Brainy Quote ~ 027

“A friend to all is a friend to none.” ~ Aristotle 027 ~ Ok "Seorang teman untuk semua hal bukanlah teman." ~ Aristoteles 027 ~ Ok Butuh waktu bagi saya untuk memahami quote ini pada awalnya. Bagaimana dapat, seorang teman untuk semua hal, bukanlah teman yang baik. Koq bisa? Setelah merenung beberapa lama, baru saya mampu memaknainya. Ternyata, teman yang baik adalah teman yang dapat melakukan hal-hal yang baik bersama-sama. Jadi, kita tidak dapat berbuat baik dan jahat dengan teman yang sama. Memilih teman menunjukkan siapa diri kita sesungguhnya. Itulah yang pernah dikatakan Aristoteles, seorang filsuf dan ilmuwan berkebangsaan Yunani, hidup dalam rentang tahun 384-322 BC, lewat quote-nya, ‘A friend to all is a friend to none.’ Secara bebas diterjemahkan, ‘Seorang teman untuk semua hal bukanlah teman.’ Saya dapat berteman dengan orang yang memiliki integritas dan jujur pada janjinya. Karena saya pun cenderung demikian. Jadi, saya akan menghindari orang-orang yang tidak komitmen dengan janji yang diucapkan atau dituliskan, karena hal itu akan mempengerahui saya menjadi pribadi yang demikian juga. Berteman dengan orang malas cenderung mendidik kita menjadi malas. Berteman dengan orang yang tidak jujur mendidik kita juga cenderung tidak jujur. Berteman dengan orang yang pesimis akan menjadikan kita cenderung pesimis. Oleh karena itu, bertemanlah dengan orang yang antusias, bersemangat, berintegritas, memandang hidup dari perspektif positif, karena hal itu akan mempengaruhi kita juga dalam jangka panjang. Berteman harus memiliki tujuan yang jelas dan benar. Kita tidak dapat berteman dengan orang lain untuk melakukan hal yang baik dan buruk sekaligus. Pilihlah teman untuk satu tujuan! Hindari teman yang menjerumuskan, karena bila demikian, ia bukan teman yang baik.

Brainy Quote ~ Aristotle 027 Page 1 Indonesia, 24 September 2019 Riset Corporation --- Aristotle Philosopher (c. 384 BCE–c. 322 BCE) philosopher Aristotle, together with Socrates and Plato, laid much of the groundwork for western philosophy. QUOTES: “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”—Aristotle Synopsis Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle was born circa 384 B.C. in Stagira, Greece. When he turned 17, he enrolled in Plato’s Academy. In 338, he began tutoring . In 335, Aristotle founded his own school, the Lyceum, in Athens, where he spent most of the rest of his life studying, teaching and writing. Aristotle died in 322 B.C., after he left Athens and fled to Chalcis. Early Life Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle was born circa 384 B.C. in Stagira, a small town on the northern coast of Greece that was once a seaport. Aristotle’s father, Nicomachus, was court physician to the Macedonian king Amyntas II. Although Nicomachus died when Aristotle was just a young boy, Aristotle remained closely affiliated with and influenced by the Macedonian court for the rest of his life. Little is known about his mother, Phaestis; she is also believed to have died when Aristotle was young. After Aristotle’s father died, Proxenus of Atarneus, who was married to Aristotle’s older sister, Arimneste, became Aristotle’s guardian until he came of age. When Aristotle turned 17, Proxenus sent him to Athens to pursue a higher education. At the time, Athens was considered the academic center of the universe. In Athens, Aristotle enrolled in Plato’s Academy, Greek’s premier learning institution, and proved an exemplary scholar. Aristotle maintained a relationship with Greek philosopher Plato, himself a student of Socrates, and his academy for two decades. Plato died in 347 B.C. Because Aristotle had disagreed with some of Plato’s philosophical treatises, Aristotle did not inherit the position of director of the academy, as many imagined he would. After Plato died, Aristotle’s friend Hermias, king of Atarneus and Assos in Mysia, invited Aristotle to court. During his three-year stay in Mysia, Aristotle met and married his first wife, Pythias, Hermias’ niece. Together, the couple had a daughter, Pythias, named after her mother. Teaching In 338 B.C., Aristotle went home to Macedonia to start tutoring King Phillip II’s son, the then 13-year- old Alexander the Great. Phillip and Alexander both held Aristotle in high esteem and ensured that the Macedonia court generously compensated him for his work. In 335 B.C., after Alexander had succeeded his father as king and conquered Athens, Aristotle went back to the city. In Athens, Plato’s Academy, now run by Xenocrates, was still the leading influence on Greek thought. With Alexander’s permission, Aristotle started his own school in Athens, called the Lyceum. On and off, Aristotle spent most of the remainder of his life working as a teacher, researcher and writer at the Lyceum in Athens until the death of his former student Alexander the Great. Because Aristotle was known to walk around the school grounds while teaching, his students, forced to follow him, were nicknamed the “Peripatetics,” meaning “people who travel about.” Lyceum members researched subjects ranging from science and math to philosophy and politics, and nearly everything in

