR EUROPE flmswelike 20152015 VENICE FILMFILM FESTIVAL OffcialOfficial Competition IDEALEIDEALE AUDIENCE,AUDIENCE, ZERO ONE FILMFILM,, N279N279 ENTERTAINMENT presentpresent MANEinin co-production with ARTE FRANCE CINEMA and LE MUSEENIA DU LOUVRE aA FILMfilm BYby ALExANDERALEXANDER SOkUROVSOKUROV with Louis-Do DE LENCqUESAINgLENCQUESAING,, Benjamin UTZERAThUTZERATH,, Vincent NEMEThNEMETH,, JJohannaohanna kORThALSKORTHALS ALTES WORLD SALES AND FESTIVALS INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL PRESSPRESS FILMSFILMS BOUTIqUEBOUTIQUE RIChARDRICHARD LORMAND -- FILM|PRESS|PLUSFILMIPRESSIPLUS KöpenickerKopenicker Strasse 184 - berlin,Berlin, Germany tel.tel. +33-9-7044-9865+33-9-7044-9865 Tel : +49-30-695-378-50+49-30-695-378-50 iNIN VENiCE:VENICE: +39-347-256-4143+39-347-256-4143 www.flmsboutique.comwwwfilmsboutique.com www.FilmPressPlus.comwww.FlimPressPlus.com
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[email protected]@aol.com 2015 -- FranceFrance/Germany/Netherlands/Germany/Netherlands -- 87 minsmins -- inin FrenchFrench,, Russian andand GermanGerman 02 - FRANCOFONIA SyNOPSISSYNOPSIS FRANCOFONIA isis thethe story of two remarkableremarkable men, Louvrelouvre director Jacques Jaujard and Nazi Occupation offcerofficer Count Franziskus Wolff-Metternich - enemies then collaboratorscollaborators -- whosewhose alliancealliance wouldwould bebe thethe drivingdriving force behind thethe preservation