DISTRICT OF WATERBURY.. as. Probate Court, December let, A. Holiday Special* D. MSI. USED CAR ESTATE]_OF Denle W. Brennan, Gifts for Youngsters late of Waterbary, In Bald District, <»W» and TTurks For 8«lf SPECIAL TO BUY NOW Upon the application of Kather- SI Christinas Gift Suggestions E 1930 Chevrolet Sedan ine Doftus Morlarty now Katherine LAST DATS means to Sharkey, praying that an Instrument CHIEF TWO MOON’S Stomach profit ,t ABSOLUTE! CLEAN-UP SALE Wash and Bitter Oil. The tonic* In writing purporting to be the ■ acw ear. If m are for gas 4 last will and testament of said de- before each values! Indigestion, constipation, liwklu far aa rxeeptleaal Never Every oar and stomach troubles. Buy / ceased may be proved, approved, al- to be sacrificed pains la a reconditioned ear. Handsomely! in stock for quick them at tar lowed and admitted to probate, as your druggists. Enjoy per- SEE THIS FIRST. sale. Included are: fect health for Xmas and to per application on file more fully years Sold with aa Pierce-Arrow Sedan come. appears. It Is Sedan “O.K.” That Ceaata Present economic conditions prove this beyond the shadow of ORDERED, That Said application 1930 Commander Sedan Batall down payment of flSS a doubt. Prices were never lower, rare value never so prev- — be heard and determined at the 1930 Graham-Palge 2-Pass Coupe will bring this woaderfal bnr- alent. Probate Office In In said Balance Waterbury, 1928 Chrysler Coupe PROTECT THE KIDDIES’ min to year doer. District, on tne ISth day or Decem- 1926 Bulck Coupe la aaaall moathly payments. Particularly is this condition in evidence here ... la our in the HEALTH! ber A. D. 1931 at 10 o'clock V-16 Cadillac 7-Pass Imperial Dem- USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Opportunity awaits you to pur- forenoon (Standard Time), and that onstrator Show them the way to health chase a marvelous high grade late model car at a fraction notice be given of the pendency 1921 LaSalle 5-Pass Sedan Demon- and happiness throughout the LOEHMANN for which it would sell were conditions nor- of said application, and the time strator of the price new year with plenty of our 80 to WRITTEN and place of hearing thereon, by 1931 Brand new LaSalle Town Se- CHEVROLET CO, INC mal. 'ALSO don’t forget 90 day one time in publishing the same dan WORDEN’S ST* WEST MAIN ST. GUARANTEE on every reconditioned some newspaper having a circula- —Others— Milk .. Ice Cream .. And DIAL 3-6139 USED CAR. In also by leav- tion said District, Open Evenings Until 9:00 P. M. Pure Dairy Products! ing with or by mailing in register- THE WATERBURY CADILLAC CO. ed letters, postage prepaid from 504 Watertown Ave. Tel 6-1149 Come in and look ’em over! Waterbury, a copy of this order to all parties Interested and residing without the Probate District of 1929 STUDEBAKER — President 8 The the 2nd Waterbury, on or before Sport Coupe with rumble seat, 6 IT’S—Good—No wonder that’s be- Hotels of December, 1931. wire tires like world Rooms, Board, day _ wheels, new, cause It’s Worden's Ice cream. Just Attest: JOHN J. HOWARD, champion motor, holder of All-Am- Clerk. up your phone and call 12-2-lt erican stock car records. -1121. We handle nessci- rick mousses, 67 Rooms sod Board Hotchkiss Buick Co. rode, puddings, frosen puddings. STUDEBAKER 1930—4-Pass Coupo Individual fancy molds. Ice cream with rumble seat and the