Advance Programme

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Advance Programme ADVANCE PROGRAMME follow us on Design, Automation and Test in Europe March 14 – 18, 2016, Dresden, Germany DATE16 DATE 2016 SPONSORS PROGRAMME GUIDE Media Partners 002 Welcome 004 DATE16 General Information 010 March 14 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS European Design and Automa- Electronic Design Automation Luc Van den hove, imec, BE 006 tion Association Consortium Antun Domic, Synopsys, Inc., US 007 Patrick Leteinturier, Infineon Technologies AG, DE 008 – 18, 2016, 18, Walden C. Rhines, Mentor Graphics Corporation, US 009 EXECUTIVE TRACK 013 Dresden, Germany Yervant Zorian, Synopsys, US IEEE Council on Electronic De- European Electronic Chips & Dresden, Germany sign Automation Systems design Initiative AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS 014 Samarjit Chakraborty, TU Munich, DE Wolfgang Ecker, Infineon Technologies, DE 2016, 18, – SECURE SYSTEMS 015 Ingrid Verbauwhede, KU Leuven and UCLA, BE Matthias Schunter, Intel, DE ACM Special Interest Group Russian Academy of Sciences on Design Automation March 14 SPECIAL SESSIONS 016 Giovanni De Micheli, EPFL, CH TECHNICAL CO-SPONSORS Marco Casale-Rossi, Synopsys, IT — IEEE Computer Society test technology technical Council (tttC) DATE 2016 – AT A GLANCE 018 — IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) A brief overview of the event — International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) MONDAY TUTORIALS 027 Ten half-day tutorials EVENT SPONSORS OPENING PLENARY & AWARDS 040 Free for exhibition visitors TECHNICAL SESSIONS 041 Full listing of DATE technical programme, special sessions FRIDAY WORKSHOPS 094 Eight full-day workshops EXHIBITION THEATRE PROGRAMME 112 Free for exhibition visitors UNIVERSITY BOOTH 118 FRINGE MEETINGS & 123 COMMERCIAL SPONSORS CO-LOCATED WORKSHOPS EXHIBITION GUIDE 129 Committees 15 4 Detailed Index 15 8 Venue Plan C04 1 DATE16 MEDIA PARTNERS MEDIA PARTNERS The DATE organisation and sponsors would like to extend their warmest gratitude to all press journalists who give DATE coverage in the editorial EE Times Europe DATE16 pages. Listed below are the media houses and publications who generously agree to media partnership with DATE, and whose publications can be EE Times Europe provides market- qualified subscribers in over 40 Eu- found on-site. ing professionals in the electronics ropean countries. EE Times Eu- March 14 industry with integrated online rope‘s web site wel- and print marketing services. EE comes over 110,000 monthly Times Europe’s print edition is a unique visitors. EE Times Europe’s monthly magazine that brings electronic newsletters reach over Chip Design Magazine – news, analysis and product and de- 30,000 daily readers. 18, 2016, 18, Chip Design covers all of the tech- sign, test and manufacture, from sign information to 70,000 highly nical challenges and implementa- EDA tools to digital and analog tion options engineers face in the hardware issues. The System Level development and manufacture of Design and Low Power Engineering Dresden, Germany today’s complex integrated cir- Portals offer focused editorial con- Dresden, Germany cuits. Chip Design is the only media tent you won’t want to miss. And, network dedicated to the advanced be sure to visit Elektronik i Norden IC Design market. Visit www.chip- for valuable information about all 18, 2016, 18, to stay informed of Extension Media’s outstanding Elektronik i Norden, an important Finland, Norway and Denmark). A – about the latest developments in technology resources. tool for the Nordic electronic in- circulation of 25 800 personally ad- chip modeling, architecture, de- dustry. We want Elektronik i Nor- dressed copies proves we are the den to be the most important major electronics paper in this source of information for the Nor- area. We publish news, comments dic electronic industry (Sweden, and in-depth technical articles. March 14 EDA Confidential EDA is a commercial-free publica- provide some food for thought. To Engineering & Technology tion providing a quiet place for that end, EDA Confidential includes Magazine – Published by The IET conversation about the Electronic “Recipes”, Freddy Santamaria’s Design Automation industry and “Gourmet Corner”, as well as “Voic- Engineering & Technology is neering distributors, consultants, its companion technologies. The es” of other contributing authors, packed with articles on the latest planners, facilities managers & coverage does not intend to be “Off the Record” op-ed pieces, and technology covering the areas of end-users. With its HQ in London & comprehensive, but does intend to “Conference” coverage. communications, control, consum- regional offices in