DISTRICT OF WATERBURY.. as. Probate Court, December let, A. Holiday Special* D. MSI. USED CAR ESTATE]_OF Denle W. Brennan, Gifts for Youngsters late of Waterbary, In Bald District, <»W» and TTurks For 8«lf SPECIAL TO BUY NOW Upon the application of Kather- SI Christinas Gift Suggestions E 1930 Chevrolet Sedan ine Doftus Morlarty now Katherine LAST DATS means to Sharkey, praying that an Instrument CHIEF TWO MOON’S Stomach profit ,t ABSOLUTE! CLEAN-UP SALE Wash and Bitter Oil. The tonic* In writing purporting to be the ■ acw ear. If m are for gas 4 last will and testament of said de- before each values! Indigestion, constipation, liwklu far aa rxeeptleaal Never Every oar and stomach troubles. Buy / ceased may be proved, approved, al- to be sacrificed pains la a reconditioned ear. Handsomely! in stock for quick them at tar lowed and admitted to probate, as your druggists. Enjoy per- SEE THIS FIRST. sale. Included are: fect health for Xmas and to per application on file more fully years Sold with aa Pierce-Arrow Sedan come. appears. It Is Packard Sedan “O.K.” That Ceaata Present economic conditions prove this beyond the shadow of ORDERED, That Said application 1930 Studebaker Commander Sedan Batall down payment of flSS a doubt. Prices were never lower, rare value never so prev- — be heard and determined at the 1930 Graham-Palge 2-Pass Coupe will bring this woaderfal bnr- alent. Probate Office In In said Balance Waterbury, 1928 Chrysler Coupe PROTECT THE KIDDIES’ min to year doer. District, on tne ISth day or Decem- 1926 Bulck Coupe la aaaall moathly payments. Particularly is this condition in evidence here ... la our in the HEALTH! ber A. D. 1931 at 10 o'clock V-16 Cadillac 7-Pass Imperial Dem- USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Opportunity awaits you to pur- forenoon (Standard Time), and that onstrator Show them the way to health chase a marvelous high grade late model car at a fraction notice be given of the pendency 1921 LaSalle 5-Pass Sedan Demon- and happiness throughout the LOEHMANN for which it would sell were conditions nor- of said application, and the time strator of the price new year with plenty of our 80 to WRITTEN and place of hearing thereon, by 1931 Brand new LaSalle Town Se- CHEVROLET CO, INC mal. 'ALSO don’t forget 90 day one time in publishing the same dan WORDEN’S ST* WEST MAIN ST. GUARANTEE on every reconditioned some newspaper having a circula- —Others— Milk .. Ice Cream .. And DIAL 3-6139 USED CAR. In also by leav- tion said District, Open Evenings Until 9:00 P. M. Pure Dairy Products! ing with or by mailing in register- THE WATERBURY CADILLAC CO. ed letters, postage prepaid from 504 Watertown Ave. Tel 6-1149 Come in and look ’em over! Waterbury, a copy of this order to all parties Interested and residing without the Probate District of 1929 STUDEBAKER — President 8 The the 2nd Waterbury, on or before Sport Coupe with rumble seat, 6 IT’S—Good—No wonder that’s be- Hotels of December, 1931. wire tires like world Rooms, Board, day _ wheels, new, cause It’s Worden's Ice cream. Just Attest: JOHN J. HOWARD, champion motor, holder of All-Am- Clerk. up your phone and call 12-2-lt erican stock car records. -1121. We handle nessci- rick mousses, 67 Rooms sod Board Hotchkiss Buick Co. rode, puddings, frosen puddings. STUDEBAKER 1930—4-Pass Coupo Individual fancy molds. Ice cream with rumble seat and the famous cakes. Ideal for the Xmas 480 Watertown Ave. DISTRICT OF WATERBURY, ss. Dictator motor. Car is like new in pies, LIVE tt I. M. C. A. and have a hot A. feast Made clean and made of In the Probate Court, December 1st, every respect except the price, 2675 shower and a plunge pool the best. Health is our watchword. work out. Baseball, after your Phone 3-3177 Figure It Out ESTATE OF Thomas Griffin, late 1930 STUDEBAKER 5-Pass Sedan. tennis. Cafeteria. Rates low. Open of Waterbury, In said District, de- Thoroughly reconditioned, tires all night. “THE HOUSE OF CONFIDENCE” Yourself” like new, body, fenders and uphol- of Helen G. GIFTS THAT FASCINATE THE Upon the application stery excellent. This is the buy of Solve Your Gift Problems With Our BOYS' CLUB, Cottage Place—Nice Griffin, praying that letters of ad- buys. $675. YOUNGSTERS— pool, all home on said rooms, swimming ministration may be granted Velocipedes, Pierce-Arrow and oth- room. Moderate on file cooking. Reception Estate as per application 1929 BUICK—5-Pass 4-door sedan. er makes—$4.50 and up. Bicycles, price. more fully appears, It Is You’d swear it was a new car: for boys and girls—$20 and up. ORDERED, That said application tires, paint and upholstery will Scooter Bikes—$17.50 to $21. Tour DON'T BUT A USED CAR be heard and determined at the Pro- speak for themselves, 2595. old cycle taken in trade. Kiddie -- Rooms For bate OfficeKJILIW Hiin Waterbury,ftnwviuu.j, in said Cars—$1.60 to $5. Auto Cars—$6 to •8 Honskeeplng — the District, on the 5th day of Decem- 1929 STUDEBAKER President 8 Christmas Guide $25. The best and most complete Without first consulting dru- In the ber A. D. 1931 at 9:80 o’clock Sport Sedan. 