famous cakes. Ideal for the Xmas 480 Watertown Ave. DISTRICT OF WATERBURY, ss. Dictator motor. Car is like new in pies, LIVE tt I. M. C. A. and have a hot A. feast Made clean and made of In the Probate Court, December 1st, every respect except the price, 2675 shower and a plunge pool the best. Health is our watchword. work out. Baseball, after your Phone 3-3177 Figure It Out ESTATE OF Thomas Griffin, late 1930 STUDEBAKER 5-Pass Sedan. tennis. Cafeteria. Rates low. Open of Waterbury, In said District, de- Thoroughly reconditioned, tires all night. “THE HOUSE OF CONFIDENCE” Yourself” like new, body, fenders and uphol- of Helen G. GIFTS THAT FASCINATE THE Upon the application stery excellent. This is the buy of Solve Your Gift Problems With Our BOYS' CLUB, Cottage Place—Nice Griffin, praying that letters of ad- buys. $675. YOUNGSTERS— pool, all home on said rooms, swimming ministration may be granted Velocipedes, Pierce-Arrow and oth- room. Moderate on file cooking. Reception Estate as per application 1929 BUICK—5-Pass 4-door sedan. er makes—$4.50 and up. Bicycles, price. more fully appears, It Is You’d swear it was a new car: for boys and girls—$20 and up. ORDERED, That said application tires, paint and upholstery will Scooter Bikes—$17.50 to $21. Tour DON'T BUT A USED CAR be heard and determined at the Pro- speak for themselves, 2595. old cycle taken in trade. Kiddie -- Rooms For bate OfficeKJILIW Hiin Waterbury,ftnwviuu.j, in said Cars—$1.60 to $5. Auto Cars—$6 to •8 Honskeeplng — the District, on the 5th day of Decem- 1929 8 Christmas Guide $25. The best and most complete Without first consulting dru- In the ber A. D. 1931 at 9:80 o’clock Sport Sedan. 5-Pass, 6 wire wheels, line In Waterbury. reduced now In force that I fur- tlcally prices forenoon (Standard Time), and trunk rack and power to burn. It’s M. CORTIGIANO APARTMENTS—2 and rooms, bath. other make caw notice be given of the pendency of the world’s champion motor. Whal The Man nished, steam heat, private on »n used Fords, time and Think of all the and money Cycle St. Call 4-8401 even- said application, and the a car for 2795! time, energy 408 SOUTH MAIN STREET 366 Willow and trucks In our stock. The sea- of hearing thereon, by pub- ings. Rlaceshlng the same one time in some GEGHAN-ALLERTON, INC. could save Christmas son’s greatest sale of used caw now in you by planning your newspaper having a circulation 379 West Main St. MILK BUILDS BONE! on at the home of said District, also by leaving with MILK PRESERVES TEETH! •8 Rooms For Honskeeping — at a and of or by mailing in registered letters, CHEVROLET Convertible coupe, purchases home with pencil copy MILK GUARDS HEALTH! postage prepaid fromirom Waterbury,waieroury, a 1931. Practically a new car in ..and when you buy for copy of this order to all In- every,respect. Call 3-7452 for ap- LINDEN ST. 70—2 rooms light parties the Democrat. And can do that. terestedin re Bieu. aimand residingicoiumh without pointment. Auburn, 480 Water- your you just WORDEN’S housekeeping. All Improvements. Probate District of Waterbury. on town Ave. Tou are sure of the best. Phone 4-0803. NEW DEALER or before the 2nd day of December, The Democrat want-ad section boasts the The highest quality, .perfectly 1931. pasteurised... .bottled and deliv- Att®St 14 Service Stations, Repairing ered with the utmost sanitary MARGUERITE M. FAHT, most shopping guide imagin- precautions. For Rent Real Estate Asst Clerk. comprehensive 12-t-lt Insist on .... WORDEN'S Every used car taken over from mechanic SYD—Formerly night able. The finest values will in Ford with Al's Tire now for city’s appear D, w. Flint, Inc.