SPITFIRE PETROL ENGINE 2.5 cc. £4 - 17-6 with propeller



SOME OF THE BEECROFT RANGE A bort: THE DRONE Duration Model. 24 in. span ... 4/11 arras« paid Below;

Right: HAWKER SUPER THE BUMBLE BEE. Semi-scale FURY KIT ...... 5/4 Duration Model, 27$ in. span. carrUge 6d. Price 4/4. Carriage 6d. TRY US FOR RUBBER LUBRICANT 3d. and 4d. tubes SEND 2d. NOW FOR CATALOGUE Obtain a perfect finish with Just a few of our Scale Kits: *' HI-SHINE "DOPE 3d. and 4d. bottles HAWKER DEMON .. .. 18/6 .. 11/6 SUPERMARINE S6B .. 7/6 GLOSTER GLADIATOR 5/- and 6/6 HAWKER HIND .. 6/- MILES MAGISTER .. .. 3/- .. 3/- We recommend the Studiette Balsa POSTAGE EXTRA Tool, 7$d. With 8 Blades. 1/3

ft SONS PELHAM STREET BEECROFT LTD. NOTTINGHAM— Kindly mention TUB AERO-MODELLER when replying to odvtrtiiert. Jknuary, 1939 THE AERO-MODELLER a i NO IDLE BOAST PREMIER OFFER THE BEST! 1st FAVOURITE FOR 1939 Do you know that every ailing customer is invited and encour­ The “NORTHERN STAR” aged to make Ms own selection of 8alsa wood, to select that which he considers Is the very 6esc for his |ob— if he is in any doubt over his choice our Teehn cal Adviser is to hand to help with advice. You cannot do wrong if you deal from PREMIER ; we stock only the best, therefore if you build from the best materials you are well on the way to the best results. Those Aeromodellers who are perforce reliant upon the suppliers' choice an enjoy the fullest confidence In PREMIER, for all orders rect Ived from the provinces are carefully chosen and the customer's instructions followed explicity I ONLY THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH! MAKE SURE THAT YOUR 1939 COMPETITION MODEL HAS A FAIR START. SELECT YOUR MATERIALS FROM THE “ PREMIER RANGE " AND YOU ARE FREE FROM WORRY. ALL ENQUIRIES CHEERFULLY ANSWERED ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY DESPATCHED AND SECURELY PACKED The Famous CLEVELAND FLYING SCALE MODEL KITS OVER <0 DESIGNS to choose from at prices ranging from Best flight to date 26} minutes. V- to £ 1 —post paid. COMPLETE KIT, Mi. 6d., carriage paid U.K. Send fo r TREE C-D UST. or THE PREMIER GUIDE