Brainy Quote ~ Aristotle 027 Page 2 between. Art was also a popular area of interest. Members of the Lyceum wrote up their findings in manuscripts. In so doing, they built the school’s massive collection of written materials, which by ancient accounts was credited as one of the first great libraries. In the same year that Aristotle opened the Lyceum, his wife Pythias died. Soon after, Aristotle embarked on a romance with a woman named Herpyllis, who hailed from his hometown of Stagira. According to some historians, Herpyllis may have been Aristotle’s slave, granted to him by the Macedonia court. They presume that he eventually freed and married her. Regardless, it is known that Herpyllis bore Aristotle children, including one son named Nicomachus, after Aristotle’s father. Aristotle is believed to have named his famed philosophical work Nicomachean Ethics in tribute to his son. When Alexander the Great died suddenly in 323 B.C., the pro-Macedonian government was overthrown, and in light of anti-Macedonia sentiment, Aristotle was charged with impiety for his association with his former student and the Macedonian court. To avoid being prosecuted and executed, he left Athens and fled to Chalcis on the island of Euboea, where he would remain until his death a year later. Science Although Aristotle was not technically a scientist by today’s definitions, science was among the subjects that he researched at length during his time at the Lyceum. Aristotle believed that knowledge could be obtained through interacting with physical objects. He concluded that objects were made up of a potential that circumstances then manipulated to determine the object’s outcome. He also recognized that human interpretation and personal associations played a role in our understanding of those objects. Aristotle’s research in the sciences included a study of biology. He attempted, with some error, to classify animals into genera based on their similar characteristics. He further classified animals into species based on those that had red blood and those that did not. The animals with red blood were mostly vertebrates, while the “bloodless” animals were labeled cephalopods. Despite the relative inaccuracy of his hypothesis, Aristotle’s classification was regarded as the standard system for hundreds of years. Marine biology was also an area of fascination for Aristotle. Through dissection, he closely examined the anatomy of marine creatures. In contrast to his biological classifications, his observations of marine life, as expressed in his books, are considerably more accurate. As evidenced in his treatise Meteorology, Aristotle also dabbled in the earth sciences. By meteorology, Aristotle didn’t simply mean the study of weather. His more expansive definition of meteorology included “all the affectations we may call common to air and water, and the kinds and parts of the earth and the affectations of its parts.” In Meteorology, Aristotle identified the water cycle and discussed topics ranging from natural disasters to astrological events. Although many of his views on the Earth were controversial at the time, they were readopted and popularized during the late Middle Ages. Philosophy One of the main focuses of Aristotle’s philosophy was his systematic concept of logic. Aristotle’s objective was to come up with a universal process of reasoning that would allow man to learn every conceivable thing about reality. The initial process involved describing objects based on their characteristics, states of being and actions. In his philosophical treatises, Aristotle also discussed how man might next obtain information about objects through deduction and inference. To Aristotle, a