—The Old Shop, open WE are issuing our 1931 Xmas 72 Apartments * Tenements business at 17 Welton St. Special- Club checks now. An Xmas account Dealer—must be sold this week. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, District ist in battery and electrical work, the Democrat Watch for them guide. every assures a check for needs next Is chance to a car at of Waterbury. ss. Probate Court, repairing. Syd’s Service Station. This your buy 1931. Xmas. Join our club forming now. A 4-ROOM—Apartment In northern November 28th, Tel 4-9878. KAZEMEKAS & CO. INC. almost your own price. ESTATE OF Timothy J. Hickey, section, $16, and a 6-room apart- day. 797 Bank Street. at also 2 6-room apart- late of the Town of Waterbury, In BATTERIES—Rebullts 22 and op, ment $20; ments on No Main St. and $32. said District, deceased. guaranteed; batteries recharged $16 VISIT US TO-DAY! Probate for the Die- Atty H. G. Green, 71 Grand The Court of 50c. Somma Battery Service, 214 A GIFT— Apply hath limited St. Tel 3-7046 or 4-1077. trlct of Waterbury, East Main St. Dial 2-5906. FOR THE HOME and allowed six months from the of said Enough date hereof for the creditors THE DEMOCRAT WALLPAPER ALMA ST, 81—5 rooms, 2nd floor, estate to exhibit their claims for all Dial 3-7285. To paper a room. Improvements. MOTORS settlement. Those who neglect to MALCOM ONLY!!. .. 60c -ONLY!! present their accounts properly at- Employment DIAL 4-2121 bo de- (Bargains) INC. tested within said time, will PLATE & WINDOW A 8-ROOM—Apartment at corner of In- UNION barred a recovery. All persons GLASS CO. Kast Main and Idylwood Ave; also 481 MEADOW ST. DlAfc 4-4159 debted to said estate are requested 17 Men Wanted 2$ Union St. an apartment of 8 or 14 rooms In to“make” Immediate payment to same premises If desired. Apply MIDDR-RED HICKEY, Atty H. G. Green. 71 Grand St. 11-1-St Administratrix. IF you are Interested in obtaining Tel 3-7046 or 4-1077. over IDO Items a position handling CALENDARS — Beautiful pictures, used In the home every day. Goods Holiday Specials Holiday Specials deluxe baskets and novelties Internationally known and adver- stock. Orders filled same APARTMENTS ♦ ♦ ♦ busi- Large Join, tised, credit for all repeat day as 1932 samples for char- Gifts for Mother given. Rooms 'Announcements ness. Restricted territories; Gifts for Dad sale. Select 1933 line now. We 4 and 5 Call at acter references required. challenge all city prices. Do Feo to 9:30 a. m.—4 to room houses CHRISTMAS 33 Cooke St, 7:30 Calendar 45 Union St. Tel. Also 4 and 5 single A SB Christmas Gift Suggestions B Co., 6 p. m. SB Christmas Gift Suggestions 4-5498. ♦♦ host and Pound All Centrally Located * SAVING To WANTED—Agent and safesman for XMAS GIFTS $10 $300 Florence Oil Burner. 59 years na- Gifts for Table McEVOT, INC. L/06T—-Three hound 27. tlonnly known. 