5-Pass, 6 wire wheels, line In Waterbury. reduced now In force that I fur- tlcally prices forenoon (Standard Time), and trunk rack and power to burn. It’s M. CORTIGIANO APARTMENTS—2 and rooms, bath. other make caw notice be given of the pendency of the world’s champion motor. Whal The Man nished, steam heat, private on »n used Fords, time and Think of all the and money Cycle St. Call 4-8401 even- said application, and the a car for 2795! time, energy 408 SOUTH MAIN STREET 366 Willow and trucks In our stock. The sea- of hearing thereon, by pub- ings. Rlaceshlng the same one time in some GEGHAN-ALLERTON, INC. could save Christmas son’s greatest sale of used caw now in you by planning your newspaper having a circulation 379 West Main St. MILK BUILDS BONE! on at the home of said District, also by leaving with MILK PRESERVES TEETH! •8 Rooms For Honskeeping — at a and of or by mailing in registered letters, CHEVROLET Convertible coupe, purchases home with pencil copy MILK GUARDS HEALTH! postage prepaid fromirom Waterbury,waieroury, a 1931. Practically a new car in ..and when you buy for copy of this order to all In- every,respect. Call 3-7452 for ap- LINDEN ST. 70—2 rooms light parties the Democrat. And can do that. terestedin re Bieu. aimand residingicoiumh without pointment. Auburn, 480 Water- your you just WORDEN’S housekeeping. All Improvements. Probate District of Waterbury. on town Ave. Tou are sure of the best. Phone 4-0803. NEW DEALER or before the 2nd day of December, The Democrat want-ad section boasts the The highest quality, .perfectly 1931. pasteurised... .bottled and deliv- Att®St 14 Service Stations, Repairing ered with the utmost sanitary MARGUERITE M. FAHT, most shopping guide imagin- precautions. For Rent Real Estate Asst Clerk. comprehensive 12-t-lt Insist on .... WORDEN'S Every used car taken over from mechanic SYD—Formerly night able. The finest values will in Ford with Al's Tire now for city’s appear D, w. Flint, Inc.—The Old Shop, open WE are issuing our 1931 Xmas 72 Apartments * Tenements business at 17 Welton St. Special- Club checks now. An Xmas account Dealer—must be sold this week. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, District ist in battery and electrical work, the Democrat Watch for them guide. every assures a check for needs next Is chance to a car at of Waterbury. ss. Probate Court, repairing. Syd’s Service Station. This your buy 1931. Xmas. Join our club forming now. A 4-ROOM—Apartment In northern November 28th, Tel 4-9878. KAZEMEKAS & CO. INC. almost your own price. ESTATE OF Timothy J. Hickey, section, $16, and a 6-room apart- day. 797 Bank Street. at also 2 6-room apart- late of the Town of Waterbury, In BATTERIES—Rebullts 22 and op, ment $20; ments on No Main St. and $32. said District, deceased. guaranteed; batteries recharged $16 VISIT US TO-DAY! Probate for the Die- Atty H. G. Green, 71 Grand The Court of 50c. Somma Battery Service, 214 A GIFT— Apply hath limited St. Tel 3-7046 or 4-1077. trlct of Waterbury, East Main St. Dial 2-5906. FOR THE HOME and allowed six months from the of said Enough date hereof for the creditors THE DEMOCRAT WALLPAPER ALMA ST, 81—5 rooms, 2nd floor, estate to exhibit their claims for all Dial 3-7285. To paper a room. Improvements. MOTORS settlement. Those who neglect to MALCOM ONLY!!. .. 60c -ONLY!! present their accounts properly at- Employment DIAL 4-2121 bo de- (Bargains) INC. tested within said time, will PLATE & WINDOW A 8-ROOM—Apartment at corner of In- UNION barred a recovery. All persons GLASS CO. Kast Main and Idylwood Ave; also 481 MEADOW ST. DlAfc 4-4159 debted to said estate are requested 17 Men Wanted 2$ Union St. an apartment of 8 or 14 rooms In to“make” Immediate payment to same premises If desired. Apply MIDDR-RED HICKEY, Atty H. G. Green. 71 Grand St. 11-1-St Administratrix. IF you are Interested in obtaining Tel 3-7046 or 4-1077. over IDO Items a position handling CALENDARS — Beautiful pictures, used In the home every day.
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