II THE AERO-MODELLER January, 1939 SPITFIRE PETROL ENGINE 2.5 cc. £4 - 17-6 with propeller OHLSSON PACEMAKER PETROL KIT .. .. £3-15-0 MEGOW QUAKER FLASH PETROL KIT .. .. £1-10-0 SOME OF THE BEECROFT RANGE A bort: THE DRONE Duration Model. 24 in. span ... 4/11 arras« paid Below; Right: HAWKER SUPER THE BUMBLE BEE. Semi-scale FURY KIT ............. 5/4 Duration Model, 27$ in. span. carrUge 6d. Price 4/4. Carriage 6d. TRY US FOR RUBBER LUBRICANT 3d. and 4d. tubes SEND 2d. NOW FOR CATALOGUE Obtain a perfect finish with Just a few of our Scale Kits: *' HI-SHINE "DOPE 3d. and 4d. bottles HAWKER DEMON .. .. 18/6 SUPERMARINE SPITFIRE .. 11/6 SUPERMARINE S6B .. 7/6 GLOSTER GLADIATOR 5/- and 6/6 HAWKER HIND .. 6/- MILES MAGISTER .. .. 3/- HAWKER HURRICANE .. 3/- We recommend the Studiette Balsa POSTAGE EXTRA Tool, 7$d. With 8 Blades. 1/3 ft SONS PELHAM STREET BEECROFT LTD. NOTTINGHAM— Kindly mention TUB AERO-MODELLER when replying to odvtrtiiert. Jknuary, 1939 THE AERO-MODELLER a i NO IDLE BOAST PREMIER OFFER THE BEST! 1st FAVOURITE FOR 1939 Do you know that every ailing customer is invited and encour­ The “NORTHERN STAR” aged to make Ms own selection of 8alsa wood, to select that which he considers Is the very 6esc for his |ob— if he is in any doubt over his choice our Teehn cal Adviser is to hand to help with advice. You cannot do wrong if you deal from PREMIER ; we stock only the best, therefore if you build from the best materials you are well on the way to the best results. Those Aeromodellers who are perforce reliant upon the suppliers' choice an enjoy the fullest confidence In PREMIER, for all orders rect Ived from the provinces are carefully chosen and the customer's instructions followed explicity I ONLY THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH! MAKE SURE THAT YOUR 1939 COMPETITION MODEL HAS A FAIR START. SELECT YOUR MATERIALS FROM THE “ PREMIER RANGE " AND YOU ARE FREE FROM WORRY. ALL ENQUIRIES CHEERFULLY ANSWERED ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY DESPATCHED AND SECURELY PACKED The Famous CLEVELAND FLYING SCALE MODEL KITS OVER <0 DESIGNS to choose from at prices ranging from Best flight to date 26} minutes. V- to £ 1 —post paid. COMPLETE KIT, Mi. 6d., carriage paid U.K. Send fo r TREE C-D UST. or THE PREMIER GUIDE <S FULL CATALOGUE. 4d. post paid. PREMIER AEROMODEL SUPPLIES 2 a HORNSEY RISE, LONDON, N.I9 wish all their friends a Prosperous New Year MODEL AIRCRAFT STORES (·»»*.) Lro OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTORS for Junior Motors Corporation in Great Britain and Eire. NOW OFFER YOU THE FINEST MINIATURE MOTOR AT A NEW LOW PRICE ------------------------ (939 MODEL ‘D’ only £3 5 0 Complete with COIL, CONDENSER and PROPELLER, fully guaranteed by Junior Motors Corporation and by Model Aircraft Stores (B'inouth). Ltd.—A double guarantee. ALL SPARE PARTS CARRIED- BUY YOURS FROM US or our doalffra and BE SURE OF OBTAINING SPARES. OTHER ‘ BROWN * MOTORS at NEW PRICES Model 4 C ' £4 IS 0 with Coil, Condenser and Propeller Model ‘ B ’ £5 15 0 with Coil. Condenser and Propeller Model ' M * (Marine) £4 12 6 with Coll, Condenser, Flywheel MODEL * D * SPECIFICATIONS EXHAUST MANIFOLD FOR ALL ABOVE MOTORS 7/6 EACH. Bore. 2 In. Strok·, I In. Welfht (ta r·) oj. χ Kp. R.f’.M. 1,200 to 10.000. H+tfhf. 4| I* SUPER '* SPITFIRE" The Leading 2 5 cc. engine, our own manufacture. Full stock ρΙ*χ) *' Z *’ metal counterbalanced ertnk-fhaft. Con­ necting rod of Gorged afeimln am alloy. of spares. For all models up to 2 lb. Super performance. Price complete with 8lock-meed fc»f>r· d eep »«* an* guaranteed »xalr.it Coll. Condenser, Tank and Propeller dalectU· or -••<♦'*«1». £4 17 6 WHOLESALE SUPPLIED 127b Hankinson Road, Bournemouth Tel : Wmton 1922 Kindly mention THE AERO-MODELLER uhen reply in/c lo advertiser*. 86 THE‘AERO-MODELLER January, 1939 a real aeroplane in miniature THE MODEL DEPOT THE LUSCOMBE PHANTOM An American Kit that gives an expert performance wish to announce Wing Span 76 in. removal to more Length of Fuselage 51 in. convenient premises Maximum speed of 25 to 30 m.p.h. £ 4 18 0 OHLSSON PETROL ENGINE Kindly note our new address £4 15 0 extra — 2 — THERE WILL BE AN EXHIBITION OF MODEL AEROPLANES ON THE FOURTH FLOOR, COM M ENCING JA N U A R Y lnd, 1939. BOLD STREET BROWN, MUFF’S of BRADFORD Bolton, Lancs PIONEERS OF THE TRADE ristol M odel aero r UPPLIES Best | T |aterials F T n d ervice BALSA WOOD Basswood, Birch, Spruce, Satin Walnut, Pine, Whitewood, etc. all prime well-seasoned stocks cut into Strips, Sheets and “Throughout the wide west Sections they acclaim them the BEST99 E. & S. PROPELLER BLOCKS, KITS FROM 3/6 TO 15/6 BIRCH P LY W O O D , etc. Ask your dealer for them or send WHOLESALE TO THE TRADE ONLY direct to Our Wood can be obtained from your local dealer: “THE MODEL AIRPORT” W. G. EVANS & SONS 51 COLSTON ST., BRISTOL I EVERTON BUILDINGS Stanhope Street, Euston Road, London, N.W .I Wiltshire Agent: V. D. WILKINS Phonn— EUSTON 3614 (2 lin «) 6 Silver Street, Trowbridge Kindly mention THE AERO-MODELLER when replying to advertisers. January, 1939 THE AERO-MODELLER 87 THE AERO-MODELLER ALLEN HOUSE IMMEDIATE NEWARKE STREET LEICESTER D ELIVERY- Mnaei LBCtSTOI« » From the smallest part to the Complete Unit! VOL. IV. No. 38. JANUARY, 1939 THE CONTENTS PAGE The Airspeed *' Envoy ” ......................... 