310 South 51 West Main St. Dial 4-6118 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ £/«/> dogs, Nov. Apply MEMBERS FOR THE MOTORISTS In 24 Hours vicinity of Goshen, Conn. One black Main St. Florence Oil Burner Co. CHRISTMAS CLUB For hundreds of Waterbury and white, name "Chucky.” One Trlco full-vision windshield 85 Christmas Gift Suggestions G during the Holidays, wipers, families Christmas will be mer- You full amount in CASH. No black female, white spot on breast; Have money clarion horns, hot water car heat- BALDWIN AVE, 30—5 rooms, 2nd get black and tan the season of the year when rier than ever this rear I WTiyt name "Blackle." One 18 Women Wanted ers, U. S. L. batteries, winter fronts. FURNITURE that pleases all. floor, all Improvements, garage. fees! No deductions. The only name they need It. Because the spirit of giving will ■nflth scar on right hind leg, Zenith carburetor, etc. When furniture from 325. No objection to children. Ap- Colo- you give have full play. Gifts will be charge Is three and onc-balf per "Ifaller.” Notify Thomas Larson's have the assurance ply premises. I .BO amounts to ., $ 25 you for In advance hr our santo, 932 Bank St. Dial 3-6343. MOTHER’S HELPER WANTED— Dep. wk'ly. A ft P BATTERY * paid month on amount .. 50 that your gift Is going to be ap- cent per unpaid to 11.00 Dep. wk’ly. amounts to t SECTION—5 Christmas Snvlngs Club. You Good home and salary right and for a BUNKER HILL nice, 12.00 Dep. wk’ly. amounts to .. $100 ELECTRIC CO. preciated, used, enjoyed can brain now to provide for of loan. party. Phone 3-2728. of time. Visit our pleasant rooms In fine condition, to .. long period Christmas. The San- Dep. wk’ly. amounts $260 264 East Main St. Dial 2-005C closet room. Rent very rea- your 1992 Personate $5.00 store, you will find our furniture good sonable at Root & dlts A Traurla Bank will help For values outstanding. Everything in 325. Boyd, Inc, Christmas Club Now Open 174 Grand St. Dial 4-3161. yon saye a little every week in ; at the gift line. Make an early won’t miss It. of Glasses Complete, low as Merchandise Membership a way that you A Pair Waterbury Trust Co. Gifts for Her choice; a deposit holds any article FINANCE CO* 35.00. Special, white gold filled 'til Christmas. Larson Furniture COOKE ST, 38—4 rooms, 2nd floor. We Pay Interest On frames, 33.00, guaranteed. Carney You Save from 20 to Heat and hot water furnished. The Deposits Accumulate SB Christmas Gift Suggestions O Co. "Where Co, 177 Bank St. Weekly 308-318 North Main St. Newly decorated, reasonable. In- Christmas Savings Pritchard Building, Second Floor Optical 32 Feed and Fuel the Fund In so easy a manner 30%. PERSONAL quire 38 Cooke St. missed. UMBRELLAS—Recovered, repaired. the money Is not AN “ANTIQUE" CARRIES THE BANK STREET Wa- CHRISTMAS SPIRIT — To the CENTRAL—5 SUNNY ROOMS Sanditz & 199 CORNER GRAND STREE* Low rates. All kinds for sale load hard wood, season- CO. WORDEN’S ICE CREAM! Traurig A-l—Big WATERBURY TRUST friend that Is near and dear—we White Plumbing terbury Umbrella and Trunk Shop. sawed any length with barrel Private Bankers ed, St. a from our vast se- Finished Floors DIAL 224 No. Main St. Opp Cooke St delivered. Ashes 132 Grand suggest gift The Most Popular Ice Cream 3*6144 kindlings, 34.00 lection of Olfts. Come Garage and Cellar removed. Phone 4-5808. Waterbury, Conn. appropriate in Town. 118 NORTH MAIN ST. and look them over. The Antique Nice for people who work down town Shop, 39 Willow St. CALL 4-0694 WATER BURY* CONN# 7 Business Announcements On the tongue tips of countless kiddies. There's a rea- Waterbury CYPRESS ST, 22—6 rooms In 