Europe, North er technology, electronics, IT, America & Asia-Pacific, the Insti- manufacturing & power engineer- tution of Engineering & Technolo- ing. It is Europe’s largest circula- gy provides a global knowledge tion engineering magazine, pub- network to facilitate the exchange lished monthly & offers a global of ideas & promote the positive role circulation of over 140,000 copies of technology around the World. EDACafé to more than 100 countries & a The Institution of Electrical Engi- EDACafe.Com is the #1 EDA web bring you job opportunities tar- high pass-on readership. Each neers, dating from 1889, became portal. Thousands of IC, FPGA and geted to engineering and design. member of the Institution of Engi- the Institution of Engineering & System designers visit EDACafé. And daily e-newsletters reach more neering & Technology (IET) re- Technology in 2006. It now organ- com to learn the latest news and than 40,000 engineering profes- ceives a copy as part of their mem- ises more than 120 conferences & research design tools and services. sionals. For more details visitwww. bership package. Readers include other events each year whilst pro- The sites attract more than 75,000 and www.TechJob- design & development engineers, viding professional advice & brie- unique visitors each month and system designers & integrators, so- fings to industry, education & go- leverages TechJobsCafé.com to lutions providers & installers, engi- vernments. 2 3 DATE16 WELCOME TO DATE 2016 WELCOME TO DATE 2016 Dear Colleague, DATE16 We proudly present to you the Advance Programme of DATE 2016. DATE combines the world’s favorite electronic systems design and test confer- March 14 ence with an international exhibition for electronic design, automation and test, from system-level hardware and software implementation right down to integrated circuit design. Out of a total of 829 paper submissions received, a large share (42%) is com- ing from authors in Europe, 29% of submissions are from Asia, 25% from – Luca Fanucci Jürgen Teich 18, 2016, 18, North America, and 4% from the rest of the world. This clearly demonstrates DATE’s international character, its global reach and impact. For the 19th successive year, DATE has prepared an exciting technical pro- gramme. With the help of 327 members of the Technical Program Committee, as well as long-range automotive communications. Furthermore, a panel Dresden, Germany who carried out more than 3000 reviews (about four per submission), fi- with speakers from Infineon, Bosch, Mentor, Yogitech and ETAS will discuss Dresden, Germany nally 199 papers (24%) were selected for regular presentation and 81 addi- various EDA solutions for the automotive domain and ways to go forward. tional ones (10%) for interactive presentation. On Thursday, a keynote in the frame of the Special Day on Secure Systems The DATE conference will be held at the International Congress Centre Dres- will be given by Walden C. Rhines, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of den, Germany, from March 14 to 18, 2016. the Board of Directors, Mentor Graphics on “Secure silicon: enabler for the 18, 2016, 18, – As in the previous years, the conference will start on Monday, with 10 in- internet of things”. The Secure Systems day starts with an embedded tuto- depth technical tutorials offered from experts of the industrial and aca- rial focusing on low level software attacks, followed by technical papers demic worlds on innovative as well as foundational topics related to design addressing HW/SW embedded platform modifications for security, and tech- solutions, power efficiency, the internet of things, secure systems and test- nical papers discussing novel metrics and methods to support design for ing and diagnosis. security and trust. The industrial relevance is illustrated with a special ses- The plenary keynote speakers on Tuesday are Luc Van den hove, President sion addressing security challenges from Smart Grid, Industry4.0 and auto- March 14 and Chief Executive Officer imec, who will present a talk on“From the motive. happy few to the happy many: towards an intuitive internet of things.”, Additionally, there are numerous Interactive Presentations which are or- and Antun Domic, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Design ganized into five IP sessions. Group, Synopsys, to talk about “Design will make everything different”. The conference is complemented by an exhibition which runs for three days On the same day, the Executive Track offers a series of business panels (Tuesday – Thursday), offering a comprehensive overview of commercial de- discussing hot topics. Executive speakers from companies leading the de- sign and verification tools including
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