88 “ BABY CYCLONE” Editorial .......................................................... 89 Aero-Modelling in Palestine ......................... 90 at £4 7 6 complete “ As 1 See I t ” ............................................... 92 On Test .......................................................... 94 with Airscrew, Tank, Cowl and Con­ Simple Aerodynamics—Part X .............. 96 denser, and fitted with the new flexible Beginners’ Flying Scale Models—Part III ... 98 control— A Twin Propeller Mechanism......................... ... 101 Flying Scale Models .................................... ... 103 Gliders .......................................................... ... 106 IS THE WORLD S FINEST Heard at the Hangar Door......................... ... 108 A Half-inch Scale Flying Mojlel of the T.K.2. ... 109 VALUE in model petrol Letters to the E d ito r.................................... ... 116 The Socity of Model Aeronautical Engineers ... 119 engines Pendulum Control for Petrol ’Planes ... 121 At the Sign of the Windsock......................... ... 122 Books for the Aero-Modellist......................... ... 124 Don’t save a few pence by buying a Stepped Wing Sections ......................... ... 126 cheap engine; pay a fair price and “ The Orion ” ............................................... ... 126 get 16 ounces of value to the lb. Club News ............................................... ... 128 At the new reduced BDITOI(IAL.—All communications should be ad­ dressed to the Editor, Thx Aebo-Modellkx, Allen House, Newarke Street, Leicester, and contribu­ tions must be accompanied bj a stamped addressed price, you cannot do envelope for their return in the event of being unsuitable. Whilst eveiy care will be taken of MSS. submitted for consideration, the Editor does not hold himself responsible for safe keeping or better for your money safe return of anything submitted for his con­ sideration. ARTICLES should (preferably) be typed or written on £4 7 6 “all on” one side of the paper only, and should normally not exceed 1,200-1,400 words. DRAWINGS should be in Indian ink on white card All parts sold separately. Customers’ or linen tracing cloth. Actual size is not impor­ tanks built to order. Quotations free tant, but the length/width ratio should be 10:7 (for full-page reproduction) and 4) :7 (for half-page on receipt of dimensioned drawings. reproduction). PHOTOGRAPHS mnst have sender’s name and Write for Illustrated leaflets with full particulars of address and full description written on the back. PAYMENT will be made for all articles printed, with performance and specification an allowance for photographs and drawings (pro­ vided the latter are suitable for direct reproduc­ tion and do not require redrawing). CHEQUES are posted on or before ISth of the month following publication. ATLAS MOTORS SUBSCRIPTION RATES.—The Axxo-Modellix will be mailed, post free, to any address in the world 14 OSWALD PLACE - DOVER for an annual subscription of 7/6. Kindly mention THE AERO-MODELLER when replying to advertisers. »B THE AERO MODELLER January, 1939 THE AIRSPEED “ ENVOY” Span 54 ft., length 34 f t , 6 in., height 9 f t . 6 in. Weight empty, 4,340 lb.; iveight loaded, 6,600 lb . Performance, 200 m .p .h . at 10,000 feet. Climb to 10,000 fe e t, 8 min. Cruising range., 620 m iles. liy the way! Røaders should not think we have forgotten that T h e A e io -M odei lf.« deals solely with model aeroplanes—the description above is simply of the full-size aircraft. The photo above it of a \ in. flying scale model—in fact, Mr. J. H. Towner’s latest effort. Our front cover picture shows Mr. L. Dalton, of the Park Model Aircraft League, with his petrol 'plane coming in to land. EDITORIAL E are privileged to print on this page a clubs might do a lot worse than obtain a “ repeat ” of this message to all aero-modellists from the lecture—if the speaker is willing. patron of the Society of Model Aeronauti­ By the way, the Northern Heights Club is organising cal Engineers, Lord Wakefield of Hythe, a Social Evening and Dance in January, full particulars and which was read out by Dr. Thurston of which are given in a note at the end of Howard Boys' at the dinner held on Saturday, December article. 10th last, by the Lancashire Model Air­ craft Society, in Manchester. In this issue we are pleased to include several regular Presided over by Major Allan Goodfellow, President features from the Model Aeroplane Constructor, and to of the Lancs Club, and honoured by the presence of Dr.
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