3 fam- son—most grown-ups know It! CHRISTMAS CARDS ily house. Either 2nd or 3rd fl, hot LET—Us clean, oil and adjust your renovated. THIS A PRACTICAL Wholesale and Retail—Boxes of HOLIDAY DESSERT water heat, newly Very For Rent Real Estate machine. Special 31-00— MAKE _ ORDER sewing AND PLEASING XMAS!! 20. Interested Distributors Can reasonable. Dial 3-4974. parts extra. Expert repair service, FROM WORDEN'S. not something Make 100 per cent Profit THE A. J. PATTON CO. all makes. Dial 3-4121, The How- Why give Si and Hillside that will be appreciated SEE MARTIN. 18« No Main St. CORNER—Willow land-Hughes Co. Ave. 6 to 10 rooms. Modern. L. Lo 72 * Tenements long after the Christmas Apartments Land Surveyors OPENING SPECIALS! Russo. 60 Scovlll St. Dial 3-9948 or season Is gone? Give your and Clock cleaned .26c 3-9977. wife or mother a new lease ORDER YOtlR XMAS RADIO Alarm Bt'lCds re-strung .36c on life by presenting her NOW Commercial Blue Printer* Automobiles on Our Selection Includes Watches cleaned—$1 with a Washing Machine Hoars N to 0— Saturday. I la 13 combination THE WATCH SHOP FOR RENT WATERVILLE R.C.A.-Vlctor, Dial 4-6833. 38 WEST MAIN ST. WASHING Complete 299.50 66 South Main St. NEW Al^D USED Entrance on Lewis Street. For Sale AT LOWEST 2305 Stromberg. Now priced 286.00 39 Harvard Street—$40.00 9 Autos and Trucks MACHINES APARTMENTS PRICES. 2238 Victor Radio. Now at 269.50 6 A 6 ROOM 9 Rooms—Garage Beautiful JColster Radio ALL NEWLY RENOVATED J. P. BANKS ELECTRIC CO. Now 239.50 Merchandise MORE RARE BUTS IN 23 Abbott Ave. M. STEINERT St SONS CO BROOKLYN 4-4855 WITH MODERN IMPROVEMENTS DEPENDABLE USED CARS! Dial 4-7071 or Woodbury 80 55 W. Main St. Tel FOR RENT 151 Charles Street—$15.00 30 Household Articles MAIN ST. 0 Nash .3695 461 & 471 NORTH 1st Floor—5 Rooms 1929 Advanced Coupe ENJOY life during 1932 by being S room flat, second floor, 1929 Chevrolet Coach ...... 3275 GIFT FURNITURE In good health. Chief Two Moon's Lini- Inquire: Monmouth Ave-, Falrmount. 1929 Hupmoblle 6-wheel Job ..$5S5 For the Modern Christmas Bitter Oil, Stomach Wash. Buy Qervasi's NEW IDEA OIL and Healing WEST END Every section of our store offers ment, Cough Remedy BURNER, Equipped with self-lock- THE WATERBURY TRUST CO. furniture of refinement, of Ointment are nature s remedies for ed control. 24 Improvements. 262 NASH CO. gift 483 West Main Street—$25.00 Nuhn & Nuhn THE WATERBURY comfort and of pleasing taste—at ailing bodies. At. your druggists. No Main St. Dial 3-1042. 132 GRAND ST. 395 West Main St. Tel 3-1193 economical prices. Come in and eeo 141 BANK ST. Dial 4-2846 we’ll show you for yourself: gladly STOVE REPAIRS—A complete line SOUTH END 3rd around. __ stove etc. EDSON AVE, 51—4 rooms, floor, "FAMOUS FOR DIAMONDS” of repairs, grates, pipes, “SANTA’S GIFT IDEAS For stoves and furnaces. all Improvements. Garage If desir- If are the unusual for Agents 83 Baldwin Avsnue—$80.00 ON OUR CLUB PLAN you seeking oil burners ed. on premises. "HER” Christmas gift, select one for nationally known Inquire makes it easy to the hearts Vecto Heaters. The Waterbury AUTO BUYERS ATTENTION gladden of our diamonds. Our assortment for Xmas. Stove 255 Bank St. EAST MAIN ST. 153—Heated apart- CHRISTMAS of everyone Is the largest in the city; and our Repair Co, All Newly Papered A Painted Dial ments Apply John C.. Morlarty Pull Price values are the best, at a wide 4-6256. Bridge Lamps, $2.26 up: Lane Cedar Dial 3-8620. Roadster.320.00 A small ... ■ Good Dodge Doll range of prices. deposit t H»NEY Carriages, L°ANED ’26 Bulck Sedan Chests, $13.95 up; holds choice until Xmas. .