The Match

Leo Dorst The First Match (Nature, January 2016): AlphaGo vs Fan Hui 2p: 5-0! (played October 2015)

Weaknesses of AlphaGo: pro view (about October 2015) • Too soft • Follows patterns, always mimicking • Does not understand concepts like value of sente • No understanding of complicated moves with delayed consequences

Myungwan Kim 9p’s conclusion: needs lessons from humans! Lee Sedol 9p+

Guo Juan 5p Fan Hui 2p

Dutch Champion 6d

Leo Dorst 1k

Figure from the Nature paper.

AlphaGo in October (4p+?)

Rank Beginner The Match: AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol 9p

Lee Sedol 9p digitally meets CEO Lee Sedol 9p (+)

• 33 years old, professional since 12-year old • Among top 5 in the world (now, still) • Invents new joseki moves in important games • Played one of history’s most original games (the

‘broken ladder’ game) sedol_laddergame.sgf • Very good reading skills, for a human • Can manage a game, and himself, very well • But: knew that there was 1M$ at stake • But: knew that he was playing a program

(Dutch) Go Players’ Expectations

5-0 4-1 3-2 2-3 1-4 0-5

Source: Bob van den Hoek, The Match: AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol

Nice detail: Fan Hui was referee! Game 1

B: Lee Sedol W: AlphaGo

Move 102 was dubbed ‘ superhuman’ in the press

Black resigns! Hassabis’ tweet after GAME 1

Lee Sedol: “I am in shock [but] I do not regret accepting this challenge. I failed in the opening… " Game 2

W: Lee Sedol B: AlphaGo

Move 37 (a 5th line shoulder hit ) was ‘very surprising’

White resigns! Game 3 Lee Sedol (B) resigns

Move 32 was the ‘most beautiful move of the match’ to many

3-0 so the match was decided… Game 4 AlphaGo (B) resigns!

Move 78 was the ‘divine move’ (but it does not actually work)

3-1 Lee was astounding AlphaGo missed the ‘Divine Move’… Game 5 Lee Sedol (B) resigns

AlphaGo made a low-kyu blunder on the ‘tombestone squeeze’, but recovered final score 4-1 The Tombstone Squeeze Game 5 had 100 million live viewers! Characterization of the games

• Game 1: shocking • Game 2: excitingly innovative • Game 3: just plain scary • Game 4: the amazing Lee Sedol • Game 5: AlphaGo’s superior blunder recovery

AlphaGo receives 9-dan diploma

Lee Sedol after AlphaGo • Became a popular star in Korea after the match due to his humility: “humanity did not lose – I lost”

• AlphaGo ‘freed up’ Lee Sedol’s rating his playing style: over 20 years • New focus: reading over intuition AlphaGo after Lee Sedol

AlphaGo’s rating over 1.4 years

• It has become much stronger • Game 4 problem of ‘Divine Move’ was fixed indirectly • at US Go Congress: two stones stronger than top-pros, and may move beyond that • (But it is in a self-play realm where we can no longer calibrate well)

Go after AlphaGo

• Go evolved through the ages. (Yunguseng Dojang lecture at 15.03.2016) – Long ago -1700: 3rd line, local fights – Dosaku (1700): action at a distance – Go Seigen (1930s): 4th line , simultaneity – AlphaGo (2016): 5th line, questions conventions

• We suspected there was more to learn about Go – but not that it would be this much, – and that it would make so much difference! • Has changed Go commentaries : ‘After AlphaGo, I dare not say that this is bad anymore’ --- ‘Maybe AlphaGo could tell us?’ • The community would like the bot, to analyze games! • Huge spike in Go material sales – many stores ran out…

Go demonstrations • The rules are simple, you can play in 5 minutes • We have smaller boards, for easier games • We give you an initial advantage (‘ handicap’) • Come have a Go, it’s fun!

We play on Fridays and Wednesdays