Brainy Quote ~ Aristotle 027 Page 3 deduction was a reasonable argument in which “when certain things are laid down, something else follows out of necessity in virtue of their being so.” His theory of deduction is the basis of what philosophers now call a syllogism, a logical argument where the conclusion is inferred from two or more other premises of a certain form. In his book Prior Analytics, Aristotle explains the syllogism as “a discourse in which, certain things having been supposed, something different from the things supposed results of necessity because these things are so.” Aristotle defined the main components of reasoning in terms of inclusive and exclusive relationships. These sorts of relationships were visually grafted in the future through the use of Venn diagrams. Aristotle’s philosophy not only provided man with a system of reasoning, but also touched upon ethics. In Nichomachean Ethics, he prescribed a moral code of conduct for what he called “good living.” He asserted that good living to some degree defied the more restrictive laws of logic, since the real world poses circumstances that can present a conflict of personal values. That said, it was up to the individual to reason cautiously while developing his or her own judgment. Major Writings Aristotle wrote an estimated 200 works, most in the form of notes and manuscript drafts. They consist of dialogues, records of scientific observations and systematic works. His student Theophrastus reportedly looked after Aristotle’s writings and later passed them to his own student Neleus, who stored them in a vault to protect them from moisture until they were taken to Rome and used by scholars there. Of Aristotle’s estimated 200 works, only 31 are still in circulation. Most date to Aristotle’s time at the Lyceum. Aristotle’s major writings on logic include Categories, On Interpretation, Prior Analytics and Posterior Analytics. In them, he discusses his system for reasoning and for developing sound arguments. Aristotle’s written work also discussed the topics of matter and form. In his book Metaphysics, he clarified the distinction between the two. To Aristotle, matter was the physical substance of things, while form was the unique nature of a thing that gave it its identity. Nicomachean Ethics and Eudemian Ethics are Aristotle’s major treatises on the behavior and judgment that constitute “good living.” In Politics, Aristotle examined human behavior in the context of society and government. Aristotle also composed a number of works on the arts, including Rhetoric, and science, including On the Heavens, which was followed by On the Soul, in which Aristotle moves from discussing astronomy to examining human psychology. Aristotle’s writings about how people perceive the world continue to underlie many principles of modern psychology. Death and Legacy In 322 B.C., just a year after he fled to Chalcis to escape prosecution under charges of impiety, Aristotle contracted a disease of the digestive organs and died. In the century following his passing, his works fell out of use, but were revived during the first century. Over time, they came to lay the foundation of more than seven centuries of philosophy. Solely regarding his influence on philosophy, Aristotle’s work influenced ideas from late antiquity all the way through the Renaissance. Aristotle’s influence on Western thought in the humanities and social sciences is largely considered unparalleled, with the exception of his teacher Plato’s contributions, and Plato’s teacher Socrates before him. The two- millennia-strong academic practice of interpreting and debating Aristotle’s philosophical works continues to endure.

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Aristotle Biography Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist, better known as the teacher of Alexander the Great. This biography of Aristotle profiles his childhood, life, achievements, contributions and timeline. Quick Facts Also Listed In: Philosophers, Scientists Famous As: Philosopher, Teacher of Alexander the Great Nationality: Greek Famous Greek Men Born: 384 BC Died at Age: 62 Born In: Stagira, Greece Father: Nicomachus Spouses/Partners: Pythias, Herpyllis of Stageira Children: Pythias the Younger (Daughter); Nicomachus (Son) Died On: 322 BC Place of Death: Chalcis Personality: ENTJ Diseases & Disabilities: Stammered / Stuttered Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist, better known as the teacher of Alexander the Great. He was a student of Plato and is considered an important figure in Western Philosophy. Famous for his writings on physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, linguistics, politics, government, ethics, biology, and zoology, he is considered much ahead of his time. His writings constitute the first comprehensive system of Western philosophy which includes views about morality and aesthetics, logic and science, politics and metaphysics. This system became the supporting pillar of both Islamic and Christian scholastic thought. It is even said that he was perhaps the last man who had the knowledge of all the known fields at that time. His intellectual knowledge ranged from every known field of science and arts of that era. His writing includes work in physics, chemistry, biology, zoology, botany, psychology, political theory, logic, metaphysics, history, literary theory and rhetoric. One of his greatest achievements was formulating a finished system also known as Aristotelian syllogistic. His other significant contribution was towards the development of zoology. It is true that Aristotle’s zoology is now obsolete but his work and contribution was unchallenged till the 19th century. His contribution towards almost all subjects on earth and its influence makes him one of the most famous and top personalities of all time. Childhood & Early Life • Aristotle was born in Stagira, Chalcidice, which is approximately 55km east of Thessaloniki, in 384 B.C. His father Nicomachus named him Aristole, which means “the best purpose”. His father served as a personal physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. • Though not much information is available about his childhood, sources throw light on the fact that he spent time in the Macedonian palace and from here he connected with the Macedonian monarchy.