$4j>-00 BAG” $2.60 up; your FOR RENT—6 room apt West Main VP TO 6800 •26 Nash Sedan *50.00 11 50 up; Windsor Chairs, 44 Articles Wanted To WALTER H. HART Tea Wag- M. A. GREEN Buy St. Five minutes walk from Green. No fees — No dednetloaa —. No '26 Sedan .$45.00 Sewing Cabinet. $3.00 up; Chrysler Buffet 73 Grand Street All Improvements except heat, 330. publicity. Only charge 8V4% on '26 Essex Coach .$40.00 A and refer- ms. $10 up; Mirrors, $3.00 20 East Main St. quick ready $1.75 Card Ta- Phone P. H. Carroll, Grove St. unpaid balance. Oakland Sport Touring .$65.00 ip;* End Tables, up; WANTED TO BUT—Kitchen and Flooriuui Lamps,ajo.1 ssjjo, $5.00fv.w Tour ..$45.00 ence for all, in the form )les.)ies fl.DU$1.50 up;up, stoves. Will Open Wednesday Evenings EMPIRti LOAN Tables, $8.00 up; parlor pay good prices. FIVE ROOMS TO RENT, 865 West jp; Occasional Gifts for Him Tel 4*1291. 110 Grand St. Rm. 10. Tel 4-3703 up; Coxwell Main St. 315 a month. Store 310. Also a nice selection of late models of a Spinet Desks. $14.00 Tip Top Tables, Inquire 867 W. Main St. at Bargain Prices Chairs, $14.00 up; D 3.26 Outfits, $2.25 up. 8B Christmas Gift Suggestions up; Telephone COR Glen and Baldwin Sts. 4 large CO. INC. 73 Houses For Rent ATWOOD BROS. BARNETT FURNITURE TWO MOON S Bitter Oil. A Business Service heat. 1078 Baldwin 3-3256 CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS CHIEF rooms, Apply 249 No Main St. Phone In and Open an Account” old Indian Com- Ave. Real Estate For Sale 4-1616 "Come real age remedy. St. or 30 Grandview 462 Meadow St. Phone 188-190 SOUTH MAIN ST. from the herbs of the GUIDE pounded WOODBINE 144—One family earth. Use It to well and to 51 Business Services (tendered HIGH 92—Five beautiful rooms, ST, get ST, house of 6 rooms with Sold at all druggists. and Rent pipeless Houses For sale keep well. newly papered painted. furnace. Oak floors. Rental very 83 PERSONAL CHRISTMAS GREET- 320. Inquire 86 High St. The list includes WINDOW CLEANING—Sou Will reasonable at $30. Root & Boyd, following ING CARDS—A complete line, en- 4-3181. BARGAIN BUY! Shoes. save it send for us to Inc. 174 Grand St. Dial Christmas to order. Choose your de- MEN'S 16 Inch High Winter money you LOUNPBURY ST, 64—5 rooms, all Not Cheap Cars But a multitude of graved Black Connecticut Win- from our large selection now. Storm welt. 24.95 per pair. do your cleaning. Improvements, newly renovated. GOOD USED CARS CHEAP sign 12 Wood- Gift in the line The Arrow Print Shop, 235 North soft leather with studs and eye- dow Cleaning Co. Office, Inquire 1st floor. Dial 4-7121. Suggestions sure Offices Main Dial 3-1089. lets. Full bellows tongue. He'd lawn Terrace. Dial 4-451’’. Desk Room and COACH St. — FORD .$350 of and appropriate a gift of thin sort. See NORTHWESTERN SECTION Six REAL ESTATE COUPE .3300 pleasing appreciate FORD them at The Ailing Rubber Co, 139 rooms, heat furnished, and in NASH COUPE .3150 “For Mother,” “for OIL BURNER for \VOHK GARMENTS dry cleaned— gifts, SILENT GLOW Bank St. very line condition. New shades. 5R RENT!—Ideal office for doctor HUDSON COACH .