References (By Subject)
Barotseland and Upper Zambezi Valley: bibliography and references (by subject) Agriculture and livestock Bwalya, G.M. and Akombelwa, M. (1989) ‘Animal traction, development and gender: Experiences from Western Zambia,’ in Starkey, P. and Kaumbutho, P. (eds.) A Resource Book of the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA), Intermediate technology Publications, London. Lutke-Entrup, J. (1971) Limitations and Possibilities of Increasing Market Production of Peasant African Cattle Holders in Western Province, Zambia, Communication No. 7, Institute for African Studies, University of Zambia. Murao, R. (2005) ‘A Study on the shifting cultivation system in Kalahari woodland, Western Zambia, with special reference to cassava management’ African Study Monographs, Supplement 29, 95-105. Okamoto, M. (1995) ‘Rivers, cattle and gardens – the agricultural system of the Lozi people of Western Zambia Hakusan Review of Anthropology, 3 Toyo University, Japan. Trapnell, C.G. and Clothier, J.N. (1957) The Soils, Vegetation and Agricultural Systems of North-Western Rhodesia: Report of the Ecological Survey, Government Printer, Lusaka. Van Horn, L. (1977) ‘The agricultural history of Barotseland, 1840-1964’ in Palmer, R. and Parsons, N. (eds.) The Roots of Rural Poverty in Central and Southern Africa, Heinemann, London, 144-169. Van Klink (1994) Aspects of productivity of traditionally managed cattle in the Western Province of Zambia, Published External Dissertation, Wageningen University, Netherlands. Wood, A.P. (1989) ‘Cattle and development in Western Zambia.’ Paper 28c, Huddersfield Polytechnic (available online at assets/publications-opinion-files/5347.pdf) Angola - literature focusing on Angola but relevant to an understanding of Upper Zambezi/Barotseland/Western Province/Caprivi/Lozi issues Soremekun, F.
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