Short biography/reference for each of the named retreat rooms at New Camaldoli Hermitage.

Room 1. Sacred Heart (also known as Sacred Heart of Jesus). This is one of the most famous religious devotions to Jesus’ physical heart representing His divine love for humanity. It especially emphasizes the unmitigated love, compassion and long-suffering of the heart of Christ toward humanity.

Room 2. Benedict of Nursia. Viewed as a monastic leader who in the 6th century wrote the “Rule of Benedict,” the basic guide for Christians committed to monasticism ( Feast day: July 11.

Room 3. Saint Albertino. Prior of , 13th century, and was buried in the church. A man of peace he served with wisdom and holiness of life. Feast day: August 31.

Room 4. Saint . Doctor of the Church, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia. Wrote the life of St. for the of Pietrapertosa, became prior of Fonte Avellana in1043. Feast day: February 21.

Room 5. Saint Dominic Loricato. Benedictine called “the Mailed” because he wore an iron coat of mail against his skin. Born in Umbria, ~995. Became a Benedictine under St Peter Damian at Fonte Avellana. Feast day: October 14.

Room 6. Saint John of Lodi. Benedictine, born in Lodi Vecchio, Lombardy, lived as a before becoming the Bishop of Gubbio. He authored a life of St Peter Damian. Feast day: September 7.

Room 7. Saint Romuald. Born at in ~956. Became of St Apollinare, a Benedictine . He founded several and laid the foundations of the Order of Camaldoli in Tuscany. Feast day: June 19

Room 8. Saint Joseph. Husband of Mary, a carpenter, a working man, came from a royal lineage descent from David, a compassionate man, obedient to God. Feast day: March 19

Room 9. Immaculate Heart of Mary. A devotional name to refer to the interior life of Mary, her joys, sorrows, virtues, hidden perfections and above all her virginal love for her God, her maternal love for her Son, Jesus, and her compassionate love for all people.