$150 Practical service for the Union Alls, overalls. Jumpers, coats “for “for Xmas. Janitor service. 340. Root & Boyd, r attractive rental. Far- AND ESSEX COACH .$300 Father,” Sister,” 10 months to pay. pants, shirts, and caps, eta No dentist, whole family. Inc, 174 Grand St. Phone 4-3161. Bldg. 135 West Main St. Terras— now. F. A Emmons more or fading. Longer lngton —Easy Brother,” “for Sweetheart,” irder yours shrinking & Sons, 141 West 308 west Main wear. Costs no more than washing. Lpply Farrington etc. Start to- Super-Service, Inc, AUTO ROBES made by Chase at POPISH ST, 29—4 room*. 2nd fl, all lain St. Phone 3-3112. INSURANCE THE “for home,” ?t Dial 3-4197. discount. A chance to buy a Give us a try out. Mechanics Laun- If dealred. INC. 25% Improvements; garage ERWIN M. JENNINGS CO, and read these col- ■rood Christmas Gift. The Ailing dry, 892 E. Main SL Dial 6-1277. Inquire let floor. Hudson & Essex Agency day Rubber 139 Bank St. Ave. Dial 4-6767 Co, 438 Watertown umns for up-to-the-minute for SIX ROOM APARTMENT—Second Estate For Sale GEORGE A. BARONIAN _Gifts Dad_ 58 Professional Service* floor at 20 Second Ave. Phone Real “hints” on Christmas shop- 4-0404. 36 NORTH MAIN ST. BUICK COACH, 1165 New “Ideas” 35 Christmas Gift Suggestions B THE BEST IN WATCHES AT ESSEX COACH. 6 45 ping. appear PRICES all Im- DIAL 4-74*3 MODERATE PLANS—Specification*, etc. Loula A SOUTH ST. 90—6 rooms, 85 Howies For Sale ESSEX COACH. $135 these columns Walthams, Hamlltons. Ben- 2nd floor. Dial 4-4861. 14 Grove St daily—scan Elglns, Walsh. 67 Leavenworth 8L provements DENZEL & COLLINS. EVEREADY PRESTONE for your rus, Ollendorffs and other world closely. radiators. *S.85 per gallon. *2.00 famous watches for wife, sweet- SALE—One house. CAR^ BARGAINS half gallon. At The Ailing heart or the men folks. Outstand- SO MAIN ST. 307—0. 0 rooms. New- FOU family \lXCELLENT per 87 Insurance hot water heat. 2$ Chevrolet Phaeton—$125 Rubber 139 Bank St. ing backed with our reputa- ly decorated. Reasonable rent. Inq Overlook. 9 rooms, Co. gifts Small amount down. Late 28 Pontiac Landau Sedan tion of skilled watch-makers and F. Meyers, 99 So Main. Price 13,800. Packard Roadater We have J. C Herbst, 63 Bank St. Late ‘28 watch Jewelry specialists. FIRE INSURANCE—The cost of lire Inquire Coach TWO MOON'S BITTER OIL. Xmas Shoppers. TWO-ROOM BUNGALOW Cadillac CHIEF bargains to offer Insuranoe Is a tew cents a Financial OARAGE diges- only ALL CONVENIENCES CAPITOL A laxative tonic, promotes Come In and look around. Can afford to without Main St. Dial 1-802$ dissolves regu- day. you go CALL 4-0694 $09 No tion; self-poison, N. & H. PHANEUF ItT Think what It would mean to “Fontlao and Oakland Dealers” lates the bowels and restores nor- 33 Street. NEAR EDSON AVENUE Holiday Qrand and If were Specials mal condition. Start the New Year yon your family you VICTORIA BLDG—East Main St. 4 burned out See Hayden's. winning back your good tonight. room modernly equip- Money right by It South Mian fit. Dial t-ISOI. apartments, 1-3-8 TEARS TO PAT health. ped. Inquire Bergln's Funeral Home SMALL FIVE ROOM BUNGA- 50 USED CARS Gifts for Mother Gifts for Youngsters LOW FOR SALE. ALL MOD- 6 HOL- TO CHOOSE FROM LET US PLAY SANTA CLAUS WASHINGTON ST, 220—3rd fl, ERN IMPROVEMENTS. |10 TO ftoo—gulok Servloe. Only TO YOUR CAR! BS Moving, Trucking, Baggage rooms, ull Imp. Near Sylvan Ave LAND VAPOR HEAT FUR- oharse it* par cent month on un- cars—Our loss is E Adults premises THE MOST ECONOMI- Dial 1-174*. 