And Feast of Pope Saint John Paul II (10-22-2027)
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Date of Creation (10-22-4004) and Feast of Pope Saint John Paul II (10-22-2027) You must understand that God talks in numbers. There are 10 numbers (0 thru 9/9 thru 0) [see East]. Now consider “0”, and take your calculator and add “01”. Your calculator said “1” because “0” to the left has no meaning. Take My Birth Day 03-02, you say 3-2 and it make sense, however, the “0” to the right has meaning, 03-02 {Minus} 03-20 = 18 Days [see South]. Also, there are no “0” Planets. For example, 1 = Mercury, 2 = Venus, 3 = Earth, and 4 = Mars. These are the “Terrestrial Planets”, having “Earth-like” composition. In mythology the God “Mars” is the husband, or consort, of the Goddess “Venus” [see below]. Also, “0” is a measurement of time and is equal to a “Circle” (360o Degrees). For instance, today is 5-14, and within 1 Year [365 Days] you arrive back where you began 5-14 (the Earth revolved around the Sun in a “Circle”). The Date of Creation, see below, is 10-22-4004 BC – just by moving “0” [in addition to a “Circle” or “Holy Cross”, and seeing that 27 divided by 9 = 3 and 36 divided by 18 = 2 – see My Birth Day 3-2] you get: {4 = Mars or North} 0044 – 0404 = 360o 0404 – 4004 = 3600 4004 – 4040 = 0036 4040 – 4400 = 360o {3 = Earth or West} {1 = Mercury or East} 0033 – 0303 = 270o 0011 – 0101 = 90o 0303 – 3003 = 2700 0101 – 1001 = 900 3003 – 3030 = 0027 1001 – 1010 = 009 3030 – 3300 = 270o 1010 – 1100 = 90o {2 = Venus or South} 0022 – 0202 = 180o 0202 – 2002 = 1800 2002 – 2020 = 0018 2020 – 2200 = 180o [Keep open for this Lesson] The Annunciation [Conception Day] of Jesus Christ {Saturday} (3-25-5 BC) The Birth Day of Jesus Christ/1st Day of Chanukah {Monday} (12-25-5 BC) Jesus Christ Baptism in the Jordan River {Monday – Start of His Ministry} [Age: 30] (1-6-27 AD) 1 Jesus Christ has the Last Supper and Institutes the Eucharist {Thursday} [Age: 36] (4-2-33 AD) Crucifixion of Jesus Christ {Good Friday} [Age: 36] (4-3-33 AD) Jesus Christ Lying in the Tomb {Saturday – the Jewish Sabbath} [Age: 36] (04-04-33 AD) Jesus Christ Returning to Life {Easter Sunday} [Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD) 45 Minutes divided by 60 Minutes {1 Hour} = 270o divided by 360o {“Circle”} [see above] Jesus Christ Enters Heaven {Ascension Thursday} 39 Days after Easter/40 Days from Easter [Age: 36] (5-14-33 AD) (4-2-33 AD) {Minus} (5-14-33 AD) = 42 Days [see above and below/Christ and Anti-Christ] y2=33 Jesus Christ Enters Heaven {Ascension Sunday} [in the US it is celebrated on Sunday] 42 Days after Easter/43 Days from Easter [Age: 36] (5-17-33 AD) (4-2-33 AD) {Minus} (5-17-33 AD) = 45 Days [see above] Date of Creation {Saturday} [6:00 PM or 18:00 Astronomical Time] (10-22-4004 BC) [The Hebrew Calendar was used, so the Day is from Sunset to Sunset] Papal Inauguration of Pope John Paul II {Sunday} (10-22-1978) [5981st Anniversary of the Date of Creation] {Minus} Feast of Pope Saint John Paul II {Wednesday} (10-22-2014) = 36 Years [6017th Anniversary of the Date of Creation] {1st Year he was Created as a Saint} Pope John Paul II Died {Saturday} (4-2-2005) [see above - 1972nd Anniversary of the Last Supper {Thursday} and the Institution of the Eucharist or “Holy Communion”] 15th Anniversary of Pope Saint John Paul II Death Day {Thursday} (4-2-2020) [see above – 1987th Anniversary of the Last Supper & the Institution of the Eucharist or “Holy Communion”] [I was married on 8-1-1987 in Los Angeles {Spanish for “The Angels”} County, California] Papal Inauguration of Pope John Paul II {Sunday} (10-22-1978) {Minus} Feast of Pope Saint John Paul II/Rapture of the Church/My Ascension Thursday (10-22-2020) = 42 Years ol=43122559 [6023rd Anniversary of the Date of Creation] 2 Anti-Christ/Satan on the Earth {Thursday} (10-22-2020) {Minus} {Monday} (4-22-2024) [422 read backwards is 224] = 3 Years 6 Months [36] = 42 Months [see above] On 4-22-2024, it is ALSO the Passover Sacrifice/Fast of the First Born/1st Night of Passover. The “Candle Lighting” of Passover starts at 6:33 PM in Jerusalem [Jesus Christ, see above and below] {Minus} 3336 Years = the 1st Passover was at Midnight on 4-22-1313 BC n&i=on&year=2024&month=x&yt=G&lg=s&d=on&c=on&geo=geoname&zip=&city=&geonamei d=281184&=Jerusalem%2C+Israel&b=18&m=42&.s=Create+Calendar Anti-Christ/Satan on the Earth {Monday} (4-22-2024) {Minus} {Friday} (10-22-2027) = 3 Years 6 Months [36] = 42 Months [see above] 36 + 36 = 72 read backwards is 27 [see above, Jesus Christ Baptism in the Jordan River {Monday – Start of His Ministry} [Age: 30] (1-6-27 AD)] On 10-22-2027 {Pi}, it is ALSO Hoshana Rabbah {“The Great Salvation”} the Last Day of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). The “Candle Lighting” of “The Great Salvation” occurs at 5:20 PM + 40 Minutes prior to Sunset = 6:00 PM in Jerusalem. It is ALSO the EXACT MOMENT, 6:00 PM, that sees the 6030th Anniversary of the Date of Creation, 6:00 PM, on 10-22-4004 BC [see above] .html 0-22-2027 MY NUMBERS Date of Creation, 6:00 PM, {Saturday} (10-22-4004 BC) {Minus} Second Coming of Jesus Christ, 6:00 PM, {Friday} (10-22-2027) {Pi} = 6030th Anniversary of the Date of Creation [63 read backwards is 36] Jesus Christ Returning to Life {Easter Sunday} [Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD) [see above] Jesus Christ Returns to Life and My Birth Hour: 4:14 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST) 0 Days to Easter {Easter Sunday} [Holy Day] (4-14-1963) Birth Day of the Church thru the Holy Spirit & My Conception Day in Norco {North Corona}, CA,_California [Corona = “Crown” (Latin), from the Greek, Korōnē meaning “Garland”; Garland, TX, see below] 49 Days after Easter/50 Days from Easter {Pentecost Sunday} [Holy Day] (6-2-1963) {Plus} 9 Months = My Birth Day {Monday} [4:14 PM PST] (3-2-1964) in Riverside, CA {Minus} 3 Corpus Christi {“Body of Christ”} Sunday [in the US it is celebrated on Sunday] 63 Days after Easter/64 Days from Easter (5-30-2027) {Pi} = My Age: 63/My Conception Age: 64 My Birth Day {Monday} [4:14 PM PST] (3-2-1964) in Riverside, CA,_California 4 [Birth Age]: My Baptism {Sunday} (1-19-1969) [Gregorian Calendar] at St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church, Barstow, San Bernardino County, CA {Minus} 13 Days = Baptism of Jesus Christ (1-6-27 AD) [Julian Calendar] (See above, Epiphany) 14 [Birth Age]: My First Communion {Sunday} (2-18-1979) at St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church, Lufkin, Angelina {Spanish for “Little Angel”} County, TX [See below, “Algorithm of Time” for 3.14 “Pi” = 2-18] 49 [Birth Age]: My Confirmation {Pentecost Sunday} (5-19-2013) at Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church, Garland, Dallas County, TX Birth Day of the Church thru the Holy Spirit & My Conception Day in Norco {North Corona}, CA 49 Days after Easter/50 Days from Easter {Pentecost Sunday} [Holy Day] (6-2-1963) 49 [Conception Age]: Birth Day of the Church thru the Holy Spirit [Good Shepherd] Garland, TX 49 Days after Easter/50 Days from Easter {Pentecost Sunday} [Holy Day] (5-19-2013) 50 [Conception Age]: Corpus Christi {“Body of Christ”} Sunday [Good Shepherd] Garland, TX 63 Days after Easter/64 Days from Easter (6-2-2013) = 50 Years, 0 Months, 0 Days Second Coming of Jesus Christ {Friday} (10-22-2027) = 22 divided by 7 = “Pi” = Ratio of the Circumference of a Circle (360o) to its Diameter (“Algorithm of Time”) [The above site has the 2 times correct (3.14 “Pi” and 22/7 “Pi”), but the rest is in error] Jesus Christ “Pi” Birth Day {Thursday} 3-2-5 BC {Minus} My Birth Day {Monday} 3-2-1964 = 1968, and incidentally, My Birth Weight is 6’ 8”.