Brainy Quote ~ Aristotle 027 Page 5 • Being a physician’s son, he was inspired to his father’s scientific work but didn’t show much interest in medicine. • When he turned 18, he shifted to Athens to pursue his education at Plato’s Academy. He left Athens somewhere in 348-347 B.C, spending almost 20 years in the city. • The traditional stories say that he left Athens as he was displeased with the Academy’s direction when Plato's nephew Speusippus took over the control of the academy after Plato’s death but it is also said that he feared anti-Macedonian sentiments and must have left before the death of Plato. • Thereafter, he moved to the court of his friend Hermias of Atarneus in Asia Minor along with his friend Xenocrates. He then travelled to the island of Lesbos accompanied by Theophrastus where they did in-depth analysis of zoology and botany of the island. • In 343 B.C after the death of Hermias, Philip II of Macedon invited him to become tutor of his son, Alexander. Career • Aristole became the head of royal academy of Marcedon. Here he became a tutor not only to Alexander but gave lessons to two other future kings - Cassander and Ptolemy - as well. In his role as tutor to Alexander, he encouraged him to conquer east. • In 335 B.C he returned to Athens where he established his own school named Lyceum. For next twelve years he taught various courses at his school. • There came a time when the relationship of Alexander and Aristotle became estranged. This was probably due to Alexander’s relationship with Persia. Though there is little evidence, yet many believed that Aristotle played a role in Alexander’s death. • After Alexander’s death, anti-Macedonian sentiment in Athens flared. In 322 B.C Eurymedon the Hierophant castigated him for not holding the gods in honor and Aristotle fled to Chalcis, his mother’s family estate. Thoughts & Contributions • Aristotle is believed to have put together his thoughts during 335-323 B.C. He wrote a number of dialogues in this period but unfortunately only fragments of these pieces have survived which are in the form of treatise. These were not intended for wide publication and were rather meant to be used for lectures to students. Poetics, Metaphysics, Politics, Physics, De Anima and Nicomachean Ethics are considered to be his most important treatise. • He not only studied almost every subject but also made noteworthy contributions to many of them. Under physical science, Aristotle studied and wrote on astronomy, anatomy, embryology, geology, geography, meteorology, zoology and physics while in philosophy, he wrote on ethics, aesthetics government, politics, metaphysics, economics, rhetoric, psychology and theology. In addition to all the above, he also studied literature, poetry and customs of various countries. • Aristotle studied and wrote on numerous subjects and topics but unfortunately only one third of his original writings survived. The lost writings include poetry, letters, dialogues and essays all written in Platonic manner. Most of his literary works are known to the world by the writing of Diogenes Laertius and others. • He has been given credit for being the earliest one to study formal logic. Contributions to Philosophy

Brainy Quote ~ Aristotle 027 Page 6 • Just like his teacher Plato, his philosophy also aims at universe but his ontology finds the universal in particular things, thus his epistemology is based on the study of specific phenomena and it rises to the knowledge of essence. • He also discussed how information can be drawn about objects through deduction and inferences. It was his theory of deduction that was shaped into “Syllogism” by modern philosophers. The pairs of propositions were termed as “Contraries” by him. Syllogism is a logical argument in which the inference of the conclusion is drawn from two or more other premises of a certain form. This was explained by him in his work “Prior Analytics” where he defined the main components of reasoning through exclusive and inclusive relationships. These were in later years shown through Venn Diagrams. • His philosophy not just provided us with a system of reasoning but it was also related to ethics. He had described a “moral code of conduct” what he referred to as “good living” in Nichomachean Ethics. • He also talked about Practical Philosophy where he considered ethics to be a part of practical rather than theoretical study. His work titled “Politics”, threw light on the city. According to him city is a natural community. “Man is by nature a political animal” is what was stated by him. • He has been given credit for being the earliest one to study formal logic. The famous philosopher Kant said in his the Critique of Pure Reason that Aristotle’s theory of logic formed the basis of deductive inference. Contributions to Science • Though he can’t be termed as a scientist by today’s definition but science was of one of the spheres that he extensively researched and studied especially during his stay at Lyceum. His belief was that interaction with physical objects helps in gaining knowledge. • He also conducted research in biology. He classified animals into species on the basis of blood. Animals with red blood were majorly vertebrates and bloodless were termed as cephalopods. There was relative inaccuracy in this hypothesis yet was regarded as the standard system for many years. • He closely examined marine biology as well. He closely examined the anatomy of marine beings through dissection. It is interesting to note here that unlike his biological classifications, his observations on marine life are quite accurate. • His treatise “Meteorology” provides evidence that he also studied earth sciences. By meteorology, he simply didn’t simply mean the study of weather. It also included extensive study about water cycle, natural disasters, astrological events etc. Contributions to Psychology • Many scholars consider Aristotle as the true father of psychology, since he is responsible for the theoretical and philosophical framework that contributed to psychology's earliest beginnings. • His book, De Anima (On the Soul), is also considered as the first book on psychology. • He was concerned with the relation between the psychological processes and the underlying physiological phenomenon. • He suggested that the body and the mind exist as facets of the same being, and the mind is simply one of the body's functions. • He postulated that intellect consists of two parts: passive intellect and active intellect.