4«* No. Repossessed your SB Christmas Gift Suggestions A SB Christmas Gift Suggestions bus. preferred. Inq NACE, paid balance. gain. See AL before buying. WASHED Phone 4-7620. CAL HOME IN THIS SECTION Main GREASED ASHES REMOVED—Load or con- FOR A SMALL FAMILY. WILL »L__T HAVE YOUR FUR COAT I! 41— $19 NORTH MAIN ST. POLISHED *1 tract. Reasonable ratea R. De- WILLOW ST, 44. Coolie St, SACRIFICE FOR $4,100. ONLY LOANS Helloed 8 4 room Open Evenings Till 9 P. M.; A11 Day GAS OIL A CHRISTMAS GIFT Brlglte. Dial 4-0062. Very desirable. 2, and $300 CASH DOWN. Inquire Remodeled reasonable rental Sundays. Or Repaired FOR YOUR BOY!! apartments. Very «».00 up to $5,000.0# FUR SHOP— TYDOL GA8 STATION Dial 4-2432. on —UP-TO-DATE MONTHS DILLON St. Dial 4-1121 614 Bank St. GOOD FOR TWELVE and Tailoring JAMES J. AND JEWBUtT PACKARD OFFERS 112 Bo. Main WILLOW ST. 193—4 rooms, 3rd DIAMOND* P. CICCHETTI, PROP. OF FUN AND HEALTH LOWEST RATES 1931 Pontiac Coupe. 2,900 miles, Ilopr, ull Improvements. 197 WII. REALTOR wire wheels, a new ear In XMAS SHOPPERS—After a tire- low St, 6 rooms, 2nd floor, Strictly Confidential the CLEANINO, Presatngand Repairing WII- every way .$000 some morning's shopping of tbo better kind, work nailed for all Improvements. Inquire 193 10 EAST MAIN ST. DIAL 1-11TI Invites to dine and NEW BRAKE 8 ERVICE DEPT— QUEEN 1929 Nash Sport DeLuxa Hdster TAVERN you “Y" MEMBERSHIP and delivered. Mosel. •• Abbott low St, 1st floor. L A. to the you al- Under tha supervision of CHARLES Loan Wire wheels, fully equipped $$T5 relax atmosphere Com- Av*. Dial I-M4I. Dept. 2-Pass $250 looked for. A full oouree BERUBE, brake engineer. WILLIAM ST. 80—3 rooms, sll Im- 1928 Htudebaker Coupe ways scientific testing, ft Orand ft Bat tiff Marmon Small 0 Sedan ...$250 luncheon—ROc. Unsurpassed In piste Inspection, Second floor. Uaraga 1927 maintenance service and THOMAS RALLINAM Phaeton Variety and Generous proper WORDEN'S — Perfectly pasteur- f desired. Dial 3-3888. I960 Packard Sport Quality, rates. Come In and give firovements. Portions. Also Ala Carte. reasonable cream and dairy prod- A. Emmons, Ised milk, HotmU MOTORS THE'TAVERN ORlf-D us a try. F, Super- Item to remember Rooma, Board, WALL ST, 64—2nd floor, 3 rooms, REAL ESTATE PACKARD-BRIDGBPORT 191 West Mai nit. ucts. A health $7 Cottage Place. Dial 4-0109 111 East Main Strset. Service, Inc, during 1932. Get started right, all Improvements, rent reasonable. Tel 1-4197. order Phone 4-3944. Open Evenlnsa now!_ To Let OBNEKAL INSURANCE MAIN ST. A tllKT—For younx «r old. A oer- UP-TO-DATE—5 room tenement. OFFICE 41 BAST ALCOHOL for the CHILDREN—Cry for our milk. NONET—To loan on lewelrjr, dia- tlflrate for the examination of the DENATURED Hot water heat, hardwood Hoof! ol 19c gallon. 19* proof. That's because It Is the best. Doe- mond*, Liberty Sonde Low Ml* motorists, per De- WILLOW ST, 116—Healeil living newly papered and painted. Will confidential. B. I. WEISS where prices are lower. The tors recommend WORDENS. home. Suit- DIAL I-0II1 Intereat Strlolly *&R H. WEISS-DR Huy Dial and bedroom, private rrnl very reasonable. Dial 8-9113, Main St Ailing Rubber Co, 119 Hank St. livered to your doorstep. able fur Phune 1-Sill. Ruby. 171 South • -U91. cuuple. evenings. III South Main sr.trUU 0lal 4-IIII i