Brainy Quote ~ Aristotle 027 Page 7 • According to him music, epic poetry, comedy, tragedy etc were imitative and varied in imitation by medium, manner or object. His belief was that imitation was a natural part of humans and served as one of the main advantages of mankind over animals. Major Works • Aristotle wrote around 200 works and most of them were in the form of notes and drafts. These works comprise of dialogues, records of scientific observations and systematic works. These works were looked after by his student Theophrastus and then Neleus • His major works include Rhetoric, Eudemus (On the Soul), on philosophy, on Alexander, on Sophistes, on justice, on wealth, on prayer and on education. • Poetics, Metaphysics, Politics, Physics, De Anima and Nicomachean Ethics are considered to be his most important treatise. • Aristotle’s work “Poetics” comprised of two books - one was on tragedy and the other on comedy. Personal Life & Legacy • During his stay in Asia Minor, Aristotle married Pythias, who is said to be the niece or adoptive daughter of Hermias. A daughter was born to the couple whom they named Pythias. • After the death of his wife Pythias, he tied the knot again with Herpyllis of Stageira who bore him a son, whom he named after his father, Nicomachus. • According to the Suda (a 10th-century Byzantine encyclopedia of the ancient Mediterranean world), Aristotle had an erotic relationship with Palaephatus. • He breathed his last in 322 B.C in Euboea due to natural causes. He named Antipater (his student) as the chief executor. He wrote a will in which he desired to be buried next to his wife. Trivia • More than 2300 years have passed yet Aristotle remains to be one of the most influential people ever born. His contribution can be seen in almost every field of human knowledge that then existed. He has also been the founder of many new fields. • He was the one who founded formal logic and was also a pioneer in the study of zoology. • Theophrastus, his successor at Lyceum, wrote a number of books on botany which were considered the basis of botany till middle ages. Few names of plants mentioned by him still survived to modern times. From a modest beginning, Lyceum grew to be a Peripatetic school. The other notable students from his Lyceum were Aristoxenus, Dicaearchus, , Eudemos of Rhodes, Harpalus, , Meno, Mnason of Phocis, and Nicomachus. • His influence on Alexander cannot be ignored. It was because of his influence on Alexander that he used to carry large group of botanists, zoologists and researchers along with him on his expeditions. • Aristotle also influenced Byzantine scholars, Islamic theologians, and Western Christian theologians, leaving future scientists, philosophers and thinkers indebted. • He was also a collector of proverbs, riddles and folklore and his school especially studied riddles of Delphic Oracle and the fables of Aesop. Top 10 Facts You Did Not Know About Aristotle • He is credited to be the first genuine scientist in history by the Encyclopædia Britannica.

Brainy Quote ~ Aristotle 027 Page 8 • Aristotle was well known among medieval Muslim intellectuals and was revered as "The First Teacher". • Aristotle has been accused of misogyny and sexism by scholars of feminist metaphysics. • It is believed that ‘The Nicomachen Ethics’, a compilation of Aristotle’s lecture notes, is named after his son who died young in a battle. • He was a geocentrist who believed that the earth is the centre of the universe. • He gave more accurate theories on some optical concepts than other philosophers of his day. • Aristotle distinguished about 500 species of birds, mammals and fishes, and his classification of living things contains some elements which still existed in the 19th century. • In his treatise ‘On the Soul’, he proposed three kinds of souls: the vegetative soul, the sensitive soul, and the rational soul. • Aristotle is considered to be the founder of formal logic. • He mentored several brilliant young minds, many of whom including Aristoxenus, Dicaearchus, Demetrius of Phalerum, Mnason of Phocis, Nicomachus, and Theophrastus went on to become great thinkers in their own rights. Adopted from: --o0o--

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